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Berthas Hoarercrux

An Illuminatede Member of Ordo Sanctae Scientia

0 · 948 views · located in Gaia

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Marcus


A Tale of Twin Sarrows

A tale of Lost Apprentices and Forgotten Lore


Role: Wizard belonging to Ordo Sanctae Scientia

Name: Berthas Ignias Hoarercrux

Title(s): Master of the Unseen Arts. Former Student to the Lord of the White Tower. Wizard

Sex: Male

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 178 pounds.

Build: Slender and almost skeletal at times.

Eyes: Much like my former master I lost my eyes after witnessing the truth behind all things. Though I feel as if I still remain ignorant to the major mysteries of our worlds my sapphire orbs pierce the darkness that surrounds us and illuminates my understanding of the subject before me.

Hair: Thick blonde hair that is kept at a medium long cut and usually bound back into a small pony tail.

Clothes Style: Lofty appreciation for the style of a Wizard of Ordo Sanctae Scientia, Mark adorns his masters style, with slight variations of course as if to keep with the times of the order. His style of clothes does very from time to time as there are days he prefers his robes and cap while others he feels right at home wearing a simple brown tunic with blue and purple accents.

Religion: "To attain power is to hold in your hand the possibility of achieving immortality. Those who can wield such power due so because they have studied and trained to the extent that their minds are the only weapon they need."
Words said by Master Bigsby Big Hat himself during my training when I was just a young man. In truth I do not think that the Gods are as they appear. What kind of being would allow themselves to hold onto such powers and do nothing with that gift? Why would any self proclaimed God need to prove himself to others when they could easily wipe all life off from the face of the planet? No I surmised that such beings rely on powers long lost and have something akin to a hunger like the poor souls who become infected with vampirism. In truth I seek to perfect myself but know that the limitations of Man provide only barriers. With great wisdom and Knowledge the only form of religious ideology I strictly stand to just based on principle alone is that no divine figure is what they claim to be.

Other Biographical Remarks: Through the many years that I have lived only one thing is certain, and proven, it was what Master Bigsby had taught me so long ago. Time is not set in stone and through it there are many avenues we can take in order to change or alter the streams we sail upon. I was a young man before my world was decimated by war and high arcane magics and in my age the years before me have brought me a greater understanding of the lose I faced. My training forced me to veiw that each of my order was a copy of another and that I was never unique. Now as I travel I try to prove them wrong.

So begins...

Berthas Hoarercrux's Story

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Character Portrait: Faerjss Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux Character Portrait: Serratz
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#, as written by Marcus
The Stout was rather busy as its patrons filled every nook and cranny of the establishment all the while being merry and celebrating not only Hfahn's, the barkeep, birthday and one of his glorious anniversaries of a war long ago but of the Dwarven Holiday of Stein Fest. As always the establishment smelled of fine foods from exotic origins to simple customs and the roaring hearth in the center of the tavern burned brightly and illuminated all but the darkest corners.

There was however something interesting within the tavern itself as a young man with a rather large hat and a unique staff took the time to not only get his holdings but to dust himself off as he moved over to a table close by the fire. The young wizard arrived to the place not only for a fresh meal before his travels would continue elsewhere but he needed to meet a specific contact of a certain city in the sand about a certain set of events and over a specific object in mind.

"Excuse me sir?" An elvish man intruded with a smile and a curt nod. "What can I get for you this night? Brokur is on the house, though admittedly I would not order the stuff myself, and our specialties are on the board over there. By the way you look new in town. My name is Melthandon and..." The elf was cut off as the young man raised his hand and produced a coin purse with just a flick of his wrist. "Melthandon? Interesting and a pleasure to meet you I am sure. I require a loaf of bread, pumpernickel if there is any, along with a bowl of your rabbit stew and a helping of bacon." The young wizard began to ponder what more he could add to his meal as the elf took his coin. "Make sure if you would that my bacon is blackened and add a bit of butter to the side for my bread and for my drink a dark ale. Brokur is fine in all but I would rather not drink piss on my first day back."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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The snow pattered against the window as a black cloaked figure approached the tavern, puffs of white steam puffed through the hood of the cloak "I despise this cold...why in the heavens must someone make a tavern so far away from the warmth and sunlight of the desert?" She said, pulling her cloak tighter to herself, the staff on her back glowing a little as she snorted "Right right know everything" she said to the air as she headed for the busy tavern.

