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Nakana Nao

"It's not the strongest who will survive, neither will the wisest. It is those who can change."

0 · 1,747 views · located in Furushima Academy

a character in “The Awakening: A New Generation”, as played by Kestrel



"Academy? How vain. It'll do, I suppose."

Dialogue Color#3b0000
Thought Color#5c2020

Nakana Nao

Ito Nao, Fume.



Sexual Orientation

Academy Year

Birth Date
November 1st.

Black, straight, mid-back length.




Body Build
Lithe, physically fit.

Physical Mutations

Notable Scars
"It would be quite bold of you to pry into a lady's secrets."

Piercings and Tattoos
An Irezumi style tattoo of Suzaku, the Vermilion Bird. The bird wraps itself around Nao's left shoulder, trailed by the myriad of colours of it's tail, down to her elbow.

Casual Wear
Nao prefers to fashion herself to draw attention to her femininity. She is rarely seen wearing pants, instead opting for short dresses or skirts. Much of her attire takes inspiration from ballroom trends, is form-fitting and puts emphasis on her legs, back or shoulders. When she needs not appear in public, however, Nao is comfortable in an oversized shirt and jogging pants.

Face Claim
Minami Azuma | Tokyo ESP


Stoic and collected, Nao has an unusually mature aura for her age. She is well articulated and appears delicate and polite, but possesses a sharp wit and can be abrasively direct in conversation. This has earned her a reputation as ice queen. While Nao might seem a little detached in her exterior, she feels strongly for her friends and loved ones and values social bonds and relations highly. She is just very particular about showing it.

Nao has little sense of shame or filter, something she admittedly finds amusing traits in others. That is not to say she has no secrets. Quite the opposite. Nao is a very private person when it comes to her past and possessions. She puts great importance on appearances and keeping them up. On top of that... She is a very scary girl to cross.

  • A surgeon's nerves. Nao can stay calm in situations that would stress others out.
  • Empathic. While she may not always act on it, Nao is very good at telling how others around her feel. A skill she uses for good and evil alike.
  • Fitness routine. Even though she is not in the enhancement class, Nao regularly trains to stay in shape. She has taken a liking to swimming and Chinese martial arts.

  • Arrogance. Nao has a habit of looking down on those who she dislikes or whose actions she disapproves of. If she wasn't difficult to approach before, crossing her will certainly make it so.
  • Bad cop. Nao's moral compass tends to justify the means. Even if the group agrees on handling things differently, Nao will often still do what she feels is best.
  • Typical teenager. Nao has... Some trouble with authority.

  • The future. Despite appearances, Nao knows any day at the academy could be her last.
  • Gossip girls. Nao is very selective about who she tells what.
  • Loneliness. Nao is greatly affected by losing people, occasionally to the point of possessiveness.

Power Name

Power Class

Power Description
Teleportation. The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between. Nao can teleport herself, but also any object she touches and even (willing) persons. Her aura manifests as a black and deep red gas.

Power Limitations and Weaknesses
  • Outside of herself, Nao must either touch what she teleports or use something she touches as a medium. For example; teleporting a jacket that is in contact with her shirt, but not her skin. Or teleporting a person and their clothes despite only touching their hand.
  • Living matter has the ability to resist teleportation. Nao cannot teleport someone who does not want to be teleported.
  • Nao cannot teleport a person or object partially.
  • Nao can cover a maximum distance of ten metres instantly. Any further will substantially increase the concentration and energy required to do so. However, this is a skill she can train.
  • Within these distance limits, Nao can only teleport one and a half times her own body mass instantly. Anything more will substantially increase the concentration and energy required to do so. However, this is a skill she can train.
  • Nao cannot teleport solid matter in a space already occupied by solid matter.
  • Nao cannot transfer force from one location to another. She also cannot move her body into a different position while teleporting.
  • To scout whether a space can be teleported to, Nao requires a split second to send her aura to prepare for her arrival. While it is difficult to react to normally, other psychics capable of registering her aura early or those with superhuman reaction speeds may be able to respond to her teleportation.
  • While this scouting prevents Nao from teleporting into hazards, it also prevents her from attempting another teleportation for a second.
  • Nao's aura cannot scan as accurately when she does not teleport herself. However, this is a skill she can train.
  • Inexperienced passengers on Nao's teleportation will often experience nausea, prolonged feelings of disorientation and lack of spatial awareness. Depending on the person this can last from a few minutes to a few days. It takes approximately two weeks of daily training to get accustomed to the experience for the average person.
  • Rapid succession of teleportation will even leave Nao herself experiencing side effects. Currently Nao requires a few seconds i between teleports to be safe, but her resilience to them can be trained. It is less advised to try and train a third party in resisting the side effects of teleporting in rapid succession.


When the awakened appeared, not only the government took an interest in these special powers. The underworld did as well. Little was known about these special powers... Except for their immense potential. Naturally, when word of a teleporting woman by the name of Li Jing Sūn reached the Yakuza, they took great interest in her.

In her home country of China, Li Jing was threatened with a similar fate as the awakened in Japan. Fearing being turned into the custody of the government, she sought out a human trafficker to help her flee the country. Her fear for the authorities had instilled in Li Jing the thought the dangers she would face in the hands of a criminal could not be half as bad. She was partially right.

The trafficker saw more monetary value in selling the woman than simply taking her offer. It was too risky to sell her inland, so he approached bidders abroad. The Nakana family was the highest bidder and so, Li Jing was bought into the underworld of Japan. A fate she could not so easily escape.

Though the Yakuza lacked the resources in the scientific field, they had no less ambition to discover a use for Li Jing her powers. Yet the woman was unruly. They first attempted bargaining, an exchange of favours for safety, but Li Jing could not bring herself to trust the foreigners. Intimidation and violence tipped Li Jing to desiring to take her own life. She had to be protected from herself, or all the family's money, effort and time had been wasted. Which was a price they could not pay.

Unfit as an associate or tool, it was decided Li Jing would instead become a mother. Three years after her arrival, she became pregnant with a girl the Yakuza hoped to inherit her powers. Li Jing, despite bearing the child against her will, slowly grew to love the daughter growing inside of her. Her pregnancy were the woman's last memories of happiness. As the larger her belly grew, the more Li Jing began to fear for the future of her baby girl. She feared her father would try to use little Nao as he had tried to he had tried to use her... But if she attempted to flee once more, the government remained the more terrifying option.

In the days of famine in China, an unwanted child was buried, so the responsibility for it's death were the earth's and not their parent's. When the labour set in, Li Jing decided. She would spare her child of suffering. Tears welled up in her eyes as she first held her daughter, professing to Nao in her mother tongue that she swore to protect her what what she had endured.

Nao's father, Nakana Daisuke, was overjoyed with Nao's birth. When the man took Nao's little hand between his fingers, he spoke with quivering lip "Welcome to our family, my beautiful daughter." As he smiled a way Li Jing had never seen him smile before. For the first time, she thought to see something human in Daisuke. Yet that glimpse of a soul was not enough to dissuade years of distrust. It took Li Jing four weeks to recover, an experience that left a hole in her heart. Daisuke had seen how dearly the woman loved Nao and mistakenly trust her to leave the two alone. A chance that Li Jing would not let go to waste. The first night without surveillance, she took Nao and teleported out of the apartment. With nothing but an apron for wear and a shovel in hand, Li Jing was determined to carry out her plan... And would have, if a drunk associate of Nao's father had not stumbled upon her. Li Jing had never expected to live through the night, but to die like this... In the ensuing struggle, the man smashed a bottle he was carrying as a gift for Daisuke against the woman's temple. Instead of spirits, he brought a corpse and a baby into the Nakana household.

Contrary to her mother's fears, Daisuke truly grew to love Nao. Despite numerous affairs, Daisuke raised her as a single father to the best of his ability. He brought her into the family, protecting her from colleagues and brothers who would use Nao as the tool they'd envisioned her mother as. Not only did Daisuke make it so Nao established good relations, he also instilled with her the values and the tricks of the trade. Nao was still groomed as a member of the Yakuza family, instead of it's slave. A lofty dream for her origins, turned into a goal she fought for every day. Unlike her mother, Nao grew up to want to use her powers for the good of the family.

And this she did. While not the first incident committed by an awakened, Nao would soon become a child reason for the populace to fear and distrust those with powers. Unlike other delinquents, however, Nao was trained. Her talents proved useful for many things... Particularly expansion of the family's influence through elimination of their competitors. Many a casino, bank and estate agent with anything to hide, came under the family's protection. A most lucrative undertaking... But ambition rarely comes without it's price.

A former member of a disbanded rival gang contemplated with the authorities to put an end to the Nakana family's exploits. In exchange for a more lenient sentence, this young man infiltrated the Nakana family as a recruit, secretly leaking any information he could get his hands on. By sheer chance, this double agent was assigned the task of emergency bodyguard during one of Nakana Daisuke's business transactions. Instead of being welcomed by his associate, Daisuke was met by a committee of armed forces. The resulting shoot-out planted a bullet in the crimelord's leg, after which he was apprehended and would soon after lose his empire... And daughter.

The family felt forced to cut ties with Daisuke to ascertain survival. His personal assets were sacrificed or redistributed. However, this did not happen without a fight. Those loyal to Daisuke protested against the decision, amongst them was Nao. The protest escalated into a violent conflict, one Daisuke's supporters lost. Those amongst them who were not killed, were instead sold out to the authorities. Nao amongst them.

The nature of Nao's crimes made them difficult to file in court. Not only was there a lack of proof, the system of law was still in the process of reinventing itself to deal with the awakened. Another worry for the government was her future detainment. No normal facility would be able to handle a girl that could teleport. Nao her sitting was postponed, and without a place to send her or a place left for Nao to go, she was admitted to attend the academy under the guise of the orphaned Ito Nao, whom she has lived as ever since. It is Nao's hope she can keep up appearances long enough to help argue for her to be discharged.


Neutral – ◉ ║ Friends – ♪ ║ Enemies – ✗║ Romantic – ♡ ║


ImageKosei Kasahara ║ ◉
"Kashara? He's in my class, I believe."

Nao's thoughts about Kosei could be summarised as truly neutral. She has no strong feelings one way or the other. She often even forgets his first name. Kosei might get antsy around her, but Nao is plenty comfortable with that. She doesn't particularly mind people being afraid of her and as such doesn't particularly mind Kosei. Even if his energetic behaviour were to get a bit out of hand, she knows a single glare would be enough to fix it. Of course, that's only before Nao's metaphorical coffee. She tends to subconsciously tune him out otherwise.

ImageLucien Ashford ║ ◉ ✗
"You shouldn't peek at people's hearts."

As Lucien will be able to tell, Nao does not take kindly to his presence. He might not be a mindreader, but Lucien's gift is close enough to feel threatening and unwanted. His other gift is one she might hold even more contempt for, as Nao prides herself in being control of her emotions. Lucien's powers more than his personality, make Nao put up a wall.

That said, Nao does value his honesty as a redeeming quality. With that unflinching disposition of his, Nao suspects Lucien might be the only person in the school who has lived a world similar to hers. She does not know him very well, nor does she intend to, but whether Nao likes it or not, Lucien might have more with her in common than any other student.

ImageAlfred Komatsu ║ ♪
"When will PE finally be swimming?"

Nao would be lying is she said didn't enjoy the reaction she gets from Alfred on the odd hair flip or smile in his direction. While she entertains the idea in her headcanon, the butterflies aren't yet forthcoming. Alfred may like to play the role of the fool, but Nao can tell the young man is more observant than he lets on, which interests her. She sure hopes Alfred won't wait too long to strike up a conversation, or else she will have to.

