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William T. Hyde

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a character in “The Dark and the Twisted”, as played by Nujuer




Name William T. Hyde
Nicknames: Hyde
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire
Birth Date: October 4th 1812
Physical Age: Hyde appears to be 23
Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 7.2
Scars/Tatoos/Piercings: None

Hyde is gifted with a strong muscular body and shaggy brown hair that he is always threatening to cut off but never does. He's got a kind face and is often smiling. His eyes are a dark green. He usually forgets to shave and has a nice bit of scruff on his face. Hyde is a simple man in terms of style, he sticks to what's comfortable. In the current era he lives in he enjoys wearing Jeans and t-shirts with interesting things on them. Back when he was still a man Hyde wore heavy suits and tight neck collars, at the time he hadn't thought it uncomfortable but now he can truly appreciate pajama pants. Hyde has a strange obsession with tribal necklaces and he often wears one around his neck. He has a bunch stored away in a small bag and he'll switch the necklace according to his mood. He also has a soft British accent, and likes to play it up when he has women around him.


Hyde has always been used to change and improvement. He is a creature who can adapt to his surroundings and can usually blend in quite nicely. He likes learning new things and often has a book within arms length. Hyde is a quiet sort of man who prefers to listen and watch rather than joining in. He's an honest guy but also a bit of a push over, he has a difficulty saying no to anyone and because of this he gets wrangled into trouble often.

Hyde is a smart guy and he can hold his own in most conversations but politics, Hyde can't stand anything that has to do with power or the way a country is run as in his life time it's caused him far too much stress. Hyde does tend to be secretive about his past, he's lived through a few wars and doesn't care to speak about them. Because of his experiences Hyde found reading was a wonderful escape from his life. He enjoys mostly fantasy but tends to avoid the sappy romantic vampire books.

Hyde is also a bit of a romantic, having grown up in the era of Jane Austin he read her books and found himself a fan of the secret looks and stolen kisses. He likes the idea of wooing his lover and will go above and beyond to please people he likes. A few people have left him because of this seeing him as needy or overbearing. Hyde dabbles in his own writing and he hopes someday to publish his own novel.
Hobbies: Writing, Reading, Eavesdropping, Cat naps, Photography, Collecting.
Career: Bar tending

Relationship Status: single
Family: dead
Known Languages: English, French, German

Hyde was born in an era called the Regency Era. It was a time that focused on getting married and large extravagant balls. He was the youngest boy in his family and had an older sister by 10 years. His mother was a weary looking woman and his father a politician. When his sister was 17 she fell in love with a rich man from London and they were married and the whole family was moved to an expensive mansion in the country side. Because of such a marriage Hyde's family never had to work another day in their lives, they lives primarily off investments gained from the house. His sister was found to be pregnant a full year after her marriage and Hyde's family along with her husbands celebrated the nights away. Back then it was important to carry on the family line, Hyde knew he would be charged to carry on his own family name when he was of age as well. But for now he was an 8 year old watching his sister grow round with child.

In the 8th month of her pregnancy, there was a complication and she passed away while enduring miscarriage. Devastated Hyde's mother took her own life not a month later leaving Hyde with his father. When Hyde reached his 20th year his father was nothing more than a drunkard, and a broken man. He was killed in a carriage robbery and Hyde found himself alone. The house and money was left to him and Hyde knew that he could live quite comfortably for the rest of his life alone in the house, but that did not sit well with him. So he sold his worldly possessions and with nothing but a few trunks of clothes and his Jane Austin novels he took the first boat he could over to the Americas.
It was a long year voyage that would change his life. Aboard the ship, a number of men were appearing dead in their beds with bite marks upon their necks. One night Hyde could feel a faint breath upon his neck and he woke attacking the man. This impressed his would be attacker and before he knew it he was being force fed something warm and iron like. He would later come to realize he had drank blood.

His attacker turned mentor was an older man, seeking adventure in the America's like Hyde. He taught Hyde about his new body and transformation and they became fast friends on the boat. They decided that in the end the crew was needed and they would not kill any more sailors who would get them to their destination.

For many years the two of them explored and traveled the Americas, but then World War 1 hit and Hyde found himself drafted and forced into the army, thus separated from his friend. During his time in the army he received a single letter which read: I've moved on Hyde, I suggest you do the same. Don't contact me again. It was sudden and confusing. Hyde had never felt more betrayed and alone, his mentor had meant more to him than his whole family and now he was alone again.

Hyde never made another friend after that, he did as his mentor asked and never contacted him again, and went about life on his own. For a while he was angry and he took pleasure in killing and drying victims of every last drop in their bodies but then one day he came upon his Jane novels and read them through. He remembered the human in him and for years worked on becoming the mellow and calm man he is now. He fought in most of the wars and has killed more people than he cares to think about.

