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Raburadōru Nisemono


0 · 729 views · located in True Cross Academy

a character in “The Demons Inside”, originally authored by TechnoFoxHowell, as played by RolePlayGateway


You dare touch me? How unforgivable.

░░░Aria of Team Dolos░░░


      Raburadōru Nisemono






Such humane vulgarity makes me sick. You're nothing but utter human trash.



      5' 7"

      130 Lbs

      Pale Lavender


      Pale White

      Rado is a meek and thin young man, his body maintaining the form of a boy a couple of years younger than he. This is due to the fact that he does not age, so his host body would also not age.
      He is thin and small, even for someone younger than he. He is remarkably skinny, though not exactly all skin and bones. His pale lavender hair frames his equally pale face in rather curly locks.
      He has a rather gleeful looking face and can rarely be seen in clothing that is neither black nor white. He is rather tall for his slender form, though not all that tall compared to most other males. Though speaking to him, one may feel much shorter than he regardless.
      He appears easy to approach to those whom have never met him, though that tends to not be the case as he is a rather unpleasant person to talk to if you're a human.

The word of a human does not satisfy me. Serve me loyally and you might be forgiven.

      ✦ Arrogant ✧ Level Headed ✦ Ruthless ✧ Misleading ✦


      Plants - Tending to plants was Rado's passion, the impostor simply like admiring plants.
      Sleep - Being in someone else's body is exhausting.
      Foxes - They're so cute and their fur is soft.
      Respect - He's a high class demon capable of reciting the Bible, he deserves it.
      Night - Being pale makes him burn easy, so he prefers the cool night time air.

      Dolls - They're human like features are just too creepy.
      Dragoons - He has a rather personal beef with them.
      Fire - It has been a source of trouble at least twice, if not more.
      Blood Sucking - Most any insect with the ability to draw blood or go under one's skin.
      Idiots - He's not very tolerate of those with petty wit.

      Aria - His host body has extreme Aria potential, passing that onto him. He has a great reserve of incantations.
      Holy Resistance - The cause of it is unknown, but a great deal of holy magic is unable to affect him. All attempts at purifying Rado's body has failed.
      Meek Size - His small, nimble, and fast frame make him hard to hit, which is good since Arias tend to be the main target.
      Leadership - Even despite his overwhelming arrogance, he is also confident and level headed. He has generally good judgement.
      Looks - He is intensely nice looking, his appearance leading one to believe he would not hurt a fly while he is probably ripping someone's throat out. Figuratively of course.

      Humans - He won't hurt them outside of a fair fight, but he makes it clear of how little he thinks of them. His unwillingness to work with them have gotten him into trouble a few times.
      Demon - Being a demon greatly dampens his holy power to that of an average Aria, though he is constantly training to overcome it.
      Death - Having died over ten years ago, current technology and basic teenage lingo tend to go a bit over his head.
      Ruthless - He shows no mercy to his opponents, even in a mock battle. His opponents can more than occasionally be found in a hospital afterwards.
      Solitary - Despite his commanding nature, he tends to go off on his own. He does not like the company of others and will usually be found by himself.

      Pediophobia - What can he say? Dolls really freak him out.
      Pyrophobia - This is a more controlled fear, but he has a severe dislike of flames.
      Rado - He is afraid his brother will never wake up, or that his brother will wake up and hate him for being a demon.

Do not think we demons would stoop \ as low as a human.

      Raburadoru Sanada was on the verge of death in his Freshmen year at True Cross Academy, an unfortunate victim of one of the odd attacks. The sweet and gentle boy was bedridden for the remainder of his year, rumors of his death well known. He was a boy well talented in verse, a promising Aria in the making. The day all had given up on his return, a young man of lavender hair and eyes approached the school grounds, demanding to be let in as he claimed to be a student there. He looked strikingly similar to the young boy who was presumably deceased. He claimed to be Raburadoru Nisemono, or Rado's 'Imposter'. Taken by surprise, the staff humored him with various biological tests. By all means, he was Raburadoru Sanada and such elaborate disguises were not possible with magic. It could not be disputed that he was Rado, and he was indeed Rado. Upon breathing his last breath, Sanada felt into a deep sleep as a demon took hold of his form. Whom the demon is nor his ambitions are clear, though it is apparent that he is on the side of the humans.
      Rado attends school once more, his abilities unchanged though his personality, looks, and name took a drastic change. Many say it's for the worst. He retained the soft and pure appearance of his host, but Rado was far from anything like that. He has no problem doing things that would make the meek Sanada faint. His reason's for taking the boy and saving his life is unknown to all but them, he claims to retain his vessel until it's owner can muster up the strength to awaken, admitting that Sanada was much stronger than he.

      When Rado was a young child, he was one of a set of twins. He and his brother were polar opposites in every way. Where Rado had black hair and auburn eyes, his twin brother had brilliantly white hair with crimson eyes. Otherwise, they looked exactly alike. Their personalities were very different, but you could not find a closer bond even between star aligned lovers. Rado's brother was ridiculed and disgraced because of his ghoulish and unnatural looks, constantly shunned. He died, being stoned to death on the side of some road by a bunch of children their own age. Rado had witnessed it, burning the horrid image into his mind for eternity.
      Rado eventually enrolled in True Cross Academy, showing promise in recital incantations and had only been in for a couple of months. While helping his teacher move her things, she began to mumble oddly to herself. Rado can no longer recall her words, he could only remember the feeling of searing flames and the smell of burnt flesh and hair. Fragments of a Dragoon's grenade flashed before his eyes, light dimming from his vision as he fell. His mother took him home, tending to him in their house. After a couple of days, the house mysteriously burned down, killing both of his parents. His brother had not ascended to Heaven, instead he stood before the dying Rado, a hideous and beaten form of a small child being his visage. As Rado breathed his last, his brother took hold of his form, trapping his soul in the body until it was ready to awaken once more.

      He does not retain Rado's memories, though retained his Aria knowledge. He is very new to the more modern world, having died nearly ten years earlier. He has the attitude of a small child but is mature beyond his years, having a rather morbid view on life. Being a demon has dampened Rado's abilities to that of an average Aria, but his knowledge on the subject was almost unparalleled. He is confident that Rado was by far more powerful than he.

Rado's incantations tend to affect plant life, preferring to manipulate the nature around the castor and finding it easy as it was one of 'His' most base creations. This arises from Sanada's love of tending the flowers at his brother's grave site, inspiring his holy incantations. However, he is not solely limited to plant incantations, he simply prefers them.
      Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ Orange

      Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ Light Blue

      Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ✦ Labrador || 07 Ghost

      Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ✧ TechnoFoxHowell

      character basic form © aurei
      modified form ઽ૮૨Α
      edited, modified form Luna Delta

So begins...

Raburadōru Nisemono's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inori Sandy Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Chun Li Character Portrait: Haru Tanaka
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True Cross is no longer as safe as it once was before. After the incidents of demons cutting loose and attacking students and teachers, security has been strengthened, yet daily classes still go on. Not too much has changed except for the slightly altered subjects and number of fully-fledged exorcists who watch each and every student with absolute caution. Anyone of them could be a demon in disguise, whether they be good or bad. It's not a situation where anyone can let their guards down. Even the teachers are being suspected. Teams have been created to ensure safety and to superiors can watch over students and observe them. Each team is separated into a different activity for the day to put their exorcist skills to the test, even though they just might not realize it just yet...



Location: A dark, closed-off forest near by True Cross used for practice missions.

