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The Deck


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She would look at him, tilting her head as she sat up straight with a straight posture and she grinned at him, laughing as she ran a hand through her hair and leaned back in her chair. Her eyes flicked about to everyone before looking back at Reid with a smile and she would fold her hands gently in her lap as she gazed at him. "Give it a shot then. I'd like to see if you can." she said with a grin and she would laugh more, watching him as she looked at the pyramid and then at him again, crossing her arms with a smirk.


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Graeson Spade:

Grae listened as she spoke, nodding every once in a while and smirking at the sugar part. She sounded childish, the way she said it, and he could have swore he saw a gleam in her eyes as she spoke of sweets, like any child's eyes would light up at the thought of a piece of candy. Only she still held a proper, mature air about her that he couldn't help but respect. Had she not told him, Grae would have never guessed she enjoys sweets that much and rarely ate vegetables, judging by her figure. His eyes slid over her without his consent, and he quickly readjusted his gaze on the moon. He hadn't expected the princess to be as intriguing as she was stunning, but it was a pleasant surprise. A question popped into his mind that he couldn't help but ask.

"If you could wish for any one thing right now and you had a hundred percent guarantee that it would come true, what would you wish for, and why?" He asked, turning his gaze back to her as he paused in his steps.


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A cool breeze ran over Gemma's skin, in the warm air it was refreshing.

"If you could wish for any one thing right now and you had a hundred percent guarantee that it would come true, what would you wish for, and why?" He asked, turning his gaze back to her as he paused in his steps.

The question was one someone would ask a dear friend, or someone close, but they were just strangers, though she felt ever so compelled to tell him. There was a proper and unproper answer to the question, but she did not know which one he desired.

"Well, the right answer, the political one, is that I want peace between the kingdoms. I honestly do want that, but that is the answer society desires to hear, not one that is true to myself." Grae had stopped walking, but Gemma continued on, pausing a few steps ahead of him and gracefully turning around on her heels. Before the moonlight had been at their backs, and now, facing Grae, it shined on her face. Her ringlets casted askew shadows on her elegant features, though only moments before she talked about sugar like a child, in the moons rays she looked like a goddess of women.

"Now," She paused a bit her lower lip, questioning if she could reveal her true desire to him or not, "What I want well it is actually two things, if I did not have thousands of people to worry about and care for, I would want to know who killed my parents and my little brother," pain flickered over her face, but she composed herself quickly, "so I could have revenge." Those words seemed strange coming from such a beautiful girl, they seemed wrong, "and this might sound silly, but-I would wish for someone I could trust, but by being royalty those kinds of people come few and far between if they even show up. You probably understand what I mean, dealing with everyone's lives and not going crazy in your own...-"

Gemma realized she went to far and exposed herself to this stranger, but it was to late to take the words back now, and she would not regret anything she had just said. Instead she kept her gaze locked onto his softly.


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The White Rabbit//

The White Rabbit sat down beside her brother, thankful that she was no longer in the air. She felt much better now that she was on familiar ground, so to say. She pondered his story quietly. It made sense. Well, it made enough sense considering the situation. His question brought her out of her reverie and she looked up at him, slightly surprised. "A mister? Oh no, no mister or anything like that. Just me," she said in her usual quiet way. The Rabbit hadn't really ever thought of getting married or having children. She supposed the thought entered her head every once in a blue moon, but she never really took notice of it.

"Someone to meet... Hmm... Simon's interesting, I suppose and the Twins are quite nice," she said, trailing off as Jack got up and seemed to be searching for someone. After seeming to find whoever it was, he offered his hand. The White Rabbit took it and followed his line of sight. Red she loves the most? The Princess seemed to be the onloy one wearing red from her perspective. The Rabbit, in a surprising display of emotion, chuckled softly and shook her head. "Princess Ruby? I know her, Jack. I do still work for the Hearts."


