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Alison Keating


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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Script



So begins...

Alison Keating's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Detective Justice
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
"I'm as sure as I can be, Keating. I stepped away from my career here as a Lieutenant because of personal issues. I ran away from what was most important to me and opened up my own business, sure, but this is what I was made to do. Everyone here knows it," Justice said.

"My father was the best damn investigator WCPD had twenty years ago. The blood of my family is in this precinct, Keating. I belong here. This," Alyssa said tapping her finger on Keating's desk. "This place is my home and I'm ready to come back."

"You just get me a gun and badge. I don't care what rank or department you shove me in. I'm going to take this man and throw him into prison for the rest of his life. I don't want to go against the law and become a vigilante."

"This shit is bigger than the hit and run," Alyssa said in a lower tone of voice.

"You know that human trafficking issue in the city? Well, this suspect that my employee is tracking is involved. I can take down the whole fucking ring, I can feel it in my bones."

"You need me for this and you know it, Keating. I'm the best you got."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Detective Justice
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Alison's eyebrow rose. "Trafficking? Well if that isn't a stroke of luck that the bastard managed to fuck up and get someone on his tail. You have yourself a deal, Alyssa."

The acting-chief rose from her seat to offer out a hand, "Welcome back to the force, Detective. I'd say welcome home, but, well... you know I'm not the sentimental type. Good to have you back with us."

She nodded her head with a small smile. "What's the name on the suspect you're tracking?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Detective Justice Character Portrait: Sheriff Daylon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
Alyssa stood up and took Keating's hand with a firm hold. She shook twice and let go.

"Caleb Jefferson. He already has a record on trafficking. He sold an infact to his half-brother on the blackmarket. The man was apprehended and sent to jail. Bastard got out on bail by some miracle," Alyssa said. She placed her hands on her hips.

"I'm waiting for someone from the Feds to show up before arresting Caleb," Alyssa said as she checked her watch. The man was due soon.

"I'll send in the report personally to you once we make the arrest and get him booked," said Alyssa to Keating. "This bastard isn't getting away this time. Attempted man slaughter is serious business and we can use him to get closer to the trafficking ring."

Alyssa turned for Keating's office door to go wait outside the precinct for Daylon.

"Oh, and Keating, remind me to send you a fruit basket," she said as thanks. Alyssa was then out the door, through the station, and standing on the curb waiting for Daylon.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
The Lobby

The front of Wing City Police Department had seen a great deal of punishment over the years, from Taiyou invasions to maniacal serial killers with big guns. Surprisingly enough, this wasn't the first time it had seen kamikaze bombers. As a result, when the smoke cleared, the front of the building remained almost entirely intact. The furnishings were gone, as were several officers and civilians, but the structure itself stood strong.

The response from the police was immediate. Guns were raised and officers flooded into the lobby. Clambering up from behind the front desk, singed but no worse for wear from the explosions, the titanium form of Danielle Kalter, receptionist and SOD agent, vaulted out into the open, pulling a gun from her hip.

From the interior of the police station, a pair of surprisingly young women with lustrous red hair emerged. Tanya and Marissa, twins, held no visible weapons but stood as confident as the other officers around them.

Danielle's eyes flicked towards them briefly, but otherwise they remained silent.

'What are your orders, sir?' the voice of Marissa cut into Randin's mind, despite the distance. 'Give the word and we can take them down from the inside of their minds.'


Further inside the police station

Alison looked up from her desk with a start as an explosion suddenly rocked the building. Her chair clattered to the floor as she jumped to her feet, rushing out of her office into the main work floor of the desk-based police force. In that room was a set of screens showing the scene at the front of the building, though some of the cameras had gone dead. The voice over the loudspeaker was unknown to her, but she picked up on two key points - more explosives, and public transport.

Grabbing a communications device, she quickly patched herself through to a very specific channel. "Aiedail, this is Alison. I need an immediate jam on communications from the area around the police station, and I need you on scene five minutes ago. There's a terrorist attack, no time for questions. Do it, now."

With that said, she broke off from contact and started to make her way towards the lobby.


Far above Wing City

Aiedail noted the communications from Alison going dead as she finished speaking, and set about the task appointed to her. The blue-haired android shot through the air like a rocket as she made her way towards the station.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gasmask
"Vio'lah!" Slim shouted, jumping to his feet and sending out his lower limbs for support as the building shook. The alien pulled two pistols from his shoulder holsters. It was a remarkable thing about Scythian biology, they actually had limbs that could accurately and skillfully wield two things at once. Extra-Extra ambidextrous.

