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Pink with Black trim

0 · 345 views · located in The land of Thaiden

a character in “The Guilded Cage: Slaves in need”, as played by nightwolf



Ali has black ears with brown flecks at the tips, and his tail is a mix of brown black and white. The clothes he wears are mainly chosen by his breeder mainly to show his muscular arms.

Name:Alistair " Ali"
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Classification: Slave
Race: Neko

Personality: Ali is very sweet and his cat like nature means that he is playful and affectionate. He enjoys spending time with anyone and that includes other slaves and the master that choses him. He does get a little protective of people especially his master if he feels that any ammount of danger will ocour he will try to prevent it even if that means him getting hurt in the process.
Likes: Ali enjoys company from people and loves sitting close to his master listening to conversations and responding to them with smells meows and often words. Being a neko Ali craves affection, wether that be a small ammount of praise or a full on embrace, he especially loves a good scratch behind the ears. Ali likes playing with simple things like bits of string and balls of paper anything that rolls or makes a sound is hours of entertainment for Ali.
Dislikes: Ali dislikes beatings he really hates his tail or ears being pulled, any kind of loud noise frieghtens Ali due to his ears being very sensitive to sound and vibrations.

Former masters & training( as well as history ): Ali was specially breeded from a famous breeder who has made exceedingly large amounts of money breeding Neko's. Ali was raised with his brothers away from the females of the group. He learnt how to show affection and how to speak few words most of which were to ask permission to do certain things for the master. Ali was well fed and excersised everyday to get a well toned physique which could fetch a high ammount of coin.

So begins...

Alistair's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Hope Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini
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It begins
Raven Loft: Master Hall

The land of Thaiden has been in a elemental turmoil for the last six days and it can be guessed that such will remain for longer still. Winds bite at exposed flesh while the rain cuts like a blade in the open air. Lightning scythes through the sky and cracks against the earth in an act of grand furry, turning land into a smoldering pit, trees into burning splinters, and sand into glass. Everyone hides themselves from this hell on the landscape as they huddle together in their homes and shut themselves away in the cities.

But the house of Raven Loft stands strong.
The guards watch their patrols and the fires burn to light the way for all on foot in this storm, as armored bodies waltz in tune with one another to keep the sanctity of this place in check. However on the horizon the sight of lights approach, it is the wagons carrying their load of flesh and spirit to the destination of this revered hall and their load heavy this night.

Though the night is dark with a moonless sky none can falsely tell that they do not see life in these covered cages. The chiming tune of shackles rattling together with the sway of the horses gate, make many of the wagon drivers easy in the storm. For they know that when their destination is reached then a night of rest and pay are well in hand, while some who gleam into the cages look forward to much different delights

The time of the transaction is short and practiced, many bodies and lives are ushered out of their containers and into the open air of the storm before being marched into Raven Loft. Though some fight and struggle with their bindings a strike from the rod and the reassurance of special irons make all their efforts for naught.
Master Kenner in all of his regal attire stands with his cohort Pesshka in attendance, they both glare at the new flesh being walked in out of the storm and cast strange glances as the different forms pass by.

Kenner shines a large smile as the different tones of fur and flesh parade towards him and are lined up before his steps like a sideshow of bondage. His eyes see much too his liking as he notices more then the usual amount of rare product on display. He walks slowly towards the group as they are each brought to their knees by the guards in attendance. Though the treatment itself is not harsh, the guards know that damage goods are worth far less and do not wish to inquire either Kenner's or Pesska's wrath.
But he still smiles as he runs a hand over his exposed midsection, his wardrobe is relaxed as much as one could get but the very air about him is off and sickening slightly. Pesshka on the other hand has a rather perplexing outfit on for most of the slaves and new guards to see. Her entire body is covered in a crimson red body suit that appears to have no real opening save for section of heavy buckles. He face however is covered with a singular mask that is slate white and is painted to look like a child's doll. Rose red cheeks and heavy eyelashes, the very look of such a person in her position is rather disturbing in of itself.

She walks behind Kenner as he looks from one slave to another, calling out their name as he checks each one and lightly touches their bodies as if a salesman inspecting a product. As she speaks her voice is found to be the most disturbing aspect of her, more so then a match for her appearance.
When she speaks it sounds as if that instead of speaking for herself, a mouth full of disembodied voices speak for her. Ranging from the seductive voice of a temptress to the innocence of a lost child.

Kenner looks at the young man and smiles, even in such a vulnerable state he can see defiance in the little beast eye, More so then enough that he had to me muzzled prior to arriving. He runs a hand over the mans head stringing his fingers through his hair and keeping the smile bright. He feels around his shoulders and arms to gauge his physical strength as well to which he just grabs the Bloodsong by the chin and looks him in the eyes.."All this will change.. soon, mark him black" he says before walking by.

For this one Kenner has an unusual chirp of glee in his eyes, kneeling as he gets on her level and eyes her body over. He runs her hair over her ear and gets strangely close too her face before speaking.."Its been sometime since your kind have graced these halls." He brings his head beside hers lightly brushing her ear with his lips "Another one who could not do their job." That moment caused an involuntary pulse to come through her and his hands received it easily, making his smile brighten. "Pink & red.. we will see just how much she has left in her" Kenner then steps away.

Kenner cocks his head on its side when he looks at this little slave, her expression shows an amount of fear and suspense and then he can already tell what kind of place she came from. He goes to one knee and looks her over, the dried tears on her face ever distinguishable from the rain and light bruising shows she was in harmful care before coming to his hands. He runs a hand lightly up her stomach and over the her chest in no way on par for discomfort. He takes both her hands in his and looks at them.. "Hmm your rather young.. don't worry child, we don't do things like that here." He runs her hand across his cheek and slyly smiles.."Ahh, well trained hands.. Orange for her." Pesshka checks the list as he stands and walks on.

The creature before Kenner does not throw him off, he has seen a few Sergals pass through Raven Loft before but not many like this one. She was still almost face to face with him despite being on her knees and eager to see what kind she was he started to look and inspect, running his fingers through her mane slowly. To his surprise she leaned into his touch and he could tell that she was obviously misplaced from her original owner. But their loss is his gain either way, the look in her eyes showed a honed intelligence from already living among a well kept house. He looks back at her and grins"Aren't you a sweetheart.. but still your tameness is desirable, white shale do for you... maybe you will have a rather grand future." He steps away from the Sergal and moves towards the next.

