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Heather Swan

Real? What is real? I don't think I know the difference anymore.

0 · 767 views · located in Roseville

a character in “The Devil You Know”, as played by VincentRayne



age: 21Image
sexuality: Heterosexual
birthday: November 23
occupation: Barista at coffee shop
hexcode: 003333xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDiary of Dreams - She and Her Darknessxx||xx Lacuna Coil - Virtual Environmentxx ||xx Massive Attack - Come Near Me

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Heather keeps it a secret that she has schizophrenia. The only ones that know are her parents and good friend. She doesn't like how differently she's treated or the looks others give her if they know. Especially, after being compared to crazy people in mental institutions when Heather was younger.

But her big secret is the one of her being a kidnap victim. The PTSD alongside her already existing mental condition was practically unbearable. Especially, when passing by the spot where she was taken almost daily going to and from school. She hated being reminded of the even and didn't like talking about it with anyone outside of her psychologist. So Heather moved away as soon as she was legally able.
β–²Anything Horror & Occult
β–²Cloudy and rainy days x
β–ΌLoud people
β–ΌMainstream music
β–ΌDisrespectful and insensitive people

Spacing out
Listening to music
Observing others
ΓΈ Being the center of attention ΓΈ
ΓΈ Sports ΓΈ
ΓΈ Number of fears increase when off meds ΓΈ
ΓΈ Extroverts ΓΈ

It's all true, God's an alien, Neverland is the 2nd star to the right & this planet is where the monsters go.

Heather wears clothes similar to what you could guess a person obsessed with dark things would dress like. But she wasn't on the extreme side. Her clothes were quite normal with the added fact that her default color revolved around black and greys. Heather is a big fan of wearing shirts with some type of logo or picture on them. Even after leaving high school her apparel almost always consisted of something out of hot topic.
Heather was once a pretty outgoing girl. Sure, she was shy at first but once she opened up she was a joy to be around. And if a topic came up that was around one of her likes then she was immediately engaged. Especially, the topic of music. Even though her hobby of loving occult and horror topics would bite her in the ass if she ever forgot to take her meds, she just couldn't keep herself away from the subject. They were fascinating subjects because they often revolved around the unknown. And the unknown was a topic Heather liked entertaining herself with. With how many shows, podcast, movies, and stories the girl has heard, read, and watch on the subjects she could be considered a guru.

But after the kidnapping Heather became a different person. Anything that was outgoing or energizing about her or her personality ceased. She became quiet and withdrawn. Many times during her long recovery phase, it almost seemed like the medicine she took for her medical condition didn't work. And her paranoia grew to the point where it was a constant emotion Heather had. After she moved she felt much better as if a weight was lifted off of her shoulders and she almost returned to her pre-kidnapped state but with a lot less social interaction. That is until the place she left in her past seemed to be calling back to her.

Normal? I don't even know what that is.

When Heather was sixteen she was kidnapped. Her only mistake was deciding to walk home alone that night and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. While taking a normal route from a friend's a van pulled up and two men exited the vehicle quickly and jumped the girl. It wasn't hard for two grown men to overpower a five foot three, one hundred and twelve pound, girl. Heather was immediately subdued through chloroform and carried back to the van. She was held in some type of basement cellar for a few days. She eventually learned that she was going to be sold as a slave and was taken care of to a small degree since she was going to be someone else's property and was considered good merchandise since she was both Asian and American. But they didn't account for her mental state. Heather was schizophrenic and did not have her medication on her during the kidnapping. This immediately made her useless as a slave and would hardly fetch a decent price let alone a good one since people of her medical condition weren't worth the trouble they were to put up with. So Heather was then left in the cellar. She was rarely fed or taken care of anymore. She saw other girls, and even young boys, come and go. Three months later the kidnappers were talking about moving their operations somewhere else since staying in one place too long after taking so many was risky. The abductors were preparing to kill the girl when a police raid happened. Both of the kidnappers as well as a few others part of the operation were killed, refusing to go down without a fight or be taken in.

Heather was rescued being extremely malnourished and dehydrated. Doctors guessed she wouldn't have lived much longer if left in the current condition. It took a full year of weekly therapy to even get any resemblance of normalcy out of Heather again. But even then the effects of PTSD were still obvious. She'd seen others killed for trying to escape and many more were taken and never seen again, most likely sold off. Immediately after turning eighteen she moved away hoping a change in location and scenery would help her get over her PTSD and try to gain some semblance of life back.

So begins...

