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Cybra Savage

Cy is a no holds bar kind of woman. She will fight to the death to honor her vow to serve and protect. She never gives up and she never rolls over.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Black Fox


Name= Cybra Savage
Gender= Female
Race= Synthetic Humanoid Cyborg
Age= Actually 17, but looks 25, but is far older.
Sexuality/Preference= Cybra is Bi
Nickname= Cy

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION= Cybra has waist length tawny gold hair with silver and black streaked hair Her eyes are tawny gold with flecks of silver and black. She stands at 5'10" lean and muscled with an intellagienc that rivaled Enstine. She wears tight black leather paints with a half top that is black and red leather with heeled black boots, and black fingerless gloves. On the back of her neck she has a gold lion piercing embedded along with a blue stone between her eyes. She has several bracelets and earring's and a necklace with four topaz and emerald stones on either side of a lion. Bout her right thigh she wears a pure silver lion''s head wrap around bracer along with a blue band on her left. On her back she has a full colored tattoo of an eagle in full flight.

PERSONALITY= Cy is a easy going girl with the views of a strong individual. She believes that everything isn't a given and that you have to work for it. She has a sharp mind and enjoys puzzles of all types. She has a tight hold on her emotions and her anger, but you better be on the other side of the world when you piss her off. She bounces back and forth with eccentric tenancies. Cy is loyal and true to her word. Once given she never backs out or gives up. Cy is both bubbly and serious.

EQUIPMENT & ABILITIES= Cy has twin guns that are called Cha'crum's that were specially made for her. A blade made from the wood of the dogwood tree. Do not let the fact that it is a wooden sword fool you. For the Boki Sword is strong enough to go through metal. Her last weapon's are twin bracers that that allow her to use gifts from her family members. Each family member is linked by blood, Cy's blood, and so they are able to not only feel each other but also speak to each other telepathically. But it isn't a long distance ability unless each member has an ear piece. (those who join acquire the ear piece) One more ability she has which her children also have is the ability to become a Dra'Git. A being who has the soul of a Dragon, allowing that person to call upon the soul to merge and become a Dra'Git, dragon armor with wings allowing the person to fly and use dragon magic.

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND= Cy was know as Alyxzandria Lynx Savage. A dedicated Homicide Detective. She was 17 when she died just one day before her 18th birthday. The day her father Sandar was going to marry Frank Black his once bodyguard. He died the next day, twelve hours after he woke from major surgery and finished the ceremony. Frank took Alyx's body and that of her canine companion, a Scotland Highland Timber wolf, to Cyber Tech. A company Sandar created. There they worked on a new body for Alyx. It took them two years to create it and took her eight years to learn how to use it. She is a Synthetic Humanoid Cyborg. And Z is a Synthetic Canine Cyborg. She was created to evolve and she did. In more ways than what was expected of her. Decades later she created a company in space know as the Peace Keeper's. And thus she once again she is doing something she has taken to heart. To serve and protect.

So begins...

Cybra Savage's Story

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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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Silently she watched the lovely male before her. 'Shin Khan!' she thought watching him and hating the fact that her empathy wasn't strong enough to sense his emotions and sighed. Only to cock her head, causing her long thick braid to fall over her shoulder to swing just above her right knee. Her eyes lighting up at hearing that he would help her and grinned, though her cheeks flushed slightly at his compliments. 'Well gentleman like!' she thought.

"Well than what are we waiting for. But if this is a ruse I will kick your ass!" she stated, her voice hard and cold as her eyes seemed to turn chilly.

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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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Shin paused as he gave a perplexed look on his face. As his lips seem to tighten and curl as he gave a sideways look. "Ruse?" "Why I would never do such a thing to a wonderful woman, that would be unsightly." "Trust me, I'm anything but unsightly." Shin then chuckled as he took something from his pocket. She was a strange woman indeed, but there's nothing wrong with that. Have a little variety in life you know? He then pressed a button and placed it back in his pocket. "Our ride should arrive shortly."

In almost no time at all, a black limousine hovercraft swung by them. Then out stepped an elderly gentleman, dressed in a gray uniform with a double breasted coat. Black gloves, black boots, and a black hat.


"Greetings, Master Khan." He bowed before Shin. After he rose he then went to the last door in the back of the vehicle, as he opened it before them. "Ah yes thank you Montague." Shin spoke. "Miss Cybra?" Shin spoke as he placed his hand before her. Signaling for her to enter the vehicle before him in his polite manner.

