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Cybra Savage

Cy is a no holds bar kind of woman. She will fight to the death to honor her vow to serve and protect. She never gives up and she never rolls over.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Black Fox


Name= Cybra Savage
Gender= Female
Race= Synthetic Humanoid Cyborg
Age= Actually 17, but looks 25, but is far older.
Sexuality/Preference= Cybra is Bi
Nickname= Cy

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION= Cybra has waist length tawny gold hair with silver and black streaked hair Her eyes are tawny gold with flecks of silver and black. She stands at 5'10" lean and muscled with an intellagienc that rivaled Enstine. She wears tight black leather paints with a half top that is black and red leather with heeled black boots, and black fingerless gloves. On the back of her neck she has a gold lion piercing embedded along with a blue stone between her eyes. She has several bracelets and earring's and a necklace with four topaz and emerald stones on either side of a lion. Bout her right thigh she wears a pure silver lion''s head wrap around bracer along with a blue band on her left. On her back she has a full colored tattoo of an eagle in full flight.

PERSONALITY= Cy is a easy going girl with the views of a strong individual. She believes that everything isn't a given and that you have to work for it. She has a sharp mind and enjoys puzzles of all types. She has a tight hold on her emotions and her anger, but you better be on the other side of the world when you piss her off. She bounces back and forth with eccentric tenancies. Cy is loyal and true to her word. Once given she never backs out or gives up. Cy is both bubbly and serious.

EQUIPMENT & ABILITIES= Cy has twin guns that are called Cha'crum's that were specially made for her. A blade made from the wood of the dogwood tree. Do not let the fact that it is a wooden sword fool you. For the Boki Sword is strong enough to go through metal. Her last weapon's are twin bracers that that allow her to use gifts from her family members. Each family member is linked by blood, Cy's blood, and so they are able to not only feel each other but also speak to each other telepathically. But it isn't a long distance ability unless each member has an ear piece. (those who join acquire the ear piece) One more ability she has which her children also have is the ability to become a Dra'Git. A being who has the soul of a Dragon, allowing that person to call upon the soul to merge and become a Dra'Git, dragon armor with wings allowing the person to fly and use dragon magic.

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND= Cy was know as Alyxzandria Lynx Savage. A dedicated Homicide Detective. She was 17 when she died just one day before her 18th birthday. The day her father Sandar was going to marry Frank Black his once bodyguard. He died the next day, twelve hours after he woke from major surgery and finished the ceremony. Frank took Alyx's body and that of her canine companion, a Scotland Highland Timber wolf, to Cyber Tech. A company Sandar created. There they worked on a new body for Alyx. It took them two years to create it and took her eight years to learn how to use it. She is a Synthetic Humanoid Cyborg. And Z is a Synthetic Canine Cyborg. She was created to evolve and she did. In more ways than what was expected of her. Decades later she created a company in space know as the Peace Keeper's. And thus she once again she is doing something she has taken to heart. To serve and protect.

So begins...

Cybra Savage's Story


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Shin smiled and honest smile again. "Well experience counts for everything." Shin joked as he chuckled some. Shin was rather happy to about meeting Cy, she surely has been the most interesting conversationalist he's had in a while. Especially with her worldly flair, she must be immortal. Her words, her attitudes, it seems knowledgeable, like an old man who has lived his life. Though she was right. Danger often comes to people like him, probably because he is immortal. An eternity is long enough to accumulate many enemies. Though he has many allies as well, and he hopes maybe Cy and her son could be too.

"Well spend as much time as you need." "My home is your home, if you need anything ask Roland." "He's eager to serve." Shin spoke. "Why yes of course sir, it's mandated programing." Roland chimed in once he heard his voice. "Since Master Shin has granted you hospitality it will be my pleasure to help in any way I possibly can." Roland pleasantly spoke towards Cy. "Also if you need help for your injured party, I can perhaps assist in some medical procedures, Master Shin has adapted me to other uses beyond my manufacturer's presettings." Roland added. "Yes, I've made some upgrades and alterations to this AI unit, so there's more to it than just the basics." Shin commented.

