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The Lines Between Black and White



a part of The Lines Between Black and White, by Jakuri-chan.

A large city located in the heart of the mid-Eastern United States, it’s a bustling place with over a million people living in it. Other than being a large enough city, there is little noteworthy about this place—it has the commonalities of all cities, shopping districts, malls, culture, theatres. . . .

Jakuri-chan holds sovereignty over Agalia, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

465 readers have been here.


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A large city located in the heart of the mid-Eastern United States, it’s a bustling place with over a million people living in it. Other than being a large enough city, there is little noteworthy about this place—it has the commonalities of all cities, shopping districts, malls, culture, theatres. . . .


Agalia is a part of The Lines Between Black and White.

1 Places in Agalia:

4 Characters Here

Celandine Letitia Aleksander [18] Sometimes people have no choice but to go without words.
Arteryu Suzuki [6] Hello there... Oh I am sorry am I reading your book?
Aina Bliss Ederra [6] the world is an art project
Joseph Mòr [3] "There is no certainty in the world."

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Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander
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With the sudden entrance of someone else broke him from his rage, snapping him back to control of his composure.

“Seriously, are you trying to flirt with her?” she laughed out, “You’re like . . . in your twenties and she’s younger than me—you do know that what you’re up to is illegal here in the United States, don’t you?”

Vendettus sighed out a cold smile, finally regaining himself, he stepped back away from the godly girl. He looked over to where the voice came from to see it was the fiery haired girl he had caught earlier, the one whom overreacted in such a succulent way. His smile grew larger at her. He did not say a word to her, as he looked at her as if he was reading over her every cell, his eyes seemed like melting lava as he gazed at her soul. He smirked arrogantly at her as he viewed her every emotion and fear.


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Character Portrait: Joseph Mòr
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This was an admittedly imperfect situation. Joseph's chin dropped to his upper chest in a particular exhalation, some tiny droplets of now-diluted sunscreen and sweat falling from the tip of his nose and onto the street below. Stare to the ground, the young man’s feet never stopped moving… his head only occasionally tipping to the side to nudge his dark-framed glasses against one of his shoulders in a moderately-successful attempt to slide them back up the bridge of his nose. The sun appeared to be growing only hotter, but that was more likely a symptom of his darkened attire: a dark gray button-up with cuffs rolled up to his elbows and tails tucked into leather-belted black slacks. Suddenly, the shrill burst of a horn honked out as a car whirred past Joseph's right ear, causing him to return his face sharply upright. Well, that seemed highly unnecessary. He was neither in the road nor on the wrong side of it. The traffic was simply restless today: an exceptional degree of speeding and tailgating, it seemed. Although, perhaps that was the norm here; he didn’t have nearly enough data to say.

As a matter of fact, this was the first time Joseph had ever been in this area. He had discovered a bus that departed a point almost tangential to the edge of the university campus, but the route's closest stop to his new settlement remained a decent distance away. Legs continuing to pull his dark rubber soles in a dull scuffle against the pavement, Joseph glanced between the sky above and the letters printed on a passing street sign. All of the cab companies charged far too much, but if memory of his planned pathway served, it was not that much farther now; he should still arrive well within his estimated time range. For a second instance, the young man tipped his face to glance peripherally at the sun. North. South. East. West. Yes, that would seem correct. Likely, the linked metal watch that was attached around his right wrist would have provided a more accurate and efficient assessment, but unfortunately, both Joseph’s right and left hands were, at the moment, otherwise occupied.

It was the most reasonable option that he could think of if he was to walk the last leg on his own: a total of four pieces of luggage, so two per hand, weight evenly distributed. Each had a duo of wheels along its edge and a case of gray, waterproofed hard-plastic—not the soft-shelled sorts that were most commonly seen. Tying each pair together back-to-front—as if it was gift-wrapped—in thick rope, the two-suitcase units both leaned at an ideal angle when all four wheels were on the ground, so Joseph didn’t need to exert extra energy constantly pulling the handles up and into his hands. Aesthetically, it was all rather ridiculous looking, but practically, it made the load seem a great deal lighter than it was, and that was certainly saying something. Books, binders, papers, clothes, tools, collections, his guns, his supplies, more books… Granted, lighter did not necessitate that it was light.

