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Arteryu Suzuki

Hello there... Oh I am sorry am I reading your book?

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a character in “The Lines Between Black and White”, as played by Zenia


Arteryu Suzuki

Role: Second Girl

Gender: Female
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Arty
Love Interest: Not yet needed.
Past Lover:Boy 2 ((Louvel Regis))

Appearance: she has a scar on her back, she doesn’t remember how she got it, it appears to be from a burn. She also has flecks of emerald green in her eyes that seem to shine bright in the sun. She usually has a sort small smile on her face.

Preferred Clothing: sun dresses, jeans a white shirt and a straw hat.

Height: 5’4
Weight: 100
Hair Color:Opal black
Eye Color: blue with flecks of emerald in them.

Notable Features: her eyes

Personality:A kind girl who loves to paint and garden, she is most often seen either in a cherry tree with a sketch book, or reading underneath it. Though in the morning she can be seen planting and weeding a small garden. She is soft spoken and hardly speaks up, but when she does she can be very outspoken, it seems she is hiding some of her true self from others.
She is afraid of being rejected so that may be why she tries so hard to be accepted by people and keeps her opinions to herself. She loves listening to the violin and piano and wishes she knew how to play them. She loves a good book and can be seen under the cherry tree reading book after book day after day.

Oddities: She can, and most of the time will, ramble about books and flowers, she also loves action movies, which is surprising considering her personality.

Charm Points: She can find a book for almost everyone, and also seems to be able to shake off a lot of the insults cast on her.

Likes: Books, fruit, gardening, cherry blossoms, trees, piano, classical music, some newer music.
Dislikes: Loud noises, spicy food, big bugs, people scaring her, pranks.
Hobbies: Reading, writing ((just started though)), drawing/painting gardening, she is trying to find a way to play the piano and violin, surprisingly she wants to know how to learn self-defense. Also a very good tree climber.

Fears/Phobia(s): Dark, loud noises, thunder storms, nightmares, losing her friends.

Skills: Fast reader, good tree climber, able to find a book for almost anyone who wants one.

Personal History: A soft spoken girl who was always too afraid to speak up for herself, always wanting the others to be happy even if she wasn’t. But she does have a side to her that she hardly shows. If you get her angry enough she will show a surprising strength of will and won’t back down. She has always loved flowers ever since she was little and remembers the smell of cherry blossoms, which is her favorite flower.

She has always loved to read books, from fairy tales to fantasy and many others. She is never without a book to read often carrying one or two in her pocket. She is an oddity in the fact that though she is scared of the dark, she loves the night. Arty often explains it that, “The night isn’t just darkness; it has sparks of light in it. Therefore it is not true darkness. That is what I fear

Arty has grown up in what some may consider sheltered, she wasn’t rich or anything, in fact the sheltering was from the books she read. Escaping reality and delving into their world, a world of fairies and hope. Which had made her known as a book worm, but again she just laughed at that saying they were right.

She has recently come Blanchett Manor hoping to be accepted by the others, if not she at least wants to be allowed to work the garden there. She also is hoping that while in a place new that she may be able to get answers
 mainly where her scar came from, and to also get a bit braver, and to be able to take a stand for herself instead of letting others doing it for her, or not at all.

Theme Song: SONG Only Hope, Mandy Moore
There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But You sing to me over and over and over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
and pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now you're my only hope

Sing to me the song of the stars
Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing
and laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that You have for me over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope

I give You my destiny
I'm giving You all of me
I want Your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope

Theme Song 2: SONG World of midnight, Minako "mooki" Obata

Someday I want to run away
To the world of midnight
Where the darkness fill the air
Where it's icy cold

Where nobody has a name
Where living is not a game
There, I can hide my broken heart
Dying to survive

There, no one can see me cry
The tears of my lonely soul
I'll find peace of mind
In the dark and cold world of midnight

Other: She finds it hard to hurt someone, but once pushed over the edge it is surprisingly easy for her to do so. Though one of the only ways that happens is that her friends are in danger or being picked on.

So begins...

Arteryu Suzuki's Story


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#, as written by Zenia

Arteryu “Arty” Suzuki walked to the house two suit cases in her hand and a straw hat with a long blue ribbon on her head. Her light blue sandaled feet hardly made a sound. A light breeze blew across her path causing her opal black hair to whip across her face and covered her odd eyes, they were a deep sapphire blue, but they had flecks of emerald in them that seemed to shine brighter when the sun hit them. She put a hand on her hat to keep it on as she squinted her eyes to keep the dust out.

