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The Deck

The Deck


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2,186 readers have visited The Deck since Wonderland created it.


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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


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It was a dark and cloudy day; dark clouds gathering to the north, and as Ruby's crimson eyes gazed up through the thick crooked branches of the trees, she could see lighting flashing far in the distance. But sun was already peeking through the gray clouds that were above The West part of Wonderland, little streams of the golden sun floating down onto the leaves and water, making everything that shined sparkle even more. Ruby looked at her teacup; which also glittered in the golden rays, smiling as she took a long sip before letting out a breath of satisfaction. She then looked to her right, her red lips curling into a small soft smile as she slowly picked up a small object in her hands. The object was a doll; wearing a crown with a clock on it, a long blue dress with ribbons, and a choker necklace. Underneath the crown was long flowing blue hair, and the gray eyes that stared back at Ruby had glowing life inside of them. Ruby's smile turned into a frown as she stroked the hair of this beautiful doll, feeling a bit of guilt tug at her heart. This poor doll... was a tall beautiful woman, not even an hour ago. And Ruby had changed her, along with all her other guests. And now she was to decide who would be changed back... and who would stay.

Ruby slowly arose, the doll still in her delicate right hand, her pale long white fingers wrapped gently around the waist and back. She was wearing her red and white small lolita dress; covered with ribbons and hearts, her black boots making small thuds as she picked up her staff in her other hand and walked towards the small path that led back to the castle. Underneath her glittering crown, her long deep red hair fell on her back, bouncing with a lushes and tender look against her bare back and her strong lats visible. If one looked and stared, they'd notice the long light red gashes that had been closed up; light red scars that had been clinging to her flesh for years now. But no one ever commented; and Ruby looked upon her scars as a reminder of how strong she had been, how she survived the cuts and the lashes of her mother's hand. Ruby noticed a few of her maids scampering about, picking up dishes and napkins and other things on the table and putting them into large baskets. Two of the maids were picking up the transformed guests; placing their now doll form into baskets lined with velvet. Ruby had always loved to do this; to hold tea parties and turn people into dolls... but she was starting to think of how terrible it was. Her sweet soft side made her feel guilty, but her sadistic side laughed and flourished at the site and the whole process; of how fun it was! Ruby sighed and then she looked back down at the doll in her hands.

"My lady!" A voice shouted from her left.

Ruby would quickly turn with a startled look, seeing one of her servants from the castle running towards her, struggling not to lose her balance in her high heels. Her silver hair was done up in a bun, bouncing about and the maid finally reached Ruby, panting hard and holding up a large white envelope with a heart on the front. "My lady... -huff huff- this was... -huff huff- left on the bench... -huff huff- in the court yard... -huff huff HUFF!-" Ruby would raise an eyebrow at the servant who kept huffing and trying to catch her breath, and Ruby would slowly take the envelope from the girl's hand.

"Have a seat... you look exhausted. I don't need another servant passing out at my feet. Clara! Fetch the girl some tea, will you? She needs to catch her breath!" Ruby called to one of the maids who hadn't yet picked up the last half full pot of tea sitting on the right side of the long table to Ruby's right. The servant walked over, sitting down and sipping a cup of Tea. Ruby then would slowly cut the letter open with one of her long red nails, and she gingerly pulled out the letter inside; being careful not to rip it. She unfolded the long piece of paper and she read what was inside:

Dear Princess Ruby,

We are honored to invite you, the stunning and charming Princess of Hearts, to an exciting and convenient garden party at the center garden place in the heart of our beautiful Wonderland. This garden has been kept well maintained and is blooming with beautiful flowers; such as red roses and golden tulips, you're favorite, we hear. There shall be many selections of teas, cakes, and other sweet delicious treats as well as games and stunning music! And you can tour the maze on the west side of the garden and enjoy the many flowers and plants we have here! We encourage you to bring any guest you'd like; for the garden party is no fun with only a few people to join!

We ask for forgiveness when we say; the party is taking place tonight at 3 pm. We are sorry for the short notice; we have invited many other glorious guests to this event and we were racing to get to everyone on time. We do hope to see there, your highness!



Ruby would blink at this letter, staring at it with interest and suspicion. She did love garden parties; and with all the war going on and the political issues, she hadn't had time for many parties lately. It wasn't a rocking concert but it would have many of her favorite things there. She would look down at the Signature. D? Who was D? She would stare at the letter for a moment or so and then gaze back up at the seductive and sweet words written in black ink; and in beautiful handwriting, calling out to her to come to this party and have a good time. She then looked over at Clara. Clara was her closest maid; and her wisest friend. "Clara! Would you come here, dear? I seek your council." Ruby said in her sweet but cold voice. The maid walked over, setting her basket down.

"Yes, Princess?" Clara asked, her slender pale face glowing with a calm expression. Ruby handed Clara the letter, Clara's bright green eyes scanning over the paper quickly and her expression didn't change.

"Should I attend?" Ruby said, her arms crossed over her chest as she waited for Clara's answer.

"You've been under quite a lot of stress, Ruby... I would say, that yes. You should attend. As long as you bring a few guards along just in case. But it seems like something that you would enjoy and would relieve your anxiety for a while. Just make sure you bring guards and your advisor. I will also accompany you if you wish me too." Clara said in her calm and soft voice, handing the letter back to Ruby. Ruby stood there, thinking for a moment or so as her right shoe tapped the ground.

"Alright. I'll go. But first I must change! Clara, get the coach!" she said and Clara bowed as Ruby would walk quickly down the path, her maids watching with protective and curious eyes. Ruby would then break into a very fast sprint, no wobbles or stumbles could be seen as her boots hit the ground steadily and evenly. She made it into the court yard of her kingdom, seeing her advisor playing chess with a servant. "Caterpillar! We are attending a garden party! Get your best dress on and meet me at the coach in half an hour!"


Ruby slowly walked outside, the doors opening at the front of the kingdom. She walked down the steps slowly, in her best dress. It was short in the front, and longer and poofier in the back, with a tight corset with gold and black stripes down the side and black down the front; with big to small hearts also going down to the front over the black, the corset clinging to her hourlgass curves. The skirt was a bright red satin material, poofy with ruffles and stopped just above her mid thighs with a scratchier white material underneath that could be seen when she walked; the material would bounce slightly with her graceful and excited steps. She wore her white thigh high stockings with black and red hearts covering all around and her black Gothic heels. The sleeves reached a little past her elbows; puffed slightly at the shoulders with gold hearts. She had red lips; with black on the front of the lips. Small hearts covered underneath her right eye, and gold glitter spots over her left neatly tripped eyebrow. She wore a gold necklace with a red heart resting just above her cleavage. She had on her golden crown, her staff in her right hand and she had a spiked bracelet on her left wrist. Her red hair was in a half-ponytail, a few short curls of her bangs falling on either side of her face and her long hair reaching her mid back, flowing down and bouncing with her steps. She would smile as she reached the carriage, two guards opening the door. She slowly got inside, seeing her advisor sitting across from her.

She smiled at him but said nothing more, except stared out the window. The guards piled on the back side of the carriage on the roof; the small coach driver then would whip his reins and the carriage lurched forward, the wheels turning slowly and then faster as the horses were at a lazy jog. Ruby would rest her face against the small window, her staff on her lap as she smiled at the woods she passed, the darkening skies making the trees look like monsters with crooked branches- and she loved this. She watched little woodland animals running about, and little birds flying through the trees. Plants lined up; ferns with faces chatting with the flowers on the ground. She loved this sight. She then leaned her head back against the carriage seat, her eyes closing as the dark red eyeshadow was exposed on her eyelids. Black eyeliner traced around her eyes to darken them; and her naturally creamy pale skin seemed to glow. She slowly dozed off as the ride continued.


When the carriage finally lurched to a stop; Ruby was thrown forward just a bit and her eyes would slowly open, the crimson shining brightly. Before anyone had time to say anything, she instantly threw the doors of the carriage open and jumped out. She saw the huge gates to the center garden slowly opening up for her, guards climbing down and staring at her with a bit of surprise. She would quickly walk inside, holding her staff in her right hand as she stared at the large garden.