Slim slid though the door of Randin's office and covered both portions of the hallway, holding out his limbs in various defensive postures, using his lower limbs to rip down a nearby shelf for cover, it always helped to be paranoid. The alien backed up and rapped on the door twice without looking.

"Job never get old."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Randin was on his feet with his magnum unholstered the moment the first shockwave shook the precinct. He walked around his desk, flipping open his Caddy and checking the HQ security cameras. The lobby. A bombing. Randin was about to patch into the front desk with Kalter when he heard Arros' voice boomed over the megaphone. His teeth grit with fury. So this was how he was gonna play it, huh?

"Good thinking Slim," Randin nodded to the Scythian, "keep our flank covered. We're all going down to the lobby." He nodded to Kael. "Stay between us kid. If it comes to shooting, you hit the deck as fast as you can."

As the trio moved towards the lobby, Randin reviewed the video-footage of the bombing on his phone. It wasn't hard to discern what kind of attack this was judging by the terrified faces of the victims. This was murder, not suicide. Arros was using innocent meatshields to perpetuate his assault. The detective growled, zooming in on the petrified expression of the next seven civilians as they piled into the lobby. The coward.

He felt Marissa's voice inside his mind.

"Negative Marissa," Randin shook his head, speaking aloud and thinking his response simultaneously, "I have reason to believe that this bastard's mind is shielded against psionic attacks. He knows when he's under fire. Even if you could tear his psyche to shreds in five seconds, it only takes one to pull a trigger." He winced at his phone screen, looking at the shaking, terrified squabble of men and women in the lobby, wires strapped over their chests. " for the people, we need to keep them on their feet. If this guy sees them drop, he'll light em' up. As of right now, we hold our position and put on the forward shields. I'm coming down, stay where you are." Randin quickly flipped his frequency over to Alison Keating's comm line. "Chief, you getting this?" he spoke quickly but calmly, "listen, guy behind all this goes by the name of Arros. He wants us to hand over a kid we got in the precinct that's currently under my custody and protection. I have every reason to believe that he has dozens of other civilians rigged to blow around the city, and that he will absolutely light the fuse if we don't give him what he wants." The detective rounded a corner and whistled to a nearby detective who was just opening a gun-locker in his office. He nodded to Randin and threw him a shotgun. Kaye caught it with one hand and swung it over his back in a single, fluid movement.

"I have a plan, chief," Randin continued, "but we're gonna need to move fast, and I'm gonna need some special permission here on your part. I need specialists down in the lobby with those experimental cryo-guns that are still in testing. I need Aiedail running a backtrack on the radio-wave Arros is using to rig those bombs with." He cleared his throat. "...lastly, I need you to trust that I have Wing City's best interest at heart if I get on this megaphone and start saying some really immoral and nasty shit."

They were in the lobby now. Police officers formed a protective barrier in the lobby. The shields were up, the defenses set. It was a good ol' fashioned showdown at this point. Randin was handed a powerful megaphone from a nearby officer. The detective briefly let down his Caddy and looked to Kael.

"I need you to trust me too, kid," he nodded, "can you do that for me?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter
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0.00 INK

"I trust you detective. Whatever you decide to do, I will go along with. I don't want you to get killed, but if you can stop Arros then do it."

"Mate you better just give him up! I'll tear this city apart otherwise." The speakers came to life again.

Kael kept close to the two officers, hoping this would end with Arros being dead. He knew the fighting would get worse and prepared himself to face it. He had to earn his freedom.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
"I sure as hell hope you know what you're doing, Kaye." Alison replied as she strode through the corridor, "Later I want to know how this ended up blowing down our doors before I even caught ear of it. I'm not a fan of being out of the loop. I'm sending Cheyanni after their leader as a contingency, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now, she'll hold her fire. Make it count."

That said, she set about giving the necessary orders. It wasn't long before the specialists joined the small crowd of officers in the lobby - there wasn't anything to immediately set them apart from the other officers beyond the fact that their weapons looked slightly different.

