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The Lines Between Black and White » Places

Places in The Lines Between Black and White

This is a list of locations that can be found in The Lines Between Black and White.

All Places

Blanchett Manor

18 posts · 5 characters present · last post 2012-08-10 02:36:11 »

         Amaryllis found herself showing a visible pout at what had been said to her . . . she couldnā€™t help her reaction to before, any normal girl wouldā€™ve probably had a reaction like her, albeit it mightā€™ve been less a violent one. Even still, they still would have gotten pretty damn embarrassed wouldnā€™t they have? I donā€™t need to be chided for anything, I came to apologize about how I acted anyway, so. . . . she sighed to herself quietly, making sure not to draw attention to her exasperation. She quickly rand her hand through her bangs, assuming a stance that bespoke of her current mindset without meaning too. I know Iā€™m a klutz, but thatā€™s just . . . it happens!

Her face was tinged red still from embarrassment at the memory of the incident beforehand, and the fact that the basement dweller of the Manor was shirtless did not help that fact. . . . Still, she couldnā€™t deny the fact that he still didnā€™t look completely well. The man still looked he just didnā€™t feel well, despite the fact that heā€™d taken to exercising it seemed. That was just . . . kind of random. Okay, so, maybe it was a bit more than just kind of random. It was really random. While the redheaded teenager might not have been a health professional, she thought she at least understood enough about a personā€™s wellness to say that suddenly just dropping into a workout routine when one looked like he did couldnā€™t be good. Some of the things heā€™d gone and said to her of course sounded on the arrogant side of the spectrum. . . . But, Amaryllis didnā€™t expect much more out of him then that in truth, yet still, she didnā€™t think she was wrong assuming that they mightā€™ve gotten off on the wrong foot due to what had happened before. He had at least said ā€˜thanksā€™ for the food sheā€™d made for him. . . . That was something.

He still doesnā€™t look right, of course, Iā€™m not going to really ask about that . . . but, she tilted her head to the side, an uncertain expression passed over her face as she leaned up against the doorframe, lost in thought. Of course; Iā€™m concerned! Probably stupid of me to be this way, but, I canā€™t help it. Sighing, she again choose to speak, ā€œYā€™know, I never expected an apology out of you for what happened before, honestly, I wasnā€™t even expecting to apologize for it before like I did, that just kind of came out of my mouth before I knew what I was saying. Regardless, I still meant it though.ā€ A typical expression formed over her face, almost a look of boredom. ā€œSorry if Iā€™m prying, but, should you really be at . . . that right now? Exercising I mean, it just . . . it looks like youā€™re not completely well, and if that is the case, then straining yourself would only make that worse, wouldnā€™t it? No point in doing that if you make yourself sick.ā€

Amaryllis shrugged, ā€œWhatever though, itā€™s your choice after all . . . just donā€™t get yourself so ill that you canā€™t move or something.ā€ With that, she turned on her heel, ready to head back up the stairs before she stopped and turned partway back around, remembering that there was one more thing she should do. ā€œOh yeah, I come down here and I almost donā€™t remember to actually give my name . . . sheesh, well anyway, Iā€™m Amaryllis Honey, Alessaā€™s niece.ā€


Not a single noise came from him despite how it was the car seemed to shake every time it hit even the slightest of bumps on the road . . . no matter the sharp turns it took, or how sudden the stops were, he didnā€™t say anything or let out a sound. No, there was no reason to yet do that. He was just in-between homes again, stuck being transported by someone working for the state, a person who didnā€™t really care, who was just doing their job. . . . This was something he was rather used to as far as things went. For the last six years, it was like clockwork, heā€™d been taken to a new home every few months, introduced to a new family who would just be saying good-bye to him eventually anyway; taken care of by people who really didnā€™t care. As far as he figured, what was to come for him now was no different, so what did it matter? But, the knowing that heā€™d be with new people again . . . it made him both excited and a tad bit antsy. The thought of new faces was enough to elicit one reaction out of the boy, and that was him tightening the hold he had on his Elmo doll.

ā€œIt wonā€™t long now, weā€™ll be arriving at your new home in a few minutes, Elisedd.ā€ The driver spoke up for the first time in over an hour.

At hearing his name, the boy drew her crimson gaze up from his Elmo, and looked to the back of the driverā€™s seat, a vacant expression over his young face. Merely, he blinked in response, silently nodding in acknowledgement.
ā€œSo . . . what do you know about your new living arrangements?ā€ the woman spoke to him again, seeming like she was bothering to make conversation now that his departure from her presence was so imminent.

Elisedd continued to start at her, not saying anything, keeping himself quiet for moment, almost as if he didnā€™t hear her. His new living arrangements. . . . What did he know about them? Well, what was there for him to know? The place he was staying at was another foster home, another temporary place for him to live. Of course, heā€™d heard that this would be different from the past because of how heā€™d wound up being taken in by this particular home. The woman who wanted to take care of him had specifically requested for him heā€™d heard. For some reason. . . .

