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Wayne "Sarge" Hardy

"Are you gonna do something, or just stand there and bleed?"

0 · 488 views · located in Milwaukee, WI

a character in “The Broadcast”, as played by Beaux


Full Name:
Wayne Michael Hardy

I have lots of nicknames, but I'll go by Wayne or Hardy.


All American Guy

Immune Carrier



At first glance, I just look like a man who's seen too many nights in a bar. All though that is true, there's more to my story. I'm a 34 year old Marine Corps Sergeant who's seen it all. Until now that is ...
I'm 6'2, weigh 185, had a wife and two beautiful daughters. That's right; I "Had." I lost them all in May. They were home by themselves .. I was in the streets of Falleuigh. Enough of that though. I have a tolerence for men who know their place. I don't like it when some young punk thinks he know's it all. I may be older than you, but this ol' grunt still has some tricks up his sleeves.
I love women. I love the way they look, the way they smell, and the way they feel; but I'll never love another woman. The way I see it now is that, A real man never strikes a woman. You push some if you have to, but you never, ever strike them.

I love childern though. My two girls ment the world to me. They were my pride and joy. I still carry a picture of them in my wallet, but you'll never see it. I had a two younger brothers who served with me in Iraq. I loved them jarheads. One was killed by an I.E.D on a raid and the others somewhere in Texas. I'll probably never see him again. My mother died when I was 15 and my father, and ex-marine himself, raised me and my brothers. He spent his time in the local bar, so I took on the responsibility of man of the house at a young age. Dropped out of high school, worked in the local feed store. Enough of that past though ....

I had no idea of what had happened in May until one night they packed us up and shipped us home all of a sudden. They said go home then get right back here. At the end of the day I was burrying my family in the backyard under the big oak. We fought in the states, but it was too overwhelming. We were out numbered and had no idea on what to do. Me and my squad slipped out in the middle of the night to better our chances on our own. We did good for a month until we were ambushed by a hoarde. They died. I didn't.
I have to live with that.



Weapons wise, It's mostly my service gear. The pistol on my right hip was given to me by my Marine Corps chief and the one on my left hip is just a standard service Beretta. The rifle on my back is a M40a1 sniper rifle given to me by an old friend. That rifles gotten me out of a lot of nasty situations. The third pistol in my back wasteband was a gift from my wife on our 15th anniversery. You can never have too many guns. Especally not now. The assault rifle slung over my shoulder has been with me since day one. It's a good thing to have in a tough situation. I have a knife sheathed in my boot, one on my thigh, and a whole set of throwing knives around my waist. I guess I can say I have a fairly decent aim.

In inventory I have 3 cartons of smokes, the keys to my ducati, MRE's, and a cross necklace that I never take off. The ducati runs like a charm. I skimmed it up a bit and put a bigger gas tank on it. It runs fast and runs long. Needless to say, It get's me to where I need to go.

Skills? Well .. I can play a good game of texas hold em and have a mean poker face.
I can also pat my head and rub my belly at the same time.



History? Haven't I pretty much explained it all? Well let me tell you again and add some in.
My mother died when I was 15 and my dad spent all his time in the local bar drinkin his sorrows away. I raised my two younger brothers, Steve and Frank. I dropped out of high school so they wouldn't have to. I worked in the local feed store untill both brothers were seniors, then we joined the Marines together. I would have left earlier, but I couldn't leave them alone ....

Frank died when his humvee was hit by and I.E.D. I buried my little brother married my high school sweet heart, Ashley. We had two beautiful daughters. Roselyn and Grace. They were my happiness. In May, we were sent home for a short furlough and I found all 3 of them dead in the kitchen. The girls still in their nightgowns and Ash in her evening dress. I buried them in the back yard and went back. We shipped out in the states and fought for weeks. Me and my squadron left in the middle of the night to better out chances. It worked to. We lasted for a month, but we were ambushed by a hoarde. My other little brother Steve's somewhere in Texas. Dead for all I know. I look like a hard-ass, but I'm not. I say that I'm trying to survive; but that's not entirely true .. Is it ...

Theme Song:
Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival.

"Some folks are born to wave the flag. Ooh, they're red, white and blue.
And when the band plays "Hail to the chief",
Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord.
It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no senator's son, son.
It ain't me, it ain't me; I ain't no fortunate one, no."

The Boys Are Back In Town by Thin Lizzy

Guess who just got back today?
Them wild-eyed boys that had beenaway.
Haven't changed, haven't much to say,
But man, I still think them cats are crazy.

They were asking if you were around.
How you was, where you could be found.
Told them you were living downtown.
Driving all the old men crazy.

The boys are back in town

So begins...

Wayne "Sarge" Hardy's Story


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Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy
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#, as written by Beaux
The quite hum of my Ducati is the only noise I hear. He looks at the house one last time and sighs. This was the place of so much love and when they needed him most, he wasn't there. He loads up and carefully makes sure that his packs are tied down. He keeps a constant look out as he moves around the bike, pulling and tightening straps. He looks out of the corner of his eyes constantly. You could say that he was paranoid, but shouldn't he be? The thing we never believed could happen, did happen. Who knows what's next. He climbs on the bike and straps his helmet on. "Safety first," He revs the bike once, then takes off down the desolated street. There were cars in the middle of the road, bodies in the front yard. What had used to be a beautiful Suburb, was now a place of horror.

He drives down the interstate for about an hour; bobbing in and out of cars and other junk; Seeing lots of crazy things. People hanging out of their windshields; All mangled and rotten. Buzzards circle around like the vultures they are and feast on all the dead. "At least someone's enjoying this." He thinks. He see's infected limping around. Some try to give chase, but they don't get very far. He would smile and laugh at the pitiful sight, but he can't even remeber the last time he smiled. He finally crosses the county line back into Milwaukee and zoom through the streets of town.