Shin took some interest to one of Cy's earlier comments. Guardians? Guardians of what? He pondered. "Well if you don't mind me asking, just what do you guard?" Shin inquired.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"Hmm, true experience is the most crucial point of it all when it comes down to just about anything." she stated with a grin and slight nod. As she cleaned off her sons abdomen and upper thighs her thoughts twisted and fluttered about several things, only to blink and cock her head as she listened to the AI's voice arching a brow as she grinned at Shin. "Highly intelligent AI but voice is still metallic sounding. Those are hard to fix." she stated as she watched Shin for several seconds before replying to Roland.

"I am thankful for your Master's assistance Roland as well as yours. What is needed for Ki is a lot of rest and his shields back up. But if you can get his clothing size and acquire some clothes for him along with boxers I would appreciate that. As well as making sure that there is fresh raw meat for when he wakes up. Please." she asked before looking over at Shin cocking her head slightly at his question.

"No I don't mind. It means that we guard those who need it or those we are indebted to. From helping them with problems to guarding their families or being bodyguards. I've been a bodyguard to the Rich and Famous as well as a high stake individuals."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Umibozu Character Portrait: Haruo Arakawa Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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The young male continued to sit, unmolested in the blacked out car as he watched the house. His eyes narrowed slightly as he pulled his binoculars away from his face, his phone suddenly going off.

"Fireworks." Was all the text said.

The ISSP agent set the phone back on the dash, and then he leaned back into his seat before he nodded. "This is going to be fun." He said quietly to himself, all while the thundering song of distant helicopters would fill the neighborhood, eight specks in the distant sky.

Haruo slowly picked his binoculars up again, eying the group of six Kenbishi Oniyama attack helicopters, and two Jigabachi AV Attack helicopters.

The Male heaved a slight sigh as the helicopters slowly droned louder and closer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Umibozu Character Portrait: Haruo Arakawa Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Cy's head suddenly snapped up as she looked up at the ceiling her advanced hearing picking up the multiple thumping noise of routers and narrowed her eyes as a hiss slipped from her which soon turned to a snarl as her head whipped towards Shin eyes blazing. "Get my son out of here. I will find you." she said, voice suddenly cold and dead. "Do not stop for nothing. My son is more important than you know. Keep him safe."

With that said Cy quickly dressed pulled her blade out and rushed from the room, her braid whipping behind her as the door closed and rushed down the hall and out the door, and down the stairs her head snapping up towards the sky eyes narrowing on the eight helicopters drew closer. Growling with rage, fear for her son pushing her, Cy raised her right arm palm pointed towards the eight helicopters and shot out several lightning bursts from her palm in quick successions.

As she watched the bursts of lightning shoot towards the choppers, Cy's eyes flick between each of them calculating their movements as she shot more of the lightning bursts from her palm, anticipating their maneuvers as if she has done this before. Though she didn't recognize these types of choppers, she knew they were different but her main priority was keeping her son alive and giving Shin time to get him out of here. Why the choppers where here and who sent them didn't matter to her. Nothing did but for her son. While she continued to shoot more lightning bursts from her palm she slid her sword back into its sheath and popped her left wrist causing the bracer with several types of emblem stylized gems to glow though a pale blue with swirling images began to glow.

With a flick of her left wrist a blast of scythe like wind shot towards the choppers slicing through tree branches like they were butter, her body was loose but in a offense stance her eyes locked on the advancing choppers as her mind slowed down to a state of protection not destruction, intentions of making the choppers either back off or land to preserve the lives in the choppers. The wind she called up blew her braid back away from her back even as it lashed the branches of the trees about her. ''''Please Shin. Get my son out of here.'''' she thought as she continued to blast lightning bursts and wind scythe's towards the choppers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Umibozu Character Portrait: Haruo Arakawa Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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The Helicopters themselves were still several miles out, and over the water outside the city. as Cy moved to make her attack, the Helicopters continued their course towards the house.

"We're approaching the target, ETA three minutes." The operation commander said through the radio as the Umibozu team prepared their weapons. with six Oniyama helicopters with twelve men teams in each, the Operation was slated to go down without a hitch, and was predicted to succeed.

Each Umibozu soldier was equipped in full body armor, gas masks obscuring their faces. Their armament consisted of Seburo MN-23 assault rifles, the 5.56 cartridge secured within the chambers of these fast firing weapons. 50 round magazines were checked and checked again for smooth feed as the men prepared the raid.

It was then rapid and quick bolts of lightning peppered one of the Oniyamas, dispersed harmlessly by it's composite armor. At this distant, the wind blades would prove to be a mere nuisance, nothing more than rough turbulence at this distance.

