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Alison Keating


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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Script


The Wing City Police Department, dedicated to protect and serve. One of the most formidable law enforcement agencies on the planet, considering the near limitless potential crime for a city on the crossroads of worlds.
Registered citizen of the Terran National Government



So begins...

Alison Keating's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Casren Bistreo Character Portrait: Vegeshin Kanahashi Character Portrait: Munkustrap Character Portrait: Casey Delancy Character Portrait: Rhea
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Stryfe sat in her office, Nina standing near her desk, pen moving swiftly along her paper. The letter she wrote was urgent, one that could potentially change the future of Terra. She only hoped those she sent the letter to would be receptive to the ideas presented.

She wrote, 'Hello, captain, officer, prime minister, ambassador, colonel, general, director, president, senator, or congressman, whomever you may be. My name is Fatin Alfarsi, you may, or may not, know me, but I am one of two heads of the organization known as The Invictus. I write you this letter because I, like you, currently live on Terra. I am invested in it's well-being and the well-being of it's people, their freedom from threats such as the Aschen, the Taiyou, Belkans and any others who would rather keep us from being who we want to be, from being individuals.

I ask for a meeting to earn your support in a full reform of the Terran government and how it perceives official, and unofficial, sovereign entities and organizations who would like representation on the planet and it's affairs.

We have to join together because we are on this planet, if the planet is lost, we lose as a collective. I, for one, do not plan to allow any more lives to be taken by those who would rather do harm to our people. Our brethren.

If you allow me an audience, I will go into more detail. If this interests you so far contact in any way you wish. Phone, letter, e-mail, or a personal visit to my office at The Palace located on Main Street in Wing City.

Personal Phone: 213-489-2732.
E-mail: BigKahuna@various.
Address: The Palace @ 9001 Main Street, Wing City.

Finishing the letter, Stryfe handed the letter to her assistant, Nina. "Make sure this gets to Camma." Stryfe told the woman, "Make several copies first. I'll have the Veritas give her the addresses she needs." Stryfe said to the woman, "Aye aye." Nina said, turning to leave Stryfe's office.

The setting changes from The Palace to Wing City Police Department

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
A brief knock on the door announced Alison before she pushed it open, sweeping into the room. The older blonde woman paused as she took in Casey's posture. "Is this a bad time? What's happened now?" she asked.

In her hand she held an array of papers and files - injury reports, crossfire incidents, all the various damages that the Taiyou purge of the Aschen had caused to the city that played host to it. "I saw you let the boy go. Risky call. We're playing with people who we know have no limits. And there's no denying he had a lot of blood on his hands."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Alison pursed her lips. "Questionable whether the lethal force was necessary, but what's done is done." she shook her head, passing the papers over. "More of the usual in there, as well as the official copy of the extradition request - might as well pop that one in the shredder at this point."

She leaned back against the wall, crossing her legs with a sigh. "I take it you got a copy of that letter from the Invictus woman?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
"Yes, well," Alison laughed under her breath, "I'm under the impression that the current lot we have were what happened last time we tried that."

She glanced over at Casey, "Be sure you don't get yourself abducted before that comes together. I'm sure you won't want to miss it." The older woman sighed, "Have you ever met her? Fatin? Everything I know is by reputation or by file."

Pausing, she reached a hand to her pocket. "Do you mind if I smoke?" she asked, producing a cigarette.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Lighting up the cigarette and lifting it to her lips, Alison took a long drag, breathing it out heavily. "I'll trust your judgement on that one. I had a brief stint in politics, five- no, it was six years when I was in my twenties working in a the mayor's office for my home city."

She shook her head with a wry smirk, "I honestly don't know which job had me interacting with more criminals. It'll take a woman with serious balls to keep any political party devolving like that, so I hope you're right."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Alison met Casey's eyes, grimacing. "You can count on it. But you'll be there, Casey." Whether the certainty in Alison's voice was genuine or merely her being good at bluffing wasn't entirely clear.