He see's a gas station that has some promise, so he parks the bike by the door and leaves it running. He pulls a pistol out of his back waistband and carefully walks through the open door.Just like boot camp Sarge. Advance from cover and check your corners. He whispers as he puts his back to the the wall and peeks around the corner. Seeing nothing, He advances down the isles, checking for food or anything else that might be of interest. He slowly approaches the counter with arms bared and peaks over. The cashier was dead behind the counter; chest ripped open. He hops on top of the counter and reaches for a pack of Marlboro's, but stops in mid reach; hearing a rustling sound in the back storage room. Wonder what's in there? He hurridly snatches the carton and a lighter and gently slides off the counter. He takes a smoke out and lights it. He takes a puff and raises his pistol. He walks to the cracked storage room door and peeks inside. There was a prize load of food in there, but in the middle of the glorious food was an infected. Damn. He slowly backs up from the door; keeps backing up until he hears a crash. He looks down at the can he had just stepped on. He looks up at the door to see the infected staring back at him. He slowly starts to back up and it just stares at him. He gets to the door, it moans, then charges him. He pulls a knife and flings it at it's forehead. It stumbles, but keeps coming. It gets to him and grabs his arm. In one fluid motion he whips it by him and smashes it's head in the wall. It moans once then goes limp. He leaves the knife and jumps back on the bike. Stupid fucker. I liked that knife.

He continues on his way through town. I wonder if Jack's still alive? He thinks to himself. He takes a left down the next street and watches as infected poor out. He gets up to the bar and sees a hoarde outside. He stares at the dangling sign above the bar. There's no way I'm getting in there. He sighs. He puts the kick stand down, but keeps the bike running. He watches the mindless hoarde stand infront of the bar doors, swaying and moaning. He looks at the surrounding buildings, There's a office building, holtel and a beautiful gas station. That's how I'm getting in. He turns off the bike and pushes it inside the office building. He puts the keys in his pocket and checks around the corner before dartong over to the holtel. He runs across the front and over to the gas station. I hope this works. He tears off the sleeve of his shirt and pulls out a lighter. He takes the handle off the hinge and lets the gas run. He lights the cloth, drops it in the gas and run like the devils chasing him. He gets about 10 yards and Kaboom. He makes it back to my bike and pushes it out in the open and cranks it up. He watches the hoarde limp off towards the gas station and make his move. He hauls ass to the bar door and backs the bike in. He leans it up against the door and walks over to the bar, Totally ignoring the people around him. He leans across the counter and grabs a bottle of scotch. He pops the top and takes a long swig. Ah. Even in death, your still the man Jack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Wesley Hill
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Wesley was sloshed, he knew that for a fact. But two people just walked in with out a fucking problem. More so was the dick wearing the fatigues drinking his scotch. He saw the insignia and the rank emblem on his shoulder. The man was a deserter, no doubt about it. Even in his drunken state he had a mind to clot the guy in the head. He had dealt with deserters before. He often reported them to the brass and have them deal with it. Now there was no brass, no reports, just a lawless world. He grabbed the bottle out of his hand and said, "That's my bottle, find your own... Sir." His words were filled with hate.

He hated doing this to good liquor but it was the only way for him to stop drinking. He walked over to the sink and poured out the bottle. A tear fell from his face and into the sink mixing it with the scotch. He sniffed and rubbed his eyes before turning back around. He had blatantly ignored the girl that had walked in. The sarge drinking his scotch was a little bit more important than her. He knew that drinking that half of bottle was a terrible idea, he wondered why the hell he did it in the first place. Oh he knew why, he wanted to find God.

"Now, if people would stop interrupting this meeting of the minds. I would like to get the fuck out of here." He said. Wesley hated sitting around doing nothing. He hated being stationed on base. He preferred it when he was on his tours of duties. "Just to be perfectly clear, all need each other and we all don't trust each other. So until we get to Dellwood we are going to act all buddy buddy. Then we can all hate each other there." He said relighting up his smoke, 'stupid fire safety smokes' he thought before he continued, "I'm guessing the way, Jarhead here walked in without a care in the world the infected are at least gone for the time being. This is a good time as any to get out of Dodge." He walked over to his stuff and picked it up, he strapped his shotgun back to his back and made sure his pistol and his knife were secure in there appropriate place. He walked over to the window and saw that the horde was over by the gas station where he had came from. It was in flames, he groaned silently as the fire would draw every single infected in a 5 mile radius.

"So are we gonna do this or what?" He said with his non-dominate hand on the handle of the door. He was ready to go down fighting, Wesley had a warm stomach and a light headed feeling. 'Today is a great die to die,' he thought to himself as he looked out the window one last time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Hill
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#, as written by Beaux
Ah, my apologies. He said sarcastically; letting the drunk take the bottle and watched him poor it down the drain. He could tell all ready that this wasn't gonna be good. He listened to the man slur his speech and stand by the door. He slowly rose out of his seat, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and turned around. The drunk has a point you know. I distracted them and more will be coming to investigate; And that police officer by the front has a big enough van for all of you. He said and stashed the bottle in his back pack. He walked back over to his bike and mounted it. He turned to the drunk beside him and whispered, You can hate me all you want soldier. It won't make or break me; but until you know my reasons, he paused and backed his motorcycle out of the door Don't judge me. He said and turned to the female police officer. Do you have enough room for all of these folks? How about gas? He asked, slightly worried. He looked over to the burning fuel station and turned back to her, As you can see, I seemingly blowed up our resources. If you need some though, I have and extra tank on here and the other is full. I can siphone off one tank; That should hopefully allow you to get them out of here. He said in a blank tone. He turned back to the people inside. You can all make it with her, I'll stay behind and make sure you get away. He said and looked at the floor. It's the least that I can do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Beaux
What the hell? He said and looked at the girl lying on the ground. He raised himself up and off of his Ducati and pulled his rifle around off of his back. He looked at the female on the ground and nelt beside her. Are you ok miss? He asked looking around. Infected were starting to become bored with the fire and starting to hobble back towards the soucre of the screaming. The one with the arrow in it's throat picked itself off the ground and continued towards us with the other following close behind. He raised his rifle and popped both in the head and tried to help the girl up, but she fell back down. He hooked his arms under her pits and dragged her into the bar. He gently layed her head down and ran back over to the door. If Anyones going to leave, no would be the time. He said, looking down his scope at the approaching hoarde. He followed a jumper with his scope; mocking it's moves. He waited for the ideal moment and gently squeezed the trigger. Catching the jumper in mid-air. It fell to the ground and jumped no more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Hill
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Hayley held her head. She was dizzy and couldn't stand from the hit she had taken to the head when a full sized, well used to be man, pushed her and smashed her to the ground. She suddenly jumped at the sound of a mans voice. Something that she had not heard at all for about a month since she returned. She thought that it was her imagination, after all she only came to the city to find other survivors. Being a normal regular human made her survival even more difficult, let alone the fact traveling alone and not being very strong or aware of the things that were happening/had happened when she had left.

