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Avera Newton Rixy

Subject VI. "Warp Power Activate!"

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by LookingAtPerks


These brothers/clones escaped from a horrible, tantalizing research facility where they were tortured, experimented on, and treated inhumanely. But now they escaped, they are strong, and they are united!



Name: Avera Newton Rixy

Age: Twelve or Thirteen, Probably. He does not know his age, since he was born and raised in a lab. Is the sixth eldest "brother".

Appearance: (See image)

Nicknames: Warp, Subject VI (Fifth Clone)

History: Avera was actually taken from an orphanage as a baby and utilized as a test subject to develop weapons using people with superpowers or other supernatural abilities as those weapons. And it was not just the painful bad kind, but the dark ones too. The experiments involved Avera being opened up again and again, as one of the "Core Subjects" in their attempts to implant more powers and abilities into him. This hurt him extremely, but over time he got more powerful.

Originally, the scientists had taken Avera because of his unique ability known as "Adaptability", which made him genetically able to accept and utilize all foreign tissue. However, he was not the only subject it turned out. One day, Subject XIII, the one who came after him, caused large scale destruction. This new power caused a huge amount of damage that let him escape, and caused the release of many other test subjects as well. What was surprising is that they all shared white hair and red eyes, and even their facial features were similar if not the same. Additionally, all had bar codes planted on them, mostly in the same place, under the left eye. Add then, they soon learned. Avera, the youngest of them all and the one who released them all, was actually a clone using implanted memories from the first subject, and he was subject thirteen. The youngest of the clones. Avera himself was the sixth oldest, Subject VI, and was under the same circumstances.

Outraged, the subjects wiped out the scientists, and then escaped into the world. They sort of keep in touch, but they often also lose track of each other. Supposedly, there is one brother however that is tracking all of them, because he was given a supernatural ability to do so.

Supernatural Abilities:

Adaptability: Avera's body is capable of utilizing and absorbing all foreign tissue without issue, regardless of the source. It may also hold other effects, but this was the main one utilized.

Spirit Guardian: Kurokage: Kurokage appears as a sort of liquid shadow, and can hide itself inside shadows. It is usually hiding, and summoned from, Avera's Shadow, unlike the others. It possesses the ability to crystalize as well, which it mainly does when attacking or defending. It can slip through barriers and shields unless they are focused and reinforced, but physical armor and shields are better at blocking it. It's attacks drain energy of various types from the enemy, and it can take various forms. Its common form it uses outside of combat when not hiding in a shadow is a small, black imp with red eyes. Because Avera tends to wear white and be flashy, its contrasting nature makes it difficult to focus on.

Linked to it, but can be separate, is a sword called "Divider", which Avera uses.

Enhanced Physical Abilities: Nuff said.

Spatial Slice: Avera can cut the actual space itself in half, which will result in anything inside that space also being cut.

Shattered Space: Avera does something like Spatial Slice, but over a larger area and everything breaks apart.

Divided Space: Avera sets up a barrier that separates space itself, making it impassable for physical objects. However, energy and things that are phased from physical space may be able to pass. Uses up a lot more energy.

Pocket Dimension: For storage, Avera has a pocket dimension.

The Ancient Super Dreadnaught Amberclad: When the scientists gave him this ability, they also put a bomb collar on him that would activate the moment he tried to use it without their permission. This is because what he can essentially do is open up Warp Portals that allow the weapons of the Amberclad to come out and fire, or even bring the whole ship itself out if he uses enough energy. When destroyed, it returns to his dimension for repairs.

Warp Portals: Avera can summon Warp Portals to travel through space, but longer distance requires more time to prepare, and he has to actually move through them to travel. Other people, and objects, can also travel through them, and they are rather flashy and easy to see. They will only last a few seconds minimum, however the length of opening can increase the more energy is used and the more time is used to create them, meaning long range portals stay open longer.

Warp Blast: Avera fires a blast of Warp Energy, which is effective against armor and physical objects, but is less effective against shields and barriers.

Weapon Creation: While not as powerful as Ixian's, it can still be useful for Avera. Oddly enough, he can actually summon some unusual things the others cant however.

So begins...

