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The Crossed and The Skulled

The Crossed and The Skulled


(Started)The blessed and the cursed.Both with destinies to fulfill and both with heavy responsibilities that need to be finished.The war will explode.Which side will win this time?Is this the end of a war-filled world?Or is it just the beginning?

1,584 readers have visited The Crossed and The Skulled since blackwolf created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


The Skulled and the Crossed

The Story


Thousands of years ago, there was a big sunstorm happened on this very planet we are living in. The sunstorm went as quickly as it appeared but the consequences were inevitable as the sunstorm, somehow, changed the human’s DNA. Some remained the same. Others were not so lucky. They began to develop strange abilities. They began to develop... the gifts. On the body of each changed human, there was a mark. Over the years, the marks began to take better shapes and gradually, they became clear shapes: a shape was of a skull and the other? It was the shape of a cross.

People quickly discovered that the ones with the cross mark were a blessing. Their powers, their special abilities could help many people. The ones that had the ability to control plants could make bumper crops. The ones with fire ability could create warmth. The ones with water affinity could create rains to help others. In other words, the ones with crosses on their bodies were gods and goddesses in human forms. The normal people began to worship the crossed ones and named them: the crossed, the blessing, the gods, the good...etc. The crossed quickly gained high positions and they became the kings, the queens, the rich, the respected of the whole human community. They lived a content and happy life with nothing to worry about except maybe helping the others. Children who were born with crosses on their bodies could go to special schools, be trained to become someone special and almost have their futures handed on a golden plate. Over all, the crossed live a very, very happy life.

What about the skulled? They were not as lucky. Unlike the crossed, the skull’s powers are a curse. A true curse. Their powers could not help anyone. No, in fact, their powers could only harm others. A people with plants power could only make poisonous plants grow and turn the good crops into the bad, deathly crops. The one with fire ability could only create destructive fire – the kind of fire that only hurt the ones who were near it. The water affinity ones could make floods and tsunamis, destroying everything on their ways. . In the human world, the skulled became the bad omens, the cursed, the demons, the evil. The human society began to hate them, despise them, fear them. They abused the ones with skull marks and force them into a life of slavery. The skulled were cursed, abandoned, beaten and killed in the most brutal ways possible. They always had to face hunger, coldness, sickness, pain and deaths everyday in their lives. And yet, it wasn’t enough. The people realized that even with the abuse they inflicted upon the skulled, the skulled continued to be born to this world. And so, a solution was created. They would make all the skulled ones go to a big island and isolate them, hoping to destroy them all seeing that they could not grow their food themselves or it would turn out to be poisonous.

The plot


However, the humans’ effort was in vain. Thousands years have passed and the skulled haven’t been destroyed yet. Each day, there would be children with skull marks being born to this world. They all prepared to give up their hope, until one day, she came.

She is the hope of the world, the one with the power to save them all. She comes from a highly respected, blessed family with all of her family member, from her parents to her siblings to her cousins, aunts, uncles…being the blessed. However, she has the best blessing. She …can make the skulled ones become normal humans. No power. No ability. Harmless. All of the world’s hope rests on her shoulder. She can create a peaceful world, a safe world for everyone. And she is training everyday for that task.

However, when there is fire and there is hope, shadows will appear, threaten to destroy it all. Lying underneath the facades of helpless, isolated cursed humans were something much, much more sinister. The skulled ones, over the years, have harbored deep, endless hatred toward the human world, toward the blessed, toward everything but their own kind. They have been waiting silently in the dark, using every bit of their slyness to hide their real intentions. They are preparing for a war – a big war. It is a war that can save them from the fates of being the cursed ones. It is the war that will change everything. It is also a war that will bring them to their rightful places as the gods of the world…and their first move? Eliminate the so-called goddess of the world – she.

The story timeline


The story timeline is the current, modern world where technology is as developed as it is now in our real lives. Weapons such as guns or bombs are all created in this world. However, people can still use swords, daggers or bows if they are comfortable with the weapons. Televisions, headphones, cellphones, communicators exist in this world. The fashion trends are diverse. They can wear fantasy clothes, normal clothes, or even clothes that look like it comes from the future. There is also a big difference. This world is crueler than our world. The slave system still exists. And there is a law that says: if there’re any children born with the skull mark, they will be often immediately killed at birth or sometimes sold/given to a blessed family to become a slave while the ones with cross marks will be raised as a noble, have scholarship, no fax or anything and have many other advantages.

It is also a world where wars happen all the time. The clashes between the skulled with the crossed and the humans always threaten to tear the world apart and the rebellions from the ones that are forced to become slaves make the world very unstable.

The Crossed


They are the hope of the world, the ones whose shoulders carry heavy responsibilities. They are treated like royalty and never once in their lives have to go through hardship or experience hungers, pains, deaths, sicknesses… they are usually very good people despite the fact that they are spoiled rotten. Their views about the skulled ones depend on each person. Some think that the skulled are the curses and needed to be destroyed. Others think that they can still be saved and they are just like the crossed only with different powers. The rest might be neutral, never offer any opinions about the cursed ones. Their powers are always meant to help other people such as healing, plants control, calming ability…etc. In each body of the blessed ones, there is a cross mark. The cross mark can be anywhere. Their eyes, their foreheads, their bellies, their backs, their palms…The more complex the shapes are, the stronger they will become. For example: if the shape is only of a cross and nothing more special than that, the ability will be weak but easy to control. However, if the mark has wings or vines or any other details, the power will be stronger but harder to control.

This is the positions in their system:

The leader: is the wise one, the one that can lead everyone and the one that everyone can count on in every situation. She/he must be the one that thinks nothing of their own personal problems and focus solely on the benefits of the whole community.

The Second-in-command: The advisor of the leader. She/he is the one that wakes the leader up whenever he/she begins to fall into the darkness. They are the ones that give advices and can see the whole picture and not just the tiny bits of the normal human community or the crossed community.

The healers: To simply put, their sole purpose is to heal others. Their abilities mainly focus on the healing part, whether it is emotional or physical wounds. They have very bad fighting skill and never take part in any fights unless their lives depend on it.

The helpers: As their name has suggested, they are the helpers. With their abilities, they often help the normal humans with their ability for example: making plants grow faster, making the air less polluted…etc. They, like the healers, also never take part in any major fights.

The protectors: The defense force of the world. Their abilities are related to defensive moves such as creating barriers or sealing something and preventing it from escaping. They take part in a fight with the role of supporters, defense but not attack.

The fighters: The warriors of the world. Their role is to fight and eliminate the world from any possible threats. They are trained from a very young age and are very skilled fighters. Their abilities are anything related to offensive moves such as: fire manipulation, water manipulation, energy manipulation…etc.

The negotiators/the politicians: They are the bridges connect the normal human world with the crossed society. They are very kind and caring, care for others more than themselves. They tell the normal humans their people’s wishes and offer them their opinions. Their abilities are usually used for soothing people to create peace.

The fallen: They are the ones that have betrayed their community and beliefs to run away to the Skulled. Their purposes can be many things, from trying to save the skulled from the darkness of the world to wanting more power or money. They mostly have neutral views about the world and aren’t accepted in the community for what they have done as the crossed community view them as traitors.

The Skulled


They, unlike the crossed, all have gone through very hard lives. Some are killed at birth; some are sold or given to become slave. Luckily, in each hospital, there are usually some skulled in disguise live there in order to save the children with skull marks from their horrible fates. Of course, nothing is perfect and sometimes, the skulled can’t save the children from their deaths or their fates of being a slave. Therefore, if the skulled community discovers any skulled ones being slaves, they will immediately try to rescue the children and raise them in the island the normal humans have forced them to live in. They are usually very bitter and cruel; often view the treatment between the skulled ones and the crossed ones as unfair and unreasonable. Of course, there are some very rare exceptions which the skulled ones being the good and kind ones. However, it is mostly unheard of. But they all have something in common. They all love their own kind and ready to die for each other. Their powers are always used to cause harm and pain or destruction such as life-force manipulation, madness manipulation, poisonous power, necromancy…etc. Their powers also heavily depend on the complexity of their skull marks. They often have to steal food and/or weapons from normal humans in order to survive because none of their own has the power to grow food without turning it into lethal poisons. The young are trained from a very early age and often taught to hate normal humans and the crossed.

The skulled β€˜s system is slightly different from the crossed β€˜s system:

The Alpha: The leader. The strategist of the whole community. Giving orders and commands to the skulled society. They have to be very cunning and intelligent, know which course of actions is the best and never afraid to scarify in order to archive a bigger purpose. They also have to care deeply for their society and hate the humans with a passion.