~Aurora Rose~
Kenner looks down at the mashed amount of dreads in his vision, not even being able to see the slaves face without kneeling himself to look below her hair. One look however was enough to tell that she was rather temperamental about her position. She peered out through anger lit eyes and huffed in contempt through her nose, after which Kenner noticed the large iron ring around her neck. "Well.. have some brimstone in our blood do we."
He chuckles as he looks her over and runs a finger across the bottom of her chin, which in itself causes a heavy tense sensation coursing through her. He keeps his face lightly blank as he marks her.. "Red.. & black, she will be somewhat of a trouble in the future." He flips some of her locks off of her face and turns towards the next slave.

~Nix Nir~
He turns toward Pesshka after speaking the name from the list and looks back towards Nir with a surprised expression...My.. my you are far from home, aside from our little winged friend over there who might I add is not even from this plane. You got the others beat for distance." That is when he notices her irons, they bear sigils and a large silver inlay as he eyes them over. He leans in and puts his nose on her head and gives a deep breath of inhalation and pulls away with an exited sigh.."No not wolf.. or bear.. how perplexing, I'll have to see you for myself when the time comes." He brushes her long hair away from her neck and see's that she already bears a collar. Two halves Red and Black are both on the article and he laughs for a moment. "Well.. someones stubborn, but I guess your mine now" He takes one more sniff of her hair as he walks away.

Kenner looks over the little Neko before him, even though he has been locked in a cage for several days now and going through all this he looks up and Kenner with a strange sense of admiration in his eyes. Kenner can already tell that this boy, being at his age was sent away for extra training and that slightly pissed him off. "You know I dislike breeders, they think they can train them well but instead they make for poor company when it comes down to it." He gives the little Neko a scratch behind the ear and sees that he likes it.. "However he is in good shape and at least he has basic.. if not minor training already imprinted. Pink with a small mark of black, just to be sure." He steps away from the Neko finally.

The little girl lightly trembled at Kenner's feet, either by the cold or out of of the sensation of fear one could not tell. He looked her over and once again ran his hand up her stomach and chest lightly, he lifter her gaze to meet his and spoke.. "I see.. your even younger and lost, while that is I assure you quite sad the truth is now what it is. This is your fate, embrace it." He watched as her eyes danced to avoid his and then moved down onto her shoulders and hands. He picked one hand and began to run her fingers through with his.."Someone knows how to use a brush it seems.. Blue & Orange she has a future yet." He stands and moves on.

Off from the start Kenner could tell that this one was special, what little water that was left in her hair from the rain had lightly frosted over and began to flake off as he brushed her locks towards the side. She flashes him a bat of her eyelashes as he does this and he smiles in return. Going further he raises both her arms and can see the golden bracelets under her other bindings. "So.. an elemental, that should make you rather interesting in the long run." As if to test her resolve he grips her around the waist lightly with his hands and the reaction is only small look from her, not much different then before. However Kenner can tell the difference.. "Oh and you a deceptive one aren't you? Black.. preparations will need to be made for her cell." Kenner moves away from her then and proceeds.

~Kit Kuchini~
"Oh another, how quaint." Even though his words were not sarcastic there was a tone of jackass behind his teeth. He was not fond of Nekos himself, most people who required such a pet usually had something sick wrong with them. Then he looked back at Pesshka and remembered what he did in her training.. "Good times.. now about you" the young Neko was showing signs of wear and mistreatment, but despite this he did responded well to being touched in the right places. So the best part was that his spirit was not broken and he still had a chance to find a real master that was perfect for him. "I guess blue shall be alright for you.. for now"

Kenner stepped back placing himself at Pesshka's side and looked down at her chart before looking back up.

"Welcome to Raven Loft.. if you have not heard of this place then don't worry I don't give history lessons. Your life is now in my hands and I am Kenner your head master. All of your training comes through me and all of the trainers within Raven Loft answer to none other then me." He begins to walk back pacing himself in front of them.

"I understand this can be new and rather daunting at the moment, but give it time for the feeling will pass and with the passing of that comes acceptance. However if you insist on resisting whatever means we have to better you lives then I can assure you that your time here will become rather unpleasant. My head caretaker Pesshka will be in charge of your housing and care, if there is anything about your living conditions you require then by all means ask them of her. However I suggest you do not abuse her.. (hehe) good nature." The laugh was slightly snuffed out but the unease could not be broken with Pesshka staring with her expressionless mask over his shoulder.

Kenner strikes a rather serious face as he steps back and heads up the stairs.."Do not fight against your training.. do as your told and we shall all enjoy the days to come." Kenner walks up the stairs with his robe swaying behind him and then Pesshka steps into view.
~Its time to see your accommodations.. now.~
The guards ussher the new slaves up onto their feet and begin to lead them into the halls of Raven Loft, the ears of each are accosted by the sounds of other within the vast hall. Voices and sounds of more then a tempting nature can be heard, while other sounds are sweet and soft. Music that mixes within the vast archways can be heard coming from all around and as that sound grows dim the slaves are lead into a large housing room with parallel cells.

The cells sit in groups of four that are close, but not within arms reach of one another. It appears that all of the slaves will be set into the same area and that is when Pesshka speaks again.. ~Commom practice is you came here together so you stay together for as longs as required.~
The contents of the cells however are unique, they each hold a bed and table, a chair and even a slide in the back corner that maintains at least some privacy. The quarters here for slaves are meant for those with at least a sense of manners and Pesshka looks the group over as she pairs up cells for them. Her only concern is with the Sergal Alice, she may have some kind of prior training but Pesshka will still assign a guard to move her for 'walking' privileges.

*the orders go as such*
Four cells set almost corner to corner and each cluster is in sight of each other, each being a ten by ten cell for singular use. Each slave has a bed, table, chair, cup & mug, bathing pale(large thin steel bowl) and lightly concealed restroom. The rotation of the cells and contents can change with an order from Pesshka.

*placement is as such*

Bloodsong - Hope <--> Naamah - Miyako

Narcissa - Alice <--> Nix Nir - Aurora Rose
Alistair - Kit Kuchini

The guards leave out of the the room while three maintain their station at the entrance and Pesshka begins to follow them out. She turns and looks at the new slaves situated in their cells and speak..~If I might suggest.. no crying, I hate crying.~ She perks up for a moment before raising and hand and pressing her fingers together.
~Now good night and sleep dreams, we have a long day tomorrow.~ With that she snaps her fingers and somehow by cue the lights in the room begin to die slowly and dim the room to a more soothing tone.

The night is still young and our slaves are at rest for once in a long time, the shackles have been removed for freedom of movement and muzzles set aside. They have personal space too themselves now and even company that keeps no matter what one says. Hopefully the night will end with everyone still alive and well.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini Character Portrait: Alistair
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0.00 INK

Ali looked out of the small slits in the traveling crate throughout the journey, he could remember the journey pretty well he got into the travelling crate and his breeder words leaked into his ears as he gave Ali a last scratch behind the ears. " now be good for whoever buys you...remember to wash and keep yourself looking pretty okay?" He said smiling softly and looking to Ali to see his response. Ali gave his boyish grin and leant into the affection that he was given " yes...I understand" he spoke softly moving deeper into the crate and settling down.

