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Leslie Ashton Hans

"I understand how the human brain works pretty well, meaning I can figure out your ticks and corks within seconds." {Work In Progress.}

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a character in “The Demi-God Academy”, as played by Onica-Louis


"The more you talk the less interesting you become."

"I'm sorry, but right now I'm busy, do you think we could talk later?"


|Full Name|
Leslie Ashton Hans

"I just like going by Leslie to people I don't really know, if we're close then it's a different story."
Lily || Ash || Ashton || Hans || Doll
Leslie isn't really into to nicknames really, he finds them for the most part unneeded and he actually likes his name, regardless if it's a little feminine. Though he doesn't really like nicknames he kind of likes being called Doll for a strange reason, he just likes the way it sounds, though he's not very open about that.

"Only 20 years old and in my fifth year of college."

|Birth Date|
June 4th, 1994

|Home Town|
Manhattan, New York


Psychology Major

"My father is not a great man, he's far from it, certainly."


|Godly Parent|

Being able to see the dead has caused somewhat of a toll on poor Leslie, though he would never let it be known. Calling on the dead isn't something that he normal does, he does not wish to call upon them, but tortured souls, the ones that have died in horrible or unjustified ways always find a way to him. The ability is something he really has no control over, though he really doesn't want to be able to control it. The dead come to him with problems, seeking answers and needing vengeance usually, and he helps them because if he doesn't they probably would never go away. Undoubtedly this is something is doesn't really control. Though he doesn't like them around him and in a way they creep him out he feels like they help him understand the ways humans function some, so in the future dealing with their pain could help him deal with patients. He tries to find the good in the ability as much as he can, but a huge downfall of them is that when to many come around him he finds it hard to breath which could lead him to pass out.

Aura reading is something else he can do, but this is something he's pretty good at and uses from time to time. An aura is kind of who a person is, so upon meeting new people he reads their auras to get an idea of who they are. Having this ability makes it hard for him to trust people, also another reason he has little friends. The ability itself never really causes him any harm, because when it is used it's in small doses and only from time to time, the only real damage it causes him is the ability to trust others.

|| Playing The Piano || Playing Instruments || Speaking Different Languages: French, Spanish, Latin, and Greek || Being In Graveyards || Reading People Well || Being Around Good People || Learning Easily || Understanding People || Being Somewhat Social || Intelligence ||

|Weaknesses and Flaws|
|| Being Surrounded By The Dead || Being Surrounded By Bad People || His Pride || Thinking He's Better Than Others || Trust Issues || Lack Of Friends || Fainting When Overwhelmed || Takes Medication For: Sleeping Disorder and Anxiety || Has Anorexia Nervosa, Anxiety, Bulimia, Slight Depression, and Antisocial Tendency ||

"There's so many things out in the world that cause people pain, but the only thing to do is grow from it."


|| Piano || Instruments || Music || Writing' Playing Music || Poetry || History || Outdoors || Science || Magic || Reading || Studying || Swimming || Sunny Days || Snow || Magic Tricks || Exercising || Birds || Clouds || Justice || All A's Average || Cooking || Studying || Intelligence || Not Feeling Like The Smartest Person In The Room "Though that's never happened yet." || Being Friendly ||

|| Unfair People || Rude/Mean People || Failing || Unorganized Things || When People Try To Stand Up To Him Without Being Able To Back It Up || Seeing The Dead || Feeling Alone || Having So Many Disorders || Taking Medication || Therapy || Eating || Being Told What To Do || When People Play Music Wrong || Vain People ||
"It's just what I do for a big some of my time, I mean knowledge is simply the key to life. In order to get the job I want I must study and study and study so I know how to do it properly. I don'y completely just do it because it's my job, I also find it enjoyable"

Playing Music
"I've been playing and writing music for a long time, it's kind of just part of me. Music is so gracefully and full of life, especially the piano, there's nothing that could ever compare to it. Music is like a part of my soul, though I don't always let people hear me play, I just don't like completely so casing what I do."

"I use to be so huge, so unappealing, just awful to look at, though I wouldn't let that be known. So, to stay in shape I continue to work out, everyday, two hours a day, I have to stay in shape... I can't get that big again."

Taunted For To Long
"I was treated so badly so many years ago, no one knows that... not unless I've told them so. Anyways a small part of me fears that will happen again, though this time it wouldn't bother me as much."

Bumps In The Night
"The dead! They're not as terrifying as before, but still, I hate them, I hate them so very much! I can't stand them."

In Reach But Not Received
"I have so many plans and goals to reach, if I didn't reach them... maybe I would die."

"Anorexia Nervosa, Anxiety, Bulimia, Slight Depression, Antisocial from time to time, Random Panic Attacks sometimes, and I can't even sleep right! All of these things could used against me perhaps, so of course I wouldn't tell anyone unless I thought I could really trust them."

Almost Kissing Death
"At one point in my life I was weak, something I hate about myself very much and something I never want anyone to know... though sometimes I do wish to tell people my hardships, anyways I almost did kill myself, almost."

Those Weak Moments
"If anyone knew about the weakness I had faced a long time ago I think I could just lose it. I was fat, I was depressed, I was scared and sad and alone. I don't think I would want anyone to ever know these things. I was in therapy for so long and I had to see a psychologist for a while after my almost death experience, I just don't want people to know about my weak past."

"Pride is so easily misunderstood as vanity, an aspect I've never contained."

