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Gonpo the Fisher

A Hunter Seeking the Greatest Catch!

0 · 801 views · located in The Horat-verse

a character in “The Great Guild Fortune”, as played by CrossKnight35


"Just a humble fisherman, Ser."

ImageName: Gonpo the Fisher
Sex: Male
Age: 28
Race: Goblin

Physical Description: Gonpo is muscular for a goblin, with a broad chest, thick core, and long, strong arms like a simian that make the most out of a goblin's naturally small frame. His face is wide and round, with a fanged underbite and deep-set, pitch-black eyes.

Clothing: Gonpo is clad in goblin-made scale armour, crafted from the hide of a previous catch. The armour covers his chest, shoulders, and forearms, with pink silk robes underneath, off-white baggy pants, and black leather gloves and boots to complete his ensemble. The armour strikes a balance between protection and flexibility. It is light enough for travel, easy to maintain, and protects its wearer from the harshness of Gwanalai’s climate. A horned helmet adorns Gonpo’s head at all times, and he objects to any effort to remove it from his possession.

Height: 4.3 feet
Weight: 130 lbs
Skin Colour: Lime green
Hair Colour: Bald
Eye Colour: Black

Occupation: "Fisherman"

History/Bio: Gonpo was born and raised in Gorhau, a small settlement inhabited by goblins on the furthest frontiers of Gwanalai. Here, the forest and river met and created freezing cold swamplands, full of murk, mystery, and really tasty fish. Gonpo made a living here as one of many fishermen, and was content… until one day, when a wandering peddler came and brought a painting of a ‘Great Rainbow Carp’ from foreign lands. It was love at first sight for Gonpo, a creature filled with more colour and beauty than any he’d seen in his neck of the woods. He bid his kin farewell and set off barely two days later, determined to see this Great Carp with his own eyes…

Home Town: Gorhau
Home Country: Kingdom of Gwan

Personality: Gonpo is friendly, polite, and not too bright. He speaks to everyone with the formality of a foreigner, and tends to be oblivious to puns and sarcasm. He avoids conflict when he can, and is a strong believer in the merits of jolly cooperation. He doesn’t particularly care about being a hero, but approves of those who act to support their community - as he himself did back home.

Fears and Desires: Gonpo can be touchy when it comes to his bravery. Questioning or teasing him about it is the perfect way to get him to do something stupid.

He desires to find the Rainbow Carp that had captivated him so much, to see its beauty firsthand.

Equipment and Weapons: Onamazu scale armour. A fishing rod lance with spider silk wire. A round iron shield. A swamp puffer mace. A carving knife. His great heron steed and companion, “Wun”.
Styles and Abilities: On foot, Gonpo’s fighting style favours unwavering defense combined with rapid, consistent attacks with either lance or mace. His armour, shield, and chi ability provides Gonpo with stonewalling abilities rivaled by few. However, he shines the most as mounted cavalry, charging through open fields upon his heron to deliver earth-shattering blows from his lance.
Chi and Augmentations: Gonpo’s chi manifests in his ability to hold his breath indefinitely, a valuable ability when fighting underwater. It also renders him immune to toxins that attack the respiratory system.

So begins...

Gonpo the Fisher's Story


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Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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The sea of grass grew thinner as Suiken ventured forth, and the rustle of leaves gradually bowed out in favour of… water. Running water, to be precise, its shiny surface reflecting the golden rays of sunset.

And by the banks of that river, was a bird. Not just any bird, however - It was a waterfowl of unusual size. Nine foot tall yet slender, with a coat of grey, azure, and off-white feathers weighed down by wetness. It held its head high as it strutted, its eyes a piercing blue that seemed to glow amidst the green and gold. An armour of leather and scales adorned its body, connected to a saddle that sat high upon its hump. This was not a natural armour, but rather one weaved by hands - hands that the bird did not possess.

The great bird stood still by the river, and waited, occasionally scratching at the earth with taloned feet.


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Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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Now, that was a sight! The snow oni bard had never seen a bird quite like that before. Some sort of crane, he figured. Keeping his distance, Suiken follows the bird across the shallows of the river bank. As he drew closer, he began to take notice of what was perhaps the strangest part of this blue bird, the saddle resting on it's back.