Then 7 years from present day Hyde came across a man known as Jagger, Jagger seemed to like him and told him that he could have a job and a place at his bar if he chose. Hyde took his time considering, he had never settled in a place before but the idea seemed appealing now and so with his books and few scrap clothes Hyde took the job as bartender from the mysterious Jagger. He's been working for him for 7 years now and loves his job...


So begins...

William T. Hyde's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beelzebub Khan Character Portrait: William T. Hyde Character Portrait: Juliette Milosovici
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#, as written by Nujuer
Despite the loud pounding music and low whispers and moans of the patrons Hyde found he had no difficulty hearing the orders of his customers. He supposed the perks of being a vampire were heightened senses, one being hearing of course. It was an interesting thing being a vampire working in a bar filled with hormonal humans. Even through the music and their words he could hear the steady flow of blood through their veins.
"Holy water, please!" He heard a pretty little thing at the corner of the bar call for and he lifted his green eyes to hers and nodded letting her know he understood his order. With skilled hands he made a show of pouring the drink for her and then slid it towards her and held his hand out for the bill that was placed in his hand. He could hear her blood seem to increase in place as he came closer and they touched. It was another thing that one got used to when being a vampire, everyone seemed to be attracted to you.

He moved along the bar filling orders as they came, slowly making his way towards Juliette and Beelzebub, when he reached them and they were in speaking distance he heard Beelzebub tell Juliette she had gotten her a nice tip and watched as a ferret also came up to her and deposited his loot from the bar goers. He was used to stealing as well now, and rather than frown he went and got a small little dish of water for the Ferret.
"Not bad there friend." He told the small creature, Glancing up at Beelzebub he let his gaze linger over her clothes and sighed a little "I think a challenge would be to steal fully dressed." He told her. "But it is a nice body, so I suppose you have every right to show it off." He told her honestly. He looked over to Juliette and then straightened.

It may have been a very different place, certainly a place that might make most uneasy, but for Hyde- it was home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beelzebub Khan Character Portrait: Orin Tae Park Character Portrait: Hyorin Lee Park Character Portrait: William T. Hyde Character Portrait: Jagger Milosovici Character Portrait: Juliette Milosovici
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Nyx & Kaine.
Nyx - "Speech"
Kaine - "Speech"

With an unusually wide grin stretching from ear to ear, Nyx eyed herself in the mirror, checking that her outfit looked at least decent; while she was never one who dressed to impress others, she was far from a tramp and she actually liked to look good. Her image was important to her, but she couldn't care less what other people thought of her. Her clothes were dark and baggy, from top to bottom, and she wore a black cap that tilted up slightly. She ran a hand through her side-swept fringe and turned around to see that her brother had been staring at her. "Are you ready?" he asked, his voice monotonous, "because I don't want to be stood her for much longer. I'm terribly impatient, as you know," he continued. She rolled her eyes and let out a huff of breath simultaneously, nodding her head shortly after. "Yes, Kaine, I'm ready." She eyed his outfit then, scrunching her nose a little. She didn't understand her brother's fascination with skinny clothes. Kaine said nothing more, and simply just walked past her and towards the door. He trusted Nyx to be able to keep up with his pace, though she had stopped to lock the door before she left the building.

They made their way down to the club together, but they hadn't spoken a word to each other since they set out, until they got to the doors. "Listen, if there's something hanging on the door when you come home tonight, just make yourself scarce for the night, yeah?" she warned him, but she was clearly joking. Kaine scoffed lightly, but nodded regardless; he never knew when she was being serious or not, and the last thing he wanted was to walk in on that. Kaine walked over to the bar, whereas Nyx was making her way around the club, hoping to find some interesting people to talk to, or have some fun with. She held a light smirk on her lips as she made her way to an empty booth. She took a seat and let out a huff, repositioning her cap out of boredom. Her eyes darted to certain people in the club, and occasionally she would catch sight of her brother making conversation at the bar; with whom, she didn't know, but she narrowed her eyes anyway.

She had also noticed a small gathering at the bar, and she was debating whether or not to approach them, because she was becoming bored and she didn't want to be sat alone all night. Humans weren't as interesting as some of the Vampires in the club, but she didn't consider herself to be that close to any of them. She sucked her teeth and sighed lightly, standing herself up, only to be caught off guard by a presence that had appeared directly in front of her, seemingly out of nowhere. Her eyes travelled upwards, until she met the eyes of the man stood before her. His piercing blue eyes stared down into hers, and she wasn't sure what to do at that point. She didn't even know if he was a Vampire or not, but she was seriously freaked out. "Can I help you?" she asked, and a smirk crawled across his lips as he lightened his expression slightly. "No, but you can let me buy you a drink..?" he offered, and Nyx shrugged her shoulders lightly. "Maybe." With that, she sidestepped him and made her way to the bar, almost gesturing for him to follow.