She looked around the unfamiliar city scape a light frown on her lightly pink lips. She wanted to ask someone where this “Blanchett Manor” was located, but was too scared to do so. She finally found it and raised her hand as she quietly knocked on the door and waited patiently. She hoped she would get along with everyone here. She also hoped they had a library and garden here. As she waited she sang a song softly,

“ Someday I want to run away
To the world of midnight
Where the darkness fill the air
Where it's icy cold

Where nobody has a name
Where living is not a game
There, I can hide my broken heart
Dying to survive

There, no one can see me cry
The tears of my lonely soul
I'll find peace of mind
In the dark and cold world of midnight

She liked the song, though the anime it came from was very violent and graphic
 in fact she could only watch one episode of it a day, though she has gotten better at that
 “Maybe there will be people my age here! I hope I can make some friends
” she thought to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arteryu Suzuki Character Portrait: Akio Cho
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#, as written by Zenia

Arty smiled as the man opened the door for her, “Thanks.” She told him as she gently stepped inside. “Um I was told I was going to be living here
 Oh I forgot to introduce myself didn’t I? I am Arteryu Suzuki. Arty for short.” She told him as she followed him to the kitchen still carrying her two cases. “Is the landlady here? Or is there a place I should put my bags?” she asked him as she smelled the food, which made her stomach growl a bit. With a faint blush she apologized to him, “S-sorry

She quickly changed the subject, “So are you the only one here?” she asked as she saw how huge the kitchen was. It was like something out of a movie to her. “wow! His whole place is huge!” she thought to herself as her mouth opened slightly in amazement. She faintly could hear oher voices in the house, but couldn’t make out the words.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arteryu Suzuki Character Portrait: Akio Cho
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#, as written by Zenia
Arty quickly followed him not asking for help with her bags as he led her to her room. She almost slipped on the stairway but quickly got her balance back as she held onto her hat. “I should take it off
 I am indoors after all” she thought to herself as she again sung one of her favorite songs softly.
“Someday I want to run away
To the world of midnight
Where the darkness fill the air
Where it's icy cold

Where nobody has a name
Where living is not a game
There, I can hide my broken heart
Dying to survive

There, no one can see me cry
The tears of my lonely soul
I'll find peace of mind
In the dark and cold world of midnight

When they got to her room she put her bags down and gasped, it was huge! Much bigger than she had expected. She went over to the window and saw she had a balcony. A balcony! Just like she had always wanted! “Oh! A garden as well! This is perfect!” she exclaimed happily letting out a soft giggle as she spun around in happiness
 and then she remembered she wasn’t the only one in the room and blushed fiercely. “S-sorry
 I got over excited


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arteryu Suzuki Character Portrait: Akio Cho
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#, as written by Zenia
Arty smiled and took his hand. “Thanks. I would probably get lost if I tried to go by myself.” She told him with a smile as she brushed some of her black hair behind her ear so it wouldn’t obscure her vision. The light hit her eyes causing a weird thing to happen, the fleck of emerald green in her eyes seemed to shine brighter. She of course did not know his, and squinted a bit, “Oh you do? I wish I could say I thought it up myself, but it is from an anime I saw
” she admitted with a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arteryu Suzuki Character Portrait: Akio Cho
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#, as written by Zenia
Arty wasted no time as she grabbed the guys arm and ran downstairs to the dining room, her hat off of her head, her hair flying behind him. She could hardly wait to make new friends! And to see the garden! Oh and the library! She giggled happily as she finally reached the room and entered it with a smile as she looked around.

((Sorry it is short and for the wait! I thought I posted yesterday when I did not.))

The setting changes from Agalia to Blanchett Manor


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander Character Portrait: Arteryu Suzuki Character Portrait: Akio Cho
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The redhead laughed a bit at being thanked, as long as the girl was all right, that was all Amaryllis cared about. The man from before, the one who seemed guilty of being able to be labeled a ‘sexual deviant,’ he had not seemed to have harmed Celandine, although she’d been shaken up by the encounter. There was no doubt about it. Amaryllis could well understand why, that strange feeling she’d had, the something that her body didn’t seem to be able to comprehend . . . that heavy feeling that made her skin almost want to crawl. Little Ms. Pirate had been very close to the man when that strange sensation had permeated the air, and he seemed to have been the source of it, for whatever the reason. Being so close to the possible source of such a sentiment, well, that would indeed be enough to strike disturbance into anyone normal.