The Betas: Their role is just like the second-in-command. They are the advisors of the Alpha, the ones that often do the negotiation missions and are the ones that convince the people to follow the Alpha’s commands. They also care about their community but their views about the crossed are usually unknown. There are two betas: The right-hand man and the left-hand man.

The thieves/ the stealers: For the lack of better words, their purpose is to steal things. They steal foods, weapons, entertainment and many things else but information in order to support the other skulled. Their powers are usually related to their purpose such as: blending in the dark, invisible…etc. They are very quick and have excellent stealth but bad combat skills.

The killers/the assassins: They kill…things. Unwanted things. They kill the ones that the Alpha deems dangerous to their community. They are silent and deathly. They are cold-blooded murders and have perfect killing strikes. They are specializing in weapons such as daggers, swords, throwing knives, bombs, poisons…etc. Their abilities are also related to their field and they have been trained since they were young. Most of them develop bitter views on the world.

The spies: They collect important information and disguise themselves as normal humans in order to do their jobs. They are absolutely loyal to their kind and are the ones that often take the children with skull marks from the hospitals to the island for the other skulled to raise them. Their abilities often make others trust them so as to do their jobs easier. There are quite a lot spies in the higher ranks of the human community.

The educators: They teach the younger generations. They tell them about the past, the hatred, the stupidity of the humans. They give the young the inspiration they need in order to fulfill their roles for the community. They are also the ones that raise the children taken from the hospitals or the houses that they were forced to be the slaves in. They have very persuaded ability like emotions manipulation, and often hate the humans.

The warriors: They fight for their kind and nothing more. They are deadly killers. They have excellent combat skills and strength as well as powerful ability. However, they usually lack of insights and act on their instinct more often than not. Their abilities are always related to wars such as super strength, super speed, lightning manipulation…etc

The traitors: They are hated and despised by all of the members in the skulled society. They betrayed their own kinds and ran away to the normal humans and live with them, accepting their fates as slaves for the humans and hate their power. They are the ones that must be killed in sight all of their members.

Need to know about the crossed and the skulled

    +Their powers depend heavily on the complexity of their birthmarks

    +If two crossed marry each other, their children will be the crossed or normal humans, never the skulled. Same as the skulled, when two skulled marry each other, their children will be the skulled or normal humans, never the crossed. But the children of normal humans can be the crossed, the skulled or the humans.

    +The crossed are usually the good people and the skulled are usually bad people. However, there might be some exceptions.

    + Even if they are good or bad, the Crossed's powers are always meant to help people and the skulled's powers are always meant to harm people.

    +There is a law saying that children with skull marks need to be destroyed at birth or sold to become a slave while the children with cross marks will be treated like royalty.

The Roles

She: TAKEN - Esana - Isis Mathari

The leader of the Crossed: OPEN

The second-in-command of the Crossed: OPEN

The Alpha of the skulled: TAKEN - blackwolf - Kura Tsubasa

The Betas of the skulled: Two Betas - OPEN

The crossed: Any number as long as it is relatively the same as the skulled.

    +The Fallen 1 - Camillo - Castille D'Alnei
    +The Protector 1 - Lukipyon - Estelle Rocha
The Skulled: Any number as long as it is relatively the same as the crossed. OPEN

    +The Assassin 1 - Demonoid - Elakida Starkin (WIP)
    +The Assassin 2 - nltniko - Jake Dahlquis


Code: Select all
[left][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][b][size=250][font=YOUR FONT]FULL NAME[/font][/size][/b][/color]
[img]Your image's url (I prefer anime style picture but really...anything will do)[/img][/left]
[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Full Name:[/u][/b][/size][/font][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]your character's name (including first name, middle name and last name)[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Nickname/Aliases:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Your character's nick name or aliases (including the reason why your character is called that way) [/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Species:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman](The skulled? or The crossed?)[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Your character's age[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Your character's gender[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Occupation:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]What is your char's occupation? a healer? a helper? a spy? an educator?[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Height:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Your character's height[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Weight[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Your character's weight[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Hair color:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Your character's hair color[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Eyes' color:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Your character's eyes' color[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Preferred clothing:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Your character's preferred clothing + a link to the image if you can find it.[/font][/size] [url=a link to the image of your char's clothing style]what is your char's clothes style called?[/url]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]The complexity of my mark:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Rate from 1 to 10 with 10 being the most complex and 1 is the simplest[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]My mark:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]What is your mark? a cross or a skull? + a link to the image and where your mark is (your shoulder? palm? right foot? eye?)[/font][/size] [url=The link to your mark's image]the cross or the skull?[/url]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]A brief paragraph about your character's appearance. Even if you have an image, please still write a brief paragraph for me...I need it to decide if you can join or not. And if you don't have an image, please write in details...[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]EXTREMELY DETAIL, please...this is one of the two main parts which I use to judge your character...The better you write, the more likely your char will get accepted(You have to write AT LEAST 2 paragraph about your character's good traits and bad traits because every human has bad traits and good traits)[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Special Power:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Your character's power, also in details. How your ability works, is it good or is it evil?[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Power's drawbacks:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Don't turn your character into a god...write careful about his/her ability's drawback, please...[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Skills/abilities:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Your char's non-related-to-power skill(s) (for example: singing, dancing, running...etc)[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Strengths:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman](including emotional strength and physical strength)[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman](Including emotional weakness and physical weakness)[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Equipment(s):[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Your character's equipment(s)[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Likes:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]At least 3 things[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Dislikes:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]At least 3 things[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Fears:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Your character's fear(s)[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Oddities:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Your character's strange habits or traits[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Hobbies:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]What are you character's favorite hobbies?[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]History:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman](The second important part which I use to judge your writing skill as well as determine if you can join or not...please write in details and DO NOT put the 'TBA' things in it. If you REALLY want it to be 'TBA', PM me about your char's history but remember, I will judge it very VERY carefully)[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Playlist:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]some songs that fit your character not really's just for fun...and if you have the songs, please have the link with them. If you don't, just don't write anything in it but DO NOT delete this.[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]My character's view of the Skulled, the Crossed and the normal humans:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Please write your char's view on the Crossed, the Skulled and the normal humans. You can write it as your IC.

For example: "Humans? They are annoying as hell"[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Others:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman]Anything else about your character that needs to be mention? If there isn't, please write "Not at the moment"[/font][/size]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=150][font=YOUR FONT][b][u]Password:[/u][/b][/font][/size][/color] [size=130][font=Times New Roman](This is the proof that you have read the rules. I do not accept char that doesn't have this part no matter how good-written your char is)[/font][/size]


2/ The crossed 3 - freakofnature - 48 hours


1/ The Alpha: Blackwolf - Kura Tsubasa
2/ She: Esana - Isis Mathari
3/ The crossed 1: Camillo - Castille D'Alnei
4/ The Skulled 1: Demonoid - Elakida Starkin
5/ The Skulled 2: nltniko - Jake Dahlquis
6/ The crossed 2 - Lukipyon - Estelle Rocha

Note 1:If you can't think of any special powers, go to this awesome website and search for the powers that suit your chars best. The powers in the website always include drawbacks and you have to rememberTHE SKULL'S POWERS ARE USED TO DESTROY while THE CROSSED POWER ARE USED TO SAVE and CREATE
Note 2:If your character's death, feel free to submit a new one

Toggle Rules

1)This is a medium-high literate rp. Therefore, it is expected of you to write more than 250 words per post and each post should be in details. I don't expect you to write a novel but please try your best. I want to know, to understand about the chars' reactions, interactions, feelings, thoughts...etc to each action the others write. People react to things, you know. However, if you accidentally meet the curse of all writers, the evil WRITER BLOCK, write more than 100 words please. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE LINER. If you write one liner, you will be rejected. Simple as that.
2)I understand grammar and vocabularies mistakes. Hell, I know that there are definitely some mistakes in the rp but try to minimize the amount of mistakes, please. If you can't spell a word, use the dictionary.
3)Please, put some SERIOUS EFFORT in creating your character. Your character sheet reflects your writing skill and therefore, I will use your character sheet to determine if you are accepted or not. If you are not accepted, I will pm you and tell you the reasons why. Maybe it's not because of your writing skill but because your character just don't fit the role. I will give you some tips about it if you still want to rp after your char has been rejected so you can get accepted. Your char will be 100% accepted if you make him/her really united and special ;) oh, almost forget...please have a 100x100 image as your avatar, please...and use the character tag to tag your character's name as well as the names of the characters you are interacting with. It will be less confusing that way. Ah, try to use as many image in your CS as you can, I like pretty char sheet.
4)I accept reservation and WIP characters. However, the WIP character will be rejected after 3 days if he/she hasn't been finished yet. About the reservation, please come to the OOC and write your reservation with this form.