When they approached, she tried her best to stay as far away from her brother as possible, because she always felt a little uncomfortable communicating with guys when he was around, for more than one reason, but she found herself to be fairly close to the small gathering that she'd spotted earlier. It made her feel a little uneasy, but she kept her eyes on the guy as she took a seat. As he ordered drinks, she allowed herself to look around the club once more. She felt his hand on her back as he shifted a little closer, but she didn't feel the need to react to that so soon. In all honesty, she was looking for Jagger. He was always fun to hang out with, despite how terrifying he could be at times. She tried to look past all that, and see him only as the guy who had willingly taken her and Kaine in during their time of need. She spent a while making conversation with her little friend, discovering that his name was Rick. Such a ridiculous human name, she thought, but he didn't seem too bad. If he was persistent enough, he'd be the guy she'd take home, but she would easily give up that chance if someone better came along.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beelzebub Khan Character Portrait: Minji YoonJo Lee Character Portrait: Orin Tae Park Character Portrait: Hyorin Lee Park Character Portrait: William T. Hyde Character Portrait: Jagger Milosovici
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Minji sighed as she grabbed her backpack from the employees room in the back of the comic book store. After a long day of being eye candy to many customers of both genders Minji was ready to leave and go have some fun. She made her way back to her room at what show now called her home throwing her backpack onto her bed before she began to pull out some clothes from within. After about 10 minutes the raven haired woman had gotten dressed and was now doing her make-up. Her outfit consisted of everything black, boots, tight leather pants, leather jacket, bandanna, everything except for the tank-top she wore. It was brightly colored teal with the words ' Bite Me' written in white letters.

After she finished her make up Minji did one last check grinning at herself in the mirror before she took off down to the club. Upon entering she saw that the club was just starting to get lively so she made her way past some people swiping a shot glass that was filled with an amber liquid from a table that was too busy groping each other to notice it gone and downed it in one gulp. " Ah, That's good stuff." she spoke in bliss as the liquid ran down the back of her throat. As she made her way to the dance floor Minji spotted two girls. A red headed beauty and another blonde one. She grabbed both their hands pulling them away from their Male friends over to the dance floor where only a few people danced.

The two girls quickly caught on as they began to grind and dance against Minji seductively. People began to see how they danced, staring and began to join in. Soon the dance floor was crowded with people and Minji felt accomplished as she kept dancing with the other two girls. There was nibbling of the lips here and there before Minji managed to slip away sighing happily. Her gaze wondered until it fell at the small group that gathered at the bar. Minji quickly began the walk over there adjusting the bandanna around her neck smiling when she saw Nyx but then she chocked back a laugh when she saw the guy next to her sending a wink her way before sitting down at the bar. "Yo guys, got the dance floor all warmed up."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felix Aelius Character Portrait: Beelzebub Khan Character Portrait: Minji YoonJo Lee Character Portrait: Orin Tae Park Character Portrait: Hyorin Lee Park Character Portrait: William T. Hyde
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Juliette glanced up the moment she heard her name, pushing strands of white hair out of her face until her gaze landed on Beelzebub. She had a soft spot for the young Asain vampire, which was why she got away with things like singing Juliette's name. Anyone else would get a cold blue stare and a simple, 'no.'

She went back to making drinks, filling a few more orders so that she could move to talk to her friend with a good (work) conscious. Rowdy vampires were not her cup of tea, and she didn't want to deal with them when they weren't provided their alcohol. That just took way more energy than she obviously had.

By the time she made it back to Beelzebub, Hyde had made his way over too, his gaze lingering over her clothing choice of the night. Or lack thereof. "I think a challenge would be to steal fully dressed...But it is a nice body, so I suppose you have every right to show it off."

“Precisely,” Juliette answered as she shot a smile at her coworker, leaning under the bar to grab the makings of Beelzebub's favorite drink. She'd long ago memorized the drinks her friends liked, and just how to fix them. Neither girl was wearing much for the night, but Juliette was actually dressed down, only in an oversized Sex Pistols band shirt (with the sides deeply cut out), and thigh high black boots. There was a spike collar around her neck, bracelets upon bracelets on her wrists, but it was still fairly calm for her.

She passed the cup over before leaning her elbows on the wood, grinning. “Having fun, Beelz?” Everyone had a nickname for Beelzebub, except Juliette's was different every time. She figured the only person who still called the girl by her first name was Jagger but...well, he was Jagger. Which explained much more about her twin than it ever really should.

She spotted the rest of Jagger's strays in the next few seconds, Nyx and Kaine already with respective victims of the night, though they kept their distance from each other, and Minji while the girl was still dancing.