When someone first meets the young man with his head held high they'll automatically get the sense that he doesn't long to be bothered, conversed with, or even admired; that's not completely true. Mostly people are a thorn in the giants foot, but it doesn't mean he completely doesn't want to be bothered. Leslie has a set mind on life, to be an pyschologist, that will take about twelve years of his life away in schooling, therefore he dedicates a lot of his time to studying. There are more reason to his lack of speaking: people aren't as intelligent as him causing conversations to be less interesting, a lot of people are completely self obsorbed (which he can't stand), and he doesn't want to grow to attachd to anyone. Though Leslie seems to be more about his studies he tries his best to talk to other people when he can, being friendly is something he likes. Leslie normally just likes talking to a certain type of person: Leslie likes a stubborn person that knows exactly when to back down, undoubtably he's always in charge, always the smartest person in the room, and always gets the finally say, but still a small amount of head butting is good for his ego. Everyone he's around of course isn't this way, which is kind of irriating and stressful to him. If he's talking to someone and he never gets the conversation he wants he'll polietly excuse himself from the conversation.

He's also a very prideful man if not noticed, like he thinks he's Hades himself, though he doesn't always throw it in peoples faces. Leslie tries his best to be a gentlemen, so being rude and demanding praise is defiantly not the best thing to do. With his pride though he tries his best to showcase it without overdoing it. Like he'll never ask anyone for help or he'll never admit he's wrong or back down from a challenge. When he thinks someone is trying to out do him he shows him he's better, maybe because he usually is. He studies a lot, both in his major and his demigod training. He knows in order to be the best he most study his best, though he doesn't know exactly what his demigod abilities will amount to in the future, though the aura thing does come in handy. Being able to use his powers well does bring another level of ego to him, he never completely lets it go to his head. Even though he's prideful he knows when to back down; he wants a friend that can make him do so. In his most inner layer he's still the silent young man that never really knows how to hold a conversation with anyone. His face might say strong but his soul says otherwise now. His pride is something, but he still sometime feels like the lonely teen boy he use to be. Leslie is always the one that seems to be incharge, though he likes it he wished someone would overpower that, to him that's a sign of caring in a since. With him being so outcasted in his younger years for being such an awkward kid he's always afraid of ever getting to close to anyone, they could always hurt him like others use to do. His fears are something he'd never share with anyone, unless they were someone he'd really trust, AKA someone that could for once put him in his place.

Music though, he loves the piano dearly, being able to play causes him more joy then he'd ever share with most. With each passing note makes an outburst of emotions bloom inside of the silent gentleman type. Along with the piano he also likes other instruments like the harp, flute, and violin, but nothing could compare to the grand piano he has in his living room at his grandparents home. He also loves to learn new things, reading is his biggest passion. One way to undoubtfully make him dislike someone is if they were to horribly play the piano. Personally he feels like everyone who is well educated should know how to play at least one intrusment. A good way to get on his good side is by playing him music, something beautiful and soft. He may not like everyone, but if anyone ever asked him to teach them how to play an intrusment he'd help them in a heart beat. Since he loves to learn, on his free time he likes to tutor other students at kids. Not all the students like his help, but if they pay attention to him they can complish things and they can also notice how charming he is. Normally his flirtious side is very sudtle, very rarely is it completely noticeable. It may be something like he walks over to them and starts talking first, it just a pride thing to not be the first one to say a word. Leslie doesn't do relationships to often, but if he feels like there's a special connection he is having with someone he might flirt a little more openly if he thinks his feelings would be returned.

He's not one to upset easily, but annoyance is another. Annoying comes in so many different forms. There's the people that talk about useless information that's irrelevant, the random rainy days, dogs that won't stop barking, people that play wrong notes, and so many more things that's just life. These are just things he can't avoid, but avoid he does try with the things he can. Drama for insists, a thing he hates, a usual thing that he feels only the weak start. Weak., something he can't tolerate, only the strong prosper, though he tries to talk to everyone. Leslie's a little judgmental like most people are. He may talk to everyone, but he only always himself to be friends with people he feel are drama free, intelligant, strong willed, etc. He knows it's easier to pull someone down then being them up; he can't let others pull him down in life. Being a calm man he doesn't let all these irritations overwhelm him to the point of anger, but when it does he tries his best to hide it along with all his other emotions, but sometimes the dam breaks and his anger rushes out. Leslie has gotten so anger and overwhelmed that he has had panic attacks, and even sometimes faints from frustration. These are flaws he'd never tell anyone, mainly because they could be used against him.

"Some bad things happened to me, yet here I am living and stuff."

April Merry Hans, a lady that believed in love, but who never could find it seemed to live a pretty lonely life. The woman had been born and raised in Greece, Italy and who had just moved to New York a few months ago. To her she felt like New York would have been a new opportunity at love, but unfortunately for her it wasn't so. Every day the woman had prayed to the Goddess Aphrodite to find someone, but it seemed like it wasn't happening. The thought of it ever happening seemed to never come, but she never gave up hope. Four months after living in the state she had been kicked out of her apartment from the lack of money she had brought with her, but luckily for her there had been a knight in shining armor who had came to her rescue and allowed her to stay in his home in Upper Manhattan. April was a woman of pride who almost didn't take the offer, but she did give in, she knew she couldn't just stay on the streets. For a month the two lived together and she would sleep in his guest room. After that month he told her he had to leave, but she could stay as long as she needed. She stayed there for another year, waiting for him to return, though he hadn't she had received flowers and then occasional card from him. Within a year of being in the country her parents had come over seas and bought a house. Feeling lonely April moved in with them. Everything was normal for a while, but one faithful day he returned and they spent a lovely day together and that afternoon he told her why he had left and why he could probably never return to her again. Even if she didn't want to admit it she had fallen in love with him and she didn't want there last moment together to be forgettable, so she gave herself to him and nine moths later she had gained something that would never let her forget her first and only love.

