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Nakana Nao

"It's not the strongest who will survive, neither will the wisest. It is those who can change."

0 · 1,746 views · located in Furushima Academy

a character in “The Awakening: A New Generation”, as played by Kestrel



"Academy? How vain. It'll do, I suppose."

Dialogue Color#3b0000
Thought Color#5c2020

Nakana Nao

Ito Nao, Fume.



Sexual Orientation

Academy Year

Birth Date
November 1st.

Black, straight, mid-back length.




Body Build
Lithe, physically fit.

Physical Mutations

Notable Scars
"It would be quite bold of you to pry into a lady's secrets."

Piercings and Tattoos
An Irezumi style tattoo of Suzaku, the Vermilion Bird. The bird wraps itself around Nao's left shoulder, trailed by the myriad of colours of it's tail, down to her elbow.

Casual Wear
Nao prefers to fashion herself to draw attention to her femininity. She is rarely seen wearing pants, instead opting for short dresses or skirts. Much of her attire takes inspiration from ballroom trends, is form-fitting and puts emphasis on her legs, back or shoulders. When she needs not appear in public, however, Nao is comfortable in an oversized shirt and jogging pants.

Face Claim
Minami Azuma | Tokyo ESP


Stoic and collected, Nao has an unusually mature aura for her age. She is well articulated and appears delicate and polite, but possesses a sharp wit and can be abrasively direct in conversation. This has earned her a reputation as ice queen. While Nao might seem a little detached in her exterior, she feels strongly for her friends and loved ones and values social bonds and relations highly. She is just very particular about showing it.

Nao has little sense of shame or filter, something she admittedly finds amusing traits in others. That is not to say she has no secrets. Quite the opposite. Nao is a very private person when it comes to her past and possessions. She puts great importance on appearances and keeping them up. On top of that... She is a very scary girl to cross.

  • A surgeon's nerves. Nao can stay calm in situations that would stress others out.
  • Empathic. While she may not always act on it, Nao is very good at telling how others around her feel. A skill she uses for good and evil alike.
  • Fitness routine. Even though she is not in the enhancement class, Nao regularly trains to stay in shape. She has taken a liking to swimming and Chinese martial arts.

  • Arrogance. Nao has a habit of looking down on those who she dislikes or whose actions she disapproves of. If she wasn't difficult to approach before, crossing her will certainly make it so.
  • Bad cop. Nao's moral compass tends to justify the means. Even if the group agrees on handling things differently, Nao will often still do what she feels is best.
  • Typical teenager. Nao has... Some trouble with authority.

  • The future. Despite appearances, Nao knows any day at the academy could be her last.
  • Gossip girls. Nao is very selective about who she tells what.
  • Loneliness. Nao is greatly affected by losing people, occasionally to the point of possessiveness.

Power Name

Power Class

Power Description
Teleportation. The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between. Nao can teleport herself, but also any object she touches and even (willing) persons. Her aura manifests as a black and deep red gas.

Power Limitations and Weaknesses
  • Outside of herself, Nao must either touch what she teleports or use something she touches as a medium. For example; teleporting a jacket that is in contact with her shirt, but not her skin. Or teleporting a person and their clothes despite only touching their hand.
  • Living matter has the ability to resist teleportation. Nao cannot teleport someone who does not want to be teleported.
  • Nao cannot teleport a person or object partially.
  • Nao can cover a maximum distance of ten metres instantly. Any further will substantially increase the concentration and energy required to do so. However, this is a skill she can train.
  • Within these distance limits, Nao can only teleport one and a half times her own body mass instantly. Anything more will substantially increase the concentration and energy required to do so. However, this is a skill she can train.
  • Nao cannot teleport solid matter in a space already occupied by solid matter.
  • Nao cannot transfer force from one location to another. She also cannot move her body into a different position while teleporting.
  • To scout whether a space can be teleported to, Nao requires a split second to send her aura to prepare for her arrival. While it is difficult to react to normally, other psychics capable of registering her aura early or those with superhuman reaction speeds may be able to respond to her teleportation.
  • While this scouting prevents Nao from teleporting into hazards, it also prevents her from attempting another teleportation for a second.
  • Nao's aura cannot scan as accurately when she does not teleport herself. However, this is a skill she can train.
  • Inexperienced passengers on Nao's teleportation will often experience nausea, prolonged feelings of disorientation and lack of spatial awareness. Depending on the person this can last from a few minutes to a few days. It takes approximately two weeks of daily training to get accustomed to the experience for the average person.
  • Rapid succession of teleportation will even leave Nao herself experiencing side effects. Currently Nao requires a few seconds i between teleports to be safe, but her resilience to them can be trained. It is less advised to try and train a third party in resisting the side effects of teleporting in rapid succession.


When the awakened appeared, not only the government took an interest in these special powers. The underworld did as well. Little was known about these special powers... Except for their immense potential. Naturally, when word of a teleporting woman by the name of Li Jing Sūn reached the Yakuza, they took great interest in her.

In her home country of China, Li Jing was threatened with a similar fate as the awakened in Japan. Fearing being turned into the custody of the government, she sought out a human trafficker to help her flee the country. Her fear for the authorities had instilled in Li Jing the thought the dangers she would face in the hands of a criminal could not be half as bad. She was partially right.

The trafficker saw more monetary value in selling the woman than simply taking her offer. It was too risky to sell her inland, so he approached bidders abroad. The Nakana family was the highest bidder and so, Li Jing was bought into the underworld of Japan. A fate she could not so easily escape.