The Jabberwocky//

The Jabberwocky smiled as the children approached her. Little ones were so fun to traumatize, or at least scare shitless. What curious things they were. She was fairly certain that her appearence didn't scream "warm and friendly", but still they came. How very, very silly. Perhaps this party will start getting fun, she thoughyt before the Caterpillar called them over to him so he could retell the story of her demise. Her eyes narrowed down to slits as she glared at the blue Caterpillar smoking away on his hookah pipe. If the Jabberwocky had any respect for anything, it would be him. He was a nearly as old as she was, or maybe he was older. She wasn't quite sure anymore. But did he really have to go and ruin her fun like that? And tell that horrible story? Honestly, she wasn't going to hurt them, per say. Well, maybe a little, but they'd live through it!

The Jabberwocky watched the children's reactions, scowling as he retold Alice killing her. It wasn't particularly a fond memory, death. Not at all fun. She rolled her eyes as the children climbed on top of him then quickly being shooed away. Suchy silly children, believing they were invincible. That could get you killed, or worse. The Jabberwocky looked back at the Caterpillar, noticing that most of his previous companions had fled. Perhaps it was time to chat with the old man. She got up from her seat, streatching her wings as she did so and walked over to the old Caterpillar, deciding flying would be totally unnessecary. she sat down beside him and tucked her wings ijn a more comfortable position. "Hello, Absolem. It's been a while, hasn't it?" The Jabberwocky asked casually. She could hold a sane conversation with someone. Just because her mental health wasn't entirly sound and she did have an awful habit of murder, didn't mean she couldn't be pleasent.


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"Give it a shot then. I'd like to see if you can." she said with a grin

One corner of Reid's mouth turned up with a smirk and he pulled the bow back further. The string touched his cheek and he turned his body to line up with the pyramid.
He set his aim on the cup and let go of the bowstring. It made a hollow hiss as the arrow let fly. It sliced through the air, a knife through a piece of paper.
Reid watched as the arrow flew. He had accounted for wind, he aimed a little right, he acounted for distance, he aimed a little up. When he had finally fired he had been satisfied.
The arrow connected with the top glass with a crash, and the glass exploded into poder at the impact point, the rest of the glass shattering into large pieces and tinkling off the pyramid.
Reid tensed as he saw the pyramid about to fall, it swayed for a second...then finally stopped and held.
He took a triumphant bow.


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Ruby grinned widely as she watched him, and when she finally saw the top glass shatter and fall, the pyramid swaying from the force of the top glass being obliterated, she even had held her breath at the small suspense. This was amusing her. When it didn't fall, she would clap her hands a few times and give him a sweet smile. "Well done, Reid. I'm impressed. That was truly a talented trick." she would say, tilting her head at him as she picked up a piece of glass and she played with it in her fingers and looked down at the sharp and shiny object in her hand. "A hunter at heart, I'm sure." she said, looking at him and then she would lean back in her chair, picking up a glass of water from a tray as a man walked by and she sipped it lightly while she looked at him and then she diverted her gaze down towards her lap.

Ruby's eyes lifted towards the sky as gray clouds gathered and the thunder was even closer, lighting flashing again and she would sigh. "It seems this party is soon going to come to an end though. Those storm clouds make it hard to be outside." she said as her face was serious and tense, she looked at him and she sighed softly. She then ran the glass across her right palm as a red cut formed and blood trickled out. She would only set the blood stained glass piece on the table and gaze down at the cut, staring at the bright red blood that looked almost like red fire.


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Suddenly, the Cheshire Cat stopped mid-step, floating in the air. He looked around, eyes zeroing in on Ruby as she cut her palm. What was she doing? Silently, the Cheshire Cat cursed himself for not paying attention. The Royals and their political intrigue had been what he had primarily come to investigate. It had been practically the only reason why he was here. And yet - he found himself dancing with a raccoon.

He looked at Mihi solemnly. "I apologize, my dear," he purred softly, ears flicking back in regret. "It appears something has come up."

He flicked his tail, before floating lazily over towards the Caterpillar.

"Please, my dear Absolem, enlighten me upon the odd behaviors and actions that have occurred while I enjoyed that lively bout of exercise with the dear raccoon - what was her name again?" his voice was dreamy, spaced out. As it always was when the Cheshire Cat lapsed into a deep thought.