Species: The skulled or the crossed?
Occupation: Healer? Helper? Assassin? Warrior? Educator?
Amount of time I need to put up my character sheet: (use hours please)

This is an example:
Species: The Skulled
Occupation: The Alpha
Amount of time I need to put up my character sheet: 48 hours

After the reserved time has passed and you still haven't put up your character sheet yet, the spot will be re-opened again. Please keep your reserved time and submit your char sheet in time since it is you who put the reserved time and not me.
5)Please post at least 3 times per week, please. If you have troubles carry on, please contact me and I will try to arrange something, whether it is killing your character off or adopting your character. Don't disappear and leave us waiting :(
6)No godmodding or meta-gaming. It means don't turn your char into a god and start blasting everyone with your 'magical rainbow power of love'. No killing anyone unless you have their permission and you have to discuss with each other about your outcome of the fight first such as who will win, who will lose...No meta-gaming means that when your character meets a new character, unless your powers are related in gaining information or you have spied on him/her for a while now, can't know about their names or anything related to their information. For example: don't start calling a complete stranger your char haven't met yet by her/his name. It's annoying.
7)It's a NC-15 rp and therefore, you can make out until the clothes come off. If you want to go beyond it, take it to the PM.
8)If your character is a skulled, write in the password your favorite color, please.
9)USE THE CHARACTER SKELETON...I've worked so damned hard to create it so please USE IT...
10)You are more than welcome to play multiple characters as long as you divine the time equally between them. If you play twins...say, one with skull mark and one with cross mark, please create TWO character sheets, please. On each post, please write your character name so we'll know who you are rp-ing :D
11)Violence can be expected but if you deem it too bloody or gory, please write it by using white color so the ones that don't want to read it can't be scared for life. The HEX CODE for the color white is FFFFFF
12)Romance is also expected but please don't jump to the nearest opposite/same sex member and start snogging him/her, 'kay? ;P
13)Cursing is allowed as long as you don't start shouting curses like a drunk sailor.
14)If you are the crossed ones, please write your favorite food(s) in the password.
15)No playing others' actions for them unless you have their permissions.
16)You must obey every rule of the website.
17)Respect the OTHERS. If you can't control yourself and start argue with everyone like a 5-year-old child, go away and argue with a kindergarten instead. What's in IC, stays in IC. There aren't places for snotty, bratty and lack of self-control persons in this rp. I will give you a warning and if you ignore it, your character will be killed and rejected immediately. No question is to be asked.
18)If you have problem with someone in the rp and can't express yourself, pm me and I will try to talk to him/her without telling your name(s).
19)Questions are allowed to be asked and are encouraged. However, please restrain from asking the obvious ones. This is a loose plot and therefore, in the end, the good and the bad can win. The result hasn't been decided yet. It is also greatly encouraged to offer your opinions as well as ideas so the rp can be better.
20) This is the last but most important rule, HAVE FUN!!!!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kura Tsubasa Character Portrait: Elakida Starkin Character Portrait: Jake Dahlquis Character Portrait: Castille D'Alnei
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The sun was rising from the far distance. Its light danced happily on the island of the cursed humans and warmed everything up. The trees, the water, the houses...all turned into a light yellow under the sun rays but the silence from last night was still lingering around, not wanting to leave yet. A few persons had woken up from their slumbers and were now preparing to begin their daily activities. All in all, the scene reminded everyone of a peaceful kingdom in the early mornings and no-one would have guessed this was the cursed part of the world if they hadn't been told about the situation yet.

On a high tower in the centre of the city, pale, long fingers touched the window frame slightly and the owner let out a heavy sigh. Dark, brown eyes took in hungrily the scene in front of them as if they would never have the chance to witness it again. The pair of eyes trailed from houses to houses and from trees to trees. Another sigh escaped him. Oh, how he loved his people. How he loved this place. These were his people, his family, his whole life. He would die to protect them all. Forcefully torn his eyes away from the scene, he looked at his own room. His room was simple but elegant. On the white wall were some paintings. The paintings were not beautiful, they all showed stick figures, holding hands and laughing merrily. Kura's eyes softened as he looked at them. These were the pictures drawn by the children in the Academy and they were perfect in Kura's eyes.

His eyes locked on a specific object on the table and he picked it up. It was a file of a girl - a very special girl. Kura's eyes narrowed and he let out a snort in disgust before throwing the file away. It crashed into the wall and touched the ground with a soft thump. This, this girl was supposed to be the one to destroy them all? This girl had the power to destroy everything he had worked so hard to create? He slammed his fist to the table, his face showed uncontrollable fury. He whispered darkly and let out a growl "If God turns her back on us, we will turn our backs on the rest of this pathetic world..."

He turned his head and studied his reflection on a mirror on his right. His face had twisted into a mask of anger and his body was tensed, like it was ready to attack at any moment. It was a terrifying sight. A boy about 15 years old stood there, trembling with ungodly hatred. Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Kura leaned against the table and ran a hand through his long hair in an attempt to calm himself down.

His attempt was not in vain. His body had begun to relax slightly and the tension left just a little but it was still a progress. He rubbed his sore eyes tiredly, the circles were visible, indicated that he hadn't had many good sleeps lately. He had stayed up late, preparing. He prepared for the war, for his people, for his spies, for...everything. It was beginning to exhaust himself and he knew that his power would run out pretty soon. He needed another human to take their youths...soon.

He took another deep breath and closed his eyes to concentrate. He felt his power decreased slowly and his body began to grow older and older until he reached his twenties. The young man opened his eyes and looked at his surrounding again. Now, in this state of mind, he found that his anger was very childish. He shouldn't have lost his control like that. He should have thought more clearly before he acted like a five-year-old boy. Picking up the file from the floor, Kura turned the page and touched the photo of the girl slightly. Isis Mathari - she. His face darkened slightly but it did not show any other emotions and he made his way out of his room. He had a meeting with his best people right now and then he would visit the Academy later. He should make haste. There was no use in sitting here, brooding and doing nothing about the obvious threat his people were facing.

He glanced at the beautiful scene outside the tower he was living and he nodded his head, silently promised to himself. He would make his people happy. Even if it was the last thing he did in his life. He closed the door softly behind him and straightened his shoulder. He would not show his weaknesses in front of his own people. They needed him to stay strong. He walked to his office and nodded his head when he heard his assistant greeted him respectfully. He raised an eyebrow when he saw the ban of all leaders - paperwork that needed to be signed and read. Would anyone mind reminding him why he chose this job on the first place again?

He shook his head. Well, normally, his betas would be the ones that helped him do this but since they all went away for their missions, he would have to deal with this all by himself. He stopped in front of his head assistant and ordered her shortly "Call in Miss Elakida Starkin, Mister Jake Dahlquis and Mister Castille D'Alnei for me, Maddie...I need them here in 10 minutes for a meeting...tell them to come here quick...I have a mission for them all..." The assistant nodded and pushed her glasses a little. She replied "...of course, Kura sir...I will send your messages to them immediately..."

Kura muttered a small 'thanks' before walking into his office. He sat on the chair and ran a hand through his hair again. He wondered how his betas were doing right now. He hoped they hadn't been caught with their latest missions. It would be a great lost to the whole community. Taking a sip from the tea cup his assistant had been so kind and provided him, Kura let his mind wander again. Finally, he put the tea cup on the table and picked up a paper, began reading. Well, he had better start his work now. Sometimes, he really hated waiting.

A side note: Remember to tag your char and the ones you interact with and write your char's name on top of your posts. Thank you.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kura Tsubasa Character Portrait: Jake Dahlquis
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#, as written by nltniko
Jake Dahlquis

Jake was sitting in a chair at a cafΓ©.
He was surrounded with people that all had arrived to hear him play his guitar.
He enjoyed seeing the people around him in a great mood, and it worked just as it had been given to him aswell.
As he were playing people started finding seats and buying things in the cafΓ© just to have a reason to stay there.
When he had played for a little while he stopped.
Then he heard that people around him started sighning and started walking home.
He gave the guitar a spin and decided started playing again.