Leslie was a spoiled child from both his mother and his grandfather. With his mom working at a pluming company and both his grandparents being retired doctors, it seemed like they had money to blow on the infant. As child his powers developed around the age of four, he was able to call the dead, the the power was very small and it was more like one person. The mans name had be Broxtin, he had died in a car accident near Leslie's home, and to everyone Broxtin was just an imaginary friend and for a while his only friend. It seemed like no one ever really liked Leslie, which led him to eat a lot, making him much heavier then the other kids. Being cold fat and chubby throughout his elementary and middle school years were hard, hard to the point that he wouldn't eat and when he did he would throw it up. Leslie was such an insecure child with only one friend that was around sometimes and who was dead. "You're better than this, you don't need to listen to what those other kids say!" When ever Leslie would make himself throw up Broxtin always used to make him stop, though he continued anyways. "Honey, I never see you eat anymore, is something wrong?" His mother cared and Leslie knew that, so for her he began to eat small meals, nothing fattening, so he became vegetarian and would only eat small meals at a time. When he noticed he was beginning to lose weight he always started to exercise as well. When kids noticed the weight loss his eighth grade year they still continued to tease, saying that he was probably throwing his food up and when ever he'd walk by them they'd always say they could smell the throw up on him. Through all those years he had been depressed, but it seemed like he just couldn't take it anymore. On January 16, 2007 he tried to kill himself by an overdose of sleeping pills, which he had to take everytime to sleep. Broxtin had begged him not to, but he did anyways. As Leslie went in and out of consciousness he could barely see Broxtin anymore, let alone hear him. To his dismay his mother had found him and rushed him to the hospital immediately and he was saved. After a few days in the hospital his mother decided to try her best to home school him and put him into therapy.

The therapy wasn't the along thing he needed after the attempt, he soon needed more help then that and started seeing a psychologist. After her almost died he started seeing more things, more people that were dead. The people usually looked me and furious, like they could kill him if they could. Some had missing limbs while others behaved madly. Sometimes the dead would leave him alone, but other times they would just randomly come to him in the middle of the night, waking him from his peaceful sleep. They would threaten him and try to grab at him; this was just so terrifying for him Some days he would wake up in the closet crying after a long night, the closet was always the place he would try to hide from them, though they always found them. From all them coming around he would suffer panic attacks and random black outs. Medication was given to him for almost everything the doctors knew he had, he was somewhat mentally ill. As time passed he grew use to the dead being around him and the fear subdued. Even though he stayed on medication he felt like crazy, he was growing use to everything, and from it he felt like he was growing stronger as a person.

As years passed so did the person Leslie use to be. Through home schooling Leslie realized that how he use to feel was so stupid, maybe because now he had dropped about 100 pounds, was fit, and really had no one to put him down. He grew pride over himself and learned how much potential he had in life; killing himself had just been a waste of time. His past had always left him fearing to ever get close to a person, because in the end they might judge him and try to hurt him, though would that be something new? After a year of homeschooling his mother randomly sat him down and started talking to him: "I've noticed you have never once asked about your father." "Why would I? He's an idiot that left us years ago." His comment had upset his mother, but she went on and told him who his father truly was and that there was a school that he could attend if he truly wanted to. He wasn't iffy at the thought at all, he knew that he would probably be better then most of the kids there anyways, while being home schooled he had skipped two grades, teaching himself wasn't very difficult at all, though he had always been intelligent. It wasn't before long that he moved at of his home and started attending twelfth grade at the age of fifteen. Making associates at the time seemed easier for him, he was taller then most of the kids and acted mature, which helped him blind in and with some of them being maturer he made few friends, but a few number he could actually trust.
|Other| Though his mother was born in Greece she was actually British, just like her parents, meaning Leslie has a British accident. He also has one blue eye (left) and one green (right).

|Theme Song|
Roar || Katy
I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath
Scared to rock the boat and make a mess
So I sat quietly, agreed politely
I guess that I forgot I had a choice
I let you push me past the breaking point
I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything

You held me down, but I got up
Already brushing off the dust
You hear my voice, your hear that sound
Like thunder, gonna shake your ground
You held me down, but I got up
Get ready cause I've had enough
I see it all, I see it now

I got the eye of the tiger, the fire, dancing through the fire
Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR
Louder, louder than a lion
Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me roar

Now I'm floating like a butterfly
Stinging like a bee I earned my stripes
I went from zero, to my own hero

You held me down, but I got up
Already brushing off the dust
You hear my voice, your hear that sound
Like thunder, gonna shake your ground
You held me down, but I got up
Get ready 'cause I've had enough
I see it all, I see it now

I got the eye of the tiger, the fire, dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me roar

Roar-or, roar-or, roar-or

I got the eye of the tiger, the fire, dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me roar

So begins...

Leslie Ashton Hans's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leslie Ashton Hans Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell Character Portrait: Ariel Lee Character Portrait: Amelia Sterling Character Portrait: Camden Van Trap Character Portrait: Kyle Andrews
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Image“I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing.” In the loneliness of his room he read the words allowed with a smirk before shutting the book and setting it down. Moby-Dick; or, The Whale was undoubtedly one of his favorite books for one reason: it teaches that revenge only hurts you in the end. He finds it funny how the captain tried so hard to hurt a creature, something not even conscious of its actions.

Though the book was good he was done thinking about it for now, it was time to start a new school day, time to get ready for his studies, and time to leave his room. Leslie had been up for hours, he had gotten ready early, finished early, and could just simply just leave the way he was. In his own opinion he looked nice in his black tux and combed over bangs, his opinion was the only one that truly mattered though.

