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Bigsby Big Hat

Master Wizard and explorer of realms.

0 · 4,123 views · located in Siv'en

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Marcus


Berthas Ignias Hoarercrux





Name origin: For those of you who have actually considered to ask me such a ridiculous question I have only need to say it once again, I do hope that you are listening this time. Out of all the many names I was called my birth name is Berthas Ignias Hoarercrux Esquire the seventh, no I am not truly related to the actual Hoarercrux line nor do I wish to be as such a thing is almost impossible to wash off the robes that one can wear let alone remove the disgrace from such a time when the actual family could claim legitimate blood.

Nickname or Titles?: A nickname is a rather strange concept. It would assume that I have been friendly enough to the locals of a few worlds to even a bit of respect from them. I suppose I have been called, ‘Bigs’ before and I do not even wish to think about that any further but for actual titles I have several if not more than I can possible count now or care to remember. The only ones that I find remotely useful are Bigsby the Summoner, or The Wizard of White Tower, and even the Keeper of forbidden knowledge. Hells I have been called the Forsaken Librarian before but I still do not understand that to this very day at all.

Birthday?: I am sure this question would be a whole lot easier if there was an actual date I could give to you. I suppose if I had to celebrate my birthday it would been within the month of October.

Place of birth: The day I was conceived I was born in a small village in a world covered by water in a temple specifically designated for a goddess of the sun and a god of the deep ocean. Needless to say I have visited that place several times only to realize that it became a ruin after I went to study my art of magic and that it was a dump to begin with.

Religion: Religion what an interesting concept. As defined it is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. Or a particular system of faith and worship and can also be defined as the pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance. Myself though? Like I said I was born to a villiage which venerated a Goddess of the Sun and a Lord of the Deep.


Height: As tall as I want to be. No, seriously I do not think I can be any smaller, I am roughly 6’10” tall.

Weight: What are you expecting me to say? Yes I weight exactly 278 pounds under this guisee of a bean pole that I appear as. I keep it all hidden under these robes I wear and not a single soul is the wiser.

Dominate hand: What kind of question is that to ask when you want to know more about my appearance? You know what it does not matter what hand I consider my strong hand. All that matters is that I hold my quill in my right hand and cast with my staff with my other if I so please.

Do you have any Tattoos?: No.

What about Piercings?: No.

Hair color: Clearly my hair color is a silver white.

Eye color: I am going to assume that they are blue. Two sapphires that glow as brightly as the moon.


Diet: Really now? One would imagine that the amount of these intolerable questions would drive a man in my position rather crazy! What does it matter to you what is in my diet?!? I am a wizard and I will devour anything I wish so long as I know I can fit it into my mouth and will not kill me.

Do you get any Exercise?: Now that is a rather strange question to ask someone? Well, I suppose I do, I get up every morning and stretch a bit. After that I normally stay in my laboratory lifting heavy tomes and mixing up dangerous chemicals. I am a book worm it seems.

Are therePhysical disabilities that we should know about?: Well that all depends on what I think that you should know that is rather important or not. I mean lets think about this for a second shall we and discuss the possible wrongs and right you and I could be committing to paper here! For all intents and purposes I am a very healthy and fit man with little to nothing in the form of any kind of disability whatsoever. More so I would imagine that if it was physical you would have noticed it by now.

Any Mental disabilities then?: How dare you even think about asking such a thing let alone actually asking it! I am perfectly sane, unlike many of my fellows, it just so happens that many people label you as crazy when you are surrounded by evil and dark knowledge and vile artifacts from realms not of this earth. Hell do not get me wrong the temptation of using those things to gain quick power has crossed my mind before, but, I however enjoy keeping my soul in one peace thank you. Besides I have lived long enough for the both of us and trust me when I say making deals that seem crazy probably are.

Do you have any Habits: Who doesn’t? I actually find it rather relaxing to talk about my previous works and discuss magical theories with others who actually understand such things. If not that a good drink now and then and a pipe to smoke make my day.

Do you have any Bad habits?: Balderdash! To even think that I, Bigsby Big Hat, would do anything that one might consider a ‘bad habit’ is beyond comprehension.