Rolling his neck clockwise 360-degrees and then counterclockwise 180, Joseph let the base of his head relax against the back of his neck before shaking it cuttingly from side-to-side in yet another attempt to jolt his glasses back up and in front of his eyes. At the moment, he was only able to read the street signs by tipping his chin and staring down toward the base of his nose like some pretentious old librarian, but eventually, they re-settled. Cautiously, the young man lowered his head and—stalling his breath—turned his gaze up to the approaching intersection, only to, ever so slowly, have the sign blur into illegibility as the frames slid leisurely back down the length of his nose like the flattened cartoon character that falls down a plate of recently-crashed-into glass. He blinked. Joseph had likely witnessed that image some youthful Saturday morning. How ridiculously inaccurate it was, but well, it wasn’t an issue worth losing any ground over. In his brief moment of visual clarity, Joseph had learned that this was, at last, his final turn.

Back at the very start of his travels, a particularly inquisitive fellow bus-passenger had remarked that the young man was quite “lucky” to find such a location at such a rate. Of course, that particular construct was mere superstition and did not exist, but Joseph could presume what the grizzled fellow meant: it seemed to be a beneficial discovery, and he could agree with that. After all, he had been comparing the classifieds of various newspapers for a great period of time before even announcing his temporary leave, but it was to minimal effect. Then, once the decision had been officially recorded, there was the increased pressure of time; the young man would need to vacate the dormitories soon if no longer enrolled. Some of his excess records and collections, he put into his already-rented storage unit, but there remained the greater question of where he would place himself. Just then, Joseph’s pace decreased to a halt and he stared up the driveway to the residence that now stood before him. Ultimately, however, there had been limited complications. The young man found his answer mid-afternoon, one week before deadline, in paper number six, and now here it was, as described and at last: Blanchett Manor.

(OOC: I know that he is not all the way up to the house. I cut out that bit because I (as a reader) don't want him to go in just yet. I'll send him up the rest of the way later.)


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander
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A cold laugh filled the air. A laugh that made Celli shudder… Then, Marcus leaned so close to Celli that he was almost touching her. He was so brisk… His speed was such only a fellow god or a demon could keep up with…

Perplexed and frightened, Celli’s breathing stopped and her eyes widened like an owl… All her movements ceased… And for a demi-god, still was a lot more motionless than for a human. She became a statue of stone. She could hear him as he smelled her…

His breath prickled her skin as his icy voice resounded "Do not mock my intelligence, young one. Who are you...? "

As he was so close to her, Celli would feel his tension… She could hear him grit his teeth… He was filled with a rage, but Celli could not comprehend why… However, his rage only added more fear to her heart. He despised her… She could feel it. But… What reason could he have for hating one he had just met?

She wanted to push the god away… To run far away with her eyes sealed shut… To speak to him… Ask him to lend her a little more space…But she couldn’t move. Her heart ached within her chest… Her stomach sunk through the floor. She just had to last the moment and everything would be alright…

“Seriously, are you trying to flirt with her?” A familiar voice snorted. “You’re like . . . in your twenties and she’s younger than me—you do know that what you’re up to is illegal here in the United States, don’t you?” Celli wanted to turn to face the speaker, but she was still too frightened to move. She simply stared straight out like a deer caught in headlights.

It seemed as though Marcus regained his composure… His rage seemed to cool a but as he backed away… The his smirk grew as he looked at Celli through his cool amber eyes. She felt as though he could see down to her very soul…

Somehow, she unfroze and she dropped her pen and paper as she backed into the fridge… The rate if her inhaling and exhaling was rapid. It was like someone who had just come back from a rather lengthy run. She was still too afraid to look away from Marcus… Was he truly the god her father had warned her against? It really seemed so… She supposed that on earth as opposed to calling himself by Vendettus, as he did with other gods, her called himself Marcus… That is, if Celli’s theory was correct.

However, there was still a possibility he was not. He could simple be weary because there was another person with immortal blood around… He could be another guardian, but was uninformed about another guardian being there… If he was, he wouldn’t be alone in that department.

What does he want from me? Celli wondered, still in shock. Who is he?

Though Celli had just met the man, she could already think of one word to describe him. Cold. She hoped more than anything that she was wrong. She hated judging people… But this man was becoming one of her fears. Hopefully she could accomplish her mission soon… Maybe her dad would help… But… She wanted to show him that even though she had lost the capability to speak, she was still an independent girl. It would be very hard to prove that to him if she called on him for help. Celli tensed. How could she protect everyone against a god?