The door opened and then shut as a Tiefling undid her hood and let her tail shake itself free of snow. She blew hot air into her hands as she gazed around the room and immediately headed for the hearth "Fire...boy am I glad to see you. Its too cold here..." She said with a chill, rubbing her hands by the fire but took no notice of the others within the busy tavern. Right now she just wanted to get warm. The staff hummed a little as a warning and she nodded "Of course of course...your fine" She said to it, making sure her staff was secured to her body before resuming warming herself by the fire.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux Character Portrait: Zeke Hundern
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#, as written by zeke34
The snow fell oddly around a short man in a trenchcoat as he slowly approached the tavern. It would take a watchful eye to notice that the snow actually stopped about an inch from the man before continuing its path to the ground. Eventually the man made it to door and made a point to clear his hat of any snow before entering.

With a small cough he scanned the room, his eyes quickly adjusting to the dimmed lighting compared to outside. His eyes immediately jumped to the fire and he made a beeline for it, making his slow way through the crowd. Finally making it to the fire he squatted down and held his hands close to the fire, letting the flames lightly wash over them. "Too cold..." he muttered aloud, rubbing his hands together.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux Character Portrait: Zeke Hundern
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#, as written by Marcus
The wizard with the large hat smiled as the elf made his way to the kitchens granting the man some time to remove his own gear. It was not just fate that Berthas removed his hate revealing thick blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to glow an almost radiant aura about them when viewed in just the right light. A simple smile crossed his face as he sat his cap down upon the table while his eyes traversed the sea of patrons only to spot his contact warming herself by the fire. It was with a light sigh that Berthas began to relax while he waited for his meal and enjoyed the atmosphere of the tavern.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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The fire crackled under the Tiefling's hands, warming her from the frigid cold. The magical aura around her seems to be weak in this particular place: not surprising as this town seemed to be weaker in magic. Although, the Wizard with the large hat seemed to have the more powerful magical aura. She just sat there, coiling her tail around her arm as she just turned her head to look at him.

'Pardon me Mistress...but he might be a bit more powerful then he appears to be' A voice said into her mind as she looked towards her staff and then shook her head 'Perhaps...' She said and stood, heading for the Wizard and gave him a bow "Pardon me...but would you like some company this evening? I wouldn't mind the conversation after the howling cold outside"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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#, as written by Marcus
Berthas looked upon the tiefling with his blue crystal like orbs that took the place of his eyes and smiled only to offer the seat across from him. "As it seems this meeting was by no mere chance. I take it that you are my contact from the deserts belonging to the sand dragon Inekhethadaternock, the Wyrm of the Southern Sands, though I must say I did not truly expect one such as yourself to make the journey to a cold place such as this. Especially considering the month and its weather in all." The uncapped wizard began to lean in a bit as his eyes began to study Qenne a bit more closely only to shrug off what suspicions he had as his eyes enchantments began to work their magics at unraveling the mysteries behind what truly sat before him.

Melthandon returned with the order that Berthas had placed along with a dark ale and a side of bacon crisped to the point of almost being black just to then pardon himself so that the two may speak a bit more. "So tell me something." Berthas spoke up as he lifted his mug of ale to his lips and took a quick drought from the container. "What is it that your patriarch has in store for the future? I only ask as I wish to make a journey there soon in order to do a bit of reading. I hear that the old sand wyrm has plenty of wealth enough to go around and yet he hoards it in not just one way."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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The Staff glowed as it reinforced the strength of the Illusion spell, Qenna's leg going up onto the other as her arms crossed "I am Qenna L'tone, Administrator of his city yes and you are, I assume the one I am to be meeting here?" She asked him as she studied him quietly for a moment or two "My Lord thought it would be wise for me to travel to this accursed mountain to meet with you. He said that it would more proper instead of making you travel all the way to our City"

'He is trying to see past your enchantments mistress' The staff said to her mind as she lowered her head and closed her eyes 'I know...keep them up and keep him out' She said as Melthandon approached and set down his food "That would be best to see rather then hear about. I do believe my business is with the Wizard here. Bring me a hot coffee black with two sugars as well as a scone" She said, neutral in tone and sincerity "So...what do you wish to speak of Wizard? Also what is your name?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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#, as written by Marcus
Melthandon quickly nodded and went back to the kitchen leaving the two spellcasters be for a time. Berthas continued to look upon the tiefling before him allowing his eyes to slowly work their way in just to meet with a resistance not seen since his training with Bigsby years before. "You would assume correctly but it was not your fathers idea to send you out this far away from home but my own design." Berthas answered rather honestly as he picked up a sliver of his back and mauled over it for a bit just to then turn his eyes away from Qenne and towards the roaring fire that the hearth provided.