Leslie had never been asleep. It wasn't from nerves or excitement that school was beginning to start again, it was just because he hadn't taken his medication, it seemed that it had just slipped his mind. He had been studying a lot lately, reading, and exercising so much lately that he didn't even remember to take it, he didn't even remember to eat; he never ate often anyways. Even though he hadn't slept he really wasn't tired, maybe because he was use to the nights he hadn't slept as a kid. Regardless the fact of him sleeping or not it didn't seem to show to show much, it didn't affect the way he acted in the slightest. The only clue that he was lacking sleep was the faint blue and purple tints under his eyes, they may have been faint, but they still lingered their with discoloration. At one point they had been puffy, but holding a warm paper towel to them quickly took the bumps away. Better to sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunk Christian. Though the quote from the book near him didn't really fit his situation it still rang through his brain as he picked it up and placed it away into a drawer.

Hearing chatter outside his door reminded him that other people were awake now and he could leave his room without disturbing others. Breakfast. The thought made him sick, he hated food so much to the point that he almost throw up every time he smelled it. He had problems with food, which he kept to himself. Moving to the door he opened it, knowing he would head down near the dining hall and having to smell such horrible aromas.

Walking outside he stopped in his tracks when he had her a girl speak, "At least I don't have to resort to manipulation to make friends or to get what I want." “She says that as if it’s bad. Poor thing.” As he watched Amelia walk away he kind of cast a rather emotionless stare towards Elinor, "Perhaps because it is a bad thing." Taking steps closer to the group he looked over them, only seeing one he could stomach, his best friend. Seeing him he mustered up a faction of a smile. "Good morning, Camden." Glancing around the rest of the group he would have frowned if they were worth the facial strain. "Always surrounding yourself with these people." His voice took on a softer tone as he took a seat next to his friend. As he sat next to Camden someone had opened up the cafeteria door, causing the smell of food trail it's way to Leslie. He could have gagged, he almost did, but he was able to subside the wave of sickly feelings that were now flowing his way. "Why do you sit so close to the dining hall?" Moving would have been the best answer for him, he wouldn't do it though, he could control his discomfort as long as he needed to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Poppy Malandra Character Portrait: Cyrus Goldsmith Character Portrait: Leslie Ashton Hans Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell
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Poppy smiled back at Rosie, and nodded, still smiling, towards Eddie, returning the two students' brief greetings. She isn't particularly close to them, acquaintances more like, but the two strike her as nice enough, and she has no problem with greeting them, naturally. Besides, she is semi-distracted by scooting to the side to let Cyrus into the table. The girl is glad he's joining them- the son of Athena sits alone often, she observes, and it would do him some good to be drawn as far away from his evil half-brother, Camden, as possible.

Alana then proceeds to take the attention of the table, rather typical of a daughter of Aphrodite, and Poppy looks away in a semi-awkward manner. She has no problem with Alana's forwardness, of course, but there seems to be this slick aspect to it that she doesn't mesh well with. Alana is Rick's friend, perhaps, but not Poppy's, really. Of course, Rick proceeds to break into a fit of laughter over the white splotch that had been on Alana's shorts. The two half-siblings are similar, perhaps, in the way that they laugh. In this case, Poppy merely smiles a bit, not finding it quite as funny as Rick, though still relatively amusing.

When Jason walks over and hands Alana a box, Poppy eyes it curiously. It's certainly familiar, and she can place it as having been in the cabin forge at some point. Of course, she had never asked about it, and therefore doesn't know its purpose. The glint in Jason's eye can give her a couple of pretty decent guesses, however. Maybe a stink bomb, a rat, something that reaches out and chops off someone's hair- the possibilities are nearly endless, if it had been a collaboration between Rick and the Brooks twins, which Poppy suspects it was.

The daughter of Hephaestus remains content to watch everything in silence, though she can't help but give Cyrus a curious look when he mentions Jordan to Alana. It's something she's sort of noticed, but not being close with the Brooks or Alana, hasn't really cared to become involved with. In fact, she's somewhat surprised that Cyrus is choosing to make any sort of intervention regarding it. She's friendly with him, but perhaps doesn't know him well enough to make such predictions regarding his behavior. And, anyway, Poppy works better at figuring out machines than people. "Class is starting soon, isn't it?" she observes, voice at a normal volume. She may not be particularly loquacious, but nor is she soft-spoken.


Fairly soon after his arrival to the group, Amelia, aka Miss "Holier than thou" passes by. Ariel doesn't miss the chance to make a snide comment, which is to be expected given the hardly subtle hostility that always crackles between the two of them. Amelia's retort is, of course, somewhat pathetic to all who witness it- which would mean Ariel's friends, of course, making the group a bit biased. Camden raises an eyebrow, agreeing with Elinor's observations about what can only be called Naivete on Amelia's part. "She's just a bundle of joy in the morning," he adds, sarcasm clearly signalling agreement with Elinor's remarks. The daughter of Zeus is undeniably powerful, and competent, but there is this naive aspect to her which Camden rather dislikes. This sense of self-righteous moral superiority, or something along those lines. It's just irritating, really- and that's coming from Camden, perhaps the most arrogant child of Athena, an infamously proud goddess.