She mumbled back to the man, "W-who ar-are you?" She looked up and saw him kneeling over her in the street. He then proceeded to shoot the infected's that were slowly emerging from their pathetic little hidey holes. She heard gun fire and tried to stand but only got to her knees from her disoriented state of being at the present moment. She could feel the man start to her help her up but was getting hasty and urgent and just decided to drag her to a building, probably the bar she had fell in front of. He laid her on the ground softly and left. Hayley shook her head wildly and lifted herself up with the help of a chair and table. She stood up and shook her head some more, batting her eyelashes in a dizzy way and finally regained for her focus. She had a horrible pain in the back of her head and softly touched it. She was bleeding and the blood staining her blonde hair. She cursed at herself and looked towards the door. She held her bow tightly in her hand wanting to keep moving. She suddenly noticed that there was a lot of other people in the bar besides her and the man. "I suggest you all find a new spot...this city isn't safe but the outskirts and wilderness surrounding the city is. Or as far as safe as I've seen." She said in a serious tone. She sat on the bar counter top and took off her bag. She placed her bow beside her and took out a bandage. She took out rubbing alcohol and rubbed the wound softly. She clenched her teeth and let out a groan in pain at the stinging. She then wrapped the clothe around back of her head and around her forehead to help stop any infection and other diseases, and tied it. She put everything back into her bag and spread her legs out leaning back on her elbows on the counter relaxing. She looked at the man who had helped her and said, "Sorry if I caused any trouble. If you want I can go take care of them...?" She asked even though her head was still in pain, but the real reason was she wanted her arrow back. Hayley hates it when she looses anything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks
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☣ Heather Fairbanks ☣
Location: Uncle Jack's Bar | Milwaukee, WI

Heather watched the others tiredly. In a moment, a man on a motorcycle came rolling in and nearly hit her. Though exhausted, she reacted quickly, stepping backwards. Why were so many people attracted to the bar? Dead an living? Was it just human instinct, in times of trouble, to migrate together. Or had her and Vi's little duo really picked up to nine just randomly?

Wesley then stood and started rambling about getting going, and, though she could barely get her feet to move, Heather nodded her head and yawned in agreement. "I agree with Wess." She said, hoping the nickname was okay. She liked giving out nicknames, and she hoped doing so would encourage them to use hers rather than her full name. She hated the name Heather. It was her mother's name and her mother had been nothing but a whore.

The next two things that happened shocked her. First, a female police officer pulled up, just outside the bar and slung open the back of her police van, telling them all to hop in. Heather couldn't help but laugh. Before the infection, everyone would have looked at the woman like she was a serial killer or a rapist, but now, hopping in the back of that van seemed like the best idea anyone had ever had. Despite her exhaustion, her blue eyes lit up brightly and she smiled a genuine smile, looking at Violet with a child's excitement. "Violet! Maybe we can make it! She has a van and all of us will fit!" She was well aware that Violet could see for herself, but being only 11, she felt the need to state it excitedly.

The next thing that happened, was the man with the motorcycle dragged a girl into the bar. She was badly beat and Heather watched her inspect her wounds. Instantly, Bee stepped backward. She was a carrier. Best not to infect the girl by accidently brushing up against her while she bandaged herself. "Sorry if I caused any trouble. If you want I can go take care of them...?"

"No." Heather said, shaking her head with a sigh. "Just join the club." She gestured towards the back of the van. "I don't know about you guys, but this is the best break me and Vi have had in weeks. I'm not questioning it." With that, she crossed the bar, and grabbed her and her sisters black bag off the counter. It was heavy and she had to put her gun and knife away to carry it, but with two hands, she managed to hold it down in front of her and half carry, half drag it to the van. Using all her remaining strength, she hefted the bag in and hopped in, pushing it all the way to the back.

Once inside, she lay down with a sigh, placing her blonde head on the bag, and using her arms as a pillow, she closed her eyes. It was extremely uncomfortable. Like laying on a pile of cans, but it would have to do. She was tired and not about to pass up a free ride and an opportunity for uninterrupted sleep.

She was asleep before everyone was even in the van.

☤ Violet Fairbanks ☤
Location: Uncle Jack's Bar | Milwaukee, WI

Violet looked at the van with suspicion. Seemed too good to be true. However, she was not one to turn down a good offer and watched at Bee grabbed their bag and hefted it across the bar into the truck. Vi couldn't help it. She chuckled under her breath. It was a funny sight, seeing a skinny eleven year old struggle with the bag.

She sighed and hopped off the bar, slipping her gun away and looking at the others with a shrug. "Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Come or not. Whatever." She shrugged and hopped in the back of the van.

By the time she got in, Heather was curled up on the bag sleeping already. Her body twitched and she moaned almost painfully in her sleep. The nightly nightmares. Vi winced and sat next to her sister. Gently, she pulled the little girl off the uncomfortable bag of canned foods and other, various not-so-soft items, and placed her head on her thigh instead.

She sat Indian style and gently stroked Bee's blonde and pink hair, wishing she could stop the girls nightmares without her waking in a scream. If she were to nudge her, that would most surely happen, however, if she acted as if she didn't hear the moans and the crying, or feel the twitching, it might stop after a few hours, and she would wake silently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Hill
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Beaux


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Hill
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Hayley was unsure if these people were ok to be trusted. But it wa a rather difficult choice to differ from one side to the other. She jumped off the table and listened to the 12 year old say,"join the club." Great well she achieved her goal, but he was hoping itd be smaller and get bigger by the time she would gotten there. Now she would be like the loner no one knew or much less would care about. She walked next to a big man. Did his name start with a W maybe the two blonde girls called him Wess or something like that oh well. Hayley held her bow tightly and followed the others into the back of a van.