"As for what business I hold it is simply to gaze and look upon the books your lord has stored within his inner vaults, you know the ones past the bronze doors guarded by his other children, and do not tell me that they do not exist for I have seen them myself to know that a vast mother load of knowledge lay hidden behind those doors." After a few minutes Berthas turned his gaze back upon Qenne only to chuckle slightly as he began to ponder what other things he would be able to take back with him when the time arrived.

"Ah, yes, so sorry. I always do tend to forget that introductions are the finer point of high society and that one must always be aware of such things. But as you see I am a bit out of the trend of things. I am Berthas, Berthas Ignias Hoarercrux, member of the eternal Ordo Sanctae Scientia and student of the arts." Berthas coughed a little but washed it away with another swig of his dark ale. "Apologies for the long winded titles of course but I am not just sent by those who I work with but by those who I work under."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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Qenna nodded gently as she listened to his desires and the business he wished to discuss. With a wave of her hand she looked him dead in the eye "Of course such a privilege would have to be given by my Lord, not myself, even if such a thing were to exist. I deny that such a library exists..." She said while leaning back and gazed out towards the fire "If you think I am here to give you leverage against my Lord, think twice. I would not dare cross him...and for your request, I am going to have to decline"

'Well played...shall I send a message to him about this?' The staff behind her hummed as she gave a curt nod "Now if there is nothing else, I shall get back on my way back to the desert" She said, giving him the option to continue their discussion. As she did, the staff would pulsate just once very quietly as a message was being conveyed back to Inekhethadaternock about the Wizard. The staff was hoping for a reply immediately.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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#, as written by Marcus
Berthas was sorry to hear that he was denied so freely but the young wizard just smiled as a he himself had a few tricks up his sleeve, bits and pieces of information from here and there, and it was a trump card he would not waste so quickly nor reveal fully. "Do you take me for a novice, Qenna L'Tone, or did you imagine that my knowledge on such things would allow me to be so easily persuaded and moved to the side and stop greatness from ever being achieved?"

The message had been sent as one of the old wyrms servants delivered the message with ease and a reply was sent quickly on swift winds and high tides of magical awareness. 'I am all to aware of this pesky wizard. You did well to deny him what he seeks, even if its existence mattered or not.'

Berthas took a rather small helping of his bread and began to spread a bit of butter on it as he watched Qenna prepare herself to depart from the Dwarven Stout. "It must be a real shame to know that a young prince who is competent with a bow has taken up to being a thief in a realm not far from our own you know. I wonder what his father would say now if he knew that at this very instant his son released a powerful spirit and an artifact that could threaten everything that was built thus far."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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Qenna made no notice of being shocked as she snorted loudly "We are well aware of any and all moves the Prince makes. He is, after all, the son of a great Wyrm. Did you think you us all fools? Also I do think you a novice to think that such a great and powerful library as this one you think is where it is exists? Such a storehouse of knowledge is left best to the secrets of olden times" She said while slamming her fist down on the table "Where is that damned coffee?!" She yelled out towards the kitchen; not as a show of force or intimidation but trying to hail the elf and bring her her coffee

The staff hummed as she made this loud act and sent off another message 'If the Prince has done such a thing, we need to find him post haste and bring him back to the city. He might be right' Qenna replied 'Let him know...nothing we can do about it now that we are still sitting here infront of this wizard'

"As well, greatness can be achieved by searching the mountains for lost knowledge or perhaps a cliff for you to explore in great detail. As for this library, as administrator, I would know about it. You think I am the fool?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Melthandon had arrived with a bit of worry on his face as he placed the cup before the tiefling and bowed slightly. "A thousand apologies miss. I went searching for our beans so I dipped into our more expensive roasts. Of course we will not charge you for such a pricy drink but we will ask you to pay the minimum on a regular cup of coffee." The elf smiled slightly just to then turn to see he was being hailed at another table.