The group is added to by the arrival of Kyle, the son of Demeter with a rather obvious crush on Elinor, despite the fact that their age gap leads to them not attending the same school divisions. Honestly, Camden finds Kyle a bit annoying, and the fact that plenty of people have labeled him as creepy does little to help this negative opinion of the seemingly introverted boy. Something about him just screams would-be-stalker, and Camden, naturally, looks down upon the boy. Still, he doesn't say anything. Not explicitly, enough. A brief look of disdain sends clear enough a message. He really doesn't understand what Elinor, a perfectly intelligent girl by all means, sees in the awkward, fidgeting thing.

He is happily distracted by Leslie who, despite having much stricter morals and clear dislike for most of Camden's other friends, is the son of Athena's closest friend. He is, in fact, the only one who has heard even a whisper about Camden's life outside of the academy- certainly the only to know anything about his mildly abusive father, who makes Camden seem like a humble little lamb in comparison.

"Morning, Leslie. How uncharacteristically judgmental of you," Camden shoots back teasingly. The two are equally proud, and nearly as equal regarding their tendency to judge other people. He watches as Leslie sits beside him, noting the fact that his expression seems strained. He can guess why, and is quickly confirmed when Leslie mutters something about sitting so close to the Dining Hall. "We can move, if you like. Class'll be starting soon, anyway," Camden responds, standing up. Leslie is perhaps the only person he cares about enough to be willing to move for the sake of.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Poppy Malandra Character Portrait: Cyrus Goldsmith Character Portrait: Leslie Ashton Hans
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#, as written by Cloud

Eddie had to say that he appreciated Alana's way of dealing with a little *ahem* chicken shit. Instead of getting into a huff, she leaned down and changed from her spoiled shorts to a skirt. "Hey Eddie, don't you think my body looks great in this?" Alana asked, casting a flirty look towards Eddie. Eddie nodded, he wasn't about to deny that.
"Best legs in the school." He replied with a grin and a wink, enjoying the way that Lana was looking at him. He always enjoyed flirting with the Daughter of Aphrodite.
"So I feel we should do something naughty. I want to start this year with a boom. A hot, fun, naughty boom. And you two." Alana said. Eddie raised an eyebrow, wondering what she had in mind. His eyes followed the blonde and she got up and walked over to Eddie, draping her arms down his shoulders. No doubt about it, this was the life. Eddie felt a pleased smile appear on his face, no doubt he looked like some love struck teen, but that was the effect Alana usually had on people. "Or we could just have a hot fun party and save the naughty for a private party later." She breathed into her ear. untangling herself from Eddie, Alana then proceeded to hug Rose before ordering the Dionysus siblings to get to making a party.

It was as Eddie was opening his mouth to reply that Jason popped over, greeting the table as he gave Alana a box and warned her not to open it right then. It was a curious gift, but Eddie shrugged, surely people gave Alana gifts all the time. He once again prepared to reply to his friends when again Eddie's attention was drawn away from Alana, this time to Cyrus who had quietly sat down with the group, or at least Eddie had to assume so. He hadn't actually noticed Athena's son until Cyrus had spoken up. Then again he had a perfectly good excuse given that his attention had been held by Alana. "Alana... I know this is the way you are, but Jordan has a huge crush on you. You are in the position to break his heart in a million pieces. So, don't toy with him,"
Eddie glanced from Alana to Cyrus and then over towards the Apollo twins with a questioning glance. From Eddie's perspective his and Alana's flirting was rather innocent flirting. He had hardly been offended when Alana placed herself on Jordan's lap, but perhaps Jordan's feelings were more than his own. His own took more of a friendly inclination, although he never missed an opportunity to playfully flirt with her. It was as he was thinking these thoughts that Poppy spoke, reminding the table that classes would be starting soon. Eddie nodded, "Yeah, and unfortunately I promised Amelia that I'd attend class today." Eddie said, aiming his words at Alana, "Might have to postpone being naughty until after class." He added giving Alana a wink.


As Amelia sat at the table she was greeting with warm welcomes from Max and Simon. Simon grinning and indicating an empty seat.
"Of course not... I hadn't even noticed, I was completely captivated by Simon." Max replied, glancing momentarily at the louder group before back at Simon. Amelia hid a smile at his words and obvious affected for the other boy by taking a bite of food.
“Some might call it intense, others lunacy, but you have to admit they’re quite entertaining. They even have their own livestock, and which of us can say that?” Simon added, even chuckling as he glanced over to the other table.
"Undeniably the most entertaining thing I've seen this morning." Amelia agreed, raising an eyebrow as Alana's request for some 'naughty fun' drifted across the room. Amelia may have been on friendly terms with Alana (rather a surprise given Amelia's enmity with Alana's sister), but that didn't mean that she agreed with everything that the girl did or said. Of course, she doubted Eddie would mind Alana's forwardness or request for fun. Stifling a laugh Amelia turned her attention back to her own table.

"Are you both looking forward to classes?" She asked, knowing that both Max and Simon were in the university division of the Academy with her. "I think we have Power Control first." She added. Amelia rather enjoyed Power training. For one thing it took place at the training fields, which being outside were a lot more enjoyable to the indoor classrooms. She also liked that here the students were free to use their powers. While she might not be allowed to call up huge storms, she was allowed to create lightning without fear of being reprimanded for it. Besides, it would be a good warm up for when the played Capture the Flag later. Amelia glanced up at the large analogue clock that hung in the cafeteria, checking the time. Classes weren't far off starting, she should have time to finish eating and then she would make her way to the training zone.