"You have the department behind you, even if we can't rely on the government - for however long it'll last." She shook her head, taking another drag of the cigarette. "And a vacation? You have any idea what this city would look like without the pair of us? Like the fucking trenches, that's what."

Alison laughed dryly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonya Ballifrey Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
It was weird, sitting on this side of Casey's office. The Chief's office, she should say, but still Casey's in her head. It would be Casey's until she came back. If, she came back. Sonya was leaning on the desk, knuckles digging into her brow as she rested her head upon the backs of her hands and stared at the wooden surface. Her hair hung down around her face, but she could just about see the pacing figure of Alison through it if she tilted her head slightly.

"If I had just persuaded her to hand the boy over," the older blonde woman was saying, a cigarette clasped between her fingers and her posture stiff, stressed. Her expression was set in a grimace - she was obviously angry, but Sonya couldn't say who. The Taiyou? Certainly. Casey? Maybe. The angel guy she was talking about? Sonya barely had any idea what had been going on there. "I could have prevented this. I should have made her see sense, see that it wasn't worth bringing this down on herself for the protection of a trigger happy vigilante."

Sonya lifted her head from her hands and looked up at Alison. "So you'd have had her just roll over for the Taiyou, like we have been doing for the Aschen? Trade being one Empire's bitch for another?"

Alison paused in her pacing and met Sonya's stare with hard eyes. "Don't pull the idealistic philosophy on me, Ballifrey. That's how the world works, the both of us know it. The people with the biggest guns make the rules. I don't like it any more than you do - and even besides that, the man committed a crime. Killing in self defense is one thing, but an entire platoon?"

"You know the Taiyou, Alison!" Sonya snapped back, "They throw themselves onto the sword for their fucking empire, I doubt the guy had much choice, y'know?"

Raising an eyebrow, Alison shook her head, "You think that with all the powers he displayed he couldn't have subdued them none-fatally?"

Sonya opened her mouth to speak again, but found no retort. She settled for sighing with frustration, shaking her head. "Maybe you're right, maybe he didn't have to kill them, but for fuck's sake, Alison. They're fighting a war in our city."

"I know," Alison said, sighing sadly, her expression softening. "I know, Sonya. I hate them as much as you do, but I'm looking at things realistically. Until Terra pulls together - which may be soon if this Fatin woman succeeds - we can't afford to so flagrantly deny them in the way Casey did. And what happened yesterday proves that. If I'd just... I was going to talk to her, but I didn't find the time before the ISSP agent was here, and then... then it was too late. She'd made her decision."

"It isn't your fault, Alison," Sonya said, realising the source of the woman's stress. She was blaming herself for not bringing Casey around. "Casey stood up for what she thought was right, and she wouldn't have wanted it another way. You know how sick she was of backing down and letting them have their way. I doubt you could've changed her mind."

"I heard the phonecall she had, Sonya," Alison's voice was low, defeated. "I heard her talking to that boy, the one she'd been talking about adopting, Casper. I failed her and her family by not stopping her from making this mistake. I could have seen this coming-"

"Alison!" Sonya interrupted the older woman loudly, "Pull yourself together! Since when did you act like this? Pick yourself up off the ground and let's fucking do something about it. We can't help Casey now, we can't offer anything to her family but empty promises, but what we can do is make fucking sure that this doesn't happen again. We're going to go to this gathering and make a united Terra happen. And I sure as hell can't do that without you. You're the diplomat, here, the quick talker. You speak their language. Pull yourself together and focus on what we can do now, not what we could have done last week. You're not helping Casey by blaming yourself."

Alison seemed on the verge of yelling back at Sonya, but with a deep breath and a drag of her cigarette, the older woman's expression leveled out. Sonya was right. This was just like any other crisis, and she did not lose her head, not ever. "I'm sorry. You're right, of course. I'm letting my emotions stop me thinking clearly."

"Don't apologise," Sonya shook her head, "We're all feeling the same way today. You're only human like the rest of us, even if you do a good job of hiding it." The agent laughed dryly, "Alright. I need to make a phonecall."