"I do think you are a fool. Hiding your true appearance under an illusion so farce that I need not penetrate very deep to know you are not what you appear. I know that those vaults exist for it was with my own eyes that I gazed upon the shelves of old tomes and scrolls gathering dust within." Berthas simply began to lean back in his chair just to raise a eyebrow at the young girl only to smirk. "Did you truly think I would not drive a hard bargain for such information. Symir has let a rather extraordinary thing loose from its cage, that artifact he carries, and that he is within the company of a hired blade from a certain dwarf who holds much ire against your lords family." Berthas reached for a small latched pouch on his side and produced an intricate pipe only to place some rather strange herbs within and with a flick of his fingers he lit them for only a second. "I am sure that Jorn would be more pleased to treat with me for the information I hold."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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Jorn...The Tiefling's face finally turned to a scowl as she took a sip of her coffee and then set it down "You deal with a Dwarf who despises my Lord and his family and demand that I had over something that is, infact, not even there in the first place?!" She said, raising her voice but not her temper "You are more a fool then your master can ever be. But thank you for the information about Symir and rest assured, he weill be dealt with accordingly" She said

The staff sent out another message, begging for an urgent reply from her Lord, telling him everything that is being said

"AS for what and who I am, that is not a lie as the fact stands I am infact a tiefling. I have been, am and will always be a tiefling regardless of what your eyes see. As for Jorn...he is as treacherous as all dwarves can be. Your not gaining anything from me or my Lord...especially if you are working with that Dwarf..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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#, as written by Marcus
"It is a pity then considering the exact location of Symir and the company he holds at this very instant would be considered information worthy of obtaining." Berthas spoke only to finish up what meal he had ordered for himself only to stand up from his seat and don his rather large hat.

'The wizard is not from Jorn, Qenna, he is calling a bluff you do not have but I do. Tell him that the scrolls he seeks are indeed located in a vault within my Halls but such information he holds is vital.'

It was this time that the dragon spoke his message directly and it was right on time when Berthas picked up his staff. "I figured you for a source of knowledge on the subject I seek. Perhaps that Maia will be interested in knowing what evil truly lurks in the desert."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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Qenna sighed heavily as she took a sip of her coffee 'Yes Father...' She replied as she raised a hand while lowering her head for a moment "The scrolls you seek are indeed located within a vault my lord holds. It is vital information that he holds. Now what about Symir?" She asked, gesturing for him to retake his seat

'Father, what should I ask further about Symir? I need more to go off of if I am to get to the bottom of this' She said, the staf humming a little as she began to play with her ring 'Should I tell him more or less in exchange for the information about Symir?'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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#, as written by Marcus
'You must tell me everything that this wizard knows about......'

The Lord of the Southern Sands was suddenly cut off and from the look of things from inside the Tavern all had come to a complete stand still. There stood Berthas looking down at Qenna with his own staff in hand and a rather annoyed look upon his face. It was as if things were frozen until the large hatted wizard blinked his blue orbs at the tiefling only to then reveal a rather disgusted look upon his face. "Enough of these games!" Berthas commanded. His staff resonating with an unnatural pulse of arcane energy that shook the very establishment to its core. "No more secrets girl. Do you think my eyes are just for show due to their base material being of fine sapphires and unknowing enchantments!?" Berthas raised his staff up high and slammed it down with such force that he shattered his own affect creating a ripple in the arcane energies around the two that visible transfigured itself into a wave of butterflies that filled the establishment only to then reveal that they were nothing more than dancing lights.

Though the patrons themselves seemed very confused many began to applaud and clap and cheer for the spectacle they had just witnessed but if Qenna expected to get an answer or a summons on the other end of her staff she would be sourly disappointed.
"You rely to much on your father half-breed. Take me for a fool again and find yourself truly dealing with the apprentice that once trained under Bigsby Big Hat himself." Instead of taking his seat the wizard simply stepped right next to were Qenna was sitting only to look down at her revealing only pity for such a creature. "Your charge is in safe hands for now as you may find him with this." Berthas produced a small clear stone from his sleeve that was riddled with small intricate runes and an even small blood red rune that almost glowed like the sun for those who could see the fabric of the arcane around them. "He is with an assassin but they both play a much larger role than what you or I both realize. Send word to your father once I leave this establishment that his vaults are to be opened to me and more certainly his library he keeps hidden. I will take what I will from that place and return them later." It was the price for information but Berthas still held something a bit more up his sleeve in case he arrived at the desert city and found his entry blocked. A little surprise that would prove a rather large annoyance for that dragon and his family.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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Qenna took the stone gently and held it in her hands while standing up, suddenly towering over him as the patrons once again stood still and immobile, the clocks ticked once but stopped mid swing and the fire ceased to crackle "You play a very...very dangerous game Wizard. One that I do believe is a very bad idea" She said, her skin rippling and twisting into golden scales as she revealed herself to the time stopped tavern and the big hatted wizard