To the left were the large mazes;and to the right were all the flowers and a large pond in the middle, so many flowers and plants that were blooming with bright color and wonderful smells. The bees and the butterflies were buzzing around, tasting the nectar these supple flowers had to offer. In the middle were tables on either side; filled with drinks, tea, cookies, cakes, candy... servants in white outfits walking about with trays in their hands. At the end was a large white tent; no flaps to cver what was inside; and tables were lined up, with silver dishes and glasses and forks and spoons, in case a rain came and outside were a few tables scattered about with elegant chairs and elegant table covers. Ruby just stared dreamily at it all, with a smile that she hadn't let out for a long, long time. She turned towards the carriage. "Come on, Caterpillar! Come! They have chess here!" Ruby shouted when she saw a chess table in the garden. Ruby ran up to a table, grabbing a heart shaped sucker and she put it to her mouth until a guard rushed over.

"M'lady... just for your protection..." he said, gesturing to the sucker. Ruby huffed slightly and she handed the red sucker over. The guard put it in his mouth, biting it off and he sucked on it and swallowed. A few minutes passed, Ruby would stare at him and he would look at her. "It's fine. You can eat another one now." he said and he walked a few paces away from her, looking slightly ashamed. Ruby would roll her eyes and she picked up another heart shaped lollipop and put it in her mouth, before she walked over to a nearby table and sat down, stretching her legs as she waited for her advisor to come. Off a bit, she heard the sound of violins, flutes, harps, and other various beautiful instruments singing songs in the air that were so sweet to the ears. She closed her eyes, the warm breeze flowing across her face. She smiled more. This was going to be a great time...



Simon sat gingerly in his favorite chair; atop his small porch at the back of his house. He was staring off into the distance as he watched storm clouds brewing; but his attention was soon diverted to his previous amusement. He was holding a sketch pad with a pencil in his right hand and the pad in his left. On the pad were two little chipmunks fighting over an acorn and his giggled as he watched them again, go for another one. The one chipmunk with a torn ear was running with the acorn as the other chased after him with fast strides. The chipmunk then would grab the chipmunk's leg and they both tumbled into a tree. Simon would laugh and both would freeze, looking at them with their brown eyes.

Simon would then reach from his pocket; two very small bundles of acorns. He threw them below and both chipmunks bolted, each carrying off a bag and into their separate burrows across from one another. Simon got up, stretching his long arms above his head and he set the pad down on the small coffee table beside the chair. He would look at his watch then; deciding it was time to say lunch was over and the shop was again open for the rest of the day. He walked through his slide in doors and towards the door that led to the shop. He opened it, closing it behind him and he glanced at the counter and his old silver register sitting there. He walked to the front door, changing the sign to open and then he would walk back behind the counter.

He already saw a note sitting there. He picked it up and read it.


Here's fifty gold pieces for that china set you promised me. I have another bag of 100 silver pieces waiting for you here when you deliver the set. Thank you so much for reserving it for me; it was so sweet of you. Also... I hear there is a garden party in the Center Garden of Wonderland going on tonight. Around 3 or 4. You should come; I hear some royals got invites and Bruce and I are going to go in, since it is for all creatures of Wonderland. Hope to see you there, Simon!


Simon's brows furrowed at the letter and he then set it down, staring at it and he smiled lightly. A garden party, eh? He might just have to bring that up with the twins and see if they'd like to tag along. He assumed the Cheshire Cat already was aware of it. A few people probably were. He would then put the note in his pocket and a customer walked in. Simon smiled, waving at them in a friendly manner.

Why were the royals attending a garden party anyway?

Curious, indeed... very curious.


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-The Caterpillar-

"Checkmate". The voice of course belonged to the blue being known as the Caterpillar who was quite busy playing chess with one of Lady Ruby's servants."Tsk tsk I do believe I told you I would win did I not good fellow?"Said the Caterpillar, adjusting the black round glasses that were sitting on his nose, leaning forward. The servant let out a long sigh and then pushed himself back away from the board and excused himself. "Pff.....the boy thought he could beat me, what a silly little thing."
The Caterpillar had barely won when he heard the sound of a woman yelling out his name and turned his head to see the Lady of the Castle herself walking briskly towards him in the courtyard. She was of course a welcome sight, her beauty always adding such warmth to the usual dull days. He watched with pleasure as her red hair shimmered brightly from the morning sun."

"Caterpillar! We are attending a garden party! Get your best dress on and meet me at the coach in half an hour!"
She was as commanding as ever, though truth be told the Caterpillar didn't quite mind it as much as he should have being senior a hundred times over."Righy-O dear Princess, I shall attempt to find itchy confining clothing and wear it so that other may gasp in surprise of my good looks!" He shot straight up out of his chair and began walking towards the castle, but not before giving Ruby a small wink.
Almost a half hour later both the Caterpillar and Ruby were being bounced up and down in the bumpy carriage as they made their way towards this "garden" party.Ruby was resting so the Caterpillar did his best not to say much of anything, merely looking outside of the windows and admiring the scenery.

It didn't take quite so long for them to reach their destination and as the carriage pulled to a halt the Caterpillar watched as Ruby shot forward a bit and awoke with wide eyes. He pulled a hand towards his mouth to cover the smile that was threatening to break through and then chuckled quietly.Ruby hopped out of the carriage and then turned towards him." Come on, Caterpillar! Come! They have chess here!" The Caterpillar merely raised a blue eyebrow and then smiled."Well perhaps this party won't be as bad as I expected yes?" He slowly emerged from the carriage and began walking side by side with Ruby, looking around at everything and everyone.

He watched with mild surprise as a guard took the lollipop that Ruby had and practically devoured it."Yes because everyone puts poison inside a lollipop? It's quite a common thing now..." He rolled his eyes at the guard and then continued walking. His eyes caught sight of the chess table Ruby was referring to and he sighed.

"Perhaps that was enough chess for today.....although if people start dancing I am bound to get away."
There were already several amount of guest that had arrived , some he knew and some he didn't."My lady.....I do hope they aren't trying to create a friendly atmosphere for I fear I might just burst out laughing at the attempt. Tea and crumpets aren't exactly going to change how everyone thinks of each other.
This was indeed going to be quite a long day.
-The Twins-
While Simon was busy sitting in his chair , Dahlia "Dee" was occupying herself with watering her flowers."Please grow for us my pretty little buds. We would quite love if you would flourish and blossom so that we may give you as presents to the Hatter!"Dahlia smiled at the roses, for that was the particular flower she was attempting to grow, and began humming because as most people in Wonderland believe, singing makes the flowers grows. As she continued watering, the bright sun of Wonderland seemed to shine down on the maiden, creating a somewhat heavenly light around her. She stood at a rather small height of five feet, five inches making her surprisingly one of the shorter people in Wonderland.Her burgundy colored hair was cut short, the longest piece directly at her chin, often causing her to giggle from it tickling her. Her eyes however were the most curious thing about her, as her right as was brown, and her left eye was an emerald green.

She hated explaining that she was indeed two people, and that the green eye did not in fact belong to her, but to her younger twin Daria "Dum".The eye however was the only thing that ever showed of dear Daria "Dum" seeing as how it was usually Dahlia who possessed the body.

Dahlia stopped her humming and began to walk back towards where she knew Simon to be, watching as he interacted with a pair of chipmunks."There you are ! We had been wondering were you were and it seems we were right!" Dahlia giggled and then walked over to sit in one of the chairs near Simon. Her had caught the note Simon had been reading before he put it away.

"Whats that you have there?Is it a letter from someone important? Or is it for us?" Dahlia tilted her head, causing a small piece of purplish hair to fall before her eyes.