Half an hour later he walked to another cafΓ© and ordered a drink and some breakfast. He quiclky ended up in a talk about how good they had it under Kura's rule.
None in that discussion had a doubt. If it weren't for Kura they would all still be slaves.
As they were all joking, smiling and just having a good time, Jake thought of something. If it were not for Kura he would still be a slave in the Crossed's society.
So after all it were just repaying a favor that he now was a soldier for Kura.

At the time he walked home again he were met by an messenger.
She said that Kura wanted to talk to him and he should meet at Kura's office as soon as possible.
Jake slung his guitar onto his back and walked home.
As soon as he got home he prepared for the meeting and found his sword again.
He took it in it's holder at his side and then teleported to the tower.
He arrived and walked over to the door, knocked and walked in.
There he saw Kura sitting at a table, reading something.
"You wanted to see me Sir ?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kura Tsubasa Character Portrait: Elakida Starkin Character Portrait: Jake Dahlquis
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Elakida Starkin

Elakida Starkin grumbled as she made her way to Kura's office. She'd been guarding the cake she made for her younger brother, Dresnan's birthday from the others, when a messenger came to tell her Kura the Unaged wanted to see her. The cake was probably crumbs now. Hands in her overcoat pockets, Elakida made her way over to Kura's office. If it had been anyone else, the cake would still be guarded, but Elakida owed Kura one. She didn't like to talk about why, though, not even to her brothers. She spotted the building and walked in, ignoring Kura's assistant, Maddie. She climbed the steps and came to a stop. She opened the door of Kura's office and stepped inside.

The first thing Elakida saw was Kura reading a book. Then she saw a man standing in the room. She stepped forward so she was in line with him. Elakida was pretty sure his name was Jake... Yes, he was an Assassin. He was one of the very few assassin's she didn't criticize. She raised an eyebrow. This would be important is he was here. She looked to Kura. "You asked for me?" She asked.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isis Mathari Character Portrait: Estelle Rocha
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#, as written by Esana
Isis Mathari

There was a long silence, and then the hairdresser stepped back, admiring his work. "How does that look, milady. Is that alright by you?"

After a precursory look at her hair - she knew what it was going to look like, since it was perfectly the same every single time - Isis smiled at the hairdresser. "Thank you very much, Pauson. I really appreciate you coming all this way just to help me redo my hair." She started to get up, and Pauson hastily stepped forward and helped her remove the apron and dust her off without actually touching her - a task that he managed to accomplish with great success.

Watching him do so - and the great formality that he had shown her during the course of the treatment - created a cold stone at the bottom of Isis' stomach, one that she was fairly sure that she wouldn't be able to get rid of anytime soon. Still, she couldn't let that affect how she acted. She gave Pauson another smile. "Thank you again, and I hope that you have enough time to stay for dinner tonight? We're going to be having a more private affair, but you're welcome to join us."

Pauson ducked his head and murmured some excuse, before bowing and taking his exit. Isis watched him go, the smile fading from her eyes.

She turned to the mirror and looked at herself. Her hair, a bit faded before, was now pure black again, a black that reflected almost no light and brought a darker look to the baby-faced, young goddess. For a moment, the image flashed, and she saw herself with white hair. She considered reaching up and touching her hair - that would restore it in less than a moment - but that would waste all Pauson's effort, and besides, she, of all people, couldn't go around looking like a child.

With a small sigh, Isis turned away from the mirror and walked out of the hairdressing room. She made her way over to her own, private quarters, giving light smiles and warm welcomes as she did so. When she reached her room, she took a moment to fix her clothes and then walked out onto the balcony. It was one of the highest points in the mansion - castle really, but for modesty's sake, it was called a mansion - and it gave her a perfect view over the city that she had to protect. One of hundreds. Many times, Isis had wondered if her room had been built there on purpose, so that she would always be able to see her people and so that she would never be able to forget what she owed to them.

Something like gloom settled over her for a moment, but then she shook it off, pushing it to the side of her mind. She smiled down at the people who could see her from the mansion grounds. Visitors came all the time, either for business or just to see her. Not all of them got to, security being an issue, but many of them did.

Finally, she turned away from the balcony and walked back into her room, closing the balcony's double doors behind her. Checking the grandfather clock in the corner, she saw that she had about half an hour before she should start her training. There weren't that many options... but she could have a little something to eat and maybe have a little conversation. She strolled out of her room and asked a passing maid - Crisri - "Excuse me? Crisi?" grabbing her attention immediately. "Would you mind asking Estelle to make me something small to eat? Anything's fine. And would you send her up here with the food when she's done?" Isis paused and then added, "Unless you're busy, of course."

Which sent up a rush of "No, no, I'm not busy at all," and "Of course, Miss Mathari, of course," before she rushed off to do Isis' bidding.

Isis watched her go, and then retreated back to her own room, sitting down at her desk on the studyish side of her room. She looked through her books and selected one to read while she was waiting for Estelle to come up with her food.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Augustus Karl Hamelin Character Portrait: Isis Mathari
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Augustus Hamelin

Augustus woke up later than usual:Ultimately he had many missions to execute and jobs to accomplish.
When he used to live far from the Civilization he used to wake up around 3.00 am or 4.00 to do his daily routine that comprhends:Hunting,gathering materials and work with his weapon.
He stood up from his little bed and looked around his room:surely it wasn't the best but enough for a man to survive.
The house is made of mainly 4 rooms:The biggest was the guest room,even if he wondered why he bought an house with such guests room when he will never have guests...
His second biggest room was his bedroom.He says that it is the greatest room made by himself because originally the house had only 3 rooms and the bed room was part of the guest room.
He has got a kitchen where he mainly use it to maintain food and for cooking.
The last room was obviously the bathroom,poor but enough for him.

The first thing he did is to visit the Bathroom.He looked himself to the Mirror...what he saw was a man with long black hair and his face covered by a short beard.
Hmmmm.....First symbols of New age Eh? He thinked while taking a dagger from his nearby backpack.

After he cleaned his face and cutted his hair he looked again in a mirror:Another man was standing there.
Since he left the forests he promised to himself to focus on what was lost: His life...during his exile he thinked how stupid was to leave a Society just for a failure or two.
He got dressed and went out to explore how this town changed since he left it:the first thing he noticed was a great "Castle" with a Tower that guards the place.
The Tower where She lives...Augustus said to himself while walking around wearing his normal clothes:Black trousers,and a white jacket.
Even with this "Revolutionary style" Augustus still wears his hat to remind to the others his habits.
Augustus had the Luck to see the little goddess retiring from the balcony.He left a shadow of a smile:After years he had enough courage to let a smile.

The next part he visited of the town were the Training grounds,where he practiced when he was at a young age.
He left a look on the practicing fighters:He doesn't know if he should enter and aid the educators or leave them.
When he noticed that a boy couldn't string his bow he decided just to aid him a little.
With some misses and too-less-attention finally the boy managed to strike the center of the range.
When he made it Augustus wasn't there anymore: He went out to explore more of the town.

The last building he had to visit was the Great Castle:He walked to the central town and looked at the Massive building.
To enter....or not to enter....


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kura Tsubasa Character Portrait: Elakida Starkin Character Portrait: Jake Dahlquis Character Portrait: Castille D'Alnei
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#, as written by Camillo

It was cold in the workshop, so very, very cold. It was so cold, in fact, that if one were to take one step in from the outside, their bodies would reject the new temperatures and they would high tail it back out again. But that was how Castille liked it, and he liked the solitude that came with it.
It was certainly odd though, a mechanic's workshop being cold. It wasn't as if other mechanic's workshops couldn't be cold too, but it was odd in a different way. What do people normally think of when they hear the word "machinery"? Do they normally think of ice and cold? I cannot speak for the all the world, but I can say confidently that when most people think of the word "machinery", they think of heat and warmth; and in some cases, fire. Perhaps that is why Castille's workplace was odd, in the fact that upon initial entrance most people think they are entering a vegetable cooler and not a place for building weapons.

That was how Castille's day normally started. He woke up one hour before dawn- the early bird gets the worm, after all- and set to work building. He built all kinds of things, from digitalized potato cannons to knock-out-gas guns, but the constant throughout all of these projects was the technology. He couldn't build anything without it. Well he could, but his true abilities showed when there was technology involved. Thus, everything in his workshop except for the floor, walls, and ceiling had some sort of electronics inside of it.