As Cy's attack impacted the helicopters, the pair of Jigabachis split up from the Oniyama helicopters, Jigabachi pilots carefully maneuvering in the wind and lightning, which served nothing more than to force evasive maneuvers out of the pilots.

"We're under attack, advise!" One of the Jigabachi pilots called out, while lightning bolts danced and scintillated across it's composite hull.

"Move in and neutralize the target, we must not let the occupants of the house escape. Ten minutes until local police arrive."

As the radio chatter went on, the Oniyama helicopters split up, three banked a wide left, and three banked a wide right until suddenly all six of the Oniyama helicopters vanished from sight, activating their thermoptical camouflage.

"Three-One you bank right, I'll take the left, weapons free, Authorization Code confirmed." The lead Jigabachi pilot radioed, his helicopter shuddering from the blades of wind, but lacking any physical damage.

The pair of Wasp like helicopters moved in a wide circle around Cy, while one of them swiveled it's stinger like tail, which bore a 20mm vulcan cannon. As the pilot made minor adjustments to the Helicopter's AI, a firing solution was locked on.

Flying in a low pass, the tail gun opened fire, it was a short twenty second burst. But with 4,500 rounds per minute, Cy would be met with a barrage of roughly 1,500 twenty millimeter tungsten tipped, armor piercing, depleted uranium shells traveling at four times the speed of sound.

The rounds would more than likely impact their mark seconds before the 'brrrrrrt' sound reached the manor, and the surrounding neighborhood.

With the sheer overwhelming firepower at the hands of this single attack helicopter, concrete walls, roofing, glass, and everything else would be shredded in the brutal onslaught of large caliber, and highly dense projectiles, the building in which Cy stood upon, along with Cy's physical body, and likely the surrounding yard would, more than likely be completely and totally destroyed.

The droning sound of police sirens echoed in the distance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Umibozu Character Portrait: Haruo Arakawa Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Shin nodded at the interesting tidbit. He's dealt with freelancers before, unpredictable and difficult to manage sometimes. Especially since their loyalty is usual fickle, but they are very useful sometimes. Nice to have outside help that have their own skills and training. Makes them less predictable to his enemies. Roland then responded to Cy, "Yes right away." Shin smiled, the AI always seemed happy to have something to do. He always suspect Roland gets a bit stir crazy sometimes. Though what would follow next was untimely. Thundering sounds roar in the horizon, and Shin had a seeking feeling what it was.

"Sir, I don't mean to alarm you but eight helicopters are converging on this location." "All eight armed with heavy ordinance, I suspect aggressive response." Roland spoke, his voice hard to tell if he shows concern or is indifferent. "Visuals please Roland." Shin spoke as two monitors appeared down from the ceiling. "Damn, Kenbishi Oniyamas and Jigabaschi AVs." "Someone's looking to make an appointment with me." Shin joked though perhaps inappropriate to treat this so casually. Then Cy spoke to him, she wanted him to get her son out of here. Shin understood and as she ran outside. Upon the monitors he saw Cy attempting to ward them off. Wasting no time Shin went to prepare their escape.

"Roland I need a container!" "Something that can hold a full grown human being!" "Something highly secure!" " one of the jettison pods on ships, one that have some life support systems." Shin commanded. "Hm...I don't exactly have anything like that." Roland spoke. "Is there anything we can place him in?" Shin quickly asked. "I can enclose the table he is upon and detach it with a hover module." Roland offered. "Do it and have my fastest vehicle prepped!" Shin commanded. "Absolutely sir." Roland responded. Soon the stretcher enclosed Ki like a coffin then detached from the main table. It hovered harmlessly off the ground. "Open the quickest escape route into the garage now!" Shin spoke. Soon the wall slid open to reveal a hidden path, Shin pushed the pod down the hall and into the garage. The garage was rather deep underneath the structure of his home. Completely with an hidden exit for occasions such as this.