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A seventeen year old raccoon girl, Mihi, was taking a rather long stroll to the western forest of wonderland. A very long stroll in fact, as she had been walking for a few hours, but it was the closest shop besides her own, and she needed to get some money. She would sell some poisons and such to simon. Her shop, in the middle of the south western mushroom forest did not get a lot of cutomers. She was tired, and her hair had gone a ghoulish white, contrasting her dark skin as well as her ears and tail, while fitting perfectly with her empty white eyes. Her skirt waved in the wind. she was glad that she wore long pants under them, because the restriction of movement in a skirt was just too much for her.
Her trip wasn't the least pleasant thing she had ever experienced, but there were just so many birds. She hated birds. Loathed them. detested them even. Their tunes made her feel like her head was being torn in two. not a pleasant feeling, if you're curious. but at least they weren't as loud as the ones in the kingdom of spades. This made her happy. she had left there for good, and no way was she ever going back. ever going to hurt people for silly things like patriotism again. she had let her poisons be used to kill. with neither a reason, nor a sense in the world. But never again. her hair turned greyish blue and black. she felt guilty. she felt angry. she felt- sad. To improve her mood, she looked down, so as not to be able to see the birds. She thought for a moment that she heard music. Horrid, sweet, melodious and thoroughly disgusting music. And she was right. It was. She wasn;t sure what was making it but frankly she didn’t really want to know. She just wanted it to shut up. She could have bitten it. That is- she could have bitten it- were it tangible. To her knowledge she could not bite sound waves.
I must be nearing the little shop, with spices and tea,
but what shall I do
if I continue to hear that jamboree?
continue to hear that hullabaloo

Mihi, thought, poetically
she had an ulterior motive for going though.
she had heard about a garden party, and that might mean peace
or, it might mean death.
And she had to find out.


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Gemma rubbed her temples as her elbows propped her up. Her whole kingdom was demanding something different from her and it had given her quite the migraine, which nothing seemed to cure as of late. The soft icy silver of her long flowing dress gently graced itself upon her skin sending chills up her spine. For the past three years Gemma had been in complete control of the North region of Wonderland, and also her part has been the most prosperous out of all the divisions. A small smile flickered across her light pink lips.

"Your Highness, Princess Diamond. Madam, a letter has been left on the doorstep for you, one of the guards told me to open it, but I thought it wouldn't be right, but it doesn't have a from address on it, oh Princess-" Gemma watched amusingly as the small girl, who happened to be part squirrel, rambled on nervously. It wasn't every day the young one got to talk to Gemma. Raising one hand, Gemma held a finger up silencing the girl.

"Thank you for brining me the letter," The princess' voice was as smooth as cold cream in the hot summer. She grasped the letter with two lacy fingers, sliding one under the red seal that bound it together, and pulled out a smooth pale green letter with golden writing.

To the lovely Diamond Princess,

We cordially invite you to the lavish party in the central garden. It has been many years since a Diamond has attended any of the Wonderland events, and we do believe you are best fit to represent your region in this ceremonious gathering; to have you attend would be the greatest honor bestowed upon us in a long while. Having you grace our event as the highest socialite of Wonderland would be a thing to see.

As our most prized guest you will have the opportunity of discussing politics as well as participate in splendid games such as the famous flamingo croquet as well as enjoy our delicious sweets prepared with you in mind, we have heard you enjoy desserts, especially chocolate. In addition there will be a fabulous band and dance available to you. The attire is formal, but that should not be a problem for you highness as your fashion is always impeccable.

If you accept please be at the garden no later than three pm tomorrow. A carriage will arrive to pick your highness up and deliver you to the party.

Merrily yours,


Gemma read over the note, weighing her options. Discussing politics and eating chocolate at the same time was right up her alley, and the fact she could sport one of her new dress creations was the deal breaker. Her molten amber eyes flickered out her window, staring down on her region spread below her.

The bright green leaves glistened brightly in the sun and jewel like flowers budded up all across the country side. In the town below her people and creatures harmoniously continued on their daily lives and tasks merrily in the warm sun. Gemma shook her head, the curls around her face bounced slightly with the movement.

"Yes, prepare my bags for me dear, also... could you bring me up a bar of chocolate?" Gemma smiled as the girl ran off to complete her errands.

------The next day---------

The jewel encrusted marble floors that stretched throughout the castle sparkled incredibly as Gemma looked at her newest dress on her in the wall length mirror. The baby blue dress was marvelous. It had a sweetheart top encrusted with deep blue sapphires which ended promptly right below her bust and turned to white lace that clung to Gemma's sides. The lace ended at the dropped waist of the dress where the elegant blue fabric tea cupped around her. Where the lace turned to fabric the sapphires began again. The contrast of her lightly tanned olive skin against the powdery dress was perfect. No one had ever worn a dress like the one Gemma had before. It stopped a little above her knee and on her feet she wore a pair of bright white high heels.

Gemma had her hair naturally curled, no piece out of place, and pinned up with a large clear diamond clip. Some of the loose curls poured out prettily. Along her amber eyes was her diamond mask, each gem sat perfectly around her eyes framing them intensely.

She heard the carriage pull up on the diamond cobble stone road that led to the castle and she exited her room and took her time walking down to the door. The carriage was driven by no one, and pulled by nothing. Assuming it was a silly magic trick she entered.

----- The arrival-----

Gemma was lost in the time and quickly became lost in the passing landscape, she looked to the clock hanging on the corner of the carriage. Nodding she read the time, 2:59. Then the carriage promptly stopped as the door swung open revealing the garden.

It took her breath away. The smell of honey suckle, roses, desserts, and fresh tea wafted pleasantly through the light warm air. Her heels made a slight noise as she stepped from the cab, hoping she was not the first to arrive.

(I was rushed, sorry for spelling errors! argh)


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-The Cheshire Cat-

"Simon~" The Cheshire Cat peered into the shop, twirling his tail in excitement. He floated into the shop on his back, before flipping over and landing neatly on the floor. His eyes immediately fell on the note clutched in Simon's hands, before flicking his tail again. "So you've heard the news?" he purred, walking over towards Simon. He looked over at the twins, before smiling broadly at them.

"There's a tea party going on with the royals today," he said. "I think we should go. It'll be interesting and there will be so much to see." His eyes shone with excitement, before he turned to the twins. "Oh, of course, you'll be joining us."

He leaned over, voice dropping to a small hush. "I hear all the royals will be attending. All of them! Spade, Diamond, Heart, Club." He seemed to adopt a dreamy look on his face, as he floated off the ground, floating until he was on his back. He locked his hands behind his head, levitating in the middle of the shop.


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Mihi came to the door of the shop. thankfully, the music had died down, but she was still on edge because of it (her hair had gone a blood red tinge). she took two deep breaths, and walked into the shop, throwing open the door.
She scanned the room. she knew all of the people here, from various places. That was good. she was not fond of new people.
She smiled, and bowed. while still facing down she began to speak
"hello dear friends
I'm here to tell
where each kingdom ends
they will soon meet
but you know that
and I must now sell,
some of my poisons and cures
They aren't being sold so well.
but first I must say, my friends and others
are you planning on going today?"
she looked up, not having to have given any effort in her rhymes. she liked metaphors better, but sometimes they caused confusion.
she sat down in a nice chair, and waited for an answer.


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Graeson Spades

Grae lifted his gaze from the pad of paper lying in the grass in front of him as he heard his body guard, Stark's voice calling out to him over the wind. He dropped his pencil onto the notepad and moved his guitar off his lap, pushing himself to his feet as Stark approached in his short, quick strides. The man approaching was almost a head shorter than the Spade's Prince, with shaggy brown hair and piercing black eyes. He was about ten years the Prince's senior, and one of his most trusted guards. A sword swung from it's hilt strapped to his hip as he walked and stopped abruptly a few feet away from Grae. The shorter man held up an envelope that had obviously already been opened. Grae raised an eyebrow and took the envelope, pulling out the paper that was in it. As he opened it, his blue eyes skimmed over it, the disgust and reluctance at the contents crossing over his handsome features for a split second before his expression assumed it's usual indifference.