I can handle this. Celli, assured herself, Dad would not have sent me on this mission if he thought me incapable of succeeding. She just had to accomplish the mission given to her and everything would be okay. The air would be much less tense…

Maybe if she got to know this… Marcus… Things would be less tense. The aura of sand paper might melt away and he might actually be warm inside. Celli wouldn’t know if she didn’t try, but she didn’t want to try. He was too intimidating. He loathed her to the point it was apparent she wouldn’t be able to relax.


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Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander
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He smirked arrogantly at at the red hair girl, he chuckled darkly slowly looking back down at the small godly girl with pastel hair. Mental glimpses filled his head with homicidal visions of murdering this little godling. He knew exactly who she was, she reeked of that bastard. He stank of his blood. The second most enraging person Vendettus wanted to kill with his bare hands. He felt the tingling to transform into his demonic god form and break her neck in his hand, but he kept a calm smiling face.

"I don't make meals. One of you make me up 3 fried eggs, lightly salted, heavily peppered, 2 slices of toast buttered on both sides, some milk and go find me a nice shiny apple, 'kay?" Vendettus said in a smooth and confident voice, like a king speaking informally with the help. He walked away from the kitchen slowly, looking back at the two girls as if it was an after thought and gave them a wink, like some 1960's business man to the secretary.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander
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Before Marcus’s wintery guffaw filled the air, he looked at the redhead. Then he looked back at Celli… His glare was so maniacal… Meticulous… It was apparent that his thoughts were cruel ones… If looks could kill, the little demi-god would be dead.

The man’s face was calm as he smiled… But his eyes were undenying. He abhorred Celli. His distaste was so strong that nothing could mask it. His goal probably was to scare her out of her mind… And she let him win.

Frightened, Celli grasped her throat in a defensive way… It tingled for some reason and by touching it the tingling stopped. Perhaps it was simply an after pain from what had happened to her in the past… She shuddered at the thought.

"I don't make meals.” Marcus spoke. “One of you make me up 3 fried eggs, lightly salted, heavily peppered, 2 slices of toast buttered on both sides, some milk and go find me a nice shiny apple, 'kay?" His voice was condescending… As the god trotted away, he looked back at Celli and the other woman and winked… The simple gesture sent needles down Celli’s back.

Celli couldn’t hold herself up any longer… She felt sick. Her heart refused to cease its constant throbbing. Goosebumps formed on her now cold skin. The poor little demi-god’s knees buckled as her breathing grew louder. Her head swarmed with a dizzy mist…


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander
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“I got a giant newsflash for you! Blanchett Manor is not a bed and breakfast, if you want food, either make it yourself or go into the city and get something there, because I don’t cook for anyone who decides to give me an order!” The woman from before informed sarcastically.

“Also, you might want to stop it with the crap that can get you registered as a sexual deviant!” She added on with a shout.

After she was done scolding Marcus, the woman turned to Celli… It was then she remembered who the woman was. It was Amaryllis, the niece of the owner of the manor.

She placed her hand upon Celli compassionately. “Hey, you’re all right now, I don’t know what the Hell was going on with him and you, but he won’t hurt you.” Her voice was warm… The very opposite of Marcus. Celli hope she wouldn’t be bothered by him too much…

Celli nodded and gave a slight smile. She stood and picked up her pen and pencil, but her heart pounded relentlessly. Dizziness still filled her head. The shock was beginning to melt away, but the girl was still very frightened. She hugged her pad of paper as though it was a teddy bear and she was a lonely girl with nothing else to hug.

It didn’t take long for her to realize she didn’t thank Amaryllis. So, with a new sheet of paper, Celli wrote “Thank you.” And showed it to Amaryllis.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arteryu Suzuki Character Portrait: Akio Cho
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#, as written by Zenia
Arty wasted no time as she grabbed the guys arm and ran downstairs to the dining room, her hat off of her head, her hair flying behind him. She could hardly wait to make new friends! And to see the garden! Oh and the library! She giggled happily as she finally reached the room and entered it with a smile as she looked around.

((Sorry it is short and for the wait! I thought I posted yesterday when I did not.))