Alfred's angels, on the other hand, are less to Nao's liking. Perhaps it is her imagination, but are they a little... Hostile towards her? She's never seen them stray from Alfred very far and wonders if it's just his attachment to his floating guard dogs or something else.

ImageNova Aria ║ ✗
"The boy is an animal."

Nao is not good with children and Nova is very much like one. A child without respect for personal space but with dozens of floating knives at his fingertips. While someone like Kaoru their recklessness and bloodlust seem to be almost a separate entity, Nova embodies this instability within every inch of his very being. Nao has to wonder if someone like Nova even fits in a place like this and if this is what is best for him. A more... Regulated environment might be better suited.

ImageTomimoto Taikan ║ ◉ ✗
"Two criminals under one roof? I can't tell if they're overly competent or foolish."

She'd be amiss if she didn't recognise Tai from TV, which is more than enough reason for Nao to be wary. He seems taller than on his newscast, too. In spite of his city block levelling abilities, Nao finds Tai acts like little more but a street thug. He's scared, Nao believes, constantly barking up every tree in his sight. It's both pitiful and disgusting to have so much strength, yet so little control over oneself. Nao would prefer to have nothing to do with Tai, but at the same time he's dangerous enough for her not to be satisfied until she's thought up at least twenty ways to take him down in a pinch. So far. Nao is at zero.

Tai's presence, on the other hand, is oddly hopeful for Nao. If they let a confirmed mass murderer have a second chance... Perhaps she...

ImageKurmochi Keiji ║ ◉
"You play games, I play tricks."

It's not that Nao particularly minds his rather selective gaze for her, but the way Keiji seems to focus exclusively and shamelessly on Nao's physical features, she interprets as a lack of respect. Keiji is a prime reason why some think of Nao as a ice queen. She has no qualms at using the razor between her lips to turn down his advances or trick him into some very... Embarrassing situations. With a please and thank you, no less. The boy needs to be taught somehow, doesn't he? She might as well have a little fun with it.

ImageAbel Coelho ║ ♪
"Aren't you the charmer?"

Nao cannot deny she enjoys the empty flattery that rolls from Abel's tongue, even if she's well aware he might as well mean nothing by it. It is difficult for her not to appreciate such passion and dedication... Though she does think Abel's sense of fashion and his hope she will actually buy something from him are beyond her.

More even than Abel himself, Nao seems to get along especially well with the household. The two can discuss the most macabre topics over tea, an opportunity she rarely has. The household doesn't seem to judge Nao in any shape or form, so it's one of the few conversation partners she can drop all her pretences with. She's already declined the marriage offer, anyway.

ImageElias Emerson ║ ◉
"Eccentric, but pleasant. The surface, at least."

Like a relic from another age, Elias possesses manners and mannerisms that are quite out of place. The former are a fresh of breath air, the latter make Elias feel left behind in more ways than by time. While this is a feeling Nao can empathise with, it earns Elias a regular soul-piercing stare whenever he acts a little too out of place. Nao does not know what he hides behind the curtains of courtesy, but that there dwells dark, she knows for sure.


ImageKaoru Sakarano ║ ♪ ✗
"The way she thinks is my kind of poetry."

Kaoru has... Issues, as far as Nao can tell. The abandon with which she uses her ability is worrying, to say at least. On the other hand, Kaoru is also the kind of person who doesn't ask too many questions and has an absurd but interesting way of viewing the world. Their relation isn't exactly the closest, but Nao appreciates whatever thought manages to escape Kaoru's lips as if it were New Age art. If only Nao could better put a finger on what's playing inside the back of her pink-haired head... Another time, perhaps?

ImageRosalina Oria ║ ♪
"Please. Keep believing."

As far as Nao is concerned, it's a good thing Rosalina is a little naive. Surprisingly, Rosalina her faith in the good of people overrules her curiosity... Though for the same reasons Nao cannot say she is always very honest with the enhancer. The fact Rosalina has such a big heart touches Nao, perhaps she might be the first to-

Rosalina's love for the world around her is quite heartwarming. Nao also casually enjoys Rosalina's sense of adventure as a pleasant distraction, possibly (though unbeknownst to both girls) serving her the same purpose as it does Rosalina. As long as Rosa's curiosity isn't focused on her, Nao wouldn't mind to occasionally entertain it.

ImageManon Portier ║ ◉
"She reminds me of someone... Someone who did not like me very much."

Nao has a difficult time separating Manon's air as "daddy's little princess" from that of a bargaining chip, though Nao is unaware that Manon's circumstances suggest something radically different. Regardless, Nao is naturally inclined to be nice to Manon, to listen and comfort her in distress and to offer compliments without expecting anything in return. Rather than actual kindness, it's to make Manon feel safe. That said, Nao isn't exactly planning anything, it's just a force of habit.

ImageNatalia Elwyn ║ ◉ ♪
"She seems... Nice."

There is honestly very little Nao seems to be able to tell about her Natalia-senpai. She seems like a nice enough, average girl – save for the ability to vaporise anything she touches. Nao is naturally polite and respectful towards her seniors and as such is pleasant with Natalia, though there doesn't seem to be much depth to their relationship as of yet.

ImageAkiyama Shizuka ║ ◉
"Wait, she is older than me?"

While she certainly doesn't seem a bad person, Shizuka is too withdrawn for Nao to take much of an interest in. Like with Kosei, Nao often has trouble remembering her name. Certainly some would argue Shizuka her shyness is endearing, but that elder sister instinct just isn't kicking in for Nao. If Nao learned about Shizuka's imaginative artistic ability, she might be more appreciative, but Nao's tastes are peculiar...

ImageKylie Bennett ║ ✗
"Quite a vile woman. Her true form is fitting."

Nao finds Kylie an unpleasant individual. Certainly, she may walk and talk like she is a big shot, but Nao predicts Kylie's lack of self control will wrap itself around her neck the moment she bites off more than she can chew. Nao remains polite as in to keep up appearances – even if Kylie's enhanced senses can sniff out the act – as long as her senior keeps keeping her distance like a good girl, Nao couldn't care less where Kylie goes to live and die. Fortunately, they at least seem to agree on that.

ImageAmari Chiharu ║ ◉ ♪
"Could you lend me a hand, perhaps?"

Chiharu's need to handle her own business resonates with Nao: a challenge she has had to face from childhood in order to earn the respect of her family. The girl reminds Nao of her younger self, before she had worked up the confidence she holds today. Chiharu's casual dress code on leggings and tank tops, on the other hand, hint she has certainly confidence in something.

Rather than asking what she can do for Chiharu, Nao thinks in terms of what Chiharu can mean for her. This is not necessarily selfish, it is simply the way Nao learned to be more accepting herself. If Nao's blonde classmate is anything like her, rewarding or returning a favour might make it easier for Chiharu to accept said favour in the first place.


ImageBardon Hemos ║ ◉
"Not all relations need be more than professional."

A conversation between Bardon and Nao could easily be mistaken for a business interaction. Both are polite, topical and stoic. Nao tries keep her distance. While she respects the doctor his skill and reputation, Bardon, courtesy of his profession, also has direct access to Nao's medical history. A history Nao is certain to raise a number of questions she'd rather not answer, because said answers would not go over well with Bardon's pacifist nature... It doesn't help Bardon is appointed as guidance counsellor as well in that regard. Whether she comes to trust or despise the man, will completely depend on how Bardon handles her case.

Nao does note her family might have been very interested in Bardon, however...

So begins...

Nakana Nao's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu Character Portrait: Rosalina Oria Character Portrait: Kaoru Sakurano
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Kosei Kasahara
LOCATION ║ Academy Dormitories
DATE ║ Monday, Sept. 11th, 2023


Bong, bong, bong, bong, bong...

A loud, yet muffled bell made itself known to all the students sleeping in the dormitories as it began to resonate throughout the academy grounds. "An alarm clock for the students." The staff would say. "So we better not be hearing any excuses coming from you guys about your 'alarm' not going off,' because it would most definitely be a lie with this thing ringing every morning."

So, the waking of the students began throughout the dorm rooms; there was no way any of them could have slept past the disruptive noise that giant bell had made. Of course, you could always fall back asleep, but if you wanted to be on time for your first day, that probably wasn't the best of ideas. The "alarm" only rang once in the morning, so it wouldn't be waking anyone back up again after that.

Down at the east dormitory building, Kosei's eyes cracked open after the echoing began to fade away into a peaceful silence (other than the loud thud that had come from the room above, likely someone had fallen out of bed on accident), and let out a quiet, tired sigh, before tossing the blankets away and forcing himself to sit up. He was used to the bell, after being here for nearly a month and a half already, but he'd had a rather restless night. Of course, that was normal for him, barely being able to get a wink of sleep. Though it was this time that he actually had to wake up; he couldn't just ignore it and go back to bed and forget about his problems like he had been able to during the "school break." So, he just had to make himself get up, as painful as it was. He would be fully awake sooner or later anyways...or at least, he hoped he would be.

Rubbing his eyes, he finally twisted himself so he was sitting on the side of the bed, and then stood up, letting his shoulders slump with no care of fixing his posture at the moment. He had plenty of time to get ready for the day before his classes started, with that being at 7:00 AM. But with the way he was moving right now, and how he basically moved every morning, it was best if he started getting himself moving as soon as he could. Otherwise he'd end up at the academy's doors half ready and looking dead.

Moving over to the small bathroom, Kosei flipped on the light and groggily began to splash his face with the cold water that he turned on, as an attempt to make himself more alert. It seemed to do the trick well enough, and as he looked back up at the mirror, he let out a quiet groan. Talk about some serious bed head. His hair was completely flat on one side. This would take a while to try and fix.

After about ten or so minutes, he finally had it looking normal again, much to his relief. He quickly brushed his teeth after that, and then moved out back to get dressed. He spotting his uniform already sitting on the desk, folded nicely and ready for him to change into. He lifted it off, and threw on the black pants, along with the white shirt, and the long sleeved, grey sweater over that. It hadn't actually gotten too cold outside yet, but September was technically autumn, so they were asked to wear these now. He didn't mind it, really. It was actually quite a comfortable addition.

He let out another sigh as he finished dressing, and the plopped down onto his bed, looking over at the clock that sat over on the nightstand by his bed. 6:45 AM, it read, so it seemed that he'd made pretty good timing this morning. Even so, it would probably be best for him to head to the academy now. He grabbed his bag that laid on the side, checking inside once more to make sure he had everything, and then pulling it up onto his shoulder.

"Let's hope today goes well." A quiet mumbled escaped his mouth as he walked himself over to the door, grabbing the card key that sat on the table and shoving it inside of his bag to keep himself from losing it. Saying he wasn't stressed out or becoming more paranoid by the second was an obvious lie; he was already having a hard time take the first step out the door. How was his first day going to go? He hoped at least decent. Maybe he could actually make a friend now, since he was going to have to go out and be around people.

Overthinking things wouldn't get him anywhere, of course, so he finally forced himself out the door, heading down the stairs to the exit, to begin the short walk to the academy's entrance.

The setting changes from Academy Dormitories to Furushima Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nakana Nao
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kestrel

Being on time for the first day was hardly Nao's biggest worry. She was an early riser by nature and had been doing her hair long before the alarm even rang. What played in Nao's head instead were appearances. Today, rather than demanding respect as the daughter of an influential crimelord, she would have to pose as a diligent schoolgirl. Though her uniform was rather... Dull, there were enough ways for Nao to make it look good, as long as she was the one wearing it. Especially if black leggings were an option.