Team Members:
-Pavel Emmittson
-Roman Aichi
-Rhea Sato
-Chiko Benjiro
-Feodore Rudo

Description: Team Aries has been assigned the task of scouting through the forest for a teacher who had recently gone missing. The forest looks normal enough, despite the darkness from the trees hiding the sun and unusual lack of any animal life, but besides that, normal forest. There don't seem to be any demons near by either until the students see a body walk towards them in the distance. Then, it catches fire and turns into a creature that had never been seen before.

Control Over Enemy: Anyone in the group may write the actions of the enemy!


Location: One of the class rooms in the academy. Currently located on an empty, cleared out floor.

Team Members:
-Atsuko Gensou
-Athena Usagi
-Dores Barroso
-Karin Onishi
-Botan Ugaki

Description: Classroom 2-B hasn't been used in years. The whole floor is completely empty from renovations that began to take place, but mysteriously stopped. Yet Team Olympus is called there by a new teacher for their class to take place for the day. Except... something's off about this teacher. She gives off an aura unlike a regular humans, and the moment all the students seat themselves, a sinister look passes over this teacher's face. Clearly, what she has planned for this lesson isn't like any other...

Control Over Enemy: Anyone in the group may write the actions of the enemy!



Location: Old, ruined building behind the academy. Currently has three floors though the two off ground level aren't stable.

Team Members:
-Akiba Ashitaka
-Kardos Nellian
-Chun Li
-Haru Tanaka

Description: It's been said that a kid has been messing about with the left over items and rotten furniture in an old building that originally was for younger students to train in. Team Minerva has been told to check it out and find the kid who's been causing all the trouble. Except, the moment they walk through the doors, they find that it suddenly locks behind them, leaving them with no escape, as a tricky shadow lurks over the barely-lit walls.

Control Over Enemy: Anyone in the group may write the actions of the enemy!


Location: Basement of a dirty classroom that hasn't been used in years. Completely dark with bits of storage here and there.

Team Members:
-Niko Vasiliev
-Anzhela Kotov
-Kyo Zero
-Petasus Demens
-Raburadōru Nisemono

Description: Beneath one of the unused classrooms of True Cross Academy lies a basement containing old items used in the past for training and learning in classes. Strange noises - moaning, crying, screaming - has been echoing down from there, and who's better to take care of a mysterious noise than a mysterious group? Team Dolos will go inside the basement and locate the source of the abnormal sounds. They'll soon realize it's not a single demon causing the ruckus - it's more than a dozen, all multiplying, growing, and living there in the silence.

Control Over Enemy: Anyone in the group may write the actions of the enemy!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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...when day is done.
We like to talk into the night
and stay awake without a light.
I serve Heaven, and you fell to Hell.
I sat in sorrow as you begin to dwell.
Cause you are you, and I am me,
and that's how it was meant to be.

And yet...


The rustling of leaves sounded as the young man stirred from his sleep. Pale lavender eyes opened to the bright light of a barely rising sun, blinking at the blinding light. His small back was leaning on rough bark, his back stiff from having spent the night resting against the tree. His brother's voice singing a small, melodic tune continued to ring in his ears, though he cannot recall the words of his most recent dream. He slowly blinked his vision clear, taking into all of his surroundings. He recalled looking for some place quiet and isolated to rest the fatigue of a rather long day of training. Using holy powers of an Aria with a body possessed by a demon has it's heavy tolls.

Fallen leafs rustle off of his clothing as Rado rose to his feet, using the large trunk beside him as a prop. He patted off his white tunic, flawlessly cleaned the night before and only suffering from a bit of leaf debris. The air was crisp and cool, billowing his sinewy robes. Today was the day that the Dolos group and finally received a mission of sorts. A reconnaissance mission that required them to investigate an old and unused classroom that had strange sounds resonating from it. The Dolos group was a somewhat ragtag group of various agendas. None of them seemed to fit in with the other groups, not sharing the desire for power, fame, and the like. Having no where else to go, they were sort of stuck together. Not many of them were cohesive but their overall strength more than made up for it. With such a notion, Rado was left to wonder as to why it was assigned to the entire team instead of only one of them. Perhaps it was more dangerous than their teachers had lead on?

"...oday. Maybe today will be the day."

"Utter folly."

Walking down a rather earthly path, Rado's gaze fell upon a rather quiet and nearly empty training field save for one boy. A boy with the visage of Rado's own living self was sitting beside a fallen straw dummy. Seems the rather reckless boy had been training rather diligently. Not exactly in his human born body, the resemblance is not to be seen. A sort of feeling of envy fell upon him at the sight of the boy growing to such an age without much trouble. Such is the life of a demon. He supposed this was meant to be his own personal Hell. He stopped at the mouth of the training ground entrance, having been there the night before himself. His vacant eyes stared at the well used field, recollecting all the verses he had recited. His gaze shifted to the boy, his face as sweet and gentle as it generally appears to be.

He had no desire to strike up a conversation, having nothing to really say to the boy. He hardly acknowledged his existence as he walked past. He was set on the path that lead to the school. He had his mind set to getting to the sight of their mission. Perhaps he could get it done with out the bother of humans being around.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ Black (w/ bold)
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #657383

*Even though Niko can't talk, his sign language will be in his dialogue color*

It had taken longer than Niko thought to get out of bed. He was never a morning person. He often stayed up at night, playing around with his little rabbit, sketching pictures of the moon, or just watching the trees move when the wind blew. Subtle, small things like that entertained Niko in a way most people didn't understand, which was mainly the reason why so many others began to suspect him being a demon. He didn't care what they would say though. He never did.

After getting up, he'd do the basics - brush his teeth, put on decent-looking clothes, and occasionally, when his stomach could handle it, he'd try eating breakfast. His black hair always remained messy, as if it was his signature that he was still sane. He never brushed it, as he was never taught to in the past, and hardly ever noticed when it needed to be trimmed. The other 'strange' people who cared for him often reminded him of this and cut it for him.

Once he finally left his room, often being late for whatever classes he needed to take, he'd wander. Except for today. Today, he and his team had a mission, didn't they? At least he brought his doctoring supplies with him this time. They were kept in a bag slung over his shoulder, full of herbs and liquids that he couldn't even pronounce, though, it wasn't so surprising since he couldn't read very well or speak. 'I bet it's dangerous a dangerous mission,' he thought to himself while he continued to walk a pathway he didn't quite recognize, yet he didn't turn around to find a familiar one. Inside his oversized jacket was a white rabbit that cuddled up against his chest, snuggling comfortably in a pocket Niko sewed especially for the little thing. Snyek, he called it, meaning snow in Russian. If no one else would give him comfort, Snyek would.

Niko reached into his jacket to run his finger over its small, little head. It was white - his favorite color, and it was soft. It was two of his favorite things in one, though he'd never tell anyone about that. He kept to himself more than half of the time he was around people, whether they knew sign language or not. The mute boy was silent with his words and his thoughts, closed off from nearly everything and everyone.

When he finally glanced up from the baby rabbit hiding in his jacket, his dark eyes laid on Rado, who was no too far in front of him. He then turned his head and found Kyo training on the dummies. 'Oh... right... we have a mission,' Niko reminded himself after he forgot within the first four minutes of thinking to himself. He turned back to Rado and quickened his pace a bit to catch up, one hand holding onto his chest which looked strange considering not many knew that he had a sleeping rabbit beneath that jacket he wore.

