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Gabriel Lewis

An alcoholic veteran, with anger issues. Also something of a "poet of dismay" as he calls it.

0 · 215 views · located in Manhattan, New York

a character in “The Bond Between Us”, originally authored by Alliqua_Dark, as played by RolePlayGateway



{"QUOTE" "Life's more fun when you see it through glazed vision. . . Alcohol is my illusion, please don't tkake away my hazy reality.". }

|[color=#Color]Full Name: Gabriel James Lewis[/color]|

|[color=#Color]Nickname: Gabe[/color]|

|[color=#Color]Birthday: 03, 09, 1992[/color]|

|[color=#Color]Age: 22[/color]|
{Age range given}

|[color=#Color]Nationality: North America[/color]|

|[color=#Color]Occupation: In-between jobs currently.[/color]|

|[color=#Color]Sexuality: Straight[/color]|

|[color=#Color]Hometown:Tulsa, Oklahoma.[/color]|

{"QUOTE". }

|[color=#Color]Quirks & Habits[/color]|

|[color=#Color]Talents(T): Gabe is good in combat, cooking, and painting, he is also decent at archery and making small trinkets from scraps of metal. | Strengths(ST): Gabe has a good heart, and he is a great listener and a great sympathetic, these traits make him stronger as a person. | Skills(SK): He is also decent at less crucial things such as, chess, cleaning, and mending wounds.[/color]|

|[color=#Color]Flaws/Weakness: He has a weakness for the bottle and a pretty face. Gabe also has some PTSD, making things difficult for him in everyday life.[/color]|

|[color=#Color]Hobbies: As mentioned above, Gabe likes to paint, play chess, practice archery, and cook in his free time. However he also enjoys walking through parks and working out at the local gym.[/color]|

|[color=#Color]Fears: Thanks to his PTSD Gabe has many fears that haunt him daily and nightly. Mainly though he fears letting people down or being the cause of their suffering. [/color]|

|[color=#Color]Secrets: Gabe has many secrets from his more adolescent years, mainly because it was just him, his father, and younger brother Michael. Seeing as his mother died in child-birth with Michael. These secrets will reveal themselves more as Gabe grows as a character.[/color]|

|[color=#Color]Goals/Dreams: Gabe wants to be sober again although he doubts it'll happen seeing as it's the only thing that makes life seem less daunting. He dreams of a secure family also, he wants marriage and kids, but no one would want a scum-bag drunk like him. . . Would they?[/color]|

{"QUOTE". }

|[color=#Color]Personality: He is a bit rough around the edges, over-confident, and unstable. Gabe hides his true feelings with this rough and tough exterior. He acts cold so he won't have the risk of hurting anyone. But deep-down Gabe is kind, caring, considerate, and doting.[/color]|

|[color=#Color]Trait: Kindness[/color]| |[color=#Color]Trait: Short-Tempered.[/color]| |[color=#Color]Trait: Good with kids.[/color]| |[color=#Color]Trait:Intelligent.[/color]| |[color=#Color]Trait:Honesty[/color]|

|[color=#Color]Likes: Alcohol, interesting people, cats, art, and a good book.[/color]|
|[color=#Color]Dislikes: Loud/ungrateful people, dogs, anything war-related, he dislikes his father, and anything that has to do with his birth-family.[/color]|

{"QUOTE". }


|[color=#Color]Place of Origin[/color]|

|[color=#Color]Family Tree: His father(Darrin Lewis)____His mother(Izzy Marshal)[/color]|
|[color=#Color]Happiest Memory: The day Gabe and his best friend Cole found out they both got accepted into the college they wanted.[/color]|

|[color=#Color]Saddest Memory: The day Gabe turned down college to sign up for the army with Cole, only to have Cole die on the first battle they participated in.[/color]|

{"QUOTE". }


Insert history here: This will expand as I use Gabe more and secrets get revealed.
When he was 17 he joined up with the army. His best friend Cole Smith died in one of the scrimmages in Iraq, and Gabe couldn't save him in time, he is haunted by this failure ever since. When Cole was shot on the battlefield Gabe has a mental-break and went into a rage-educed madness which got him departed from the army. Before that he lived with his father, his younger brother Michael, and his adopted sister Jillian. Back then he was a bit of a troublemaker, he often got arrested for minor things. However after he turned 16 he swore to his father he'd make it up to him.