Besides dolling up, Nao knew she would have to play the part as well. Respectful towards teachers, polite towards her classmates... Here she was a little more worried. As student, she was at the bottom of what she interpret as the local hierarchy. Nao was cynical to submit to the authority of men and women whom had done no service to her family. It weighed on her mind far more than she liked to admit to herself. The better her behaviour at the academy, the better her chances at the inevitable sitting, but could she? Nao was used to wearing a mantle demanding fear and respect, but today she was dressed in a V-neck sweater and a schoolgirl skirt.

When she stepped outside, Nao was welcomed with a crisp autumn wind. She had lived on campus for a while, but this was the first day she saw so many matching uniforms on her way to the academy building. Part of her felt like going right back to her room and changing, but instead she politely smiled and greeted the students she had met with before. This just is the way the academy is run. Nao told herself, trying to keep her spirits up. She was wearing the same, but felt so different.

Power and Ability Control, was the name of the first class on her schedule. Nao arrived early at the classroom – as planned. The door was still locked and only a few students were standing there already. “Good morning.” Nao greeted the students she assumed to be her classmates, though she didn't make a move to mingle. Nao's mind drifted to what she could expect from the subject and teachers... After all, today would be her first time attending a school class... And Nao had no idea how to act the part she had decided to play.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu
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Alfred Komatsu
Location || Academy Dormitories
Current Time || 6:00 AM
Date || Monday, Sept. 11th, 2023

#029729 || #002BD9

By the time the bell was ringing for everyone to wake up, Alfred had already been up and moving around for the past half an hour. Well, moving around in the loosest sense. Basically Alfred was simply shuffling from place to place because his body was so conditioned to wake up earlier than this school demanded him to that he couldn’t sleep. He could just hear his grandparents...sorry, ex-grandparents yelling at him to see if he was ready for breakfast. When the tell tale sound of the muffled bell finally did toll, it was like a kick in the back of the head to Alfred, who seemed to jolt out of his near sleepwalking state, halfway through brushing his teeth already. He stood there for a second, staring at himself in the mirror. When did he have a shower? How did he get dressed? Why was h-

A silver orb floated into the bathroom after him carrying a small bagel. Alfred looked out into his small room and saw another angel packing his bag and the third one pressing what seemed like random buttons on his stereo. In his daydream like state, he must have been subconsciously ordering them to help him get ready for school. Upon this realization, the one packing the bag dropped it with a loud thud, the one playing with the stereo stopped and the one holding the bagel...absorbed it. Alfred was taken aback for a moment before he, with his toothbrush still in his mouth, reached his hand into the angel.

The angels felt weird, smooth like metal yet warm and soft like flesh. With a little bit of effort, he was able to yank the bagel out of the angel and look it over. Bits of the angel’s metal flesh were still on it. Alfred snapped his fingers and every last bit of them hopped off and assimilated with the bigger ball. He finished brushing his teeth and took a chomp out of the pastry. Minty fresh peanut butter...not the best taste in the world but then again, Alfred wasn’t all that picky. As he made his way back into his room having devoured the bagel, the orbs started flying slow circles around him, bobbing ever so slightly as they did so. He recollected explaining their behavior as ‘well trained dogs’, what he failed to mention is how they could also act like lost puppies.

By quarter after 6, Alfred was already dressed, packed, ready to go and dreading the fact that it was way too early to head to classes yet. Damn his internal clock with early evenings and early mornings. He quickly took in his dormitory to make sure he wasn’t missing anything, a small room with one bed, dresser, night stand, small kneeling table and a mini-fridge. The walls were littered with posters that didn’t seem to have any one theme to them, mainly just to add color to his otherwise drab sleeping area. Bands, movies, games, the only thing missing one could say was the posters of the scantily clad women. Of which, Alfie would bop you on the head and scold you for objectifying women while secretly wishing he could put some up without becoming a hypocrite. He was becoming a man after all. Aside from that, there really wasn’t much else to his humble abode. It matched what the other students had and made them all conform in some way or another.

Without much else to do, Alfred grabbed his ipod and shoved the cordless buds into his ears. He slung his backpack on and exited his room as music started to softly play. He quickly dropped down the stairs, the music quiet enough that he could hear what was going on around him as he exited the building well ahead of schedule. The brisk air of the coming fall greeted him, but he rather enjoyed it. If anything, it was heat he was not a fan of. He didn’t mind sweating, but when the sweat drenched a shirt or two, it was hard to get the stink out. No, to him this was the perfect weather and he let it show by slowing his stride as he exited the building.

He had been here half a month, effectively homeless save for the tiny room he now occupied. It didn’t overly matter to him, so long as he had a roof over his head he was happy. He checked the time on his ipod, making sure he had more than enough to wander the campus and enjoy the sights of the trees turning color. The music played in his ears softly as he enjoyed the campus grounds, his angels following behind him silently as he did so. He wandered around for quite a while, killing time so it didn’t seem like he was waiting outside the classroom for nearly an hour before actually heading to his class.

Alfred made his way into the academy, bringing up his ipod to switch songs and holding onto both his sweater and backpack on his shoulder with his other hand. He knew he was technically ‘out of uniform', but seeing as they were inside, he felt like he could get away with it. He approached the room for Power and Ability Control, something that Alfred had already thought was redundant in his case but he never said that out loud. He had been learning to reign in his angels for nearly three years before he came here, and while sometimes they could lash out, he felt like he had more than a fair bit of control over them. As he came closer to the door, he looked up at all the people in the hallway. Naturally, as was his near compulsion, he started chatting some people up right away. He started learning names, smiling and laughing with the best of them as more than a few stared at the orbs floating around his head.

He had only been there a few minutes when he noticed another student come to join them. He turned to greet her, and stopped for just a moment. The hesitation was the only telltale sign from Alfred that something was wrong, aside from his orbs seeming to bristle as the girl walked closer, their ‘skin’ rippling like water. Sometimes, there was just someone that could immediately get a guy’s hackles up, and for Alfred, she was one of them. When she wished everyone a good morning, Alfred decided that fear was not something he ever caved into, so he took a step forward, a smile on his face and confidence in his movements.

“Good Alfred, I’m Morning.”


Play it it it cool...Screw it. Kinda want to drop dead now...

Instantly, all three of Alfred’s angels hit the floor with a loud ‘thunk’, but Alfred’s face never once relayed the fact that he was screaming on the inside, instead looking at the new girl with a soft smile before sighing and slowly turning around. “Well, there goes my life. Good bye everyone, it was great meeting you. If you need me, I’ll be throwing myself off the roof.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu
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0.00 INK


Date ~ Monday, Sept. 11th, 2023
Location ~ Academy Dormitories → School Building

Speech ~ #C5612A || Thoughts ~ #C5992A

As he had suspected, he didn't get any sleep. Not that he was really expecting to, he hadn't gotten much in the way of restful sleep for a couple of months now. Instead Lucien had simply laid on the bed in what he supposed was his dorm room, alternating between staring at the ceiling or at the bottle of tablets sat on top of the small cabinet next to him.

He might have taken one of the tablets to make himself sleep, but Lucien wasn't quite certain when he was supposed to be up and about for classes and despite not really wanting to be surrounded by others all day, especially in an enclosed space such as a classroom, he didn't want to risk oversleeping and missing the lessons entirely. Perhaps he would take them in a few days once some sort of routine had settled into place, until then he would keep his fingers crossed that when he did fall asleep his nightmares weren't too loud. It would not be enjoyable to have people asking questions after all.

Snapping himself out of his musings, Lucien sat himself up and swung his legs over the bed of the bed, stretching slightly to get rid of the stiffness that had settled in from not moving for a while. Once he was sure that he wouldn't fall over, he stood up and took a couple of steps to cross the floor to where the window was. Unlatching it, he pushed it open as far as he could, wanting to stick his head out and take a nice deep breath of fresh air, only to find that it wouldn't open far enough for that. Looking down, Lucien spotted what looked like a lock a concerned parent would use to stop their children from falling out. 'I guess they think I'm a suicide risk.'

With his plan clearly not happening until he got hold of the tools needed to remove the safety feature, he turned his attention away from the window, absently noting that the sky seemed to be getting lighter. Dawn was on its way. Deciding he might as well get ready for the day and hopefully avoid the rush of people heading to classes, Lucien quickly went through his usual routine, and when it came to dressing he selected the long sleeved shirt, though dismissed the tie entirely.

By the time the bell sounded to wake the students, Lucien was already on his way out of the dormitories and heading toward the school building itself, if someone knew his ability they might suspect that he was fleeing from the emotions of those who were waking up. But no one was around to call him out on it, so he kept on walking and arrived at his destination a short while later.

Lucien had memorised what he could of his class schedule during his nights of unrest, so he knew that 'Power and Ability Control' was his first subject for the day. He found the classroom easily enough and gave a near silent sigh of relief upon finding it empty. Quickly selecting a seat in the far corner of the room, Lucien sat himself down and settled in to stare out of the window next to him. He didn't really care if he was waiting for hours until his first class started, he would find something to do. Or not, it didn't bother him either way, but hopefully it would be a while before anyone else arrived.

Of course, Lucien's hopes of a quiet time to himself were soon dashed. A few students started trickling in here and there, but there was no one of note and thankfully none of them tried to pester him. Still, Lucien could see himself having a headache by the end of the day, there was excitement and nervousness rolling off of most of them in waves.

It was a while before anything interesting happened, then a sudden rise in panic seemed to spike. Lucien's gaze dragged his attention unwillingly to a red-headed male, just in time to see three silver orbs drop to the ground. He blinked twice and in the back of his mind Lucien could feel the barest hint of confusion nagging at him to find out what had caused the change in emotion. Not wanting to give in, but also not wanting to leave his faint curiosity unsatisfied, he glanced over the room, finding nothing out of place although a few of the other students seemed to have turned their attention to the red-head and the dark haired girl who must have entered the room a couple of minutes previously. He vaguely remembered the polite greeting she had given everyone, though the slight feeling of uncertainty wasn't out of place given that several other students had been feeling that as well.

Lucien dismissed the situation as the boy said something about throwing himself off of a roof, instead turning his head to stare out of the window again. He was already wanting the day to be over with, the headache he had predicted seemed much more likely to happen now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu Character Portrait: Rosalina Oria
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0.00 INK


Some people prefer the morning, for some the night. Rose is the special breed that enjoys both. With her energy levels, there doesn't seem to be a difference between the two.

The sound of bells was drowned out by Rose's much louder inner thoughts. She was awake before the chimes, but her lengthy morning routine seems to always make her late. The start of her morning always began on the balcony. Whilst standing on the patio, she would first breath in and yell. "What a wonderful day it is!" She seemed to be the real bell.

After she was met with the many groans of the student body, she would first do a morning jog. After a few laps around the campus, she would do a a small workout with 150 push-ups, 150 sit-ups and 150 squats. A 5 km run, then she would spend some time in the bathroom to actually get ready.

A shower after her time outside, and grooming her hair. The only time she spent on her face was to her eyelashes and the major culprit to her tardiness is usually finding what to wear. After 20 minutes of arguing against herself, she decided on the black sweater alongside the leggings. She needed her red, so a red ribbon was chosen, the only question was where to tie it.

On her right wrist or left wrist? That was the question. If it was on her right, it would cover the space she usually uses to write her homework. If it was on the left, it would make it a bit more difficult to write. Questions, questions. Either way, due to how carefree she is, it might just fall off without her noticing. With careful contemplation, she decided to wear two ribbons on both wrists. It's a bit counter-intuitive, but when faced with a dilemma, instead of having to make a hard choice, why not do both?
Only if she decided on this 30 minutes ago.