A hand reached out and grabbed Rado's sleeve. Niko tugged, not so hard, and waited until he was acknowledged before starting to make signs with his hands. It wasn't actual sign language, since Niko knew that not too many people learned it, but it was body language he hoped Rado would understand. 'We're a team,' Niko started, attempting to make his words clear through the usage of his hands, pointing at the three of them, forming circles, making more shapes with his hands... He never really believed in teamwork since he was always on his own and alone, but there were other reasons to stick together. 'You should wait for the others to do anything rash. It could look suspicious too.' He finally finished, lowering his hands and staring up at Rado with his expressionless face, as usual.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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"Good Morning!"

It was vague who he was talking to, Even Petasus himself, It was an unrelenting, relentless, voice inside his head, Maybe one of his many victims? Possibly...Maybe an imaginary friend, after all, He is insane, Likely...but I guess we will never know, After all, Petasus is unaware too.

For such a "gentlemen", he sleeps a bit late, After-all, He needs his beauty sleep, It quite odd, The mask that has become his symbol, never leaves his face, Shower, and Sleep. After his normal morning routine, he quickly got changed, Collected his firearms, and headed out the door, A path of destruction will soon be in his wake.

He wouldn't dare wake the rest, He knows that some of his team like to sleep as much as him, and Petasus personally wouldn't classify himself as a diligent, or industrious. Work wasn't something cut out for him, especially now, but as long as there was incentive, he is fine with doing anything..Even, Well, Lets no talk about it, Petasus might overhear.

"A morning walk is truly befitting, for a man such as myself", It might be a habit, but announcing the actions he is committing was something he is executing is something he likes to do, especially, not in the presence of others. Hopefully no one heard him. Every team seemed to be occupied by their own missions, It was quite the sight..

He should of been eager to start the experiment, gather the team and set out. But considering Dolos didn't deserve the title, Since their teamwork is sub-par, only getting by with each of the members individual strength, He was hesitant, He wanted to enjoy Petasus-time a bit more, until he had to partake in the less-then-appealing mission, with a less-then-appealing team, 2 white hair males in particular.

But, It was high time for a good-old cup of earl gray, After circling the campus for some time, He decided to settle down, Careful for any bystanders, Taking off the mask that has become his new flesh will be quite revolting, especially to an audience. So Petasus was cautious for any unwanted visitors as he peeled of the hideous mask, revealing an even more hideous physiognomy residing inside.

His face wasn't completely disfigured, It was just unrecognizable, The burns spread from the right side of his face, Between the chin and the top, to the other side of his forehead, After repeated sips from the cup that was connected to his thermos, He quickly capped the metal container, and positioned the mask back in it's rightful place. He then stood up, and walked away

Of course, The "team" needed to meet sometime this century, Though, Petasus was unaware the rest of his group are, He knew one hardworking individual who must always work to the point of submission, and Petasus had a fleeting idea where he might be.

As Petasus strolled over to the trained area, Petasus gave himself a imaginary pat on the back for his precise guess, Kyo seemed to be in the heat of battle, So Petasus waited, as the albino decimated the training dummy it mere seconds, before sitting down next to his victim, After the spectacle, Petasus inched over, Applauding as he walked.

"Marvelous Work! Say, Do you have any idea where the others might be?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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#, as written by Sigma

Dialogue Color: #FF000D
Thoughts Color: #A0A0A0

Kyo's attention was snapped back to reality upon hearing footsteps no less than ten or so meters away. He immediately dropped the small grin that had placed itself on his face and allowed the normal pursed lips to return. Tilting his head ever so slightly as to catch whomever the individual was in his peripherals, no more than that, he spotted an undoubtedly familiar entity idling by the entrance to the grounds. Tch. How long has he been here? I don't recall hearing footsteps before... so he was already here? At that point, another familiar being entered the scene. Niko, the silent doctor of the team, had stopped in front of Rado and began to make some motions with his hands. Hey, now. We haven't started the mission yet. Save the radio silence for later and just speak for Christ's sake. Squinting a little, Kyo made an attempt to decipher what Niko was trying to say with his hands, but between one gesture to the next, he may as well be attempting to read a Shakespearean text while blindfolded.

Kyo's attention was immediately pulled to the side, drawn to the unexpected sound of clapping. The source of which caused Kyo's grip on his weapons to tighten ever so slightly. He didn't allow his unease to show on his face as he stood up and brushed the dust from his pants.

"Marvelous Work! Say, Do you have any idea where the others might be?" Petasus, the masked marauder himself, questioned.

Kyo raised up an arm, pointing the end of his sword in the direction of Rado and Niko, "The self-proclaimed leader and the one with the broken voice box are right over there." Kyo enunciated his statement just enough for the words to be heard by the mentioned people. The albino proceeded to sheathe his sword and shoved his hands in his pocket. "It's no secret that I come here to train in the mornings. After all, you three found me easy enough." Kyo continued, beginning to walk towards the other two that stood at the entrance to the training grounds, "I'm sure the girl, Anz-something, is no idiot. If she wanted to find us, she'd be here already. Chances are she probably went to the mission site and is waiting, if not already beginning without us."

He walked passed the entrance, right between the conversing Niko and Rado, pushing them aside ever so slightly as to make room for himself. "Personally, I don't care what you three do." Kyo called out to the three people behind him, "Hell, feel free to take the day off. You'll just be in the way anyways! A hero doesn't need inadequate sidekicks like you anyways!" With that, Kyo began to jog over towards the main building. He looked over the briefing paper which had been hastily shoved into his pocket earlier this morning and read its contents once more. So, the mission area is a basement of an old classroom that supposedly sourced some strange noises. With a sigh, Kyo made his way to the aforementioned classroom, checking over himself to ensure that he had all necessary items on him. Of course they would give such an eccentric mission to us. Hell, our team practically screams eccentric.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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He felt something tug on his sleeve, glancing down his arm as if he had been caught on some sort of debris and was ready to shake himself loose. To his surprise, it Niko whom was tugging at his sleeve. He turned to face the much meeker boy, which was saying something since Rado had a rather meek form himself. Rado's eyes wavered at the sound of clapping, a heavy weight forming in the pit of his stomach. His eyes moved only slightly to glance at the little white haired man. To his chagrin, their Dragoon was walking into his sight. Closing his eyes for a moment, he turned his head away. Shaking his head clear, he looked down and watched the much younger man's, or rather boy, hands move with specific intent. He grasped the concepts of his gestures, seeming to be stirred into though.


He could understand what the boy meant, that if anything happened, a demon like he could easily be blamed for such an occurrence. He nodded his head to the boy, showing his appreciation to him as he had not thought of that. Being a victim of human cruelty, he was not all that surprised the boy had thought of that possibility.

"Personally, I don't care what you three do."

The white haired boy had pressed himself between himself and Niko, causing the demon mild disgust and ire.

"Of course a human would behave in such a manner. How revolting."

He need not listen to Kyo's idle prattle after, his callous remarks not worth paying any mind to. Rado found himself looking down to Niko, his eyes seeming to need to confirm the boy's safety. Once doing so, he motioned for the boy to follow Kyo. He took behind Niko, not paying any mind to Petasus as he joined along their ranks. After a small bit of walking, he had efficiently made his way to the back, following behind the group as the approached the building their designated room resided in. The small group of four had met up with the fifth and final member of their group at the yawning opening that the school's doors provided. They, for the most part, made their way quietly down the halls until they reached the room of the reported sounds.

He felt the earth crawl beneath him in demonic energy, being rather sensitive to the presences of demons such as he. Being an Aria only made his aptitude sickeningly stronger. He stopped in his tracks, feeling as if the ground beneath his feet were nothing more than rolling waves. He placed a hand onto a desk to steady himself, the sensation subsiding. Lifting himself upright, his cold eyes stared at the door that lead to the world beneath them.

"Even though these forms walk through the valley of the shadow of death, they shall fear no evil, for you are with them."