He could hear the fire of weapons on the outside. "Sir they are attacking the manor and Miss Cy with a 20mm Vulcan Cannon." "It's ammunition, 1,500 twenty millimeter tungsten tipped, armor piercing, depleted uranium shells." "The sheer velocity is calculated at 4,500 rounds per minute." Roland reported. "Damn, with that firepower," Shin was then suddenly interrupted by Roland, "Sir Police vehicles are en route to this location evacuation should commence immediately." Roland spoke. "Is the vehicle prepped?" "Yes, I have accommodated for speed and capacity to fit your second party." "Though the vehicle will not outrun those helicopters." Roland commented. "That is why I need you to send in my ship, have it prepped for my coordinates." Shin commanded. The car was brought to him, it was smaller than a limo but not very sleek. Shin detached the top or the slate containing Ki as he slid him in the back. He then entered the front seat and prepared to drive. "I have took the liberty to outline the city map for possible routes,and I have activated the tracker for your ship which has been called." "I also took the liberty to having configured the radio to double as a police scanner just in case." Roland spoke. "Good and I assumed you have already activated protocols?" Shin asked. "Yes sir, I have activated protocols." Roland confirmed. "Excellent, I'm off." Shin spoke. "Good luck sir." Roland finished.

Then with a vroom the vehicle took of at high speed. It entered a back exit from the garage away from the front of the manor. "He will soon appear on a street, from behind the estate. There was a straight road and clear traffic, he would have a good dart at first. The map appeared on an on board computer mapping out the best possible routes. The scanner brought up some police chatter. This has to be a raid it has all the characteristics of such, and the coppters? They're not the Narita Police Department they're something else. Most likely the ISSP Agency. Whatever the opponent, he has vacated the premises, but not eluded capture. Those helicopters will notice the vehicle escaping the area, he can only hope his protocols work. In the meantime he began to undertake evasive maneuvers to avoid the police vehicles approaching the area as he studied the chatter on the scanner.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Umibozu Character Portrait: Haruo Arakawa Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Catching the moment the choppers vanished Cy shifted her stance even as her highly evolved sight caught signs of disturbance in the air along with a ripple that registered as thermoptical camouflage, and sneered when she saw them split up her eyes narrowing. Growling lowly Cy dodged the shots aimed for her, her motions practically invisible, hissing as heat from a to close shot sizzled across her right shoulder as she twisted to the left.

Using her momentum she popped both wrists before slamming both palms to the ground and shouted 'Mother's Barrage' and watched as millions of stone spikes shot up into the air and hoovered as Cy popped her wrists again pulled her arms tight against her chest before pushing them out shouting 'Sister's Breath' and grinned as the wind blasted the spikes forward, intercepting dozens of the bullets while dozens of others shot towards the choppers.

Standing up she dodged to the left growling as she was twisted to the right as her shoulder was struck and pain crashed through her causing to slam to the ground as a scream of pain ripped from her even as she curled up grabbing her right shoulder and felt sparks strike at her hand and fingers while blood pooled from the wound. Keening lowly at the pain, Cy gritted her teeth as her arm twitched and jerked, pain rippling from each twitch and jerk. Her silver and black tawny gold eyes narrowed as she turned her head to assess the damaged and hissed her eyes widening when she saw that a large part of her tight shoulder was gone, sparks flying even as blood flowed down her arm. "'" she growled as she struggled to her knees, only to throw herself forward and to her right barely being missed by another of the bullets. Rage burned in her as she forced herself to her knees and with gritted teeth pulled loose one of the ribbons from her hair and bound her right arm to her chest, unmindful of the blood flow, knowing that the nanites were already working at cutting of the flow while frantically working at maintaining the damage already done.

"Sorry fuckers. Who ever the hell you are you will not get near my son!" she growled as she crouched to the ground than shot up into the air in a burst of speed unseen by normal human eyes and began to twist her body in a clock ways motion, allowing the wind that she had already activated earlier to burst out into a swirling mass of wind which soon turned into a swirling twister that grew in width and force. Enough to pick up dabries and rip out near by trees before she pulled her left arm tight against her chest than swung it outward sending not one but two twisters towards the choppers smirking as they grew in volume and speed.

Dropping back to the ground, Cy grunted as she hit, crumpling to her knees as the impact cause pain to ripple through her from her shoulder, mentally ordering the nanites to shut of the pain sensors in her right arm, even as the impact created a 2 foot deep indention in the ground and stood up, swaying slightly before catching her balance, to watch all the action, before snapping her head towards the sounds of the sirens and narrowed her eyes at seeing the nearing police and hissed, only to catch sight of a vehicle leaving the area and prayed that it was her son and that he would be kept safe. "He is your responsibility now Shin. Keep him safe." she said as she turned her attention back to the police cars and smirked. Popping her left wrist, since her right was out of action, and slapped her palm to the ground and hissed 'Earth's Wave' and watched as crashing wave of earth and pavement ruptured straight towards the vehicles.