Though the Yakuza lacked the resources in the scientific field, they had no less ambition to discover a use for Li Jing her powers. Yet the woman was unruly. They first attempted bargaining, an exchange of favours for safety, but Li Jing could not bring herself to trust the foreigners. Intimidation and violence tipped Li Jing to desiring to take her own life. She had to be protected from herself, or all the family's money, effort and time had been wasted. Which was a price they could not pay.

Unfit as an associate or tool, it was decided Li Jing would instead become a mother. Three years after her arrival, she became pregnant with a girl the Yakuza hoped to inherit her powers. Li Jing, despite bearing the child against her will, slowly grew to love the daughter growing inside of her. Her pregnancy were the woman's last memories of happiness. As the larger her belly grew, the more Li Jing began to fear for the future of her baby girl. She feared her father would try to use little Nao as he had tried to he had tried to use her... But if she attempted to flee once more, the government remained the more terrifying option.

In the days of famine in China, an unwanted child was buried, so the responsibility for it's death were the earth's and not their parent's. When the labour set in, Li Jing decided. She would spare her child of suffering. Tears welled up in her eyes as she first held her daughter, professing to Nao in her mother tongue that she swore to protect her what what she had endured.

Nao's father, Nakana Daisuke, was overjoyed with Nao's birth. When the man took Nao's little hand between his fingers, he spoke with quivering lip "Welcome to our family, my beautiful daughter." As he smiled a way Li Jing had never seen him smile before. For the first time, she thought to see something human in Daisuke. Yet that glimpse of a soul was not enough to dissuade years of distrust. It took Li Jing four weeks to recover, an experience that left a hole in her heart. Daisuke had seen how dearly the woman loved Nao and mistakenly trust her to leave the two alone. A chance that Li Jing would not let go to waste. The first night without surveillance, she took Nao and teleported out of the apartment. With nothing but an apron for wear and a shovel in hand, Li Jing was determined to carry out her plan... And would have, if a drunk associate of Nao's father had not stumbled upon her. Li Jing had never expected to live through the night, but to die like this... In the ensuing struggle, the man smashed a bottle he was carrying as a gift for Daisuke against the woman's temple. Instead of spirits, he brought a corpse and a baby into the Nakana household.

Contrary to her mother's fears, Daisuke truly grew to love Nao. Despite numerous affairs, Daisuke raised her as a single father to the best of his ability. He brought her into the family, protecting her from colleagues and brothers who would use Nao as the tool they'd envisioned her mother as. Not only did Daisuke make it so Nao established good relations, he also instilled with her the values and the tricks of the trade. Nao was still groomed as a member of the Yakuza family, instead of it's slave. A lofty dream for her origins, turned into a goal she fought for every day. Unlike her mother, Nao grew up to want to use her powers for the good of the family.

And this she did. While not the first incident committed by an awakened, Nao would soon become a child reason for the populace to fear and distrust those with powers. Unlike other delinquents, however, Nao was trained. Her talents proved useful for many things... Particularly expansion of the family's influence through elimination of their competitors. Many a casino, bank and estate agent with anything to hide, came under the family's protection. A most lucrative undertaking... But ambition rarely comes without it's price.

A former member of a disbanded rival gang contemplated with the authorities to put an end to the Nakana family's exploits. In exchange for a more lenient sentence, this young man infiltrated the Nakana family as a recruit, secretly leaking any information he could get his hands on. By sheer chance, this double agent was assigned the task of emergency bodyguard during one of Nakana Daisuke's business transactions. Instead of being welcomed by his associate, Daisuke was met by a committee of armed forces. The resulting shoot-out planted a bullet in the crimelord's leg, after which he was apprehended and would soon after lose his empire... And daughter.

The family felt forced to cut ties with Daisuke to ascertain survival. His personal assets were sacrificed or redistributed. However, this did not happen without a fight. Those loyal to Daisuke protested against the decision, amongst them was Nao. The protest escalated into a violent conflict, one Daisuke's supporters lost. Those amongst them who were not killed, were instead sold out to the authorities. Nao amongst them.

The nature of Nao's crimes made them difficult to file in court. Not only was there a lack of proof, the system of law was still in the process of reinventing itself to deal with the awakened. Another worry for the government was her future detainment. No normal facility would be able to handle a girl that could teleport. Nao her sitting was postponed, and without a place to send her or a place left for Nao to go, she was admitted to attend the academy under the guise of the orphaned Ito Nao, whom she has lived as ever since. It is Nao's hope she can keep up appearances long enough to help argue for her to be discharged.


Neutral – ◉ ║ Friends – ♪ ║ Enemies – ✗║ Romantic – ♡ ║


ImageKosei Kasahara ║ ◉
"Kashara? He's in my class, I believe."

Nao's thoughts about Kosei could be summarised as truly neutral. She has no strong feelings one way or the other. She often even forgets his first name. Kosei might get antsy around her, but Nao is plenty comfortable with that. She doesn't particularly mind people being afraid of her and as such doesn't particularly mind Kosei. Even if his energetic behaviour were to get a bit out of hand, she knows a single glare would be enough to fix it. Of course, that's only before Nao's metaphorical coffee. She tends to subconsciously tune him out otherwise.

ImageLucien Ashford ║ ◉ ✗
"You shouldn't peek at people's hearts."