{"QUOTE". }

Song lyrics: "

{"QUOTE". }

|[color=#Color]Other: None, this may change as I use Gabe more.[/color]|

So begins...

Gabriel Lewis's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emily Andrews Character Portrait: Catrina Jordan Character Portrait: Cameron Ryder Character Portrait: Thea Bradley Character Portrait: Eva Yoshu Character Portrait: Nick Massi
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When she heard those all too familiar cries from the room next to hers, Emily smiled. "Makaylaa.." She said in a soft, nurturing tone. Makayla had quieted down slightly as she'd heard her mother's voice. Emily picked the one year old up, running her fingers through the little hair she had. "Good Morning, LeLa." She continued, and set the child on her hip, and swayed her only a few times before going to the small changing table in her nursery. Emily did their usual morning routine, and changed her diaper, dressed her in her clothes for play, and picked her back up to go to the small kitchen in their tiny apartment.

Pluto, and Vixen wagged their tails happily as they saw the two, and jumped at Emily's feet. "Okay, guys, okay." Emily scooped a cup of dog food out of the bag they kept behind a closed door, in the pantry, and put half of the cup in each of the dog's bowls. Makayla giggled happily as the sight of the puppies being fed. Emily chuckled to herself, and set the baby in a pink highchair she'd gotten when she was just about to have Makayla.

"Say 'ahh' for Mommy, Lela!" She talked to the girl, and the baby tilted her head, her hands moving randomly. She smiled and opened her mouth as her mother had instructed and seemed surprised when she got a mouthful of food. Some of the applesauce oozed out of her mouth and onto the bib she was wearing, and Emily chuckled.

Soon, the hour long task of feeding was completed, and Emily held Makayla on her shoulder, rhythmically patting her back softly, until she was rewarded with a burp. Makayla laughed, and grabbed Emily's ponytail, she and hurriedly put in as she woke up that morning. "Hey, don't pull Mommy!" The baby only giggled, and smiled big, waving her arms about.