His words served as a protection incantation, shivering green light like leaves fell around the other members of his team, though not his. His next words being that of a warning.

"It is strange. It is growing and it is many. Tread lightly."

His eyes did not meet any of those whom he addressed, his eyes locked on an unseen enemy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ Black w/ bold
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #657383

"Suspicious..." Niko listened to Rado as he spoke and nodded to confirm what he was trying to convey to him through his vague hand signs. It was always much easier to use plain sign language, but he got used to knowing and accepting that not everyone knew how to communicate with him through that, so he'd just have to deal with making shapes and letters out of his hands while using general gestures to speak. It was fairly difficult though.

"Marvelous Work! Say, Do you have any idea where the others might be?"

Niko's heard turned to see Petasus. He had nothing against the guy, unlike most. He did wonder what he had behind that mask he constantly wore. There was something unusual about that gentleman-like attitude he always had up, and Niko couldn't help but show a bit curiosity whenever their team's dragoon showed up.

"The self-proclaimed leader and the one with the broken voice box are right over there."

If Niko wanted to grumble, except it wasn't exactly possible for him. A dead-pan look crossed over his face for a spare second, as if saying, 'Really?' He actually did think that, figuring how he couldn't really say it out loud. His face didn't look too different than usual though - Niko was typically emotionless most of the time he was around people, or even by himself.

"I'm sure the girl, Anz-something, is no idiot. If she wanted to find us, she'd be here already. Chances are she probably went to the mission site and is waiting, if not already beginning without us."

'So Anzhela's waiting there already, huh?' Niko thought. Snyek - the little rabbit in his jacket - kicked a bit, causing him to twitch accidentally from the sudden jolt on his chest but he quickly steadied himself again. He wasn't exactly the closest with the others of Dolos, in fact, he was hardly close to anyone at all. He kept people close enough to feel comfort, to a certain extent, but also pushed them far enough away to feel enough privacy. Still, Anzhela seemed to get him. They didn't even exchange words very often; they didn't seem to need to. If anything, he was probably closest to her out of the others. 'Well... best not to keep anyone waiting...'

"Personally, I don't care what you three do. Hell, feel free to take the day off. You'll just be in the way anyways! A hero doesn't need inadequate sidekicks like you anyways!" Niko found himself being shoved back and quickly brought his hand up to hold Snyek in place. The rabbit made no noise, but did stir anxiously for a few seconds.

Niko frowned a bit while he watched Kyo walk away and motioned with his hands in sign language, 'Be a bit more gentle, would you? There's other ways to get through the door than in-between us.' Of course, it was useless to sign over to him, partially because Kyo's back was turned and because he couldn't understand sign language. It was a habit of his, to 'speak' even when knowing he wouldn't mean anything.

When he turned back to Rado, recognizing the looks in his eyes, Niko nodded reassuringly. He was used to being pushed around, though it wasn't so bad around True Cross. He started after Kyo, but stopped at the door. He didn't realize how Snyek peered its head out of the top of his jacket as he snapped his fingers at Petasus, as if to grab his attention, and made a following motion before finally leaving the area after Kyo, his little satchel of doctor supplies slightly bouncing off his waist.

After walking, more walking, a bit of pushing Snyek's snowy little head back into his jacket and yawning from having just woken up, they finally arrived at the classroom where he saw Anzhela, noticing her fingers. For a spare moment, he was a bit confused, but then remembered - Anzhela was Dolos' tamer. He raised a hand and waved a bit, the usual way of saying 'Hello.'

"Even though these forms walk through the valley of the shadow of death, they shall fear no evil, for you are with them. It is strange. It is growing and it is many. Tread lightly." Niko's ear twitched when he heard Rado. He made an unusual movement towards Rado when he stumbled, just in case he actually fell, but receded once he regained his composure.

'We should go in. Get this over with as soon as possible.' Niko motioned with his hands, Snyek popping up out of his jacket again before he pushed it back down out of sight, despite the constant squirming underneath his jacket.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏr ✦ #408000
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #804080

There was something very unsettling about the door she stood only three paces from, and for a short instant Anzhela regretted coming inside the building and getting so near to the basement alone. A side effect of being a human with an actual sense of self-preservation no doubt. However, as quick as the fear washed over her she recalled that she wasn't really alone, Klava was present and Kirill was a quick nip away. Still, she had no plan to take her gaze away from that door, even if all she could see was its fuzzy outline.

That being said, for someone who felt it was necessary to be cautious she hadn't made any motion to take her earphones out nor turn down the music playing out of them to a more acceptable volume. As it were, she could hardly see her surroundings and she certainly couldn't hear them. Yet, she was perfectly content with that. One might wonder how that could be the case, but for any that knew her well - though few those people may be - they'd know that Anzhela had total faith in Klava's ability as a familiar.

It was a very well placed faith.

'They are not punctual people - probably since they are busy quarreling about something unnecessary.' The young woman mentally noted about the other four members of Dolos. While waiting for their arrival, she closely observed her hand (four inches from her face precisely), specifically she studied the bloodied finger. 'There is something very alluring about the red color of blood. I wonder if it's as much the color that demons are drawn to as the smell. Maybe, they are drawn to it in the same way humans are so often drawn to the rose. And we are just as delicate - at least to demons.'

Her hand fell from her face in time to be momentarily surprised by the arrival of her teammates, as she neither heard nor saw them come. She really couldn't make them out all that well, and figuring out which one was their aria, Rado, and their knight, Kyo, was a hopeless task without her contacts, but she could at least make out the other two, Petasus and Niko, since they did have pretty noticeable characteristics, even in her basically blind state. When they approached she made a note to turn her music off finally and remove her earphones, though not for the sake of the aria, knight, or even the dragoon - whose gentleman-like demeanor would seem to be deserving of it. Rather, it was something she always found herself doing in the presence of the young mute doctor. One shouldn't ask her why she found him deserving of such respectful treatment. She would have no answer. She simply did.

Perhaps, she felt a sense of duty to watch out for him?

That didn't seem to be in her nature though - for now it would simply be a mystery she'd have to solve later.

She squinted a bit when the boy waved, having a slightly difficult time making out the gesture - but upon realizing it was a greeting, her features softened and she bowed her head in her own 'hello'. " many. Tread lightly." Anzhela spared a glance towards the Aria as he spoke, though she had admittedly been deep in thought and missed the first part of what he had said she still nodded in acknowledgment and understanding. Although, since he didn't glance her way he probably wouldn't have known it.

She did notice Niko move towards the aria and start making gestures, which she could interpret as meaning something along the lines of 'Go in' and 'Get it over with.' Normally, she could clearly understand his hand gestures, but normally was a word that she used to describe days when she hadn't lost her contacts (which in actuality wasn't all that normal since usually she's lost them somewhere).

Turning from the boy she approached the door to the basement and gripped the handle, however, she didn't open it quite yet. Rather, she turned towards her team and spoke for the first time, "Ready?" Specifically, her eyes looked towards their dragoon and knight as it made sense for them to enter first and frankly she had already mentally decided that they would, whether they realized it or not. She might not be the team leader (and certainly not their keeper), but she'd at least drag the young doctor back herself if he tried to go in first (Rado was too heavy).

Then, she cracked it open - the 'vanguard' could get it the rest of the way (it's not that hard to open a door) - and stepped back and out of their way. Though, she still remained close enough to quickly enter behind Petasus and Kyo but before Rado and Niko. She couldn't force teamwork on her team, but she could at least do her part and her part generally involved protecting the doctor and aria while offering aid (whether they wanted it or not, or knew it was happening at all as often they didn't) to the knight and dragoon.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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(I'm going to change my thought color to a kind of yellow for now, Having 50 shades of gray as my thought color is reallllly hard to see)

"The self-proclaimed leader and the one with the broken voice box are right over there."