As Lucien will be able to tell, Nao does not take kindly to his presence. He might not be a mindreader, but Lucien's gift is close enough to feel threatening and unwanted. His other gift is one she might hold even more contempt for, as Nao prides herself in being control of her emotions. Lucien's powers more than his personality, make Nao put up a wall.

That said, Nao does value his honesty as a redeeming quality. With that unflinching disposition of his, Nao suspects Lucien might be the only person in the school who has lived a world similar to hers. She does not know him very well, nor does she intend to, but whether Nao likes it or not, Lucien might have more with her in common than any other student.

ImageAlfred Komatsu ║ ♪
"When will PE finally be swimming?"

Nao would be lying is she said didn't enjoy the reaction she gets from Alfred on the odd hair flip or smile in his direction. While she entertains the idea in her headcanon, the butterflies aren't yet forthcoming. Alfred may like to play the role of the fool, but Nao can tell the young man is more observant than he lets on, which interests her. She sure hopes Alfred won't wait too long to strike up a conversation, or else she will have to.

Alfred's angels, on the other hand, are less to Nao's liking. Perhaps it is her imagination, but are they a little... Hostile towards her? She's never seen them stray from Alfred very far and wonders if it's just his attachment to his floating guard dogs or something else.

ImageNova Aria ║ ✗
"The boy is an animal."

Nao is not good with children and Nova is very much like one. A child without respect for personal space but with dozens of floating knives at his fingertips. While someone like Kaoru their recklessness and bloodlust seem to be almost a separate entity, Nova embodies this instability within every inch of his very being. Nao has to wonder if someone like Nova even fits in a place like this and if this is what is best for him. A more... Regulated environment might be better suited.

ImageTomimoto Taikan ║ ◉ ✗
"Two criminals under one roof? I can't tell if they're overly competent or foolish."

She'd be amiss if she didn't recognise Tai from TV, which is more than enough reason for Nao to be wary. He seems taller than on his newscast, too. In spite of his city block levelling abilities, Nao finds Tai acts like little more but a street thug. He's scared, Nao believes, constantly barking up every tree in his sight. It's both pitiful and disgusting to have so much strength, yet so little control over oneself. Nao would prefer to have nothing to do with Tai, but at the same time he's dangerous enough for her not to be satisfied until she's thought up at least twenty ways to take him down in a pinch. So far. Nao is at zero.

Tai's presence, on the other hand, is oddly hopeful for Nao. If they let a confirmed mass murderer have a second chance... Perhaps she...

ImageKurmochi Keiji ║ ◉
"You play games, I play tricks."

It's not that Nao particularly minds his rather selective gaze for her, but the way Keiji seems to focus exclusively and shamelessly on Nao's physical features, she interprets as a lack of respect. Keiji is a prime reason why some think of Nao as a ice queen. She has no qualms at using the razor between her lips to turn down his advances or trick him into some very... Embarrassing situations. With a please and thank you, no less. The boy needs to be taught somehow, doesn't he? She might as well have a little fun with it.

ImageAbel Coelho ║ ♪
"Aren't you the charmer?"

Nao cannot deny she enjoys the empty flattery that rolls from Abel's tongue, even if she's well aware he might as well mean nothing by it. It is difficult for her not to appreciate such passion and dedication... Though she does think Abel's sense of fashion and his hope she will actually buy something from him are beyond her.

More even than Abel himself, Nao seems to get along especially well with the household. The two can discuss the most macabre topics over tea, an opportunity she rarely has. The household doesn't seem to judge Nao in any shape or form, so it's one of the few conversation partners she can drop all her pretences with. She's already declined the marriage offer, anyway.

ImageElias Emerson ║ ◉
"Eccentric, but pleasant. The surface, at least."

Like a relic from another age, Elias possesses manners and mannerisms that are quite out of place. The former are a fresh of breath air, the latter make Elias feel left behind in more ways than by time. While this is a feeling Nao can empathise with, it earns Elias a regular soul-piercing stare whenever he acts a little too out of place. Nao does not know what he hides behind the curtains of courtesy, but that there dwells dark, she knows for sure.


ImageKaoru Sakarano ║ ♪ ✗
"The way she thinks is my kind of poetry."

Kaoru has... Issues, as far as Nao can tell. The abandon with which she uses her ability is worrying, to say at least. On the other hand, Kaoru is also the kind of person who doesn't ask too many questions and has an absurd but interesting way of viewing the world. Their relation isn't exactly the closest, but Nao appreciates whatever thought manages to escape Kaoru's lips as if it were New Age art. If only Nao could better put a finger on what's playing inside the back of her pink-haired head... Another time, perhaps?

ImageRosalina Oria ║ ♪
"Please. Keep believing."

As far as Nao is concerned, it's a good thing Rosalina is a little naive. Surprisingly, Rosalina her faith in the good of people overrules her curiosity... Though for the same reasons Nao cannot say she is always very honest with the enhancer. The fact Rosalina has such a big heart touches Nao, perhaps she might be the first to-

Rosalina's love for the world around her is quite heartwarming. Nao also casually enjoys Rosalina's sense of adventure as a pleasant distraction, possibly (though unbeknownst to both girls) serving her the same purpose as it does Rosalina. As long as Rosa's curiosity isn't focused on her, Nao wouldn't mind to occasionally entertain it.

ImageManon Portier ║ ◉
"She reminds me of someone... Someone who did not like me very much."

