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Cassandra Claren

"I don't want to burn you, but I will. Back off."

0 · 372 views · located in Calor

a character in “The Four”, originally authored by QueenJen, as played by RolePlayGateway


Cassandra Claren


Cassie’s a cute girl, standing at 5’6” with big curly brown hair and warm chocolate-gold eyes. She’s a peachy skin tone that tans darkly in the summer

An intelligent, wistful young woman who always dwells on the could be’s, rather than was currently going on around her. She’s distracted easily, and is always daydreaming. Cassie’s absent minded tendencies write her off as a bit of an airhead, but she’s actually extremely deep, giving out good advice, and often reciting poetry or music. She uses her magic without hesitation, though she doesn’t like hurting people.

Aside her magic, Cassie’s only weapon is a small forearm-length dagger she carries everywhere. She’s skilled with it’s use and can be dangerous if provoked or wanting to protect someone.

Cassie was born in a small village in Sirdet, where she was raised by her parents, who were avid scholars and dabbled in magic. They found Cassie’s elemental potential at a young age, and began teaching her what they knew, hoping she could one day pull them out of poverty with her talents. As she got older, Cassie became skilled in Fire magic, though she’s basically useless with any other type. Aside from a weak shielding spell, fire magic was all she could do, and her parents resented what she could have been. The family was tense as she continued growing up, but Cassie kept honing her magic.

If Cassie concentrates hard enough, she can condense her fire magic into something like red electricity. It’s her most powerful magic, but often leaves her passed out for a few hours.
All she wants is to feel welcome among friends, as those in the village don’t exactly welcome her, and wants to protect people with her seemingly destructive magic.

So begins...

Cassandra Claren's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Arion was very grateful to Naveah for shortening their journey. He would not be able to accomplish such a feat without extremely weakening himself. "Wonderful," he said happily, then thanked him. He looked at his home in relief, seeing that the entrance was still there and presumably the rest of it. "I made it myself, but recently had to expand it to accommodate the rest of you." He chuckled and motioned for Naveah to enter first. The elf followed after him before loosely sealing the small mouth of the cave.

Within a few moments they entered the main part of the cave, where Arion lived. Off to the side was the 'prison cell' containing Cassandra, Connor, and Meredith. It seemed that they had just woken up and none of them were happy.

He heard Cassandra's last comment and cleared his throat to let them know that their 'stupid kidnapper' was here. "Well, I wouldn't have to kidnap you all if you would have come willingly like Naveah here" He motioned to the teenager beside him as he looked at the three from the other side of his glowing wall. "I will give you food and release you from that room, but first I want you to know that I am not going to harm you." His lights eyes flickered to Connor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor was suddenly abrupt with a column of fire next to his face. Cassandra started to ramble on about their safety and when she calmed down Connor shook his head. "Hey it's okay I wasn't hurt don't worry about it I'm fine." he smiled and looked at her calmly.

Connor shot up at the sound of the elf. He didn't want to truley give into him but he also wanted to eat and get out. He walked up to the wall and talked in his most genuine gentleman voice. "Now my dear elf friend why would I ever hurt you? All I and my compions want is some food and room to breathe that is all, oh and I would very much like my axe back would that be an issue? " he said then smiled sweetly like a man trying to court a woman but his face hid the intention to get it back and walk out the door unless there was a real problem in the world. He then saw the look of the boy. Connor was disgusted. The boy was so trim and proper it made Connor sick to his stomach. Then it hit him, if Meredith was fiesty and water and Cassandra was friendly and fire that must mean this guy is a proper boy and air. He wanted to spit on him but didn't show any signs of anger other than his toes curling in his boots.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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#, as written by xBunnyx
Meredith gasped as Connor almost got burned. "Yikes" she said Quickly. She noticed the elf and ... Other Mage at the door. he had come willingly?! The elf said he wouldn't hurt them... Meredith didn't tknow if she believed that. The mage seemed very... Poised. Hmm. She matched up to te door and bluntly asked. "Why did you kidnap us?" When he hesitated, she asked again. She wanted answers.
(sorry for short post >.<)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Arion was soon staring directly at two angry people. It was a good thing that this wall absorbed any elemental magic thrown at it. "Connor, you and I both know how sincere you really are. Sudden changes in behaviour are automatic warning signs. The last time I talked to you you challenged me for a fight. This time you're almost begging me for your precious axe. If our roles were reversed- thank the gods they aren't- wouldn't you be suspicious?" He smiled slightly. "I will give you your axe back when I believe you can handle it properly."