Aiedail received her new orders as she was hovering over the police station, and took it in stride. Utilising the sophisticated technology of her orbiting ship and her own robotic form, she aimed to lock onto the signal being sent through to the men in the front of the police station and track it back to its point of origin: Arros. From there, she worked to isolate the separate signals connecting him to the bombs around the city, revealing their locations.

Should Aiedail be able to locate Arros, she relayed the information to a particular operative currently lurking at the back of the police station. Cheyanni Viasquera, SOD Chameleon, set out at a breakneck pace towards the position, staying out of sight where possible and using her stealth abilities to avoid detection as she neared the target.

Finally, Alison emerged into the lobby, shooting Randin a nod as she took up a position behind the psionic twins.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter
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0.00 INK

Arros had set up the broadcast point in the sewers where a large force of the Crimson Family had settled. He had used their comm station to bait any assassins his way. He needed the police and the Crimson Family to start fighting so he could maneuver through the battle and grab Kael.

"Arros, you owe us for this." The Crimson Sergeant said.

"I don't owe you shit mate. You and your boys wanna destroy the city then do it. I just need my target."

"You know they will send their best after you."

"Yeah and it will take them here. You got the weapons and the manpower."

"That we do. That's why we're taking things into our own hands."

"What do you mean?"

"I've got an army in this city, we'll hit that station with everything we've got."

"You dumb fuck, it's a fortress meant for holding back any attack."

"We're not going from the surface. Look at his map, we're going to set our big bombs at drains in the bathrooms and make our own entrance."

"That's real good mate, but I'm not taking part in your raid. I've read up on this place. It's seen it all, so you crash your wave against the cliffs, I'm just gunna get the boy and leave."

If anyone had entered the sewers at this point they would find it oddly quiet. The Crimson Family had set an ambush and once aiedail reached a distance twenty terrorists would fire on her with explosive rounds and EMP weapons.

Meanwhile in the men's bathroom a man wearing heavy armor and a personal shield technology finished putting together the heavy weapon that was snuck into the bathroom piece by piece since the Crimson Family arrived in Wing City. He couldn't block direct psionic attacks but his implants made it so any psionics couldn't focus on him unless they saw him. He loaded the weapon with a loud pattern of metal clicks.

He leaves the bathroom as he starts to sing the Crimson Family anthem, but it is drowned out by the roar of his weapon spraying the room on the flank of the police officers. His double barrel magazine is overflowing with ammunition stringing behind him and rattles as it slowly moved towards the end. This man knows he won't survive long enough to use all of his ammunition, but this would hit them hard.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Randin nodded to Keating as she took her position in the lobby. The detective touched Slim's shoulder. "Check the bathrooms," he nodded to the two restrooms still left untouched after the recent explosion, "this is the only time I'm cool with you walking into the lady's room without knocking."

He hefted his megaphone (wired to the WCPD loudpseakers) and began exchanging dialogue with Arros.

"Alright Arros!" his voice boomed, "you've made your point. We'll release the kid! But we're gonna do this nice n' slow! I don't want you leaving with him and then blowing up these people just for fun once you've got him!" He growled. "Y'hear me? I want these bombs disarmed! I don't care if it takes all day! You're not getting Kael until these people are safe!" He snarled. "And if you think lighting them up in the lobby is gonna change our minds, THINK AGAIN! I have Kael sitting right next to me, completely unprotected! You blow these people up, Kael gets blown up too! How do you think your boss would like THAT?!" Though Randin didn't suppose that Arros cared much for poor Masius' life, he DID know that he needed him alive. The detective intended to use that to his advantage as much as he could.

Bringing down his microphone, Randin nodded to Alison. "Let me know as soon as Aiedail gets that tracking lock. We need to strike fast and hard-"

It was at that moment that a Crimson Family commando exited the bathroom in full heavy armor and began spattering the police line with a round of armor-piercing rounds. The lobby's shields were up, but at such a close range... how effectively would they hold?

Randin covered Kael with his own body and prayed to God that Slim was in a position to end this quickly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter
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0.00 INK

The faint growl of detective Hale's Impala LTZ could be heard as he pulled up, stopping in the parking area near the department. Upon stepping out, he took a second to admire his relatively new ride. "Can't help but dig the new toys." he chuckled to himself before heading toward the building's entrance.

As he came closer, the shouts become more and more audible. "--I want these bombs disarmed!"