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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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Shifting slightly, Cy sighed as she scratched the back of her head. "I'm sorry Shin. It's just..." she frowned and shook her head as she ran her hands through her bangs, brushing them back and allowing the pale blue stone between her eyes to be seen. "It's hard to trust people...with out believing that they will stab you in the back." she smiled sheepishly and shrugged as her arms dropped to her sides. "Especially with all the times I and my family have been betrayed." she said softly, looking down at the ground, hating her remark and upsetting Shin.

Turning her head, Cy watched as the black limousine pulled to a stop and blinked as a man stepped out spoke to Shin and opened the door to the back. She flushed slightly as she looked at Shin and sighed. "Thank you, and I am sorry. Chalk it up to past experiences and idiots and my own fear." she muttered as she moved forward, pausing briefly beside Shin to bow deeply before slipping into the back seat.

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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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Shin smiled as he bowed back. "I understand about betrayal, and I look to do no such thing." He smiled as he entered the back seat with Cy. Montague closed the door and entered the driver seat. "Where to Master Khan?" The Old Gentleman spoke. "To the Vishni Spaceport, Montague, to my private vessel." Shin spoke as the man nodded. "Right away sir." Montague spoke as the limousine's engine came alive and soon the whizzed off into the air with remarkable speed.

"I am pleased you decided to accept my offer." "It must have been difficult for you." "I understand strangers are hard to trust, but fret not, I am a man of my word." Shin spoke reassuringly. "I mean to extend my assistance and I do not wish anything beyond it." "Already having you about is reward enough." Shin then chuckled. It was in rather short time that came to spaceport. There was the usual hustle and bustle of the crowds. All seeking to aboard their flights. Though Shin and Cy would circumnavigate around the crowds.

They soon passed the ships into a private space strip. Here other spacecraft were docked, mostly freighters, but other craft could be found. The Limousine made it's stop before a sleek, black, spaceship. Montague then parked the hovercraft and opened the doors for Shin and his guest. "Here we are sir." Montague spoke as he bowed. "Thank you Montague." Shin spoke as he stepped out. He then extended his hand to help Cybra, wondering if she will take it. "Well what do you think, marvelous isn't it?" Shin spoke mentioning the spaceship behind him.


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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Cy smiled softly as she looked towards Shin taking her eyes off the passing scenary. "It is rare to find someone who honors their word, Mr. Khan." "It's something my family and I greatly honor. Specially my son Ki." she said softly as she looked down at her hands which were folded in her lap. "Ki's People, his father's People, honor is strong, and when their word is given on something they keep it. It binds them. Hurting if they break it." she said softly looking up at the lovely male and gave a crooked grin even as she shrugged.

"I have always stuck by my word, but others..." she shook her head and sighed. "They don't even stick to their promises they write down on paper let alone their given word." she stated with an angered snort and sighed as she leaned her head back against the seat. Only to chuckle softly as she opened her eyes and shrugged. "I don't have strong empathy like my son does, Mr. Khan, but it is strong enough to feel that you are no threat to me." her cheeks flushed slightly as she lifted her head up from the seat. "Your interested and intreged by me and that is rare and welcomed." she said softly before looking out the door when it was opened and slipped her hand into his and slid out of the car her eyes locked on the ship before her. "Damn...and I thought the S'FADI was beautifully sculpted!" she muttered, a frown marring her features as she thought of her sons ship, wondering where it was even now.

Turning she looked at the male beside her. "How will this get us to my son?" she asked watching him, even though her senses were stretched to their fullest with so many people around, yet it didn't seem to bug her as several young and older men stopped what they were doing to gap and drool at seeing her nearly nude form, but no one moved when they noticed the weapon she wore on her back, but it didn't stop their eyes roaming over her form.

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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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Shin laughed at Cy's comment about his ship. "Yes it's my private starship." "A black star cruiser, with it's size modified for personal use." "I call it the Resplendent, even though it's only black." "Very attractive inside once we board." Shin spoke as Cy exited the limosuine. "Alright sir I will bring the hovercraft around to be borded, the passenger entrance is online." Montague spoke. "Excellent, we shall take our leave now." Shin spoke with a smile. Montague then bowed before Shin and Cy as he entered the hovercraft and drove it towards the back of the spacecraft.