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Reid set the bow on the nearest table and strolled lazily back to his own where Ruby was sitting.
"Thank you Madam, To be perfectly honest, I wasn't sure whether or not it would work myself" He grinned satirically as he grabbed a glass of something from a passing waiter. He touched it to his lips and after a second of disappointment he realized it was tea. He sighed and sipped from the glass again.

He stared up at the sky, noticing the clouds spiraling in their endless patterns of molecules and water.
He shrugged and turned to look at her, she had a sad but intense look on her face, and he pointedly ignored the glass and the cut, but one of his eyebrows automatically launched itself in the upward direction because of his questioning nature.


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She licked the blood off her palm and then she looked at him, folding her arms across her chest. She would then look at the sky as rain drops fell down on the table, light ones, but water non the less and she would feel them fall upon her face. She would then rise, looking down at Reid. "The rain has come; which signals the end of the party, don't you think? No one wants to stand in the rain." she would say. But then she looked around and sat back down, remaining silent. "So... when shall I see you again, Prince?" she asked, gazing at him.


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Mihi was unsurprised when the cat made off again. A simple swish of his tail, a sweep of his step, and he was gone- quick as ever and left. He was speaking with the puffypillar- she rather liked her new name for him- and inquiring about the royal habits. Not only was she not surprised by this behavior, she rather expected it. she was curious about the royal puppets herself but she had better ways of obtaining that information. She simply observed as they went about their odd little habits. As it began to rain, Mihi became thoroughly bright and cheery. Not a bird was in the sky.


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Jack was excited to introduce his little sister to Ruby. Ah, Ruby. She was such fun! Treats, god, she loved treats. He was half contemplating bringing her a glazed donut when White Rabbits words began to sink and ring his lifeless, floppy ears. "Princess Ruby? I know her, Jack. I do still work for the Hearts." Jack stopped completely. Idiot. Idiot, was all that raged and tore through his thoughts now. Oh, how such a bitter sweet memory it was; The beautiful day, the maidens smiling and laughing, Gentleman applauding, the Executioner's sneer as a glint of brilliant sunshine bounced off the tip of his Axe, just before it roe through Jack's neck.

He was beheaded by the queen of Hearts.

Princess? Princess. Princess would mean daughter of the Queen. Daughter of the Queen would mean she was related to the Red Queen. Her daughter. A Sick repulsive aura began to surround Jack, as he dropped the White Rabbit's hand. He gazed at her over his shoulder. Eyes fierce, alert; Blood shit and murderous. " Work for .. the .. hearts? Princess Ruby .. of Hearts? " His words became somewhat hoarse, as if his insides had shut off. He now acted as he looked, a lifeless, animated corpse.

Was it hesitance? Or just pure confusion and insanity that caused Jack to approach as he did, taking a rather wavering step, followed by another. And within a moment's breath, the batting of an eye lid, he as next to Ruby; his tall figure somewhat slouched over. " Ruu~uuby .. Guess who is back .. You can't guess? It's me Jack. Jack the Rabbit, who was once known for a bad habit, Of finding whoever belonged to Hearts, and ripping them until they in parts. Ruby is from Hearts. I should leave Ruby in parts, leave all Hearts in parts. " And suddenly his murderous gaze disappeared, as it was replaced by a sullen, depressed and confused stare. " So why can Ruby wear Jack's Hat? Why can't Jack bring himself to Hate Ruby? Who are you .. " And fell onto his knee's, before back onto his bottom.

Like a child throwing a tantrum.


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Ruby had suddenly jumped to see Jack beside her, slouched over with such a look of confusion and terror on his face and his ears seemed to go limp at how upset he was. She was quite startled at his sudden mood and his sudden expression. She would then listen to his depressing and sad rhyme that made her own face go sad as she would slowly get down on her knees, looking at Jack was she was sitting, as if under a black cloud of icy rain.

"I... I don't know what to say, Jack... I'm Ruby Heart. And unfortunately when one hears that name; they think I'm vile and cruel like my evil mother was... but I guess the hope that someone will understand is just out of my reach. I can only say; she must... have done something truly terrible to you, Jack... " she would tilt her head at him and she sighed sadly. "Are you going to tear Ruby Heart into pieces and parts, Jack?" she asked, her eyes sad and her face was long.