"Seems like we've got a situation." Hale said to himself while ducking down behind a car. He spotted the group of civilians standing in the doorway, and the explosives attached to their torsos. Well this wasn't good.. He had heard about Wing City but he didn't expect to get physical this soon.

Shortly after Randin's announcement to the apparent leader of the attack, the sound of heavy gunfire rang against his drum. I'll have to wait until the gunshots stop so I can get those bombers out of there.. he could barely hear his own thoughts.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter
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0.00 INK

"Alright Randin, send Kael out now. No officers better leave the building. When I have Kael, I'll place the detonator on the ground. Just hit the green button instead of the red one to shut down the bombs." Arros replied.

"For the Crimson Family!" The commando shouted as he threw charges at the defenses to bust through the defenses.

The charges went off under the men and women's bathrooms collapsing the whole floor. Broken pipes sprayed water and almost immediately there were Crimson Family soldiers swarming in with rifles aimed at the door.

"OUR BROTHER IS OUT THERE NOW! FOR THE FAMILY!" A Crimson Sergeant shouted as he kicked open the bathroom door and fired his rocket launcher at the police officers in the lobby. Crimson Family soldiers took cover and fired from the doorway when they could. There were fifteen in the bathroom, twenty that could be seen waiting to enter the bathroom from the sewers. Four rifles could fire at once from the doorway to the police officers and slowly the Crimson Family would spread out to the lobby and once they had taken the lobby they would set their bomb that would level the building.

"Those stupid animal." Arros thought to himself about the Crimson Family. They would impede his progress now and might kill Kael, he had to get in position fast to teleport next to Kael, grab him, and teleport to his ship. he would have seconds.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gasmask
Slim roared around the corner, stepping past Randin and Kael and pointing his two pistols at the commandos, discharging at close range at two targets at once, while also advancing with reckless abandon. The bullets that weren't absorbed by the lobby shields whizzed past his head, leaving scratches in the metalwork of his jaw.

Slim made a dismissive gesture at Randin behind his back while he hauled himself up onto the lobby's desk. It was time to play the action hero he always saw in Randin's favorite movies, it took him all of his self-control not to shout 'Where is Sarah Connor?' at the top of his lungs.

The best the alien could do with the weapons he had right now was to serve as a distraction. The alien poured shots into the commandos, the slides of his pistols leaving bruises in the corners of his thumbs, hoping to take a few down before they got him out of the way.

Slim hoped that Randin took this chance, their only hope of holding this hostage was a game of cat and mouse until bigger guns than they arrived.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
The Police Station

The effect of the rocket launcher being fired was immediate. In such a confined space, the carnage was both inevitable and horrifying. The launcher struck the psychic shields that had thus-far been maintained against the barrage of bullets launched by the first commando to emerge from the bathrooms and broke them. Tanya collapsed like a rag doll as her mind reeled at the strain of her barrier being annihilated, being caught by her sister even as the blast swept through the room. As a result of the point of impact, the explosion hit both the police and the Crimson Family, causing casualties and injuries amongst both groups.

Limbs were crushed or torn clean off and blood soon was spread across the ground.

'They fired a fucking rocket launcher inside.' Alison could scarcely believe it, as she pulled herself up off the ground, ignoring the open wounds in her arm and side where shrapnel had hit her. To her right, the unshakeable form of Captain Darcy was unloading bullets into the lines of the Family, the metal of his cyborg form visible beneath torn synthetic skin. Danielle, unphased by the explosion was acting as cover for another two officers behind her, her titanium body shrugging off bullets with ease.

Shields were hastily being put in place, varying from arcane to psionic to tech-based as officers ranging from mages to aliens responded to what was suddenly open warfare. Magic and gunfire rippled through the air in response, tearing into the attackers with a force they likely weren't expecting from a city police department. Where weight of fire and the like couldn't pierce armour, psionics stepped in with mental strikes or mages called on arcane spells that paid no heed to physical barriers.

But this was the WCPD, and if there was one thing they were good at, it was coping with excessive force. Practically everything in their city was excessive.

Above the city

Aiedail remained in the air, relaying information between the various points of engagement. "I have the coordinates of the bombs." she sent, "Relaying them to the police network now. I believe there is a failsafe in place to prevent us from disabling them remotely. A signal is transmitted periodically from them to the detonator. I would assume that should this signal not be received, they will detonate."