It was only shortly after Ariel had joined Elinor under the tree that Camden joined them, greeting the two girls with a wave and smile, "Good morning Elinor, Ariel."
"Morning Cam." Ariel replied, gifting him with one of her more genuine smiles. It wasn't long after Cam's arrival that Amelia wondered past the group. Ariel couldn't help but make some comment about the girl, the two had been at each other's throats since Ariel's first week after all. Luckily, Ariel felt especially secure at the moment considering she was surrounded by friends who didn't have a particular fondness for Amelia either. “She says that as if it’s bad. Poor thing.” Elinor said, responding to Amelia's remark about manipulation, “All those pesky morals equate to a giant stick up her...Hey, Kyle.“ Ariel smirked at Elinor's agreement before nodding a greeting at Kyle. The two were on friendly terms, but Ariel knew that Kyle was someone easily manipulated so friendly only went so far as she could use him.
"She's just a bundle of joy in the morning," Camden added, his statement thick with sarcasm.

However not everyone seemed to agree with their sentiments. An unwelcome voice chimed in a moment later, "Perhaps because it is a bad thing." . Ariel frowned slightly as Leslie joined the small group, he was hardly her favourite person and in fact he only seemed to be on friendly terms with one of their party, Camden. Indeed, Camden was the only one he greeted or even acknowledged after his first sentence. "Good morning, Camden... Always surrounding yourself with these people."
Ariel's eyebrows shot up at that, "And yet you still take a seat with us, uninvited I might add." Ariel replied to the boy, even if Leslie's words weren't meant for her. She had to question him somewhat, why would he sit with them if he despised most of those there?

However Ariel was saved from having to consider Leslie for any longer by the sudden appearance of his half-sister. The quiet girl was holding out a pair of heavy gold earrings, "Yours?" . Ariel glanced from the earrings, which she immediately recognised as her own, to the girl holding them out for her. "Still can't control your power, can you?" Ariel said, her tone falsely sweet and caring. She even favoured Gwen with a small smile as she took her earrings back, "Or have you taken up thievery?" Her smile changed from friendly to a sneer and her voice took on a biting tone. Of course, Ariel knew of Gwen's powers and knew it had probably been them that dragged her earrings from her jewellery box, but that was hardly the point. Ariel usually either completely ignored Gwen, or simply cast judgemental looks at her. She rarely went out of her way to harass the girl, only now doing so because Gwen was there. Indeed, Ariel didn't even attempt to use her powers to intimidate Gwen, what was the point when Ariel simply didn't care?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leslie Ashton Hans Character Portrait: Gwen Whitney Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell Character Portrait: Ariel Lee Character Portrait: Camden Van Trap Character Portrait: Jason_Brooks
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0.00 INK


Jason grabs his glasses, taking his contacts out gently and replacing them in their case carefully. He would have to wear them tonight for capture the flag, but why worry about that now when that wasn't until later? Jason looked at himself in the mirror, his glasses sitting on his nose and appearing slightly larger than his eyes. The black frames looked almost brown when compared to his messy hair making Jason smile. He grabbed the notebooks that he and his brother used for English as well as their bows and quivers, swinging them over his shoulder. They'd have weapons training after English, might as well just take the weapons with them. It wasn't as if the teacher didn't have a weapon too.

As Jason walked back outside towards the cafeteria to dump Jordan's stuff off, he rubbed his eyes. They still felt uncomfortable and irritated from the stupid contacts. If only it was Jordan who had the issue with it. Jason could have fixed the pain and neither of them would have a problem with it. Jordan was probably ticked that Jason wasn't feeling better even with his glasses. As he turned around the corner, he spotted a group of his least favorite people. Possibly on the planet. Great. Jason didn't recognize who Ariel was taunting, but he knew for sure that they didn't deserve to be accused of stealing.

Moving forward, Jason stops right behind the girl, recognizing the white hair but knowing it was already too late to turn around and say nothing. It already looked awkward enough and if he didn't speak, it would be just downright awkward. "Hey, Ariel, come on. Grow up, nobody deserves to be accused of something," Jason says, rather annoyed that the miss. priss was acting in such a manor. Sure, Jason wasn't always extremely nice either, examples being with Alana, but at least he didn't insult people unless they deserve it, examples being Ariel.

Jason looks at Camden and was about to make a comment before shaking his head, not even sure what to say. "You know it's not something Gwen controls so you might as well not bother being a total, excuse me, but b*tch," Jason says with a smile that wasn't really happy so match as annoyed.

He didn't know why he hadn't just walked by, didn't pause, ignored people he didn't have anything to do with. Then remembered that he had a sort of buzz after messing with Alana and probably was willing to try and make things even more exciting for him and step in. What an idiot he could be. Jason wasn't upset he stood up for Gwen, but he wanted t get out of there as fast as possible. Gwen wasn't bad necessarily, but they didn't have anything in common, and she was a daughter of Hades... Something that Jason couldn't stand considering what had happened once in his past, something that Jordan and he never spoke of for fear that someone would hear, would accuse them, would hate them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyrus Goldsmith Character Portrait: Leslie Ashton Hans Character Portrait: Gwen Whitney Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell Character Portrait: Ariel Lee Character Portrait: Camden Van Trap
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Gwen's response to Ariel's taunt, like her response to many things in life, had been silence. This, right here, was the main reason why she disliked people like Ariel. Manipulative, prone to casting their words about like a careless whip that stung wherever it landed, taking joy when what they said succeeded in brushing up against an old wound. She had encountered too many people like Ariel in her seventeen years of life--her own family was full of them. And, if you deigned to parley with them and join in in their puppeteer games, you were either victim or perpetrator of yet another manipulation, inflictor of yet another wound. Her encounters with such people had left her weary and wordless.
So, Gwen kept her silence. The only way to avoid participating in a word-game was to not have words at all.
Of course, in Gwen's case, she didn't need words to express herself. Her face, as always, gave it away too easily. The look in her dark eyes was that of a person recoiling backwards, building up walls. The firm line that her mouth formed was a little tenser. And she could hear the earth's hum, a little louder than usual and also tenser, like a reverberating note emerging from a bass string, pulled taut and almost ready to snap. The ground seemed to shift and creak impatiently underneath her feet, ready to give way. If Ambrose, her ancestral ghost and nightly visitor, were here, he would have clamored at this and urged her on with frantic whispers in her ear. He would've told her to let go of the taut string, to let it snap and bring whatever destruction it may. However, she would not do so. Such a taunt was painful, yes, but she could bear it. She would bear it. She refused to give Ariel the satisfaction of proving her right, of proving that she wasn't able to control her powers.