Today, however, did not follow the routine. Like usual he woke up, brushed his teeth, took a shower, washed his face, and dressed. Nothing out of the usual. What was unusual was what followed. He had been operating on a malfunctioning supercomputer he'd built- no matter what he did, those ridiculous, supposedly-funny home videos kept popping up, and there was no way to get rid of them- when she's walked in. Strictly business, judging by the way she held herself; straight back, no nonsense expression. He'd been told that there was a mission for him, and in all honestly he had been baffled. He certainly wasn't a missions kind of guy- he was the mechanic, nothing more. Nevertheless, he certainly couldn't refuse. Given no choice in the matter, he'd simply decided to go and see how things play out.

A few minutes later, Castille had arrived outside the tower. As he walked inside, he felt his spine slowly curling with unease. He kept up so many facades that this rare moment of exposure really taxed him mentally- and his insides were practically trembling as he took each step. He was a Crossed, and had been raised a one. True, he was not a normal crossed- the fact that he was here at all made that painfully clear- but the stray mannerism from those days still lurked. For example, the closer he got to the Alpha of the Skulled, his peoples' natural enemy, the more his internal alarms screamed at him to turn tail and beat a hasty retreat. By the time he reached the door he had been searching for, his hands were shaking. He reached for the knob, steeling himself for the encounter and straightening again. Pulling the door open, he stepped inside and closed it behind him. It looked like he was the last to arrive.

"Oh Captain, my Captain! How may I serve this fine morning?" He smiled, but even he felt it was a little forced. Hopefully no one would be able to tell he'd just had a small episode outside that very door. He didn't want to be considered a fearful, trembling Crossed; but he wanted to be looked at as the one who was unafraid to be a part of the Skulled community.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isis Mathari Character Portrait: Estelle Rocha
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:e s t e l l e:

Estelle paced quickly down one of the lengthy halls of the Great Castle, the light soles of her All- Star’s barely making a sound against the carpet. She stopped abruptly in front of a set of two white doors, her eyes gleamed as she read the plastic sign that was attached to the front. Castle’s Main Kitchen. She pushed the doors open and was greeted with a blast of warm air along with drafts of a range of ingredients: Fresh bakery, cakes, pastry, several spices, savoury seasonings, aromas of cooked meat and the distinct scent of fruits and vegetables lingering in the background. All combined together was overwhelming but still had the ability to make your mouth water.

β€œGood morning!” Chirped Estelle happily.
Most of the cooks greeted back harmoniously with an identical phrase before returning back to their job, it was hectic in the room but the atmosphere was light and stress-free. The pink-haired girl scanned the list that was pinned to the other side of the entrance doors which highlighted the meals planned for today. She smiled gleefully, realising that there were several on the piece of paper that were unfamiliar to her. She had a knack of picking things up pretty easily but she enjoyed experimenting and the journey of learning new concepts.

Don’t think for a second that Estelle actually worked for the Castle, hell no! She had volunteered, realising that it was an opportunity to try something new; a privilege that was hardly given to her back in the Rocha residence. At first, the head chef had waved her off with the subtle words of β€œNo, thank you,” as expected from the disciplined residents of the city. However, after seeing Estelle’s natural ability with the pan and knife, reluctantly allowed the girl to join the team where she was welcomed with open arms. It was rarity to see the elite members of the Crossed to actually communicate with the middle-class. Estelle loved to cook within the Castle’s kitchen, it was like a second home to her and the people she worked with were like a second family to her. At the back of her mind, she would’ve happily swapped the two if she had the chance but would always silence that thought whenever it arose.

The pink-haired girl tied up her hair into a messy bun and had wrapped a white apron around her waist. She went to the nearby sink where she washed her hands; dainty fingers tapped her gently on the shoulder which made her immediately turn around. Her mouth formed a small β€˜O’ as she realised that it was Crisi, a maid out of the several, which Estelle often spotted bustling themselves with jobs given by the people who lived in the castle.
β€œGood morning, Crisi!” Said brightly, β€œIs there something you need?”
β€œWell, um, yes, actually...” Stammered the maid quietly,” Madam Mathari wishes you to prepare her something to eat – anything will do - and would like you to bring up the food yourself.”
Estelled nodding obligingly and waved goodbye as Crisi left the kitchen.
She clapped her hands together, β€œLet’s get to work!”

After several thoughts, Estelle concluded on making a cheesecake for Miss Mathari. She spent about half an hour with preparing the biscuit base, whisking the creamy topping and adorning the delicate cake with slices of mango and a light rain of powdery sugar. She looked at the finishing product lovingly, her chest swelled with pride. The girl hurriedly undid her apron and put it back before carefully placing the plate onto a tray; along with a knife, a spoon, a pot of tea, a sugar bowl, a pitcher of milk and a empty cup with a saucer underneath.

She headed out of the kitchen, her focus was mainly on the tray and trying not to drop it. Estelle eventually made it in front of Isis’s sleeping quarters. She carefully opened the large doors with her back and backside before quietly pushing it shut behind her.
β€œGood morning, Miss Mathari!” Said the pink-haired girl cheerfully, β€œThe weather is amazing today, don’t you think?”
She placed the tray on her desk, making sure that she didn’t put it over any documents or books. Afterwards, she remained standing with a beaming smile on her face.

β€œYou hair looks lovely today, madam,” commented Estelle dreamily as she admired the long dark locks.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kura Tsubasa Character Portrait: Elakida Starkin Character Portrait: Jake Dahlquis Character Portrait: Castille D'Alnei
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Kura smiled gently when he saw the ones he had called came to his office one by one. Well, they sure were fast. He didn't even have to wait that long. It was a good start. He put down the report on the table and took another sip of his tea before beckoned them to come inside. Contradict to the crossed's belief, he was not a heartless man or a cruel tyrant. He had his flaws, that was true but he wasn't merciless. He only acted when his community could have the benefits out of his actions.

He gestured them to sit down in front of him and said warmly "Good morning, Cassie, Amzy, are you today?" He pushed a cookie tray forward and offered "do you want to eat something? my assistant has been very kind and made us some cookies..." He drank his tea and sat there in silence, observing their reactions.

Dahl or Jake, one of his most talented assassin, the one Kura had rescued from the fate of being a slave was...curious to say the least. He's very easy to befriend and eager to finish his job. Kura considered him as a son and a very useful asset to his plan. Of course, if it wasn't necessary, he would never want to take advantages of the man since to Kura, it would be like he was taking advantages of his own family, a thing he just couldn't stand. He nodded his head and greeted Jake. He asked him kindly "so, did your last mission go? any complications or new, powerful enemies that I should know about?..." He grinned and poured a cup of tea for him "...I heard that you stayed up late last night...sharpening your sword if my information is correct..." He scowled worriedly "I thought I have told you not to stay up late before, haven't I? I will be very worried if you're sick, you know..."

He turned his head and faced the next person. Amzy. His daughter-like figure. He shrugged his shoulder and gave her another tea cup. "...what about you, Amzy? anyone gives you troubles lately?...the crossed have been quite restless since your last attacked, my dear...good job..." The longer Kura observed Amzy, the more he realized that she was still mourning for her brother's dead. The poor dear. He touched his heart and sighed softly. Well, he guessed losing a family member was never an easy thing to cope up with. Even until now, his heart was still bleeding for his dead loved ones.

He shook his head slightly, trying to clear his thoughts. He needed to focus on the task at hand. He couldn't lose his focus now. He gave a Cassie as smile, realizing the boy must be very nervous about meeting him and so, he would try to make the boy as comfortable as possible. The boy was a part of his family now. "Do you have troubles adjust to this island, Cassie? I know that some of the fallen might find it difficult to live such a hard life like we're good food, no warm bed and...stuffs like that" He shrugged his shoulder and said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. He offered once again, trying to be the kind leader the boy needed "if you have troubles, you can come to me or any other skulled...we'll try to help you as best as we can..."

He leaned back against the chair and turned serious finally, his eyes became sharp and calculated. He began and put three files in front of the teens " see, Jake, Amzy, Cassie...we might have some troubles...I just received an urgent message from our stealers yesterday...they're facing a very powerful enemies...a crossed that can cancel a skulled's power and therefore, they haven't been able to steal any food for the past 3 weeks no matter how hard they tried...I become...quite worried about the message, they stated that they had lost some people..." He stopped, leaving a slight pause, a way of paying respect for the lost. Finally, he continued " is never easy to find and thus, with this new enemy, our people might be hunger, sick or death...the injured might not have the precious food they need...the Academy children might be starved...simply put, this matter cannot continue any further...we have begun to suffer because of the new crossed..." He gritted his teeth and said firmly "He needs to be put out of this game. I will not allow any harm to befall upon my people because of a crossed...He needs to be dead..." He said finally.