'Tell Cheyanni to hold where she is, then.' came Alison's reply over the sound of gunfire. 'It's not worth the risk. Contact the NPA and get them to each of the bomb sites, they have the specialists that can disarm them. Then we need you down here, see if you can get behind them in the sewers.'

Aiedail nodded her head and opened a channel with the NPA. "This is Aiedail of the Militia reporting, I need bomb specialists at the following locations. There are explosive devices strapped to civilians receiving signals from a detonator. They must be disarmed before we can attempt interference with the responsible party."

With the request made, Aiedail began to drop from the sky, making a beeline for the section of the sewers leading to the police station.

In the sewers beneath the city

It was not Aiedail that entered the sewers first, however, but rather Cheyanni. The fae-elf girl dropped into the gloomy murk with a wrinkle of her nose, disdaining where the bastards had decided to set up shop. She moved with purpose towards the coordinates Aiedail had transmitted to her, but when she emerged onto the scene of the trap, it wasn't likely that she'd suffer for it. All-but invisible, with her heat signature disguised, the innate magic of her race left her undetectable to all but the most thorough of security systems. And given the recency of the Crimson Family's setup here, it was unlikely their perimeter would be covered with enough sensors to detect her.

Given that she wasn't being shot at, Cheyanni crept past the veritable army of mercenaries and closer to Arros himself, her movement silent and her breath held.

'Cheyanni, orders in. Hold your position until the word is given. I've picked up a regular transmission going from Arros' ship to the detonator he's holding. The most likely reason for this would be a failsafe. Disabling that detonator could lead to the bombs triggering regardless.'

The message from Aiedail came through into her ear, and she grimaced. She could see Arros further down the tunnel, but there was nothing on him resembling a detonator. Even if she was able to take him down, chances were he'd have a failsafe in place for his own death, to go out with a bang. She stayed where she was, silent and unseen, and waited.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Randin felt the heat from the explosion. Bits of shrapnel tore open the back of his duster, cutting into the LAPDA vest beneath. He was lucky. He'd been far off enough from the blast to where the brunt of the explosion had been caught be the shield layers. Turning around, Randin realized with dismay that many of the other officers hadn't had his good fortune.

But the WCPD was on the rebound now. Literally dozens of armed policemen were returning fire, showering the Crimson Family commandos with a hail of incredibly powerful ammunition, from armor-piercing bullets to mind-piercing psionis darts. Slim had drawn their fire, and the rest of the force was backing him up. It seemed as if the renegade soldiers would last only a few seconds, if any.

Of course, there would be more. The hole they'd opened up beneath the bathroom was a problem. So long as it remained accessible, the enemy could be re-enforced.

"Get our cryoguns on the bathrooms!" Randin shouted, "seal that hole, goddammit, freeze it over! Keep the rats in the sewer where they belong!" Bringing the megaphone to his lips, the detective blasted a response to Arros. "What kind of game are you playing, punk? Call off your men! Kael's not gonna get in any better health with your cronies shooting this place up!"

Randin put down the megaphone and commed back to Keating. "If we can't disable the bombs wirelessly, I have another plan. It's incredibly risky, so let's save it as a last resort. I'll keep Arros distracted as long as I can."

The detective aimed his magnum towards the jarring crater in the bathroom wall, ready to cover the cryo-specialists as they attempted to freeze over the entrance. He commed into the general WCPD frequency, the same frequency that Hale Santiago doubtlessly was patched into. "I need officers on-duty near the precinct." He growled. "NEAR the precinct, not inside! I need some men out there for the next part of this plan!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter
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0.00 INK

The commando with the heavy weapon took a psionic dart to the chest as a bullet grazed his left cheek, tearing most of the flesh off. He began to drop, but focused his fire on Slim who stood on the counter in the open. The blast from the rocket had taken down his shields, but adrenaline would keep him alive a little longer. The Crimson soldiers maintained their presence in the bathrooms, nearly twenty of them had been slaughtered in the fighting and it only fueled their fury. The Sergeant had survived, but sustained mortal wounds. After reloading The Sergeant called for suppression fire. The terrorists focused fire on every officer that made themselves visible. The Sergeant fell into the doorway with the last of his energy and squeezed the trigger. The rocket launcher let another rocket towards the rocket in the lobby. Crossfire ripped the Sergeant to pieces and he fell backwards.