Petasus' attention was pulled to the direction of the blade, Revealing a snow whited haired man, followed by a mute dark-haired boy. Petasus then stared forward as the group started to gather at the location they were residing on, As tensions began to rise, Notably between the two white haired individuals, Petasus stayed silent, Since he was despised enough, He wouldn't want to get in between something he shouldn't.

"I'm sure the girl, Anz-something, is no idiot. If she wanted to find us, she'd be here already. Chances are she probably went to the mission site and is waiting, if not already beginning without us."

"Ah...", Petasus thought, Miss Anzhela, It seems she is the only person that keeps the boys in line, Particularly, Well, You get the idea...

Kyo seemed to be leading the way, As the other 3 tiresomely followed, "Hell, feel free to take the day off. You'll just be in the way anyways! A hero doesn't need inadequate sidekicks like you anyways!" That was Kyo's gunshot, As he picked up the pace and jogged over to the meeting spot, Petasus held his head in disbelief, "Perfect...I would love to jog" Though it was a sarcastic thought, They needed to hasten their movements anyways, After all, What kind of gentlemen keeps a lady waiting?

He was captivated by a snap, As the silent medic of the team motioned to follow, and quick at that, Petasus of course, Disliked the idea, As it would remove his gentlemen like posture, But, They needed move swiftly. Petasus let out a defeated sigh, As he ran after the other two, Not stopping to glance at Rado.

As he ran, He reached over to his breast-pocket, and pulled out a neatly folded slip of paper, He read over the details beforehand, But it wouldn't hurt for an additional perusal, Mysterious Noises, Investigate the Ruckus, All Details that Petasus has scanned over before. But it seems he was stopped at a halt, As they have arrived at their destination

There were mixed feelings between the group, However, This short reunion was put on hold, As Rado expressed anxious thoughts of discomfort.

"It is strange. It is growing and it is many. Tread lightly."

"Oh ho ho, Things are getting interesting" Petasus has never doubted his group's raw power until now, What they lack in team work, They make up in individual skill, With more enemies, They don't have to focus on the big picture, Everyone can just kill everything, Everyone can have their own agendas too, Kill, We could Kill... This thought of insanity, Pulled him away from reality. But it wasn't until The soft-spoken Anzhela, that Petasus woke up.

Of course they needed to get into formation, It was quite odd that Anzhela decided to crack open the door herself, But Anzhela, as much as he would like to admit it, is a true leader in a sense, All because she has a true desire to construct a team out of the nothing they all seem to be, It was all reassuring, That he at least had an anchor to earth in her. As expected, Petasus stepped in the front, Pulled out his odd firearms and with a light nod, Gestured Kyo to do the same.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sigma

Dialogue Color: #FF000D
Thoughts Color: #A0A0A0

"It is strange. It is growing and it is many. Tread lightly."

Now, Kyo was no dummy. It didn't take a scientist to figure out that the it in question was their opponent. Rather, based on what Rado has stated, opponents. Considering the idea of battling an opponent with unknown numbers, Kyo couldn't help but kiss his teeth. If there were a lot of opponents, he was gonna have a hard time keeping track of himself, let alone making sure none of them got focussed on the others. With that in mind, Kyo unsheathed the two knives from their respective containers, favoring the agility they gave him over the damage of the sword. However, he kept the sword in its sheathe that was strapped to his back. Better he had it with him just in case than face a scenario of having to fight a surplus of enemies barehanded.

Out of the corner of his eye, Kyo noticed the mute Niko making more gestures with his hand. Pushing the curiosity caused by the semi-concealed rabbit aside, Kyo was able to get the generally idea of what Niko was trying to say. We should go in. As if on cue, Anzhela stepped up towards the door, putting a hand on the handle. With a single question and a gaze directed at both himself and the masked dragoon beside him, she cracked open the door ever so slightly and backed away. The next to approach the door was the dragoon himself. He had drawn his twin pistols and looked towards Kyo with a nod.

Kyo lifted his own knives up to chest level, nodding back at the dragoon. Although, he felt a slight unease in doing so. As much as he disliked fighting up front alongside Petasus, this was not the time to be bickering about it. He took a deep breathe and looked back at the three behind them. Anzhela, the tamer, Niko, the doctor, and Rado, the aria. He pointed at each of the three in turn, including Petasus after. "You're all making it out of this alive, you hear me?" Kyo stated, though it was phrased as a question, it was spoken like an order. "'If fighting is considered bravery, then running away is even more.' You got that? If things are looking bad, you're all abandoning the assignment." Kyo scoffed a little, realizing that he had simply repeated words that were once said to him. Shaking any remains of unease aside, Kyo turned, not bothering to give any semblance of a signal to the remainder of his fellows, and dashed straight into the room.

The room was, for lack of better words, dark and dusty. Such was to be expected of a room which has seen nary a single visitor, save for whatever lurked within. He stepped slowly, carefully, through the darkness with his knives at the ready. Not good. Not good at all. I can't see a thing in this darkness. There's no telling what will attack us or from whe-- SHIT! Kyo's train of thought was abruptly interrupted by a shadowy object sailing towards his face. With a quick slash of his knives, he cut the object open, only to be greeted by a large plume of dust causing him to stumble backwards a few steps. He used the sleeve of one arm and attempted to rub the dust from his eyes, with the other hand came a single slash towards his front as to avoid getting hit by a counter attack.

Clearing his eyes of the dust that had momentarily stunned him, he spat onto the ground beside him. "Christ. It got in my mouth," he complained, agitation clearly present in his voice, "That's just playing dirty." (Please excuse the pun.) That's when he heard something that made the uneasiness return. The sound of movement, lots of it. We're definitely not alone in here. We're definitely outnumbered. What's more, we can't see them and it seem like they can see us. What the hell is going on here...?" Kyo's agitation only grew further as his attention whipped from direction to direction, trying to predict where the next attack would come from. Weapons at the ready, Kyo muttered, "I don't suppose anyone's got a light on them..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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0.00 INK


"I'm fairly certain everyone knows that rabbit is there..."

The youngest male there waved his arms about, becoming the others into finishing this whole mission as quickly as they possibly could. Following Niko's words, after Anzhela signaled for their Dragoon and Knight to enter the darkened chamber first.

Of course Petasus had no problem stepping forth, beckoning Kyo to follow his lead inside. Rado couldn't help but give off a scoff. These two were always ready to kill and creature in their sight, despite the fact that the rest of their team mostly consisted of demons themselves. Though Rado wasn't so foolish as to show his enemies any mercy, he could tell if they had malicious intent and these things lurking below certainly were not in the mood for a tea party.

After the woman had stepped in, he stepped forth himself. She normally worked as an aide to the front lines but she also made herself responsible for Rado and Niko. He understood the need to protected the two, especially when the beasts with even an iota of intelligence went after them first. He understood her intentions, though was insulted by her lack in faith in skills. Sure he wasn't as powerful as he could be, but that's not a good enough reason to coddle him in his eyes. He didn't feel the mutual respect of a trust battle partner, one of the reasons he didn't fight all that well along some people. He heard the clattering of falling debris and the mutterings of the white haired boy. He couldn't help but smirk in the cover of darkness.

"Karma truly is my savior."

"Blessed are the people pure of heart, for they shall see God."

A short, sweet, and small incantation that made the area around them glow, and honestly, he slightly regretted it.