"I'll leave you to it, Sonya," Alison said, turning towards the door before pausing. "Casey chose well in you," she said over her shoulder, "Just remember that I'm around for anything you need. Being acting chief carries a lot of administrative baggage that I can deal with for you if you forward it to me. And I'm here for advice if you need a clear head - I'll keep mine that way from now on."

Sonya nodded. "Thanks, Alison." she said. The older woman left the office, and Sonya reached for the phone.

The setting changes from Wing City Police Department to Lady Une Drive


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
The street was empty as Alison made her way along the pavement, the sound of her heels clicking against the concrete the only noise in the area aside from the birds. The Coalition evacuation of those citizens who wanted to leave was under way, and the streets weren't as busy as usual. It was almost refreshing until you remembered why.

She turned to walk down the pathway leading up to the front door of Casey's house, hand tightening its grip on the strap of her handbag slightly. She'd only heard a little about Casey's family from the woman herself, so she wasn't entirely sure how this conversation was going to develop.

Alison lifted a hand to the door and knocked. She took a deep breath, composing herself as she might when approaching the family of a victim to ask them questions. This time, though, she was in the business of providing answers, not looking for them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Alison nodded her head with a faint smile at Gabby. "Yes, I'm Detective Alison Keating. I'm Casey's assistant. You must be... Gabby?"

The blonde woman's eyes flicked to behind Gabby briefly when Casper arrived, offering him a smile as well. "And Casper. I wanted to... I wanted to talk to you all about what happened to her the other day. You deserve to have all the information that we can give you. Can I come in?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Alison took a seat across from the pair, setting her handbag at her feet and placing her hands on her lap. Her face wore hints of weariness, but she kept her composure and posture professional. She was very conscious of giving Gabby and Casper every impression that the WCPD remained strong and capable even through this insanity.

She waited for both of them to speak before she said anything. "No. I'm not going to tell you that everything's going to be okay, give you empty promises that I can't hope to keep. That helps nobody. I'm here to tell you the truth."

Alison took a breath before pressing onwards. "Casey has been taken by the Taiyou," she paused to glance at Casper, "And I would have to agree with your description of them. We don't have the full details on why she was taken, but we think that they believe her to be a collaborator with their enemies. The Aschen, and another man who drew their ire who she protected by defying them. In short, because she caused them trouble."

Her thoughts went back to the events of the previous day. She'd been working in her office when the attack happened, had barely found her gun by the time the lights went out. By the time she'd reached the action everything was over - not that she'd have been able to help. She wasn't a front line officer. "When they came to take her, it was in force. We fought them to begin with, but it quickly became apparent that the death toll would be abhorrent. Casey chose to give herself up... I'm sure you know her well enough to know why. She cares far more about others than herself."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Alison met Casper's eyes sadly, "I know. I'm not going to lie to you, there is a very real chance that she won't be coming back." Her mind went to the recordings of the interviews with Nathaniel. She almost didn't want to say anything - the promises of a vigilante to keep himself out of jail didn't mean much, in her eyes, but... was it so wrong to give these kids a shred of hope?

"But..." she hesitated a final time before going on, "From what I understand, she has someone looking out for her. Someone with the means to keep her alive if they decide just to dispose of her. I can't personally vouch for that person, but Casey trusted him. She does have a chance, perhaps even a good one."

Looking to Gabby, Alison's brow furrowed slightly. "There's work being done to get this planet's act together," she said, shaking her head, "So that foreign powers can't stamp all over our citizens without consequences. With any luck, progress on that front will have been made and if she comes back, she'll be safe. If not... well, what happens then will be largely her decision."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Alison looked after Casper, but she said nothing as the boy left and slammed the door, only sighing sadly. She had nothing to say to comfort him. She returned her eyes to Gabby when the door shut.

"She's offworld, now," Alison said, shaking her head sadly, "Either in the middle of a Taiyou fleet or on one of their worlds a galaxy away. She's beyond our reach."