"Randin, those dogs aren't working with me, I told them attacking your Headquarters was suicide, but that's what their hoping for apparently. Anyways mate, let's finish our business. Get Kael out of that madhouse and I'll disarm the bombs. I'll take him and we'll never bother your planet again. I'm being pretty nice especially with you calling in reinforcements after I said not to, but you got visitors so like I said mate. Get Kael outside and we're out of your hair." Arros said through the speaker system.

Two Crimson soldiers took the place of every one that fell. It was apparent two unyielding forces had clashed and it was only a matter of time before the WCPD would prevail.The Crimson Lieutenant was on the radio with his commander calling for reinforcements, "Sir, we don't have the manpower to set the bomb up. We'll never get out of the bathrooms."

"Of course brother. That isn't your job, your men have the bomb under the bathrooms. When the last of your men have fallen I'll detonate the bomb. You and your men are there to keep WCPD's attention on you while we hit the rest of the city. You were given this mission because we believe in you. Fight to your last and know that your deaths were not in vain, brother. For the Crimson Family!"

The Lieutenant had stopped listening after Arros slit his throat.

"Sorry mate, I can't get that kid back if you turn the building into a crater."

Another Crimson soldier entered the communication tent and froze when he saw Arros. Before he could run Arros sank his knife upwards into his skull from the bottom of his head. The small section of the Crimson Family lost its command squad in minutes.

"Boys, I'm sending you coordinates, teleport the object and then I'll join you." Arros called to his squad.

The large bomb and Arros disapeared within the blink of an eye. His squad mates stood with surprised expressions at the large quarter ton bomb.

"Uh, boss? What are we gonna do with that?"

"Saving ourselves the headache. Get this thing disabled and we'll drop it somewhere Randin and his boys will find."

The two squad mates worked diligently on the weapon and after several minutes, the bomb powered down. The ship, still cloaked, landed on the roof of a building and dropped the bomb off with a military-grade Valuable Target tracker placed on its top. Any scans would show the bomb, but it was more junk than an explosive as Arros' squad removed the computer as well from the device.

"Are we going to blow up the city or not boss?"

"Nah, I'm sick of this planet and I'd rather we just get out of here once we get Kael. We're not here to fight a war, that's those Crimson dogs. Set course for intercept point and we'll get this over with.

As the ship approached its landing point Arros prepared himself, he knew Randin had some sort of plan and it might finally be good enough to kill him. He wasn't going to falter even a step if it came to fighting Randin, that man would need to give his all to kill Arros.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter
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0.00 INK

The cackle of gunfire was briefly replaced by a powerful explosion, blowing shrapnel and the occasional severed limb out of the lobby's agape doors. Peering over the hood of the car, Hale spotted the rocket launcher lying amidst the chaos. 'What kind of stupid do you have to be to fire a RPG indoors?

From what he could tell, it seemed like the WCPD had the upper hand in the firefight going on inside. Though this didn't stop him from helping. Hale dashed behind a car parked further up the street while taking one hearty inhale. He then turned to his right flank, firing a volley of compressed sound into the aggressing Crimson soldiers. Quite the mess they made, producing a violent explosion upon contact.

The sound of Randin's voice ringed in his hair as he barked orders across WCPD feed. Soon afterward the cavalry came, on duty officers filing in and taking strategic positions throughout the street.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Sonya Ballifrey Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
When the second rocket fired, however, this time the WCPD were ready for it. The slender form of Vaene Celesine was at the forefront of the fight, tearing through the men with devastating mental assaults that was unhindered by their protective armour. He saw the man near the front readying his shot, and swiftly focused his mind on the rocket within the launcher.

The rocket fired, but before it got more than a foot, psionic energies gripped it and turned it around in the air to fly back into the bathroom and down into the sewers below, causing a small collapse that would further hinder the ability for the Family to get into the station.

At that very moment, the sound of jets filled the tunnels behind the company of soldiers as Aiedail descended from a nearby manhole cover, hovering down into the sewer and levelling her weapons at them. The android's body had morphed to the point where she more resembled a mobile weapons-platform than a humanoid, auto-cannons and gatling guns arrayed with precision missiles and photon beams. "Be warned that lethal force has been authorised," she announced. "Place your weapons down and get on the ground to indicate your surrender, or you will be gunned down."