Hayley had once gotten forced into a mans van once and the things that happened in there she would rather want to keep to herself forever. Beside it was long ago when she was about 16 or so and it didn't affect her anymore nor would it help her survive or help to give her knowledge of hunting tracking and survival in the wilderness anyone else any good. She remains quiet and only spoke when she was given an order she felt anxious about everyone and who was or not immune to the disease. She was worried that she could catch it from someone and that she would die a horrible fate. She decided that if they needed fighters and survival help that her primitive way of living and knowledge ofthibgs could very well save he new group or whatever you'd like to call it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Hill
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Beaux
Wayne watched the girls pile in the back of the van and turned to the cop, I'll try to find a hose. It might not be much, but it's better than none. He walked over to the infeced, put his foot on it's chest and ripped the arrow out. He walked back into the bar, looking it over. Not cracks in it; It can still be used. He said and tossed it to the girl on the counter. He walked behind the bar and looked around for a hose. He searched behind the counter and checked the back room. Shit.He thought to his self. He'd have to go some where else to find a hose. He walked back out into the bar room and looked around; looking at everyone's faces. He looked at the drunk and then at the officer. He walked back towards her and gently grabbed her arm, Give me three minutes. I'll find you a hose. He whispered. He looked back inside, slung his rifle over his shoulder and took off running. He looked everywhere. In the office building, the holtel; Nothing would work. He saw one lying on the ground and when he ran over to pick it up, it fell apart. Damnit! He hollared and squated down. He whipped the sweat off his face and rubbed the back of his head. If he couldn't find a hose, these people were screwed. What do I do now, Ash? He whispered to himself and looked around desperately. He saw something in the distance. Is that a .. He started to say and smiled. He dashed back to the bar and mounted his bike. He backed out of the bar and tossed his pack inside and layed his rife down, doing his best to not disturb the sleeping girl. He looked at the cop, 2 minutes; I'll be back for those. He said with a serious look on his face. He kicked down as hard as he could and the bike roared to life. He backed up more and spun the bike around, heading back out to the highway. He zoomed down the street and approached the broken down truck. He skidded to a stop and jumped off; running to the truck door and yanking it open, a body fell out. He ignored it and pulled the lever for the hood. It popped open and he ran back around to the front of the truck.

The hurridly searched around the engine for the air hose and yanked it out. Fuck yea. He said and hopped down. He looked around and saw no infected, so he mounted his bike and headed back to the bar. He was turning the corner and the bar was in sight when suddenly arm came out of no where and close lined him of the bike. He flew off and the bike fell over; skidding into the tire of the van. He moans and withers around on the ground for a second before he slowly starts to get up. He got to his knees and put his hand on the back of his head. His head throbbing, and his eyes blurry, he gets up and stumbles towards the bar. He keeps holding his head when a pouncer jumps on his back. The pouncer starts to claw at his back Wayne covers the back of his head. The pouncer picks him up and throws him up against the wall of the office. He withers around on the ground and tries to get to his feet. The pouncer watches him and growls. Wayne get's to his hands and knees and puts his head to the ground; His breathing's heavy and staggered. This is it Ash .. He mumbles to his self. The pouncer growls once more and jumps for him; Claws out and teeth ready. Wayne closes his eyes and stumbles with the straps on his chest. The pouncer is about to land when he rips a knife out of his pocket. Everything kinda goes blank from there. He opens his eyes to see the pouncer in front of him; Waynes hand on it's shoulder and knife in it's face. His pushes the thing off of him and tries to get to his feet. He falls back to his knees and stays there for a second. What a pitiful sight. He say's to himself and gets to his feet. He staggers over to his bike and pulls the hose out of one of the bags and sets it upright. He unscrew the gas cap to his bike and unscrews the one to the van. He sticks the hose in the tank and puts the other end to his mouth. He sighs and then takes a deep breath. The gas starts flowing and he fills up the tank. He leans his head against the van then turns and throws up on the ground. He wipes his mouth and screws the caps back on. He leans the bike up against the bar. He takes a step the falls down to his knee. He sits and puts his back to the bas; leans his head back and sighs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Beaux
Wayne let her help him up and mummbled, Thank You. He leaned his head back against the seat as the police lady pulled a U-turn and got the hell out of dodge. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was feeling a bit light headed from the gas, but it was slow starting to fade. He just wished the headache from hell would fade too. He turned and looked in the back of the van; what a sight they were. Here was all these people crammed into the back of a van with the hopes that they would be okay. Ironic isn't it? There was a big burly man in a trench coat, a drunk, and chick with a big ass dog, the girl who was quite a good shot with a bow and 3 other girls. Then there was a girl who couldn't be older than 12, asleep on her sisters lap; just a tossing and moaning. Wayne looked at her and a sadness flooded over him. She would never have childhood; forced to grow up too quickly. Her dirty blonde her rested on her face and it made him think of his girls. She looked just like his girl Roselyn. Wayne turned around as he felt a tear slide down his cheek. He looked out the side window and the baren landscape before them. Everything just looked so .. Bad. He looked at the woman next to him driving and tried to figure her out. When he couldn't he looked back at her and quitely said, My name's Wayne, by the way. Thank you for what your doing for these people. At least I can die knowing there's still some good left in people. He said and looked out the window. He rested his elbow on the window ledge and cradled the gun in his lad. He rubbed the back of his head and thought to himself; I wonder when she's going to ask why I'm here? He sighed and shook his head. He turned back to the lady, When we get to the outskirts of town and I'm feeling better, would you stop for a minute? I'm going to ride my bike. You could use someone on the outside to help cover you. He said. All of what he said was the truth and honestlly, he just wanted to get out of the van. It would be helpful when we came upon another town or city. I could go in first and I could watch from the back and sides down the back roads. Also, If you need it, I have a map to Dellwood in my pack. Ask and it's yours.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson
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Hayley sat next to a girl with dark brown hair and either looked to be older than herself or the same age. In the back of the van there were a lot of people but Hayley didn't really care about them at the moment. She decided that she would just have to wait for a better, calmer, and safer time when her head didn't hurt so much and her head would be clearer and make her a little less irritable.

She was suddenly awoken up and brought back to reality when the brunette next to her said, "Hayley right? Come here, if you don't want that to get infected." She looked at the girl funny, confused by the offer but wanting to take it even though she didn't even know the woman. Not even her name and she was going to get help from the lady anyway, because even though Hayley wasn't as experienced as the others in some subjects, the will to survive for her was strong.