She gave Celandine an honest smile, happy to know that she seemed to be okay now, perhaps still a bit perturbed by before, but for the most part she seemed to be all right. “Y’don’t have to thank me, I just stepped in because it looked like he was making you way uncomfortable.” A warm laugh bubbled up from her throat with her words. Setting a hand against the fridge, Amaryllis ascended to her feet, looking off in the direction that the man had disappeared to, back into the basement after giving an order for breakfast. The notion of him ordering another person around really struck her the wrong way, it didn’t tick her off so much as it disappointed her. She didn’t really understand why it was so hard for someone to just, well, ask . . . ? Honestly, if he had just asked instead of being so arrogant sounding, Amaryllis wouldn’t have minded so much, really, she wouldn’t have.

But, she was not a girl that took orders like those.

So, Mr. Suave would just have to worry about his own hunger unless he decided to either politely request breakfast, or he actually asked. It was as simple as that as far as she was concerned. In the meantime, there was the reason she’d come out of holing herself up in her room in the first place too . . . she’d heard Hakuchƍ say that they had a new tenant. . . . However, it would seem that she herself had gotten caught up in matters that might’ve been more important than that regarding Celandine and the man who’d managed to utterly mortify her earlier. Even thinking back to the event while she had nothing pushing her to force through anything was enough to make Amaryllis develop a look of discomfort on her face.

A tired sigh came from her lips as she drew one of her hands up to cover her face, God . . . how the hell did I manage to get through that without losing it? she asked, honestly not sure. I-I mean, before he . . . and I still managed to-to hold myself together. . . . Honestly; how the HELL Amaryllis had managed to maintain her sang-froid when she had to confront him again so soon was actually beyond her. Whatever kept her sane and calm at the moment she needed it, she didn’t want to jinx it the next time that she might really require it, so she wasn’t going to ask anymore about it than she had. Letting her hand drop away from her face, it was revealed that the girl’s cheeks had flushed with color at the mere memory of what had happened earlier.

Shaking her head, Amaryllis looked back to Celandine, before holding a hand out to the pastel-haired girl kindly, “Well . . . why don’t we get you up off the floor Ms. Pirate?”


Akio followed Arteryu down the stairs as her arm looped with his, and he couldn’t help a smile at the girl’s giddy laughter, she seemed truly happy to be heading down the stairs to meet with the Manor’s other tenants. As he reach the dining room with her, he removed his arm from hers, and let her look around without his hindering her. She’d been shown to her room and now knew where it was, so she was at least able to get back to it. . . . But, as nice as it’d been speaking with her, it was about time for him to let her be on her own within the Manor. His time there was about up as it was, even if the room he’d been staying in for the last few days was indeed pleasant enough, and Miss Alessa had been kind to him, he needed to take his leave soon.

He was sure that Arteryu would be all right on her own now, he knew enough about a couple of the manor’s other tenants to say that there were at least some pleasant people within the home, and they’d see to the dark-haired girl’s wellbeing without being prompted. That was certain enough. Akio leaned himelf up against the doorframe and took a look at the clock which hung on the dining room’s wall, noting that it was already passed eight o’clock. He couldn’t help but sighing, truthfully, he didn’t entirely want to leave the Manor, but the deal had been that could stay for a few days while he got some other living arrangements sorted out in Agalia. Which he had managed to do; he’d gotten an apartment for rent and he was able to move into it now.

Yet still, he couldn’t help not wanting to leave, the people in the home were nice and where’d he had been allowed to stay was rather enjoyable too, but a deal was a deal. So . . . it was inevitably time, but, who knew, maybe he’d be back sometime. . . . “Well, Arty, it looks like you’re settling in rather well. I’m sorry to say that I have to be going now, my stay here was temporary.” he told the girl, but he smiled, “You’ve got nothing to worry about with the other people living here, the ones I’ve met have been nice. And, I have a feeling that they might be in the kitchen right now, if you want to meet them.”

Without hesitating, he pushed himself away from the doorframe, and turned around, ready to leave the dining room and to head back to where he’d been staying. “Bye Arty, maybe I’ll see you around again sometime.” He said that to her, and left the room, going back to his own to gather up his belongings, and to head out to Agalia, to where he’d be staying in the city. . . .

The setting changes from Blanchett Manor to Agalia


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander Character Portrait: Arteryu Suzuki Character Portrait: Akio Cho
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#, as written by Zenia
Arty waved good bye to Akio as she got her food and started to eat it. When she finished she started to clean her dishes singing as she did so.
“ There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But You sing to me over and over and over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
and pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now you're my only hope

Sing to me the song of the stars
Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing
and laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that You have for me over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope

I give You my destiny
I'm giving You all of me
I want Your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.”

She finished and started to explore the house trying to get the lay of the house as she brushed her hair off of her face. She heard voices and started to follow in the direction they were in. Hopefully she would be able to make some friends here!