Nao has a difficult time separating Manon's air as "daddy's little princess" from that of a bargaining chip, though Nao is unaware that Manon's circumstances suggest something radically different. Regardless, Nao is naturally inclined to be nice to Manon, to listen and comfort her in distress and to offer compliments without expecting anything in return. Rather than actual kindness, it's to make Manon feel safe. That said, Nao isn't exactly planning anything, it's just a force of habit.

ImageNatalia Elwyn ║ ◉ ♪
"She seems... Nice."

There is honestly very little Nao seems to be able to tell about her Natalia-senpai. She seems like a nice enough, average girl – save for the ability to vaporise anything she touches. Nao is naturally polite and respectful towards her seniors and as such is pleasant with Natalia, though there doesn't seem to be much depth to their relationship as of yet.

ImageAkiyama Shizuka ║ ◉
"Wait, she is older than me?"

While she certainly doesn't seem a bad person, Shizuka is too withdrawn for Nao to take much of an interest in. Like with Kosei, Nao often has trouble remembering her name. Certainly some would argue Shizuka her shyness is endearing, but that elder sister instinct just isn't kicking in for Nao. If Nao learned about Shizuka's imaginative artistic ability, she might be more appreciative, but Nao's tastes are peculiar...

ImageKylie Bennett ║ ✗
"Quite a vile woman. Her true form is fitting."

Nao finds Kylie an unpleasant individual. Certainly, she may walk and talk like she is a big shot, but Nao predicts Kylie's lack of self control will wrap itself around her neck the moment she bites off more than she can chew. Nao remains polite as in to keep up appearances – even if Kylie's enhanced senses can sniff out the act – as long as her senior keeps keeping her distance like a good girl, Nao couldn't care less where Kylie goes to live and die. Fortunately, they at least seem to agree on that.

ImageAmari Chiharu ║ ◉ ♪
"Could you lend me a hand, perhaps?"

Chiharu's need to handle her own business resonates with Nao: a challenge she has had to face from childhood in order to earn the respect of her family. The girl reminds Nao of her younger self, before she had worked up the confidence she holds today. Chiharu's casual dress code on leggings and tank tops, on the other hand, hint she has certainly confidence in something.

Rather than asking what she can do for Chiharu, Nao thinks in terms of what Chiharu can mean for her. This is not necessarily selfish, it is simply the way Nao learned to be more accepting herself. If Nao's blonde classmate is anything like her, rewarding or returning a favour might make it easier for Chiharu to accept said favour in the first place.


ImageBardon Hemos ║ ◉
"Not all relations need be more than professional."

A conversation between Bardon and Nao could easily be mistaken for a business interaction. Both are polite, topical and stoic. Nao tries keep her distance. While she respects the doctor his skill and reputation, Bardon, courtesy of his profession, also has direct access to Nao's medical history. A history Nao is certain to raise a number of questions she'd rather not answer, because said answers would not go over well with Bardon's pacifist nature... It doesn't help Bardon is appointed as guidance counsellor as well in that regard. Whether she comes to trust or despise the man, will completely depend on how Bardon handles her case.

Nao does note her family might have been very interested in Bardon, however...

So begins...

Nakana Nao's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu Character Portrait: Amari Chiharu
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Kasahara Kosei
LOCATION ║ Power and Ability Use
DATE ║ Monday, Sept. 11th, 2023


Kosei stood up from his desk as Mrs. Masumi gave them an "okay," and awkwardly shifted around the other students as he tried to make his way to the other side of the classroom, where she'd asked those in his group to go. He mumbled a sorry to those he bumped into, before finally he'd arrived at their spot. Looking up, he found that he had been grouped up with Alfred again, along with the girl he had seen him with after their last class. Then there was silent male who looked like he had no interest in this entire thing, and the blonde female who looked like she would gladly take a nap if she was allowed to. He guessed it was going to be an interesting group.

He quickly sat down on the chair that the dark haired girl had gotten for him, offering a quick "thank you," to her before he found himself comfortable. "Ito Nao" and a quick bow was how the dark haired girl introduced herself, and Kosei sat quietly for a moment. She seemed to be rather formal, which kind of felt somewhat strange to him in this kind of school setting, but it wasn't bad or anything. "Um, I'm Kasahara Kosei, it's nice to meet you all." He barely finished before the other girl, his blonde classmate, spoke up. "Amari Chiharu. Pleasure to be working with you all." Her voice dripped with sarcasm in the last bit, and Kosei had alreadu figured out by now that she really wasn't in a very good mood, and probably would have preferred to be somewhere else at the moment.

As the short silence was again broken by Nao, Kosei listened quietly, trying to think of anything himself. No one really seemed to be interested in talking or helping to keep the conversation going in this group, as the awkward quiet followed once again, and the blonde let out a near silent sigh, biting his lip for a second before looking back up and trying to force himself to relax. "Electrokinesis is my ability." He said, looking around at the others. "I haven't really thought much about what I could do either. I guess rescue work is a possibility, but I'm not really sure how I'd even do in that field." He shrugged. "I feel the same way about...society wanting us to keep our abilities hidden, like Nao. It sure has seemed that way in the things I've heard and seen."

"You would be surprised." Chiharu suddenly spoke up. "You see, not all of society is about the whole getting rid of us or keeping us hidden. Some of them would prefer maybe...worpshipping us, or treating us like some kind of higher being, which surprisingly isn't much better." She shrugged before leaning back in the chair, and closing her eyes for a moment.