Another rule in her survival guide was, "Always evaluate your situation. Make sure it is safe and there will be nothing that can distract you from the situation." And another one also came into play here, "Always accept help. Never be too cocky in a time of dire need. Accepting the aid might just save your life." And in this case that rule was the main thing she was thinking of when she was deciding whether to trust her head wound in the hands of this woman in the back of this other police woman's van.

The woman stared at her with the supplies already prepped and ready to start the procedure. "Look kid, I served two terms in the army, I can sew up that cut on your head and properly clean it so we don't have to shoot you later and you just deal with a crappy headache and worry about getting infected. You choice."

"Oh um well yes my name. My name is Hayley Humphrey. And I'm not afraid of pain. As I always say 'Pain is only temporary'. I'd very much appreciate the offer. Thank you. " Hayley replied and took off her backpack, bow and sheath from her back and placed her pack on the ground beside her and her bow and arrows in her lap. She turned her back to the brunette with the medical supplies to help her and she waited for her to start the painful procedure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Beaux
It's a pleasure to meet you, Jennifer.Wayne looked over at her and caught her blush; He listened to her talk. It's not nice, it's natural, what kind of monster would I be to just drive through when I have the opportunity to save them? She made a good point. Who would just leave these people? He wondered. And you're not going to die. People aren't allowed to die on my watch. He felt a slight smile at his lips when she said this. He knew he wouldn't make it to Dellwood, but he sure as hell would make sure they did. He wasn't sad about his fate, he kinda accepted it. To die would be an awfully big adventure. He thought to himself. He looked out the window and looked over at her when she cleared her throat, Um ... My gun He looked down and sighed. I'm sorry. He said and set it in her hand. He looked in the back at the others. Mostly everyone was asleep and he looked over at Hayley and whispered, Will you hand me my pack please? He unbuckled his seat belt and leaned back when she passed it to him; being careful to not disturb anyone. He set the bag in between his feet and dug around in it. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and was sorely tempted to smoke one, but there was a kid in the van. He set them back in and pulled out the map. He zipped up the bag and unfolded the map on the dashboard.

When you get up to that intersection there, take a left. That'll take us out of town the back way. He said, trying not to sound bosy or anything. He folded up the map for Jenifer so she could see it easily and left it on the dash. When we get about 5 miles out, pull over please. I know there's a farm out that way and old man Ron should have some gas out there. While you keep driving, I'll head out there with some one else to check. The key here is just to keep moving. He said and looked up at her; hoping that what he had said made sense. He laughed at her comment about the suck and blow and said, That's quite all right. We need you fully functional. He turned to the back and looked at everyone. He couldn't take Wes because they need him here in the van incase something happend. He looked over at Hayley, Would you mind riding with me to a farm to check for gas? He asked with a pleading look in his eyes. I need someone with a good shot to accompany me.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson
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The brunette handed Hayley a bottle of alcohol. Hayley looked down at it skeptically then looked behind her shoulder at her. " My names Blair Blake, and most of us aren't afraid of pain, but it can mess up your shoot so take a drink of this." Blair said, as Hayley gave her the bottle back. Then Blair went to work. Hayley waited a moment for the procedure to begin and then Blair started to clean her head wound. Hayley held her eyes shut tightly gripping her bow tightly as the scraping and rubbing as well as the stinging sensation sent by the alcohol to disinfect and clean her wound was very painful. Hayley let out a long breath of relief as the pain stopped with the cleaning. Now only came the hard part. She braced herself for more pain and shut her eyes tightly. When Blair inserted the needle that would begin the three-four stitches needed to patch her up, Hayley gasped loudly and clenched her teeth hard and willed herself not to shout, yell, or scream out in pain, in fear that she would wake someone up. "Alright! your good." Blair said quietly from behind her. Then Blair wrapped some gauze around her head and left the van quickly. Hayley watched Blair as she set the bloody rag used to clean the wound on fire with the alcohol and then run back fast to the van again.

"Thank you Blair." Hayley said as she watched Blair get comfy and fall asleep beside her. Feeling nothing but gratefulness towards Blair for helping her, Hayley couldn't help her motherly type instincts. She took her soft back pack and lifted Blair's head up and slid the pack under it. Hopefully, she hadn't woken anyone up or disturbed Blair, but from the looks of it, it was safe to say that Blair wasn't going to be waking up anytime soon. Lucky for Hayley she had gotten a little less than the appropriate amount of sleeping hours about 4-6 hours since the emergency Broadcast was announced and this whole chaotic world crept up on everyone like it was thunderstorm that hadn't been predicted correctly. Hayley's secret or was when she was in the wilderness, was yet another rule from her trusty survival guide taught to her by her father. "If stranded or without another to create night watch shifts, its best to either be on high ground, but better than that in a sturdy tall, well built tree and strap yourself in tight. That way not many things can get you or your supplies in the night, well except maybe the birds and flies." Her father's survival rules and guidance has kept her alive so far and hasn't failed to help her out of any situation, ha, even in a zombie apocolapse.

Suddenly Wayne the kind man who saved her life about an hour before hand whispered to her in a quiet voice, "Hayley, Would you mind riding with me to a farm to check for gas?" He asked with a pleading look in his eyes. "I need someone with a good shot to accompany me."

She stared into his eyes and replied in the same soft whispery voice he asked her,"I'd be a pleasure. Besides I need to own up to my debt to you for helping me out before." She gave him a small smile that was kind and sincere.