He watched the scenery go buy for the first few days often turning around to get a better view, it was the first time he had been away from his home. Even though he was a little nervous he was looking forward to the companionship he would be providing for someone.

It didn't seem that long until he was taken out, he stayed still and walked to where it seemed the owner who was called Kenner was inspecting them, his head tilted to the side as he approached and spoke to him. Giving his ears a little scratch as he didn't so he began to purr softly and watched as he walked away. There was a lot of different people here and another was a Neko he wondered wether he was bred too or born somewhere else.

The are he would be staying in was nice a lot like his old home except he had his own bed as usually it would be him and his brothers asleep in one room, it was nice because it was always warm and comfortable. He did think about his brothers and what they were doing, he looked around the cage keeping a bit wary of the other Neko in case he was a bit dangerous.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini Character Portrait: Miyako Character Portrait: Alistair
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0.00 INK

Kit could barely make out the figure of the girl he had spoken to. She appeared to be human and very young, even younger then him. Surely she did not deserve to be here. Did any of them? Maybe the wolf-thing did... You couldn't trust to give dogs freedom, right? Then again, some of the other sights and sounds he was witnessing didn't sound as if they were coming from tame beings... He shivered, his eyes wide in his skull now, enraptured by the fear of being devoured.

He couldn't make out all of the other beings in the cells around him... some were blocked from vision and others just too far. He thought he saw the small human girl shaking in a negative answer to his question, but he definitely watched her crumple into a heap and begin sobbing, much louder then before, as if she suddenly no longer cared who heard her.

Kit meowed louder, wishing there weren't so much space between them. He didn't like seeing her upset. She was so small and didn't look like she could possibly hurt anyone. He wanted to nuzzle at her. Most humans seemed to like that, found it comforting. He would purr and nudge at her hands, get her to pet him, distract her from whatever sadness currently held her. This task, however, wasn't possible from the distance he was from her and this made him whine. The most he could do was attempt to verbally comfort her. "Meow? What's wrong? Why are you so sad?" he spoke to her, a slight whine accenting the end-trail of his words.

He understood it wasn't expected for anybody to be happy about being in this place. For one, it was scary... Another thing, it wasn't exactly freedom. Had she never had a Master before? Had she never seen the inside of a slave den? He hoped not, considering how young she was. He remembered how frightened he was when he was sold and she obviously wasn't here voluntarily.

He paced up and down the length of his cell, feeling utterly useless to assist. But then, Kit often did. He wasn't very good at most things... and the few things he was good at always seemed to be barred off from him, like in this instance.

His eyes fell upon the being closest to him in proximity; a fellow Neko. A comforting feeling overwhelmed him, something akin to relief. It had been a while since he had even seen one of his own for a while and he knew in most cases that Neko's were fairly docile... though you never could be too sure, especially not in places like this. He wished he had paid more attention to the color coding of the collars, maybe he'd better be able to figure out the other one's temperament.

He noticed the other glancing at him warily which made him giggle a little. Yes, Kit was really a threat. That would be about the only time that had ever happened to him in the whole history of his life.

"Listen" he spoke to the other Neko, suddenly remembering the predicament he had found himself in. "That one is upset". He nudged his head in the general direction of the crying female, though he doubted this Neko would even be willing, let alone able to help any more then he could.

In truth, Kit just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. The waiting to be bought was the worst part, all of the uncertainty. You didn't know who was going to buy you, who would be kind, who would be cruel, what they'd use you for. Yes, the waiting was hell.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini Character Portrait: Miyako Character Portrait: Alistair
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0.00 INK

Kit admired the other Neko's optimism. He assumed that Neko had been living this kind of life for most of his life, maybe all of it. Nobody could be that optimistic about being in a slave den unless it was all they'd ever known, he thought. At least this other one seemed placid and nice enough to be around, which was a real relief.

As for the girl, Kit had to train his ears hard to determine what she had said about the tears erupting from her. He only just managed to capture the last words she had spoken and they made him whimper. "Don't talk like that", he said, raising his voice so she might hear him clearly through all the other noises erupting around them. Could she even see him? "You'll make me sad if you talk like that. You never know, maybe you'll be bought by someone really nice who'll give you treats and lots of pats and scratches behind the ear and..." he stopped himself, remembering she wasn't Neko. Besides, even if she were bought by someone as kind as that, the first experience was always going to be scary.

...And then there was the possibility that someone unkind would want her, someone vicious and cruel like Master Reuben... He shuddered at the thought of that happening to her, to anyone. He didn't want to think about the possibility of him being taken by somebody like that. He didn't think he could go through it again.

He missed Vanessa. He missed her soft hands and her gentle voice. He missed feeling safe and protected in her care, the way she brushed his hair, the way she always smelled like lavender. He wanted so badly to smell that scent, to feel at home, as if everything would be okay. He doubted his luck at finding a Master or Mistress as kind as her. She was the kind of person that came but once in a lifetime.

The only reason he wasn't still with her was that she had fallen remarkably ill. She could no longer take care of him. She hadn't even been conscious enough to make the decision of relinquishing her possession of Kit, but it had been decided on her behalf anyway. Even if she were to recover, it wouldn't be for a long time yet and she didn't have a lot of friends, no one to take care of Kit in her place... So here he was, silently damning the Gods that he should lose her and be back here again, with all sorts of dangers and unfortunate circumstances surrounding him.

"Listen" he spoke again to the girl. "The other Neko is right. Things will get better. You're just in shock, is all. Trust that things will be okay, and they will be. They have to be" he said with a slight purr. His words didn't seem to be doing much to help her, and really, what could he say? He wondered if she even knew what a Neko was. He certainly didn't know what half of the strange creatures surrounding him were...

He turned back to the other Neko. "Can you tell me what the colors mean, on the collars? You must know; you seem so comfortable here" he asked him. Having the necessary information was a good start to figuring out how to get by.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini Character Portrait: Alistair
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0.00 INK

Ali tilted his head mainly in thought his ears twitching to new sounds in the cages although he couldn't quite make them out. Looking to the Neko asked wether he knew about the colour coding on the collars, he climbed off the bed and walked closer to the Neko sitting down next to the bars to talk properly. As he sat down he scratched his ear lightly flicking his hair to the side as he did so, placing his tail on his legs he brushed off some flecks of dust as he talked.