Searching for their interactions, Kura allowed his body to relax slightly and he began again, this time his tone had softened and dropped into a sad tone " pains me greatly because of our lost...our children...our brothers, sisters, friends, family are dying out there...this is a war...a war that can bring us to our true position....we cannot afford to lose it...we need to survive...we need to show this world our strength...we need to make this world acknowledge us and our true position..." He turned to face Cassie and asked "I do not want to force you to do this, must know that you always have a choice in taking part in this mission...however, your help will be greatly appreciated...for you see...our enemy can only cancel our skulled's powers, not our crossed's powers...if you don't want to be a part of it, I understand and I will find another fallen...but I will still prefer your help, Cassie..." Well, he had tried his best. Now he just needed to wait for the boy's decision.

Turning his head to look at Jake and Amzy, Kura said "you always have a choice, too, Jake, Cassie...I will not force you to do what you don't want to do...this is not a fair battle...this enemy might capture you...might kill you...and they have better advantages than cannot use your power when you face him..." He raised a hand to stop them from saying anything and pointed at the files in front of the three of them "...before you give me your decisions...please read the reports I laid in front of will be able to understand our situation better that way...and when you finish reading it, give me your final words..." He folded his arms in his lap and waited for them patiently to read it.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kura Tsubasa Character Portrait: Elakida Starkin Character Portrait: Jake Dahlquis Character Portrait: Castille D'Alnei
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#, as written by nltniko
Jake Dahlquis

Jake took the cup of tea and leaned against a wall as he started reading the report.
"Well the last mission went smooth and easy. Let's just say they won't bother you again." he said as he grinned a bit.
The more he read from the report the more he realized it could easily be the end to this new life of his.
He took a sip of the tea before he answered Kura's question.
"Well sir. You can count me in. Always wanted to see how the Crossed's main city looked. Besides, if the person's ability is so great, the person will probably be so full of himself that he won't have guards with him, cause he thinks that without our powers we're nothing. And about the sword, well....I know I shouldn't stay up most night to sharpen it, but we can't have that when i chop his head off it stops halfway through can we ?" he said as he laughed.
Then he laid the report on the table.
"So tell us when to meet up and i'll be there. Don't you worry about that."
He looked over at Castille.
"Oh yeah. Never think i've seen you around here before now. How's going ? My name's Jake, Jake Dahlquis" he said, still smiling. "So you're what they call a fallen eh ? sounds a bit evil to call you. I think it sounds better if we call you what you are now. A new member in the family. Sounds better right ? Anyway, welcome to the island Cassie." He said as he leaned against the wall again.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kura Tsubasa Character Portrait: Elakida Starkin Character Portrait: Jake Dahlquis Character Portrait: Castille D'Alnei
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Elakida Starkin

Elakida smiled softly at Kura. She drank her tea before speaking.
"No one's giving me troubles, Kura." She almost added, except my brothers, but she just couldn't.
"I'm glad. Probably panicking, wondering who's next."
She looked to Castille. He was a Fallen apparently. Elakida liked the Fallen; They were Crossed who had come to help. They understood the Skulled couldn't control their powers; they just happened. Like when she accidentally created a Shadow Hound who started attacking Dresnan. OK, maybe it wasn't an accident.
As Elakida snapped back into reality, she caught Kura's question. She smiled. "Of course Kura. Whoever this guy is, we'll get them. Whatever their power." She looked to the others as Jake talked to Castille.
When he was done, she simply nodded. "Yeah, welcome to the island, Cassie. I'm Elakida Starkin."

Elakida folded her arms. She stared at Castille. Whatever he had with the Crossed wasn't her business, so she got that thought out of her head. She turned to Jake. He was an expert assassin, amazingly agile and very swift. Elakida had always respected him.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kura Tsubasa Character Portrait: Elakida Starkin Character Portrait: Jake Dahlquis Character Portrait: Castille D'Alnei
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Camillo

Castille smiled softly at the Alpha, feeling foolish. There was no reason for him to be nervous, he knew that, but it was something he had no control over. It was something that had been drilled into him since birth, and it's practically impossible to just forget something like that. It was a bit like our views on fire. Some may love it, but nearly all of us have at least some level of fear for it. It burns, melts, and kills; but imagine if that all changed one day, and someone told you that fire healed instead of killed. Would you immediately just jump into it, your past fear forgotten? No, of course not. You would be at least a little bit cautious. And even if you found out there was nothing to fear, you wouldn't be able to help just the slightest bit of hesitation whenever you touched afterwards. Similarly, the man before him wasn't anything like how the Crossed painted him to be, but Castille still couldn't help the hesitation.

"It wouldn't matter if their streets were paved with gold and they ate off plates of diamond- I would still prefer to live here." Castille murmured, declining the offer of refreshments with a quiet shake of his head. He had learned long ago that eating with gloves that were not accessories was considered rude in most places, and he certainly wasn't going to take them off. They were one of his biggest embarrassments, his hands. "I appreciate that, thank you Sir."

He leaned back on his heels, picking up the file before him while he listened to the Alpha explain the situation. After he finished, Castille blew out a long breath. Such an enemy was indeed a problem for the Skulled, and it sounded like there have already been multiple casualties. If only a Crossed with such a power could have been around to cancel his sister's powers so they wouldn't have needed to sell her. He felt the skin on his forehead tighten as his eyebrows pulled together in irritation. At any rate, it was because of his sister that he was here today, and he would honor her memory in any way he could.

As the conversation was again changed to him, Castille's eyes widened. This was not just a mission to infiltrate the Crossed City and gather information, this was a mission that could result in the deaths of many of his former friends. True, he had abandoned them to live with the Skulled, but he still considered the Crossed his family- even if they did not return the feeling. It wasn't like he could kill family, and since it appeared he didn't have to go through with it, he considered dropping the mission and staying back to continue his work. But then he really thought about it, keeping an open mind to both options. If he went, he might have to kill someone he cared about, but then he would be fulfilling his whole purpose for being here in the first place- he did not want to be a part of the problem, he wanted to be a part of the solution. If he went, he would be able to say without hesitation that he did everything in his power to help the Skulled. If he stayed, he would just be a coward. He composed himself, making up his mind.

"Thank you for considering my situation, Sir, but I would like to go."

Then when the others spoke to him, he smiled, a genuine one this time. "A new member of the family... sounds nice." He said quietly, "Thank you Jake, and you too Elakida."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isis Mathari Character Portrait: Estelle Rocha
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#, as written by Esana
Isis's head came up immediately when she heard the door opening, and she slid a finger in between the pages of her book, rummaging blindly for a bookmark as she turned to face the door. Estelle had just entered, back first - a very awkward position or so it seemed to Isis - holding a tray in front of her. It was piled full, with a pot of tea, a small bowl (presumably filled with sufar or cream), a pitcher (probably milk), a teacup on top of a saucer, utensils (a knife and a spoon) and, in the center, a mini cheesecake that was still about eight inches across.

Her hand hit upon something feathery, and Isis grabbed it, sliding it into her book as she got up from her seat and stood up to allow Estelle more room. She was much too late to help Estelle into the room. Estelle slid the tray onto the desk carefully as Isis made to clear her desk to make the task easier for the other girl.

"Good morning," Isis said in reply, cheerfully. She glanced outside and laughed slightly. "Although, really, it's almost 'good afternoon', isn't it? And yes, the weather is quite lovely. We've been having a lot of good weather lately, haven't we?" Something flickered in her for a moment, though it didn't show on her face. "The weather crossed must be working hard." There it was again - the flicker. Still unnoticeable physically, but something did change in Isis for just a spark of a moment.

She looked down at the dish as Estelle stepped back to allow her access to the food. It looked amazing, but before she'd had a chance to really take a look, Estelle commented - almost absentmindedly, it seemed, "Your hair looks lovely today, madam."

Glancing up, Isis smiled at her, making the expression as warm as she possibly could. "Thank you." It created a warm and fuzzy feeling inside her to get a compliment, even though she was quite used to them already. "I really like your hair, too," She added, looking at Estelle's bubblegum pink hair. "Is it natural?" She asked, making sure to add a large degree of curiosity to her voice so that she wouldn't offend the other girl.