Suiken scratched his chin. This was a first. Had some locals trained it to be a mount perhaps. Suiken took several careful steps forward to further observe the bird.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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The bird lifted its head as it heard Suiken's footsteps. It turned towards the oni, and its piercing blue eyes met his. It craned out its neck and spread its wings wide. Its feathers, once drooped, now ruffled like a coat of thorns.

The blue-eyed heron stood its ground. It honked and scratched the earth, over and over, warning the newcomer in no uncertain terms to keep his distance.


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Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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"Hmm, not a fan of strangers, are you?" Suiken noted, scratching his chin. "That's understandable. I'm sure you've got no shortage of would-be predators...thogh you look like you can handle most. Perhaps..." Suiken reached the knapsack slung over his shoulder. " offering of peace is in order."

He drew out a large rice cracker, one of the last bits of food he'd received from the village. He let the bird see he had it before placing it down on the water to drift towards it.


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Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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The bird blinked. It kept its head high as it watched the cracker be carried through the water, only lowering to pick the snack once it came close, all while Suiken maintained his distance.

The large cracker fit comfortably between its beak. The blue-eyed heron tilted its head with a gargle. Then chomped, and chomped, and chomped, and the cracker fragments bobbed down its throat with a gulp. The bird watched Suiken, but the hostility seemed to fade from its eyes. It still loomed over him with a proud look, yet its wings had folded, and its feathers relaxed.

The bushes to their side rustled, and something emerged - something much smaller and shorter than either Suiken or the bird. A pair of big, black, almond eyes blinked upon a round, green face. A goblin, clad in an armour of muddy scales that matched the bird’s barding, with a style that took after Gwanish cavalry. A spear-tipped fishing pole rested upon the goblin’s shoulder, nearly twice as long as he was tall.

The goblin looked between the heron and the snow oni for a moment, the surprise apparent upon his eyes… then bowed his head and pressed his left hand upon his heart.

“Salutations, Good Sir!” The goblin spoke, with a high and nasally voice that matched his small stature. “I must say, I’m impressed. Not many in this land can approach Good Friend Wun here without provoking her ire,” the goblin gestured towards the blue-eyed Heron. “She’s a proud creature, she is!”

Wun the heron turned up her beak with a honk.

The goblin looked Suiken up and down, and his ears drooped a little. The snow oni was big enough to drown the goblin in his shadow. “Are you here for the fishing, Sir?” He asked. “If so, I request that you turn back. These are dangerous waters… you need a trained fisher like myself to hunt in them.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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Suiken smiled as the massive bird accepted his offering and seemed to become at ease. It wasn't long after something rustled in the bushes. Suiken prepared himself to move in case it was another, perhaps more dangerous animal, but instead, it appeared to be goblin. Wielding a! A fishing pole.

"Greetings! Your friend is a unique one indeed! I've come across much in my travels but never a bird like this!" Suiken replied. "It's nice to meet you both! I'm Suiken, a bard of some small renown. I've not come here for fishing, I was simply scouting ahead as I traveled with my guild," he explained, as he glanced at the water surrounding them. It all seemed relatively calm, no doubt housing an abundance of fish. "If you don't mind me asking, what makes these waters so dangerous?"


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Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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The goblin’s ears lifted when Suiken complimented Wun. “Ah, a bard! Now that is a fine vocation. A hearty song or a tall tale never fails to lift the spirits.” His eyes followed Suiken’s to the water and his voice dropped into a whisper, “It is within the calmest waters that my quarry makes its home.... ”

As if on cue, a chitter of clicks came; a loud, echoing sound like the cackle of an old witch. The noise sent birds scattering from the trees. The goblin looked over his shoulder, towards the distant edges where the river met the bottom of a waterfall. And behind the cascading falls…

A pair of long, thin, segmented legs emerged, covered in a carapace of white-speckled red, their tips ending in bladed points. Water splattered as more legs came forth - four, six, ten! All connected to a bulbous, armoured body that continued to chitter, its shell covered in jagged, twisted spikes. It was a spider crab like no other, tall as a house, and twice as wide as the waterfall it hid behind.

The goblin narrowed his eyes. He whistled, and the blue-eyed heron honked and strutted towards him, budging against Suiken in the process. “Look, Sir! The Giant Estuary Crab has smelled my bait!” the goblin exclaimed as he hopped upon the heron’s saddle. He couched his fishing spear under one arm, and snatched the reins with the other.