Never much of a saint, Juliette rested her chin in her hand for a moment and actively watched like the creeper her brother insisted that she was. The girl was a hell of a good dancer, but just as the crowd got too thick to watch she was joining them at the bar. She nodded offhandedly at Minji's comment, bringing herself back into her surroundings as she stood up again. “Wanna drink?”

Jagger liked to think he was somewhat of a nice guy. He opened his club to the public, opened his home and gave jobs to the needy, he provided fucking vampires with substance related relaxation. Honestly, how much better of a man could one be?

He felt a smirk curling on his lips though, because truth be told...Jagger loved being bad. He loved the reputation he had, the reputation his club had, all of it was...perfect. But he supposed, in the long run, it was good to have people like Felix 'keep him out of trouble', as his sister so lovingly put.

Speak of the devil, he literally ran right into Felix after the man spoke. Jagger was quite a bit shorter than the older vampire, so he ended with his face buried in the man's chest, arms flailing, trying to keep his balance because lord knew he could take them both down.

And this was the man who was feared beyond many others, banned from about fifteen different countries, and well known for being extremely dangerous. Irony had no place in a world that Jagger Milosovici occupied. “Felix, iubirea vieții mele, of course I'm not behaving.”

He grinned wildly as he stepped back, long fingers catching the front of Felix's suit to run down the fabric, on the bases of getting any wrinkles out. “You look like a mobster, love,” he muttered, tilting his head as he gazed at his friend before looking up at him. “Although, it's not a totally bad look...”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felix Aelius Character Portrait: Beelzebub Khan Character Portrait: William T. Hyde Character Portrait: Juliet Milosovici
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#, as written by Nujuer
Hyde watched as Beelzebub blew him a kiss and he pretended to catch it and put it in his pocket. He went about serving a few more customers and saw Beelzebub leave the bar out of the corner of his eye. Juliette was alone at the bar and slid on over towards her, she was watching the dancers with a bit of a dreamy look in her eye. Curious as to what she was thinking about he grabbed a glass and a rag.
"Juliette." He said her name with his soft British accent. Though he had spent many many years in America he was proud that the language had not changed his own. "You seem lost in thought." He told her. His hands moved quickly over the glass drying it till it shone. He put it away and started on the next glass. Around them he could see Beelzebub moving over to Felix and Jagger, she always seemed so moon eyed over Jagger and he wondered if the man that had taken him in even noticed. His friend Felix received a hug from her and he reminded himself that he wanted to speak to Felix about some deep conspiracy he had found out about one of his Jane Austin novels.

He let his attention move back to Juliette and he gave her a friendly smile, "you know Juliette, if you want to dance all you have to do is ask." He set down the rag and glass and leaned on the bar much like she had been and put his head in his hands. He looked up at his co-worker and said "I remember large extravagant balls back from my time. We had elaborate dances and it was proper to know all of them, but I think I can dance like this too." He looked at the dance floor watching as Nyx and Minji began to move together. He lifted his brows and then looked back to her. "Whaddua say?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beelzebub Khan Character Portrait: Minji YoonJo Lee Character Portrait: Hyorin Lee Park Character Portrait: William T. Hyde Character Portrait: Juliette Milosovici
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Juliette smiled at Minji the moment a drink was denied, but she didn't take it personally, she knew her friend would be back later. A small smile crossed her dark lips when Nyx slowly slid her way next to the other female, and in seconds they were both lost in their own little world, like everyone else wasn't there or didn't matter. It was cute. Nyx was adorable. Juliette was actually kind of rooting for whatever that might end up being.

Before she could think on it much more though, she found her focus being pulled away from her group of friends the moment she saw Felix. The six foot tall vampire could command a room with his entire presences. Even if being that tall wasn't as rare in the states, most of the vampires were much shorter. Except for Hyde. Who was a freaking giant of a man, but whatever.

Point was, Juliette knew her best friend and her brother a little too well, and she could tell that something had just gotten very serious in their conversation (though, from an outsiders point of view, it actually looked intimate. Because Jagger.) She tuned her fine hearing in, but only caught the tail end of the conversation. Another dead body. Near their club.

She worried her bottom lip between her fangs, sharing a nod with her brother when he glanced at her, but before she could think to do anything else Beelzebub was demanding her attention. Before she had a chance to react, the Asain was suddenly on the bar, Juliette nestled between her legs, a nose nudging at her neck.

Juliette, well known for her self restraint, simply melted under Beelzebub's attention, sighing softly the moment there were teeth against her neck, tilting her head obediently. Their was a playful nip at her ear, a kiss on her cheek that made her smile. She shook her head when Beelzebub sat back, but never said a word, her head tilted the same way Jagger's did while the other girl looked her over.