Rose always liked the sun better. Even if the cool air was more of a preference by others, this time of year never was her favorite. She never liked having to wear more layers just to feel comfortable and more people seem to stay inside. She wanted to meet people!

The walk to the classroom was rather quick. She wasn't as late as usual, but she still wanted to get to class on time for once. Most of the people were lining up outside, good thing the teacher was late. The class was Power and Ability control. For Rose, she could use it due to her doing more physical training than ability training. Everyone was a familiar face, she waved every person in line hello, while walking towards Nao. She was going to stand in line with her friend until she caught a glimpse of a rather stoic boy staring out the window. Without thinking, she marched towards him.

"You! You haven't accepted my friendship yet! We are hanging out right after school! I'll drag you if I have to."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu Character Portrait: Rosalina Oria Character Portrait: Kaoru Sakurano
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0.00 INK

TIME ☼ 7:00 AM ☼
LOCATION ❣ School Building ❣
MUSICCan't Sleep - K.Flay

By the time she got to her Power and Ability Control class, Kaoru was basically a zombie. She hadn't been able to find any coffee and the fatigue was weighing on her. She was nervous too, and her nerves were only making her more tired. The class was about controlling your abilities. She was going to have to use her power. The thought scared her to no end. Furthermore, she would be in a class with a bunch of other people. If she transformed, she might hurt someone. She didn't want the highlight of her first day to be causing grievous bodily harm to both herself and someone else.

Maybe if she explained to her teacher that if I actually use my powers I'll probably make everybody throw up and possibly kill someone no big deal, they would let her sit out and she could get some more sleep. Fat chance.

She tried to push the dread out of her mind when she reached the rest of the class, stuffing her phone and headphones into her backpack. She sat down on the ground with her arms resting on her knees and watched everyone else. She figured she might as well not bother trying to make a good first impression. It didn't really matter when that impression was going to be immediately shattered when her bones burst through her skin in a huge bloody mess and she went completely psycho-bonkers-crazy and then passed out.

Seeing that the teacher was late, she lowered her head onto her arms. She tried to sleep, but her nerves wouldn't let her, leaving her impossibly tired but unable to doze off. She just kept trying to relieve some of the tension in her gut while waiting for class to start.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu Character Portrait: Rosalina Oria Character Portrait: Kaoru Sakurano
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0.00 INK

Kasahara Kosei
LOCATION ║ School Building
DATE ║ Monday, Sept. 11th, 2023


Well, he definitely hadn't been the first person to arrive at the school's building. People were already lined up around the door, some already sitting inside, waiting for class to start. It seemed the teacher hadn't arrived yet, which Kosei was fine with. Especially when he looked up at the time, and realized he was fifteen minutes late. How lucky to have the teacher late so he wouldn't have to be marked as tardy on the first day.

Letting out a quiet sigh, he began to move into the class, squeezing past several students who were crowded around the door, blocking the entrance, and then letting out a sigh as he moved to sit down at a desk he was just going to say was his for the day. It was near the back, but in the middle, which he found was a good, comfortable spot.

Looking around, he could see all different students. Some looked excited, some nervous, one looked particularly embarrassed like he'd just said something awful, and one girl was being quite loud, yelling about accepting friendship with a boy by the window who looked like he was...well, he couldn't really tell. It didn't look like he felt anything actually, and if he did, he could only imagine it was annoyance.

As the students from outside of the classroom began to shuffle in and take their seats, it was clear that their teacher had arrived. No later did he actually come in, wearing a rather nice looking suit and tie, and he moved towards the front, clearing his throat once to let those know who were still talking that he had arrived. He waited silently for a moment, before the noise of the class died down, and finally he nodded, letting out a quiet sigh, and then offering a small smile to them all. The man was rather tall, with red hair and strange, sharp yellow eyes. He seemed to be looking over his new class in that moment, as if he could tell who would be the troublemakers causing him problems.

"Welcome, students," he suddenly began, snatching back all of the students attention, "to your first day at the academy. I hope you've had a good enough start here, and I can tell some of you have already made some friends. Of course, this class isn't exactly about socializing, so save that for later. He turned towards the board then, and began to write down his name, neatly as he could. "My name is Takahiko Nakajima, but please just call me Mr. Nakajima. I'm your teacher for Power and Ability Control. The name basically explains what this class is about: learning to control your powers, as one of the Awakened. Now, this class is all first years, so each of you will be on the same level, or at least most should be, in controlling each of your abilities, so we'll all be starting at the very beginning. Believe me, this class won't be easy, and some of you may seem catch on faster than others, but by the time we're finished, you all should at least be able to use your newfound abilities quite a bit better.

Kosei wasn't entirely sure how he felt about this class being the first thing in his day. Trying to use his powers, in front of the others? So much could go wrong with that. He had hardly used his abilities before coming to this place...he didn't even have a basic understanding of how to use or keep control over the electricity stored inside of him. What if he released too much? Or if there was water around... But, this is just the first day, they won't make us use our abilities too much, right? I don't know...if I'm up for this.

Mr. Nakajima continued on, moving closer to the front row of students, and then scanned the class again. "Now, I'm sure most of you have figured this out by now, but this place is much too small for us to actually have our class in. That being so, we're not going to have our class here for the most part. Instead, we'll be having it down at the sports facilities in the field, where we have plenty of room to try out things without having to worry about destroying the school building." He turned to the door. "We'll be heading there shortly, as well, after I explain several things. First of all, you'll all be changing into the school PE uniform, which includes a white t-shirt and black shorts of different lengths or pants. Those will be provided for you down at the sports facilities, and you'll have to change into them there, in the changing rooms. Don't worry, these don't cost anything on you kids, because they're constantly being destroyed and need to be replaced after 'accidents.' Be sure to be fast about that as well, because I'd like to get started as soon as possible."

"The second thing is, there's usually some kind of academy guard "wandering around" while this class and the Power and Ability Use class is going on, so be sure to be on your best behavior and try not to get into any fights. I'd rather not have them get involved."

The guards. Kosei had only heard bad rumors about them in his short time here. Some claimed that they were all anti-awakened, and were constantly looking for a chance to attack and harm the students, or "get involved" with them if any fights or the such were to break out. So, it was clear they weren't particularly liked, and it even seemed like his teacher wasn't all too fond of them either.

Of course, he wouldn't try to hold any negative feelings against them until he knew for himself...but that was quite a challenge after hearing all of that.

"Now, third, I'd like to try and make this first class as injury free as possible. Of course, I can't expect that completely, but I don't want anyone trying too hard to use their powers, because I've already had classes where that goes out of control, and ended up having to send more than just the careless students off to the medical office. Do your best to keep it under control, and if it feels like something might go wrong, stop yourself as soon as you can." He crossed his arms for a moment, trying to think, and then nodded. "Alright, that's all I can think of. If anything else comes up, I'll talk to you all about it down at our class. You're dismissed to head for the field."

Kosei sat where he was for a moment as the other students began to get up, and then finally, he stood from his seat, lifting up his bag from the ground and then forcing himself through the crowd so he wasn't the last person out. He glanced around the class, wondering what each of their abilities were, but decided to not think about it too much. He'd find out soon enough anyways.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kestrel

This is adorable. Nao thought as she hid her smile behind her hand. This awkward mistake was a silly but welcome distraction from the worries in her head.

“I can't have you dying now. Not when Ito Nao is about to start,” She teased impishly, “Nice to meet you, my name is class.” Nao offered a short bow alongside the unusual introductions. Truth to be told, she knew little about typical schoolboy schoolgirl interactions, but she could keep it a little playful, couldn't she?

“Are they yours, Alfred?” Nao motioned to the silver metallic blobs laying flattened on the ground. “It's quite unlike anything I've seen before.”

After a short conversation, the teacher arrived and Nao excused herself before the doors opened. No seats had been assigned to her knowledge, but while Alfred had put a little shoulder under her spirits, appearances were still on Nao's mind. It seemed like she wasn't the only one trying to impress the teacher, as the front row was quickly being filled. Nao picked the first seat she could get her black skirt on... Which was by now the one by the window. Unfortunate. She thought, though she was certain a number of students would disagree. Still, as long as Nao managed to avoid the temptation to stare outside...

Her worries proved unfounded when their teacher, mister Nakajima, announced the class would take place at the sports facility. Nao wondered what the purpose was of having them come to class first. She'd been mentally preparing herself for a long-winded lecture about responsibility to kick off the course, but if they were moving to practice right away, was a classroom really necessary for two minutes of speech. Or was it that the academy itself was also concerned with it's presentation? Their teacher for the course certainly seemed to be, with a suit that made it hard for Nao to differentiate between his identity as a teacher and a potential client she could have contracted in the past.

When the class was sent to the sports facilities and it's even plainer dress code, Nao was on the look-out for Alfred to continue their conversation earlier. He shouldn't be that hard to spot... Not with those orbs following his every move. Surely he wouldn't really have gone wireless bungee jumping.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu
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0.00 INK

Alfred Komatsu
Location || Classroom: Power and Ability Control
Current Time || 7:15 AM
Date || Monday, Sept. 11th, 2023

#029729 || #002BD9

Well the initial introduction to Nao didn’t go as badly as Al thought it could have been, considering she laughed at his mix up. Better than confused and awkward Alfred thought to himself as she playfully mocked at his mistake, intentionally doing it herself to ease the tension. Alfred breathed an inward sigh of relief at that, he had no qualms playing the fool he just didn’t like it being the very first thing people saw him as. She asked about his angels, and almost at her words they picked themselves up from the floor and wandered closer although the rippling effect was still happening across their bodies. Calm down, now is not the time to be having a fit. Alfred commanded to his angels, and while it took a couple seconds for them to acknowledge him, they did so but the sense of frustration and begrudging acceptance was felt clearly.

”Yep, they’re mine. My angels, one and all of them. He held out a hand and one of the orbs came closer and enveloped the arm in a metal casing. ”They’re useful, if somewhat annoying at times.” Alfred smiled, watching as the metal on his arm rippled once more with the distinct feeling of irritation. He laughed inwardly, petting his arm slightly to get the metal to calm down. It was definitely a weird interaction, like he was petting himself but until people got to know him better and what his ability was capable of, that was simply something he was going to have to deal with. It wasn’t long after a short conversation with Nao that the teacher showed up and lead them into their classroom.

Alfred wasn’t too worried about seating, he waited a few moments and allowed people who had a preferred seat to grab it before managing to snag one that was relatively in the middle of everyone. His orbs naturally tried to hover around him, but a quick mental order had them drop to the floor and roll under his desk to stop obscuring the views of the people around him. He spared a quick glance around the room at the people in it, smiling when eye contact was made. He was simply trying to remember faces and names if he had them. Before long, the teacher started talking and relaying the orders. Alfred dug into his pack and pulled out a notebook to make some notes as the teacher was talking. He summarized the rules on the index page, a semi-reminder just in case something slipped past his memory. For the moment, there only really seemed to be 2 rules that Alfred wrote into his book.

1) Thou shalt not fight on school grounds lest thy face be broken by guard’s fist.
2) Thou shalt not injure students during Power and Ability Control class lest the wish is to be considered dangerous.