Avera Newton Rixy's Story


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Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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Avera checked his phone, looking at the time once more as he stepped through the streets. It was still plenty of time, and he figured everything was okay, but...he couldn't help but check it again.

He was looking to see the time pass not out of impatience, but joy. Confirming that time was still flowing for him in the outside world. After having been isolated in that lab for so long, locked in a room, never given anything he didn't need as a lab rat, including clothing, to be outside in a city full of free people, wearing stuff they had taken from the scientists, who had taken it from the people they slaughtered in their experiments, it was a great feeling.

Of course, Avera had yet to experience so much, so he was currently in the middle of doing just that. He took out a wallet from his pocket, which contained all sorts of things not in Avera's name as well as cash and that had not been there moments ago.

"I hope you did not take this from some innocent parent, Kurokage".

"No My'lord, I stole it from a man on business trip...sorry, on a business trip. He was going to go home and abuse his wife because he heard from a neighbor she was planning to leave with the kids before he got back, and stop her".

"Oh, I see...will this stop him from reaching them though?"

"I also caused some damage to his leg which should soon..."

Suddenly, a man screamed far behind them. Avera looked, but given the timing he was not concerned by smiling instead.

"What the hell! Why now?! My leg just broke for no reason!!"

"Hitting it in just the right places...I don't normally like hurting people, but I will let it pass this time since he was going to hurt others unjustly".

"Understood, My'lord".

"Now, lets go get something to eat!"

And so, the two of them set off towards a restaurant just like that.


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Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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Kagami stumbled towards the scream, dragging himself along a wall. "What have... we here? I can smell such a tasteful energy..." Kagami raised his hand, feeling something that wasn't there. "What have we here?" He spoke it completely. An abruptly loud crack could be heard. Kagami could feel his entire body reconstructing, but he had enough strength to continue walking. "Who released such energy? I can taste its trace." His pupils became dilated as he followed whatever he could "taste" leaking about.

Kagami hadn't been in a city of any type in... an eternity. He'd always stick to his own place, avoiding humankind, or any kind, for that matter. He was forced out of hiding by Dollface, who had found him.

His attention snapped onto the two walking off in the distance. "I... I can taste it." Kagami said plainly. His hand reaching forward as if he could grab the energy. "Energy" as he put it. When one side of him took over, any type of magical essence, or any essence at all, was considered energy. "Found... it..." Kagami tried to rush forward, but his legs collapsed from the sudden pressure with a crack. He wasn't going to go empty handed. He'd force himself to even have a taste of what he could sense. That's just how he is when he's this way.

~I can taste it. Let me feed, Valveskur. You had your chance with Dollface and failed, so I will not fail with a measly easy target.~ One voice said in his head, while another spoke after.

~Oh please. We all know I'm the perfect person to do this. Val is good at war, you're good at... I don't know. And Karu'kh is good at being vicious when in the right mood. I'm the smooth talker. It's something I take pride in.~

"Both of ya', shut yer' traps. I don't want you both fighting because you're itchin' to get out." Val said calmly. "Once I'm done, I'll decide who gets the next go before Kagami's back." He couldn't let himself get distracted now. His attention snapped back onto the two in the distance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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Avera was just walking towards the resteraunt he chose when he felt Kurokage's presence shift, and the spiritual power of the atmosphere change slightly. However, he found that happened a lot on this planet so it was not a particular concern. Kurokage was just a bit more alert and paranoid then him.

The place he entered was a good ol burgers and fries with milkshakes kind of place. It had an inviting and mouth watering smell in the air, and the food was prepared on sight, and even in view of the customers. It was the kind of place you could not only trust, but socialize in. He did notice the store had both a new feel, and a reinforced feel.

"I wonder if this city has a violence issue?"

Avera was still painfully unaware of Terra's history, to the point that people who knew a great deal of it would cringe over his statement.

He immediately ordered three large bacon cheeseburgers, with a large order of fries for each, and a milkshake. He couldn't down milkshakes like Ixa without getting brainfreeze after all, especially since Ixa could both create and control all ice in a large area around him, including ice he did not make.