The twins didn't look alike. They were same the same height, had the same basic build and fare skin, the same icy blue eyes, but everything else was different. But, once upon a time a million years ago, when they both cut their hair short and dye hadn't become a thing, they could literally switch places with one another. Time did some amazing things.

Beelzebub was gone in the next moment, bottle in hand, and Juliette watched her go with a small shake of her head, because she knew exactly where the girl was going and what was going to happen. She let it go though, because honestly it was none of her business. It was definitely not her job to steer girls away from her brother.

She sighed softly, propping her elbows on the bar again as she watched the area where Minji and Nxy had disappeared to. She hadn't even realized she'd been watching them dance before she was hearing her name again, which had a beautiful ring to it surrounded in British.

Juliette smiled at him, tilting her head and letting her curtain of blonde hair fall behind her while she watched him dry glasses. “Do I?” she mumbled absently, gaze drifting back towards the dancefloor for a moment.

She felt a grin stretch across her face as he mentioned dancing, even felt a very rare blush barely cover her cheeks. “I remember balls,” she whispered whist fully. The twins, though they had walked many tracks of life, had grown up rich. She remembered the elaborate dances, the beautiful ballgowns, the dashing men. She tilted her head as the song changed, something a little slower but still rough, still something that allowed for lots of sensual movements.

Finally, she smiled and stood up, running her fingers through her long hair before she slid a finger in Hyde's beltloop, pulling him around the bar and onto the dance floor with her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: William T. Hyde Character Portrait: Juliet Milosovici
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#, as written by Nujuer
She was smiling at him and Hyde returned the motion, “I remember balls,” She said softly to him and he nodded. "They were certainly grand affairs." he agreed. The song changed and Hyde noticed as his friend tilted her head a little listening to the song transition from loud and pulsing to a song that most might make love to. He found his finger tapping to the beat of the song on the bar and said "our balls were certainly different." he mused. "I remember this one I went to-" he found himself cut off when she stood. Her fingers moved through her blond locks sending it cascading down her shoulders.

She was smiling at him as she reached out grabbed him by the belt and dragged him onto the dance floor. They were soon lost in the masses of bodies around them and Hyde found himself pressed up against his friend. On the dance floor it was far too loud to talk, the music made the ceiling above them vibrate with every pulse of the bass. In a motion that he did often Hyde let his arms move around Juliette and he leaned down his head a little so that she wouldn't have to lean back so far to look up at him. Hyde was used to towering over people and he often he liked to intimidate people by stepping as close to them as possible and just staring.

Their bodies moved together, and he could feel the heat and smell the sweat of those around him, their blood was pulsing fast and he could all but taste it. In a practiced motion from his time at the balls Hyde caught one of her hands and lifted it a bit and then gave her a silly grin before dipping her like one might do in a waltz. He pulled her back up and laughed a little. He missed the old balls, with soft violins and regimented dancing. While there was truly excitement in this sort of music, he missed glamor of it all. In salvation all anyone ever seemed to care about was sex.

He threw in a few more silly moves that one might have seen at a ball, and even took the time to twirl her in a few circles before bringing her close again. He enjoyed being with Juliette, as a close friend he often didn't feel the need to impress her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: William T. Hyde Character Portrait: Juliette Milosovici
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#, as written by Nujuer
Hyde was attempting to look serious at Juliette but the way she was looking at him made him grin. They could never be serious with each other. They danced for a little while meshing modern dance with their pasts, and when they were finished and had to return to their duties they headed on back to the bar and out of the dance floor area. Hyde chuckled to himself and he leaned against the bar and brushed a friendly finger down her nose. "There you see." He told her. "I can dance like those humans any day." He pointed to the crowd with the finger that had previously been on her nose.

Hyde opened the area that let them step behind the bar and let Juliette pass and then walked in behind the bar himself. He closed the bar top and said "Well that was certainly fun." He said. He leaned against the bar, and heard someone calling for a bartender and he glanced down the way and lifted a hand telling the patron silently that he would be along in a moment. "Oh I'd forgotten to tell you." He told his friend leaning towards her. "I read this new book, I think you and Felix might like it. So if you want it first you'd better steal it from the back." He told her. "It's a fantasy this time. Lots of dragons and some steampunk." He winked at her and then moved away.

Hyde found himself walking towards the patron who was asking for some sort of drink concoction. He nodded and grinned at the female as he made it for her. She smiled coyly at him and Hyde found himself wondering if he had found a meal. Her blood smelled sweet and he'd always found he had a sweet tooth. He passed her the drink she requested and leaned up on the bar and looked at her with a smile.