The Giant Estuary Crab crawled forth, moving more like a spider than a crab. Each step it took was faster than the last, and soon enough, it was charging - straight towards Suiken, Wun, and the goblin.

The heron reared up and spread its wings with a honk. “Good Friend Wun!” The goblin bent low and pointed his spear forward. “CHAAAAARGE!” The goblin and his mount dashed, scattering stray feathers in the wind.

The Giant Estuary Crab raised its frontmost arms and snapped its right pincer. The goblin swerved his steed to avoid, and the pincers slammed into the waters, scattering droplets everywhere. He held his lance steady, and-


Chitin chunks scattered. The rider’s lance pierced right through the crab’s second right leg, and - Suiken noticed - the fishing hook which dangled from the lance’s shaft dug into its flesh. The goblin’s steed sped past the crab, faster than it could react, then swerved. The lance’s reel spun and spun, a vast length of silken wire stretching to bind the crab’s legs as the goblin and his steed chased around the massive crustacean.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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"Hmm, impressive skill," Suiken complimented. Things began to ramp up quickly as the great crustacean scuttled into view. The goblin was swift in his movements as he quickly entangled the crab's legs with his fishing pole. Fishing was not always a simple matter, depending on which body of water you stake your claim in. Netting a fresh catch of shellfish or hooking a large eel was one thing, but every fisherman in Yune knew to stay clear of giant carp that swim too far upstream...

The old tales sung by Snow Oni fisherman began to ring true as Suiken observed the goblin's prey. Suiken had quite a few questions, but he didn't want to distract the fisher from his work. Instead, he chose to keep his distance, observing just out of the way to see how the goblin snagged his catch.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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The rider and his heron stomped across the waters, to the other side of the crustacean, and back towards Suiken. Metres of near-invisible silk wire bound the Giant Estuary Crab’s legs to the goblin’s lance. The creature struck at the duo once, then once more, with its pincers. The heron dashed and outran its quarry, leaving behind great splashes that twinkled with the last vestiges of sunset. The crab’s chittering grew louder, more frustrated, as the fisher sped past Suiken, and beyond its reach.

The goblin pointed his rod skyward. The reel came to a stop, and the wire tensed into a straight line. The loop of spider silk which bound the crab’s legs tightened, forced them together, and made the massive crustacean sway to one side, then another... before tipping right over.


The heron spun, then scratched the earth. Her rider bent low, gripped his spear with both hands, and let out a high-pitched, ululating battle cry. The waterfowl’s steps thundered across the banks, into the water, and back towards the downed crab. Closer, closer, and closer, until…!


The heron slowed to a trot. The goblin returned his hands to the reins. Behind them, the lance sank deep between the crab’s eyes, the jet-black shaft still vibrating from the sheer force of impact.

The goblin and rider turned around, the former waving and smiling at Suiken as they approached him. “Phew!... Those merchants up north will be pleased to know that this Big Fella won’t be a problem anymore.” The goblin dismounted with a grunt. “You mentioned a guild before, Sir? One you’re traveling with?” The goblin asked as he straightened his helmet. He looked from Suiken, to the vanquished crab, and back again.

“Good meat like this tastes best when they’re cooked and eaten immediately.” The goblin spread his arms. “And even better when they’re shared!”

The goblin stroked his chin in thought for a moment, then clapped his hands together. “I know! Why don’t you and your guildmates join me for dinner? All I want in exchange is an extra pair of hands at the cooking pot.” The goblin pressed a hand to his chest. "Oh, and before I forget - the name's Gonpo. Just a humble fisher, Sir!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Yuwen Fortune Character Portrait: Xanth Character Portrait: Takai Character Portrait: Lo-Muna Vanhi Character Portrait: Yamato Hibiki
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"Gonpo, my friend, that sounds like a plan!" Suiken nodded after a moment of thought. This was excellent timing what with the myriad of vegetables the villagers were able to scrounge up for them. That and the thought of a crab dinner of this magnitude was far too good to pass up! "Just give me a moment to fetch my friends. They aren't far from here."