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Character Portrait: Joseph Mòr
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Rubbing the sleeve of his upper arm across his forehead, Joseph grabbed, again, the two luggage trains and quickly regained momentum from a shove off of his heels. The driveway wasn’t particularly extended, but the young man’s sense of time seemed more than slightly distorted—it was taking just as long as the journey thus far—and he tossed his head briskly from side-to-side in an attempt to recalibrate his thought process. In the clarity of hindsight, it was perhaps unwise to stop so suddenly. The even-momentary pause as the driveway’s end was abrupt enough that his heart rate had slowed, mind temporarily swimming within his skull, his blood vessels not having had an opportunity to properly constrict. Joseph spent a decent amount of time out and about, but his body wasn’t particularly accustomed to such an uninterrupted length of physical exertion. Granted, he would often go hiking or otherwise exploring, but that also meant that he allowed himself the opportunity to get distracted and stop every minute or so. Indeed, it was far less strenuous and much, much lighter.

The backs of the suitcases bumping lightly into his heels as he paused at the entranceway, the young man bent down to untie the meticulous knots that encased the bags; they should be easier to maneuver through the door in their individual forms. Then, swinging the excess rope over his left shoulder, Joseph reached out and, after a decent pause, twisted the door handle.

Admittedly, traditional etiquette would have suggested that he announce his presence in some way—ring the bell, knock on the door—after all, this was a new and unfamiliar place. That being said, it was morning; there was risk of disturbing others. The door was open; seemingly, they did not place particular energies into their own self-isolation, and perhaps most importantly, Joseph may have been a stranger, but he was not a guest. He had mailed his payment near a week ago. Who would suggest that one must ring the bell to one’s own legal place of residence? Tradition should not prove applicable in this particular situation, but as was often the case, whether or not others would accept this path of reasoning remained thus far unclear.

Indeed, it was simply a matter of habit that Joseph preferred to handle matters such as this on his own, and if he was to alert others that he was here—well, common courtesy would likewise suggest that they need assist or direct him in some way, and that was not necessarily the case. The ‘attic’ seemed self-explanatory enough, after all, and he had managed, at least decently, alone with his luggage thus far. One at a time, the young man gave a hard yank and pulled in case after case, attempting to keep the matter as silent as possible, but they were solid and heavy and did make some degree of admitted racket as they passed through the doorframe. Fortunately, it was short-lived. Pulling them to the side of the foyer and away from the entrance, he then latched on to piece number one and began hauling it backwards up the stairwell, his body remaining as close to the ground as possible so that the backside of the suitcase would slide along the stairs—rather than hit them at an angle and risk their nicking. It was quieter than it might have been, otherwise—a constant shuffle rather than a distinctive pounding—but it also caused him to take up a great amount of space on the staircase, and he was not going very quickly. Hopefully, no one would feel compelled to change floors anytime soon.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander Character Portrait: Arteryu Suzuki Character Portrait: Akio Cho
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#, as written by Zenia
Arty waved good bye to Akio as she got her food and started to eat it. When she finished she started to clean her dishes singing as she did so.
“ There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But You sing to me over and over and over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
and pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now you're my only hope

Sing to me the song of the stars
Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing
and laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that You have for me over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope

I give You my destiny
I'm giving You all of me
I want Your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.”

She finished and started to explore the house trying to get the lay of the house as she brushed her hair off of her face. She heard voices and started to follow in the direction they were in. Hopefully she would be able to make some friends here!


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander
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Amaryllis let out a short laugh. Her laugh wasn’t chilling like Marcus’s. It was warm… Inviting. Why she laughed, Celli had not the slightest clue. Smiling, the redhead spoke, “Y’don’t have to thank me, I just stepped in because it looked like he was making you way uncomfortable.” She looked away for a moment and she seemed a little irritated. The redhead seemed lost in her thoughts. She covered her face, seemingly with frustration. After a few moments, her hands dropped to reveal a reddened face.

The girl shook her head and offered a hand to Celli. “Well . . . why don’t we get you up off the floor Ms. Pirate?”

Celli smiled. Nodding, she accepted the girl’s hand. If humans were all like this, Celli might not want to leave. However, her life was short and her father’s was eternal… She wanted to spend as much time as she could with him so she’d not be forgotten.

Celli pulled herself up. If only she could pull herself together. She had to be able to stand up for herself in order to protect those she was sent to guard. For now, the best Celli could do was learn how to live life like a normal mortal.