" I'm not really sure, I think it could be with what job you do...I'm sure it might become clearer when masters come to look at use." Ali always had a positive way of looking at things he decided to ask some question to he other Neko if he wanted to answer them. He didn't seem so intimidating as he thought he would be. " what's your name...mines Alistair but its nearly always shortened.... Did you come from a breeder house too?" He chose this opportunity to find out as much as he could because he did not know when he would be picked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini Character Portrait: Alistair
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0.00 INK

Kit nodded his head to the words spoken by the other Neko. He was right. The other had never known anything else and that is why he was so comfortable here. He wrapped his tail around himself, feeling more at east then previously.

"No, I didn't come from breeders. My family sold me not so long ago, actually. My name is Kit. Kit Kuchini. It's nice to meet a fellow Neko" he said. He was a little disappointed Alistair could not help him decode the meaning behind the coloring on the collars. He supposed it was a riddle he would have to figure out later.

He wondered what it was like to have never known freedom. Was it better or worse? Was being able to have a taste of it better then having it suddenly ripped away from you? He supposed since Alistair was rather relaxed, it would be better to just be ignorant.

He meowed weakly as he realized he wasn't going to be able to help the human girl. Her sobbing seemed to have subsided, so he assumed she was calming down quite some.

It was then that he noticed someone had been observing him, a female with vibrant red hair. She appeared human, all but her eyes, which bore into him with their emerald enchantment and cold, reptilian likeness. No human had eyes such as that. There was but one time he had heard of a creature resembling this woman's appearance. But, no... Dragonkin were nothing but myths, right? He'd always believed that. What else could she be though? He found her to be both frightening and alluring.

After she had left he approached the side of his cell closest to where she had previously been to see if he could catch her scent to help him identify what she was. He nuzzled at the bars, purring softly deep in his throat, attempting to make himself look like a good purchase.

From his experience, Mistresses had been kinder to him then Masters. Though, that was only his experience. Once before, he'd heard stories of a terrible female of an unidentified race, a complete sadist. She's been sick and delusional, toyed with her pets as if they were not even among the living. Kit shuddered at that.

He wished she'd stayed around longer so he could figure out what sort of person she was, whether or not he should make himself presentable or if he should appear unattractive to deter her.

He wandered back towards Alistair, his nervousness rising up within him again, though Kit was nearly always nervous. It ran right down to his bones. He wanted to be gone from here. He hated not knowing where he would end up.

The smell of food overcame his nose but it made him feel nauseaus. He was way too unbalanced to consider eating right now. The very thought made him feel sick.

He sat back down, looking from left to right, his ears pricked, though it was hard to discern one sound from another in this place. It all started to end up just like one big sound...

"What was it like, where you came from?" Kit asked Alistair, hoping conversation would distract him. Besides, he genuinely was curious. It was unlike what he had known.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini Character Portrait: Alistair
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0.00 INK

Alistair watched as Kit walked around the cage as a woman walked by, well she wasn't a woman she was something different. Ali wasn't really acoustumed to other species he was aware of other creatures in the world and what certain masters liked in terms of affection. He could see that kit was nervous he could smell it too perhaps he had been mistreated in the past, but he seemed sociable enough so maybe he still was happy.

When he asked about where he came from Alistair couldn't help but smile.

" me and my five brothers and three sisters all lived together in a big house in the countryside....close to a small river" Ali began thinking about his home he continued " we were kept warm and given food and able to go outside and play, I remember when would have tuna on special days and we would spend nights all curled up was nice"

He yawned slightly his eyes flattening, he wondered if they would get some food soon or wether it would be later.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira
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0.00 INK


While Kenner stands before the three masters in the dinning room he see's one of the woman from before return. It was Peng'E again and she was in somewhat of a hurry which was evident in the haste in her step. She came to her masters ear and spoke lightly as she informed him of what happened down stairs.
She spoke cleanly and clearly, but light enough to keep the information from all but Syntira's draconian ears.

He gave a slightly distasteful look of discomfort with each passing word and all he can hear is a term of internment that quickly needs to be repaid to someone. He gives Peng'E a slight pat on the side to interrupt her and slides his chair back under the edge of the table.
"Well.. it seems the day keeps getting better." He looks at Peng'E and leans into her ear with one clear whisper before looking back. "I must apologize but an issue has arisen down stairs.. I leave you all in her capable hands for the moment. When everyone is done, she will take you to the atrium for viewing of the new additions." With that Kenner made a bow and then a slightly hasted retreat from the room. It was easy to see that there was a part of him fuming under the collar even before he stepped out and now it was more evident then before as he jumped the banister.
That fall was short and he quickly regained his footing and moved down towards the main hall, only to see that Roldan had moved the young slave girl Genti into the main hall and two of the house maids had come to redress her in something more suitable.

He looked her over and turned his attention towards Roldan.."What of the men who brought her?.. are they waiting to get paid for such an intrusion." He spoke with a lightly burning haze in the back of his eyes.. "No.." Roldan answered "I paid them a small sum of silver and.. forced them on their way."

kenner gave a blank stare with a slight exaggeration to his expression.."Keep her here and get her fed as well.. do not remove the cuffs yet however." He turns on his heel and heads back up the stairs rather quickly "Because I feel we will be seeing them again.."

The march back up the stairs towards his quarters was fast and full of reason as he had a very plane method of doing things. The men who brought Genti to his walls were in blatant disregard of his house and required a lesson in etiquette. Once inside his room he made use of the privacy such a place affords, the back of his room had a small library in place but in there at the moment books were not his concern.
He stepped in the middle of the floor where a glyph sat on the floor, next to the glyph sat a table with a small crystal on a stand that he quickly took in hand and squeezed. The crystal began to glow faintly and pulse as he concentrated on one name that could fix his current dilemma.

"Daud.. I must speak with William.. it is a matter of some urgency."

* * * *

Peeshka looked at Bloodsong as he chowed away on his meal and she pulled her hand back to her sides after the bowl was taken. She was glad that he was more reasonable then most despite his appearance, which made her look back at Nix and remember the fact that she would be more of a hassle then she's worth.

She takes another look at the others in the cells and speak towards the entire group.. ~I suggest you all eat up.. we're all going outside pretty soon and that means your all going to need your strength.~
She stepped back outside of Bloodsongs cell passing through the bars as she did before and moved to lean on the far wall as if she were waiting for something to happen.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira
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0.00 INK


With the greetings done between Mad Dog and Kenner it is taken upon the business men to converse more as they walk for a while through the master hall.
Kenner is starting to understand that this day must have been some sort of test to get under his skin, however Williams presence is making everything seem much better as the time drew on.. "I see Manhoon."
"If you are looking for some new.. blood as you so lovingly put it, I may be able to facilitate."
He beckoned Mad Dog on and offered the extension to Daud as well and so the men began to walk out of the hall. As they left the guards who escorted the two men down below returned and continued with their own duties of standing guard at the stairs.