Soon enough, Suiken came back into view of the wagons. "Everyone!" he called out. "I believe believe I've found us an early supper! And not to mention quite a nice view of the lake."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Yuwen Fortune Character Portrait: Takai Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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#, as written by Nulix
As Suiken the sucker retreated up the grassy hill, back toward the cross road, watching eyes saw their opportunity. Gonpo could hear galloping behind him, the thin river waters being upturned at an approaching steed from the south. The goblin fisher turned to see a white and blonde steed pull up, it's hairs knotted into elaborate braids, and a long, ornament bound saddle rattling off its form. Sitting atop it was a Yunish man in bright, yellow robes, his forehead sharp and shiny like a hammer-head shark, and his hair shaved in a brown queue. He had a moustache and a flowing goatee, and his eyes, almost golden brown, shimmered despite their small size on his defined face.

"Hunta'!" The man called to Gonpo, riding up to the small man and nearly splattering him with water from the hooves of his horse. "I see you've slain the Giant Estuary Crab!" The man ground his teeth though he maintained a sinister smile as he looked over the defeated crab. "Shame..."


Yuwen looked at Takai with an expression as though he'd asked the obvious. "Because- I'm Yuwen Fortune!" He responded. "I'm like a king to my men! Leading the charge into certain oblivion only to win!" Yuwen grinned. "Eoling returned to Yuna-Yae to sack the Emperor's palace- I'm not returning until I can do the same." Yuwen paused. "Figuratively, of course," He assured with a sly smile.

Just then Suiken the sucker emerged from down the road, calling about an early supper and a nearby lake. "We'll head there in a moment, give the Master another moment!" Yuwen called to Suiken. "I'm from there," Yuwen casually added to Takai. "You know- the big city. Yuna-Yae. Centre of the universe and all that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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A beaming Gonpo waved as Suiken departed for now. It was a breath of fresh air to discover a gentle soul in these lands… doubly so when it resided upon such a towering and fearsome figure!

Before he could ponder further, the goblin's ears lifted at the sound of hooves and water. He turned around, and stiffened at the sight of a stranger. He had the air of a wealthy man… perhaps a noble, with his shiny steed and even shinier noggin.

"Th-that I have, Sir!" Gonpo replied, then scrambled into a deep bow. "Ah… what… shame could there be in slaying such a troublesome creature, Sir?" The goblin asked, blinking twice, his voice lowering with uncertainty. His lips curled up into a sheepish smile. "Especially when they make such succulent supper!"

By the time Suiken approached, Gonpo's attention was fully focused on this newcomer.


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Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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#, as written by Nulix
"Subdue it! Tame it! Put it in a tent, for all to see and admire! Not all things must die my little... green... friend," The man pulled from his back a crossbow, engraved with gold and encrusted with rubies. The weapon shun in the evening sun. "You see this?" The man rose a thin eyebrow at Gonpo. "The finest weapon to be found in all the lands of the Raging Rivers- laced with poison bolts, capable of forcing even the fiercest beasts fall into a slumber. Nature should not be feared by you or I, we are sentient beings. No, it should be tamed! Molded to suit our needs! Our desires!"

The man licked his lips as his eyes examined Gonpo's steed, the giant saddled heron. "Quite an exotic breed you ride, Master Goblin..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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Gonpo's eyes widened. The twinkle disappeared from them as they turned pitch black. Like a doll's eyes. He grinned, baring a mouth full of fangs. The glimmer of gold and jewels provoked a… hunger within him. A hunger older and deeper than himself, driving him to reach out towards the weapon…

Meanwhile, the blue-eyed heron glared at the suspicious man; its posture upright, its feathers ruffled, its wings flexed to spread at any time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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"Taming nature is ultimately futile..." Suiken interrupted, stepping past the reeds on the river's shore. "We are a part of it, and it us. Thus what benefits us both is harmonious co-existance." Suiken extended a palm towards the crab. "Why not join us in celebration of nature's bounty instead, good hunter" Suiken asked in a tone both friendly and stern. "My friends will be here soon to partake in the meal and there should be plenty to go around."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Yuwen Fortune Character Portrait: Xanth Character Portrait: Takai Character Portrait: Lo-Muna Vanhi Character Portrait: Namari Shioh
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#, as written by Nulix
The man's eyes shot up as Suiken approached. "A snow Oni? You must be melting beneath this sweltering Yunish summer sun."

Over the hill Master Wang Chang appeared, pulling behind him the wagon train. "And you have with you a posse, I see..."

"Greetings!" Yuwen called from Master Wang Chang's saddle, raising his hand to the river as the wagon train waddled forward.