She only gave them a few seconds to follow her instructions. Her targeting systems filtered out those that surrendered as commanded, but the rest swiftly found themselves staring down one of her many weapons. She opened fire. A storm of high-calibre bullets and intense bursts of energy filled the tunnel, each aimed with pinpoint precision to strike at identifiable weak-points in the enemies' armour.

After what seemed like a stunningly short period of time, the gunfire would cease - hopefully leaving behind nothing more than a field of corpses, with those few that surrendered scattered between them surrounded by their dead former allies.


Back at Arros' former location in the sewers, Cheyanni murmured a curse and pulled out, reporting back to Randin and Alison as she clambered back towards street level. "Arros has moved out, he has an instantaneous teleportation device that can bring sizeable objects and presumably people with him. Be wary."


"Mind filling me in on the plan, Kaye?" Alison asked through gritted teeth as she made her way towards the Detective, hand pressed over her side-injury. "Not over comms. We might be being listened in on, their leader knew we were calling in reinforcements."


Outside where the other officers were setting up near the police station, a blurred figure skidded to a halt at the end of the street. Sonya muttered a curse under her breath at seeing the smoke billowing from the doors of the building.

"Alright, Supervisory Special Agent Sonya Ballifrey here, unless any of you bastards happen to have rank on me, I'm taking charge," she called out to the small gathering of officers that was forming nearby, "I want a perimeter set up, traffic redirected and civilians kept clear. Get me snipers on the rooftops and a psionic spotter at my location, stat! We're waiting on Chief Keating and Detective Kaye's instructions, stay at a distance from the station and be ready for the unexpected."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Sonya Ballifrey Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
"It's not gonna be easy," Randin walked over to Alison as they repulsed yet another attack, "if we can't shut down this thing wirelessly, then we have to do this the old fashion way." He grinned. "That means waving our hands in front of Arros and doing lots of sneaky things under his nose. Here's the plan..."

"First step is analyzing the explosive contents of these bombs," he pointed to the shaking civilians in the lobby, most of them huddling behind furniture, taking cover from the attacks. Wires and tubes wrapped around their torsos, but at the center was a small cube, faintly glowing with a hot, yellow light. "I reviewed the video of that last explosion. The blast and heat residue looked like a combustive fusion reaction. It's a plasma-based bomb. If we can determine its precise heat signature, we should be able to counter trace the same Kelvin decimal in a city-wide scan to pinpoint the other rigged civilians that Arros has placed around the Wing. We need an engineer down here with a scouter, and then we need a quick-contact specialist team armed with cryo guns. We find every one of these 'human bombs' and freeze those goddamn death-jackets right off their skin. The extreme cold should neutralize the potential energy in the fusion charge. Some people might get a nasty case of frostbite, but it's a helluva' lot better than the alternative."

He held up two fingers. "Second step. All of this takes time. About twenty to thirty minutes if we do it right. Which means Arros needs to be distracted. We can do that by using what we know about Arros and his gang against him. He doesn't approve of what these kamikaze commandos are doing, he told us as much. There's a schism in his own forces, and it's obviously interfering with his plans." He pointed to Kael. "But more importantly, he wants the kid. Wants him more than anything else. Alive n'well. That's his biggest disadvantage." The detective patted one of his magnums. "So that's how I'll stall him. I'll take Kael outside and threaten to kill him unless Arros calls off his terrorist buddies. It should take him a while to calm his horde of suicidal lunatics down, especially if they've got their own agenda that contrasts with his. It's risky, and it may take some drastic measures to prove to Arros that I'm actually willing to slaughter a boy in cold blood." He shrugged. "But it seems like the best option we have right now."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Sonya Ballifrey Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Slim Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

The last of the crimson soldiers in the police station knew they were surrounded and in a final attack they pulled two handles on either side of their chests releasing a cloud of poison into the station. The gas was colorless, odorless and tasteless. When it reached a victim it would attack their senses blinding or deafening them. Then they would have seizures as their nervous system began to shut down. The handles released seals keeping the minerals held inside a pocket on their armor. Until the mineral inside was removed the gas would continue to flow.

Arros called in over the loud speaker again and said, "hey mate sounds like you killed those dogs. Get out of there and let's finish this! I'm done waiting. Get those cops off the street. I told you no calling for help get them back or I blow the city!"