Kurokage ended up sneaking his shadow up the table, and took one of the burgers and order of fries for himself, leaving the rest to Avera. Both were still unaware of any other party in the area they might soon encounter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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Valveskur forced himself up, even if his entire body cracked from the pressure. "We keep pressing on. It doesn't matter if we get it or not. We press on." He placed a hand on something, anything to support him. He hadn't felt this way in a long time. Since the great war, he was apart of. No one would know which war because he knew what had happened. Everything was crashing in on everything.

~For a warrior, you sure do suck. Someone more experienced should take over, like Karu'kh. Or even Jink over there.~ It was a figurative joke. In his mind, everyone was everywhere.

Val kept walking, pressing into the restaurant. "Where's Jsck when you need him?" He dragged past, looking for somewhere to sit. He passed Avera, knowing Avera was the one he was after. Yet he knew not his name. His entire body was aching in pain, which is why he couldn't let Karu'kh take over. But at this rate, Val would end up releasing all the energy that was building up and destroy the place. He made his way over to order. "I'll just take a... Big Mac." Before Val was forced in this universe, he was about to have his first Big Mac, so he could only hope they had them here. "I'll take it to go." He left his payment before sitting down, his eyes looking about. Val's pupils still dilated when he saw Avera. All that energy. He knew Karu'kh's desires were what was making him this way and he couldn't help it.

Val massaged his own shoulders, feeling almost done with his body being reconstructed.

~Once it was done, then we'll make our move? I guess it's a slightly smart move, considering we'd be almost useless with a broken body.~

Val's body began to radiate an aura. It was speeding up his healing process which would normally take seven hours, down to ten minutes. "I decide what we do, Zenlak. You're still annoying as ever even without being attached to my sword."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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"We are being targeted" Kurokage warned him, again, as something near the origin of what he sensed had followed them in. "Please activate the systems of the Amberclad and prepare for battle, My'Lord".

"Aren't you overreacting? Well, fine. I have prepped the weapons and shields of the Amberclad for deployment, but don't expect me to summon the whole damn ship. That thing is bigger then the city itself. Maybe the Amberclad's Lander, since it could operate in the city".

The Amberclad was classified as a Super Dreadnaught, even in its own records. Avera had to wear a bomb collar until recently because the power to keep that in a pocket dimension.

"How the hell is that even a power in the first place?"

If the original owner was not dead, he would ask him how he got that power. He thought these things while finishing his meal. He then left the place, heading towards a nearby park.

"Lets see if he follows or strikes".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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Val stared out towards them, but he wasn't an idiot. He tracked enough people to know when they were onto him. But he also only had one option. To follow them. "Thanks." He grabbed the small container holding the Big Mac and stood up. Val walked forward, feeling a sense of release as his body was almost healed. Now he only hoped they didn't know it was him before he exited. If they were not leaving, he'd have to wait for them too. Passing them by, he incoherently whispered something. Val was an experienced hunter, knowing when to back off.

~You messed up, Val. They know someone's after them because of you trying to speed up the healing process.~

Val shook his head, trying to get Zenlak to shut up. Once he was outside, however, he made it so his sword appeared on his side. "Be happy Karu'kh isn't in control, Zen. We both know what he'd do." He had no reason to try and listen to Zen's reason. He had his own.

~Even if you wanted to, you couldn't make Karu'kh wake up. He's taking in all that energy, and we both know it.~ The voice stated reasonably. She did have a point, but Val still had to do this. He had to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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"Okay, okay! You were right! They were following us! I will build up energy and be combat ready!" He said as he switched from idle state to combat state, as they prepared for combat. A few warp portals were cloaked using the Amberclad's systems as they formed, and weapons prepared. A few meant for ship to ship combat.

Kurokage extended himself to across the park, and prepared attacks from all shadows in the area. An Anti Personal Minefield was deployed in between him and the potential aggressor, and Avera drew Divider.

"Hey, what do you think he is after?"

"Capture you? Kill you? Sell you? Eat you?"

"Didn't he just eat normal food? I doubt he would do that. Well, lets see what he does..but the pre-battle tension is seriously annoying".

Avera wished he would attack or go away, instead of waiting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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Val sensed something. Pressing his foot to the side, he brought his hand to grip his sword's handle. "I see that you know I'm after you." His eyes wandered across the park. "I can sense you, shadow." Val rushed forward. In doing so, he sent a strong gust of wind forward. His eyes once again became dilated as he ran across the field, expecting anything of the unknown.