"Emily? You're going to be late!" Makayla's babysitter, and Emily's best friend from work shouted as she came in. Elizabeth worked at 'Joe's BBQ' with Emily, and always had the opposite days of the mother. Emily's eyes widened, and she carefully handed the laughing baby over. "I'm so sorry, Em! I must have woken up late!" Emily rushed into her room, pulling on the cowgirl boots, after squeezing into a skirt, and button-down, plaid shirt. After putting her cowgirl hat on, and name tag, she pecked Makayla's thinly haired head, and waved to Elizabeth. "Thanks again!" The woman, near her age, waved back. "Anytime!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emily Andrews Character Portrait: Gabriel Lewis
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Gabe's head was throbbing as he rubbed his temples. Only eight-thirty Am, and I'm already hungover. . . Maybe a few more rounds will clear up my raging headache, and the memories that are clearing up. Gabe thought as he laid his head back down on the cool wooden surface of the bar in the pub on Western Blvd.
"Aye, Gabe!" The bartender called over the cacophony of noise in the bar. "Aye! Wake it up bud," Seth, the bartender, shouted again.
Gabe looked up at him with bloodshot eyes, how long has it been since I slept last?
"Hey, Seth my man . . .One more round of whiskey over here." Gabe said with a slight smile, a sad broken smile to be sure, but underlying the brokenness was a heart of gold, ready to venture out into the world again. If Gabe would ever let it again that is. As Seth brought over his large mug of whiskey Gabe nodded his thanks and quickly drank his liquid painkiller, both emotion pain and physical. Gabe looked up at the TV and saw an advert for a restaurant in town, pretty damn close to his bar too.
Musing to himself Gabe muttered "Joe's BBQ huh? Sounds nice . . . Aye Seth, can I borrow twenty bucks? You know I'm good for it?" Seth shook his head sadly before sighing and handing Gabe a twenty. Gabe nodding his thanks stood up and stumbled out, as he did Seth coughed obviously. "Ahem!" Seth scowled Gabe sighed and threw Seth his car keys before walking out the door.
Guess I'm walking to lunch then. Gabe thought disappointed. As he walked around the streets he opened up the GPS on his smartphone, as he did it gave him directions to Joe's. As he approached the scent of ribs and BBQ surrounded him, a smoky thick and rich scent stuck to his skin as he walked though the door a perky stewardess chirped out.
"Howdy! Welcome to Joe's! Go have a seat riiiight over yonder and your server today's name is Emily! Have a great day sir." She smiled widely, Gabe was too drunk right now to read that woman's name tag. He slumped down at that table and tried reading the menu, the words all blended together so he decided to not even bother.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emily Andrews Character Portrait: Alison Marter Character Portrait: Gabriel Lewis
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"Emily! Your customer is waiting!" Emily rolled her eyes where her manager couldn't see. "I heard you the first time!" she answered back, and fixed her ponytail, her bangs to the left side of her face. She had on mascara, and light brown eyeshadow, making her brown eyes pop. Her bright ruby red lipstick was flawless, as she tied her waitress apron around her hips, and walked out into the area where her customer was.

"Hello, sir. My name is Emily, and I will be your server. How may I help you today? Also, our specials today are the well-done steak with three sides, and a sweet tea, or a rack of ribs with smoky barbeque sauce. Our own sauce goes on everything, I might add." She introduced herself sweetly, and pulled out the ticket form, writing in her name, and the table number as she spoke to the obviously drunk man. "Or.." She bit her lip. "I can get you some water?" Emily was always concerned about the drunk customers that came in, and was always the one who got the hefty tips about a week later.

After a few minutes, she heard her name being called in the back. "I am so sorry, sir. Here is a menu for you to browse while I check on them." She smiled, and as soon as she turned around, the smile weakened. Not seeing the girl, she almost ran into a girl, who looked homeless at the bar. "I am so sorry!" She said quickly, and went to the back.

When she arrived, it was the usual drama between waitresses. Emily was the Head of all the waiters/waitresses, yet never had problems with the men. Just the women. "What is it this time?" Emily sighed, but then quickly held up her hand, recognizing her common mistake. "Nevermind. Just both of you get to work. Now, Patti. Now, Sam." She instructed harshly, and returned to the man's table. "Again, I apologize." She bowed her head, and smiled nicely.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emily Andrews Character Portrait: Alison Marter Character Portrait: Gabriel Lewis
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Gabe looked at the woman, the Emily chick. Yeah she was cute and all, but honestly he was too blitzed to care at this point.
"Well tell ya' what Em," Gabe drawled out in a southern accent, wasn't his natural tone but hey why not? "I'll take some hot coffee and then I'll take some ribs if that's not too much for you." Gabe attempted a smile but it came across as more of a grimace. Too much liquor in a day Gabe. He thought running his fingers through his hair and glancing over he saw a woman at the bar who appeared to be homeless, and sickly.Damn, I hope I don't look that fucked over.Gabe thought as he turned his attention back to Emily.
"That's it for now I think Em, thanks." He smiled this time, weakly but he managed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Lewis
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#, as written by Grace<3
Alison ordered a burger, fries, and coke. She looked around the room and searched everyone up and down. She saw a drunkard who looked so stoned he couldn't even see. 'gross..' She thought as the waitress came by with her food she continued eating and hurried as if she had to be somewhere.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emily Andrews Character Portrait: Gabriel Lewis
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Emily smiled as the man spoke in a thick southern accent. "Hot coffee, and the rib special coming right up, sir." She felt good that he actually smiled at her this time, and went and placed his order to the chef. It took about 15 minutes to get his things together, and she brought the plate, and very hot coffee back. "Please be careful, our chef doesn't know the meaning of cool." She chuckled, and stood straight. "Would you like your ticket now or later, sir?" She asked nicely, looking at him curiously.