The crossbow wielder swung a leg over the side of his blonde horse and with a plop landed down before them. He stood tall, nearly as tall as Suiken, like a tower of yellow silk. He placed his hands together before his body and cordially bowed at the approaching guests. "Greetings to you, boy!" He said in a grand tone, smiling with clenched teeth as the wagon-train came to a stop beside the water. "My name is Makoko! Mister Makoko."

"Klancy Makoko?" Yuwen questioned as he hopped off his own horse. "Of Mister Makoko's Marvellous Moving Circus?"

Makoko grinned. "The very same." He rose a hand to the strange group. "And who are you?"

"Yuwen. Yuwen Horno," Yuwen said without hesitation. "This is my guild, the Yunish Band."

"Yunish Band?" Makoko questioned. "Never heard of you."

Yuwen shrugged. "We're... very... local."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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The light returned to Gonpo's eyes upon Suiken's interruption. The goblin shook his head to shake off the strange feeling which had overtaken him. "What… what was that…?" He wondered to himself. He took several steps back, averting his eyes from the egg-headed man.

He settled beside Suiken (conveniently using the giant oni as a source of shade), then watched the interaction between the man - Makoko - and a handsome stranger - Yuwen.

Gonpo's brows shot up to attention when Yuwen mentioned 'Guild'. The goblin looked from the wagon to Suiken. "Oh, these must be your friends!"

Gonpo blinked. He slapped his hands to his cheeks. "Wait… your friends! They're here!" The goblin scrambled away and into bushes. "OH there's so much left to be done! I have to prepare the pot, boil the water…"

Gonpo bolted out of the bushes with a gigantic pot over his head. "...Not to mention chop the limbs to human serving sizes!!"

Wun the heron watched her rider run from one side to another… perfectly content to let him do the hard work.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suiken Character Portrait: Takai Character Portrait: Namari Shioh Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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"Uhh..." Takai frowned as he stepped forward, watching the small goblin run around him with a pot on his head.

"Here," He lifted the pot up and glanced at Suiken, shrugging, and then looking down at their new, excitable friend, "Let us help you!" For a moment it would seem that Takai intended to fill the pot with water himself, but as Namari and Shuin stepped out of one of the wagons the monkey man shoved the pot into Namari's arms with a wide grin.

"You two can fill this with water. I'll help prepare the food!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuwen Fortune Character Portrait: Takai Character Portrait: Captain Jensu Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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#, as written by Nulix
Mister Makoko gave a snarling smile as Takai joined the goblin in preparing their feast. "Well, seems you host quite a circus yourself, Mister Horno."

For the first time since encountering the great game hunter Yuwen's cordial demeanour dropped. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Please," Makoko said, raising a hand. "I meant no offence. I do not look down on the other races in our world, in fact, my circus employs beast-men of all types. We have talking otters, talking reindeer, talking... bears."

Yuwen's swallowed at the man's words. "...Bears, you say?"

Makoko gave a sly smile as he raised a finely embroidered water-skin to his mouth. "Like I said... all types."

From the second wagon Jensu stared out at the scene, particularly the tiny, manic goblin in the centre of it running to and fro. "Sorry, I think I missed something- who is this?" They demanded, raising a hand to the short stack...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuwen Fortune Character Portrait: Takai Character Portrait: Namari Shioh Character Portrait: Captain Jensu Character Portrait: Gonpo the Fisher
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Gonpo clapped his hands together in delight as an agile-looking monkey man emerged to help.

"Oh, thank you Sir Simian, Sir!" Gonpo uttered with a bow, then another bow towards Namari and Shun. "Thank you!" He brandished a cleaver half his size. "The Giant Estuary Crab is too big to steam whole, even with my extra large Yunish pot. We should chop the legs by the segments."

With the aid of his new friends, Gonpo began preparations for dinner. They pulled, and chopped, and organised the giant crab's legs for steaming.

"I hear you're all part of a guild," Gonpo said to Takai as they carried a big chitin tube filled with crab meat over their heads. "If you don't mind my asking, Sir… what kind of guild is the Yunish Band?"

They passed by the wagon, and Gonpo caught notice of another goblin peering from within. His ears lifted and he waved. They didn't look like anybody from his village, with their dazzling green eyes and blunt teeth… but seeing a fellow free goblin still raised his spirits. Especially one with such a respectable-looking hat.

"Salutations, Captain. Gonpo is my name, and fishing is my lame-" The goblin shook his head and stammered. "-G-game! Game. I meant game."