"You seek knowledge that I cannot grant and expect it to be delivered on a silver platter. I highly doubt my father will allow even your breath to permeate his great Halls and take anything from within. I am sure of that...he is not one for charity work. As for Symir, I will take this stone and find him. Once he is safe and sound back in the city and Palace, MAYBE I will try to aid you and your efforts to gain an hour in his halls" She said, smoke blowing from her nostrils. Now she was visibly infuriated at this wizard. She was a Chronomancer, she could turn him into an immobile statue, or send him careening into the very distant past.

"I would highly suggest you leave this establishment before I decide to trap you in time and make you my plaything. Try my patience...I dare you" She said, allowing herself to shift back into her tiefling form and drawing her own staff, tapping it on the ground, reversing time as it slowly began to replay backwards. It continued, speeding up gradually until the time reset back when Qenna had entered the Tavern "If that is all Wizard, enjoy your meal..." She said, the staff glowing as time resumed and she turned to head for the door, putting the runed stone in her satchel

The setting changes from The Dwarven Stout to Vestibule


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheodin Thundermane Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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#, as written by Marcus
"Lords have mercy it is cold!" A voice called out with an all to familiar tone to it as a large hatted wizard stumbled into to Vestibule with blue sapphire eyes and a very eccentric staff by his side. The young mans robes held damp to them and chunks of snow that kept him cold but it was with a single tap of the butt of his staff to the ground beneath his feet that a sudden warmth covered his body and melted the excess snow into nothingness. This was not Bigsby Big Hat who stumbled into the Patronus Temple but a much younger mind who felt the world in the same manner as his future self but did not act on such knowledge so openly. "Well if Bigsby was unable to reach this height then I will have been the first it seems. A marvel that he was unable to..." The young man stopped and his mouth almost seemed ajar as he looked upon the massive figure before him and the trunk of a staff it seemed to carry without any problem whatsoever. The young big hatted wizard simply began to scratch at his brow in utter amazement only to then take a step forward with a single hand outstretched allowing his will to feel out what stood before him just to chuckle in utter amazement.

"By the Seven Mazes of Ishvale, you are a large one it seems, I did not think I would have the honor to meet another soul on the journey to this place." Berthas seemed to catch himself a bit as if he was talking to much but it only took a second for the young man to take a deep breath and offer his hand out in greetings to the other.


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Character Portrait: Sheodin Thundermane Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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Sheodin stared down at the human wizard as he was addressed. The Aryite smirked - always amused by the humans' gawking at his size. He lifted a large paw-hand and pulled back his hood. Two azure eyes, filled with an ancient power and wisdom, eyed Berthas. Finally the Aryite nodded, peeled back his lips in a toothy smile, and stretched out his hand to envelope the human's smaller hand in a firm yet gentle handshake.

"Shujhamb, human." he rumbled. "I agree, it is particularly frigid this evening. The elements are becoming restless, which is the partial reason of my pilgrimage to this place."


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Character Portrait: Sheodin Thundermane Character Portrait: Berthas Hoarercrux
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#, as written by Marcus
Berthas took the lions paw eagerly and met the creatures gaze with one that was of sapphire orbs cut to perfection and glowing with power that revealed all even if it was shrouded in darkness. "By the Shadow Lord you speak true." The young man simply smirked and took back his hand only to look at it for a quick moment and smiled eagerly at the prospects of not being alone. "Though I must admit that the cold is not the reason why I have come." Berthas simply looked around at their surroundings and smirked as he looked at the head of his own staff and shook his head. "My manners, I always seem to forget them, my name is Berthas Ignias Hoarercrux, just call me Berthas, and I am a prominent member of a rather small organizations in search of knowledge that needs to be kept safe."

The young man only laughed a little as he removed the massive hat from atop his head just to give a slight bow. "You on the other hand are someone who appears familiar to me."