Dear Prince of Spades,

We would be greatly honored if you would grace us with your presence at a grand party at the central garden located in the heart of Wonderland tonight. Though it has been a while since you or any other Spade has participated in such an important event as this, it would mean very much if you could join us. Here, you will have the advantage to discuss politics with other important individuals and get to know those surrounding you. The attire is formal, we hope that isn't a problem. Sorry that this is all so late notice, but the party will be tonight at 3 pm. We hope to see you there, sir.


Grae sighed and crumpled the paper up, tucking it into his pockets. He was anything but excited and happy for the invitation. He turned his gaze to the river he had been sitting next to, watching the reflection of the sun glitter on the surface. Elegant parties were is least favorite chore that came with the responsibilities of being a Prince. He bent down and picked up his notepad, along with his guitar, sliding the strap over his broad shoulders. He walked past Stark, making his way down the path back to the castle.

"The invitation got lost in the mail." He muttered to the man, deciding it was good enough excuse. On top of the general fact that he despised tea parties, unlike most of the creatures in Wonderland, he wasn't in the mood. He had several things to take care of, and had only gotten three minutes of alone time before Stark had found him. He'd been running the kingdom since he was fifteen, and he had more important matters to attend to than a social event.

"I think you should go, Grae. These people that will be there are more than likely from the other kingdoms. You can observe and maybe make alliances. You know where this is all heading. I can send a few guys with you." Stark replied. Though it was considered rude for the servants or guards to speak to a royal so loosely, Grae had requested all his servants and guards treat him like another one of them. They spoke loosely with each other, as he didn't like the idea of ruling by fear.

"Despite where this is all heading down the road, the Spades Kingdom will stay out of it. But, I suppose it would be a good move to go. Fine, I'll have Vincent and Kurtis come along with me. Next time try not to make any valid points to change my mind." He muttered, then took out an old pocket watch he had received as a gift. He had almost an hour to get ready.


Grae arrived in his carriage, though he had much preferred riding horseback. He adjusted the sleeves to his black button-up shirt that he had rolled up to his elbows and brushed a small piece of lint off his black dress pants. He had decided against a suit, and figured this was dressed up enough. His hair hung on his forehead in the tousled, messy look it usually took without his bidding. He stepped out of the carriage onto some stone steps that lead up to the garden. The ends of his hair in the back brushed against the collar of his shirt as he turned his head, a flash of blue catching his eye. A woman had just stepped out of her carriage as well in a blue dress and white heels. Her curls were pulled up on top of her head, though some hung loose. Though she was beautiful, what most intrigued him was the diamond mask surrounding her eyes. She must be the princess of Diamonds. He'd heard of her, and now he believed the rumors about her being absolutely stunning. He blinked, realizing he had been staring, and tore his gaze from her to the front towards the garden. Every fiber in his being wanted to hope back into the carriage behind him, but he stood where he was, taking a moment to collect his thoughts and prepare himself for what was to come.


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The Hatter walked along a stream like it was a game of hopscotch. "Two steps with one foot, one step with two feet, another two steps with one foot.", he thought to himself. Just as he was about to land the last step, he tripped up on the second-to-last step and fell face first into the ground. He shook his head to get rid of the sudden trauma to his head, and got up slowly, wobbling just a bit. He dusted off his clothes, then frowned as he felt his hat. "2 centimeters off." Making a slight adjustment, he regained his smile and walked along happily, a slight bounce to his steps.

As he walked along, he looked up into the sky for no reason. Storm clouds were brewing, giving off an ominous aura about them. The Hatter just smiled and continued walking. "Seems like it's going to be a pleasant day today." He then spotted a piece of paper flying threw the air toward him. Instinctively, he raced towards it and snatched it before it could fly away. He inspected it to find that it was actually addressed to him. It was pretty torn up, so it must've been awhile since this letter was let loose. He then started to read the note.

Dear Mister Hatter

Hopefully this reaches you without being torn to shreds by some wild animal or what not. Anyway, if you haven't already heard the news, there will be a party at the central garden in the heart of Wonderland. It would be a great pleasure for both us and the guests if you would attend. Despite your infamous reputation for being on the insane side, you bring a unique spark of fun to most parties you attend. I'm sure you could bring the party back to life if anything were to happen. I'm not sure when this will get to you, but hopefully soon. The party begins at 3 pm. I do apologize if this dose not reach you in time.

Yours Truly,

"Well, this is a surprise." He folded the paper up gently and tucked it into his coat pocket. Pulling a map of Wonderland from his hat, he studied it to see where he was. The heart of Wonderland was not that far away, it may only take a few minutes before he gets there. He put the map back and began walking toward the the party, obviously to see what was going on.


When he arrived, there were many fancy individuals already there. He walked among the party-goers, chatting with some and grabbing a cup of tea. He decided to sit down since there wasn't really anything to do, and nobles weren't exactly his type of people to get into long conversations with. From the corner of his eye, he saw a bright red flash by. He turned to see that it was Ruby, the Queen of Hearts herself. He could also see the guardsmen placed with her, most likely for her protection. He also saw the Caterpillar off doing whatever, but he wasn't that interesting in the Hatter's mind. Just a ways away, at what looked like the main entrance to the garden, he saw both the Princess of Diamonds and the Prince of Spades come out of ravishing carriages, each with some protection as well. The Prince of Clubs hadn't arrived yet, but it was most likely that he would be there to. This was turning out better than he had originally thought. One could only imagine the chaos that could be brought up if the royals started to fight one another. "It would be quite the show." He continued to sip his tea, waiting for the royal's next moves.


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Reid sat sprawled on his throne. His leg across one of the dark onyx arms, his elbow resting on the other, he slouched indignantly and flipped his hair every once in a while. Two men were in his court room at the moment, one had accused the other of stealing a bag of precious gems from his house. Reid was very bored with the situation; the first man had most likely stolen the gems from someone else in the first place. Both the men were begging and pleading with him to give one of them the jewels. The bag of jewels sat at a small table just before his throne. One well armed man stood on either side of it, they appeared to be guarding the jewels, but in all actuality, they were guarding Reid. There had already been several attempts on his life, so he couldn’t be too precautious.
After a few minutes of the men blathering on about the jewels and how the other was a liar and a cheat, Reid held up a hand to bid them to stop. The defendant shut up quickly, but the other man kept talking. Reid didn’t say anything, he simply waited. The man talked for close to thirty seconds before he realized what had happened. During this time, Reid’s have had grown stony and cold, his eyes had dropped in color, and were now as pitch dark as his throne.
β€œInsolent man, I should have your head torn from your shoulders!” He growled from the throne, as he said this, the two bodyguards stealthily shifted their weight as if to spring on the man, Reid noticed this and bade them to stop. β€œI’ll deal with him; give the other one the jewels.”
One of the guards tossed the man the jewels, β€œOh, thank you sire!” he sighed with relief as he stumbled out of the room. Reid stood from his stone seat, and drew himself up to his full height, an imposing one; he stood at least eight inches taller than the man, plus the added height from the pedestal on which his throne sat.
β€œYou have displeased me, now, I will give you a choice!” his voice boomed through the courtroom, magnified by the curved onyx walls emblazoned with the crest of clubs. β€œWill you rot in my dungeon? Or will you live in my forest?” His voice was as cold as the stone that his entire palace was hewn out of.
The man mumbled something for a moment, then gasped and started to shout his reluctance.
β€œShut that fool up.” Reid growled to one of his bodyguards. The large man proceeded to slug the complainer across the jaw with his heavy gauntleted hand. The man went out like a candle blown out by a sudden gale. β€œTake him to the dungeon, chain him up for now, I’ll deal with him later.”
He slumped back down into his throne, proceeding to rub his temple with his thumb, β€œWhy must I deal with all these problems? MY GLASS!” he shouted through the hall, seemingly at once a servant appeared at his arm with a glass filled with a dark red liquid. Reid grabbed the glass and slugged it down quickly, his face quickly flushing, and then regaining its color. He let out a quick exclaiming breath and the servant said, β€œS-sir, there was an envelope we found addressed to you at the entrance to the castle, it says β€˜you’re invited!’ on the front, do you wish to see it?”
Reid nodded shortly, β€œRead it to me,” he said, his curiosity peaked. The servant proceeded to read out:

Esteemed Prince of Clubs!
It is my great pleasure to inform you of an exquisite party to be held today at the wonderland center garden! We hope this reaches you promptly and without delay, for the party is to be held this afternoon! please do arrive post hast,

Reid laughed and shouted through the hall, β€œReady my coach! I do believe a party is just what I need!!” His servant scurried out of the court room as Reid stood, his robe billowing out around him, a shimmering pattern of clubs lining the thick fabric. He brushed off the front of his shirt and proceeded to step down from his pedestal, his heavy boots clunking softly on the rock floor. He strode through the castle towards the stables, servants bowing out of the way as he past. He stepped out into the sunny day and squinted his eyes at his coach which sat in the middle of a well kept courtyard, β€œGuards!” he shouted out to the courtyard, and five men flowed out of the shadows, all of them dressed similarly, in black leather and mail armor, hoods covering their faces, clubs emblazoned on their chests, β€œTwo of you in horses ahead of the cart, two on horses behind. One of you ride in the cart with me, you know the drill.”
He loped across the courtyard and climbed into the coach, one of the men following him. The men shouted their ready to the driver once they had mounted, and Reid felt a sharp lurch as the coach took off, drawn by two large, jet black horses.

The travel to the garden didn’t take much time, and the distance was covered relatively quickly, the horses picking up speed as they traveled, the guard didn’t attempt to make conversation, and the prince didn’t either. He simply stared out the window at the forests and though of how much fun he would have traveling through them on his mare, or just on foot, stealthily slaughtering the creatures that had once been men. A sadistic smile had spread across his face when the guard spoke, β€œSir, we have arrived.”
Reid directed his gaze to the front of the coach

The party seemed to be in full swing, he spotted the two princesses and the prince, He gestured to his men to get off of their horses and to follow him, but at a lite distance. He had an itch when his men followed to closely behind him. It's not as if he wasn't armed anyways. He shook his head as his guards took up positions around the garden. The one sticking with him and the others staying a respectable distance off. He took a deep breath of the fresh garden air, and noticed the slight stench of a hookah pipe coming from his upwind side, he turned and saw the caterpillar and Ms. Heart sitting near a chess table. He smiled and began to make his way through the garden towards them.


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The normally often bright, crystal clear, blue sky that overhand so far above was troubled this day by a approaching onslaught of Darkening, grey clouds. They were layered, spotted, high and low, small and large, thin and thick, and is a family, clung to one another as if a child clinging to it's parent for protection. The whole view of them felt rather ominous, no, Intimidating? Well, that's if, you were a genuinely normal individual. Or perhaps normal to Wonderlands circumstance. But not, if you were this individual.

He was tall, in fact huge even. Something near Six Foot Nine Inches in height, roughly 194 meter's? He wasn't lanky, nor was he bulky. Well toned, a light muscular frame, though it was hard to tell under the layers of clothing. He was, well, it couldn't be told whether he was hopping or walking, seemingly switching back and fourth between the two, taking a rather light hop from one foot onto the other, than taking eager, paced steps and repeating. The tails of his Gentleman's coat flapped and drifted about in the light breeze, as his decayed, Lifeless black rabbit ears flopped against the sides of his hair. The small pocket watch that dangled from his right ear seemed to bounce and jingle about with his movements; the hands never moving once. He seemed to be too consumed by this winding rock trail he found himself following to notice where he was heading, or the presence of the looming clouds over head.

A few leafs scampering across the floor playing a game of chase, it seemed, was the only indication of the breeze's increase in power, Jack's scarf seemingly blowing against his chest, and the back flapping in the breeze. Suddenly, he felt the tip of his top hat collide into something; he had been leaning forward lightly watching the stone trail. Looking up as he used his right, gloved hand to re-adjust his striped top hat, he noticed he had come out from the forest, the looming tree's no where to be seen, a sudden long, single row of a rather tall hedge before him.

Curiosity grew.

" Tall it be, and tall it is, now answer me, what be this? " He spoke, questioningly, as if almost expecting an answer from it. Too thick to see through, too high to peer over, even for Jack. " Hmm, Troublesome you are, why must you extend from one beginning to the other so far? " He questioned yet again. His lifeless ears flopped once more, he could hear .. music. People. Chatter. Conversation. His often bright Golden eyes, suddenly glimmered and glistened. It had been so long since he had spoken to something actually alive. Ten years in fact. Hardly realizing what he was doing, Jack's Long legs bent, he was preparing himself. That was a good trait about rabbits. They could jump high. Very high.

With a soft huff, a light exhale, Jack the Rabbit leaped, oh how he leaped over the hedge. And just as he easily cleared it, did he come to a landing halt by a young lady sitting at a table. She was red. Bright red. He liked red, to the point he suddenly stood up and bent over, closely examining her. " Very red you are. "


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The White Rabbit//

Tick, tock. Tick, tock. The White Rabbit checked her pocket watch as per usual. She clicked it shut, and placed it back into the pocket of her dress. All of her dresses had pockets, of course. Where else would she put a pocket watch? She was sitting near the edge of the courtyard in the Castle of Hearts, a large scroll of some sort stretched across her lap. Adjusting her glasses, The White Rabbit went back to reading. It was really quite interesting, a fore-telling of events that never came true. No one really needed to know this information, but the Rabbit found it to be fascinating. Of course, she should be doing her job, whatever that was. Before the Queen had been banished the Rabbit had been a herald of sorts, but now she wasn’t quite sure. She was sure the Princess of Hearts would find use for her eventually, even the White Rabbit wasn’t blind to what was brewing between the four kingdoms.
She was pulled out of her reading by the Princess’s shrieks of, β€œCaterpillar! We are attending a garden party! Get your best dress on and meet me at the coach in half an hour!" A garden party, why, that seemed interesting. The Rabbit assumed all of the royals would be attending and whatever other creatures or people that got wind of it. The people of Wonderland were quite nosey after all. Perhaps she should attend, it could be quite fun. Then again, she really didn’t know when this party would be. Of course, it would be soon if the Princess was in such a hurry to get to it and the Rabbit didn’t really have anything to wear. She could always see if The Bloody Swan had anything to wear, Simon did carry the most random things. β€˜It’s decided then,’ The White Rabbit thought as she stood up and rolled up the scroll. She would go, but not before putting the scroll away. Where did she find it, anyways?


The White Rabbit sprinted through the West Woods towards the shop. "Oh, no! I'm going to be late!" she cried. It was true. If she didn't hurry then she would probably be late. It had taken much longer than expected to find the room that she found the scroll, then she had to find her way back out again. Oh! Then she had gotten distracted by a particularly chatty flower who seemed a great deal interesting at first. She checked her pocket watch and slowed down. She had time. At least, in theory she did. The Rabbit looked around the West Woods warily. It was a dangerous place, that was well known, and the Rabbit didn't exactly have nerves of steel. She clutched her pocket watch close to her and jumped at every sound in the bushes. Suddenly, there was a great crash right behind her! The Rabbit took off with a jump and didn't stop util she reached the shop. Really, it hadn't taken that long. Rabbits are excellent runners, I'll have you know. Though it's more of a run/hop type of thing.

She walked into The Bloody Swan, slightly out of breath. "Hello everyone," she greeted quietly as she spied the usual crew that hung around the shop going about their buisness. The Rabbit made her way over to the general area that housed the clothing, searching for a suitable dress. This graden party sounded rather extravagant if the Princess bothered going out in her best dress. Of course, The White Rabbit would never picked a dress even remotely similar to the Princess of Hearts's, she was much to modest for that. She was more of a mouse than a rabbit, to be honest. "Have you all heard about the garden party? Well, I expect you would have Cheshire Cat, but the Princess of Hearts just left with the Caterpillar a little while ago. She looked quite excited, she did."