Turning once again she faced the advancing choppers her eyes narrowing with rage as she watched the chaos her twisters were causing, chuckling as they continued to grow in volume and speed, practically destroying everything in their path and pulling up and spitting out more dabries as they ripped up and outward. "Not all of you will escape. Let alone survive. Those left I'll tend to when you land. None of you sons of bitches will get near my son let alone anyone who is tending to him." The chaos her twisters caused didn't allow any of the choppers to see the escaping vehicle just as the crashing wave caused problems with the police cars, not allowing them to catch sight of the fleeing car as well.

Cy looked towards the house and frowned before sighing and wishing that she could save the house from total destruction, but knew that it would be lucky to survive and closed her eyes and waited, knowing that soon she would have her hands full. With another flick of her wrist her hand glowed briefly before the glow dissipated and faded to nothing. Silently she waited as she listened. "All right lets finish this assholes. It's time to dance."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Umibozu Character Portrait: Haruo Arakawa Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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The pair of Jigabachis continued to circled wide and broad despite the magical onslaught, one of them narrowly missing one of the massive twisters by pulling it's chin up and rapidly gaining altitude.

The Pilot white knuckled the yoke as he yanked it up, and the Jigabachi protested, pulling itself away from the violent twister. "There's too much Magical interference!" The Pilot cried on the radio, jerking the yoke sharply to the right.

"Ugh... I can't hold it." The Pilot said, while the second Jigabachi pulled away from the scene, the first struggling against the whipping wind, which tossed and spun the helicopter about.

"Team Alpha, this is Command, withdraw the ground teams, it's too hot. I've got conventional response in the city to catch the fleeing suspect."

The Umibozu commander within the lead Oniyama nodded. "Roger, we're returning to base."

Cy had managed to succeed, and the six Oniyama helicopters banked a wide right, and began to fly back out towards the water, and away from the immediate scene. One Jigabachi was caught in the storm, while the other managed to withdraw to safer altitude. Thankfully the incoming police were too far out to be caught in the storm of upheaved rubble. However, the fleeing car was spotted by the same ISSP Agent that tracked the limo.

Putting the car into gear, he started off after the fleeing car, close enough that Cy would be unable to attack it without attacking the car. With a straight and narrow route, the pursuit would be easy, until both cars were caught in fleeing crowds due to Cy's defensive spells.

Narita Spaceport
5 Minutes following Cy's attack.

As events unfolded in the outskirts of the city, the Spaceport Manager would be keenly watching the flickering screen, a newscaster droning on with the plume of smoke and flame in the background, dotting the black smoke were flashing red lights from various police vehicles.

The Spaceport Manager was suddenly startled as a red telephone rang on his desk, picking it up he spoke.


The voice on the other end was calm, and crisp. "We have a situation, Regional emergency, shut it down, all non essential personnel are not permitted."

With the phone call finished, the Manager turned to his Executive. "Alright, I just got orders to shut the spaceport down, Military's calling an exclusive lockdown." He said, and the Executive nodded, turning to leave.

As the orders were carried out, Flights would show cancelled all across the board, while Police with canines and heavily armed military personnel began to move through the crowds of people in the Spaceport, amidst barking dogs and shouting orders, Chaos enveloped the port as Anti-Ship defenses were rapidly deployed around the Spaceport.

Police Radio chatter continued however, despite the fleeing car and Cy's Chaos, Shin would likely learn some unfortunate news.

"Be advised; Military's shut down the region due to a regional emergency, Fleet's under orders to pursue and destroy anything that tries to leave the city, Precinct Three-One is working the Nihima district, we need to evacuate civilians for tactical nuclear strike."

"Acknowledged, Division One Nine is working in the Daiichi district and the spaceport district setting up road blocks, the ITN Kirishima, and the ITN Funaho are preparing for combat ready, along with the SV Kisseki, and the ISSP Cutter Mutseki."