Alfred took a moment to consider these two points and found himself worrying slightly. He didn’t know what it was like for the other students, but for him it might be harder than he would like to stick to those thoughts. Even if he was knocked out, his ‘ability’ wouldn’t stop, if anything it would react according to their own whims without any direction from Alfred, which would prove to be incredibly dangerous to the person who did that to him. He sat in his chair, his hand on his chin and his pen tapping away at the desk lightly. He had tried to consider other options, like giving them a permanent standing order but it seemed like they didn’t remember much in the way of orders from more than a day ago. He had to constantly remind them or order them around in order to do things. Granted, he did have to admit that they were a lot less aggressive now, but he had a feeling that had to do more with his eventual taming of his own emotions than anything else. A power that could be given directions based off of emotional impulses was a dangerous thing to the user and the people around him.

Alfred was broken from his revelry when the class started moving to head down to the sports area, so he shoved his book back into his bag and stood up. Immediately his angels were hovering slightly behind him and above his head. Before he knew it, he was being dragged along with the rest of the class who seemed to either be anxious or nervous to start, maybe a couple were indifferent or excited but he couldn’t see any. He kept an eye out for Nao, but in the rush to get to the sports field, he lost track of her. Regardless, he would see her again without a doubt so for the moment he allowed himself to be dragged along with everyone else towards what should be an interesting class as his angels bobbed happily behind him.

The gym clothes they were given were nothing fancy, easily replaceable articles of clothing. Having grabbed the clothes from a requisitions area near the sports field on their way in, the boys and girls were naturally separated into their own locker rooms to get changed. Alfred made his way inside, his angels floating up and seeming to ‘sit’ on top of the lockers. He looked at the lock he had been given in order to protect his belongings, ripping the code off the back and holding it up to one of the angels, who immediately absorbed it for safe keeping. He unlocked it and looked around. People were already grabbing lockers and getting changed. So he just grabbed the closest one he could get to, and opened the locker next to a blonde spiky haired kid who looked like he was doing his best to shrink away from the eyes of everyone else. Alfred began changing, tossing them in the locker as he did so.

“Nervous?” Alfred asked, looking over at the kid. “If ya are, it’s nothing to worry about.” Alfred stated with a bit of levity. “This place is secure and focused on teaching us not only how to deal with our powers, but everything that a normal school should also include. If it’s your power you’re worried about, I say partner up with me and I’ll take on whatever you can dish out.” Alfred finished dressing down into his gym clothes and closed his locker door. His angels immediately took up a position behind him. “Or, if you’re shy or don’t know anyone here, let me fix that.” Alfred held out a hand to him.

“I’m Alfred Komatsu, known to one as ‘Morning’.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kaoru Sakurano
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kestrel

For having three silver footballs floating behind him, Alfred sure managed to hide well from Nao's view. Maybe he took a different path, she thought to herself, as Nao tried to mentally map the school grounds to think of how Alfred could have possibly walked. Or perhaps it was she, who took the odd route. Nao sighed inwardly, it was so nice to have had a light-hearted conversation. She hadn't had one in ages.

The changing rooms at the sports facilities were awfully full of talk for a first day. Most these students had either just met or supposedly known each other for a few days, right? Nao wondered, as she traded in her uniform for the gym clothes she internally dub as ugly duckling skin. At least she could have worked with the uniform a little, but now she just looked the same as every other girl in the room, add or subtract a few pieces of clothing.

Nao politely exchanged small talk with some of the other girls – it was a breather to learn she wasn't the only one who had an aversion to their duckling skins, before leaving for the field. The pleasantries had taken up more time than she had liked, but she couldn't quite ignore the changing room social etiquette on her first day. Nao just prayed their teacher hadn't been watching the clock as much as she had thought about it. Being a normal schoolgirl and good student was hard. She entered the field, slightly lagging behind the girls she had just been talking to, when her eyes were drawn to a trembling pink-haired student. Her expression seemed as if a dentist had used articaine for her entire face. Was she sick? Well, whatever it was, it would be quite unbecoming to ignore her now that Nao had looked her way.

“Excuse me, are you alright?” Nao turned around and walked up to the girl. “You seem a little unwell, here, let me help you,” She wove herself under the pink-haired girl's shoulder before he fellow student could even protest. It was a little bold for Nao to do so, but she also didn't want to arrive any later than she already was. “Come on. It's just a few steps from here.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kaoru Sakurano
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0.00 INK

TIME ☼ 7:30 AM ☼
LOCATION ❣ Sports Facilities ❣
MUSICLittle Pistol - Mother Mother

By the time Kaoru had finished changing, she was starting to feel a little faint. Whether it was from her exhaustion or her rapidly beating heart, she had no idea. Even if she got to sit out during this class, she would have to use her power eventually. She thought about when she couldn't control her transformations. The pain was unbearable, and what came after was even worse. She would give anything to never have to experience that again.

Just as she started to feel her eyes filling with tears, she noticed someone asking if she was okay. She turned towards the girl, and found herself leaning on the stranger's shoulder.

Grateful for the help, she mumbled, "Thanks. I'm alright, though. Just... tired."

Once they got to the field, she sat down on the ground and groaned into her hands.

"Do you have any idea of, like, what to do if your power is literally the worst thing ever?"

She dropped her hands from her face and looked up at the girl. Oh no. She was really pretty. Kaoru was never very good at talking to cute girls. In her distressed state, she was even more likely to embarrass herself.

"Um, nice to meet you, by the way. My name's Kaoru."

She really hoped the girl didn't notice the redness in her cheeks.

I found brimstone in my garden

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu Character Portrait: Kaoru Sakurano
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#, as written by Kestrel

“Nice to meet you, my name is Ito Nao.” Nao introduced herself, with a slight formal bow, before she sat down next to Kaoru. “A girl who teleports herself and everything she touches all over the place is a lot of trouble.” Nao first answered the girl's concerns, recalling her own youth. “Back then I didn't have much control over my abilities. When I had to do the dishes, I'd hear them shatter in the other room before I even scrubbed the food off of them. There was this one time I sneezed and ended up in a telephone pole. It was quite difficult to explain to the fire department how I got up there.”

She smiled softly, though her story was interrupted by their ability control teacher's instructions. Nao calmly listened to mister Nakajima explain the house rules. Nao hadn't judged the man to use rough and tumble teaching methods, even if she herself didn't exactly object to them. Well, appearances weren't always all, but still, she was coloured a little surprised.

When mister Nakajima was finished, the other students were already standing up to look for a partner. She'd finally found Alfred, but it seemed he had already made another, spiky-haired friend. Nao didn't quite expect Kaoru to take that kind of initiative, she still seemed – what did she call it - tired? Nao scooped closer to the girl, noticing a slight blush. Nothing she hadn't already dealt today, Nao noted. She stretched and crossed her legs in front of her, watching their fellow students picking a spot in the field.

“Sometimes, it takes someone else to believe in you, to believe in yourself.” Nao mused and put her hand on Kaoru's, “Kaoru, I'll be your partner today.” Nao stood up and pulled on Kaoru's wrist to get her up on her feet. Perhaps she didn't have as much faith in Kaoru as Nao wanted her to believe, but Nao was confident enough in her own ability to feel safe regardless. An unwavering image, in her smile and eyes, easily mistaken for blind trust.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao
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Nakana Nao & Lucien Ashford

Dialogue Color – #3b0000 | Thought Color – #5c2020 & Dialogue Color – #C5612A | Thought Color – #C5992A

As the last few stragglers emerged from the changing rooms, the teacher started listing off a load of rules for the class. As most of these were essentially repeats of what was mentioned in class, Lucien didn't exactly pay attention, though he supposed it was for the benefit of those who hadn't been listening the first time around.

He did, however, pay attention at the mention of guards, yellow eyes flickering briefly in their direction, assessing them before dismissing the pair for now. If it became necessary he would observe them again. Until such a time came he was perfectly content to ignore their existence.

As he refocused on the teacher, he found that the man had finished with his rules for the time being, and a quick glance over his fellow students found that they were pairing up. It wasn't something he was keen to do himself, but Lucien knew that refusing would likely mean more attention focused in his direction. And attention usually came with questions, and worse, emotions.

And so, with a slight frown tugging at his lips, he started to see if he could spot anyone who had yet to be paired up. Although with where he was stood it was perhaps more difficult than he would like. Perhaps leaning against the wall wasn't such a good idea?

"Looks like we're the last ones left." Nao spoke up. She'd seen the young man lean against the wall and after Kaoru appeared to have different plans for the lesson, it was just the two of them who remained unpaired.

"Ito Nao," She introduced herself with a short bow. "Pleased to meet you." As Nao looked towards the field, scanning for a remaining free spot.

"Now then, shall we?" She asked the moment she found one, beckoning the young man to follow her. Surely she wouldn't be rejected by two wallflowers in a row.

Lucien blinked a couple of times as someone spoke up next to him. It seemed like he wouldn't have to find a partner after all, someone had decided to drag him into this instead. He nodded at her introduction, replying with a curt "Lucien Ashford." With any luck they wouldn't have to stick with partners beyond this first class, so he didn't particularly see the need to be polite.

Still, Nao seemed to find a clear area quickly enough, so as she gestured for him to follow he did so. As the pair walked, he idly wondered how he was supposed to demonstrate his ability to their teacher, it wasn't as if it was an obvious one after all. No one else could see the emotions he could sense. Maybe he would just point out what everyone else was currently feeling? Deep in his thoughts as he was, he barely noticed when they reached the clear space Nao was leading him to, snapping out of it just in time to prevent himself from walking into her.

Though Lucien had accepted, he didn't look very motivated to Nao. She raised a brow when her new partner almost walked into her, then bit her tongue to prevent herself from thinking aloud your power isn't one of observation, is it? She couldn't let that one slip her first day.

Nao put some space between herself and the boy, before turning to Lucien and slighting another bow. "Whenever you're ready," she beckoned him to come at her, as she bent her knees and assumed her stance.

Watching as Nao assumed a ready stance, Lucien merely tilted his head to the side as he observed her. To those who looked at her, she appeared calm and indifferent, but Lucien could feel slight annoyance radiating from her, and for some reason it seemed directed at him.

His hands curled into loose fists at his side as he pondered what to do first, attacking while her ability was unknown perhaps wasn't a good idea, and with his own ability lacking much combat prowess at that moment in time it left him at a disadvantage.

But it seemed that for now, attacking was his only course of action. Thus, after lightly bouncing in place a couple of times, he took the few strides he needed to cross the distance to Nao, aiming a punch at Nao's stomach. Of course, as he did this he couldn't resist asking a simple question. "You're annoyed at me. Why?"

"Trying to catch me off-guard?" Nao took a step back. Lucien had, of course, but he should have asked his question before winding up his punch. "What else can you tell about me?" She asked, shuffling back within boxing range to throw a high jab.

"I startled you," was his bland response as he stepped to the side to avoid Nao's strike. "And if anything, I have annoyed you more now." He span to face Nao, locking down his emotions to nothing as he tried to find something of hers to latch on to. Both annoyance and surprise were interesting emotions, but neither of them would be of much use just yet, unless he wanted to turn that annoyance into a full-out rage. And that was something he had no desire to bring upon himself.

Now at Nao's side, he swung out with a kick as he turned over the idea of perhaps lowering the annoyance. Although a calm opponent could be dangerous too.

"Perhaps," Nao acknowledged, piecing together her sparring partner's game plan. As he wound up for a kick, Nao edged in copying Lucien's earlier attempt to gut her, as she balled her fist and let it fly straight towards his stomach.

Seeing as his kick had clearly missed and Nao was using his first attack against him, Lucien barely had time to react. Planting his leg on the floor to try and stay balanced, though didn't manage to raise his arms in time to block the attack. Air driven harshly from his lungs, he hissed ever so slightly from the force behind the punch as he stumbled back several steps, barely staying on his feet.