The Jabberwocky//

Today was not the killing kind of day. At least, not killing for fun. The sky looked bleak and rain was never good for flying. Instead, the Jabberwocky would take her anger on smaller things and destroy them in the most painful way possible. Oh, but today she couldn't find a single soul out and the ones she did see seemed like they were running off to somewhere and not running away from her! Where could all of the creatures be? The Jabberwocky had searched high and low, venturing in all of the Kingdoms. Even- Gasp!- the Kingdom of Hearts. No one. Not a single soul. Yes, there had been carriages going down the roads, but hadn't they all been going the same way? The Jabberwocky was flying low in the Clubs Kingdom when she saw something. Upon close inspection it proved to be a mouse. A black mouse, nothing special. Still, The Jabberwocky wanted answers and it was the only thing she saw that knew them.

The Jabberwocky sped up and landed in front of the poor creature, her wings outstrecthed and a look of annoyance plaster on her face. "You, mouse! The Jabberwocky wishes to speak with you!" she comanded. The mouse stopped in its tracks, it's face turning paper white as it looked up at her.

"J-j-jabberwocky? Wh-why do y-you need to t-talk to me?" It stuttered. The Jabberwocky rolled her eyes. Mice, such weak little creatures. Can't even adress the Jabberwocky without having a heart attack.

"Where is everyone? Why have the gone? It seems everyone in Wonderland has disappeared," She answered, spitting out her last words.

"Th-The garden party! The-the Royals were invited, b-but many of the other c-creatures are going as well," he answered before dropping to his knees and clasping his hands. "P-Please Jabberwocky. I have a wife and a ch-child. They can't provide for themselves!"

"You obviously have no idea who The Jabberwocky is. Foolish begging will never work on her! Still, this garden party seems interesting. Much more entertaining than slaughtering a poor mouse. Consider yourself lucky," The Jabberwocky said, glaring at the mouse before shooting back up in search of the garden party.


After several minutes of looking, The Jabberwocky found the party. It was in one of the places she never bothered to look, one that she never bothers looking in. It seemed promising. She could see all of the Royals in their finest, that Hatter with his ridiculous hat, and Jack the Rabbit. Oh, that was one she hadn't seen in a while. The Jabberwocky was fairly certain the Red Queen had killed him, but it seems the dead never stay dead in Wonderland, eh? She landed gracefully and grabbed a cup if tea before sitting down and watching all the people. This was proving to be much more interesting than slaughtering a mouse.


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After The caterpillar had come on over, Ruby sipped some tea and nibbled on a cookie, smiling at him. "Isn't it wonderful? This party is going to be splendid!" Ruby said and then she looked around and her jaw dropped and her cookie fell from her hands when she saw two more royals climbing from their carriages. First was the dainty little Princes of Diamonds in her light colored dress with sparkles that were too bright for Ruby's taste, and then the Prince of Spades with his outfit of stale taste of outfit. Ruby could be judgmental against royals she didn't really like; she never had really had a fancy towards either of them. Ruby then would tilt her head at them and then she looked at the Caterpillar. "The note did not say there would be other royals here! This makes it much more bleak, Caterpillar." she said in a hiss, and then she looked back at the royals. She had never liked those two royals; but when she saw the Prince of Clubs arrive, she tilted her head with admirable respect at his cold but regal posture. She had heard how cold and demanding this prince was; he would not let anyone defy him. "He's not so bad... I just have a feeling this party might be crashed." Ruby would sigh in frustration as she slumped back in her seat. She noticed the Prince of Clubs was walking towards them, but he was probably off to get a drink first... she would want to speak with this powerful leader later, even though she and him have never spoke before. She had heard things about him. But she then sighed as she would look at the sky and then she smirked. They say a diamond is a girl's best friend. It was actually a load of crap, in Ruby's opinion. No... it was a load of crap. A diamond is a mere jewel found in the ground, and to show it's true beauty, must be cleaned and cut. Yes, she had heard of the mortal world. That was where her father had come from. She wanted to visit it someday.

Ruby would take another sip of tea. But when she heard a rush of wind and then saw a tall figure standing right next to her, she had jumped and the tea almost flew from the cup as her guards flinched and she looked up at a very tall creature; with black bunny ears and a pale face, with eyes she found quite interesting. When he spoke to her, about how red she was... she couldn't help but grin when she set her teacup down. "Indeed I am... red is my favorite color. And you are very tall." she said, letting out an amused giggle. "What is your name? I don't believe I've seen you around before, sir. " she said with a curious look. She was already distracted from the other royals by this unfamiliar creature. But she had noticed some creatures were starting to walk into the party as well. This garden was neutral zone... they had every right to be here. But she knew some despised her family line. If only they knew Ruby wasn't like her mother...



Simon had heard the twins talk as he looked towards her. He opened his mouth to speak until the door opened and he heard a very familiar voice and a small smile appeared on his lips. "Cheshire! Indeed I have... an interesting note." he said. As the cat continued to speak, Simon tilted his head while his friend slunk around the shop, appearing here, and then in the middle of the shop. "Really? Well. This will be quite a visit then. I'd love to go, and of course the twins can accompany us. But first I must get in my best dress!" he stated, turning from them but then he heard the door again open and he turned back towards the entrance.

"Yes. We are going to attend, actually. And did she now? That poor girl must be tired from the stress. I'm sure all the royals are. A garden party would do them good; if only they all weren't going to the same one. What a sight that will be if a fight breaks out." Simon stated, letting out a giggle as he adjusted his tie. "Would you like to join us, dear? The twins, Cheshire Cat, and I are all going to visit the party to watch... and of course I'm going for the tea and the cookies. " Simon said.

Simon then would let the Rabbit answer to his friends as he walked up the stairs to his room. He put on a gray and black dress shirt and a black vest over the top, with his same tie tied to his neck. He had on some black dress pants and some black dress boots, with some white gloves. He brushed and combed his black hair out, and put on a fresh set of eyeliner on before he would clear his throat and spray some cologne upon his shirt. He then would make his way back down the stairs, grabbing a bag of coins and tucking it into the inner right pocket of his vest and back into the store. "I'm ready!" he said, making a simple pose with a charming smile, his eyes twinkling.


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When hearing her response, Jack the Rabbit merely stood at his full height, and glanced himself over from head to toe. Suddenly, with one foot raised perfectly straight into the air, his head now by his foot still upon the ground, he returned to his original position. " Tall indeed I am, Indeed I am tall. " He answered. This was something to be noted of. Every sentence he spoke seemed to be some sort of rhyme or riddle. Was he simple? Or just an obsessed poet? Perhaps never, perhaps both. Wonderland was always full with a such a colourful bunch of characters, it seemed.

" Your favorite colour is red, then. And thus red is what you wear. Then would black be my favorite colour, for black is what I wear. " Jack questioned. His ears flopped lightly, when he felt the rushing of wind above, and the sight of The Jabberwocky landing and, oddly enough, drinking from a cup of Tea. Funny it was. Tea seemed to be the mutual thing amongst the whole of wonderland, bar strangeness and psychopathic qualities. " And why do your guards stare, at the one who was once known as the Black Hare. " His bright, yet somehow contrasted eyes stared at how her guards flinched and squawked at him.

" Is my appearance alarming, do they find me charming, od do they think I would do to their watch a harming. " He again stared at Ruby. " My name is what, what is my name. I was called Something once, and that I still am. Jack the Rabbit,Who was always known as a riddler by bad habit. And your name, little one to be drenched with fame. " He noted. He obviously hadn't made the connection between her and Hearts, or thank he was standing in the ear of Hearts at all. If he had ..

Jack the Rabbit, would be remembered for his other bad habit.


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The Caterpillar watched the three royals arrive one after one with little to no emotion shown on his face. He knew their stories, he knew everyone's story in Wonderland. How it started and how it would end."The note did not say many things my dear. But worry not, diamonds are quite a sight to behold to be sure , but I must say I prefer rubies myself...."

He gave the Princess a small wink and continued drinking his tea as he continued watching the other guests. He had always favored Ruby among the other Royals, finding her attitude and demeanor to be very much like his own. She had a sharp tongue and was sometimes easily angered but the Caterpillar was often the same way himself. He could not help but watch over and stand by the young woman's side.