"Oh, forcefields is my ability, by the way, and I would prefer to stay away from any dangerous types of occupations, as convient as having a forcefield would be in those kind of areas."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu Character Portrait: Amari Chiharu
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Lucien Ashford
LOCATION ║ Power and Ability Use
DATE ║ Mon, Sept 11, 2023



After the very short exchange with Nao, the class started to fill up with more students and the emotions pouring off of them meant that Lucien was struggling not to let anything show. When the class finally started, Lucien had listened to the information about what the class would entail, followed by the brief question and answer session. And then, of course, came something that Lucien decided he would severely dislike.

Group work.

And as if that wasn't bad enough, he was grouped with Nao as well. Although she seemed equally displeased at being grouped with him as well, given the emotions he could feel. The other three members of their group consisted of a blonde girl he had briefly spied during their previous class, the red-headed male that had been talking to Nao at the start of the day and the blonde boy who had been the red-head's partner during the previous class.

It was somewhat unsurprising that Nao introduced herself first once the group was settled into chairs. Of course, he had somewhat figured out her ability already from their spar earlier, but having that confirmed was useful. Teleporting. Oh how his friends would have loved for him to have an ability like that. Nao then mentioned that she hadn't thought much about the uses she could have for her ability. Although this class seemed to be for figuring that out.

What was surprising was the blonde male speaking up next, given the nervous energy that seemed to cling to him, Lucien figured that he would have to be prodded into actually speaking up. The other blonde piped in with her name and her displeasure for group work was obvious through both her tone of voice and her emotions. Lucien silently agreed with her.

Kosei, the blonde male, stated his ability to be electrokinesis. It sounded like it could be a rather powerful ability if used right, especially given society's reliance on electricity. Kosei visibly forced himself to relax as he spoke, although Lucien's ability still picked up the nerves he was clearly feeling. The blonde hadn't thought much about it either apparently.

'Is everyone going to be like that?' Chiharu spoke up again here, interjecting that some people worshiped the awakened, as opposed to hating them. That said, she soon leaned back in her chair before mentioning that her ability was forcefields and immediately stated her desire to stay away from dangerous situations. Lucien could understand that as well. Danger was something he would have enough of once he finally left the academy, he had no desire to go looking for it in the meantime.

Given that three of the five people in their group had now spoken up, Lucien glanced over at the red-head as he silently pondered whether to speak up next or not. Figuring that he might as well get it over with, his nails discreetly dug into the palms of his hands, the pain helping Lucien to focus his emotions more.

"Lucien Ashford. My ability is Pathokinesis, and something involving crowd control seems likely to be in my future." He hadn't lied, it was entirely possible that he would be sent on some sort of job in the future where crowd control was needed.

His part out of the way with, Lucien glanced at the last member of their group, who seemed to have three silver balls floating around him. A confused look briefly flickered across Lucien's face, was he seriously feeling emotions coming from those things?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu Character Portrait: Amari Chiharu
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Alfred Komatsu
Location || Classroom: Power and Ability Use
Date || Monday, Sept. 11th, 2023

#029729 || #002BD9

A group project? Should be a good way to get some face time with at least some of the people in the grade here. I already know at least 2, so I’m better off than most.

Alfred thought this to himself once Mrs. Masumi started talking about the small project. He sat patiently, getting out his books and tools for writing as she started poking numbers at people. He only paused long enough to hear which number he was assigned before pulling out pencils and the like to help with the creation of the poster. He didn’t know who he was paired with until he sat down. He gave a smile to everyone as he took a seat, but was also slightly disappointed. He had already met Nao and Kosei, and while he didn’t necessarily know Nao’s ability, he had gotten a good read on her as a person and that was good enough. Kosei was the guy who kicked Alfred’s ass in sparring. Alfred smiled a little bit as he remembered that bit, already formulating strategies to combat it for next time. While two of the people in his group he hadn’t met, he had been hoping for it to be entirely new so that he could branch out and hopefully meet everyone in his grade.

Alfred dragged an empty desk towards the group so he would have a space to write on, and took the poster paper they were given, placing it in front of himself. He dug into his bag and pulled out several markers, one for each member of the group. Nao was the one to take charge of the conversation, something Alfred expected of her if it wasn’t him. She got the ball rolling, and he learned her ability. He took out the brown marker, putting her name down with a bit of a flourish, underlining it, and then describing her ability beneath it. A teleporter? Interesting. There were many applications for such an ability, depending on the limitations associated with her power. Alfred already thought of several helpful positions Nao could occupy in order to help people, if she could also teleport people as well. Even if she didn’t, she had options aplenty.

The next one to speak was Kosei, which honestly surprised Alfred. He had thought the kid would have been last and required a bit of poking to get talking, but here was speaking up on his own. Granted, Alfred shouldn’t be judging the kid based entirely off of one class worth of interactions, so maybe he wasn’t as nervous or shy as he displayed but had a hidden reserve of strength to him that he could pull on in times of need. Either way, Alfred already knew Kosei’s power as he pulled a red marker out and wrote Kosei’s name with a different style this time. Underneath he put Kosei’s title of his ability, but he also wanted to write ‘Giant headache inducing power’ underneath it. Electricity was not something Alfred was used to having hurled at himself or his angels, so Kosei had caught him off guard. Either way, he was proud that the kid sought the initiative to speak to the group on his own. Maybe he didn’t require as much help as Alfred thought. Not to mention his ability had several practical applications, mainly concerning power to be honest but he would never be out of a job should he decide to go that route.