Shin noticed some of the port workers eyeballing Cy. Their drooling and ogling disgusted Shin. How typical, Shin thought, Always like hounds around meat. Shin thought to himself. "Come along my dear, your going to love the inside." Shin spoke with a smile. He was quite excited to show Cy the inside of his ship. The air lock could be heard wheezing as the door on the side of the craft swooshed open to reveal the air pressure room. Then a metallic strip separated from the main craft as it constructed a bridge made of hard light. The strip touched down on the ground as Shin stepped up. "Don't worry it's Hard Light." Shin tapped his foot on the docking bridge. "Kind of like glass, but much more sturdier." Shin spoke reassuringly.

Soon they would enter the passenger suite of the ship. Inside there were quite a bit of rooms. There were a few bedrooms, bathrooms, and even a dining hall. Though they would sit in the main lounge. A long, spacious room filled with long, sectional sofas. With a holographic telecommunications device sitting in the middle of it all. Shin found a seat and eased in. "Come sit." "These are very luxurious sofas." "So soft." He then gave an effeminate chuckle as he rubbed the seats. "I hope the accommodations are to your liking." Shin spoke softly. Then came a man in a uniform like Montague's. "Champagne sir?" He asked. Shin took the thin, long glass, "Thank you Saunders." He spoke. The man walked off. Shin took a sip of the bubbly, drink.

((Lounge Rendering))

"As you spoke earlier on how we can find him." "Well I will have the jet launch off into space." "We will fly around as long as you need to locate him." Shin spoke. "In fact lift off should begin very shortly." And it did. Soon the Resplendent rose and with such grace flew up into Antongrad's atmosphere and exited. All very smoothly and fluidly. It felt the ship was hardly moving. Soon they where in Antongrad space. Where the starship floated gracefully amongst the stars.

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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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In truth, Cy was speechless with the outer look of the space craft, having believed that Ki's own ship was one of a kind. 'And yet here is one that looks like it would rival the S'FADI.' she thought as she smiled up at Shin. "Your ship is very lovely." she stated only to look about those watching them and shook her head. "At least I have some clothes on this time!" she muttered as she looked to the hard light path and grinned as she moved up the path and into the and followed Shin, her eyes taking in each area.

"The outside is kewl and lovely but the inside is exquisite." she stated as she moved about the lounge, running her fingers over the white leather and watched as the second male entered and left champagne and grinned when she felt the ship rise. "Not bad. Smooth and light." she stated as she slipped off her sword sheath and looked about before gingerly sitting on the edge of the seat, trying to find a way to sit with out the edges of her armor cutting or slicing the leather of the seat.

"Thank you for helping me find my son. The pain I felt, though the link we have is stretched very tightly, indicated that he was close but nowhere on this planet and with the S'FADI being where ever Ki is now or was, there was no way I could have gotten to him." she said softly as she tossed the thick braid over her shoulder to pool on the seat behind her, even as she crossed her legs and laid her hands her her seat, her eyes once again taking in the lounge before settling on Shin. "Why are you helping me? A complete stranger." she asked, cocking her head causing her bangs to flutter over the pale blue stone between her eyes which seemed to pulse when the light from the lights about the room.

The setting changes from Antongrad: Deep Space to Deep Space 1


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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As the ship drifted out further into space, Shin looked over to Cy and then smiled. "Well it's like you said earlier," He paused as he sat his glass on a retractable table, that suddenly appeared as Shin made the motion of sitting his glass down, "I am intrigued by you." "A genuine interest, and trust me it's not sexual." Shin smiled as he looked towards Cy. "I understand most men would do this just to get something out of it, most likely sex, but not I." He then gave pause for a moment, "I suppose best I can describe it as, appreciation." "Like an artist is towards a work of art." "You see I find the female form rather exquisite as anatomy goes." "The forms, the curves, women are definitely shaped more differently than men." "The female form truly is a work of art and I am an appreciator of that art." Shin the picked up the glass again.

"In fact I am a bit of an artist myself." "I have painted, mostly women." He then took a sip. "If you ever have the time of entering my abode, it's something of a gallery." "Though I do submit my works to an actual gallery." "I have won several competitions before actually." Shin boasted as he laughed. He then stared deeply into Cy's eyes and spoke, "You have very beautiful eyes, if you don't mind me saying that is." He smiled as he took another sip. "Well I guess I'm not entirely without fault myself." He then sat the glass down upon the reappearing table. "I do have question to ask." "Feel free to say no, but I would like to paint a picture of you." Shin spoke as he chuckled. "It's just your form is especially exquisite and it's definitely art worthy." He chuckled again acting a bit bashful. "I would hate to pass up such an opportunity without asking." "Could very well be a true Mona Lisa, a Venus de Milo in the making!" Shin spoke with appropriate enthusiasm.