As the moved on it was easy to tell for Mad Dog that most of Raven Loft's insides had been renovated since he left with Daud in his keeping. Marble lined most of the floor and high archways gave the halls a towering appearance. Seeing that it was only barely after mid day many of the houses patrons were moving about to get back and forth between their respective stations. The sounds of the whole body that was this place echoed on around them while their foot steps were easily drowned out by the rest of such immense movement.

Kenner kept speaking to enhance the conversation between him and Mad Dog. "I do have an idea of what you could be looking for.. someone well enough for your new enterprise. From what I hear that new club will be ready for full operation soon." He dipped his head slightly as several woman passed by in sundresses, each with an assertive bounce in their step and it could be seen why. A woman was walking behind them who cast assertion in her face and dominance in her stride. It was her that was driving the group on to whatever activity they intended to be at next.
She gave Kenner a firm but respectful nod as she passed him and his two friends.
With their passing Kenner continued.."As of now all of my new additions that are not taken.. are rather bare."

"I do however have some unique new treats for our trainers at least."

As they kept moving in their purpose the three passed into a large rotunda of passageways with several stairways leading down into and away from it. This was the causeway, and it was the only part of Raven Loft that truly remained untouched from the renovations. Peng'E was leading the other masters into the rotunda at the same time and she could see Kenner ahead of the group. With a slight pause in her step the group was halted before fully surpassing Kenner's, she gave a slightly bow towards the masters accompanying her before Kenner himself greeted them.. "Ah yes.. its good to see you all here now, that is fine now Peng'E you can head back to mistress Thresh now." The woman in white bows once again flashing a slight smile as she heads back up the stairs from where the group came.

Kenner beckoned them onward and lead them further eastward into the keep and as he lead them on the hall began to become wider and taller, with a great vast light pouring in from the exit ahead. Each step lead them closer and as they walked the sounds of nature could be heard coming through the opening as well.
When the group broke the threshold it became clear to them what the name atrium meant.
It was a vast opening within the bowels of Raven Loft it had the makings of a massive gladiatorial arena, but instead of sand within the base of this giant ring there was a field. Trees and tall grass and a sizable lake in the center and all that many creatures could wish for. Kenner walks the group out onto the balcony of a large slope overlooking the atrium and presents it to them all. "Welcome to the atrium, a crowning example of design if ever there was one. As you look around you there is nature for all to see and if you cast your eyes above even the sun itself is part of Raven Loft."

He was not off when he said this, for when an eye was cast upwards a circular inverted dome could be seen dominating the roof of the atrium. It shined with a deep warm light that gave life as easily as the sun itself would do in mid summer.
"For all those slaves who want to see the world as they left it and come back to nature, however it is still safe to let them roam free here. There is no chance of escape even for those with the power of flight."

* * * *

Peeshka looked back at Nix as a look passed on her face that the masked warden would not have thought possible for the shape shifter to show. She tilted her head to the side as guards with restraining implements arrived in droves, each one in full dress and waiting with baited breath for Pesshka's words.
She cast her gaze towards them and spoke.. ~Alright pair up and get to your appointed cells..~ She looked up to see that behind several of them men were two guards with Genti in arm, they did little to hamper her movement and instead lent an arm to help support her weight for her as they helped her walk. The men & woman got to work as Pesshka walked closer to see Genti for herself. Stopping only a few feet away she stared for a few seconds before slowly leaning in, her expressionless mask looking on and red leather bindings creaking as she inched forward. ~I see.. a new one comes again unscheduled.~
"The master also wants her moved into the atrium with the others.." The guard holding her bowl in his right hand spoke in order to clarify. Peeshka only returned a twitch of her head in his direction before looking back at Genti before nodding.

Everyone was thus gathered up from their cells.
Awoken from slumber or lead out from their positions, some had to be restrained in order to keep the guards peace of mind. The cause to being marked with a black collar saw many of those slaves being treated as such. However the guards were gentle as they could be and courteous in their work, the master would not want to see them damaged what he had just come into possession of within the last hours.
It was then that the group of slaves, was lead towards their destination of the atrium. However they did not share the use of the upper walkways like the masters and more privileged slaves were used to. The area they walked was darker and more somber with wider halls and such open spaces as to maneuver large groups of bodies. This was the main way for the guards to transfer a mass of slaves from one point in Raven Loft to the other and while the atmosphere of this lower area was rather dim.
It still bore a fresh air and lenient energy about it.

The only exception to the move was Nitha, she was left within her cell. The guards did not have the material to move her nor the manpower at the moment and while Kenner with his gifts could transport easily, they would need several men to move her even with a dolly.

Within several minutes the group was lead through a causeway of their own and this one itself lead into the grassy area within the atrium. As the guards lead the slaves in one after the other was released from their bindings and left to stand within the light of the atrium's dome. Those with less tendencies to strike were released first and those with black collars were let go last before the guards passed through the cause way again and as the last stepped through a large gate was swung closed behind to bar an exit.

Pesshka stayed behind with Nitha looking into her cell..~I must say that it is good to see one of your kind again.. it has been some time since one with blood like yours has passed through these walls.~

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini Character Portrait: Miyako Character Portrait: Alistair
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0.00 INK

Kit wasn't feeling very safe about being around so many of these unfamiliar beings. Many of them looked dangerous, the wolf-thing in particular and the female singing strange songs. He kind of wanted to bolt right up one of those trees, just to ensure he was completely safe. Even then, he didn't know how many of them could climb.

He also didn't even know what species many of these creatures were. He supposed he had lived a pretty sheltered life, not seeing much of anything beyond Nekos and humans, something else on the rare occasion but never had he been this close and personal with anything else. Also, all of his Masters had been human. He couldn't imagine what cruelty non-human Masters were capable of, like that red-haired woman for example.

Just about the only beings in this enclosure which didn't make his ears pin back was Alistair and the small human girl, who he could now see in full. Everything else looked like it was capable of eating him, which didn't sound like much fun.

He located Alistair among the bodies of strangers, moving low to the ground in a near-crawl as not to be noticed by any hungry creatures. He refused to make eye contact with any of them, even looking upon them could be dangerous. Fortunately, the area was large enough for there to be some distance between he and most of the others.

He approached Alistair, his eyes wide, glancing around him at all times to make sure nothing was attempting to rip his throat out. Not that there was much he could do about it if there was, his physique didn't allow for much resistance. He was bedazzled by the fact Alistair's life, brought up by breeders and solely intended for this kind of life, had been pleasant if not desirable. He felt a sort of longing in his heart. His family had never made him feel wanted or cared for, never bought joy to his features.