"What knowledge the Hat holds is a secret best guarded by old." Bigsby Big Hat


Through all of my years of study and perserverence plenty of questions have presented themselves before me allowing the oppertunity to expand my mind and my reach as well as learning from from the mistakes I could and will still make. Crystals in short are the very aspect of the soul and with that I have found that my transformation in converting parts of my organic nature into those very structures have left me somewhat hollowed. This however has yet to prove an issue as one of my many life long projects is the expance and creation of my own Demiplane.


Now by the very definition Demiplanes are ill-defined planes, usually formed by novice wizards or sorcerers, of unusually small size that lie either within other planes or outside the known planes depending on which cosmological model one is using. I would also like to note that Demiplanes are typically, if not always, of finite size, though this has not stopped many from expanding upon what they already have and it has yet stopped me from continuing my research in the flow of the multiverse that surrounds and fills us. It is by the very shape of the multiverse that I have formed my own personal home and work area with ease and constant access too through various means of travel.


For now I call this realm I govern The Twin Crystals, based off my own mind as it shows, and its very essence shapes to my will and thoughts without a moments notice. Within this plane is an infinite set of rooms and landscapes containing all things from ancient runes I have procured from their resting places to bits of knowledge written by me and subjects I am all to familiar with. Within this labyrinth of the mind even the most mundane items or structures have my mark and it is due to that I deemed them not fit for the multiverse to accept yet.


So begins...

Bigsby Big Hat's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus
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#, as written by Marcus
Upon both of their questions and comments Bigsby began to stroke his beard and ponder the very depths of his knowledge.

"Both are very fine questions and equal points." Bigsby quickly offered only to lean up against the alter. "Fungus Leshy are usually are forged into existence to take on the shape of large toad stools and redcaps, some can be other types of fungus, however not all sound the same." Bigsby simply waved his hand and created several illusionary images of redcap Leshy and the like. "I suppose it is more of a generalization due to the fact that not all Leshy are the same in some regards."

Bigsby suddenly produced a pipe and a light only to take a few puffs and began to regard his own education back when he was a young man. "I suppose if you are willing to bring the proper materials and coax a spirit that you can agree fully with then I suppose it would be a collaborative effort on both parties parts." The old wizard began to chuckle a bit as he chewed at the end of his pipe. "As for the Wolfsbane Leshy I suppose it is true that you could possibly try to use a Turnip, however; I would imagine that the carving of the face would be the most difficult."

The Gourd Leshy could be seen collecting stones and sticks and forming tools for gardening and helping the plants live and grow.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus
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Speech Color = #2649F9 || Thought Color = #1A868C

Flipping his notebook back open to where he had left off, he put more information down about Leshy's. As Master Bigsby carried on about the different types, and whether or not it would be possible for him to obtain the kind of Leshy he sought. He came to the conclusion that he would indeed be able to make his own Leshy, the appropriate kind at that, that would help him with his own research. A bit of a side project really, but he sought to advance his knowledge in solitude. "Thank you, sir." he stated, offering a grin.

Bigsby then addressed the girl's concerns about her Leshy. She seemed as adamant about making one of those as he did making a fungus Leshy that was capable of proper speech. Again this pricked at his curiosity, but he remained silent.

Turning his attention to the gourd Leshy wandering around, he skimmed to a free page in his notebook, making his way toward it, picking up a couple of sticks and stones along the way. Setting them down as an offer for the Leshy, he knelt down and propped his book open on his knee as he began to sketch the Leshy, hoping it would come closer for his offering.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus
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#, as written by Rulke
Taking notes in her huge book, Aebbe watched in astrute wonder as he matrialized a different leshy. It had the Red Cap's head almost like a hat except it was part of it. The body was similar to the Pumpkin leshy except it had a more bulbous appearance and it's stumpy legs and arms were rather adorable. The head appeared too heavy for it, falling like a fresh born babe. The girl almost assumed a maternal form wishing to cradle its small skull. Of course it was merely an image, nonetheless it did bring a beautiful smile to her lips. Resuming her notes she even attempted a rudimentary sketch in her own book, of course it was nothing compared to Dextrii's but this was only interesting to her, not something she needed to get perfect. Still in her observant nature she immediately pointed out something.