'Where's Karu'kh when you need him?' Val released his sword's handle, instead, using the entire sheath as a weapon instead of the sword itself. One foot pressed off the ground, pressing the immediate area downward with a- what seemed like an earthquake. The entire area around the park appeared to be indented downward. Shotulm koturan- His body seemed to leak a bright blue energy as he made his way closer to them.

~Drag off around. The field is too open, as they could have placed anything between you and them.~

Val brought about his right foot, pressing off sideways before even fully reaching them, coming around from the side.

As he finished repositioning, he pressed forward off the ground once more, sending another strong gust of wind towards them. 'I do not aim to kill them, Zen. Only to make Karu'kh sleep for a bit longer.' Val had no intention of letting Karu'kh wake from his sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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"At least the tension is gone now!" Avera shouted as Kurokage blocked the attack using crystallized shadows. At the same time, countless weapons materialized from the Warp Portals, and they all fired. Several missiles, laser blasts, and gunfire all shot out at once.

"Detecting stress buildup. Nothing to be concerned about for the moment. If you would summon..."

"Not inside the city!"

It was easier to summon the Amberclad itself then just it's weapons for Avera's body, because he didn't have to open up Warp Portals. The Amberclad did most of the work, so it was not bad, but still.

"Warp Portal Opened! Firing Orbital Cannon!"

Avera was connected to a Super Dreadnaught with a huge Reactor Core. And had other powers. Speaking of which, he created a barrier of divided space to defend himself. He did not know the capabilities of the opponent so he wanted to avoid a close combat when range was better for him, even if he was capable.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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Val shoved himself off to the side, trying his best to dodge what was being fired at him. 'Great example as to why we should expect the unexpected. I've never run into anything like this before.' He was tempted to unsheath his sword, but he didn't. Instead, he rushed straight to them. "Zen, give me your strength." Val drew his sword from its sheath, sending a wave of energy in all directions. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Multiply!" His veins turned a dark blue as he rushed towards the barrier. Val's pupils turned a dark red as he slammed down his sword, pressing with enough strength to crack the world in half if not carefully managed.

~You idiot! Do you wish to awake Karu'kh before the fight has actually begun?! Break off before you lose control!~

Val was beyond reason. His entire body seemed to ripple with dark energy. A familiar... purplish red energy. "I can't stop now Zen, not when I'm so close. Once I get a taste of that, Karu'kh won't be waking up for a long time." He failed to see that Karu'kh was already slowly waking up. His entire body was fluxing out of control.


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Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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"What the hell?! What kind of distortion is this?!"

Avera was shocked, and ended up speaking unlike his usual self. However, even with that surprise...the barrier itself did not crack, though the force hitting against it did seem to be creating shockwaves.

Good though, they keep hitting against it with looks like they have yet to grasp the understanding of my barrier...

Avera's Spatial Barrier was not like a magic barrier, or a barrier made of flames, or even the Amberclad's advanced shielding. It was space itself, isolated from all other space, yet still present in that spot. The barrier would not give in no matter how much pressure was applied, no matter how much force was used, physical objects and attacks could not pass through. Even various energy attacks might fail, such as fire which needed oxygen. Of course, Avera had already shielded himself in the Amberclad's shields, but he was being careful against the enemy that was giving off a strange energy.

"What the....what is going on?"

"Alert. Detecting highly dangerous and highly volatile energy. Bringing more weapons online to protect 'Master'".

Various warp portals opened up around Val, and attacks came at him from all sides. The unknown energy had been registered as a threat. And as for Avera....

"Spatial Slice!"

He cut through the space itself. Not just physical objects, not just matter, but the very space itself he cut through to slash at Val, even though he cut from a good distance away he could do it from that distance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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Val was hammered down by these attacks. 'Damn. I messed up...' If only Val accounted for the unknown attacks and how they were getting to him. "I've failed to withhold Karu'kh... Zen, you know what to do if this becomes a bloodbath." Closing his eyes tightly, he let his guard down.

~Why, Val? Why would you damn us all if we can't stop him?~

His body radiated an even more dangerous aura. It lashed out to the warp portals, forcefully closing them, no matter what force kept them open.