He then looked at Meredith. "Would you have come with a strange elf freely when Calor is being attacked by these frost magi? If I wouldn't have forcibly taken you three, you may not have come here and I need you here." His voice had lost the mocking tone he'd used with Connor and switched to a very serious one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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#, as written by xBunnyx
Meredith studied the elf. "How do you need us?" she inquired." we're A strange bunch to have a get together with" She couldn't stand him obviously keeping information from them. "Now one more time, "why did you bring us here?" she had narrowed her eyes and summoned a bit of water in her hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Arion remained silent, wondering what exactly she would try to do to him. "As tempted as I am to keep bugging you, I will stop. How are you supposed to save Calor and everyone in it if you don't know about it?" Smirking a bit, he took a step away from the wall to avoid any trouble with these three. He would wait and see how they reacted before giving them more details to their life and death determining fate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Naveah, upon seeing his captive "friends" simply smiled and walked up to the wall, placing a soft hand against it.

"This is sturdy magic," he said softly as he took in each of them behind the wall. Two girls and a boy. He could tell simply by looking at them and the way they acted what their elements were. The boy, Connor, sturdy and proud. He was surely earth. The girl, Meredith, forceful yet calm. She surely was water. Finally, the last girl, Cassandra, really nothing like her element, but he could tell by the smoke slowly seeping from her mouth after firing a fire shot moments ago. She was fire. All four major elements in one place.

Naveah moved to the side, and sat silently in mid air as he listened to the elf and the three captives exchange words. He had his eyes closed, but he was indeed listening to them. With Arion stopped talking after informing them that they'd be saving Calor from the frost magi, Naveah simply chuckled.

"I figured as such, do continue kind elf. We mustn't keep them waiting, after all, I'm sure you won't be able to persuade them all, especially the one with earth magic. His head is too sturdy and prideful."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Arion seemed like a lion observing its prey, watching tentatively as Meredith panicked and seemed to lose it beforr regaining control of herself. He made a point to ignore Connor, though he knew it was not an empty threat. He would have to keep an eye on him at all times. He felt like he was playing the role of a father instead of a big brother.

Sighing, he looked to Naveah as he spoke and smiled. The elf had not realized how humorous this young lad was. Turning back to face the others, he continued his explanation. "Many years before we were born, a prophecy was written about four young people who would save Calor from this evil king. 'Four will turn ice to fire, filling up Calor's desire. To battle they'll go to claim the prize, only identified by they're golden eyes. Their shoulders will bear a thousand pounds, as they strike the frost king down,'" he recited perfectly, years of preparation finally at work. "I'm assuming that you have realized that you each possess one of the elements and share those lovely golden eyes." He smiled a bit, weakening the wall that seperated Meredith, Connor, and Cassandra from Naveah and himself. The wall was still there, but would now take attacks.

"I've been the one who has been tasked with helping you succeed. Each of you is strong on your own, but together you will be an unstoppable force. I truly believe that you will destroy the frost magi and the king for the sake of your home, your families, and yourselves." Arion took a step back from the wall in case Connor decided to lash out at him. "Any questions?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Cassie just blinked through the wall and listened to the others talk. Connor of course was very violent towards the kidnapper elf and his new companion. Meredith seemed to be panicked though quickly calmed down.
'Four will turn ice to fire, filling up Calor's desire. To battle they'll go to claim the prize, only identified by they're golden eyes. Their shoulders will bear a thousand pounds, as they strike the frost king down,'

Cassie nodded to herself, confirming this. It made sense to her, and she would probably be more accepting then the others, considering she already dreamed of fantastic adventures like this daily. She blinked as the wall became slightly easier to see, through, immediately noting that the Elf had probably weakened it. Well, then he trusted them not to attack. Cassie wouldn't of course, but that was no guaranteeing Connor wouldn't.