As she listened to her answer, Isis glanced at her snack - it was more like a full dessert, eight inches in diameter and beautifully decorated with slices of mangoes and powdered sugar dusted artfully over the sides and top. She wondered how she was going to eat it and digest before her workout. She took the knife and started to cut a slice out, offering it to Estelle when she'd finished.

"Would you like some?" She asked. "Please," Isis added. "There's no chance I'll be able to finish by myself." She forced the plate into Estelle's hand and gave the spoon over as well, then went over to the door to ask for another set. "Thank you ~" She called after the girl as she darted off.

Closing the door, Isis walked back over to Estelle and began to cut another piece. "If you have time after this," She said after a moment, "Maybe - you would consider coming to train with me?" She glanced at the other girl and smiled. "I'd like some company."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Augustus Karl Hamelin Character Portrait: Estelle Rocha
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"Well....I say why not?"Augustus was already walking around the huge structure trying to find another entrance:Sometimes his curiosity breaks his limits and most of the time it brings nothing but problems.
He reached the secondary door.He opened it and entered inside like drinking a glass of water...finally he was inside what he never saw.

He walked around like a child,now watching this and now looking inside the rooms.For now he didn't met anybody that asked him who he was or what he was doing.
He explored all the basements and wondered what lies upstairs...again Augustus's curiosity was far greater than a monkey's:He climbed the stairs and met one of the housekeeper (if the building can be called 'house').She looked at Augustus with a little of wonder before reaching the floor.
Augustus simply looked at her with the tail of his eye:was it the end of the explorations...or just the beginning?
Anyway Augustus continued to look around himself admiring the painting and vases,sometimes leaving some silent "Oh","That's pretty" or even "I wonder where they found these things".
He walked,walked and reached a room with wide door: It was the Kitchen.
Augustus left a look from the outside to see how huge it was....It could feed all an army in a matter of Hours.
Continuing his journey Augustus noticed that the Mansion had over 100 rooms.
As last thing he decided to climb till the tower he saw the "Princess".
It was a little higher from Augustus's position: just three or four stairs above.
He looked around:"Surely this place is a real Labyrinth...Who doesn't know this place would get lost....Right...where am I?"He spoke to himself:he liked to tell to himself what he was thinking as a way to better organize his ideas.
Finally he saw a door open and the back of a Pink-haired girl.
He estimated her age:She was around 20 not more than 22:Her hairs were long,well-cared and their color were of a soft pink
Augustus could hear part of their dialogue...However she seems to be very abjourned and istinctively Augustus thought that his cover blew up...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isis Mathari Character Portrait: Estelle Rocha
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0.00 INK

:e s t e l l e:

"Heehee, you're welcome... Miss Mathari!" She replied delightedly before blinking in mild surprise when the other girl inquired about her own hair, "Haha, I'm afraid not...."
Her cheeks flushed into a scarlet colour as she continued talking, " I bleached it when I was about... fourteen or fifteen - I think - and then decided to dye it a pink. I think it was a hyper cool idea back then but I just don't like it when people look at me funny when I'm walking down the road or in a shop or something... I was like a platinum blonde before, yano! But, mada[i]. I like it, and people just can't change that!"

She finished this with a nod, as if in self-agreement, before she frowned as she saw Isis offer her a piece of the cheesecake
"Eh? Um... I'd rather not, I m-mean, I did make it for you..." Estelle said carefully, before sighing as she just couldn't resist. The desert looked to good to miss." I suppose I could have just [i]one
slice. It w-would be a waste if all of it wasn't eaten..."
She thanked for the plate and spoon as it was shoved into her hands. Estelle played around with the spoon for a while, twirling it about and giggled when she saw her head upside down in the side where it was curved inwards. Once she felt the cutlery was comfortable in her pale hands, she immediately dived into the cheesecake; digging out a generous amount of cream onto the spoon. She pressed it into her mouth and immediately sank into her seat. It tasted like Heaven; the texture was just right - silky and soft - and the taste was gloriously sweet on her tongue. The mango gave it that burst of tangy goodness.

"You s-seriously, need to try this..." Stuttered Estelle," It's like totally amazi- Huh?"
She straightened up as the girl asked her about training. The concept of training hadn't crossed her thoughts for a while now, she would've gladly agreed if her mind still wasn't set on cooking those meals she saw on the list earlier. But she had not done training yesterday, she could almost imagine her limbs squeaking with rust.
And if I do it now, I might have time to do the deserts at the end of the day.
"Oh, all right! I guess I need to warm up these killer whales anyway!" She joked and playfully tensed her biceps. Her grin stretched from ear to ear. "Yes, training isn't as good unless you have other people with you!"


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Augustus Karl Hamelin
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0.00 INK

"Actually....removing my presence!"Augustus thought while walking back to the stairs.
It was a dangerous visit,but what he saw today removed his doubts.
He explored all the town,memorized what changed and visited the "Goddess's castle":it was a massive building,finely decorated and with a lot of house keepers,workers and alot of Services.
"I wonder if there are any Skulled here"Augustus said to himself...since he was a child it was an habit to "buy" Skulled slaves leaving the hard work for them and jobs that nor the Humans and the Crossed wants to do.
After he climbed down all the stairs he exited from where he entered and looked at a Tower-clock:it was around two o'clock.At this time Augustus would have to do something else.
"Variation of the Daily program"He said while entering in a nearby Cafè shop and ordered a cup of tea and some assorted biscuits.
When he took place he took off his hat and bought some Newspaper from a News agent shop included in the Cafè.
When he was reading his tea arrived.He rised his hand and said a quick "Thank you".
After he drakn his tea and paid he returned to the street life: he walked searching for the Accademy of Defense.
He was intented to join the army again.
When he entered he took off his hat and requested the recruitment.
"Name?"A squeaky voice came from the desk
"Augusuts Karl Hamelin"Augustus answered with a low voice
"Augustus what!?"the voice replied
"Augustus Karl Hamelin"Augustus highlighted his second name and surname."Back from the Death Realm eh?Do you still remember how to use a weapon!?"The voice said joking and writing his name on paper.
As answer Augustus took a dagger from his pockets:"No need to ask...."he smiled while walking to the exit.
"He's more random since last time....THE NEXT!?"Said the tiny man from the desk.
Augustus now recovered a title.
He returned home and took a rest from the walk and the intense life of the city.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kura Tsubasa Character Portrait: Elakida Starkin Character Portrait: Jake Dahlquis Character Portrait: Castille D'Alnei
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0.00 INK

Elakida Starkin

Elakida placed the cup on the desk.
"Thank you Kura, but I have to go make sure my house hasn't blown up, or been painted red or something."
She turned on her heel and walked out the door.


After a short walk, Elakida's home came into view. She heard the music from here. Upstairs was a warzone; the left blasting punk music, the right rock. Elakida sighed, and walked to the door. She kicked open the door, stepping inside, before slamming the door behind her.
"Turn the goddamn music off!" She shouted, kicking her converse off her feet. She walked into the Kitchen and saw Dresnan sitting on the table, the cake next to him. He was grinning. Elakida put her hands on her hips. "You just did that to spite me." She walked into the living room and collapsed onto the sofa. Dresnan walked in and leaned on the doorway.
"So what did Kura want?"
"He offered me a job, I took it."
"There's more to it."
"Yes there is, but I'm not telling you."
"You're pouting."
"I am."
Elakida sat on the sofa for a bit, before she decided to go do something. Training always helped, so training was what she'd do.
"Zyn! Can you get me sword?"
"NO!" Zyn yelled from his room.
Elakida grumbled about 'Lazy Brothers' as she walked upstairs and entered her room. She kneeled on the floor, stuck her hand under her bed and grabbed her samurai sword. She strapped it to her belt and walked back downstairs. She grabbed her throwing knives off the wall and pulled on her trainers.
"Don't blow up the house!"
"I won't," She heard Sint say.
Elakida walked away from her home, and headed for the Warehouse that housed the Training Hall.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isis Mathari Character Portrait: Estelle Rocha
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Esana
Bleach - platinum blond? Isis raised an eyebrow. Somehow, it was hard for her to imagine the bubbly girl in front of her with platinum blond hair.

[b]"You s-seriously need to try this...It's like totally amazi-"

...Hm... She's complimenting her own creation. Isis hid a smile. She was pretty sure that it wasn't on purpose, but it was still amusing to hear someone display a trait that was so like narcissism come from someone that she was fairly sure was too nice to be narcissistic.