"Tick tock. Tick tock. What. Have. We. Here?" Looking almost unscathed and his physical state was changed, his eyes focused onto Avera. "Give me more pain. I want it all!" He moved fast enough to cause a sonic boom to be heard as he brought himself around the side, slamming forward his fist against the barrier. Sooner or later, he'd figure out what type of barrier it was, and make his way past it using his own abilities.

As his fist made contact, his entire arm rippled and teared up from the force of impact he himself made. "Now that's interesting. I hit it with enough force to break any type of barrier. Magical or not." He took a step back, grinning widely as his entire arm began to reconstruct quite fast. "Is this... Oh, yes it is. I once used this type of barrier once. I haven't seen anyone else use it before." Karu'kh pressed his reconstructing hand against the barrier.

Karu'kh was only beginning to warm up. "But I've also known some little abilities able to get through." It'd take him a while to muster up the energy since he'd been sleeping for some time.


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Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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And yet....the portals did not close. They remained open, the weapons emerging from them still and they continued to fire. Sometimes they even moved and dodged out of the way. Yes, it was truly perplexing...

However, in truth it was because Avera could re-open the portals immediately that any force that tried to close them, even if it succeeded, would fail. All he had to do was open a new one, and he could do that immediately, interrupting it closing even. Furthermore...


And then, the amount of portals...doubled...

At the same time, this song began to play out of every loudspeaker and portal in the area. In sync with Avera.

At the exact second the portals opened, possessing not even a millisecond delay, the automated and calculated systems of the Amberclad unleashed a full on bombardment with all weapons at once, from particle lances, to beam weapons, to Phasic Missiles. The ship's AI had detected it to be too large of a threat to Avera to allow it to exist any longer, and as the firepower had not been sufficient before, it doubled its allowed actions. If it continued, it would double again.

But right as these attacks were coming down....

"Shattered Space!"

Avera shattered the very space itself around Kagami. Kagami might have started moving at unreal speeds, but Avera was not just using those weapons to target him directly, but also to limit the places he could move to by targeting them as well. And the space directly around and whre Kagami was, he used the ability Shattered Space. Unless it somehow properly protected itself, or dodged, any physical object would get cut into pieces. Of course, Avera considered the possibility it might survive...but he was sure he would get one or two of its limbs if it did not kill him at least.

And that was not all. The moment that Kagami would try to dodge, or if he somehow tried to block the attack, Kurokage would then come at him from behind with a high density full power attack and stab him from behind. And right after Shattered Space, Avera would use The Divider.

Avera had come up with this plan quickly, but it was a good plan he believed...and he had put all his hope into it working, at least enough so that if needed he could pull back.


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Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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Karu'kh smiled widely. "Ah! The sweet invitation of when I first awake!" Karu'kh slammed forward, having lost his arms, he lost no momentum. He continued to slam his head against the barrier. "Pain. Pain. Pain. GIVE. ME. MORE!" He cackled as he continued to slam against the barrier. The pain was his power. The more he got, the more he awoke. The more he awoke, the more power that opened up to him.

Within a few seconds of slamming his head into the barrier at full force, his arms regenerated. "But not even the power of space, in-between or not, can handle it being combatted with the same!" Raising his hand, Karu'kh forced open a barrier of the same kind, or at least similar, and forced it upon Avera's own barrier. Karu'kh had a source of magic and energy that could last a millennium. Of course, he didn't use magic to force a barrier made of space. He learned this trick from himself in the future. He only hoped it worked, and that his future-self wasn't useless.

Karu'kh, however, could not apprehend how weak his future-self was. He seemed weak, but he knew that was not the case. "You may have a helper, but I myself have one as well." Out from beyond the barrier appeared a young man. A bandage wrapped around his eyes.

"Oh Karu'kh. I know I said call me when you needed help, not when you wanted to kill someone. Besides, what universe did you call me to? It looks bland and boring." The man walked forward, chuckling. "I won't mind it if someone kicks your ass. Just as long as you don't die, I'm fine with it."


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Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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"What...the fuck are going on about?"

Suddenly, Avera was a strong aura radiating from him, one of intensity, but it was also cold. Bitter cold, the kind of aura that would send shivers down the spines of even those who regularly murdered children. At the same time, one could see tears rolling down his cheeks...he was upset.