"Any questions?"

"What shall we call you?" Cassandra asked absently, mulling over this prophecy. It seemed strange that this was a reality, especially considering her dreams for the past couple night had been of fighting the Frost King. However, the only thing she could think to ask was the elf's name. Then she realized the Air Element next to him didn't know any of them.
"Oh, and who are you? Air I'm guessing, but whats your name? I'm Cassie,"

Then she tilted her head and pondered. Bearing a thousand pounds on their shoulders didn't sound that good. Though She supposed it would be a stressful mission. Battling was also not one of Cassie's favorite pastime, maybe strange since her element was fire, but she preferred to think her Fire represented her kindness if anything, definitely not a 'destructive passion'.
Ice to Fire. That however, she could do. Perhaps she could help restore the lands that were frozen over so cruelly, and be appreciated for once. But they're was also the issue of the Ice Kings army.

" 'scuse me, but the Ice King has armies." she mused out loud, hunting for other opinions. "I'm sure no one likes him to much, but I also don't think many will want to help up out, considering if we lose they'll be killed."
She looked back to the elf with wide eyes.
"Does this mean it's really just us four and maybe you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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#, as written by xBunnyx
Meredith processed this for a minute before nodding. "I agree with Cassie. We can't just march into his palace and murder him" they couldn't after all. This Mage was deadly. After all, No one wants to be impaled by an icicle. She noticed Naveah had his eyes closed. She wOndered if that would help calm herself. She sighed and sat in the dirt. "I think we should make a sneak attack."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor was excited whenever the elf mentioned killing frost wizards. He jumped up. "I'm in " he said cockily then sat back down as he shrugged. "Cassie does have a point all we are is a sassy girl, a hothead who can keep the heat down, a bastard, an elf, and whatever that is." he said pointing to Naveah. "We don't really stand much of a chance if you think about it." he said then make a vine grow up from the ground as he sat on it as if it was a big chair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Cassie blinked at Connor. "Wait, which am I?" She asked confused then glanced at Meredith. "And I agree! If we're super sneaky we might be able to win!"

She stood up, brushing her skirt down, smoothing over the dagger on her thigh. Hm, she had forgot about it. She moved closer to the wall and knocked on it slightly.

"Maybe you could let us out and we can plan more or something?" SHe suggested. She personally wasn't planning on running away or anything. This was way to exciting for that!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Arion turned his attention to Cassie as she asked her questions. He simply smiled. She was bright. "You may call me Arion, or if you can think of something else you may call me that." He closed his mouth as Meredith and Connor spoke up as well, making things a bit difficult for the poor elf. He wasn't royalty nor a deity- he was only here to tell them their purpose.

"I suppose it could be just us, or the entire population of Calor. The only thing set in stone is the death of the king. His army may be strong, but they are limited to only one element. There is also a possibility that my race will help you, though I haven't exactly seen my family recently." He frowned a bit, realizing that he may never see them again. He hadn't given it much thought before due to the extended lives and excellant health that elves possessed.

"I will fight with you if you would like," he continued. Arion hesitated, thinking about Meredith's suggestion. "A surprise attack requires stealth and planning. There is also the risk of the army finding us and brutally killing us after our small victory. However, what you do to save the kingdom is your choice- not mine." He took a step back and let the wall disintegrate, allowing the three to walk about freely. "Don't even think about trying to harm me," he warned Connor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Naveah floated silently, not speaking as the “captor” spoke to the “captive” as well as him. He listened attentively even though his eyes were closed. This whole “saving Calor” thing was starting to worry him. He was all for it, but if the others weren’t, then that would mean certain disaster. He hoped that the elf would be able to talk them into going forth as a disorganized team, at least at first. Naveah was excited to say the least, though he didn’t want to kill the frost king, merely subdue him into relinquishing the throne. That was his top priority, but he knew that if things got hot, he’d have to do something and killing the frost king and frost magi would most likely be the result.