"You be careful! The both of you! If you're still hurting, maybe you would be better to bring with" The driver and owner of the van, Police woman Jennifer said in a stern yet wary voice looking back and nodding towards Blair instead. It was kind of insulting to be asked y a person to go on a mission and then another to question their ability to complete the task given. "Thank you but I feel perfectly fine. And my shot won't be affected at all. I've gone hunting in worse conditions than some tiny wound on my head. I can do it. " She said sternly and confidently, holding her bow and sheath tightly in her hands and sitting up straight, she kept her voice low and quiet, so as not to wake any of the others up. She stared back at Wayne and smiled at both Jennifer and Wayne with a quick nod of confidence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Hill
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Beaux
Wayne looked back at her and her reply, Thank you very much. And you owe me nothing. He said and slightly smiled at her. He turned back to Jennifer, Will you pull over right here. The farms down that next road there. You guys keep going and we'll catch up when we find something. He unbuckled his seat beat and she pulled over. He hopped out of the van and gantly shut the door. He ran around to the back and quickly unloaded his motorcycle. He helped Hayley down out of the van and pulled his rifle out from under the seat. He slung it on his back and dug a walkie talkie out of his fatigues and handed it to Wes. If anything happens, call me. I'll let you know if we find anything. Keep it one channel three. He said and shut the door. He ran around to the drivers window, Keep moving; that's the key. If you haven't heard back from us in 30 minutes, don't turn back. Take care of them officer. He said and tapped the van. He ran back around and got on the motorcycle. He handed Hayley his helmnet and helped her on. They watched the van peel off and he cranked his bike. Hold on tight! He hollered over the bike and sped off down the dirt road. It was about a mile of so down the road before he saw the farm. He slowed down and looked around; Carefully scanning the area for infected. He saw nothing, but dead rotten cows as he pulls into the farm. He puts the kick stand down, but leaves the bike runnning. He gets off and helps her off as he swings his rifle around off his back. 15 minutes and then we leave. I want you to check the house for any supplies we could need or want. Food, water, medicine, ammo, whatever peeks your interest. Load these saddle bags up hun. He pulls a pistol out of it's holster on his hip and hands it to her. Just incase. He implies and hands her a whistle too. If you happen to get in trouble again, give me a blow and I'll be there. He says and half smiles at her. He gently hits her on the shoulder and takes off running to the barn.

He kept his rifle at the ready; ever scanning the area. He runs up to the big barn and peeks inside. It was awfully dark so he took a knee and pulled his pack around. He dug around and finally found his flash light. He stood up and slung it up on his back and pulled a cigarette from his front pocket. He lit it up and took a deep breath. He blew the smoke out his nose and strapped his rifle across his chest. He pulled a pistol crom his back waistband a flicked his flashlight on. He bared his arms and walked in the barn. He shined the light on the walls and saw nothing put tools and tack. He shined the light up to the ceiling and stared in horror. Dear God ... He whispered. There was old man Ron, his wife Karen and his two sons Daniel and Robert; hanging from the loft. He shined the light around and found the switch. He flicked it on and put his light in his pocket. He took another puff of his cigarette and started walking up the stairs to the loft. He walked over to where the Davis's were hanging and cut each one of them down. There was nothing but hay up there so he went back down stairs. He put them in a line and covered them with a sheet. He found a can full of diesel and a lantern of oil. He poured the oil on top of the sheet and poured a trail of diesel up to the hay. He went back downstairs for the last time and sighed. He took one last puff of his cigarette and took it out of his mouth. He flicked it up into the hay loft and watched as the whole barn went up in flames. He shook his headed and headed down to the stables. He was starting to worry when he finally found what he was looking for. He walked up to young Daniels truck and opened the door. He smiled. Good thing you always kept a full tank kid. He pulled the panel out of the steering wheel and touched the wires together. The old truck roared to life and he drove it back around to his bike. He filled up the gas tank he had found and filled up one in the back of the truck. He siphoned off the last bit in his bike. He was strapping the gas cans on his bike when he heard a growl from behind him. He slowly stood up and picked up the pistol on his seat. He turned around to see a pouncer staring him down. He moved away from his bike and the thing started circling him. He made sure to keep the infect facing him as he led it away from the house and Hayley. He backed up towards the stables and it followed him; growling and hissing. Wayne turned his head for just a second as he heard a gasp from the front porch. Bad mistake. The infect was on him in a second. It clawed at his chest and he grabbed it's arms. It bared it teeth and started to lean down towards him, snapping at his face. He struggled to push it off of him and on of his hands slipped and the pouncer slashed him across his face; Leaving a cut across his eye. Wayne got mad and pulled his feet up to his chest. He gave a big push and kicked it off of him. He got to his feet and put his hand to his face. It was covered in blood and started running all over his face and neck. He pulled a knife out of his belt and twirled it in his hand. He gave it a fling and watched the Infect fall. He stepped over it and went over to the bike. He got on and hollered, Hayley, Let's go! He helped her load up and peeled out of the drive way. He handed his radio to Hay, Radio Wesley and tell him we found it. He said and gave the bike more gas. Kicking up a trail of dust as the raced to catch up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Hill Character Portrait: Wayne Hardy
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0.00 INK

Jennifer pulled over to the side and she heard Wayne get out quickly from the passenger seat in front, and the door shut with a thud. Hayley stood up and lightly lifted Blair's head off and grabbed her bag from it. She slipped the straps on trying to be as quiet as she grabbed her sheath and attached it to her shoulder and tied the bottom of the sheath around her waist. She held her bow tightly in her left hand and stepped lifting her feet up and over taking quiet steps to the door.

She heard an couple clangs from the other side of the door. Wayne then opened the doors and held out his hands to Hayley. She smiled at him and took his hands, holding onto them as she jumped out of the van steadying herself from the jump with the helpful hands of Wayne. He gave Wess a walkie talkie and told Jenn and him that if they werent back in half an hour to keep going on without them. This worried Hayley. She hated to think that she had just found these nice and caring people and would've just lost them within less than two hours. She bit her lip nervously and slid her body between the bow's string and the wooden bow.

She followed Wayne to his awesome looking motorcycle. When she was in high school a while back, she went out with a guy you could call a bad boy, with a motorcycle. She loved riding on the back of it but Wayne's motorcycle was more badass than her ex's was. She grinned happily as he lead her over to the bike and sat on it. Hayley lifted her left leg over the side and sat in the back, wrapping her arms around Wayne's strong chest. He kicked the stand up and sped off down a narrow road. After about 5 minutes riding he drove up to a farm with a house and stable. He gave her a saddle bag and told her to check to the house for supplies like ammo, medical supplies, food, and anything else that seemed interesting. Hayley took her bow off her back and notched an arrow in the string. She nodded and took the bag and watched as Wayne went off to look in the barn.