Her eyes went back to where Casper had gone, "I should go. Unless you have any more questions, I'm sure the two of you need some time to reflect on what I've said." Alison reached down and pulled a notepad and pen from her bag, scribbling a number down and sliding it across the table. "That's my personal number. I live just down the street, seven doors down on the other side of the road. If you need anything - anything at all, then call or visit me at home or at the station. I owe it to Casey to look out for you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Alison nodded her head sombrely, meeting Gabby's eyes. There was a hint of the woman's own fear behind them, but it was well concealed beneath layers of professional composure. "You needed the information." she said simply, "And I hope so. I really do. If anyone can survive out there, it's Casey. She's done it once before."

Picking up her bag, she gave Gabby a nod. "Make sure Casper knows that I'll give any help I can to both of you. From what I can tell, I don't expect he'll want it, but make sure he knows it's there. And good luck getting through all of this. Stay safe."

With that said, she made for the door and on from there to home.

The setting changes from Lady Une Drive to The Palace


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Casren Bistreo Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Casey Delancy Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
As she had done before, Stryfe sat her desk. A pen moving swiftly along a piece of paper. She was writing another letter, this one less of a call to arms like the last. This was where the brainpower came into play. Where she saw who was serious and who wasn't.

She wrote, 'Hello again, captain, officer, prime minister, ambassador, colonel, general, director, president, senator, or congressman, whomever you may be. Once again, my name is Fatin Alfarsi, you may, or may not, know me, but I am one of two heads of the organization known as The Invictus.

To those who have met with me, and those who haven't had the chance but are still interested in reforming Terra, I ask that you attend a meeting of minds. Send those who call the shots for your organization, nation, clan or army to a neutral location we all agree upon to discuss where we'll go from here.

We have to discuss the organization of our military and intelligence forces, get them used to working together, which there will be much of in the future. We need to get our mouthpieces, our would-be politicians, used to making choices together. We have to discuss how we'll handle the crime on our planet, the anarchy, the war with the Taiyou.

Until we're organized, we have no real power. Until we're working as a cohesive unit, we can't squabble as a cohesive unit. This is our chance. I suggest meeting in Solinus City, it's much safer than Wing City, and nicer to look at.

Personal Phone: 213-489-2732.
E-mail: BigKahuna@various.
Address: The Palace @ 9001 Main Street, Wing City.

Finishing the letter, Stryfe handed the letter off to her bodyguard, Natasha. "Take this to the Veritas. Make sure it gets all those I designate." Stryfe informed the woman. "You got it." Natasha said, making her way to the exit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
A letter found its way to Stryfe's desk along with doubtless many others, marked with the logo of the WCPD. Its contents were as follows.

The PalaceWing City Police Department
281 East Street
Wing City

9001 Main Street
Wing City

Dear Ms. Alfarsi,

I would first like to extend a thanks to you for the invitation to the gathering your letter described as well as your previous letter. Though I once would not have thought it appropriate for members of a police department to attend such a gathering in any capacity other than law enforcement, it seems as though we have become targets for political strong-arming from foreign sources regardless of distancing ourselves from such matters.

As such, I am writing to accept your invitation. Chief DeLancey and I will both attend, unforeseen circumstances notwithstanding, in order to provide what information and council we can. I will clarify that we have no interest in being part of the governance of Terra, merely in the protection of its citizens, and it is in that advisory capacity in which we shall attend.

Chief DeLancey sends her regards and apologises that she did not speak to you in person, but hopes that you will understand the circumstances that prevented it.

Let us know when the location is confirmed.

Yours sincerely,
Alison Keating
WCPD Commander/Deputy Chief

Phone: 27687-655-886
Email: akeating@wcpde.pol.asl

The setting changes from The Palace to Wing City Police Department

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
The police department was abuzz with activity. Those officers who were not on the streets actively combating the zombie-cyborg infestation were working like madmen to keep communications running, direct response teams and answer the flood of emergency calls from panicked citizens.

"There's a family trapped on Eastern Sol, three cyborgs as of last count, number forty six."

"Redirect Officer Haley's unit that way, he just checked in on Hildre."

"Do we have a status on Sergeant Celesine? There's a team on south Main Street that just ran into a group of the cyborgs that got past the main barricade, they need heavy backup."