Naveah mulled over the prophecy that Arion spoke of. It made his eyes twinkle with excitement, but also caused him to worry about the others. It was his nature to worry more about others than himself. This trait always got him into more trouble than necessary. A smirk crossed his lips , but his eyes stayed closed. Cassandra began to speak, causing Naveah to finally open his eyes.

“Hello Cassandra, it’s nice to meet you. I am Naveah,” he said softly, though loud enough for Cassandra and the others to hear, “I do apologize for not introducing myself earlier.”

With that said he stepped back onto solid earth and leaned against the wall, close to the energy wall that separated Naveah, and Arion from the captive three. It was when Connor began to speak, that Naveah’s intolerance for nonsense showed.

“You’d do best to watch what you say Earth magi. What I see in front of me is the future. What I see, whether you want to admit it or not, are heroes. You look at the world with doubt and self-pity, but where is your hope? Where is your faith? Only cowards pity themselves for their hopelessness. You all have within you strength and power that is unmatched when you believe in yourself.”

Naveah sighed, remembering the words of his parents and grandparents, as well as the elders of his village. It gave him courage, and gave him the strength to keep pressing on regardless of the state of the world. Cassie began to speak and Arion followed behind answering their questions. Naveah nodded and smiled.

“Don’t worry Arion, if Connor tries anything I’ll give him a painful surprise,” Naveah stated, not sure if the elf had given his name, but using his psionic magic, he was able to scour the elf’s mind for his name. He had done the same with the others the moment he met them. This gift was passed down to him by one of his parents. It was very rare magic, his parent being one of less than three in the world capable of accessing it, and now here he was accessing it with little effort. His training was indeed paying off. The sword he often carried was flush against his back, the hilt showing over his shoulder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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#, as written by xBunnyx
Meredith leaned over and grabbed Connor's arm. "Don't" she could see he was angered by pretty-boy Naveah's comment. Even though it was a compliment... Sort of. She turned to Naveah. "I don't think that you should say those things about any of us. I dont believe you know us. Besides, you might get hurt." this guy seems to think he's all that. Maybe she would have to correct him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor swelled with anger as he listened to the boy

“You’d do best to watch what you say Earth magi. What I see in front of me is the future. What I see, whether you want to admit it or not, are heroes. You look at the world with doubt and self-pity, but where is your hope? Where is your faith? Only cowards pity themselves for their hopelessness. You all have within you strength and power that is unmatched when you believe in yourself.”

Connor pushed Meredith off then went to the boy and held him up by the collar. "You think you know what to do, right. You know what I do but you fucking don't! I come from a place where hope died a long time before I got here and it'll sure as hell be there when I'm gone. And I'm not hopeless I know what the hell I'm doing and even when I don't I don't just fuck around and listen to other I act. Now you can act like you know me and all but no you have no idea what it's like to be living alone since you were five. Sleeping by your mother's grave knowing she died by the hands of one of the people who could have been your father. You don't know what it's like to hear the screams of terror coming from the other room every night while you sit outside trying to drain away the sounds but they don't stop they just get louder. You don't know what it's like to be part pure evil and what you are against. You don't know what it's like wanting to stab yourself whenever you see your reflection in the pond, YOU DON'T" he slammed him on the ground his fingers frostbitten and his hands white and pale. "Now if you wanna act like you've seen the shit, the people eating garbage off the street and all that they have to do to survive, speak the hell up but if not don't act like you have or can even relate to it in the slightest you sack egotistical, levitating, ass!!" he screamed his breath visible and a clear drop in temperature in the room as he panted brimming with anger that is the result of a boy trying to relate to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Arion sighed deeply. He had known this wouldn't be easy, but were the gods trying to make him lose his mind? It seemed that he would be more likely than these three to end the Frost King's reign than theae quarreling children. Then again, the elf was not much older than they were. Then all hell broke loose.

The elf was not quick enough to stop Connor's raging attack on Naveah and cursed himself for letting the barrier between the two down without planning something like this. But as soon as Connor finished, Arion grabbed him by the neck, squeezing with his index finger and thumb.