She straightened herself slowly, carefully, and eased the taut string that was her power back. Silence. Calm. Peace. It was what she craved-needed-above all else right now. She shook her head slowly, staring at Ariel.

"Don't-" was all Gwen had a chance to state before she heard a voice behind her. She turned and eyed Jason in surprise, one eyebrow raised rather quizzically at his behavior. The son of Apollo and his twin brother usually didn't seem to be very fond of the children of Hades: they were constantly attempting to dodge her, always leaving a large space between where they were and where she was whenever they were confined to the same room for class. She had a vague idea that it had something to do with her father himself, considering that they seemed to be generally friendly and humorous people. She wondered to herself whether or not clarifying that Hades was god of the dead, who merely judged and ruled over those who were already deceased, and not the god of death itself would help matters.

Gwen was jolted from her thoughts by Cyrus's arrival. She listened to his request, her mouth quirking up on a little in amusement, fully aware of the all-too-obvious actual purpose behind it. She gave him a gentle push, calling him out on his true motive and displaying her slight annoyance at having to receive so much help. Still, at such a time, she couldn't help also being glad for it: it meant that she wasn't entirely alone. "Hmm...time for a quick coffee?" she asked him, heading back towards the path leading to the cafeteria.

She paused for a moment and turned back. "Thank you," she said, addressing both Jason and Cyrus. The tension had finally seemed to fade out of her body, leaving her to listen to the steady, calmer hum of the earth and enjoy the warmth of the sun on her skin. Gwen smiled at them, warmly, suddenly, as she always did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leslie Ashton Hans Character Portrait: Gwen Whitney Character Portrait: Alaska Stacey Character Portrait: Ariel Lee Character Portrait: Camden Van Trap Character Portrait: Jason_Brooks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grrbot

Kyle smiled. "Thats great." he murmured. Kyle glanced around anxiously. He'd never gotten used to being around more than 1 person at a time. Never had he talked as a group, unless you counted class. "I had no interest attending the party." Kyle sighed, answering her question. To tell the truth, Kyle had never attended a party. Kyle watched as another figure approached the group. Upon closer inspection, he discovered it was Leslie. Kyle was distracted, looking around, when he heard Leslie say what sounded like an insult. "Always surrounding yourself with these people." he said. His tone was soft but something in his expression noted disgust, as if they weren't worth his time. "Leslie... Always a pleasure to see you." Kyle managed a fake smile of pleasure. He smiled at Ariel who shot a remark back at Leslie.

Next Kyle watched as Gwen Whitney walked up. She was talking to Ariel about a pair of earrings. He glanced at them and felt a pang of discomfort. He was just thinking how Demeter would love those. No, he hated her. She was never there for him so he would never think of her. But it was hard because Kyle found himself thinking about her and what she would do if she was actually in his life. Never in all of his nineteen years of life did he even meet her or talk to her. All he had was vague descriptions of her and his imagination.

Kyle looked up to see Jason standing behind Ariel. He eyed them closely before glancing away. All this company was making him feel uncomfortable. As more and more people came to visit, Kyle found it unbearable and adding to his headache this morning. "Elinor I'll see you later." he said, standing up and grabbing his bag, walking away briskly. He knew how most of them felt about him. They thought he was creepy, dumb, antisocial (which I guess was true) and generally Kyle wasn't liked very much. He knew they'd be happy to see him leave so the sooner the better, right?

Kyle found himself slightly chilly this morning. He wrapped himself in his arms and found himself walking to the large field. Out in the open, surrounded by nature, was one of the only places Kyle could find a sense of calm. When Kyle was younger, he'd spend hours in the field on his farm, trying to escape reality. You could never rely on friends to listen, but nature was there. He'd spill his thoughts all the time out there. He found a spot in the field and sat down. The grass was a bit damp here from the morning dew but he didn't mind. Kyle looked around. He could heart talking in the distance but it was a whisper to him here. Kyle let out a sigh when he remembered he'd forgotten to take his depression pills. He searched his bag and grabbed the container of pills but it was empty. Kyle held his head in his hands. He'd gone through days without having them before but it really affected his mood so he'd need them sooner or later.


Alaska rolled over in bed. Her eyes glanced at the clock and she nearly jumped out of bed. She'd woken up a lot later than she had planned. She didn't want to be late for the first day of senior year. Alaska slid out of bed and threw on her outfit for the day. She then went to work in front of her mirror, curling her eyelashes and applying a layer of mascara. She put on a coral lipstick and did a dark brown eyeshadow to compliment her eyes. she put on a bit of blush and she smiled. She wanted to impress Jason Brooks. Boy did she have a crush on him. Not only was he cute, he played the guitar too!