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Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta
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Vendettus walked down the steps trying to distance himself from that young immortal. I know she's an immortal... She has his stench...She's a spawn of love..."Vendettus' eyes flashed between red and black violently as he tried to gain control of himself. He staggered down the stairs into the recreation room, collapsing onto the floor trying to keep himself together but he was failing. His hair grew longer and his skin darkened. He erupted an aura of pure malice and pain as two thick and powerful horns were growing in. With much pain upon himself he tried to force himself to stop his transformation. He bit down so powerfully to hold in his yells that his teeth bled.

Must.... Control....


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander
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She smiled at Celandine as she got to her feet. Seemed like she was beginning to feel better now, which was definitely a good thing; the truth was that the strange feeling that had permeated the air before still lingered, but the heaviness was more or less gone. It felt as if things had returned to feeling bearable, normal enough to go about things. While her face was still slightly red from having to deal with Mr. Suave again so soon, Amaryllis knew that she could keep it together now. It might prove to be hard . . . but she’d kept herself together before him already once, so she could certainly manage it again, even if afterward she about lost it. Yeah, the embarrassment from that was not going to be going away anytime soon. Everything would be all right though, she believed that much at least.
“Well . . . I don’t think he’ll be too much trouble, honestly.” Amaryllis spoke, more so thinking aloud than actually talking to Celandine. Retracting her hand back to her own side, she set her hands on her hips while turning to look in the direction of the basement stairs. “No doubt that there are some . . . ‘interesting’ times to be had in the future, him probably being the catalyst for the lot of it all. But, well, whatever. . . .” she sighed, shaking her head.

This weirdness in the air wasn’t really going away, and it still made her skin feel like it wanted to crawl. How was she suppose to explain that? It was a sentiment her own body couldn’t even comprehend; it tried, but it just couldn’t clearly perceive it. The feeling was just something utterly heavy, negative and consuming. Kind of . . . kind of like water actually, the feeling sort of was similar to what it felt like diving fully into a pool of water, and just staying under. It just felt like you were engulfed from all sides and angles by something weighted. Still, the feeling itself, what it held, that was not something she could explain. Odd.

Shrugging, Amaryllis turned on her heel, trying to decide what it was she was going to do now; sure she’d originally intended on greeting the new tenant, but chances were that they were up to their own business by now, and it would just be better to meet the person on their own time rather than disturb them. . . . Ms. Pirate seemed to be pulling herself back together after the shock encounter with Mr. Suave, who could be almost labeled a sexual deviant for evidently hitting on a sixteen-year-old girl. And she herself was starting to get over the emotional ‘trauma’ of earlier events.

So . . . what was there for her to do now? Not . . . much, I’m ahead on my work for school so, that’s not a problem. And it looks like it might be best to just let the new tenants go about their own personal business rather than act the jolly greeter and possibly irk them by going to say hi out of the blue. Amaryllis thought, puffing her cheeks out as she went about her musings, I’m caught up on my roleplaying, and watching or playing anything right now sounds like a bore. . . . There . . . really wasn’t much for her to do now, was there? That was, that was a little unusual. Well, there was something she could do, but that was a something she was more than a little iffy on. But . . . it wasn’t like she’d be doing it because she’d been told to, it was because she was doing it by her own volition.

“I’m an idiot, but what’s been decided . . . has been decided.” She mumbled to herself with an honest sigh, heading over to poke around the kitchen. While the redhead went about this, she opened her mouth up and called back over to Ms. Pirate, “Y’know Ms. Pirate, you can go ahead and go about your day now if you want to, I know that you might still a bit shaken up by Mr. Suave’s weirdness from before, but I think you’re all right to get on with your morning.” As she’d spoken, Amaryllis found herself wrestling with the cookware, yanking on the handle of the frying pan with all her strength, trying to get the thing to budge from underneath everything that Alessa had piled on top of it in her laziness to get her chores done as quick as possible. With a few more tugs and a grunt, the thing finally came loose . . . along with sending Amaryllis stumbling backward, into the island counter behind her. She yelped in shock as the edge of the thing hit the same spot on her lower back that she’d managed to bang up after she’d freaked out after the incident downstairs. Damn it, you try to do a good deed and. . . . she backed away from the thing, rubbing the area while she grumbled about everything, shaking her head.