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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Stunned. That's how Cy felt as she sat staring at Shin, her eyes wide even as her full lips made an O shape as everything Shin said rang through her mind, only to groan when she felt her cheeks heat up and looked down, her bangs hiding her flushed face. Shifting slightly she drew a deep breath as she looked up her cheeks tinted pink even as she smiled slightly. "Well I'm glad someone likes the female body in a platonic way." she said grinning. Only to cock her head to the side, taken back by the compliment about her eyes. "My eyes!?" she asked, puzzlement obvious in her voice.

She blinked twice taken back by the request to paint her. "You want to paint me?" she asked stunned by the request even as she watched him, wondering why someone who wasn't family would want to paint her. 'Hell. I know I'm beautiful but to be painted by another!' she thought, a puzzled frown flickering across her face even as she sighed. "When your done...if I say its okay...where will the painting go?" she asked, her voice cool and slightly hard, her eyes never leaving Shin's face.


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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Shin smiled as he watched her flustered face. He hoped he wasn't too direct. Most women he asks are professionals however. They're used to these type of procedures. Perhaps he came off too strong towards someone who isn't as desensitized. In the meantime however, she seemed to be some what willing. She did seem appreciative of his comments. Perhaps she may go along further? Shin didn't want to force it on her if she isn't so keen on the idea. He then looked into her eyes and spoke. "Well it could end up in a couple different places." "If I finish it and I happen to like it a great deal, I may just keep it in my private gallery." "Otherwise if it's really exceptional I may enter it in a galleria when I return home." "Perhaps even an art contest, I so do love the art work many hopefuls enter." "I have won awards you know." Shin slightly bragged.

He came back to reality and looked towards her. "I assure you, it won't be used for pornographic reasons, if that is your concern." "As I said I'm not some sort of animal, baying at a piece of meat." "It's purely platonic and for intrinsic value." "Of course I am not going to force anything upon you." "After all art has to be real, fluid, pure, and not all artificial." "Such practices is devoid of life and trust me, true art aficionados will detect that sort of thing." Shin spoke. He wondered how she would respond.


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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Cy frowned slightly not quit understanding everything he said and shrugged as she brushed back the longer bangs and smiled slightly. "It's okay, I've been painted before, though it's been by a Family member that did a Family Mural." she stated smiling slightly as she recalled the Portrait room back on the S'FADI and in their home. "If you enjoy art that much, something tells me that you would love what Ru did. Though to see the full extent of the images you would have to look through a large magnifying glass to see it." she said with a chuckle recalling how several people reacted to seeing the Family Portrait room.

Shifting she sipped at the drink she had been handed and frowned slightly her head cocked as the pain just in the back of her head, her frown deepening when it grew fainter, before her eyes widened and she looked over at Shin. "We're going the wrong way! We have to go towards the pain, not away from it." she exclaimed as she sat the glass down and stood up, worry, fear and pain evident on her lovely features. "Please..."


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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As Shin sat listening, he found the Family Mural interesting. It seems they have quite a gallery in their portrait room. He would like to see something like that sometime. It would be most enjoyable. Though what would happen next wasn't. He noticed something happened with Cy. She suddenly stood up shouting about moving away from the pain. This greatly worried Shin as she spoke, "Calm down my dear." "I will have the pilot turn the ship." "But first you have to tell me the direction to where the pain is." "That way I can give him the directions." "Worry not we will find him." Shin spoke reassuringly. "Now please sit and be troubled no more." Shin spoke with concern over his face. He summoned an interface from the nearby table as he connected to the cockpit and summoned a 3D holographic map of the area in space they where currently in. He awaited for her directions.


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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Cy felt her cheeks heat up and quickly looked down at the floor as she shifted and sighed. "I'm sorry..." she murmured as she sat down and rubbed her face her eyes closed and reached for the faint traces of her son's pain. "I'm not good at this...I told Syn that it wouldn't be good to separate the Family but she insisted that we break fool those sick fuckers..." sighing again she looked over at Shin and smiled sadly.

"Have your pilot go in a wide circle. I'm not sure exactly which direction it is. But right now the pain is faint...barely noticeable. It must be stronger for me to pin point the exact location. The stronger the pain the easier it will be for me to follow." she stated as her hands subconsciously pulled her thick long braid around her side to play with the end of the braid. An unknown conscious habit.