"Is it working out for you?" Nao continued her earlier sentence, as she reverted to her earlier fighting stance. Arms raised, knees slightly bent, she witnessed the impact of her blows - both verbal and physical. "Mister Nakajima wishes to assess the control we have over our abilities, I believe." Nao deliberated. "Is there anything else you would like to try?"

Lucien took in a deep breath, steadying himself before a bland smile and equally dull laugh surfaced. "And yet you're the one who still has to demonstrate some of their ability." There wasn't much of Nao's emotions for him to work with at that particular moment in time. But the second the last word left his lips, Lucien latched onto what annoyance he could feel from Nao, intending to increase the intensity of that emotion. Perhaps she would shrug it off, but there was always the chance she would express that anger, and that was what he was aiming for. And if she demonstrated her ability as well? Well that information could potentially prove useful in the future.

Lucien's laugh was about as heartening as that of a man realising he'd drank himself into the gutter. Nothing she hadn't seen before, Nao thought, but why was this boy's empty smirk this irksome? Lucien could tell she was frustrated, but Nao did not understand how. She was more than a little tempted to slap it off of his face.

"You're right." Nao said, mirroring the ice in Lucien's eyes. She balled her fists and stepped forward; taking long confident strides towards Lucien. "Do you want to see?" She spoke plainly, pacing steadily forward. Nao knew he could feel her frustration. She knew he tried to make her do something rash and for a moment, she would let Lucien think he won. Nearing striking distance, she wound up her arm for a strike, staring Lucien dead in the eye.

"Watch." She said, as Nao planted her foot firmly and swung her fist straight towards Lucien's face - but before it would even hit, in front of Lucien there was naught but a trail of red and black smoke. Nao had completely vanished from his sight.

He was expecting some sort of reaction, although not quite in this form. He could tell that she was frustrated, although how much of that had been caused by his ability wasn't something he could determine just then. As she threw the punch at his face, Lucien raised an arm to block the strike, only for it to not connect. Instead, he soon felt an arm wrap around his neck.

Had she still been in front of him, Nao would have seen the brief look of surprise that flickered across his face as red and black smoke was left where she was stood mere moments previously. Although he didn't have much time to contemplate this as her arm wrapped around his neck. 'So that's her ability.' Was his only thought as the hold broke his concentration and allowed Nao's emotions to slip back under her own control.

"Submit." She stated coldly, pressing her forearm against Lucien's throat, planting her elbow in his shoulder to force Lucien to buckle. She hated to admit it, but her chokehold felt satisfying. Just a little... And that gratification quickly ebbed away.

Well, her ability had been demonstrated now. Hopefully that would be enough to satisfy their teacher. With one arm cutting off some of his air supply and another digging into his shoulder he certainly felt slightly uncomfortable. A dry chuckle was his reply, although he followed that up with words. "Sure, whatever." Perhaps she would let him go before he passed out? Although it seemed as if she was enjoying this too much for that to happen straight away.

She loosened her grip to let Lucien breathe, before releasing him completely. Her muscles still tingled, but the desire to force him to his knees had left her. "What in the world..." Nao muttered to herself, as her eyes wandered the fields in search of mister Nakajima. She could clearly remember her frustration, but as she watched Lucien grasp for air, Nao couldn't tell for the life of her why she'd go that far...

As Nao released him, Lucien let himself sink to his knees as he caught his breath for the second time in their little spar. Behind him, he could feel Nao's confusion. Rage, he decided, was an emotion that he wouldn't mind influencing again, although perhaps it would be best to wait until it was already directed at his opponents. His stomach, neck and shoulder were sore, and it wouldn't be much of a surprise if bruises formed there. Thinking back on her ability, he swiftly decided that Nao was someone he didn't want to push past boiling point, ever. Especially if he was the one she was facing. Next time he might end up far worse off. Although the confusion she was feeling currently could be just as interesting to push at in the future.

With his breathing back under control, Lucien pushed himself back up into a standing position, gaze sweeping briefly over the other students in search of their teacher before looking back at Nao. Idly he wondered if she had figured out his ability yet, but if not, well he was hardly about to give that away so soon.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu
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Kasahara Kosei
LOCATION ║ Sports Facilities, Field
DATE ║ Monday, Sept. 11th, 2023



It seemed as though Nakajima had been watching them for a while, though a little ways away, as once they'd finished he almost immediately spoke up, while also scribbling down several notes and a couple other things before finally looking up at the two of them.

"Well done, the both of you." He said, tucking the board and the thick notebook of paper underneath his arm, and then crossing them as he looked between the two. "I was going to ask you to stop, but it seems you both knew it was time. Anyways, you're the last ones I believe, so let's go ahead and move over to where everyone else is waiting, shall we? Then we can finish up this class, and you'll have some free time to relax and clean yourselves up." He nodded, and then turned around and began the short walk back to the area with the dressing rooms.


Kosei stood quietly over by the classes designated meeting area, shifting around on his feet for a moment as he tried to calm himself down after what had happened. While Alfred had been forgiving and hadn't seemed to have any kind of reaction that Kosei had expected from him after hitting him so badly with an attack, he couldn't help but feel awful. His chest felt heavy, like there was some kind of weight on it, and the more he thought about it, the worse his head hurt, and his stomach churned. Had he really done that? After being so careful...

A quiet, but heavy sigh escaped through Kosei's mouth as he closed his eyes for a moment, trying to calm himself. It would be okay, Alfred seemed to be okay, and he didn't seem to be upset about it, but...

"Well done with your abilites, everyone! I'm quite impressed with this class. You all seemed to handle it pretty well, other than...a pair that went a bit overboard." He glanced to the left at a male, who's face had been dyed a deep red as others turned to look at him...though his partner seemed to be missing.

"But besides that!" Mr. Nakajima quickly said, calling back everyone's attention and sparing the embarrassed student from suffering any longer. "I'll be looking through the notes I took, and see what I can do to help all of you as we start off this new year and figure out how we're going to keep you powers under control, so you can perhaps use them properly and for good reasons as you get older." He waved the clipboard in front of everyone for a moment, before sticking it back under his arm and then looking down at a watch on his wrist.

"There's not much else I can say, other than you did well, and I think that this will be a good class. So good luck everyone." He said, before turning his back towards them. "You are dismissed to get changed back into your normal clothes, and head to your next class, though class won't actually be out for a little while longer. I'll see you all tomorrow, dressed and ready once I arrive here."

Kosei watched as he began to walk away, heading back towards the academy building, perhaps to prepare for his next class, and Kosei quickly began making way over to the dressing rooms, like all the others. Thank god it's finally over...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu
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#, as written by Kestrel

Well done? Nao asked herself, puzzled by their teacher's assessment. He must be joking. She thought, putting her hand on her hip as she listened to Nakajima. Nothing about threatening to squeeze the breath out of a fellow student Nao could interpret as worth a compliment. Nonetheless she made a slight bow and offered her thanks. She considered helping Lucien up, but the boy had already gotten back on his feet by his own accord and lost in thought again.

Even as the class was being dismissed – Thanks goodness she could finally change out of her duckling skin – Nao couldn't quite put her mind to rest. What about the boy had provoked her to lose control? Had they met before? Nao couldn't put her finger on it. When she thought about it, Lucien was far too passive to be insufferable. He didn't even seem to flinch much when his air was being cut off. Either Lucien had felt in control of the entire exercise or he had a long history of violence and torture. That guy was not normal by any stretch of the word...

Nao wasn't deep enough in thought to – finally – get a hold of Alfred. She sure could use the distraction. “You look like you had quite the work out.” Nao commented when she peeked behind Alfred to see three angel-sized patches of scorched grass. So that was fire she smelled. Well, that was a topic if any, and there was some time before their next class.

“Could you use a drink, Morning?”

"This is the part where I never live down our first meeting, isn't it? Alfred stated, rubbing the back of his head slightly with a sheepish smile. The smile faltered a slight bit as he seemed to glance back looking for someone. "Sure, I wouldn't mind a drink, but could you wait for just a minute? I'll be right back."

“I suppose.” Nao raised an eyebrow, wondering what his business was. Alfred took off at a light jog back towards the dressing room, stopping at the blonde haired kid he had been paired up with during the class. He stood there for a moment, their conversation out of earshot. Alfred placed a hand on the kid's shoulder, giving a light clap on it before jogging back towards Nao.

"Sorry, just had some business to finish up. What you feel like?"

“A change of clothes, to start with.” Nao smiled. Really the plain white shirt and shorts were sucking the soul out of her. “A friend?” Nao asked, nodding to the spiky-haired blonde. Alfred glanced back at the kid, giving a half smile as he did so.

"If I have my way, then yes. Looks like he could use one." Alfred then gave a look down at his own gym clothes, covered in more than a little bit of sweat. "And yeah, guess we should change out of these things first. Kosei gave me a run for my money today." Alfred peered up from his clothes. "So change and meet back out here, sound good?"

“You didn't tell me you were a mind-reader.” Nao placed a hand on her hip, “See you in a minute.” She flipped her hair as she threaded her way back to the changing room. Surely Nao was still worth watching walk, even in the duckling skin.

"..O...ok." Alfred more or less stammered, before the sounds of a muffled surprise cry seemed to come from him. Sparing a glance back, Nao could see that one of his 'Angels' had covered his face and was dragging him back towards the boys' changing room. She had to smother a giggle in the palm of her hand.

Nao didn't spend quite as much time on the changing room etiquette as she had before the lesson, content to smile and nod as the other girls exchanged their first experiences. She briefly examined the room for Kaoru, but the girl wasn't there. In the back of her head, courtesy demanded she'd ask if anyone knew what the pink-haired girl had wandered off to, but courtesy could wait. There was only so much time before the term Ability Use.

When she made it out of the changing room, Alfred wasn't there yet. Late? Nao wondered as she straightened her skirt. She had figured she was the girl between the two. Suddenly three floating silver orbs, Alfred's Angels, came floating rather quickly out of the boy's changeroom. They seemed to be surveying their surroundings for a moment before darting over to Nao, hovering mere inches from her face as they seemed to ripple and change shape on a whim. Are they analysing me? Nao thought, as the Angels seemed to be trying to determine who she was or what she was like. Well this isn't creepy at all. Nao crossed her arms as she glared at the floating metal balls.

"Hey! Stop that, get away from her!" Alfred stated in firm tone like a father reprimanding his children. Almost immediately they withdrew to float behind Alfred's head. "You know better than that, c'mon!" Alfred walked forward slightly. "Sorry, they're naturally curious about pretty much everything. Where to?"

“Angels, you called them?” Nao bit her tongue, staring down each orb as they retreated. Nao did her best to hide the disgust in her voice, but her eyes alone were enough to make the orbs ripple like it was raining on them.

“The school cafeteria,” Nao walked ahead at an easy pace, facing away from Alfred a second to take a deep breath. It's not a big deal. She sighed inwardly, but being sniffed out wasn't exactly Nao's idea of a proper introduction.

“What happened during your exercise, Alfred?” Nao shifted gears to a more pleasant tone, “I thought I smelled fire.”

"Oh yeah, that would be my brain." Alfred stated as if that wasn't a completely alarming statement. "Apparently Kosei, the guy I was paired with, is capable of outputting a ton of electricity or something. That tends to suck when you have giant floating metal balls that are connected to you through a mental link." Alfred stated as he continued to walk. One of the balls landed on his shoulder and pretended to melt, covering a good portion of him in silvery liquid. He didn't seem to register what it was doing at all, but Nao couldn't help but frown at the Angel's odd habits.

"So, trying to put Kosei through the paces and see what he was capable of, I got one hell of a..." Alfred peered over at Nao with a mischievous look on his face. "Shock."