Within minutes he had her number written on his hand and he was off moving down the bar. Hyde made it a policy to never have relations with his meals. The idea of taking the life blood from someone you knew and loved seemed impolite in a way, and though some of his relations had begged him and he was usually happy to go above and beyond for them, he would never drink from them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felix Aelius Character Portrait: Beelzebub Khan Character Portrait: William T. Hyde Character Portrait: Jagger Milosovici Character Portrait: Juliet Milosovici
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Jagger growled the moment Felix spoke about fucking photographs of the girls death. It was a low sound, deep in his throat, threatening and obviously angry, but he was staying relatively calm. Except for his fingers, which were curving over the table, leaving scratches in the wood.

Being who he was, the steadily growing police presence hadn't bothered him when it had begun, he'd simply laughed and dared them to fucking try and take him on. It was only after many, many, serious conversations with Felix, Hyde, and Juliette that he began to see them as an actual threat. After the last body had been found, Juliette even suggested picking up and moving on. But Salvation was his home. Their home. He had finally built something, and he'd be damned if he was going to let it go.

"Looky Boss. Look what I got, and it's only been a few hours into the night. Aren't you proud of me". Jagger didn't even hear Beelzebub the first time, didn't even actually notice her presence until she was suddenly hugging Felix. The wood screeched under his grip, giving a sound that was oddly close to snapping, before he withdrew his hands and placed them into his lap.

Felix was gone in the next moment and Jagger ran a hand through his uneven, dark hair, before glancing at the beautiful Asian vampire that was just a little tipsy. He offered her one of his famous half smiles before sliding his fingers over the creases in the wood his fingers had made. “Having fun, Beelzebub?”

Juliette was still laughing softly by the time they made it back to the bar, a laugh which only got louder when Hyde bopped her on the nose. There were very few people she would let get that close to her. “That was fun,” she agreed with a grin, but the moment he lowered his voice a little bit, she tilted her head to hear better while he leaned closer.

"I read this new book, her eyebrows shot up in interest. I think you and Felix might like it. So if you want it first you'd better steal it from the back. It's a fantasy this time. Lots of dragons and some steampunk." She was definitely interested, and the wink he sent her let her know that he very well knew that too.

She shook her head at herself as she went back to working, grinning all the while. Oh, that book would most definitely be hers. With the tense way Jagger was looking, she knew Felix would be more than busy, so she was sure she had lot's of time on her hands to get what she wanted too.

She leaned her hip on the bar after awhile, a small smirk appearing on her face as she watched some poor women scrawl her number down on Hyde's palm. Which reminded Juliette that she very well needed a meal for the night but...

Her eyes scanned the club, deciding that would be her new goal for the night. Maybe, if she was lucky, she'd find a way to mix a meal and pleasure...which, unlike Hyde, was her favorite thing to do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: William T. Hyde
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nujuer
Hyde could feel his hunger rumble deep within him, though working at a club did have its perks, it was also very very tempting to just jump over the bar and rip into the closest person he saw. Their blood smelled delicious, being 202 years old Hyde had many years to perfect his technique on feeding. He knew Felix being the oldest out of all of them was of course far stronger and had that bit of finesse that the other vampire did not have, but Hyde prided himself on his feeding, he left small marks and tried his best not to mar the body of his donor.

Hyde filled out a few more orders until finally he could not stand it anymore, the woman who had given him the number was still at the bar her gaze found his and he flashed her a quick and easy smile which she returned. Hyde ducked under the bar and then made his way to her, she turned in her stool and Hyde found himself reaching for her hand to help her off the stood. Old habits die hard. He introduced himself and inclined his head in a bit of a bow, she giggled at his manner and told him her name was Jane. Delighted in her name he took her hand again and kissed the knuckles. He could feel the blood flow in her veins quicken and he knew he had his prey.

He grabbed them a few drinks and then led her to a small table hidden away in the corner of the bar, the music was softer there muffled by the bodies and walls. There is was a tad easier to talk and so Hyde turned on the charm. He asked her questions focusing on driving the conversation towards her, when ever she asked him a question about his past he would neatly turn the tables on her. He didn't touch his drink and let her have it instead. There was something delicious about an intoxicated human.