With Kosei’s little bit out of the way, that left the two people he hadn’t introduced himself to yet. Amari Chiharu, a blonde girl who seemed to drip sarcasm and venom like a leaky faucet dripped water. Reserve Judgement Al, see who she is first. Alfred grabbed a blue marker, and like the others, wrote her name down slightly different from the others. There was a bit of discussion regarding society wanting Awakened to keep their abilities hidden, but Amari chimed in, stating that some people wanted to worship them and treat them as Gods. That hadn’t been Alfred’s experience, but it felt like she was speaking from history rather than speculation. She then added onto her thought like a side note that her ability was forcefields. She didn’t have any desire to put herself in harm's way, and while Alfred could understand the mentality he couldn’t agree with it. She had an ability that literally stopped harm in its tracks and she would refuse to use it to help people? There had to other applications for such a thing, but he would require more information before he could even begin to guess.

The next one up introduced himself as Lucien Ashford. He was curt and got right to the point, if anything he came off as incredibly apathetic, although if Alfred was correct in remembering the definition for Pathokinesis, it was understandable. It had something to do with emotions, right? Manipulation of such a thing, maybe projecting them into other people? Reading their emotions? Alfred would have to look up the definition later to be sure, but for the time being he went with his gut. He grabbed an orange marker, following his own standard and writing Lucien’s name differently. Lucien stated that his ability could be used for crowd control, but would that really be the only case? Manipulating someone’s emotions felt like an invasion of the mind to Alfred, and he had a hard time thinking up anything other than potential riot control as a career choice for Lucien. Alfred wrote down several notes on the paper, tapping the marker against his chin. There had to be something better than this, where his ability wouldn’t be considered a breach of privacy or the like. Maybe a therapist? Would that fall under mind probing? Who knows…

Alfred felt someone poke him slightly and he looked up to see all eyes on him. “Oh, my bad. Sorry, was thinking about everything you guys were saying.” Alfred put down his markers for a moment, allowing his orbs to float a bit closer to the back of his head. “Unfortunately, my ability isn’t as easy to explain as the rest of you. Some of you may have already noticed that I have these weird metal balls constantly floating around me.” Alfred held out a hand and one of orbs split off a small chunk of its body. That chunk floated down to his hand and ‘sat’ in it. As he moved his hand, the small metallic liquid slid between his fingers. “There’s no real name for them as far as the rest of the world is concerned, so I simply call them my Guardian Angels. They follow my orders but act like lost puppies sometimes. They can do a number of things…” The small orb hopped out of Alfred’s hand and into the middle of the table. It turned into a frog, and made the motion to make the sound ‘ribbit’ even though no noise was heard. It then turned into a cube, then a triangle, and then ended up making a very miniature version of Alfred sitting in the desk. “Versatile things really, but aside from commanding them I myself don’t have any actual powers.” Alfred glanced down to see his angel mimicking him as he talked and moved. Stop it. Alfred stated. “So, I don’t really know what kinda job I would want or get, since they’re always with me. I’ve always been interested in being a firefighter or even a police officer, but I wonder if these things will hold me back or help with that.”

Alfred looked down to see his angel was ignoring him and still mimicking him perfectly. He took a hand and quickly swatted the angel, which turned into a liquid and started sliding around on his arm. Alfred paid it no mind as it weaved around his wrist and fingers. “And in terms of society wanting our powers to keep hidden, while I don’t necessarily disagree with you Amari, it’s been my experience that the vast majority wish that we would keep out of sight and out of mind. Like Mrs. Masumi stated, there’s always a resistance to change and that’s how most of the world least from my point of view.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu Character Portrait: Amari Chiharu
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#, as written by Kestrel
Dialogue Color#3b0000
Thought Color#5c2020

Great. Nao mentally recoiled at the intonation of Chiharu's introduction. Perhaps this was more acceptable for normal teenagers, but the lack of composure left a sour taste in Nao's mouth. It wasn't like the academy was Nao's first choice to be either, but at least the girl could try be a little more graceful about it. Her brow narrowed for a split second before it relaxed. They're inexperienced, Nao. She surmised to herself, but it would be a while before she could get used to it.

Taking turns the students spoke up. Manipulating electricity, generating forcefields, certainly abilities Nao could find use for – although her first ideas weren't exactly to the benefit of society. Then Lucien spoke up, uttering the word “Pathokinesis.” Nao tried to dissect the word. Pathokinesis, the manipulation of pathos- that jerk can control emotion! Nao almost sighed of relief upon the realisation. Yet as soon as the shame dropped off her shoulders, it was replaced by a sense of dread. Even if her self-control was not to be blame for this morning, Lucien could make her lose it, courtesy of his presence alone.

Last to speak was Alfred. “Some of you may have already noticed-” He began, to which Nao raised an eyebrow and inwardly commented; Really now, morning? Nao did listen attentively, as Alfred's explanation and subsequent demonstration if his angels connected the dots in Nao's head. Her prior experience with them began to make a little more sense.

“Why, worship would certainly make some things... Easier. Nao followed, as her own future came to mind. A god wouldn't be put on trial. In spite of Chiharu's antagonism, however, the blonde girl was certainly onto something interesting.

“I'm not sure if this fits the purpose of this class, but does having powers necessitate we use them? I would rather be defined by my choices than what I was born with.” Nao posed to the group. Though food for thought, it was not a topic Nao deemed they would have the time to discuss. She glanced shortly at the clock, before cutting back to the original topic at hand with a gracious smile, “What if I don't want to be a delivery girl?”