The corners of Nao's mouth curled. “That's awful.” Her words contrasted her expression, Alfred's smile only got wider as he continued, revelling in his own pun.

"But yeah, that was my bout with the human battery. What about you?" Alfred peered over, his orbs hovering closer to him almost as if they wanted to hear the story for themselves as well.

“I wonder about that myself,” Nao mused, recalling her spar with Lucien, but she wasn't about to tell Alfred she nearly choked a guy. “Not half as electrifying as yours.” She dodged. Alfred winced and smiled, to Nao's relief.

“Looks like we're here,” Nao announced, as the cafeteria wing came in sight. Hardly fit for any lunch occasion, Nao thought, but unless they wanted to leave campus, it would have to do. “I believe I offered you a drink, what can I get you?” Nao asked, as the pair walked up to the entrance.

"Nah, don't worry about it, I'll grab them. Why don't you find us a seat?" Alfred asked, walking ahead of Nao slightly. "Chocolate milk is generally a good drink right after a workout. Sound good?"

“Tea, please. Green if they have.” Nao intervened. Chocolate or milk, just weren't for her. For a second, her thoughts wandered to what the girls' changing room's reaction would be to that revelation.

During classes, the cafeteria was practically empty. It wasn't so much finding a seat as picking one between the handful of teachers sipping their morning coffee. The window, Nao decided, was a good place to sit by, so she pulled back a chair in the middle far away from both the door and lunch-lady and waited for Alfred to join her.

Before long, Alfred was walking towards her with a chocolate milk in one hand and a plastic cup filled with tea in the other. One of his Angels floated over before he got there, planting itself on another chair as if it were a person. The other two followed suit, each grabbing a chair for themselves around their area as Alfred placed the tea in front of Nao. "One tea, colored green, as requested."

“Why thank you.” Nao nodded as Alfred took a seat across from her, taking a swig from his chocolate milk as soon as he did.

"And that is how you put out a brain fire." Alfred stated, rubbing his temple ever so slightly. After a moment of that, he looked back at Nao once more. "You never did quite tell me how your fight went? I doubt any of them were too boring to bother telling details about."

No escaping the inquisition, Nao narrated internally, as she folded her hands and studied Alfred's features. “Well,” She delayed answering and sipped her tea. “It was over very quickly. I think my opponent tried to get in my mind but...” Nao looked out of the window by her conveniently chosen seat. “I think I'm supposed to check on how he's doing.” She answered somewhat nonchalantly and took another sip of her tea. “We didn't get along as well as you did with your partner.”

Alfred's eyes didn't narrow, but they did seem to track several different things at once on Nao's face as she spoke. Once she finished, he smiled softly but it wasn't necessarily one of happiness or mirth, more of... Understanding? Alfred took a big chug out of his chocolate milk, almost like he really did need to put out a fire on his brain. "Well getting along isn't necessarily for everyone I suppose. He said with only the slightest sound of resignation. Just as fast as it appeared, it was gone again as he seemingly perked up from out of nowhere. "Did you want to go see him then? Make sure he's not passed out on a bench or crying in the bathroom somewhere?" Alfred paused, as Nao thought to herself she wouldn't mind the latter. Alfred glanced at his wrist and at the watch that was on it. "On second thought, we may want to start heading towards our next class. It's going to be starting soon."

“Same thing then.” Nao politely reflected Alfred's smile, though wanting to see Lucien wasn't exactly the way she would put it. Unlike the young man and his chocolate milk, though, she was still far from finished with her tea. She shoved her tea mug to the middle of the table and chair back, before letting her eyes wander from the campus back to Alfred's.

“Thank you, Alfred,” Nao softly ran the tips of her fingers over the back of Alfred's hand. She smiled more warmly, silently thanking him for his understanding. “-And for the tea too, but next time is my treat.” Nao stood up, making preparative to get back. “I insist.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Akiyama Shizuka Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Nova Aria Character Portrait: Natalia Elwyn Character Portrait: Abel Coelho
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Date ~ Monday, Sept. 11, 2023
Location ~ Sports Facilities → Academy Building, Classroom
Speech ~ #C5612A || Thoughts ~ #C5992A

The moment he and Nao were acknowledged by Mr. Nakajima, Lucien turned and headed for the designated meeting area without even glancing back at his sparring partner. Now that the adrenaline from the little match had vanished, he was starting to feel the emotions of everyone around him again. It seemed like he had gotten a little blind to the outside world during the fight. Something he wasn't keen to repeat.

As the teacher spoke up, Lucien wasn't ashamed to admit that he stopped paying attention, although the sudden spike of embarrassment from a red-faced student caught his attention for the briefest moment. Still, it wasn't enough to drag Lucien completely from his mental post-fight review.

Looking back he could easily see the things he had done wrong, one of them being the level he had raised Nao's annoyance too. If he faced her again in the future he would keep that in mind. Although he was hoping not to do so anytime soon.

Dragging himself from his thoughts, he blinked as he noticed that he was in the changing rooms, several other people changing back into their uniform around him. Looking down he saw that he had his own clothes in hand and set about changing into them.

Once dressed and covered to a decent level, Lucien set about unwinding the bandages from his arms. For now his shirt and jumper would cover the scars, and the material was still in a good enough condition to reuse if needed. Now completely ready, Lucien shoved the sports clothes into his locker, closing and locking the door to it afterwards.

As Lucien went to leave the changing rooms, he caught a glimpse of a pale bruise forming around his neck. It seemed Nao had used a tighter grip on his neck than he thought. He shrugged it off for now, however. If it ended up showing more later in the day then he might take the time to wrap something around it. Either way, until it was gone it would serve a reminder to not be so careless in the future.

Finally exiting the changing rooms and getting away from the emotions of his classmates, Lucien headed in the direction of his next class. Not particularly looking forward to this one either. Now he would be stuck in a room of emotional teenagers for however long, rather than being outside where at least he could get away from them if needed.

Still, his expression betrayed none of his thoughts, and the dark-haired teen soon found himself stood outside of his next class. It still seemed to be in session when he arrived, so Lucien waited until the class finished and emptied of people before ducking in, nodding to the teacher in greeting before finding a seat in the corner of the room. Perhaps this time there wouldn't be anyone coming over to annoy him.

Date ~ Monday, Sept. 11, 2023 || Location ~ Academy Building, Office
Speech ~ #FF0000 || Thoughts ~ #00ECFF

Nova perked up as her sister mentioned something about a hiking trip. 'A trip? I might be able to go this time?' That thought soon had a wide grin threatening to split the white-haired teen's face. Nova's counseling session had clashed with the last trip and she'd had to stay behind and talk about weird stuff to the doctor while everyone else was out having fun. It wasn't fair! But, maybe she could go if there was one?

With her thoughts floating around about a trip outside, Nova barely noticed the receptionist calling out their names, although she did see the paper get put on the desk in the reflection. Red eyes squinted a little as she tried to read her timetable without actually going over to pick it up. Although she quickly gave up on this, attention wandering back to other things. Like the forest beyond the campus grounds. The green looked pretty too! Not as pretty as red but still...

Nova waited until Natalia was distracted with the papers before opening the window, and jumping onto the ledge. The glass pane had barely opened wide enough, but the small teen managed to squeeze through and end up on the ledge the other side.

Laughing loudly, she turned to stick her tongue out at Natalia and the receptionist before sliding off the ledge, onto the ground and taking off at a run. She wanted to visit the forest now!

Date ~ Monday, Sept. 11, 2023
Location ~ Academy Building, Classroom → Hallway
Speech ~ #666999 || Thoughts ~ #A8A5A6

Thankfully Miss Maes didn't seem too annoyed at Shizuka turning up late, one look at the purple-haired girl's sickly face probably took care of any arguments the motherly teacher had. Shizuka straightened up from the bow and turned to go to her seat near the back of the class, although she was soon ducking her head as her cheeks flushed from the glances her classmates spared her.

Still, she got to her seat without further incident and took her notebook out to start taking down the notes she had missed. Although she barely had time to lift up her pen before Keiji ended up in front of her desk.

Shizuka blinked as he spoke, but by the time what he said had registered he already had her hand in his and was unwrapping the bandages, and of course the blush that had faded was now making itself known again. His comment that she would need stitches saw Shizuka frantically shake her head, but Keiji carried on by standing up and asking her to take off her clothes. 'W-What did he just say?'

With her face perhaps redder than it had been in a long time, Shizuka's breathing picked up a little as she stared up at Keiji with wide, unblinking eyes. Although this lasted all of a few seconds before one of her female classmates called the male a pervert and knocked him to the floor after a book hit his head.

Snapped out of her embarrassed daze, she listened to their teacher ask Keiji something, and his clearly flirty response. But his gesture in her direction along with the comment of her needing to get stitches and volunteering to take her to the nurse's office just saw Shizuka shake her head before shrinking in on herself as several of her classmates spotted the cut across her left palm.

Keiji's reply to Miss Maes not letting him accompany her to the nurse's office did manage to get a small smile out of Shizuka. But since she didn't really want to stay in class and her bandages were useless now that Keiji had taken him off, she quickly shoved her book and pen back into her bag before grabbing it in her right hand and hurrying out of class.

Keiji would likely be pleased to note that the blush he had provoked still lingered on her cheeks.

Out in the hallway once more, Shizuka allowed herself to breathe normally once more. It was cooler than in the classroom and the air allowed the teen to try and take control of her blushing once more, although she didn't have too much success on this front.

Once Shizuka felt more composed, she started to head in the direction of the nurse's office, although she stared at her feet to keep those few students still wandering the hallways from noticing the blush on her face. The curtain of purple that her hair provided did well enough.

As much as she wanted to forget the incident in class ever happened, Shizuka's mind wouldn't stop replaying the whole scene from the classroom. Of course, by the time it replayed for perhaps the third time, she managed to shake her head to clear it from her mind...

...And walked into someone in the process.

Stumbling backwards a couple of steps from the sudden collision, Shizuka looked up to see the dark hair and eyes of one of her classmates, Abel Coelho.

If she had to pick who she preferred over Keiji and Abel, Shizuka's answer would likely by Abel, if only because he perhaps flirted a little less than Keiji did. Still, both tended to say things that prompted her blushes and the girl was sure that one day she would pass out from the blood rushing to her face.

Blinking, Shizuka realised two things at once. One, she had been staring at Abel for a few seconds now. Two, she likely looked a sorry state. She still had an almost abnormally pale tone to her skin accompanied by slightly flushed cheeks which seemed to grow redder with each passing second. There was also her hand to consider as well, although her clenching it into a loose fist merely prompted the blood to slowly trickle between her fingers.

"Oh, um. Sorry. I'll be going now." Completely embarrassed, Shizuka looked down once more, the floor very interesting all of a sudden.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu
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Alfred Komatsu
Location || Classroom: Power and Ability Use
Date || Monday, Sept. 11th, 2023

#029729 || #002BD9

Alfred thought the day was off to a great start.

He had already made a new friend, managed to have a sit down with a beautiful woman…

If it wasn’t for the fact that he had nearly been electrically lobotomized it might have been a perfect morning. Still, there was the fact that Nao was avoiding answering him on the fight portion, of which he was still curious as to why but he understood boundaries. She was reaching out to him just as he was to her, and he didn’t want to strain the very fragile bond that was just starting to form. Her reasons for not wanting to talk about it were her own, and he had understood that. The next class was Ability and Power Use, which from Alfred’s understanding was meant as a way to limit one’s abilities and to better fit in with society at large. Alfred pondered how much use it would be to everyone, considering the wide range of abilities already on display. Alfred looked over at Nao for a moment. He still didn’t really know her aside from the fact that she had an almost regal air to her. He didn’t know what her ability was, or if it was tied to the reason she didn’t want to talk about her fight with the other classmate Lucien. Still, he was enjoying the fact that she had reached out to him at least a little. He didn’t know the problem yet, but his intuition was telling him that Nao had issues, possibly deep seated ones that she would eventually need help with. When that time came, Alfred would be there to aid her in whatever way he could.