"Master Hoarercrux you neglected to answer my question sir... It is just how does one know a leshy is say a leshy is there a way to prove that a leshy is actually a leshy." shrugging she went on, "It is just I know you are aware of my history sir and I wish to avoid such mishaps nowadays and instead only summon or talk too true neutral spirits." it was the first she had openly admitted that he knew. It had been a silent secret to prevent any knowledge being uttered. Now she had just hinted at what she had done and Dextri may well be able to put the pieces together.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus
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#, as written by Marcus
The little gourd leshy turned to look at Dextri only to tilt its head like a curious child at the offerings made. The tiny thing quickly took the offerings just to follow it up with a simple nod as it turned away and rushed back to its work.

Bigsby smiled and watched the interaction only to then turn his attention back to Aebbe. "Aebbe Dmowska, spirits of nature are obvious in their manifestations, Leshy more in particular do not stray far from those who brought them into this world unless ordered otherwise. To be more precise a spirit of nature will indeed on occasions give off the feeling of the natural world through either smell or sight." Bigsby began to stroke his beard as his mind began to ponder of other ways one could determine such a creature.

"Natural elements might also be apart of their form. Needless to say however the lesson here is that Leshy are created by hands such as ourselves. Their bodies require our experiences and our talents." Bigsby stepped over to the girl as the Leshy continued to make stone tools to use for later.

"Determining the spirit that is before you is one that requires experience and knowledge. Sharpen your mind and use your eyes to the fullest.....otherwise you will be blinded by what is before you."

The setting changes from Academia Celestia to Siv'en


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Sheodin Thundermane
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#, as written by Marcus
"It truly is a beautiful landscape." a rather familiar voice seemed to break the serene silence and the beautiful landscape that was almost portrait worthy. The Large hatted wizard simply took a step forward with his hand holding tightly to the gnarled staff at his side while a free hand produced a pipe which the wizard seemed to quickly lite with little to nothing at all.

Regardless of what was about to be said next the old man took a few puffs of his pipe and then began to point to the landscape bellow. "The river lands are said to start here. The freshest water from the mountains of course and down it all goes to the valleys. The soil here is the most fertile and I assure you that using the land to its fullest potential would be for the best."

The setting changes from Siv'en to Academia Celestia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky
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In the silent moments of the student's thoughts, processing what had been demonstrated as they finished up their notes, a strange portal seemed to open up from above them. The portal exhibited the scene taking place on the other side, a crowded background of a giant city looming over the vehicles flying through the air as the inhabitants continued their daily life. As the main action, an armoured individual seemed to be pushed through the portal by a mysterious being before quickly moving out of sight. Once the individual had fallen into the new area, the portal instantly closed; the distortions of space-time quickly dissipating into a small wisp before finally stabilising back into the norm.

Only a few meters were fallen, but the sudden contact with the ground gave off a massive thump as the heavy weighted Shadonian landed. The ground was flattened even further as the grass beneath had been crushed. Finally, a loud, instantaneous groan of shock emitted from the armoured Shadonian, as he lay on the ground, staring into the sky as he attempted to take in the situation.

It seemed to take forever for the situation to slowly calm once more before the being to pull himself upright from the ground, mumbling in some unknown language; "Fakieay'na byta'kiro... Wa'loco dekami re na'tie?" his hand raised to the back of his head, rubbing the pain away as he seemed to show an expression of worry, hoping he hadn't hit the ground too hard.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky
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#, as written by Marcus
Bigsby turned and seemed genuinely surprised by the sudden entrance and even before the damned thing closed Bigsby got a rather interesting look upon the other world. The Master wizard simply looked upon the young man who had taken an impressive fall only to look over the equipment that showed whilst reading the aura of strangers enchanted gear. The elderly man simply appeared to be gazing upon the young man with crystal blue hues but in all actuality Bigsby began to plot and ponder what this could mean not only for himself but for the rest of his students present. The other student and the Leshy seemed to stop and stare at the large hatted wizard only to wait and see what would happen.

The language the young man spoke was not at all familiar and so with a few simple words and gestures the spell Tongues came into affect. At first Bigsby's words would seem garbled but within seconds cleared up for all who could hear him to understand. "Get off your ass you no good rotten scoundrel!" Bigsby shouted as he took up his staff from the side of the alter only to slam the butt of it against the ground and then pointed the crystal end towards the young man. "Identify yourself before I send you hence forth back from whence you came child!" Bigsby roared his command with the sense and role he had provided himself sense the first day he came to this academy. He was a teacher here and a student of the dragons academy back home!