"Don't you want freedom?" Kit asked softly, hoping not to startle the other Neko by his sudden appearance. "Are you truly content with your life so far? And what is tuna?"

Kit personally longed for the day he might be free from the threat of abuse, pain, chains. It was doubtful it would ever happen, since he was far too cowardly to ever fight back or attempt escape, but he could dream, couldn't he?

He lay down, making himself as small as possible, his head resting on his arms, tail flicking beside him. What if nobody wanted him and he remained her for the rest of his miserable existence? The other creatures around him were far more fascinating then a simple kitty cat with no strength or talent.

He mewed weakly, feeling at unease among all these strangers, uncertainty hovering above him like a demon. Some of these beings smelled over-powering and he couldn't stand it. He meowed again, but louder, hoping the Gods of Familiarity would bless him with something stable he could hold on to.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Hope Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Miyako Character Portrait: Mistress Eavia Character Portrait: Alistair
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0.00 INK


Eavia looked around the atruim, then back at Kenner and two other men.
"Pleased to meet you," She says, bowing her head slightly "I am Mistress Eavia."

Eavia turns her gaze to the Prince "So it's ok for other species to be enslaved but not your precious humans? Really, you'd think the, what do you call yourselves? Oh yes, the most 'intelligent' species would understand that they are just like the rest of 'us' and judging by that girls standards she won't last a week. Also if you were what you so 'modestly' say you are she wouldn't have gotten caught now would she?" She quips, knowing she shouldn't but sometimes human's infuriate her.

She then bows her head to him "I apologise but sometimes people just need to be put it their place."

She then turns from the men and inspects the slaves, most are species she knew of like the Naga, but had never seen.
"How wonderful." She whispers to herself and then says, more loudly to Kenner "How do you get such an amazing collection of slaves?" She asks, smiling a little brighter than usual, she enjoyed observing such ferocious creatures.

Then her eye lands on a Neko, nothing special really but she can't stop looking at him and even Eavia, whom doesn't own a soul has to have a small soft spot for him.
She can see that the Neko had grown up into slavery, otherwise she doubted he'd be so well tempered.
"Could you please tell me the collar of the Neko Kenner?" She asks, extending a slim, gloved finger to the creature.

She wanted it and, it was fact, that Mistress Eavia always got what she wanted.



Hope noticed the human girl standing behind her but didn't want to say anything, as if the startle her and anyway, how did she know that she wasn't as vicious as the rest of them. Although she hardly looked it.

Sighing, she trudged along behind the others, occasionally looking behind her, just seeing glimpses of another human thrilled her, but she dare not speak.

Gasping, she looks around the atrium as they enter, it's beautiful with a glistening lake and soft dewy grass.
She wants to just run and dance in it, but being whom she is, Hope says silent and finds a secluded place among the trees, watching the other human girl as she goes to sit by the lake.

Really, she doesn't look very dangerous and I'm at least a little taller, I could take her if she tried anything, Hope muses, standing.

She walks timidly over and whispers "Hello." Some distance away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini Character Portrait: Alistair
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0.00 INK

As Ali walked into the atrium his eyes and ears searched everywhere, he walked around for a while before sitting down and looking around at everyone, he smiled as Kit crawled up to him he looked a little worried but he seemed fine now he was with Ali. His head tilted as he thought about the questions that Kit asked him, he didn't really want freedom to him freedom was a new place and a new chance.

He turned to Kit and smiled again before speaking " freedom is a new start, a new home and master...I'm happy with my's all I've known all I've been taught" he stretched out slightly and lay on the grass rolling on his back he looked over in surprise " you've never had Tuna? Tuna is a big chunky fish it's flaky and really yummy " he smiled again at the memory.

He rolled over again and looked around the atrium at least the slaves were around each other and nothing bad happening.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Hope Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini
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0.00 INK


"So it's ok for other species to be enslaved but not your precious humans? Really, you'd think the, what do you call yourselves? Oh yes, the most 'intelligent' species would understand that they are just like the rest of 'us' and judging by that girls standards she won't last a week. Also if you were what you so 'modestly' say you are she wouldn't have gotten caught now would she?"
The woman's words have caught Kaede completely off guard. He's not used to people talking to him as such. But what really catches his attention is her ability to read his mind. He isn't necessarily surprised that she can; there are many creatures out there capable of that ability, he just didn't really think about it. Before he can organize his thoughts she has turned away from him and her interests lie elsewhere. "Some things are better left unsaid." he muses to himself smiling, trying not to show how irritated he is at her dressing down. "I must be more careful in my thoughts." he decides.

His attention returns back towards the grounds and the creatures below. He tries to wash the woman's words from his mind but her finds it difficult. She obviously misunderstood his thoughts or she's hypersensitive, he isn't sure which it is, he's hoping for the former rather than the latter -- there is also a tinge of anger that he was spoken to like that from a woman. He's more progressive and open-minded than most from his lands when it comes towards women and their status. He has found woman to be just as gifted, talented and intelligent as men and in some cases more so. But still, he carries some of the same prejudices of his people and being talked to like that from a woman is difficult to swallow. More so, that he can't afford to say something back and find himself in a distracting squabble.

His irritation is swept aside when he catches the creature who was signing the irritating song lunging at Kenner. He rises when the beast latches into Kenner's flesh and Kenner seems uninjured by the whole affair. It lasts a scant few seconds and then it ends with the beast taking human form, laid out on the ground in convulsions. Then Kenner lays a robe on her to cover her nakedness.
"Fascinating!" is the only thing that he can think to utter.
Kenner rejoins the group momentarily and departs to change his clothes.

Kaede sits back down in his seat and contemplates everything he's seen and how it fits in his plans. Periodically, he checks over at the white woman to try and ascertain if she is reading his thoughts again, but he's satisfied that she has other interests.
"How does that work for me?" he wonders. "Can that girl on the ground be my answer?" He ponders that thought and many other thoughts as well, trying to figure out how each of the beings down below could be used to his advantage and what he could offer them in return for their services.
"The girl laid out on the ground is easy." he tells himself, "Her freedom after the deed. But can she be trusted?" that is his over-arching worry. "Could I trust her?"
He turns his attention toward the two girls, "Both are artistic. But how are they artistic? Singing? Acting? Painting? There are lots of ways to be artistic. Some are less useful than others. What would they want?" he ponders, "The girl similar to me is easy, going back to her people. The other rubies? A title? Can they be useful in a killing?"
The shy, timid creature with the unkempt fur would be a distraction. But he hardly looks like he has the capacity to kill. The darker cat-like creature may have more possibilities. "Oh, damned it all." he mutters, rolling his eyes in frustration. "I don't know."
Kaede sits trying to gather his thoughts. There are too many possibilities and, for all his planning over the past few years, this part has always been the most difficult. This is a Tetsume venture, not his. He ponders sending for his friend to have him come and check them out. After a few minutes of thinking he decides not to. This is his job and he needs Tetsume back keeping everyone organized and ready for his return.