As he did not answer her, the driver turned her eyes to look at the boy in her rearview mirror, ā€œDid you hear me? I asked you a question boy.ā€

A sigh escaping him, the teenager drew his head down at the angered tone in the ladyā€™s voice, eyelids lowering a bit. ā€œEli heard what was said to him maā€™am, he was just thinking to himself some is all.ā€

ā€œWhat do you have to think about? Youā€™re going to a new home right now, given your history, it ought to be routine for you.ā€

Again, his grip on his toy tightened, ā€œIt is routine for Eli, he is used to this. He just heard that things were a bit different this time for him, so he didnā€™t completely understand that.ā€

ā€œHmph, well, whatever kid, youā€™re going to find out everything you need to soon enough since weā€™re almost there now.ā€
In response to her words, Elisedd nodded, partly believing he knew what to expect from his new home, and partly not. Whatever is to come, Eli will find out soon enough, it wonā€™t be long until he is at Blanchett Manor.

Agalia Blanchett Manor Owner: RolePlayGateway

A large home that fate has drawn our characters to dwell within, it is a very spacious place with seven bedrooms, and an attic and basement that can serve as bedrooms or other areas all their own. It is has recently been renovated by a young woman who is newer to the area, there are rumors regarding her though. Rather unpleasant ones that say she is the blacksheep of her well-to-do family, as she is a partying, wild-woman who tends to drink herself into a stupor.


42 posts · 5 characters present · last post 2012-08-07 14:45:10 »


Aina smiled at his reply. She turned to him and took his outstretched hand, shaking it as firmly as she could. Just like how Axel had thought her to. Her more vocal older brother had never failed to remind her to keep her cool and be as professional towards possible business partners or as accommodating as she could in front of a new face. First impressions would normally last after all. Studying the man in front of her, she had one dominant impression about him. Josephā€¦ as what he had introduced himself seemed very detached. He spoke bluntly and she had a distinct feeling that he is quietly assessing her as they currently conversed. Not that she minded. She knew that it was the most natural and usual thing a person would do to somewhat they had recently met.

Staring at his blue-eyes, the black-haired girl couldnā€™t help but compare him to Haku-kun. Haku-kun was the first tenant that she met after all and while Haku-kun exhibited the same aura of detachment much like Joseph-san did, there was a distinct difference between the two. Hakuchoā€¦ is gentler and perhaps had more warmth compared to the black-haired man in front of her. Though she was not implying that he was mean or terribleā€¦ this was just based on her assumptions about him. Joseph had shorter hair and somewhat a direct to the point personality. He actually reminded Aina of those persons who seemed rational and calculating of their every action. Still though, she decided not to wholly judge his personality based on their initial meeting. She was never the type to be skeptic towards other people and she wouldnā€™t dare start today, especially on her first day here.

As she listened to his comments, she honestly didnā€™t feel insulted in any other way or form. In fact, she silently agreed with him. She didnā€™t know how she could be of help in carrying his luggage. And if she had been another girl, she would have probably inwardly been berating herself for daring to volunteer into something she was certainly not going to be helpful. She didnā€™t like to be called delicate. But with the way she had grown up, cared for and duly protected by her two older brothers; she had gotten used to the security and safety of their influence. Which is why aside from minor exercises here and there, she was not the one you could call strong, athletic or any other terms related to the two mentioned. She loved creating artistic projects not things like those and will probably be the physically weakest person out there. Her occurring clumsiness was the viable proof to this. But seeing that Joseph had a lot of luggage to bring to his room, Aina had truly wanted to be of help. She didnā€™t know how but she finally decided that if he would let her, sheā€™d do anything she could.

ā€œDo you feel like you actually could help me, or are you simply compelled by courtesy to offer?ā€ She shook her head and let out a slight smile. ā€œItā€™s nice meeting you, Joseph.ā€ She decided to her usual addendum of drop the Japanese suffix just in case he wasnā€™t fond of it before she continued, ā€œI, I think Iā€™ll agree that I wouldnā€™t be much help. Iā€™m quite weak just as you assumed.ā€-here she couldnā€™t help but blush. She looked down and deliberated for her next words. It was amusing to hear her offering physical help when she was the type of person who wasnā€™t able to do manual labor all her life but that would not deter her from her current goal. ā€œBut I want to be of help! You look like you had a lot of things and I think itā€™ll be easier if there is two of us,ā€ she said seconds later. She smiled at him again and waited for his reaction before she optimistically suggested. ā€œI have a suggestion. Donā€™t you think it would be easier if we carry the opposite sides of your luggage? I canā€™t possibly carry one whole bag by myself but I think it will be easier to go upstairs if we do this.ā€

A large city located in the heart of the mid-Eastern United States, itā€™s a bustling place with over a million people living in it. Other than being a large enough city, there is little noteworthy about this placeā€”it has the commonalities of all cities, shopping districts, malls, culture, theatres. . . .