Snake like beings with a variety of heads slithered about in the darkness. The group had the utter joy of witnessing one bite into another's neck, his teeth ripping out it's brethren's head from it's shoulders. However, instead of dying, two new heads grew in it's place. It seemed to take only a fraction of a second, but a good minute was what it took for it to reform. Rado mentally noted that, expecting the others to be smart enough to catch on.

However, most of the groups attention was place before them in the direction of the light. Rado noticed only to late at the fiend to their left as it's teeth sunk into his leg. His feet being swept from under, he fell back. However, his head never made contact with the floor as he was being dangled in the air by a ravenous beast. These creatures where smart, and with Rado showing his ability as an Aria already, one of them decided to have a snack out of him.

Dangling in the air was unpleasant to begin with. Sharp teeth sinking into his flesh as gravity tried to pull him down, blood soaking and dripping up his pant leg, all of it was very uncomfortable. With great labor and pain, he swung himself up, his hands gripping onto the beast's face. His ire glare met the beast's surprisingly intelligent looking eyes.

"Don't be afraid for I am with you. Don't be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."

With that, Rado's own right right glowed a brilliant, hot white. The maw that held him opened, releasing him as it let out a blood curdling screech before going limp. Rado crashed into the ground, his back taking a hard hit onto the concrete below. Wincing in pain, he had no time to react to the beast's second head striking down towards him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏr ✦ #408000
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #804080

Anzhela observed her teammates all naturally take their appropriate positions - well, as appropriate as this inept team could manage considering they really weren't a team in the proper sense of the word. Still, probably without really realizing or at the very least caring to admit it, everyone here acknowledge that they were in fact comrade in arms that each served different purposes and were each suited to specific tasks and they all innately complied to that subconscious (or conscious if they were anywhere near as thoughtful as Anzhela) knowledge.

Of course, some people would always be too independent and far too careless. After all, who would ever think dashing blindly into an unlit basement where multiple demons resided would be good idea? Anzhela had opened the door so that both the dragoon and knight, both of which wielded dual weapons, would be free to carry both of their weapons into the room without pause - she had assumed they'd enter cautiously, vanguard or not, giving the magically capable members of the team, such as herself or Rado, the opportunity to light the way before they engaged the demons within. But, alas, one member of their team was, as always, uncooperative.

After informing the rest of the team that if the battle became too dangerous they were to abandon the mission - and no she had not missed the way he had emphasized 'you' making it clear he had no such plan, Kyo rushed recklessly into the room alone. 'Stubborn fool.' Afterwards, she heard the sound of crashing and a rather unhappy sounding knight and vaguely shrugged her shoulders and sighed.

Cautiously following their dragoon into the room, she bit her left thumb, narrowed her eyes on the darkness that kept their opponent shrouded in mystery, and silently left a crimson trail on her right wrist. "Blessed are the people pure of heart, for they shall see God." The room was illuminated and their opponent revealed, well, sort of. It all kind of looked like a blurry mass of flesh to Anzhela who was likely considered legally blind without her contacts. After squinting just enough to make out individual snakes she realized that her opponent seemed to be multiple hydra-like creatures. 'So...targeting the heads is likely useless. We have to engage and destroy the core or purify them with arias. Okay, then step one-' Her thoughts were caught of by a blurry motion to her left. Subconsciously she moved out of the way, only to realize she wasn't the beasts target, but rather the aria was its goal.

She waited for a slight moment, knowing full well that the aria was more than capable and would deal with the head that held him in the air, rather she would wait for the second head to make its move since that was the only head that was a real threat. When the white haired boy finished his scripture recital and repelled the demon's jaws, Anzhela moved near his side and issued a command, "Клава , мучить всех."

As the first word left her mouth, Anzhela's body seemed to emit the faintest blue aura, which as the rest of the command was uttered, poured out and momentarily centralized itself in front of her. Upon completion, it dispersed in a pulse throughout the room and faded away as though it had never been to begin with.

It would initially seem like a grand light display with no purpose, yet it would have its intended effect - though what that effect might be would be unrealizable except to those under its influence. To those outside of it, confusion may be an unintentional result. Not directly, but indirectly because the moment the light faded the demons in the room would recoil away and release a horrible howl - not of rage or fear or intimidation, but of unimaginable anguish. The snake head before them was no exception, it would halt its advance a few mere inches from its intended target, draw back and screech. Then it, and others, would proceed to hiss at some invisible enemy that was located at an empty point slightly to the group's right, while it twitched as though it had been grievously injured though it had not.

A bead of sweat rolled down Anzhela's forehead and her hands trembled as the sensation of weakness jolted through her limbs - it would pass quickly, only to return every few seconds stronger and in more parts of her body as her familiar feasted upon her energy, thus making the urge to fall to her knees stronger every moment. She'd have to withdraw soon, there were too many demons to continue the illusion for long - it was already starting to fade and some of the heads were starting to regain their senses (curse her poor stamina), but she could hold it just long enough. 'Step one, distract the heads. Step two-'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ Black
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #657383

"Ready?" Niko nodded to Anzhela and watched as she opened the door. His hands went for the strap of his bland-colored satchel. As if Snyek knew something bad would come out of their mission, the rabbit stopped popping out of his jacket and started to shiver on the inside. Niko raised one hand to his chest, as if to comfort it to the best of his ability. As the doctor, he had enough talent to keep his group alive, but he was used to holding a weapon - a sword. Niko would have been a knight if his past hadn't limited him, so now he refused to pick up or even touch a weapon of any sort, even in the most dire times.

Niko watched as Kyo and Petasus walked in. He ran through his head the images of every single medical item within his tiny satchel, what kind of herbs were inside, what they cured, where to put them, when... things like that just to make sure. He wasn't the closest with his team, or anyone for that matter, but he wasn't going to let them get anywhere close to death.

"You're all making it out of this alive, you hear me? 'If fighting is considered bravery, then running away is even more.' You got that? If things are looking bad, you're all abandoning the assignment." The mute boy cocked his head to the side as if he didn't understand what he meant. 'That's not worry is it?' Niko wondered to himself, a dumb look still on his face. 'Can't be. Well, maybe. It's not like I want anyone to die either.' Internally, he shrugged to himself.

Just as Niko started to sign, 'Listen, we're not just going to abandon anyone in there and being the doctor I shouldn't even-' but before he could even finish moving his hand, Kyo had already ran through. 'Hey!' Niko's gesture clearly yelled for his missing voice and he quickly made his way in after Kyo. He felt a sort of responsibility as the doctor of the group. Whether he did a good or bad job impacted the life of their group, and he wasn't going to let them down, even with his disability that got in the way.

Especially in their situation.

It was dark, and no one would be able to see if he wanted to 'say' anything. That was frustrating. 'Damn...' Niko thought, eyes trying to adjust to the complete darkness, but it was impossible, even being what he was. If anything, his true self really only gave him a boost of insanity, he himself - Niko Vasiliev, the exorcist - gained nothing out of it.

But he could definitely the presence of many things within the basement. While trying to find his way around, he bumped his knee onto a dusty desk and cursed in his mind before hearing Kyo be attacked. There was an urge to reach at his waist, grab that sword that was always there in the past, but all that was there, was a satchel full of his supplies. There was nothing he could do to attack or defend. His job was to simply stand there and wait until someone got hurt to do something.

"Christ. It got in my mouth. That's just playing dirty."