"And mind your manners! Regardless if the other students cannot understand! I will not tolerate foul language during one of my leasons!" The old man placed himself now between the newcomer and his students while keeping the crystal trained on its target.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky
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#, as written by Rulke
So focused was Aebbe she barely registered the chaos until the booming voice of Master Hoarecrux rang out. Before her focus was in the big leatherbound book in her table, and a quill in her hand as she wrote. Immediately when she heard, she squeaked in shock, believing at first it was her, but immediately raising her head to see another. From what she could tell, they were not a student and they dressed oddly. Raising her staff she hoped her tutor was distracted as she spoke a quick incantation. The staff lit up with purple glow and immediately a shield surrounded her. It would likely bring anger down on her, but she was scared and one of the first things she learned was always be prepared.

Evidently she was not the only one, others in the class were casting protective incantation, lighting up the clearing in myriad of rainbow shades.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky
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As the strange, faceless man reacted, Domakeo's attention was easily grabbed. The man was almost fluent in Shadonian, and was in fact threatening him. What a piece of shit, thinking he can order a prince around all because he had some shitty staff. With a small glare directly at the large hatted man, Domakeo slowly turned his body. Pulling himself up from the ground as he calmly dusted his armour off before pushing the end of the staff to the side with the back of his hand. "Fakieay loco'wa. Xayock'oo ayock pano'ma de? E Domakeo Vladaminsky, keana'gaooa Vladaminsky garo'samoleh." (Fuck off, who do you think you're talking to? I'm Domakeo Vladaminsky, prince of the Vladaminsky Clan.) Domakeo suddenly shouted to break his calmness, his tall body looking down on the large hatted man, his face showing pure annoyance.

"If I wanted to be here, I'd give a much better appearance."

[Note, Domakeo will be talking Shadonian in all speech, I'm too lazy to type out Shadonian.]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky
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#, as written by Marcus
At first Bigsby was flabbergasted. This pretentious little shit dared to speak so boldly with little in the regards to consequences or general knowledge of shifting planes of reality. Bigsby seemed to glare at the young man. "You worthless little shit!" Bigsby shouted at the man who was not much taller than the hatted wizard.

"I'm Berthas Ignias Hoarercrux, Esquire, and the 7th of my name!" Bigsby blustered as he suddenly slammed the butt of his staff down against the ground sending a powerful and resounding thud in all directions. "A prince whose holdings are far behind him truly makes him nothing more than a man with a mouth and a lack of common sense." Bigsby then turned his attention to his students only to smile as they had set up wards and shields and held themselves quiet well. Even Aebbe seemed to do well and this only made the old man smirk.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky
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Domakeo exclaimed a large sigh of annoyance as he failed to accept any of Bigsby's words, he was already stepping forward in order to show off a threatening figure as he prepared to draw his blade against the man. "Who the fuck are you calling worthless, pleb?" He argued back, quickly annoyed at the man who failed to bow down to the armoured Shadonian.

"You want to fucking start this? Even a starving dactyl would turn it's nose away from you." A classic insult from Domakeo's home was thrown, dactyl's were large winged serpents which were well known for living in hordes and eating anything that moved, a true danger to any Shadonian civilization. "You are but a peasant with the name of a noble, learn your place."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky
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#, as written by Rulke
Watching while gripping her staff she smirked knowingly as the strange man antagonized one of the most powerful magic users in all of Terra. She also knew Mr Hoarecrux would never stand such disrespect. With all cheeky he was, she reckoned she could even take him since his mouth never shut. Nonetheless this was her tutor's fight. Still knowing the smack down approaching was something worth mentally gloating over.

Only once had she seen Mr Hoarecrux perform such a deed, but once had been enough. It was forever ingrained in her memory.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky
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#, as written by Marcus
After hearing the young mans words and witnessing his obvious actions Bigsby simply frowned at first. the nerve that this foppish prince had for even daring what he was attempting to do. Instead Bigsby drew his staff back as if to simply lean on it to get a better look at the man and simply turned his frown upside down.