They stopped their walk only long enough to grab their supplies for the next class, and the rest of the trip was short enough that not much conversation was necessary. When they got to the classroom, Nao’s eyes were drawn by a dark-haired boy at the far end of the class. “I suppose I better see to him before class starts.” Nao stated with lingering reluctance in her voice. “Talk to you later, Alfred.” She excused herself with a slight smile and bow, before wandering into the classroom.

“Sure thing.” Alfred said as nonchalantly as he possibly could while moving into the classroom himself. He took up a spot somewhere near the middle, most of the kids having yet to arrive to the room. The teacher was already there though, sitting behind her desk and looking completely too busy for someone who was just about to teach a class. Several documents lay littered over the desk’s surface as fingers quickly and calmly typed at what seemed a thousand words per minute. Her eyes kept darting from the papers to the computer screen, only glancing elsewhere to peer at any new students entering the room for a split second before returning to whatever it was she was doing. Soon, the bell rang signifying the start of the next class and she seemed to stop instantly. Alfred took a look around, recognizing that many of the classmates he had for the ability control were also there. Maybe they would have largely similar course loads, would make getting to know people a lot easier.

The teacher stood up from her desk, walking to the center of the chalkboard and looking at each of the students. Her gaze was inquisitive, hard but not necessarily harsh. She had a sharp beauty to her but a ring on her finger would ward off any potential suitors or eager beaver students. She turned towards the board, a small light appearing from her hand as a piece of chalk seemed to materialize into her fingers. With that chalk, she wrote her name on the board with a slight amount of flourish. “My name is Mrs. Masumi, and I will be teaching you Power and Ability use.” She turned back towards the classroom, seeming to emphasis her hand as the chalk was enveloped in a small amount of light and it retracted into her palm. An interesting way to let us know you’re an Awakened yourself ma’am. Alfred thought to himself as she continued to talk. “The purpose of this course is to manage your ability usage, to better mold yourself to societal norms, and ultimately understand your powers and yourself in such a way that interacting with…’normies’ as some of you have colorfully put it, is as easy as breathing.” She took a moment to make sure everyone understood the core concept before continuing. “This course will involve a few homework assignments over its lifespan, although most of them will be practical in nature. There will be tests and pop quizzes to make sure you are paying attention, but a lot of what I will be hoping to teach you will rely mainly on literal application of your power and discussion material as to what it means to be an Awakened in a mixed world. Any questions so far?” Alfred raised his hand, and Mrs. Masumi pointed at him. “Mr. Komatsu, correct?”

“Yes ma’am.” Alfred stated, before lowering his hand. “Assuming that this class is primarily about helping us live with our abilities in a society that doesn’t consider them commonplace or altogether natural, what about the ones who show no outward signs of their awakened status? Conversely, what about those ones who can’t necessarily hide their abilities?” Alfred felt a couple pairs of eyes on him, and undoubtedly more than a few people were muttering ‘nerd’ underneath their breath but it was question he wanted to ask since he felt he fell under the second portion of it.

“A good question Alfred.” Mrs. Masumi stated. “To be clear, this class isn’t about hiding your powers from society, but more about realizing how they can be used to contribute in a meaningful way and to limit their impact in terms of cultural feedback. Whether you display your ability much like Mr. Komatsu’s ‘Angels’ or your ability is more subtle such as Mr. Kasahara’s electrokinesis, everyone can have a positive influence on the community at large.” Mrs. Masumi started walking over to one side of the classroom. “There will be resistance, of which I’m sure most of you and even myself has felt. The fact is that people will almost always fight against change, because they have become used to the norm. They don’t want anything to be different, so they rebel.”

Mrs. Masumi’s hand reached out with surprising speed, grabbing a student’s phone out of his hand before he could say anything. With another slight flash, the phone disappeared into the palm of her hand. “You can see me after class and get it back then.” She stated in a tone so cold it could give ice chills.

“Were there any other questions?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu
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#, as written by Kestrel

Before their first lesson ability use was to kick off, there was one more thing Nao had to excuse herself to Alfred for. She'd scanned the room as she had entered and quickly found Lucien, her sparring partner from last class. Nao dropped her shoulders as she made her way to the desk in the back Lucien was sitting at. This was not a conversation she wanted to have.

“Lucien.” Nao addressed her classmate as she sat down next to him. “How are you feeling after last class?” She asked him, tilting her head and trying to make eye-contact.

Lucien turned his attention from the view of the academy grounds and locked eyes with Nao just long enough to reply with a bland “Perfect.” despite the faint bruise around his neck contradicting the statement.

“Good to hear.” Nao replied with equal lack of emotion. Lucien refocused his gaze to the the other side of the window. That the boy had no manners was old news at this point, Nao crosser her legs under her desk. She'd done her dues. If Lucien didn't want to talk, that just made it easier. Now she could free up her mind to listen to what Mrs. Masumi had to say.

Ability Use seemed to be a more conventional class so far, as far as Nao could judge. At the very least, it was a lot closer to what she understood about high-school. She raised an eyebrow as fellow students mocked Alfred under their breath for asking questions. What is wrong with that? She asked herself, while subsequently listening to Mrs. Masumi's answer.

“Mrs. Masumi,” Nao raised her hand and waited for their teacher to acknowledge her, “Could you provide us examples of contributions the awakened have made to society with their abilities.” She asked, while rendering her memory for appropriate answers. To Nao's knowledge, the majority of media attention went out to the trouble the awakened caused versus the good they did. From fundamentalist propaganda to acts of terrorism such as the infamous case of Tomimoto Taikan... And her own powers... Nao knew for sure – had not been used in ways Mrs. Masumi would deem good for society.

“Are there any public figures you wish future generations to aspire to?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu Character Portrait: Amari Chiharu
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Amari Chiharu
LOCATION ║ Power and Ability Use
DATE ║ Monday, Sept. 11th, 2023


Chiharu sat quietly near the front of the classroom, tapping her fingers against the desk in boredom as Mrs. Masumi went on with her lesson. The day had been rather uneventful so far, and perhaps wasn't her favorite. The first class had started with her having to team up with some other kid to spar off, which had ended somewhat okay, she supposed. They at least both displayed their powers well enough, with her blocking the attacks with her forcefields from the male classmate, while he attacked her with all she had. To say she wasn't exhausted from that would be a lie. It wasn't easy keeping up a forcefield and moving it around to shield herself, all while keeping the energy keeping it up strong enough so it wouldn't shatter.

So now she was sitting in the classroom, trying to keep herself awake as the woman went on about several people, answering several questions, stealing away a phone and somehow making it disappear...of course, that was fine with Chiharu, as long as she didn't really have to do anything for a while.

But of course, her wish of staying and doing nothing for a while was quickly dashed away as Mrs. Masumi spoke up after a minute or so of silence.

"No more questions then, I suppose?" She looked over them once more, to double check and make sure she wasn't wrong. "Alright, then we're moving on. If you have anymore questions, you can come to me after class, or ask me if we have any leftover time." Chiharu watched her as she began moving over to the desk, and then picked up several posterboards that had been leaning against it. "Alright, we're going to be doing a small group project, and it's easy. It should only take around fifteen minutes to finish." She placed them on top of one students desk, and then looked around. "I'll be placing you in groups of five myself. Each of you will be discussing your abilities, and what you can do with them to have a positive impact on today's society, perhaps talk about how you could help in certain job industries, or other things like that."

Group work? Why? Chiharu let her shoulders droop. Can't we just do this on our own...?

"It'll be a good way to get to know everyone in your class year, since I'm sure most of you haven't exactly been able to hit it off with anyone so far. Not to mention, others can help with giving you ideas on how your powers might work, broaden your horizons a bit." Mrs. Masumi began walking through the desks, looking at each of them. "I'll start by numbering you off. One, two, three, four..."

Chiharu let out a long sigh, watching her number off each person. She, herself, had ended up as a three, and she was hoping that she would get stuck in a group with people who were at least...okay enough.

"Three." The red haired guy from before, who had asked a question. "Three." Another male classmate, one with a particularly emotionless expression. "Three." A girl with dark hair, who was rather pretty if she did say so herself. "Three." The blonde, spiky haired kid who Mrs. Masumi had mentioned before in an answer to a question. So, these were the ones who would be in her group. They didn't seem too bad. Maybe she wouldn't have a hard time working with them...or she could just do her own thing while they worked on theirs.

"Okay, everyone, ones are here, twos here, and threes here," she pointed to a spot near the back, by the windows of the classroom, "fours here..."

Finally, after she finished listing off everyones' spots, she clapped her hands once, and then nodded. "I'm giving you all twenty-five minutes. Use it wisely, you have to present to the class after we're all finished. Go ahead, grab your posters, some markers, and get in your groups."

The class immediately began to move around, getting up from their spots. Chiharu did herself, and she found her way through the small blockage of students in the aisles of the desks to her group's spot.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Ashford Character Portrait: Nakana Nao Character Portrait: Kosei Kasahara Character Portrait: Alfred Komatsu Character Portrait: Amari Chiharu
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#, as written by Kestrel
Dialogue Color#3b0000
Thought Color#5c2020

Quite the underscore. Nao's lips tightened when their teacher emphasised the word lives. It almost felt as if mrs. Masumi was on the defensive. Of course - Nao swept aside, that was to be expected. The media hadn't exactly been kind to the awakened and the school was still far from completely turning the image around. Still, mrs. Masumi proved she wasn't blind to the dark underbelly of their side of the conversation. Nao could respect that sense of realism, but she struggled to think of herself as a doctor or rescue worker. Nao stifled a smile, the very suggestion felt positively ridiculous. She nodded along with the explanation, after which the teacher moved on to preparing the class for the following exercise.

Nao's eyes followed mrs. Masumi's finger in order to predict her number as the teacher systematically grouped the students. Nao soon deducted she would be in the same group as a particularly tired-seeming blonde girl in the front, at the same time when mrs. Masumi assigned Alfred to the same group. When the blonde girl's gaze fell upon her, Nao already had herself equipped with a polite smile, one Nao extended as then she glanced at Alfred.

Less pleased, Nao was to learn the third member of their ensemble was Lucien, inwardly sighing that in group discussion, she couldn't as easily uphold the unspoken silence agreement she'd just made with her neighbour. The final member of their group was the boy she'd seen Alfred running up to earlier, his sparring partner, if Nao's memory served her.

As Lucien and she were already sitting next to one another, Nao gestured to the others to come their way to the back at the window-side of the class. As they were making their way, Nao took three chairs from their now vacant desks to place near Lucien's desk. Habitually, Nao remained standing until everyone had sat down, as if she were receiving her classmates as guests in her home. “Ito Nao.” She bowed to her two blonde classmates respectively, before sitting down.

A short silence followed, as past introductions none of the others seemed to spark the talk. She had hoped to have a little more time to think about what she could say, but between that and a lingering silence, Nao decided to go first. “I'm a teleporter, I can move myself from one place to another.” She prompted, but no legitimate career choices came to mind. “I admit I've not thought about this subject very much... I rather thought society preferred I keep my abilities hidden.”