Her blood smelled thick and sweet to him and testing her to see if she was alright with his closeness he took her hand and their fingers laced. his strength held her there and when he leaned over to nip at her jaw line he felt her shudder. Had this not been his meal Hyde would have enjoyed the small shudder, but he was focused on his own hunger. He nuzzled her neck and she tilted her head a little giving him more access. Growling in appreciation he let his teeth sink into her. The blood filled his mouth and his eyes closed in appreciation to her sweet taste. Her fingers tightened over his but she didn't move, he could hear her breath pant out and he let himself drink a while more. After a few minutes when he was finished he lifted his mouth and licked away the last of the blood. She looked at him a bit dazed and he patted her hand.
"Maybe you'd better go home dear." He told her whispering in her ear. He could see the faint marks of his teeth and prided himself on doing as little damage as possible. She nodded at him thinking that was a good idea and he let her stand. She held onto him for support and he led her out to the door. Hyde waved her farewell and then feeling very pleased with himself he went to collect some glasses and walked back to the bar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felix Aelius Character Portrait: Orin Tae Park Character Portrait: Hyorin Lee Park Character Portrait: William T. Hyde Character Portrait: Jagger Milosovici Character Portrait: Juliette Milosovici
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0.00 INK

Almost by his job description, Felix was the resident kill-joy of Salvation, at least for the new vampiric population. It was with his sharp gaze and quick retribution when someone took things too far that he kept the club in check, something that its owner was unwilling to do. Quite frankly, Jagger was under the impression that the sign out front was enough policing for his club, but Felix, Hyde, and occasionally Juliette, when she could be bothered, thought otherwise. It kept the club in balance, as it were, with Jagger providing the insanity, the freedom, the lust for (un)life that their customers thrived on, feeding off of his wild, untamed energy. Felix, on the other hand, provided the solid rock of sanity that no one particularly liked, but was ultimately necessary. Well, we say that nobody liked it- a good majority of the humans did for the simple fact that when Felix was on duty unwanted feedings and violence plummeted in comparison tot he laissez-faire attitude Jagger and a good majority of people felt towards the place.

It didn't mean that Felix had to like this part of the job, especially when sociopathic, new bloods started sassing him. Not only did it make him feel old in a way that no immortal should, but it wore on his almost legendary patience. Kaine was a frequent offender in this regard, starting fights and breaking rules that weren't explicitly stated, but were still enforced by Salvation's only manager. Like this one for instance, number six in the Holy Book of Felix; thou shalt not assault other club goers for asinine reasons.

That was why, when Kaine stared impassively up at him, smugness in his features like a teenager being called out by a teacher, Felix simply stared back, lips pressed into a thin line. There was quiet between the two, a battle of wills and instinct as Felix waited for Kaine to let the poor man go and/or attempt to defend himself. Felix wasn't unreasonable, of course, so he did end up listening to more explanation than most people would. They just usually ended up being completely idiotic.

"This pervert has been eyeing up Hyorin for a while, and no one touches or looks at my baby sister without her permission."

As he'd thought; this clearly broke the rule in the Book of Felix regarding asinine behavior. He didn't car about big-brother instincts because, quite frankly, if someone took an interest in Nyx and wasn't a vampire, he would be more considered about them than the vampire girl. Nyx could and would take care of herself.

Clearly unimpressed, he simply looked on as Kaine inflicted the last bit of damage he could before releasing the man who scampered away into the crowd, bleeding from his scalp, which was clearly visible given that Kaine had ripped out a good chunk of his hair. The younger vampire looked so pleased with himself, or, well, as pleased as Kaine's general expression allowed.

"Is there anything else, or did you just come over here to ruin my fun?"

"No, I'd like to remind you that, if you want to assault people, please don't do it on or around club property." So Felix wasn't a saint, per say, but, honestly, he had a hard enough time keeping Salvation sane; once the club goers left his sight and range of influence, they left his mind. "Have a nice night."

His job wasn't done yet as he waved Kaine off with disregard only an old or powerful vampire could get away with, vanishing back into the crowds with a silent threat to keep his eyes on him. Quite frankly, however, he had other things to worry about. For instance, a bleeding patron in a room full of drunk and/or drugged up vampires. If the man made it out the doors, more power to him, but an injured human in the club just oozed danger.

After making sure that the human had made it out the door without any more real issues, Felix weaved his way through the crowds and back to the bar. He'd only been on the job for ten minutes at most and already he'd broken up a misunderstanding, had a serious talk with Jagger, and he's most likely saved a young man's life. Typical Salvation. It was only after he'd slid onto a barstool that he noticed the very different scenes around him from the resident bartenders. Hyde looked dreamy and satisfied, obviously a feeding has gone right that night. On the other side was Juliette with a decidedly un-Juliette-like expression of an unnatural sluggishness, the cause of which was dispersing into the club, fading in the red lights. If that hadn't been enough, her choice for companion and the obvious smell in the air(well, obvious to someone who'd been here almost as long as the club had been opened) made it all the more obvious. His lips twisted into a frown, but he didn't walk over, didn't nothing to acknowledge the pair apart from a look that lasted a moment longer before he was waving Hyde over. He couldn't tell Juliette what to do, after all, even if he knew he'd be hearing about this later either from Hyde or a teary-eyed Juliette.