Nao put her index finger to her lower lip. “I think you have plenty interesting options, Kasahara – was it?” Nao's eyes shifted as she moved the conversation away from herself – even if she half-expected Alfred to notice it. “Cost defines the accessibility of many technologies. Imagine you could help make medical equipment more affordable.” Nao mused out loud, rekindling the memory of how expensive a keeping a stray bullet out of the books wound up being.

“And Alfred, the fire departments already use drones-” Nao prompted,“Do you think your angels could be useful scouts? There's a lot of places people and drones can't safely go in a fire.” She asked, leaving out her initial thoughts of Alfred as a partner in crime. His angels' versatility as surveillance was hardly limited to emergencies.

Nao sat back and folded her hands on her lap, content with the material she'd brought to the table, and looked around the group with a polite smile before motioning to the A2 Alfred had written their names on. “I'm sure you all have many ideas. Please share them.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu Character Portrait: Amari Chiharu
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Amari Chiharu
LOCATION ║ Power and Ability Use
DATE ║ Monday, Sept. 11th, 2023


Chiharu listened to everyone as they spoke, keeping herself from butting in on the conversation for the time being. She couldn't help but give a quiet laugh to herself as she watched Alfred write everyone's names down. Each with a different style and look. Creative, and cute, she thought. And hey, at least theirs would look pretty and well done when they had to put it up for the rest of the class to see.

As Alfred got on with his ability, Chiharu watched the silver orbs strangely, but also somewhat curiously. They seemed...odd. But so did most of the other powers that people had, because none of them were normal. But she imagined that having three orbs of metal following you around would feel much more strange than just being able to summon up a forcefield.

But aside from Alfred, there was also Lucien who had introduced himself before. Pathokinesis? She wasn't sure how she felt about that. Surely it would make anyone feel cautious about him. He could do whatever he wanted with your feelings, right? Well, the blonde figured he would be someone she'd be sure to keep off her bad side. She didn't need him messing with her head.

At Alfred's last comment about society, Chiharu gave a quick shrug. "I didn't mean a lot of people want us to be treated as higher beings. I just wanted to point out that not everyone is like those who want us to disappear or stay low profile or something." She crossed her arms before looking away from him, and then back down at the spaces of his writing.

"I think Mrs. Masumi thought more in a way of what jobs our abilities could give us an advantage in? Maybe I'm wrong, but it's not like they can force us to be something we don't want to be. Then we'd be heading right back down the path to the problems the world just resolved two decades ago." She replied to Nao. "But, I do think others might try to push us or pressure us to become what they're wanting, or something along those lines, even if we say no a thousand times. Because wouldn't having a emotion manipulator at the scene of a riot or mob," she motioned over to Lucien, "or a teleporter who can travel longer distances in seconds to delivering objects be much better than a normal human, in the employer's eyes? I thinks so."

She listened quietly as Nao shared, and thought for a moment. Job options? Of course, there weren't really any she'd like to take or make a living out of that was associated with her ability somehow. When she thought about it, all she could come up with was creating some kind of defense when fighting against someone or something, especially those with abilities like her, so maybe the police force in the field of helping to defend those who can't defend themselves against her own kind. There was also disaster relief, which was a bit more "attractive," if she could even say that at all, than the others. Because she wouldn't have to be fighting or defending against something human, just the elements. Someone might even throw in helping inside of war zones or other dangerous, violent places to help defend innocents or those caught in the middle of it without any means of escape, but that was a very big nooo thank you from her. As much as it would be a good deed, if you want to call it that, she isn't sure she would even survive for very long somewhere like that.

"For job options associated with my ability, put me down with um...disaster relief, or something like that. You can throw in the police force with the field of stopping violence and danger caused by other Awakened if you want, I honestly don't really care."

Why should I anyways? It's not like I'm going to even go into those kinds of job fields anyways."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu Character Portrait: Amari Chiharu
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Kasahara Kosei
LOCATION ║ Power and Ability Use
DATE ║ Monday, Sept. 11th, 2023


Kosei watched quietly from his spot, his arms crossed as he watched everyone speak and then Alfred write some of the things they said down. It was definitely interesting to hear the others, with their input, their abilities, and opinions on different things. Their abilities and the diversity in them was interesting as well, he found. Who would have thought that there would be so many different kinds and types? He'd never really seen or heard much of other powers while he was stuck back at his old hometown, but always assumed there was plenty of variety.

As he opened his mouth to try and maybe give some of his own input again, he was quickly cut of by Mrs. Masumi, who clapped her hands once to get everyone's attention. Kosei let out a quiet sigh and leaned back in his seat again. Nevermind I guess...I'll just have to keep it to myself unless we have time later or something. He shrugged, and then turned himself to he was facing their teacher, who patiently waited for everyone's conversations to die out. They wouldn't miss anything that she needed to say.

"Alright, I believe I gave you plenty of extra time, or so it seems. We only have five minutes left of class before you guys will be heading towards your next. So! That's most definitely not enough for everyone to present their posters, and I'd like for us to just wait until tomorrow to do that." She looked around at everyone, and then motioned to the front corner of the classroom. "For now, just place the poster boards here, and we can sort through them all and pick them back up tomorrow, okay? Once you've placed those down, you're excused." She nodded, and then moved back over to her desk, to continue typing up whatever it was she'd been working on before.