When Estelle accepted her offer, Isis dropped her hand from her mouth and gave the other girl a warm smile. "That's great. I'll be glad to have your company."

Before Isis could say anything else, there was a knock on the door. With a polite, "Excuse me," Isis strode over to the door and opened it. There was a maid standing outside, holding another tray with several neatly arranged rows of cutlery and small plates. To Isis, they almost resembled a small army. It also made her sigh in resignation - why were her requests always taken too seriously? First the cheesecake fit for at least ten people and now an army of knives and spoons - but instead, she smiled at the maid. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate it."

The maid smiled back, a bit shyly. "You're welcome, Miss. Please let me know if you need anything else."

"I will," Isis said as she started to retreat back into the room. "Thank you again!"

She headed back over to the table and this time cut a slice of the aromatic cake for herself. Sitting down, she expertly relieved the new tray of a spoon and lightly scooped a spoonful of the cheesecake. After holding it to her nose for a moment, Isis opened her mouth and took a bite.

Immediately, the sweetness engulfed her tongue, along with a feeling halfway betwen creamy and sticky. She swallowed and was left with a slight tang on her tongue - just a bit of sourness that made her twitch slightly. Mostly, she didn't really like sour things, but as an aftertaste, it actually suited quite well.

As she took another bite, Isis looked up at Estelle and smiled, "You're right. It's really delicious. Thank you so much for making it." She took another few bites and then asked, "By the way, I've been wondering. You started volunteering here... a few weeks ago, I think?" She waited for Estelle's answer and then continued, "And you're a Crossed right?" Lowering her eyes to her cake, she took another bite and asked, "May I ask what your power is?"

Lately, there was a surprising amount of work that Isis had to do. It was only to be expected given who she was, but it required Isis to go out into the open a lot more than she had had to just a few months before. Going out in the open always had some amount of risk attached to it, more so now than ever, now that she was coming close to actually mastering her power. And even now, her parents were still debating about who to hire as bodyguards, taking a lot of time our of their personal jobs, so it would be better if Isis could find her own bodyguards. From what she had heard about the new volunteer, Isis suspected that Estelle had some sort of protective power that might be useful for her.

Isis took another bite and waited patiently for Estelle's answer.


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I'm sorry, everyone...but this rp has to be re-constructed again...My friends have just pointed out something that I shouldn't have missed and therefore, I need to improve it before we post again...Thanks for joining everyone but I have to improve it so it will become even better, 'kay?

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Retipuj by blackwolf


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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Kura Tsubasa
Character Portrait: Isis Mathari
Character Portrait: Castille D'Alnei
Character Portrait: Elakida Starkin
Character Portrait: Jake Dahlquis
Character Portrait: Augustus Karl Hamelin
Character Portrait: Estelle Rocha


Character Portrait: Estelle Rocha
Estelle Rocha

"... Bazinga!"

Character Portrait: Augustus Karl Hamelin
Augustus Karl Hamelin

"I am craving for vengeance....and this can be the time..."

Character Portrait: Jake Dahlquis
Jake Dahlquis

"Why stay here...Where there's so much more to see out there ?"

Character Portrait: Elakida Starkin
Elakida Starkin

"The Humans treat the Crossed like Gods. They don't realize they're worse than us."

Character Portrait: Castille D'Alnei
Castille D'Alnei

"I often wonder if I made the right choice, but never once have I regretted making it."

Character Portrait: Isis Mathari
Isis Mathari

"Watch me. I can do this." (I have to.)

Character Portrait: Kura Tsubasa
Kura Tsubasa

*snicker* "you really don't know your own limits, do you? dare to challenge me like seal your own fate..."


Character Portrait: Isis Mathari
Isis Mathari

"Watch me. I can do this." (I have to.)

Character Portrait: Estelle Rocha
Estelle Rocha

"... Bazinga!"

Character Portrait: Elakida Starkin
Elakida Starkin

"The Humans treat the Crossed like Gods. They don't realize they're worse than us."

Character Portrait: Kura Tsubasa
Kura Tsubasa

*snicker* "you really don't know your own limits, do you? dare to challenge me like seal your own fate..."

Character Portrait: Augustus Karl Hamelin
Augustus Karl Hamelin

"I am craving for vengeance....and this can be the time..."

Character Portrait: Castille D'Alnei
Castille D'Alnei

"I often wonder if I made the right choice, but never once have I regretted making it."

Character Portrait: Jake Dahlquis
Jake Dahlquis

"Why stay here...Where there's so much more to see out there ?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jake Dahlquis
Jake Dahlquis

"Why stay here...Where there's so much more to see out there ?"

Character Portrait: Castille D'Alnei
Castille D'Alnei

"I often wonder if I made the right choice, but never once have I regretted making it."

Character Portrait: Elakida Starkin
Elakida Starkin

"The Humans treat the Crossed like Gods. They don't realize they're worse than us."

Character Portrait: Augustus Karl Hamelin
Augustus Karl Hamelin

"I am craving for vengeance....and this can be the time..."

Character Portrait: Isis Mathari
Isis Mathari

"Watch me. I can do this." (I have to.)

Character Portrait: Estelle Rocha
Estelle Rocha

"... Bazinga!"

Character Portrait: Kura Tsubasa
Kura Tsubasa

*snicker* "you really don't know your own limits, do you? dare to challenge me like seal your own fate..."

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » The Crossed and The Skulled: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in The Crossed and The Skulled

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

I'm sorry guys, but I have to quit RPG for a while (blackwolf, you might have seen already). Life right now really...really is not amazing, and I have to deal with it.

Again, really, really sorry.


~ Esa

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

Ah, nothing that bad. Just a lot of work all at once. xD

~ Esa

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

What was wrong? What happened? :S

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

Posted...sorry it took so long, Lukipyon >< It's been busy around here...

~ Esa

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

Actually I think that blackwolf have to set the name if he wants to.
Really I came out with this because i find it....Stupid?Pathetic to write "The Crossed community" and the "Skulled community"

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

AH. I meant @True-Assassin. I'm so sorry ~ Man...I'm such an idiot...

Aithe? Cause we all seem to like that one...

~ Esa

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

They're great names, I'm jealous I didn't come up with them! c:
If I had to choose.. for the Crossed city I like Aellym; for the Skulled city I like Eolo. For some reason they sound like opposites to me, and they just kind of fit.
But really, in the end it's not up to me. xD

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

Haha, I'm glad that people like the names. XD
Truth be told, I can't choose one myself. :>

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

To be sincere @Lukipyon I like Aellym,Aithe and Eolo...really don't know which one to choose!
About the Skulled island I would call it Eolo or Haelaeru or something like that...
I suggest to watch what does the City,looked from above remembers: Ex: The city of the crossed perimeter looks like a flower? Well! I suggest Roseville or something like that.

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

@esana As my skulled or as a new character xD
Were actually stitting with the thought of making a new character after all. He'd be a crossed teacher or second-in-command or something

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

Also, as a side note. I just posted. @nltniko you should totally show up and be a new teacher. :D

~ Esa

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

Here's a totally original one: Utopia! /shot

Haha, but seriously, here are some I found:
Heulaeru, Eolo, Tyillym, Yana, Aithe, Yari, Aellym. :>

I think they could also work for the Skulled island as well. :3

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

Heavenly High ?
sounds like a bloody high school name xD
Yet i don't got anything better really.
Nieros ?
Tilea ?
Dunno at all, I got no clue

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

I was thinking for the "Heavenly High" For the Cross symbol.
For the skulled? Ask the Alpha: I am not a skulled.
Apart that: I claim:

ETA:86 hours.

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

Oh good point @True. Anyone have suggestions? Maybe...Thraisa? For the Cross city? (I just threw letters together so...xDD)

~ Esa

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

Esana: Haha, tis all good! XD Was struggling to find an idea on how to introduce Estelle. So you helped me a lot~ Thanku!


Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

Hey I was thinking...If we put a "Name" to the Skulled island and a name to the Crossed city?

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

I'm terribly sorry, I had no idea we'd started! Unfortunately it is very late for me here and I have school tomorrow morning, but I will try my best to get my post out as soon as possible. At best, I will have it done tonight; however, it may not be done until tomorrow afternoon.
I assure you though, I will do my best to make it tonight. c:

Re: [OOC] The Crossed and The Skulled

Finished my post ~ Tagged your character Lukipyon! :D (And it's so sad that there aren't more crossed to interact with...D:)

~ Esa