"A peasant, in the eyes of a prince who is far away from home, is still a king in comparison to a man who is far away from home." Bigsby suddenly slammed the butt of his staff against the ground sending a wave of arcane energy in all directions. The grass from behind Domakeo would suddenly grow and grasp the young warrior only to pull him quickly down upon his knees and then right onto his ass. The old man simple smiled as the grass continued to grow and entangle the young man posing tighter knots and harder bindings to break free from. Bigsby now stood towering over the fallen prince and with a wry smile he simply held his ground. "And here in this place one simply cannot argue the facts."

Bigsby turned away from the young man only to frown as a thought did occur to him. Quickly the old man brought the butt of his staff over to Domakeo and gave the boy a light tap followed by a quick incantation and a bit more granting the poor fellow the gift of the spell known a s Tongues. Sooner or later he would be able to be heard and understood by all but for now Bigsby turned to his student and chuckled.

"Aebbe." Bigsby reverted back to the common tongue. "Might you be a dear and tell me what potential the young prince I have just restrained might have? Do you think he can learn? Do you think it is possible to show him that his gift of gab can be brought to a greater level of strength?" Bigsby continued to chuckle while turning his gaze back to the young man. "A gift of Gab which can give you the ability to understand and learn what I have learned."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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Souless heard that this school was the best to go to if you have the gift of magic. After weeks of travel he finally reach the large solid metal gates, and now the hard part is how to open it. Souless looks around the gates thinking he could just jump over it but that would seem a little rude to the people inside, so he decides to simple bang on it until someone opens it.


hitting the gates with his demon enhance strength most likely was a bad idea, but that why he was here to began with to try to control himself and his powers and hoping that someone in there tech him to do so. Let not go to the true-from of himself because that might scared the hell out of everyone in there so he will keep that part of him a secret intill later. like who will open the gate when they see a 22-feet black dragon smiling at them with a row of black fangs, so staying in human-form was best idea for right now


" anyone home?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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Domakeo was shocked to find himself quickly pulled to the ground by some form of heresy, it was hard for him to see such a strange binding due to his infra-red sight, but it must be something natural. This old man was getting real annoying at the current point in time, talking down to a prince, restricting his movement and now tapping him with some cocky look of a little shit. He really should think before he acts; although, that tap did something. Domakeo was slowly understanding certain words spoken in the native tongue of this place, what the fuck did that man do?

The rage began to surge through Domakeo's body, the gem -the crown-, strapped to his shoulder began to glow a deep blue as Domakeo gritted his teeth in pure anger while his face turned a deep red. Suddenly, the grass holding him down caught alight in flames which made no difference to Domakeo himself. His whole body was covered in flames as he pulled himself back from the ground once more, wiping the ashes from his body.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Domakeo shouted, his bright blue eyes stood out from his face which began to hold the same looks as lava. With a swift movement of his arm, Domakeo drew his blade. The Vladaminsky longsword, a pure, rare weapon of the Vladaminsky clan. Designed to look like two blades put together, showing a small gap between the two sharpened edges, it was in this gap that the sword's true potential lay in wait to be activated. "I'll destroy this piece of shit planet!"

A small burst of pure energy that resonated at the same frequency as cosmic background radiation pulsed from the crown. Piercing through all matter as if it was nothing before dissipating into the environment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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#, as written by Marcus
Between the banging on the main gate and the noisy nonsense coming from the fallen Prince Bigsby was unsure of what to deal with first. It was a simple matter of obtaining the right amount of energy and knowhow to deal with a old gate but first the old man would deal with the loud mouthed brat. Bigsby turned his attention quickly and brought his staff about towards the lightshow that was now Domakeo only to smile as he knew just what to throw at the loud brat. A simple illusion was in order.

The Elderly wizard raised his free hand causing the ground to shake before them and the sky to rumble as clouds began to swirl high above and Bigsby's crystal blue hues began to shimmer with hidden powers.


The old wizards voice seemed to echo across the landscape as thunder and lightning filled the sky. Bigsby took a single step forward and held his staff high above his head as lightning arced down towards his implemented tool causing it to spark with electricity of all shades and colors. The Earth continued to rumble about them as stones of obsidian and other materials began to rise up from the ground and surround the two of them.