Heather Swan's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Lee Romero Character Portrait: Willow Henderson Character Portrait: Benjamin Thomas Character Portrait: Heather Swan
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0.00 INK

xLocation: Heather’s Place |xOutfit: Here

xxxOh, what a shame that you came here with someone
xxxSo while you're here in my arms
xxxI Let's make the most of the night
xxxLike we’re gonna die young


Rebecca jumped a little when she heard a noise, well more of a crash in the kitchen. Benji was the first to get up, him saying sorry as he rushed up and into the kitchen. Rebecca looked over at Willow, a little bit of fear in both of their eyes. Before she could say anything to her, Benji yelled out something about Heather, and then willow rushed off. "What the fuck is going on” Rebecca said to herself as she pushed herself up and headed into the kitchen, quickly seeing Heather and gasping and covering her mouth. Benji was quickly on the ground and Willow on her knees putting a wet cloth on her forehead.

Before Rebecca could do anything, Willow started rambling again, she mentioned the party. Rebecca quickly had a small flashback of the party, remembering being outside and kissing Lee. When Rebecca came back to the situation at hand she quickly excused herself. β€œI-I’ll be right back” Rebecca said as she then stormed out the front door and onto the lawn, trying to catch her breathe and hands from shaking. Fuck, why did I kiss him. What’s wrong with me. Why didn’t he tell me, is he ashamed, I thought we were friends. Is this what everyone was talking about? A ton of thoughts flooded through Rebecca’s head, she thought about texting Lee, but right now she too was embarrassed. Benji and Willow were too caught up with Heather.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Lee Romero Character Portrait: Lincoln Cole Character Portrait: Willow Henderson Character Portrait: Benjamin Thomas Character Portrait: Heather Swan
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: party xxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"Welcome to a fabulousxxxsense of lost self, xxxacute paranoia,xxxand emotional trauma."
Heather woke up to the sound of thunder outside followed by a steady rainfall. Heather was her bed. There were the sounds of people talking amongst themselves somewhere outside her bedroom door. The girl remembered she had guest over and ran out the door to greet them. When she reached the living room something immediately felt off. The whole place was lit up by candles and the group were sitting in a wide circle. Willow, Rebecca, Lee, Benjamin, and Lincoln were there. But the thing that was surprising was Sarah being present as well someone she didn’t quite recognize.

β€œHey, Heather, you’re just in time!” Sarah called out. β€œWe’re playing β€˜never have I ever’. Come join us.” Heather reluctantly agreed as she was led to an empty space to sit as part of the circle. Everyone seemed genuinely happy but Heather couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. The game went on as usual and everyone was having a good time. But then the unfamiliar man butted in.

β€œThis game isn’t exciting enough! So let’s spice it up a bit.” The man then pulled out a pistol. To Heather’s shock everyone seemed to nod and mutter their approval as an empty bottle was placed on the floor in the middle of the circle. He then spun it. It pointed at Sarah.

β€œTruth or dare.” Everyone but Heather giggled at the man’s phrase including Sarah.

β€œUm, okay. Truth.” She said with a smile.

β€œTell everyone your deepest, darkest, secret.” Sarah’s smile faltered a little.

β€œWell, I guess if I had to choose then that time during spring brea-”

β€œWrong!” The man interrupted.

β€œThen the time I was in middle scho-”

β€œWrong again.” The man interrupted again.

β€œSarah,” Heather spoke up. β€œYou should, probably, to tell the truth.” She said in a cautious voice.

β€œIt’s none of your business, Heather!” And a gunshot rang out. Heather sat in place, in shock, staring at her dead friend. The only reaction from the others were tsk’s and mutters of disappointment.

β€œWell, let’s try again, shall we?” The man said and spun the bottle again. This time it landed on Heather. She looked from the bottle and up towards the man. The girl was now looking down the barrel of his gun while everyone else looked on in anticipation.

β€œTruth or dare, Heather?” The man asked and she squeezed her eyes shut, wishing she was somewhere--anywhere else.

When Heather opened her eyes again she say the faces of Ben and Willow looking over her. The girl jumped with a start before realizing she was awake. Then came the confusion of why she was on the ground. Then the memories came flooding back to her. Sarah’s death, everyone staying the night at her place, then the threatening text message.

Remembering the text, Heather quickly stood up to look for it. Luckily, her phone was on the counter with the screen switched off. Heather let out a sigh of relief before she felt herself sway a bit again. This time, due to the headrush from standing so suddenly. She let herself be guided to the living room and lay on a couch.