Hayley walked cautiously towards the house. She lifted her bow up and aimed forward. She kicked the door open and ran through the house in a quick sweep. It was clear of infected. Thank god for her. Hayley went to the kitchen and looked for any canned goods. She opened the cabinets and brushed her hand arm behind the cans, making them fall off the edge of the cupboard into the bag. Shefilled it half way with all the cans she could find and found milk jugs probably from the cows that were probably dead. She placed her hand on the faucet hoping against hope that it was running. Unfortunately the water wasn't running. She put the jugs aside and walked upstairs. She looked in the closets and found lots of gauze, disinfectant ointments and creams, and band aids. She put them all in the bag. while she was in the house she managed to find four lighters, (probably a smoker) some cords, and a towel, and she was quickly got lots of the kitchen butcher knives as well. She decided that was enough and she was walking down the front stairs when she heard Wayne yell for her that they were going now. She leaped off the last three steps and ran out the door. She immediately saw a dead pouncer on the ground. She saw Wayne a bloody mess and hurt. "Wayne!" She screamed softly as he motioned for her to hop on his bike. Hayley obeyed and ran over to him. He was on the bike already and she settled herself on the bike making sure everything she had gathered was secure and she had everything. Than as soon as she had her arms back around him, he sped off back in the direction they had come. "Wayne are you ok!?" She yelled over the wind. As she took the walkie and pressed the side of her face against his back. She lifted the talkie to her lips and pressed the button connecting her to Wess back in the van. "Wesley! We are on our way back And we found it!" She yelled into the talkie. She then put it into Wayne's pocket, and closed her eyes as they sped up making a dust storm in the wake behind them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Hill
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Beaux
Wayne tried his best to not take his hands off of the handle bars, but the blood was running in his eye and making it hard to see. He reached up to wipe his eye and had to swerve around a dead cow in the road. Fuck. He softly hollered and shifter the bike up into fifth gear. He looked behind to make sure no one was following and turned back. He sighed and flipped the switch on his radio and sang along to Carry On My Wayward Son. He wanted to let himself relax, but he knew he couldn't. He felt Hayley's grip tighten around his waist as he sped up and thought about what a sight he must have been to her. He hollered over the roar of the bike, I'm sorry for how I look dear. You hanging tight back there? He swerved around a dead body in the road and got a confused look on his face as he saw another body and then another. Somethings wrong Hay. He hollered and looked around worried. He blew through an intersection and hoped he wasn't too far behind. He glanced in his mirror and swore he saw something fall out of a tree. He turned back around and kept on. He glanced in his mirror occasionally and he knew. Hunter .. He whispered. Hayley? Your about to do something crazy, but your gonna have to trust me. He hollered back to her. I need you to watch behind us. There's a hunter hot on our trail; probably picked it up at the barn.He said. He reached his left arm back and wrapped it around Hayley. He looked in the mirror and the hunter was almost on him. He whipped her around to the front of the bike so she straddled his lap and was facing backwards. He pulled a pistol of his thigh and handed it to her. He took the other out of his back waistband and gave it to her to. Give em' hell hun,he said and kept driving as she started shooting. He could see something in the distance and as he got closer he realized it was the van. Once they were close, he whipped her back to the back and got closer to the speeding van. He drove up to the driver's window and motioned for her to keep going, but to roll down the window also. She did and Wayne hollered out, We're going to ride along beside you. He had to pause to spit some blood out of his mouth. It's to dangerous to stop and I'll motion when we're in the clear and fill the van up; We'll be right behind you. Tell Wes to call us on the walkie if you see anything up front. He saw Jen's reaction when she saw his face. It's just a little scratch. I'll be fine. He drifted back behind the van and hollered back to Hayley, I hope it's ok with you. If you have an objection, please tell me. If you want, I'll get you in that van somehow


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Hill
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0.00 INK