Looking over at the clock, Kosei realized that time actually had passed quite quickly since they'd gotten together as a group and tried to figure everything out to put on the assignment. He was okay with that, of course. A fast class is never a bad class.

Looking back at the poster board still sitting on the desk, Kosei gave a quicky nod and then held out his hand. "I can take that and put it up at the front of the class, if you want." He offered with a slight smile. He hadn't given much to the conversation, so he could at least just do this. Not that it really was much of anything, though.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu Character Portrait: Amari Chiharu
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Alfred Komatsu
Location || Dorm
Date || Tuesday, Sept. 12th, 2023

#029729 || #002BD9

Alfred continued to jot down notes and ideas as to everyone’s suggestions as they made them. Admittedly he was probably more focused on making the poster look neat, organized and artsy than he was contributing to the conversation, but that thought wasn’t entering his mind as the table went back and forth on their contributions to society and trying to give suggestions as to what their individual powers could be used for towards the betterment of everyone around them. Alfred heard something about fire department, drones, and his name and he simply hummed an acknowledgment as he tried his best to keep up with everyone. Eventually he heard the clapping of Mrs. Masumi’s hands, but didn’t actually stop working until after Masumi had already said her piece. Alfred didn’t have time to get everyone’s opinion on the poster, but it looked presentable at the very least. He gave a smile to everyone as he got up from his spot at the gathering and took the paper up to the front to be handed in. Hopefully it would be adequate and none of the potentially artsier people in his grade would berate his admittedly shoddy artistic stylings. Once that was done, he helped move some of the desks and chairs back into their proper places, gathered his things, and was out the door on the move towards his next class before he stopped to realize that maybe there might be people that he could be walking with, making connections and friends as he went along. He sighed to himself as he started thinking that maybe he should get himself better situated in the school before opening himself up to every person he bumped into. With a quick glance around to make sure no one was flagging him down, he set himself to memorizing his schedule and paths around the school for the rest of the day.

It had been a long day for the most part, and his head still throbbed slightly from the electrocution therapy that Kosei had smacked him with earlier. He opened the door to his small dorm and threw his bag against the wall. His angels immediately took up separate spots around the room, either floating in place or generally making a nuisance of themselves as they seemed to grab things at random and toss them between each other. What registered as ‘contentment’ in his mind was the feeling he gathered from them as he made his way to the washroom and proceeded to wash his face and generally get ready for bed. The good thing about waking up earlier was a more alert feeling for the rest of the day, but it was never good if you expected or wanted to stay up later than 10pm.

After all the courses were said and done, Alfred had taken the time to take a thorough tour of the school on his own terms, doing his best to mentally memorize the layout so he wouldn’t have a problem getting around from this point on. He didn’t feel like his sense of direction was terrible, but it never hurt to be better prepared. As he finished brushing his teeth and splashing his face with warm water, he slipped his shirt off and wiped his face down with a towel before throwing it back into the bathroom, dark lines appearing underneath his eyes as the realization of just how exhausted he was started quickly infiltrating his body.

He flopped into bed, and was almost out in an instant, his Angels pausing for a moment before making their way to the center of the room and ‘clunking’ to the floor with a rather loud clatter. A few seconds later, there was a banging from the room above him but Alfred either didn’t register it or didn’t care enough to answer it with one of his own. One way or another, Alfred wasn’t conscious for too much longer after that.

The next morning brought forward the realization that maybe Alfred needed to pay attention to how and when he woke up, as he found a near repeat of the day previous. He found himself dressed and brushing his teeth before he was even fully aware of the situation. His Angels were milling around the dorm, doing random things associated with getting ready for school. One was slipping books into his backpack, another was toasting bread, and the third one was bouncing in place like a basketball. Alfred couldn’t really explain that one as he rubbed his eyes with his hands, his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth as toothpaste foam coated his lips. He really wasn’t awake enough for this.

Once he finished brushing his teeth, he splashed some cold water onto his face to shock his system into being more awake and aware, and immediately his Angels acted as if they had been shot, spinning around the room with the same speed as Alfred’s reaction to the cold water. They stopped long enough to ‘stare’ at him before continuing a rapid flurry around the room. Alfred ignored them, stepping through what could technically be considering a real life version of a bullet hell shooter without any problems as the orbs shifted to avoid him out of instinct. He checked his bag to make sure his books were packed properly, grabbed the bread out of the toaster and spread his choice of toppings onto it and shoved them into his mouth, and made his way towards the door. He took a quick glance to see what time it was before he opened the door to his room.


Alfred stopped, looking down at himself as he realized he was over 2 and a half hours early for class, but he was prepped and ready to go. Why was he awake? Had he been sleep-prepping and thought he had been real prepping? Alfred dropped the bag of books by the door, walking up to the Angels who were gathered in the center of the room. All three of them adopted the forms of puppies on the ground and hung their head. While they had originally gotten that idea from Alfred a few years ago, he couldn’t help but resent the fact that he was the creator of it. “Did you seriously just help me sleep walk through school prep?” The Angels held their heads lower, but Alfred could feel a sense of mirth coming from them.

They thought it was funny.

Alfred huffed, walking over to his desk and picking up a pencil before whipping it at the Angels. Naturally they caught it and threw it back at him, watching in what could only be classified as amusement as it bounced off of a very unimpressed Alfred’s head. He undid his tie, took off his sweater, rechecked his alarm clock and fell into the bed unceremoniously.

If this morning was any indication, this was not going to be a good day to be awake.