"I must say it would appear Clubs is coming over here to greet us. I suppose now would be the time to plaster a smile on my face and nod my head yes?" Instead of doing what he spoke of the Caterpillar allowed a rather mischievous expression to creep over his blue face. He could do practically anything to the Royals and they would do nothing in return. How could they when it was he who knew some of the more well hidden secrets of Wonderland?
The Caterpillar calmly sipped his tea , merely waiting for when the young Royal would approach the table."And so the exchange of pleasantries begins. Oh joy..."
The Caterpillar while waiting for the Royal to greet them was merely watching the interaction between Ruby and the man who was known as "Jack". He knew him, oh how he knew him. His relationship with Ruby's mother was quite something......but the Caterpillar did not think he would do anything to the Princess, not at least with all these witnesses.

"Greetings to you Jack the Rhymer, or the Rabbit. Whatever you do prefer." The Caterpillar merely gave him a small nod and continued drinking his tea.
-The Twins-
Dahlia "Dee" watched as several creatures walked (or in the Cheshire's case floated) into the shop and began chattering about a garden party."Oh a party!"She exclaimed rather loudly, now moving quickly to go examine several dresses along with the Rabbit."Yes yes we must attend. Rabbit you surely must have come here not only to inform us but for an outfit? We think you would look most lovely in a periwinkle colored dress." Dahlia moved towards several racks of dresses and began searching frantically for a periwinkle colored one.

"Blast blast blast! Where did we see it...OH! here we are." Dahlia let out a giggle and then pulled gently from one of the wracks a blue dress that reached a little below where the rabbits knees would be."We think you should wear this one yes!" She placed the rather cute blue dress on one of the counters near the Rabbit and then began to look for one for herself to wear."I think a pink color might look go-"She paused for a moment before speaking and she actually began to have a conversation with herself, or rather her sister.

Dahlia:"I think we should wear pink!"

Daria:"That color is absolutely revolting and I refuse to let us wear it!!!!"

Dahlia:"Tis not a "revolting "color ! It is a feminine color and you should learn to-

At this moment Dahlia/Daria's left hand reached up towards her head and pulled at a lock of burgundy hair.

"OW! Alright alright we shall wear a dark blue dress. Heavens no reason to get violent." Dahlia let out a sigh as her sister stopped talking through her, having gotten her way once again. She knew she probably looked quite mad having had a whole discussion with only herself, but the citizens of Wonderland knew of her situation."Lets hurry and get dressed Rabbit so we may take our leave!" She shot a friendly bright smile towards the White Rabbit and ran to one of the back rooms where she would begin changing into her dress
After several minutes Dahlia emerged from the backroom wearing a very simple navy blue dress that's ends only barely reached the top of her knees."Why Simon we think you look quite dashing ! We momentarily forgot our wonderful Hatter at the sight of you. We fear we must look away our else we shall become entranced with you." Dahlia giggled slightly as she teased her old friend and waited patiently for the others.


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Ruby was very amused by Jack's rhyming and she grinned at him, her body facing him with interest and curiosity as he bent over and stood back up. He rhymed his words just perfectly and it made her grin with a smile that was fascinated and it was a slight smirk. "Don't mind my guards... they are only startled." she said and she slowly stood up, facing him as she set a cookie down on the table.

"My name is Ruby. A pleasure to meet you, Jack." she said, smiling at him and then she glanced up at his ears. She then would stand on top of a chair, the guards rushing in in case she fell and she would reach out, scratching one of his ears before she would grab his hat and jump down, running away from him laughing. "I've got your hat, Jack!" She then pulled the hat onto her red hair and over her crown, running off towards the tea table as she grinned at him. "If you want it back, Come get it!"

Ruby was hyper; she was acting like a cheerful child as she stared at him, waiting for him to come get the hat. She knew the Caterpillar would probably lecture her later for being so so hyper or he would simply smile at her with an amused look. But she didn't find Jack to be a threat; he was funny. And she herself found him quite handsome. She waited still for him to come grab his hat as it sat gently on her head.

[Done posting for a bit until other people post.]


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The Cheshire Cat looked at Simon as he came down the stairs, before floating over and planting a kiss full on the store owner's lips. "You look stunning, my dear," the Cat purred, before flipping and landing gracefully on his feet. He seemed to flicker in form for a few moments. "I shall reappear momentarily." The cat's ears twitched, tail flicking from side to side before he vanished completely.

Back in the place he was used to calling 'home' (but it wasn't really since the Cheshire Cat never seemed to have a home. It was just a place the cat liked to go when he needed some time to himself), the Cheshire Cat began to think.

What could this garden party mean? All the Royals coming together...

A quick scan of the garden party - from the trees surrounding the garden - the Cat was assured that every royal was going. Not only that, but even the Jabberwocky and the White Rabbit (notoriously known for being late), was going to be there.


A flick of his tail, and the Cheshire Cat donned a dark pink suit jacket and pants, complete with shirt tails and a top hat. A large purple and pink flower adorned the hat, and he even wore ruffles. Reappearing in front of Simon's shop, the cat reentered, smiling broadly at everybody inside.

"Yes, no?" he asked, twirling around for them to see the outfit.


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The White Rabbit//

"If it wouldn't be to much trouble, Simon. I was planning on going anyway, but I supposed it's always better to arrive with company," The White Rabbit said, thinking about her brother. She still worried about seeing him wandering Wonderland in his resurrected body. It wasn't that she thought he would try and kill her, though that was a possibility. It was more of the she just didn't know how he would react at all. She'd avoided him quite sucessfully and didn't plan on changing that one bit.

She looked over at the twins and nodded. "Oh yes, I was searching for an outfit," The Rabbit said as she waited for her to find the dress. When she found it The Rabbit had to agree that it was very cute. She lifted it up and looked at it before noticing Dahlia and Daria's little fight. The Rabbit didn't even find it strange anymore, she was used to their behavior by now. "Oh, yes. Wouldn't want to be late now, would we?" She said as the followed the girls to the back, entering a room beside their's.


The Rabbit enter shortly after the twins, admiring the dress. It wasn't something she would pick, but it did look nice. Very appropriate for a garden party. She straightened her glasses and looked over to others. "You looks lovely girls, as do you Simon," She said in her soft voice before the Cheshire Cat reappeared wearing a dark pink suit with ruffles. It was very... him. "It suits you well, Cheshire Cat," she said truthfully.


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Mihi smiled at the invitation
"Why thank you Simon
I'm thoroughly pleased,
However, before I go on
I must give you these"
she said, handing him a bag full of vials of poisons and potions
"I didn't think you'd really care
What mixtures you got
But as for a price that I think is fair-
How's about you give me a cup of tea
some fruit and a new bow for my hair?"

she asked, indicating the tattered bow on her head.
as the Cheshire cat entered, she turned to face him, and her hair went bright orange, indicating she was both pleased and amused.
"My dear you look lovely
in fact, almost handsome
It suits you quite well,
I know I want some tea, would you also like some"
She blushed. It didn't relate but she couldn't think of a rhyme.


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Jack The Rabbit turned to the Caterpillar. Hmm, the blue Caterpillar. So familiar, yet so strange at the same time. " Blue you are, and blue you be, tell me, How is it, you come to Jack The Rhymer, as me. " It was an old name that rung in his decayed rabbit ears. And as the Caterpillar's word echoed throughout him, the long hand on the pocket watch, firmly sewn into his right moved a single second. And thus a memory flashed in Jack's mind.

It was off a time long ago, when he was still alive. He was viewing it through his own eyes, relieving it. A time When everything was .. nice, when he could think clearly, and knew what he wanted to do. He remembered seeing the Caterpillar. And white blur that resembled a young, white rabbit ..