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Jack raised his head slowly at her words, his hollow, empty eye sockets seeming to be filled with a confused look. He simply let her question repeat in his mind, what sanity was left within it anyhow. " Pieces and parts .. Tear the Hearts .. One day I was told .. That Jack the Rabbit, would choose to forgive and forget, or Let himself spiral into hate and regret. " He tilted his head and slowly, raising his skeletal hand to the Top-Hat upon his head, the black and white stripes falling along it perfectly, he placed it upon Ruby's head.

" Tired and old I am, and only know do I feel the way for many a year I have felt .. cold. Quite a day this been, many a sight I have seen. A nice Heart, not torn apart. My little sister, without a little mister. I'm tired of hating a ripping them apart, all along what I needed .. was a 'Heart.' " He mused, smiling at her lightly before standing, turning as he decided to make his way back to his little sister, hoping his tantrum from before hadn't frightened her too much ..


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Ruby would tilt her head at him, and when he slowly put his hat on her head, her face became puzzled as she would watch him. She opened her mouth a few times but closed them when he was still talking, her eyelashes batting a few times naturally as she blinked and the wind blew through her hair. She stared at him with her crimson eyes.

When he said those last words, her own heart pounded lightly and she would watch him stand up, turning back towards the white rabbit. Ruby tilted her head in confusion and then she got up, grabbing his hand and jerking him back. She would kiss his cheek lightly and then his forehead before smiling lightly at him, giving him a great big hug. "I'm sorry for what happened to you, Jack." she said and then she stepped away, slowly taking the hat off. "Do you want this back? I know the hat means alot to you, Jack." she said, holding the hat in her hands as she looked at him.


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Mihi felt something hit her bushy tail. she Whipped around to see what it was, and saw nothing. again she felt a light tap, reversed her step, and looked about at nothing. She repeated this process several times before realizing that it was the rain. She slapped her forehead, in an overwhelmingly dramatic manner, and sat down. She walked to the nearest table, not checking its inhabitants until she sat down. When she looked up she realized it was Ruby and Jack. well they weren't sitting at the table. they were throwing a tantrum next to it, and it was delightfully amusing.

She giggled, and asked for more tea. Just because it was raining didn't mean the fun of the tea party was over just yet. The many suited man scowled, and she scowled back. She didn't really care what he thought, she just wanted tea. And a little rain in your tea couldn't kill you.


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He was surprised when he was yanked back, even more so when she embraced him. He just smiled his skeletal smile, shaking his head lightly. " Look after it for me, it'll give me a reason to come to one of these Tea parties again .. ~ " And with that, he turned, carrying on.


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Graeson Spade:

Grae kept his gaze on her as she spoke, his eyes flitting across her face. Her political answer was the same as his, but he assumed that would be anyone's political response. He caught the pain that flicked over her expression at the mention of her family, and felt a small tug of pain for her himself. He couldn't help that. It wasn't pity he felt, but understanding and at that moment, with the look that had flickered upon her face for that brief span of time, he wanted to share her pain. It was an odd thought and feeling, one he discarded immediately and blamed on his lack of sleep.

"I understand. And I'm sorry about your family." He replied, his voice soft. He pushed a hand through his hair and mused it up a bit, keeping his eyes on her.


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Gemma Diamond

"I understand. And I'm sorry about your family." He replied, his voice soft. He pushed a hand through his hair and mused it up a bit, keeping his eyes on her.

Gemma wrapped her hands around her stomach, she knew Graeson had been through the exact same thing as her. "Unless you are the ones that murdered them, you have nothing to be sorry for." For a single moment her guard dropped, pain washed over her face, giving her a child like look once again. The moon reflected in her amber eyes, "We should be getting back....."

It had just occurred to her how far they had gotten into the labyrinth of flowery maze and Gemma had not been paying attention to which way they had come from.