Alaska threw on a leather jacket and slipped on her favourite pair of Doc Martens. She'd have to be quick if she were going to make it to the cafeteria and get some breakfast. People would be in the middle of eating or finishing their breakfast by now. Alaska left the dorm and walked briskly to the Cafeteria. She saw some people gathered by the Cafeteria under a tree. She'd join them after she was done getting breakfast. She noticed a couple people... Camden, Ariel and Jordan. Alaska ducked into the Cafeteria and reappeared outside 5 minutes later with an Apple, a Yogurt, a Granola bar and a Bottle of Water.

She walked over to the group, trying to be quiet. She didn't know why but she wanted to surprise them. "Hey guys." she said, taking a bite out of her apple. She swallowed and continued, "How are you guys?" she asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Casey Adams Character Portrait: Poppy Malandra Character Portrait: Florence Bradshaw
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#, as written by Cloud
Time: 9.45am

Classes have started for the students.
The University students are currently in Power Control situated in the training courts.
The high school students are in either English or Maths class.


The class had started 15 minutes ago. The teacher, one Mr Frank Solomon, had first greeted the returning students warmly, obviously pleased to find the majority alive and relatively sane. His instructions had then been to enjoy the first day of classes. He had given them several options, each designed to help them get out of their holiday funk and get back into the swing of things. Set up at the further end of the training courts was a collection of targets and dummies, ranging in shapes and sizes. Some were stationary and some would move when in play. All offered a good place for students who wished to exercise control and train their precision with their powers. Closer to him, where he could watch and make sure that nobody went overboard, were the sparring areas. These were places where students could have mock fights against each other, using their powers to defeat their opponents. Of course, actually hurting anyone was against the rules, hence why Mr Solomon was hovering nearby. As usual for those not inclined to fighting, tables had been erected to the side to allow students, usually Athena and Hephaestus' children, to but their brains to the test. In between each area other students had come up with their own lesson plan, each stretching out their powers in their own way.

Amelia had been inclined to head down to the set up of dummies. There she, and the other students who had picked the moving targets, were busy decimating the Academy's population of stuffed targets. With a grin Amelia sent another sizzling bolt of lightning flying towards the dummy, reducing it to a smouldering heap of ash in seconds. Her hands were buzzing with miniature lightning bolts, the air around her seemed to be giving off a slightly static vibe and she couldn't help but smile. She sighted down the range again, threw her hands up in front of her and sent a flurry of lightning bolts flying towards a target set up halfway down the range. It exploded in an eruption of smoke and Amelia turned her attention to the next target. This one popped out of the ground on her left side, moving forward on it's mechanism. It was shaped like a mythical hall hound and ran low to the ground. Even so it didn't stand a chance as Amelia sent another bolt of lightning flying at it.

She took a step back from the moving targets, both to let her peers have a go and to catch her breath. Power control was undoubtedly one of Amelia's favourite classes. Where else was she able to use her gift without the fear of hurting another person? After all, lightning wasn't exactly the most pleasant thing to be hit with. She loved the feeling of it's power racing through her and had to resist going overboard. As she caught her breath, Amelia glanced around the courts. She spotted Eddie lounging on the sidelines and couldn't help but shake her head. She knew that his powers weren't really the active, fighting type. They were dangerous in their own way, or they could be if he trained them, but she understood his fear about losing control of them. Insanity wasn't something easy to control. But, he'd never learn how to if he simply sat and did nothing. With a shrug Amelia turned her attention back to the targets.


Ariel sat at the back of the Maths class, choosing to block out most of what Miss Francis, the teacher, was saying. Class was really not her thing. She would much rather be out socialising, or attending VIP events. Sitting here was not her idea of a good time. So instead of tuning into the lesson Ariel was staring at her nails, tapping each finger nail with her opposite hand and changing the colour with her powers. She had always been glad that her power over make-up extended to her nails. It meant that she always had the perfect nail colour and didn't have to spend money on the actual polish, not that money had ever been a problem for her. Ariel had just settled on a pastel green for one hand when she was jolted from her thoughts.

"Miss Lee, are you paying attention?" The teacher, Miss Francis asked across the silent room. Ariel glanced up from her hands to find Miss Francis staring at her, her arms folded across her chest and her own unpainted nails tapping quietly against her opposite arm. Ariel felt no fear towards the teacher. How could she when the woman was wearing a hideous floral dress matched with a pair of last seasons sandals? "No Miss. I was doing my nails." Ariel replied, smiling serenely at the woman. Miss Francis stared at Ariel, not quite sure how to react to the girl. It was obvious that she had never had Ariel as a student, or she would have let the comment go. As it was Miss Francis was willing to give Ariel a chance. She cleared her throat and pointed to a particular problem on the board, "Please Miss Lee, what is the answer to this problem?" Ariel cast a lazy look at the board. There was no way she could answer that. So instead she called on her favourite weapon, her powers. Subtly was the answer and Ariel had mastered that long ago. It was slightly harder at the Academy given that here powers were common place, but that didn't make it impossible. "I don't know Miss." Ariel replied clearly, giving Miss Francis her best smile. Then, with a mental push she thrust a collection of emotions at Miss Francis. Miss Francis, about to frown at Ariel and no doubt tell her off, suddenly paused. Her face took on a content expression as she turned her gaze from the question to Ariel. Miss Francis gave Ariel a kind smile and shook her head. "Well then. That's alright. We'll move along." She said before rubbing the problem off and turning to the next one.

Ariel rolled her eyes at Miss Francis' back. She hadn't been much of a challenge. It had only taken a small amount of happiness, contentment and acceptance to make her change her tune. Really, Ariel would never be able to grow her power if she was forced to solely manipulate people as weak minded as Miss Francis. However, she had another year before she could legally leave the Academy, so it would be another year until she was able to step out into the world and put her considerable talents to good use.