However, before he could question the Caterpillar on this, something alarming happened indeed. Ruby took his hat. A peculiar, amazing thing at that. Shocked, through and utterly, he turned, to gaze as Ruby was now a away away from him. Reaching up slowly, he patted the space where his hat would rest, feeling his own head of hair. HE blinked, then again, repeatedly, his mouth somewhat ajar in awe. And somehow, as if he had been by her all the while, Jack picked Ruby up, holding her against his chest as he gazed at her. " You. You can wear it. You can wear my hat .. I can be yours .. " He seemed to speak softly, the first time he had not spoke in a rhyme, but his words were played on softly but the sudden affection in his voice.

Odd he was, Odd was the Rabbit known as Jack The Rabbit.


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Ruby had grinned at Jack's surprised reaction, the way he patted his head for his missing hat and she would curtsy slightly, grinning and laughing. She watched his jaw drop from being surprised and then she jumped a bit in excitement. He looked as if no one had ever played with his hat before. But then he appeared beside her, so fast, Ruby's eyes went slightly wide. Her guards instantly flinched and walked towards them when Jack picked Ruby up and held her against him, and Ruby blinked, surprised as could be. No man had ever handled her like this before... but... she kind of liked it as she held a hand up and her guards stopped with their spears up. She kept looking up at him and then she giggled slightly. "You didn't rhyme that time..." She laughed and then put her hand on the hat on her head. She then slipped from his arms with a grin.

She grabbed his hand, still wearing his hat. "Come. You must come and dance with me!" She pulled Jack away towards the area with the harps and violins playing, and she would pull Jack over. She then stopped, looking up at Jack with a grin and she put her one hand on his shoulder and she held his other hand. "Do you know how to dance, Jack? Because if you don't; you're about to learn!" she said with an eager smile.



Simon had come back down the stairs, cracking his knuckles lightly. He was startled when the Cheshire cat planted a kiss full on his lips, his eyes going wide and then he relaxed, blushing bright red as he melted slightly. "Oh... why thank you, darling." he said, melting and then he regained his posture as the cat vanished. He turned towards the twins, smiling broadly at them. "You look lovely. Did you have trouble picking out one?" he said and winked playfully before he walked to the rabbit.

"Well, we'd love you to come along with us. As soon as the Cheshire returns we shall shove off!" He then saw a girl walking up with some supplies. "Ah... yes of course. That will be... 20 silver coins and 3 gold coins.. and... hm! Let me see what I have in the back." Simon quickly walked into the back, pulling out a box. He walked back out and opened the box up, putting it on the counter. Inside were ten bows, different colors and styles. "Choose one you'd like."

His attention was taken when the Cheshire cat returned. His eyes went wide. "You look wonderful, love! Simply gorgeous!" Simon said, clasping his hands together with a smile. "Well.. after I wrap up with his costumer, is everyone ready to leave?" he said, smiling at them before returning to the counter.


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Mihi, staring at the bows, eventually chose an orange bow with blue stripes. She liked to wear an many colors as possible. It increased the chance of something matching her hair.
"I'll take this one, f'you please,
I'll just put this in my hair
then we can be on our way,
I know once we're there,
I'll get the tea that I asked for,
But better yet be able to hear
the ridiculous rambling of royals
I'm sure that I'll smile, grin ear to ear"
Her hair went bright green- she was excited. She liked to make fun of the royalty, and she wanted to be there.

"I think we're quite ready,
Lets go my dear,
Simon, girls,
Rabbit, Cheshire."


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-The Caterpillar-

Wonders upon wonders. Truly the world of Wonderland was a mysterious place thought the Caterpillar as he watched Ruby take Jack's hat and run off only to have the rabbit go running after her."As Alice used to say....curioser and curiouser." Said the Caterpillar as he moved his hand inside his pocket to take out his pipe, his eyes never leaving Jack and Ruby. "What a interesting life I lead. I sit upon a chair, smoke a bit, and watch as other trample around in their efforts to "dance"." The Caterpillar scrunched up his face and then let out a small yawn.

While the Caterpillar was smoking his pipe, one of Ruby's maids wandered over to him and sat where Ruby had been sitting only moments ago. "Apologies Mast Absolem but I had been wanting to speak with you." The Caterpillar raised an eyebrow at the female calling him "Absolem" and Master Absolem at that. That was something only the Queen usually had called him during her reign."Yes what is it ?" The maid glanced up at him and shot a smile."Who is that man with Lady Heart over there?" The Caterpillar rolled his eyes and took a huff off his pipe, blowing out several small ringlets."W-H-O is he?" He said, blowing the letter as he spoke out from his pipe and into the air.

"You are quite too young to remember or know. Just be a good girl and enjoy yourself at the party...." He gave her a small nod telling her to leave and continued his watch. The maid got up, curtsied once for the blue man and then ran off towards where the other servants were.
"Who are you now Jack....."
-The Twins-

Dahlia giggled as Simon commented on her outfit. She turned towards the White Rabbit and clasped her hands together out of pure joy."Oh Rabbit you look quite lovely! We knew that dress would look simply wonderful on you!. You too Cheshire, a very pretty choice !" Dahlia giggled once more and then ran out towards the porch. "Let us hurry and be off then! We simply can't wait to start dancing and to taste the food. We do hope the Hatter will be there tee-hee...."


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Jack was alarmed lightly, as she dragged him over the Dance floor. Hmm, dancing, such a curious concept. The moving of one's feet to the beat of music. A fun concept at that. Placing his hand upon Ruby's hip, he placed his feet in line with hers, and thus, they started to dance, oh how they danced. A flurry of their spinning, laughing and joyous glee's, Jack smiling a skeletal-toothed grin.


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The Cheshire Cat waltzed outside after the twins, tip of his tail already starting to disappear, before reappearing again as he paused, mid-step, one leg raised in the air. "Shall we take the long way...." he paused, tilting his head to the side, before tilting his head to the other side. "Or the short way? Perhaps we'll take neither and go our own way!"

He chuckled, before reappearing behind Simon. Looping his arm through the shopkeeper's, he grinned broadly.

"Let us hurry~!" he said excitedly. "Before all the tea is gone. Oh, how I love a good tea~"

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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Reid Blackmoore Club
Character Portrait: Jack The Rabbit
Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
Character Portrait: The Mad Hatter
Character Portrait: Graeson Spades
Character Portrait: The White Rabbit
Character Portrait: James "G" Masters
Character Portrait: The Jabberwocky


Character Portrait: The Jabberwocky
The Jabberwocky

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!"

Character Portrait: James "G" Masters
James "G" Masters

The Gryphon

Character Portrait: The White Rabbit
The White Rabbit

"Oh my, I'm sorry. I seem to be late again."

Character Portrait: Graeson Spades
Graeson Spades

Prince of Spades

Character Portrait: The Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter

"This will be a thrill, just need to make sure my clothes aren't messed up."

Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
The Cheshire Cat

"Heart, Spade, Diamond, Club. Why must we choose?"

Character Portrait: Jack The Rabbit
Jack The Rabbit

What am I, Am I what.


Character Portrait: Jack The Rabbit
Jack The Rabbit

What am I, Am I what.

Character Portrait: The Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter

"This will be a thrill, just need to make sure my clothes aren't messed up."

Character Portrait: The Jabberwocky
The Jabberwocky

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!"

Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
The Cheshire Cat

"Heart, Spade, Diamond, Club. Why must we choose?"

Character Portrait: Graeson Spades
Graeson Spades

Prince of Spades

Character Portrait: James "G" Masters
James "G" Masters

The Gryphon

Character Portrait: The White Rabbit
The White Rabbit

"Oh my, I'm sorry. I seem to be late again."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: The White Rabbit
The White Rabbit

"Oh my, I'm sorry. I seem to be late again."

Character Portrait: James "G" Masters
James "G" Masters

The Gryphon

Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
The Cheshire Cat

"Heart, Spade, Diamond, Club. Why must we choose?"

Character Portrait: The Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter

"This will be a thrill, just need to make sure my clothes aren't messed up."

Character Portrait: Graeson Spades
Graeson Spades

Prince of Spades

Character Portrait: The Jabberwocky
The Jabberwocky

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!"

Character Portrait: Jack The Rabbit
Jack The Rabbit

What am I, Am I what.

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