He seemed to be an alright guy, just very hungover. Without thinking before she spoke, she suddenly asked. "Rough night last night? There seem to be a lot of you guys coming in lately.." She surveyed the room curiously, to see if any of the regulars were back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emily Andrews Character Portrait: Alison Marter Character Portrait: Gabriel Lewis
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Gabe looked at his food and smiled. It looked amazing. . . Emily's voice shook him out of his little stupor.
"Uh, I just. . . I usually have 'rough nights' I guess, every night." Gabe shrugged and then added. "A lot of 'us' guys? What do you mean?" Gabe arched one eyebrow and turned to face her fully.

Honestly Gabe could barely remember most of his life because of how drunk he always was. Thankfully for him. When he did remember it scared the shit out of him. So, Gabe decided he would just be drunk permanently.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emily Andrews Character Portrait: Gabriel Lewis
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Emily frowned as he seemed to try to recall his life. "Um, well. I mean guys like... him." She nodded towards a heavy-set man swigging down a bottle of Corona Lite, as his whole table with filled with empty bottles. Emily then looked back to her customer, and smiled. "Um, I never got your name. I need it for the ticket, or I can put your phone number?"

Emily blushed at the sudden awkwardness. "I'm sorry, it's required I either have your name or phone number on the ticket. " She simply nodded and brought a pen, in which she clicked with her thumb, and looked to the man.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emily Andrews Character Portrait: Gabriel Lewis
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Gabe grinned wickedly "I think I'll just give you my number honey, if you want my name I guess you'll have to call me sometime." Gabe scribbled his number down on her paper with decent-enough cursive writing before drinking his coffee slowly, smiling at his accomplishment around the rim of his mug.

"Guys like him huh. . .?" Gabe trailed off in a stupor gazing into his coffee, the steam wafting into his face. Sticky heat clinging onto his skin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emily Andrews Character Portrait: Thea Bradley Character Portrait: Eva Yoshu Character Portrait: Alison Marter Character Portrait: Nick Massi Character Portrait: Jacob Rosh
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Emily smirked, and blushed. She chuckled, and gave the man a bright smile. Something seemed different about him, but she quickly pushed the thought out of her head. She was NOT going to call him. Last time she did that, she ended up heartbroken.

She wouldn't be able to handle herself like that again. Especially with LeLa at home.

Emily snapped out of her daydream, and sighed. "Yes, guys exactly like him, I'm afraid." She paused for a brief second before adding, "I hope you enjoy the rest of your meal, and I'll be running around if you need anything else." She smiled one last time, and turned on her heel, walking to the back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Ryder Character Portrait: Gabriel Lewis
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Instead of going home, Cameron went to Joe's BBQ, it was closer than home, and he definitely was hungry. He walked into the building, and he saw a bunch of guys from the bar. He saw one guy who stood out, though. It was Gabe, his friend. He walked over to him, and he grinned, "Hey, how's it going Gabe-y?" he'd always called him Gabe-y because he knew it got on his nerves.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Ryder Character Portrait: Gabriel Lewis
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Gabe watched Emily walk away, damn she was dredging up feelings Gabe wasn't quite sure he wanted to deal with again.

However that train of thought was interrupted by an old. . . Friend named Cameron. As Cameron approached he used the nickname he knew Gabe hated.
"Hey, Cam. It's going fine I guess, I haven't seen you in years man." Gabe indicated a seat next to him at the bar for Cameron.