"Directing him there now."

The noise quieted somewhat as Casey entered her office, separated from the main floor of the department. Just a few short moments later, though, the door swung open again and Alison slipped inside. There was a tablet tucked under her arm, and her hand was hovering over the earpiece she wore.

"When we did we last have eyes on them? That long? Damn it. How long do you think you can hold out? I see. Don't get yourself killed, Captain. Pull back as soon as you need to, I can send air support for extraction if you need it - you're pinned in down there, I don't think we have another team within several blocks. Good luck."

The older woman lowered her hand as she cut the communications link, breathing a heavy sigh. "It's good to see you back, Casey. I was starting to worry about you. You look like you've been through hell. Caught out in one of the combat zones?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FizzGig
The woman turned to look back at Allison over her shoulder, smiling in spite of the condition she was in. "Something like that. I'm just sorry I haven't been around to actually do my job."

She looked to her desk, the neat stack of reports whispering a massive to-do list to the back of her mind. "It was a blender of bad news. Russians, zomboids and the Ha'La'Tha all created a big, unhelpful mess." Her eyes slipped back to Allison.

"Sounds like you've been holding down the fort. I really...really don't know what I'd do without you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
"That sounds like one hell of a thing for the police chief to be caught in the middle of," Alison remarked with a dry laugh. "I'm surprised you got out without more of a battering."

"I've just been keeping the cogs moving, same as always," she added, "Keeping our people from tying knots around each other. I'll leave the hefty decision making up to you, I just make it work, smooth as I can. Logistics are what I do best." The blonde woman gestured to her tablet, setting it down on the table, "Here, give this a glance over to get up to speed. Has the last reported positions of all of our units. Areas shaded in red, amber and green are infested, contested and clean, respectively."

The map of wing city was, thankfully, still largely green. The outer edges of the city and even some more central areas remained untouched by the zomborgs. There was a large splotch of red in the business district, indicating that most of the allied forces had pulled out of the area. Main Street, Sol Avenue and a larger spread of other streets, mostly to the east - as well as the slums on the eastern outskirts of the city - were all filled in amber, where most of the fighting was going on.

"So far we're largely holding our ground with the help of the militia, the Invictus and the NPA. I've had some reports from Main Street that even the Aschen are chipping in, as well as some other paramilitaries that I didn't even know existed. The Detente and Invictus have engaged the things in the Slums, but there are apparently terrorists out there taking potshots at anything that moves."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FizzGig
"Taking advantage of the chaos." Casey murmured, narrowing her eyes as she looked over the schematics. Her eyes focussed largely on the splotch of red, the most concentrated area of infection. As far as she could remember, that area had always been infected. Her thoughts turned, one over the other.

"These things seem pretty intelligent." she noted, her lips pursing in thought. "What are the chances of getting one of those things subdued, but not destroyed? Maybe if we pick its brain we can figure out a little more about where these guys are coming from."

Not where they originated. It was pretty obvious that they were coming from the Business District. She wanted to know who was sending them. "I was thinking, if there ewas a way to encapsulate the business district, maybe we could better control the spread." She wasn't going to suggest destroying the area, but that didn't mean it hadn't crossed her mind either.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Delancy Character Portrait: Alison Keating
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
"In the initial attack, there were some attempts to set up a blockade there, but it was overrun. There's seemingly endless number of the things. With the Aschen on Main Street, though, we may be able to push back in their direction." Alison paused for a moment, thinking, "Vaene and the Lake twins have reported that all of the creatures seem to share the same mind, to some extent. There's a presence that's persistent through all of them. That suggests to me that there's one central control, a hivemind of some sort."

She shook her head, "Unless we pull them back from the front lines though, getting a lock on where that's coming from will be hard. I have to assume the business district, unless the physical source is separate from the control centre. I was speaking to Jeremiah Darcy there just now, his team are one of the few left there. Apparently there are a few vigilantes tearing things up, more power to them, but two of them disappeared in the direction of that old Jupiter Corporation building's ruins. Could be a lead to follow up on?"