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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Shin nodded at Cy's directions. He pressed a nondescript button and a short blaring sound passed by. Damn still needs some repairs. Shin thought to himself he then spoke, "Yamakura-san, please make a wide circle." Shin spoke in Taiyou to the microphone. The man then replied in Taiyou, yes sir, as the ship then turned making a circle. In the meantime Shin watched the map as the dot representing the ship made the quick turn and began to circle wider and wider. "I hope you are able to pick something up soon." "I do not wish to keep you much longer from your relative." "Speak to me when you have even an inkling of where he is." "Then we will head to the direction in top speed." Shin spoke reassuringly. He then sat there and waited for Cy to pick up something.


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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Cy smiled slightly even as she nodded. "I'm sorry for being such a bother or a pain. It takes a lot out of me to teleport, not to mention it leaves a rather big mess behind when I do." she stated with a grin, her eyes glittering as a memory flittered through her mind, all the while felling that thin point of pain. "And don't worry, you're doing more for me than what most people would, and I appreciate that. Very much." she stated with a slight bow and straightened up. "I am sorry though but am very greatfull."


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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Shin smiled as he heard her gratefulness. It was nice that his efforts were appreciated, not that he sought appreciation to begin with...he normally gets enough of it back home. Yet, this complete stranger showed this honor to him and that was refreshing. Though it must be the same to her. Especially in a world that would rather be unscrupulous and abandon such virtues as fidelity and altruism. Though to other people, Shin might as well be the pot calling the kettle black. Though despite other's views he has never abandon principal. It's just unsightly. Shin smiled as he watched her make a slight bow. This pleased the mysterious benefactor as he made a bow with his head in respect.

"There is absolutely no need to apologize, it is my pleasure to help." "I don't get to so very often, and especially with such an noble cause." "I will continue to provide whatever assistance I can muster, until you are satisfied my dear." Shin spoke as he smiled a warm smile, one that seemed to light up his face. The ship made a very wide circle in the meantime. Despite going around and around, the stabilizers on this ship were excellent. It felt as if they haven't moved at all.


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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The smile that curved her lips caused Cy's face to light even as her cheeks flushed slightly, her attention on the male before her though another part of her was on that pin point of pain that indicated that her son was in pain. "Well I'm pleased to have meet you. You far out do most other people in my opinion specially when they believe themselves better than other people." she said softly with a smile and a shrug. "I thank you for that. It is rare to find someone like you who is well mannered and a delight to chat with. Besides, I have been enjoying myself, which is rar..." a frown marring her face slightly when it flared than faded. "Stop. Have the ship go back...or back up until I say stop again but please go slow." she stated looking up at him silver and black flecked tawny gold eyes.


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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Shin did another bow of respect over her praise. "Well happy to be of pleasure." He then gave his regular effeminate chuckle. It was through the praise that pain appeared again. Apparently she sensed Ki once again, or nearly lost him again. Shin listened carefully as she told him to stop the ship. She then asked him to have it back up. Shin nodded as he pressed the button once more. "Yamakura-san please stop and have the ship back up slowly." Shin spoke in Taiyou. The usual response was given as the ship stopped it's course. Then the propulsion system of the ship had it move in reverse. Soon they were in reverse but the movement was very slow compared to the rather swift speed of the craft. "Good, keep it so until I say otherwise." Shin spoke again in Taiyou. He was responded appropriately.


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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She felt the ship stop than slowly move as it began to back up her eyes slightly furled even as they seemed to haze over as that pin point flared and she rose to her feet again eyes wide but still hazy. "Here...stop here...but not here..." she said as she frowned head cocking as she tried to pull that connection even closer. "It is strong here, but this is not where he is...left or right..." she murmured her frown deepening even as confusion colored her face.


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan
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Shin watched as her face changed countenance. It helped him determine things for himself. Though having her actually voice commands was much more accurate. As soon as she said stop Shin already commanded as such. The spacecraft then froze in place awaiting further instruction. She seemed confused as to where they should be heading. She was indecisive of where to head. Either left or right, hm. "Try and concentrate my dear, I need a definite answer." "I do not wish to head in the wrong way and we lose the trail." "We could potentially aimlessly wander in space." "I don't want to cause anymore delay, especially with Ki in trouble." "We cannot waste time for his sake." Shin spoke. "Take the time you need, we will go when you say." Shin spoke, serious but no where sternly. He waited for her command.