"Who....who the fuck would ever want pain?!?!"

The words he spoke had triggered Avera's memories of the lab, and what he went through there. About how much he suffered. It had an impact on him, however he acted...on all of them. And this had triggered his. His power levels spiked, his emotions fueling them into a rampage. The sheer force of his power sent shockwaves across the park, blowing anything that was not secure away...and it threatened to blow Kagami as well.

The amount of portals...did not double. Or triple. Or even quadruple. But instead, they filled the sky itself. At the same time, Avera created another Isolated Space Barrier...but this time, it was around Kagami. And then...

"Shattered Space".

Without breaking the enclosement barrier, he shattered the inside of it.

"Now...Heavenly Impact!"

And then, a massive vaporization laser was brought down. Furthermore, Avera who had been moving this whole time finally positioned himself in the right spot.

"Now...that should have finished him, but lets be careful. Prepare for full bombardment! And deploy the Lander!"


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Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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Karu'kh looked up, staring into that beam as it hit him. Screams of agony and pain coursed through his entire body as the massive vaporization laser went down upon him. 'Is this the end? Of course not, I still have a lot to do. I still have to exact my revenge either way!' When the laser hit him, he could only enter a stage where he lost everything he could stand for.

"Luckily he isn't dead." The stranger muttered as he looked at his arms. "If so, I wouldn't be here." He suddenly felt a pain in his chest. "I also remember what he does here..."

Karu'kh fell onto his knees from the impact. "I WILL NOT DIE BY SOME KID! I WILL EXACT MY REVENGE AGAINST CAINOK!" Karu'kh forced himself to stand, even if his entire being was screaming. Even if he was broken. Even if he could no longer fight. He would stand. "Nothing will hold me back."

Such pain only made him remember one night he remembered such pain. "I may not have the capacity of love, but she was enough for me." He muttered. Her soft touch. His son. "I will not die before I exact their revenge." A tear escaped his eye, making him open his eyes widely. His entire body bursted into a dark flame. "Take control, Creature of the abyss!" His entire complexity could no longer be seen. A loud screech could echo throughout the entire area.

A being of dark energy stepped forward, staring Avera dead in the eyes. (Look in his bio, at the bottom for reference.)
"I will tear them apart. Take all that they are. Dead men tell no tales." It took one step forward, breaking through the barrier, no matter who made it. A being from an entirely different reality was making its mark. "Karu'kh's desires are his downfall and my uprising."


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Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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"Alert, My'Lord. This person is mental".

"Master, please remove yourself from this pervert immediately".

"Shattered Space!"

Breaking the space itself once more, there was not just a laser in that shot. Rather, at the same time the laser hits, there is an orbital cannon that immediately follows it. A sort of one two punch, that is meant to be used again other large ships like Dreadnaughts. Of course, it was set to a lower power since he did not want to obliterate the city.

And now that it was coming at him again...Avera had succeeded.

Suddenly, the entirely ground, sky, everyone thing him got dematerialized when he tried to approach Avera and his barrier again. Why? Avera had skillfully been working to position himself, and he had...and he had also set up the minefield from long ago.

The moment Kagami began to approach him, he had entered the spiders trap. The mines around him all activated at once. Because Avera had been unaware of what kind of enemy it was, and what type he was, there was all sorts of mines. Some that negate energy. Some that absorb energy. Some that dematerialize matter. Some that create miniature black holes for a few seconds and would affect his time space in addition to crushing him with gravity.

And so in addition to him getting bombed from orbit again, this time The Lander itself appeared. Having brought Kagami into the middle of the minefield, Avera used the Close Range Teleporter and essentially beamed himself onto the Lander. Inside the Lander, he could not bring out more offensive firepower.

And in addition, before Kurokage also retreated into the shadows, it attempted to take off any surviving limbs Kagami might still have, before running back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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The being paused abruptly. "This has gotten boring, hasn't it?" It appeared in front of Kruokage, snapping its fingers. "It's funny how fast time can go." It was almost as if the Being didn't move. It could feel exactly where Kurokage was, even if it wasn't able to touch him physically. "I'd touch your master, but he doesn't seem as intriguingly interesting as you." If Avera was aiming exactly where the being was standing before, it was clear it had moved. "What would happen if I locked you into a dimension where it blocks any contract, or forces you to gain physical form? Even your master couldn't get you from there, unless... Well, I'm sure he's the unless part. But even temporarily removing you would allow me enough time to kill your master. Even if it was just for a split second." It sounded more like a threat than anything else.