It was likely that the driver of the car would soon find they too were hemmed in by a roadblock. Two police cars and a single HAW-206 Tank. One officer held up a stop sign, while the others braced for cover. It was by sheer coincidence that they ran into this rapidly deployed roadblock, but with Cy's chaos, the entire city was being quickly locked down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Umibozu Character Portrait: Haruo Arakawa Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Silently Cy watched as 7 of the 8 choppers withdrew and smirked even as her eyes narrowed on the one that was caught in the storm and grinned ever so slightly though it didn't reach her cold eyes as she moved forward, not caring about the cops behind her let alone the utter chaos she had caused. In her eyes, she did what needed to be done, to keep her son safe along with the only person she trusted to keep him safe. As she stood there watching the twisters and the single chopper left behind, Cy reached into the pouch at her left hip and pulled out a small bag, which she rolled in her hand narrowing her eyes as she decided whither or not to take what was in the small sack, her right arm numb and useless to her, something she hated though it wasn't anything new for her.

Hell she'd had worse than this several times in her life and her type of work, yet she hated being one arm down a sneer slipping over her face as she recalled the strike that had actually knocked her off her feet a low growl slipping from her as her eyes trailed after the struggling chopper. Reaching up and over her chest to press her forefinger to just behind her right ear, flinching slightly when a high sound of chatter echoed in her ear soon followed several voices chatting all at once and by passed it, centering in on both police and military, letting the in built language modulator translate the language that echoed through the in built scanner, smirking even more though her face stayed passive her eyes glowed with rage when she heard that the Spaceport was shut down and road blocks were being set up.

Though a slight frown marred her face at the mention of evacuate civilians for tactical nuclear strike it smoothed back over to blank features as she slipped the small sack back into the pouch at her hip and proceeded to unwrap the ribbon she used to bind her arm to her chest and with the air of someone used to stripping, Cy quickly stripped out of her armor, crouched down and rummaged through the pouch until she pulled out black leather pants with blood red stitching along the outside seems, black leather lace up vest , the leather lace blood red and black thigh high steal toed boots with five inch heels. Swiftly she dressed in the clothes she pulled out, reattached the pouch to her hip via the blood red leather belt that hung lopsidedly about her hips, than pulled on combat fingerless black leather gloves with blood red stitching. Once finished she once again bound her right arm back to her chest, the damage still bad, the healing slow as sparks continued to flicker from the mangled shoulder though the bleeding had stopped.

Once again Cy sighed as her eyes flickered behind her towards the wave of destruction caused by 'Earth's Wave' nodding slightly when she say that the cops had been stopped, than turned her attention back towards the chopper and twisters before a sinister smile curved her lips, popped her left wrist before raising her arm palm out towards the farthest twister and flicked her wrist sending it towards the twister that held the chopper captive and chuckled as both converged into one single twister that was wider and more powerful than it was before since now it was two twister in one, yet it didn't move from the place where it had caught the chopper in its grip.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shintenchi Shogunate Global Military Forces Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Having been watching the chopper before her Cy's head whipped around when she heard a faint sound her eyes narrowing in on the white plum of streaking smoke through the sky, a frown pulling at her brows as she watched it. "Missile? Why the hell have they launched missile!? What of all the life that hasn't been evacuated?" she asked, puzzled by the humans stupid actions but knowing that she couldn't do anything bout it, Cy turned her attention back to the chaos she had already made, hissing in pain as her shoulder sparked.

Looking down at her shoulder, or what was left of it, her lovely face twisting into an angry enraged look as she reached up and gently touched the skin around the edges of the wound, noticing that it was taking to long for the nanitz to fix the damage a sigh slipping from her as she shook her head and looked up, her eyes skimming over they sky and the missile, back too the helicopter and too where the cops had been stopped and heaved a sigh.

"Shin...I hope you have gotten Ki somewhere safe. Cause something tells me this is gonna be getting even worse." she muttered as she ran the fingers of her left hand through her hair, eyes closing as her head dropped back, her thoughts on her son, and the man who had helped her find him. "Things always go from bad to worse to chaos...." she muttered as she stood there silently, listening and waiting, knowing she was in the center of the eye so to speak.

As Shin drove, Ki, who was still unconscious began to twitch and shudder, his right shoulder a mangled ugly bruise, keened in pain as he twisted and jerked where he lay on the back seat, the pale blue shield now covering his abdomen slipping over the red stone in his bellybutton. 'Mommm...." whispered from him as he sunk further into darkness as soothing coolness washed over him from where the shield already covered, though his head continued to pound and pulse with agonizing pain.