Hayley held onto Wayne's waist tightly as he sped up slightly.Wayne turned on the radio and tried to relax as he started singing to a song she hadn't heard. She laughed at how casual he was being when suddenly he started to serve left and right dodging dead bodies. This scared Hayley a bit and made her hold on even tighter. She was worried now because 1. why there were so many bodies on this one street and 2. If he might swerve out of control and injury them both in a crash. She heard him try and reassure her by asking how she was. "I'm fine Wayne just a bit shaken. Just wanna get to somewhere safe is all." She shouted back to Wayne loudly over the blaring wind around them. She closed her eyes and heard Wayne swear under his breath. He yelled back to her somethings wrong. Hayley opened her eyes and listened to Wayne with wide eyes surprised and a bit confused. He was explaining an infect called a Hunter was following them, that it came from the barn, and that she needed to get rid of it. She knew what she had to do when she saw and felt Wayne's big muscular arm reach back and grab her. Before she knew it he brought her around quickly and seated her right on his lap, straddling his waist. He handed her his pistols and she pressed against his chest with her body, wrapping her arms around his neck. She held on pressing her legs in on the bike and holding onto his ankles with her feet to keep her steady and stable in this weird position she was now in. She made sure his chin was on her shoulder but she felt bad because her hair must've been flying in his face. "Sorry." Hayley hollered over the noise. She heard Wayne say "Give em' hell hun." She smiled and giggled as she then raised the guns, aiming them straight for the infect that was only about 3 yards behind them now. She had never really liked using guns but figured 'Hey how different can it be than shooting arrows?' She shot twice at the infect and missed. "I just have to get used to it is all!" She hollered to Wayne. She knew she couldn't get the infect without doing her strategy when in danger and her adrenaline was pumping like this. She closed her eyes for two seconds and held in her breathe. When she opened them the infect was jumping in mid air jumping at them. Hayley took a deep breath and suddenly she saw everything in a different way. She made time and everything around her freeze or slow down momentarily. She let out the breathe she had been holding in and pulled the trigger releasing the bullet into the rotten skull of the infected being. He fell to the ground and they sped away. When she said, "He's gone Wayne." He then proceeded to to whip her body back around to the back and after about 5 minutes after they spotted the van. They sped up fast and Hayley held on tightly to Wayne. He yelled over to Jennifer and Wess then slowed up a bit and fell behind driving along with the same speed or the van. Wayne asked if she wanted to be in the van. Well the van is cramped and might get hot. She yelled into his ear, "Nah I'm good with you Wayne. Besides I feel useless sitting in the van. It's much more fun out here riding with you." She laughed and grinned at the comment she made. "But Wayne are you ok?" She asked concern filling her voice. He looked pretty beaten up from the pouncer at the barn. Hayley decided to pull out her handkerchief from her pocket. She reached up to Wayne's mouth and wiped the blood off his mouth and then quickly wiped at the cut across his eye.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Beaux
Wayne smilied when Hayley agreed to stay with him. It felt good to have some one else around. Far less lonesome. He let her dab at his face and when she was finished he put his hand on hers while it was on his face, Thank you dear. He said and let go. He drifted a little ways behind the van, but kept them in sight. He was tired of getting dusted out. In fact, he was just plain tired. He hadn't slept in days and he couldn't remeber the last time he had eaten. He turned the radio down a bit so he could still hear what was going on around him and hummed along to the song Knocking On Heavens Door. He chuckled a bit because the song was ironic for their present situation. He allowed a small smile on his face as he felt Hayley lay her head on his back. The van and them had just turned on to one of his favorite country roads; It was full of twist and turns and just plain fun on a motorcycle. He'd speed up on the turns and made the bike almost lay flat to where their legs were scraping the ground when he zoomed around them. He heard Hay laugh and he smilied. He knew they were fixing to take point because they'd be coming up on a small town in about 15 miles so he decided to ask now. Where are you from Hayley? And how did you end up here? He asked as he sped up around a curve and swerved all of a sudden to avoid a burned out car in the road. He breathed a sigh of relief that they had missed it. It's all good. He whispered to himself and turned the radio off. He dug around in the pocket on his hip and pulled out a cigarette and set it in his mouth. He grabbed a lighter and handed it to Hayley; He turned his face to the side, Would you mind? He asked her. She lit the smoke and he offered her a cigarette. He took a long drag and held it between his fingers as he followed the van as it turned down a road that led to the highway. He sped up and drove side by side with the van; He hollered at Jennifer, There's a town up ahead. Were going in to scout. Don't stop Jen until I give the okay. He said and smilied. He gave the bike some extra throttle and zoomed off in front of the van.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy
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Hayley smiled when Wayne held her hand against his face. She smiled happy when he thanked her and then he let go of her hand. Hayley wrapped her arms around his chest, placing her hands on his chest lightly but with enough grip to keep her steady. He went behind the van and she closed her eyes momentarily as they were soon out of the city and on some dirt or fairly sandy roads. She kept her eyes closed so to not get blinded by the beads of sand kicked up by the van, but soon reopened them as Wayne fell back far behind the van at a safe distance out of it's dust cloud. He turned on the radio and sang softly along to another song. She like his singing and felt totally relaxed. She kept her head laid against his back and gave him a small squeeze. She smiled and as they turned onto a twisty and turny road. She laughed when he sped up around the bends and Hayley held onto him tighter worried she might fall but loved how they were riding. She laughed and thought, 'man he is a great motorcycle driver!' She heard him ask her in a normal speaking voice once they were done having their fun on the road, How she came to be here and then where she came from. "I was born in COnnecticut and grew up there but we moved to Wisconsin when I was 5. Then I was taught to hunt by my father and he took me on hunting trips and such ya know. Thats why I have great aim been doing this archery aiming thing for 21 years. Then my father and I were on a hunting trip, an infect got him, I heard the broadcast and came here to look for my mother and brother, didn't find them." She took a dramatic breathe and paused for a second. "Then I was hopelessly wandering around looking for survivors, but then got attacked by the pouncer and hit my head. Thats when you came and saved me." She smiled and kissed his neck softly as thanks. She giggled softly. That was until they almost crashed into a car. She gasped letting out a small scream of surprise and gripped onto Wayne tightly. She closed her eyes tightly until he reassured her it was ok again. He then proceeded to take out a cig and hand a lighter to Hayley. She took it and smiled lighting it for him. He offered up one to her but she declined with a simple, "Sorry I dont smoke." As he took in a drag and then exhaled the smoke, it blew into her face. Hayley quickly closed her eyes at the stinging and coughed covering her mouth with her hand. Then he sped up to the side and told Jennifer that they were going yet again on another scouting adventure. She was at least happy it gave her more time with Wayne alone. She smiled and held onto him tightly as he drove up in front of the van. He went up until the van was just a dot behind them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Hill Character Portrait: Dani Kim
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Slump
God it was quiet... One foot fall after the other, the crunch of shoes on gravel the only sound Dani could hear as she walked along the side of the highway. Her Ipod's battery was on its last stretch, so she had decided to turn it off, instead, listening out for any signs of life... Proper life that is. The sun scorched down, making her long dark hair hot to touch and causing rivulets of sweat to form and drip down her back. Her face was slightly red, the sleeves of her red and cream long sleeved shirt rolled up to her elbows, doing nothing to stop her pale olive skin from getting burnt. She hated this... She hated this whole situation that she was in... Her hands clenched tighter on the handle of her baseball bat, grumbling something in Korean that didn't really mean anything. The gun tapped on the side of her leg, making small clacking noises, her backpack clunking and rustling. She had managed to walk this far already, but her legs were getting weak, her head light and her lips dry. Finally, Dani decided to sit and take a rest, flopping down on the side of the road and pulling out a drink bottle from her pack, swilling the first mouthful in her mouth and spitting it out, then taking a long drink of the sweet, clean water. She grabbed a muesli bar and took a hungry bite, having not eaten for almost 2 days now. She had decided only to eat when completely necessary, to reserve her previsions. Grabbing a band aid from her first-aid kit, she sucked on her finger, a blister starting to grow from where her bat rubbed as she held it. Wrapping the band aid around it, she sighed, looking over the road with deep brown eyes, almost black. She heard them before she saw them.

Engines... Two of them... Motorbike? And a large vehicle! She jumped up, grabbing her things and waving her hands in the air, calling out as the vehicles came towards her. Survivors, they had to be!
"Help! Please Help me! I'm not infected! Please Please, I need some help!" She waved her bat in the air, unrolling her sleeves so that the red might catch their attention. She wanted shade, she wanted to stop walking. She jumped up and down, hoping the people on the motorbike, or in what now appeared to be a police van, would take pity on the 14 year old Asian girl on the side of a road.