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Graeson Spade:

Grae stayed silent for a moment as she dropped her guard for the second time that night, though this time it stayed down for a bit. He dropped his gaze for a moment to keep his own guard up as the pain was showing plainly on her face. She looked like a sad child that had to grow up too soon. That was probably true, though the person that stood in front of him wasn't a child, but a young woman. A stunning one at that. His hand was lifting on it's own accord towards her, but he managed to stop it before it could brush a stray curl from her face. He dropped his hand and nodded, then turned back towards the way they might have come, mentally kicking himself.

"Yes, we should get back. We should probably figure out which way we came first. You wouldn't want to be lost in here with me." He smirked and winked, shoving his hands in his pockets. That was much better. Whatever thoughts that had crept into his mind and lead him to believe he had felt anything for the past couple minutes were now gone, and his usual self replaced it.


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Gemma Diamond

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Grae raise his hand slightly, then dropped it. Her heart jumped a bit, pulling her out of her funk. The once childish look on her face had vanished and was replaced with a noble and regal glance. She noticed his mood also changed a slight bit, but could not pinpoint what exactly was different.

Gemma caught the wink thrown her way, and shrugged it off like a princess should, accepting it, though not returning the notion. She also spun on her heels to face the maze, and had no clue where she was, "Unless you happened to remember which way we came out then I am afraid I can be of no assistance." A small smile flickered over her lips but retreated instantly.

The dark vine covered walls held no trace of their path or where they had originally come from and the only thing lighting their path was the small flowers that blossomed at night, providing a dimly lit pathway and the light from the full moon. She let her long thin fingers run through her hair and quickly braided it and tied it off with a white ribbon that had been on her wrist.

It would be a long trip out, she sighed, and took a few steps then stopped and turned back to him, "if this is a labyrinth, which it is, the harder we try to get out, the more lost we are going to get......" A very unprincess like grin spread over her cheeks, "we have to get to the middle of the maze. It's the only way out." The soft moon reflected off her back, "You up for a little adventure Prince?"

The last part was very unpolitical, she had not even meant to, but her compulsion gently seeped into her words, ever so lightly. It was enough to make him say yes to the journey and it was flirtatious enough to make his heart probably jump a little.

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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Reid Blackmoore Club
Character Portrait: Jack The Rabbit
Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
Character Portrait: The Mad Hatter
Character Portrait: Graeson Spades
Character Portrait: The White Rabbit
Character Portrait: James "G" Masters
Character Portrait: The Jabberwocky


Character Portrait: The Jabberwocky
The Jabberwocky

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!"

Character Portrait: James "G" Masters
James "G" Masters

The Gryphon

Character Portrait: The White Rabbit
The White Rabbit

"Oh my, I'm sorry. I seem to be late again."

Character Portrait: Graeson Spades
Graeson Spades

Prince of Spades

Character Portrait: The Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter

"This will be a thrill, just need to make sure my clothes aren't messed up."

Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
The Cheshire Cat

"Heart, Spade, Diamond, Club. Why must we choose?"

Character Portrait: Jack The Rabbit
Jack The Rabbit

What am I, Am I what.


Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
The Cheshire Cat

"Heart, Spade, Diamond, Club. Why must we choose?"

Character Portrait: James "G" Masters
James "G" Masters

The Gryphon

Character Portrait: The Jabberwocky
The Jabberwocky

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!"

Character Portrait: Jack The Rabbit
Jack The Rabbit

What am I, Am I what.

Character Portrait: The Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter

"This will be a thrill, just need to make sure my clothes aren't messed up."

Character Portrait: Graeson Spades
Graeson Spades

Prince of Spades

Character Portrait: The White Rabbit
The White Rabbit

"Oh my, I'm sorry. I seem to be late again."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: The Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter

"This will be a thrill, just need to make sure my clothes aren't messed up."

Character Portrait: The Jabberwocky
The Jabberwocky

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!"

Character Portrait: James "G" Masters
James "G" Masters

The Gryphon

Character Portrait: Graeson Spades
Graeson Spades

Prince of Spades

Character Portrait: Jack The Rabbit
Jack The Rabbit

What am I, Am I what.

Character Portrait: The White Rabbit
The White Rabbit

"Oh my, I'm sorry. I seem to be late again."

Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
The Cheshire Cat

"Heart, Spade, Diamond, Club. Why must we choose?"

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