"For I am Bigsby Big Hat and you are Nothing more than an novice with the powers you wield!"

Suddenly Bigsby slammed his staff once more against the ground sending the stones and large chunks of earth colliding towards one anther whilst spirits of the damned began to rush out from beneath the ground and surround them. Bigsby himself began to glow slightly as he took another step towards the armed swordsman only to chuckle like a demonic prince as the winds began to pick up.

"Kneel and be spared the humiliation you are about to suffer!"

Bigsby smirked like the devil himself as he seemed to master the very existence of life around them. He had little fear of the young man though in reality there was something more devious going on. The old wizard simple sat himself next to the alter and watched as his charade continued to play out. His illusion seemed real enough and though the old man remained within the glamour of his own spell he doubted many of his students would catch on.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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#, as written by Rulke
Having been ready to answer after seeing the so-called Prince immediately be thrown upon his ass, despite this having brought a giggle to her, and warm grin, she listened as Master Hoarecrux spoke, "Well depends what type of magic you are doing Master. If you are going for dark then his body while alive could be used in grotesque ritualistic ceremonies. Dead it could be turned into a thrall or mindless servant. Alive his memory could be wiped from where---" immediately things devolved and he stood back up stepping back she witnessed his reaction while Master Hoarecrux merely watched contently.

Coughing she awkwardly continued, "In any event you could wipe his memory. Or myriad of other things..." pausing she stared wide-eyed at him her shield still up, the staff glimmering with powerful arcane energy, "Master, what are you doing to him?" finally the sounds of before registered and she once again spoke up, "Master do you wish me to see who was at the gate?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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Souless got bored banging on the gate, so he started walking a little down the read to a tree overlooking the metal gate and sat down on the grass folding his arms over his head after he dug his sword in the dirt next to him. As he sits there he began thinking about his mother again and how he miss her warm smile and soothing words that would always cheer him up when felt sad and alone. Than tears started to fall when his mind went to that night, that night when his father killed her for no reason and spare me.
As playing that night over, and over again in his mind will only make him angry at his own weakness. In a fit of rage the inner black arcane flames manifest around souless body, the flames was't burning anything but they were there.

Snapping out of it, souless began dozing off leaning ageist the tree dreaming the time he spend with mother and hoping one day he will get see her again. It has been a long trip to get here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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With the old man's first actions, Domakeo prepared himself in a defensive stance, holding his blade at an angle in order to counter an attack from any direction. However, all he heard was the old man shouting his threats, attempting to seem bigger than he really is as some other annoying noises occurred around him. There was no source, with the infra-red sight of a Shaki'lyu, such visual illusions designed for those who see with visible light have no effect. Domakeo could easily hear the illusions, but see none of it. In fact, seeing that Bigsby had moved to sit next to the altar like the cocky little she he is just pissed Domakeo off even further.

"You, what are you doing?" Domakeo spoke out, returning to a casual stance as he slowly stepped forward towards the man, ignoring the little girl as if she was just a worm on the ground. "Your little sound party trick ain't gonna hurt me." He had reached the point where he was just sick of this encounter. After all, Domakeo was a lone being thrown from his home, it is natural for there to be hostile actions.

Finally standing before the bigsby, only a few feet between them. The angered Shaki'lyu stared, his sword pointed towards the man, the crown glowed a brighter blue as a small vortex began to circle around his body. "How about you fight me head on instead of giving these stupid tricks."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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#, as written by Marcus
Bigsby at first seemed put off by the way that the young man seemed to outright ignore the illusionary works. How! Why!? Bigsby simply would not show defeat against the novice. A novice that seemed to outright show immunities and a wonderful little trinket.

"I take it that your physiology makes you immune to most types of illusionary works or it is the trinket you have around your arm." Bigsby simply frowned as he looked at the tip of the boys sword. "You wish for me to use something other than tricks." Bigsby slowly began to rise from the alter only to gently tap the butt of his staff against the cold earth. Bigsby silently began to channel his arcane energies and knowledge as the earth bellow them whispered their content with glyphs that suddenly showed.

"I accept your proposal. But let me ask you something? Do you think you can injure me with that sword?"