Kaede gets up and steps closer to the rail, he watches the both the hopeful buyers and the merchandise. From the buyers he tries to gather a glimmer of what they're planning on buying. If he has any doubts about whether or not to purchase a creature that any of them want, he plans on passing. Kaede is not interested in a bidding war. From the slaves he hopes to get some inspiration from what he sees. Maybe getting closer will help.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini Character Portrait: Alistair
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0.00 INK

Kit cocked his head quizzically, trying to get his head around the idea that freedom for this other Neko involved more servitude. It did not make sense to Kit but he supposed that since Ali had never known anything else, this was his entire world and the notion f anything outside of it might've just seemed alien.

"I haven't had tuna. I had some snapper once, that was quite delicious" Kit said, his mind again reverting to Vanessa. His own family were rather poor and before he was sold into slavery, he didn't know the wonders of fantsastic food... or even just a full stomach, most days. However, he remembered clearly the day that Vanessa had rewarded him with the snapper and a warm bowl of milk. It was the most delicious thing to ever mark the Neko's taste buds. She was already fairly ill at this point and she was attempting to comfort Kit, as he was panicking at the prospect of having to leave her, or having her leave him.

Indeed, one of her friends attempted to blame Kit for his Mistress's illness. This awful woman claimed that Neko's were nothing but dirty animals and that Kit could be carrying all sorts of diseases. When Vanessa would not listen to this rubbish, the nasty witch decided to attempt convincing the cook, and even the guard to throw him out. Fortunately, they knew better and threw her out instead.

It didn't matter though. That would be the last meal Kit ate in the presence of his Mistress. The following day, she was bedridden and he was hardly even permitted to see her. It wasn't long after she stopped responding once the fever embraced her that Kit was sent away... and here.

"So you said you had litter mates. Where are your brothers and sisters?" Kit asked Ali, attempting to distract himself from his own thoughts which were rather sad and difficult to bare. He supposed he kind of understood Alistair a little more though.. Being with Vanessa was the happiest Kit had ever been.

Suddenly, an overwhelming scent bombarded Kit's nose, not one he particularly enjoyed. Upon looking up, he noticed the wolf-creature crouched down some distance away. Strangely, the wolf didn't seem to be looking at him threateningly, more like he was intrigues by Kit and inquisitive. Regardless, Kit got into a defensive position, crouching likewise and hissing a warning, a claw raised high in the air. His tail flicked angrily against the ground.

All things canine scared the hell out of Kit and he wasn't about to become this guy's dinner. He recalled the last time he'd been confronted by a dog which had pinned him to the ground and very nearly removed his throat. He wouldn't put himself in that position again.

Kit couldn't even tell if this wolf-thing was sentient, but he didn't look like an ordinary wolf; he was humanoid. In fact, replace wolf ears and tail for cat assets and this guy could be Neko. Only he wasn't Neko... he was canine.

"Stay away from me or... or I'll..." Kit began, but really not being a tough sort of Neko, decided to end his attempted threat in another hiss instead.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sinkai
Syntira had watched the whole ordeal between the were-Hyena and Kenner with severe interest. Her non-human eyes had been able to catch much more of the action than the average observer. Her nostrils flared at the scent released from the pair. When the female being had first attacked Kenner, Syn’s reflexes had shoved her forward and almost over the railing. Her wings folded on her back threatened to tear through her robe. Just as the Mistress’ feet had clambered on top of the railing however, the woman stopped. It would be rude for her to interrupt the quarrel. Kenner had been a Master for many decades, and she did not wish to demean him by jumping to his rescue. Instead, Syn sat down on the railing; one foot hanging down and the other perched so that the Dragonkin could rest her chin on her knee.

A black liquid had oozed out of... Kenner? And was now inside of the were-hyena’s mouth. The female creature’s eyes rolled back in her head, and after a few moments she lay on the ground convulsing. Syn could not hear the exchanges between the two, but she wished that she had. As she took mental notes, Syn lost track of the Master. He reappeared soon, clambering over the railing. She nodded at his words, but she was too transfixed on what had just occurred to really process them. As soon as the Master left, her eyes shifted around the area. Pesshka was down with the potential companions, and Syn had done quite enough observing from afar. She stood on the railing and turned around, facing the two other masters. Shedding off her most outer layer, the long black and gold robe, she placed the material over the railing.

If you two would excuse me...” Her cool tone travelled to the pair. Syn nodded politely, closing her eyes as she did so. Without opening them she leaned backward, falling over the railing. In the air the Mistress took a moment to sigh, recalling the same free-fall she had conducted earlier when she left for Raven Loft. Spinning her torso around, her wings unfolded from her back, the outer scales reflecting the red of her hair, and the inner scales shimmering with a gold color. Stretching the apendages out wide, her fall was slowed until she glided down to the grass. One foot touched the ground gracefully before being joined by the other. Finally opening her eyes, her black slits scanned the area. There was quite a wide variety of species before her. She smiled, though to anyone but one accustomed to Dragonkin it may have appeared wicked. Though in her human form, Syn’s teeth were much sharper than the average being. Finally her eyes focused on a similar looking trio. They were all males, one with brown ears, one with a white tail, and the last with a red stripe across his face. Well.. I think direct conversations would be a no at this point.. at least for those with Black Collars, Alice on the other hand I know can be easily communicated with. Kenner’s words echoed in her ear. The Mistress sighed, that meant that the canine-like Neko would be out of the question for now. At least, she was not permitted to approach him. Syn would not refuse if he took an interest in herself. Giving him one last longing glance, her eyes shifted to the feline-like Nekos.

Who do we have here?” Syntira made her way over to the pair. She knew that her appearance may be frightening to the two, so she bowed deeply, flicking her wings low against her back submissively. The last thing she wanted to do was scare the two, so she even released a peaceful scent. As far as she was aware, Nekos should be able to understand Dragonkin scenting. Syn hoped so, but she was not completely sure. Her eyes flicked back up to the pair, but she remained in her unguarded stance. They pleaded for acceptance.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini Character Portrait: Genti Stone Character Portrait: Alistair
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0.00 INK

Just as things possibly couldn't get any worse for the poor Neko, they did. Yet another canine was approaching him, growling. This time, a black, female wolf. Kit backed away slowly, his eyes easily giving away his terror as they bulged from his skull, his tail twitching between his legs, meowing like a lost kitten.