"If he knew everything he would be a god. And if you know everything then you must be one as well. But seeing as none of you children are gods or goddesses, I suggest you stop behaving like them." He tossed Connor aside easily and went to help Naveah up. He then turned and looked wearily at Connor. "Do you remember what happened to your plant? I can make that happen to you if you wish to be a near lifeless pile. And before you tell me you already have been, you are not alone in the endless suffering." The idea camebto Arion to lie to him, to make him feel as if he were in the same company. But another side of him feared it would backfire and so he merely left it at that.

"Clearly none of you are going to get through this without killing somebody, but I would prefer if you would not kill each other. You are here to save Calor, not further destroy it." That being said, he formed a small fire ball in his hand to counteract the quickly dropping temperature. "Calm yourselves children."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arian Moira Fay Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Arian had almost made her way back to Calor by the time the sun had completely set. Her bow and arrows were hanging over her shoulder, her daggers were strapped in between her thighs, and a medium sized sword sat in it's sheathe along her hip. She ran her fingers over the smooth engraving, "Never shall a lion rest." Her father had carved the words before her seventh birthday when she had begun to fight. Even through Calor's training, she still had the weapon.

She heard voices where she had been approaching. Talk of saving Calor made her cringe. She could care less about the stupid king, but he still had her under oath. She was a slave to the man who took her family.

Shaking her heard from long braids, Arian took off her cloak and loosened the fabric around her bust. Whoever they were, they couldn't be too hard to distract. If they didn't distract easily, she could still just kill them. Tieing her horse to a tree, she slid through the trees...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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After the slight confrontation with Connor, Naveah simply stood up with the help of Arion and shook his head.

"You don't think I can relate? I go away for only a short time and when I return I see my entire family dead. The people of my village, the ones I called family, slaughtered in cold blood. My entire village destroyed, burned and frosted, no pity spared. Yes, I can relate to seeing ones parents die. I held my mother in my arms as she took her last breath and told me she loved me. My father's throat cut, and his body frozen solid. My baby sister hung, her body engulf in flames and her remains left to send a message. My grandparents, killed while holding each other. The people in the streets never knew what hit them, their bodies torn asunder. The innocent mangled beyond belief. A complete massacre of my village, and all because they did not bow to a tyrant. Yes, I know the pain and hurt that you feel. I know the anger that you exhibit. I've been there, but I didn't stay there. It is true, the Frost King must be removed from his throne. I am in no way talking down to any of you. I merely want you to realize the potential I sense deep down within you that the elders of my village saw in me. Call it intuition if you will, but each of you possess a spark. No, I do not know you, but I would like to get to know you."

Naveah cleared his throat and looked away, knowing that telling that story always brought back horrible memories that he tried to suppress to keep his airy spirit.

"I am not all that I seem Connor. I apologize if my word struck a nerve. I apologize to each of you if what I said overstepped boundaries. Thus the curse of having visions and seeing within."

Naveah stopped talking and exhaled before smiling.

"Connor, take that which you think is "evil" and embrace it. Frost magic is not evil. I used to think the same thing about my magic. I used to think that it was so destructive and wild, that nothing could tame a raging tornado, but I was wrong. Embrace the inner you. It is then that you will be complete. That is all that I have to say."

He nodded once more to Arion, thanked him for uniting them, and proceeded to walk out of the cave.

"I'll be outside," he said calmly as he made his way towards the exit with a smile on his face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor growled listening. Even though his words sounded genuine. It was the last few words that boiled his insides.

"Connor, take that which you think is "evil" and embrace it. Frost magic is not evil. I used to think the same thing about my magic. I used to think that it was so destructive and wild, that nothing could tame a raging tornado, but I was wrong. Embrace the inner you. It is then that you will be complete. That is all that I have to say."

"Not evil,not evil?" he repeated it softly but he was angry. "Ice may not be evil but the people who use it are. Those people defilied my mother. They made me. They gave me THESE DAMN HAIRS!!!" he screamed and ice caked over the ground. "FUck you you don't get what hell I've been through and you never will. " he shouted then huddled in the corner partially cry. He crouched in a ball turned away from the others. He sobbed ice crystals falling out of his eyes and shattering on the ground. The ice spread against the ground slowly creeping against the rest of the floor and walls.