After all this, the teenager just went ahead on with her plans. Doing her best to avoid anymore mishaps or accidents while she actually bothered to cook the breakfast that been ordered before. She’d refused to make it because it’d been requested with such a snide and arrogant attitude . . . but eh, she was bored now and actually cooking the food was something she was undertaking by her own choice. Of course, cooking something that simple didn’t really take so long, it was just frying eggs, and making toast—with how she cooked, that was something that only took her about five minutes. Maybe I just got off on the wrong foot with him or something . . . just because someone acts one way, that doesn’t actually mean anything. You learned that from past experience after all. she told herself, gathering up all of what was needed for the breakfast. A rather dull look that overtaken Amaryllis’ face before she’d even attempted to gather up the glass and plate before her to take it downstairs.

Honestly, she didn’t really know what to make of the tenant who now resided in the basement, he kind of acted like an arrogant jerk, but then, she really had learned in the past that people were not always as they seemed. Maybe she just needed to give him another chance. . . . As she always tended to do with people. Everyone had good in them somewhere, even if it really was hidden underneath a lot of stuff. Without making a sound, she took hold of the things in front of her and headed for the basement steps, not quite knowing if she was doing the right thing or not.

By some miracle this time, she actually managed to make it down the stairs without about falling flat on her face. Of course, her face turned red as she remembered what happened the last time she’d trekked down those steps. A sigh came from her as she adjusted what she was carrying before knocking on the door in front of her, part of her honestly hoping to high heaven that the basement dweller was still decent . . . however, Amaryllis really didn’t know what she could expect now.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey
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A low growl came from Vendettus at the sound of the knock at the door.Dammit, not now! He thought fighting his transformation back hard. He tried to speak with painstaking composure, "Not... Not now... I...I'm naked again... Just stay out!"

Vendettus tried to crawl out of the recreation room before he completely transformed. His hands began to become more humanistic claws, digging into the waxed hard wood floor, pulling his body towards the door way. What the hell is she doing down here?! What kind of person puts herself into such positions?! With a reaction like her's, she should have stayed away for weeks!


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey
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Just as he was about to flow entirely into his demonic form and possibly explode half the manor from excess energy being expelled, the air was suddenly filled with a soft and lovely voice. With a powerful and tight gasp, Vendettus froze on the ground, his body slowly dissolving back to his humanic form. In a hot sweat he tore away his jacket, vest and shirt, panting and coughing desperately. What's happening...? Vendettus thought to himself as the singing seemed to sooth him into control. Once he had regained his breath he stood up weakly and leaned against the wall for stability. How did...?

Vendettus stomped over to the door and swung it open abruptly. "What is it?!" He barked but then suddenly, he realized she had brought him his food. What an odd girl... She is this desperate for trauma and abuse...? "I-I uh... Th-thank you."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander
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“Well . . . I don’t think he’ll be too much trouble, honestly.” Amaryllis’s way of speech seemed to be more of a matter of speaking seemed to be a matter of fact… “No doubt that there are some . . . ‘interesting’ times to be had in the future, him probably being the catalyst for the lot of it all. But, well, whatever. . . .” The woman let out a sigh.

Celli simply watched the girl as she spoke. It didn’t seem as though she was expecting Celli to respond or anything.

Amaryllis turned away. She seemed locked away in her own thoughts.

“I’m an idiot, but what’s been decided . . . has been decided.” Celli heard the woman speak, but she had no idea what Amaryllis was rambling on about. “Y’know Ms. Pirate, you can go ahead and go about your day now if you want to, I know that you might still a bit shaken up by Mr. Suave’s weirdness from before, but I think you’re all right to get on with your morning.”

It wasn’t as though anything particular was planned… Celli tilted her head to the side. What was there to do this morning? A walk had been planned out in Celli’s head, but she felt a little too shaken to take a walk yet. Her heart was still racing inside her fragile body. Celli took a deep breath as she herself became lost in thoughts.

What would happen with Marcus in the future? He certainly did not have a liking for Celli… Hoprfully things wouldn’t get any more tense between he and she than they already were. What did he have against the halfling anyway? Perhaps he just didn’t like demi-gods. OR maybe it had something more to do with who Celli was… But she knew for sure she had never done anything to him… What reason could he have for hating one he had never met? Perhaps he was Vendettus. Things were most certainly pointing to that.

Celli could even sense him transforming in the distance. His aura was most tense and unpleasant… She could feel the god pushing his power down, struggling to keep it ceiled. Perhaps he was under too much emotional stress. Knowing her father, Celli knew that god forms were harder to suppress the more extreme certain emotions became. Did she do something to upset Marcus?