Niko shivered at the thought of anything down in that basement getting in someone's mouth. He could have ran through his satchel, blindly, to try and find a cure but it didn't seem like Kyo felt any pain, and it wasn't as though he could speak and ask questions but when he asked for a light, Niko's hands ran over each vial, each container and bag in his satchel. The names ran in his head again, but he couldn't find anything that would glow. 'Anzhela should-' He stopped moving his hands, continuing to forget that they were in the dark. He bit down on his lip and lowered his hands back to his sides and decided that if he was given time, he'd try and make the most of it by searching for an antidote of some sort ahead of time before any legitimate attack happened.

And something did.

"Don't be afraid for I am with you. Don't be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."

The room glowed and Niko saw as Rado was released, instantly moving over to him after memorizing where he was in that room. He kneeled down beside him, trusting that the others had the fight under control - he had no time to look at what everyone else was doing besides Anzhela who had protested their aria from the second blow. 'Don't move. Keep speaking or whatever, but stay still. I'm taking care of your wounds." He drew the letters as quickly and as messily as possible on Rado's hand, seeing how speaking obviously wasn't an option. Either way, it must have been obvious that Niko had to take care of his wounds as quickly as possible. He reached into his satchel and felt for a small jar that he took a few green-gold leaves out and began to lay them over his wounds, hoping he was using the right antidote for the right wound.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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Petasus wasn't astonished at Kyo, Running-in-all-by-himself, he was just greatly despondent. All ideas of teamwork or survival were thrown out the window, As the white haired albino charges in, Even after his big speech about living, Hypocritical to say the least. But abnormal actions, are expected from abnormal members, on an abnormal team, partaking in an abnormal mission.

As EXPECTED FROM A MEMBER OF THE FRONT LINES, Petasus stays close to his team, The room was pitch-black, And wearing a mask didn't help with his eyesight, Of course, He had his guns pointed at the enemy, Wherever they were, He just knew, he was to become the shield for the people behind him. He was cautious where he stepped though, Walking slowly and surely, Further and Further into the darkness, Threats rising up from all sides, The experiment, was about to begin...

"Christ. It got in my mouth. That's just playing dirty.", Petasus turned to Kyo's voice, The only thing that was noisy enough, It was clear that they couldn't use their eyes in a situation unless someone had, Just as Kyo had said, A light...

Petasus' prayers were answered as a hushed incantation was incited , Lighting up the whole room, Revealing a beast with many heads, As the head rip of many of it's necks, Another two heads sprouting out a minute after, Petasus read about this before, He just doesn't remember...what he read.

Petasus had little time to react, as one of the heads snatched up Rabo, A claw machine, With Rabo as the prize, "Ah...We are doing a poor job...Protecting the most important member of the team, It was true, Rabo could decimate a demon with a simple word, But now, he was at the mercy of the enemy, If Rabo was any less skillful, He would be dead, instead releasing himself in a matter of seconds. Petasus was impressed, But he little time to stay that way, As Rabo was almost crushed by descending head, Saved by Anzhela, and currently being treated by Niko.

As for Petasus, He quickly made it to the side of his teammates, He leaned towards Anzhela's ear and softly spoke. "Think of something while I'm gone, Will you?, Petasus then jumped into the fray, Distracting the heads, Attempting to direct the attention of the heads to the side, Away from his teammates.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sigma

Dialogue Color: #FF000D
Thoughts Color: #A0A0A0

Kyo was rather occupied with the lingering taste of dust and dirt that stained his mouth. Quite occupied that the team's aria, Rado, had begun a chant. When he had noticed what was going on, it was a bit too late for him to prepare himself. The room was suddenly bathed in bright light, effectively rendering the white haired male blind, albeit temporarily. Bringing his arm to cover up his eyes while they adjusted Kyo heard scuffling and the sounds of conflict. Though, in his blinded state, he was unable to know who was being attacked, much less defend them.

Soon enough, Kyo's eyes adjusted to the now brightly lit room, though the first thing he saw was not quite to his liking. On the opposite side of the room stood a beast that was seemingly plucked out of the realm of fiction and dropped right before his very eyes. "You are one ugly thing aren't you?" Kyo muttered under his breath, noting the beast severing one of its many heads only to have two more grow in its place. He glanced around to find out the position of his team members and winced when he saw Rado on the ground being cared for by Niko, both of which were being covered by Anzhela.

Kyo couldn't help but tighten his grip on his knives. He was the knight; it was his job to be the shield that protected his team, regardless of how poorly they function as one, yet he failed to do so. It was at that time that he noticed Petasus go up to Anzhela and whisper something in her ear. He was definitely too far away to hear the specifics, but it was something along the lines of, cover Niko and Rado while I distract the beast, judging by the fact that he ran and started taking on the enemy and Anzhela stayed back.

Damn. Can't let him get all the glory, can I? Hell, my job is the front lines anyways! Kyo dashed over to the three and glanced over at Niko and Rado. "Hey, Rado. There are better places to rest than on the ground, yeah?" Kyo said, putting on a smug attitude, "You can rest later, y'know?" With that, Kyo dashed pass Anzhela, giving her a light yet firm pat on the shoulder as though to say, "watch them for me, will you?"

Kyo jumped into the fray alongside Petasus. He parried one head's lunge at him and was about to slice clean through, but he recalled the earlier occurrence where the beast had grow two heads from the stump of one severed head. He jumped out of the way just as another head came sailing at him. Continuing to parry head after head, he tried to think of some way to kill this beast without adding to the total number of mouths to watch out for, but couldn't think of any. Right now, Petasus and himself were doing fine playing a defensive game, but with the amount of heads the opponent had, not to mention the ability to create more, it was only a matter of time before they were overwhelmed and out of energy. They had to end this fast, but the question was: How?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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The Aria cringed, the leaves on his leg burning with a sort of intensity that he had felt before. Taking a calming breath, he overlooked the leaves and let out a sigh. It was just what he needed, though the pain at first was intense. The herb basically stops the bleeding and numbs pain by practically shocking the exposed nerve endings.
He peered at the woman standing above him and Niko, hearing her muttered words as she stood on the defense. A human defending two whom are not exactly thus, it's not something he was accustomed to witnessing, though it was typical of this woman in particular. He let out a small grunt as he sat up, though nothing was broken a sharp pain radiated through his back.

"I'm fine."

He waved a hand before Niko in a dismissive manner, leaning forward to stand up onto his own two feet. He spotted the masked man talking to the woman, though he paid no mind to his words as he directed his attention to the beasts before the group.

"Hey, Rado. There are better places to rest than on the ground, yeah? You can rest later, y'know?"

"Feh. My flesh and my heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

He let out a scoff at the boy's cocky attitude, leaning heavy on his good leg as he lifted a hand towards the beasts with the dried blood on his leg glowed. It seemed to melt the dried fluid into it's liquid form and rose up to his hand. It took the shape of a cross, the ends sharpened to a point. With a flick of his wrist, the blood formed cross embedded itself into the other head of the same beast that had attacked him, effectively killing that creature.

"A lesser, groveling beast like you dare bare your fangs to me? I'll show you no mercy. And if it's not clear... Aim for their brain, or preferably their heart."

His eyes fell on the albino young man, a condescending look on his features. The first part was directed at the beasts while the last part was his own way to get back at the child for his own jeering comment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏr ✦ #408000
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #804080

When things do happen, they tend to happen all at once and usually after a catalyst of sorts. And often, Anzhela finds herself staring after the events as they unfold and then rushing to catch up. This seemed to be one such time. Though that isn't to say she was left behind this time, rather quite a few things had occurred in the last few minutes and she had made the conscious decision not to pay much attention to the things that didn't concern her specifically in order to avoid that very condition so in all actuality she had done well at keeping up.