β€œI’m so sorry, guys. I must have missed the time to take my meds. Just give me a second.β€œ She let the cool rag rest on her forehead again before noticing something off and sat back up looking around. β€œGuys, where’s Rebecca?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Lee Romero Character Portrait: Lincoln Cole Character Portrait: Willow Henderson Character Portrait: Heather Swan
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0.00 INK

000000L E E 0 R O M E R O 000000000000000|00000000000000000000000 W I L L O W 00 H E N D E R S O N

#4e4956 0 | 0 #6d0202

lee 0 | 0 willow

A few days had passed since they'd all received the texts, and things had been quiet. Or, at least, they hadn't gotten any texts. Life had gone on despite them. And for some, life had just gone on around them. Lee hadn't left the house since walking home from the incident with Link. He'd just ordered in take-out as he trawled the internet, feeding his paranoia. He'd analysed and analysed and had eventually come to the conclusion that Link had freaked out because it was him. Because it was Lee, known to be promiscuous. He'd fed his anxiety instead of doing anything else, instead of even going for a run.

And then Willow had sent a text around, asking them all to meet at her house. He didn't want to go. He hadn't been planning on going. But then she'd added that it was about the texts a bunch of them had received, and curiosity had gotten the better of him. So he'd thrown on some clean clothes, ran his hands through his hair, and set out for Willow's place.

Even if it was only a chill hangout, Willow felt like being a hostess. Perhaps it was due to the sundress she'd made and was now wearing to make sure it was comfortable. Or maybe it was just so she would have something to do, something to keep her hands busy. A medium quality red wine- not the cheapest, but she wasn't forking out a huge amount of money for them either. And finger food. It was nearly lunch-time anyway. She'd raided the internet and had produced some slightly messy spring rolls, handmade meatballs, chicken wings of various flavours, as well as some tortilla chips and salad. And she'd also produced a collection of sticky notes and had cleared a space of the wall for them to stick them up. Willow needed to take action. She needed to be doing something. She had just started sipping her first glass of wine when the doorbell rang, holding Lee on the other side. "Hey hun. Food in the sitting room." He nodded a little stiffly. "Uhh, who else is coming?" He asked, suddenly realising he might have to face someone he'd been avoiding. "Not sure. Guess we'll find out." She said, with a sigh and a sip of her wine.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Lee Romero Character Portrait: Lincoln Cole Character Portrait: Willow Henderson Character Portrait: Benjamin Thomas Character Portrait: Heather Swan
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: His hotel room/Willow's house
xxxoutfit: here
xxxHex: #095682


xxx"I never strayed to far from you
xxxForever by your side
xxxNo matter what I was going through?
xxxBut now I never know the things to say to you."


The water rained down on Benji's shoulders and slid down his skin. It had long since ceased being hot and was now lukewarm inching towards cold. He knew it was time to get out of the shower. It was time to go to Willow's and see the others. To face things. He couldn't get himself to do it. Every time he reached for the faucet, the things he did in high school and Sarah's funeral flashed through his mind. And he pulled his hand back.

He thought about not going. It certainly would be easier on him. Less stress. In fact, he could probably just... hop a flight home. Though, he wasn't sure the authorities were done questioning them all yet. He wondered if any of the others had alerted them to the texts. He hadn't and he honestly doubted that anyone else had. Willow and Lee weren't the type and Heather and Becca... them, he wasn't sure, but it was obvious Becca had done something she really wanted to hide.

After Heather had fainted, they had brought her to the couch until she came to. Then they went looking for Becca. After that... they all dispersed. He hadn't heard from any of them in days. Not until he got the text from Willow requesting everyone make their way to her house to talk about the text messages they were all getting. He had frowned down his phone, panic and worry roiling in his stomach. Needless to say, he hadn't had much to eat the past few days. Hadn't left the hotel much either. He still went to the gym every so often. He went jogging. Took some photos. Went swimming. Things to distract and calm.

Now it seemed there was no running from his problems. He sighed, pulling his shoulder bag off the chair it was hanging on and made it way out the door. He had been to Willow's house... once. Years ago, but somehow he still remembered where it was. Maybe it was the charming atmosphere of the neighborhood... or maybe it was whatever feelings he'd had for Willow...and may still have.

She was still just as beautiful as she was in high school. She hadn't aged any, but her eyes definitely held age in them. Like something weighs her down. Benji allowed himself to think about the possibility of traveling with her all over the world. Showing her things to inspire her clothing while he photographed the things that inspired him. He wasn't going to lie. Most of the photos would probably be of her... and how she reacted to the world around her.

Before he was ready, there was her house. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and taking in the peaceful sounds of the neighborhood. Then he walked up and knocked. Or... that had been the plan. Link was already there, turning as if to leave, just as Willow opened the door behind him. Benji pretended not to notice the retreat and smiled softly at the boy. "Hey Link," he said as he moved around him. If the boy wanted to leave, Benji wasn't going to stop him. He walked up to Willow and pulled her into an embrace. He hoped she wouldn't mind. He felt they both probably needed the quick comfort of a friend. When he released her he asked, "How are you holding up?" His blue eyes full of concern.