"I take it you've had a good evening?" He asked, leaning over the bar. Even if everyone else seemed to prefer fresh blood tonight, Felix, more often than not, didn't have time for that, so the sight of him at the bar was as normal as anything in the bar(not that that was saying much). Honestly, children these days; they had no idea how lucky they were to have blood whenever they wanted to it for only a small monetary price.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felix Aelius Character Portrait: William T. Hyde
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nujuer
Hyde was busy cleaning some glasses when he saw Juliette leaning over the counter with a woman. He raised a brow as she reached for the the woman and they shared the smoke together. There was something about it that seemed appealing but Hyde knew all to well the dependance humans had on such substances and he hated how they looked when they had too much. Those types could be seen in the bars most of the time as Juliette was the one that would give them what they craved. He never had much use for drugs and so though he didn't approve he never said anything. It was her life and he had no business telling her that.

He set down a small shot glass and noticed Felix waving him over. Grinning he walked over to his friend and leaned on the bar much like him. "I take it you've had a good evening?" Felix asked him and Hyde nodded.
"You could say that." He gazed at his friend and tilted his head a little. "How ever it looks like you are not having much of an evening. What's wrong friend?" Hyde pulled up a stool and sat showing Felix he was ready to listen. Often they would have such talks and Hyde enjoyed talking over books they had read and he would even bring up conspiracies about his favorite books by Jane.

They were close friends, and Hyde enjoyed his company. He leaned down opening a small fridge that held a supply of blood for emergencies and he poured some into a glass and set it in front of him. He then sat back on his stool and gave his friend an encouraging look.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felix Aelius Character Portrait: Beelzebub Khan Character Portrait: Orin Tae Park Character Portrait: William T. Hyde Character Portrait: Jagger Milosovici Character Portrait: Juliette Milosovici
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0.00 INK

Felix let out another sigh, but this one was breathier, relief escaping from parted lips. Hyde was, in his own opinion, the calm in the eye of the storm, a safe haven for nights where the sheer chaos of Salvation became too much for the elder vampire to take. This was one of those nights, and Felix couldn't help but lean on the bar in a bit of a slouch unbefitting his own status. He ignored Hyde's question for a moment, choosing instead to wrap one hand around the glass, cool and wonderful under his touch, and the other snaking out to grab Hyde's hand, bringing it to his lips for a quick kiss on the knuckles.

"You are too good to me, pulchra mihi," He exhaled, lips curling upwards. Hyde was a dear friend and one of the few people in his acquaintance who still understood the days of passing affection that didn't have to lead to something more. Felix grew up in the days where kisses were as much thanks as they were romantic, and with Hyde at least he had no need to stop himself unlike the aborted gestures of affection that he might have to use with the other workers and players of the club.

He relinquished his grip on Hyde's hand, taking a moment to sip at the glass of blood before him, savoring and scenting it like it was a fine wine and he a connoisseur. A-… A fine choice, fresh but only as much as their supplies would allow. It was subpar to an educated tongue, none of the vivaciousness and pure energy that came from a live feeding, but it was enough and would have to be enough. He licked his lips with a quick swipe of his tongue, disappearing any hints of red that lingered.

"Tonight has just been one of those nights, my friend," He finally replied, leaning against one hand. "There are always too many things to do, and I cannot be everywhere at once. I've broken up at least two fights since I walked in a few moments ago, I've talked to the police for at least an hour this evening before arriving… It's…exhausting." He stopped for a moment, a chill of pure instinct rolling down his spine. Someone was looking at him. He turned his head slightly, just in time to catch Jagger's childish gesture and of course Kaine had gone over to the club's owner to tattle on Felix. If you looked at the club like one big family, Felix was like the stern mother who made you eat your vegetables and do your homework while Jagger was like the fun dad who sneaked you ice-cream and took you to the park. Each needed each other, but it was certainly no fun having to play mother, but no one else would do it. Felix rolled his eyes in response and turned away, not quite in the mood to play. Jagger was, however, and especially with Kaine. It was only a matter of time, Felix decided, before something happened there- sexualities tended to become irrelevant when Jagger turned up his manic charm and actually focused.

It was then that Beelzebub returned, new decorations on her neck that Felix knew were not from Jagger(he was never that neat or gentle with his partners).

"Lovely for you, perhaps," He teased gently, reaching a hand out to tap on one of the hickeys with a gentle flick of his index finger. There was a daze in her eyes when he really looked that exposed just how much fun she'd just had. Ah, the little pills, most likely that had been circulating around the club. They were most certainly not Felix's choice for a good time, but these vampires and humans needed that extra something to really enjoy themselves, to revel like a member of the cult of Dionysus. Who was he to fault them?

"But enough of my complaining. Someone please tell me some good or exciting news. I need to live vicariously through somebody right now," He continued, taking another sip of the ruby red liquid, tongue darting out to catch the red slipping over the rim of the glass.