Niko had ran to the aid of the aria, as was to be expected, and Petasus had also approached albeit a little late to the party as she had already saved the day, but he was at least faster to the uptake than their knight was - probably since he was more team oriented than the knight (though hardly by much it seemed). She heard before she saw Petasus lean in and whisper in her ear, "Think of something while I'm gone, Will you?" Well, yes. She could do that. She was quite good at thinking. She blinked as the dragoon dashed forward, simultaneously giving a faint nod - though it was not directed at the dragoon. The short illusion that had been cast over the creatures of the room dissipated and Anzhela breathed an unintentional sigh of relief. While she was still worn out, it no longer felt like she bore a heavy weight on her shoulders.

"Hey, Rado. There are better places to rest than on the ground, yeah? You can rest later, y'know?" The woman's eyes glanced at the blurred forms behind her for a moment before looking forward once again.

'That hardly seems appropriate at the moment.' If they hadn't been in such dire straits at the moment, the tamer might have been inclined to smack the knight upside the head. But alas, now was not the time - her mind refocused on the creatures in front of her, she barely even noticed the light tap on the shoulder given to her by the knight as he joined the dragoon.

Her gaze flickered from side to side, trying to make out the forms of some of the equipment in the room, perhaps there might be something of use there, like a net to hold the beast down with or at least limit the movement of its many heads. Her eyes rested for a moment on the destroyed beast in front of her, which the aria had made quick work of (revenge is a powerful motivator it seems), before glancing back to the other beast in front of her. She could summon Kirill, but she didn't feel it was necessary at this point. If there was anything her team couldn't handle - Klava and herself were more than capable of handling.

'Mostly dead...', for one reason or another that phrase came to mind. It was something she vaguely remembered hearing on a documentary about snakes - though it hardly seemed to apply to the creature the aria had just totally decimated. No that monster was totally dead. Now, the same could not be said about the other creatures in front of her. "Клава , найти сеть или что-то и владеть ею." A little blue flame-like light flickered into existence and disappeared to the edge of the room, it could be seen flickering around from place to place occasionally hovering over the occasional box, before disappearing into one.

Now wasn’t a good time – if she tried to trap the beast in a net now, it was likely that the dragoon and knight would get caught along with the beast – so she’d wait for the opportune moment to strike. Or she would simply avoid wasting energy where it wasn’t necessary. Either way, her task wasn’t to destroy the beast; it was simply to offer support where it was needed. If it was unneeded she wouldn’t pointlessly use her energy.

She heard the hissing of the hydra in front of her and fell into a defensive stance – fully aware that she had been somewhat lost in thought and now was not the time for that. She heard the sound of combat, but frankly couldn’t really see it all that well. As a matter of fact she heard the sound of rushing air and scales sliding against the ground before she saw the tail swinging her way across the floor. As a result, she was slightly delayed in her avoidance. She jumped in time to dodge having her feet knocked out from under her and landing on her back, but not soon enough to avoid catching her foot on the tail all together. As a result she did fall forward onto her knees. ”…ow…”

’I should have put more effort into finding my contacts this morning.’ She was back on her feet and brushing herself off within moments – a slight sting on her hands and knees, but over all she was perfectly fine. If anything, it was her pride that got most of the damage.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ Black
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #657383

Just before Niko finished patching Rado's injuries, he heard his voice admit the chaos going on in the dark, "I'm fine." He 'watched' in the dark as the aria picked himself up, ignoring Niko's attempt to tend to his wounds. By habit, again, his hands started to move, 'Don't try and be a fighter. You'll get yourself killed.'

"Hey, Rado. There are better places to rest than on the ground, yeah? You can rest later, y'know?"

"Feh. My flesh and my heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

Niko gritted his teeth, quickly standing up off the dark ground and quickly adjusting the strap of his satchel. 'What the hell's wrong with these guys...' He thought, a bit frustration showing on his often deadpan face. Luckily it was dark, no one would be able to point out the crazy obvious that he actually bore an expression for a few seconds. 'Is this really the time to be challenging each other?' Niko's hands moved, not that anyone would see of course.

"A lesser, groveling beast like you dare bare your fangs to me? I'll show you no mercy. And if it's not clear... Aim for their brain, or preferably their heart." Rado spoke as another demon fell dead at his feet.

Then their knight and dragoon jumped into the heat of the battle.

Out of no where, Niko's hand reached to his side, but it wasn't for his satchel. It was for a weapon. Suddenly, he felt sick to his stomach. It was a terrible habit he still possessed from his dark, disgusting past. He wanted to throw up, having the memories suddenly flood into his mind all at once. If he could hardly see in the dark before, now he went blind with only flashing images from his past, full of just red, red, red, more red, more red, red everywhere. He almost fell backwards, almost lost control of his mind for a few seconds there.

Thankfully, the small grunt coming from Anzhela got him to return back to reality. That's right... Niko wasn't a knight. He didn't have a weapon, and he never would. He was a doctor, meant to save people, and what use would he be if he couldn't even save his own team? Feeling as though he was needed again, Niko rushed over to her side and did the same thing, drawing letters and words gently on the palm of his hand since he still found it difficult to see. 'You alright? Need help?' The noises of combat almost drew his eyes away. His ears twitched at the gun shots and sounds of metal clanging. 'Damn it, they have to hurry up and kill that thing already.' He motioned in the air. Things didn't seem to be going too well so far. They were holding their ground, but that didn't mean they'd win, and eventually, their group would have to tire out. Who knew when that thing would.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Kyo Zero Character Portrait: Raburadōru Nisemono
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Petasus has always been optimistic, Even if it adds to his insanity,Even in dark times such as this one, He still has a hope of victory, even if it's slight, As Petasus ran at the beast, Dodging flying heads, In the corner of his eye, He saw that Kyo decided to join the party as well, Two of the most agile people on the team, Tasked with distracting the many heads from there injured teammates, They were doing a good job, But even Petasus knew that if this kept up, they wold be caught eventually, and become a meal for this thing.

"You know, Now would be a good thing to think of it!", Petasus remarked in a sing-song tone, The remark directed straight for Anzhela, As much as Petasus would enjoy this experiment to go on for a bit longer, This experience was a bit disgusting, Even for Petasus' taste, his suit might get a bit dirty.

Petasus and Kyo were doing a fine job dodging the monster's assorted heads, But, "If this continues, We will be out of energy, and at the mercy of the enemy , Petasus wasn't sure about Kyo's current state, but even the madman was getting a bit fatigued from frolicking about with this beast, Though, With the combined force of Petasus's weariness and his...sateless desire for knowledge, What would be beaten by one of these feel like?

As Petasus dodge the incoming projectiles, A head found it's way, Sinking it's teeth in Petasus' left shoulder, However..Not even a groan or shift in comfort, Only a laugh, A manically laugh at that.

"AHAHAHAHAH, THIS IS ALL SO INTERESTING!", Losing his usual demeanor in his descent into madness, The mixed feeling of the pain, turned into pleasure, The gash going all the way to the bone, If he didn't have his mask on, A large smile would form on his face, Maybe even the hydra itself was scared, The real question is, Who is the real monster?

In a swift motion, Petasus pulled out a canister of holy water, Slamming the can on the head, The container exploding, Holy liquid being flung in every direction, Repelling the head, This gave time for Petasus' to leap to safety, though the mental damage has already been done, A deranged laughter escaped his mouth as he looked back at the monster, The hydra seemed to let out some type of poison from the bite, But Petasus didn't seem to care, He wanted blood, didn't matter who's, Raising his good arm, Aiming his pistol at the hydra, A clash between two beast, was about to commence.