Fortunately, the first wolf thing had decided to back off, moving away and laying in the grass nearby, seemingly disappointed. Kit wasn't curious enough about the other's odd behavior to ask, no, certainly not. Kit's entire body was shaking frantically. Trapped in a pen with dogs... dogs everywhere.

"Please, just leave me alone" he wailed, his hands covering his face so he would at least not see his approaching death as it neared. Just when things had been peaceful, he with the other Neko, feeling comfortable... dogs of all things. Why did the universe hate him so, to curse not just one, but two dogs upon him?

He backed away further, praying that these animals would understand his words and have some sympathy for his cowering form but unsure that language was an ability for them. He was stopped in his tracks by a familiar scent... gentle and non-threatening, though certainly the same scent as that of the red-haired lady.

He turned to behold her, instantly forgetting both his conversation with Alistair and the menacing canines. She spoke to him, and Alistair to, he presumed and that was far more interesting than anything else that had happened since he got here. He cocked his head, marveling at her appearance, unlike anything he had seen before.

He moved toward her, low to the ground in a semi-crawl, a submissive stance against her strange but alluring form. "I am Kit, Kit Kuchini. I do not mean to offend, Miss, but what are you?" he asked. She must be Dragonkin, nothing else would fit the description but that, only she couldn't be because such beings were only the product of myths, right? But then, Kit had been very sheltered...

He was only a little frightened, his awe over-riding his fear, which was unusual for the Neko who was scared of everything. He hurriedly glanced over his shoulder, making sure there was ample distance between himself and the canines, who he had almost forgotten about entirely since he first inhaled the scent of the red-haired lady.

His tail wrapped around his legs and his bodily shaking subsided slightly, though he still quivered occasionally. "Are you really Dragonkin?" he asked, fascination clear in his voice as he spoke. Of all of the strange species he had seen since he arrived here, hers was the one which amazed him the most, for some reason.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini Character Portrait: Alistair
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sinkai
The canine to the right of the Mistress snorted. She turned her head briefly towards the boy, his red stripe certainly suited his apparent warrior personality. Not very tame... Interesting. Perhaps he could be a companion once he learns that this business doesn't always have to be negative. I doubt he'd ever become a servant-boy, but that's not what I'm looking for. I've conducted my business and daily activities thus far without needing a servant, I can continue without one as well. Some companions however... They would make my existence much less monotonous. Perhaps I could find a use out of this previously meaningless gold I've come by so easily.

Mistress Syntira's attention returned to the Neko before her, and her smile only widened with the boy approached her. He remained low to the ground, a defensive tactic as well as a submissive stance. The Dragonkin beamed at his curiosity of her species. She wanted to move closer to him, and hold his frightened body until he stopped shaking. That was out of the question, however. Syn wouldn't risk frightening the already timid being with such a bold gesture. Sitting down on the grass, the Dragonkin folded her wings so they were resting on the ground behind and beside her. She nodded at his questions.

"Yes, my dear, I am of the Dragonkin. Does that frighten you, little one? I assure you, I have no intention of harming you. Quite the opposite, actually." The Mistress' eyes flashed with excitement. She took some time to scan over the white furred Neko. His tail was wrapped around his legs; the being was trying to make himself look even smaller. How absolutely charming... Leaning back slightly, the woman reached a hand out towards the boy. Her head tilted comfortingly.

"I would love if you came closer, dear. I refuse to force you into anything you do not wish to do. You have nothing to be afraid of." Syn wondered briefly about her living arrangements at the Raven Loft. Would slaves be permitted to visit the rooms on the upper floor of the castle? The image of the dark silk that adorned Syntira's room flashed across her mind. She envisioned the same room with the addition of the Neko before her in it. He was sitting by her fireplace, curled up in one of the blankets in the room. Syn couldn't control what had already happened to the boy before he had arrived at Raven Loft, but she would be sure to create only positive experiences for him from here on out.

Perhaps the other Neko would join her entourage as well. He seemed less timid, but not nearly as stoic as the canine aside of her. If the Mistress were to adopt the lot of them, measures would have to be taken to associate the canine and the felines with each other peacefully to avoid future conflict. Syn had always been one who enjoyed challenges however, and she wouldn't back down from her plans simply because of natural rivalries.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini Character Portrait: Alistair
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Ali watched the behaviour of the canine type slave he wasn't sure what he was actually living such a sheltered life except with his brothers and sisters. He went to talk to Kit about his family but it seemed kit had found someone to talk to, she was very beautifully her hair was as bright as the reddest apple and her eyes intriguing. Ali crawled forward and sat down his head tilted in curiosity he smiled softly and spoke " your very beautiful Mistress if I may say so" he bowed his head and upper body to a low point before raising slowly. Curtesy was another thing he learnt at home, things like respect and comfort in words and complements.

He looked to Kit and was glad that he had put aside his fearfulness to talk to a potential Mistress it was always good to start a small relationship with each one so you wouldn't be disappointed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini Character Portrait: Alistair
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Ignore my ipad spazzed out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini Character Portrait: Genti Stone Character Portrait: Alistair
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Kit's awe did not lessen, only grew as the red-haired lady spoke to him and confirmed her species as being that of the Dragonkin. His body shook with wonder.

He inched his body toward her, picking up her scent off her extended hand and feeling at ease by the peacefulness of her smell. "Yes, it frightens me a little... but everything does. I didn't know your kind existed, Miss" he said, his eyes bulging as the fear and amazement mixed within the blood of his small body. He imagined he should be more frightened then he was but her appearance was a refreshing change from the canines which had been shrouding him before.

Upon inspection, he noticed that both of them had backed off a fair distance, allowing his ears and tail to relax as he became more comfortable and didn't have to be on the watch for dogs chewing at his back. That was something he would much rather not have to experience.

The Dragonkin lady assured him he had not to fear, that she meant him no harm and he decided he would trust her because although her species frightened him somewhat, due to it being so mighty and foreign in his mind, she offered nothing in her scent nor her mannerisms that threatened him. In fact, it would be quite the opposite. He felt somewhat comforted by her.

He moved toward her, gently rubbing his face against her hand in a display of affection, a soft purr sounding from his throat. He inspected her wings with the curiosity only natural to his kind before sitting down before her, the purr fading slowly. His quivering had ceased for now, no longer having to deal with with the prospect of wolf teeth and being more intrigued than frightened of the red-haired lady.

Kit noticed Ali appear beside himself and the Dragonlady and admired the manners in which Ali used when he spoke, something which he must have been taught through out his life with the breeders. He wish he knew how to better speak. It would seem all Kit knew how to do was run from things with his tail between his legs.