With a stretch, Celli felt a little tension lift away. Her hands reached for the ceiling before drifting back down to her sides. She needed a drink of water to cleanse her mind… Then maybe she could go on a nice, mind purifying walk… Perhaps Marcus would calm down by then. Perhaps with a clear head, she could see what she had done to upset the man.

Celli sipped her water as she calmed herself. Her tension was still apparent, but it was slowly drifting away. Even still, her hands trembled as she lifted the glass of water to her lips. She hadn’t even notice Amaryllis walk away.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey
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Vendettus chuckled teasingly, "You wouldn't have bruised anything if you hadn't panicked. And you're underestimating how dangerous stairs are. Of all the places in the house, stairs hold great lethal potential. You could have broken your neck, you little clutz." He turned and walked over to a table on the side of the recreational room turned dojo. "But if you want me to apologize for causing your episode, I will not. I don't apologize for anything and I will not be starting now because a girl hadn't seen a naked body before." Vendettus turned away and dropped like a plank to the floor, catching himself on his hands and began doing push ups. After three quick push ups, he paused and spoke again, "However... I greatly appreciate your apology." With that, he began to do push ups again.

Vendettus needed to think and exercising always got his blood flowing right. How was it this little girl's singing calmed me...? There is something peculiar about this one... A lovely song can sooth my rage but I was on the brink of full demon. What the hell is happening today?!


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aina Bliss Ederra Character Portrait: Joseph Mòr
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#, as written by xKyrie

Aina smiled at his reply. She turned to him and took his outstretched hand, shaking it as firmly as she could. Just like how Axel had thought her to. Her more vocal older brother had never failed to remind her to keep her cool and be as professional towards possible business partners or as accommodating as she could in front of a new face. First impressions would normally last after all. Studying the man in front of her, she had one dominant impression about him. Joseph… as what he had introduced himself seemed very detached. He spoke bluntly and she had a distinct feeling that he is quietly assessing her as they currently conversed. Not that she minded. She knew that it was the most natural and usual thing a person would do to somewhat they had recently met.

Staring at his blue-eyes, the black-haired girl couldn’t help but compare him to Haku-kun. Haku-kun was the first tenant that she met after all and while Haku-kun exhibited the same aura of detachment much like Joseph-san did, there was a distinct difference between the two. Hakucho… is gentler and perhaps had more warmth compared to the black-haired man in front of her. Though she was not implying that he was mean or terrible… this was just based on her assumptions about him. Joseph had shorter hair and somewhat a direct to the point personality. He actually reminded Aina of those persons who seemed rational and calculating of their every action. Still though, she decided not to wholly judge his personality based on their initial meeting. She was never the type to be skeptic towards other people and she wouldn’t dare start today, especially on her first day here.

As she listened to his comments, she honestly didn’t feel insulted in any other way or form. In fact, she silently agreed with him. She didn’t know how she could be of help in carrying his luggage. And if she had been another girl, she would have probably inwardly been berating herself for daring to volunteer into something she was certainly not going to be helpful. She didn’t like to be called delicate. But with the way she had grown up, cared for and duly protected by her two older brothers; she had gotten used to the security and safety of their influence. Which is why aside from minor exercises here and there, she was not the one you could call strong, athletic or any other terms related to the two mentioned. She loved creating artistic projects not things like those and will probably be the physically weakest person out there. Her occurring clumsiness was the viable proof to this. But seeing that Joseph had a lot of luggage to bring to his room, Aina had truly wanted to be of help. She didn’t know how but she finally decided that if he would let her, she’d do anything she could.

“Do you feel like you actually could help me, or are you simply compelled by courtesy to offer?” She shook her head and let out a slight smile. “It’s nice meeting you, Joseph.” She decided to her usual addendum of drop the Japanese suffix just in case he wasn’t fond of it before she continued, “I, I think I’ll agree that I wouldn’t be much help. I’m quite weak just as you assumed.”-here she couldn’t help but blush. She looked down and deliberated for her next words. It was amusing to hear her offering physical help when she was the type of person who wasn’t able to do manual labor all her life but that would not deter her from her current goal. “But I want to be of help! You look like you had a lot of things and I think it’ll be easier if there is two of us,” she said seconds later. She smiled at him again and waited for his reaction before she optimistically suggested. “I have a suggestion. Don’t you think it would be easier if we carry the opposite sides of your luggage? I can’t possibly carry one whole bag by myself but I think it will be easier to go upstairs if we do this.”