"Now that's enough." The stranger raised his hand, forcing the being to move back. "First, I don't remember killing these two, so you can't either. You don't mess with the past." He was forcing the being in a box. The box itself was forged by a mystical force or being. Not by the Stranger. He wasn't that strong. "Please forgive him of his attitude. He usually eats before coming out." The being, along with Karu'kh and Kagami, were locked inside the small hand-held box. "But if you desire a fight. I can willingly release him. Though, I wouldn't recommend it. You have enough firepower to feed him for years. You see, he gains power, just like Karu'kh, from pain. Or anything hitting him. Which is why I'm here to keep him under lock and key." The stranger smiled brightly before walking forward. Though, that wasn't the only thing the being gained power off of. That was the most common it gained power off of.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy Character Portrait: Kagami/Karu'kh
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Avera did not even wait for him to finish, as he was already speeding off in the Lander.

"Alright, so, next time we will try a few other things. After all, nothing is invincible. And you can't underestimate what a Super Dreadnaught is capable of".

Avera could have won awhile ago know, if he didn't mind leveling the damn place. And by that, he meant city. But he had no desire to test the outcome. For Avera, and his brothers, their victory conditions were "Survival" and "Freedom". Beating the opponent didn't matter all too much for them.

"Now, lets find a nice place to park so I can get a good sleep".

Unlike the other siblings, Avera had a spaceship he could sleep in after all.

The setting changes from Asteria City to Core Worlds


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Maibara Character Portrait: Kakita Taminoko Character Portrait: Avera Newton Rixy
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Aboard the Ancient Super Dreadnaught (ASD) Amberclad, Bridge:

Current Ship Status: 100% Across the Board, Cargo Bays 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 54 in use, Cloaking and Emission Negators Active

Current Objective: Delivery (Pick Up and Drop Off):

Avera Newton Rixy was currently monitoring everything from the bridge, looking out over it all. Although he had a mysterious and unquantifiable connection to the ship that let him control it with his mind, he liked being on the bridge and felt it was easier to utilize this way at times. Additionally, as he was traveling across a large area of space, he had brought the entire Amberclad out since it was the fastest and easiest method to utilize. So he decided to be on the bridge anyways. However, since he was picking people up today, instead of wearing the sleepwear he usually did when he just spent the entire day on the ship, he was wearing some casual clothes.

They had just warped into the area. He had the ship cloaked, not because he was afraid of it getting stolen. That wasn't even realistic to humor, because Avera could store the ship in an alternate dimension easily. He just did not want to get into trouble with people.

Defending fleets usually did not like it when an Ancient Super Dreadnaught appeared in the skies near them without prior notification, or even with prior notification for that matter. And he really wanted to avoid pissing off any of the local superpowers of the galaxy, or catching their attention even, so whenever the ship was out he almost always kept it in stealth.

"Well, since I am in the area, I guess I better get the shuttle and go to pick them up...maybe we should just make the whole trip in the shuttle. If they ask how the shuttle got here so fast, I suppose I could just make the excuse I was in the area".

Avera then went to the nearest shuttle bay, running through the ship without ever hitting into any of the obstacles, scattered cargo, or maintence drones that were in the way, showing he was quite familiar with this. Dotting through a variety of various crates and such he just never bothered to put away properly, or were from the time when he was imprisoned by scientists, he was able to successfully make it to the shuttle without hitting his head on anything. He used his link to prep it on his way, so the moment he entered he deployed out in the shuttle.

Now he just had to look for their beacon, land near it, and thus he could take them wherever they were paying him to take. Avera didn't much care, so long as they paid. Even if he was a person who had morals, he also needed to eat. And he couldn't just pickpocket everyone all the time, big jobs were important.

Thus even though he was a nice person, he did not shy away from jobs like smuggling and such, and occasionally a bit worse.