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Cybra Savage

Cy is a no holds bar kind of woman. She will fight to the death to honor her vow to serve and protect. She never gives up and she never rolls over.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Black Fox


Name= Cybra Savage
Gender= Female
Race= Synthetic Humanoid Cyborg
Age= Actually 17, but looks 25, but is far older.
Sexuality/Preference= Cybra is Bi
Nickname= Cy

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION= Cybra has waist length tawny gold hair with silver and black streaked hair Her eyes are tawny gold with flecks of silver and black. She stands at 5'10" lean and muscled with an intellagienc that rivaled Enstine. She wears tight black leather paints with a half top that is black and red leather with heeled black boots, and black fingerless gloves. On the back of her neck she has a gold lion piercing embedded along with a blue stone between her eyes. She has several bracelets and earring's and a necklace with four topaz and emerald stones on either side of a lion. Bout her right thigh she wears a pure silver lion''s head wrap around bracer along with a blue band on her left. On her back she has a full colored tattoo of an eagle in full flight.

PERSONALITY= Cy is a easy going girl with the views of a strong individual. She believes that everything isn't a given and that you have to work for it. She has a sharp mind and enjoys puzzles of all types. She has a tight hold on her emotions and her anger, but you better be on the other side of the world when you piss her off. She bounces back and forth with eccentric tenancies. Cy is loyal and true to her word. Once given she never backs out or gives up. Cy is both bubbly and serious.

EQUIPMENT & ABILITIES= Cy has twin guns that are called Cha'crum's that were specially made for her. A blade made from the wood of the dogwood tree. Do not let the fact that it is a wooden sword fool you. For the Boki Sword is strong enough to go through metal. Her last weapon's are twin bracers that that allow her to use gifts from her family members. Each family member is linked by blood, Cy's blood, and so they are able to not only feel each other but also speak to each other telepathically. But it isn't a long distance ability unless each member has an ear piece. (those who join acquire the ear piece) One more ability she has which her children also have is the ability to become a Dra'Git. A being who has the soul of a Dragon, allowing that person to call upon the soul to merge and become a Dra'Git, dragon armor with wings allowing the person to fly and use dragon magic.

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND= Cy was know as Alyxzandria Lynx Savage. A dedicated Homicide Detective. She was 17 when she died just one day before her 18th birthday. The day her father Sandar was going to marry Frank Black his once bodyguard. He died the next day, twelve hours after he woke from major surgery and finished the ceremony. Frank took Alyx's body and that of her canine companion, a Scotland Highland Timber wolf, to Cyber Tech. A company Sandar created. There they worked on a new body for Alyx. It took them two years to create it and took her eight years to learn how to use it. She is a Synthetic Humanoid Cyborg. And Z is a Synthetic Canine Cyborg. She was created to evolve and she did. In more ways than what was expected of her. Decades later she created a company in space know as the Peace Keeper's. And thus she once again she is doing something she has taken to heart. To serve and protect.

So begins...

Cybra Savage's Story


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Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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As she frantically worked over Ki, Cy could feel Shin behind her, yet she couldn't leave off tending to Ki, even for Shin's worry and curiosity. When the limo stopped she sighed with relief and shifted to slip out of the car after Shin had and turned to pull Ki with her. Faintly she heard a voice that reminded her of Key and Cerebria and sighed as thoughts of the two AI's they had flickered through her head, causing her to look down at Ki's right arm even as she pulled him into her arms and twisted to maneuver him out of the car.

Once on her feet, she rushed forward towards the house and up the steps and through the door stopping to look about not sure exactly where to go, ignoring the feel of blood coating her and the faint 'drip drip' as it hit the floor at her feet. "Shin!?" she called, her voice slightly high with fear and confusion as she shifted Ki in her arms, his blood making it harder for her to keep him secure in her arms. "Damn it where did you go?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Shin heard Cy's voice as he stepped out to where she could see him. "Through here, place him on the bed." Shin spoke as he pointed down a hallway. Once she does she'll see what looks like a light up table, upon it is some padding and sheets to place the injured Ki upon. "Hurry once you've laid him down, I'll have the AI run a scan over his body." "With any luck we may know what the problem is." Shin then looked down the hall. "Follow me." He spoke as he ran off. He waited by the bed for Cy. Hopefully they are not too awfully late to help him in any way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Upon seeing Shin, Cy hurried forward and followed Shin. "I already know what the problem is." she stated as she laid Ki on the bed and went to work stripping him of his clothing minus his boxers, than pulled his hair back to let it hang off the head of the table. As she worked she forgot about the tail which flicked suddenly causing the ball to slam to the floor with a resounding crash, creating an indention as it hit.

"I need hot water, antiseptic, bandages and once you are done with that look through the beaded tan pouch attached to Ki's belt for a wooden tin can the size of a round can that chew is in as well as a pale blue crystal like stone that will pulse as soon as you touch it." she exclaimed as she undid her armor leaving herself in her undergarments and went back to Ki as she used the last of his shirt to wipe the blood away as more wounds began to appear on his body. Some small that looked like deep scratches while others looked like claw or slash marks, while soft keening cries slipped from the unconscious form that continued to twitch and jerk with each new wound that appeared.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Once Cy placed Ki on the bed she ran off items that she required Shin spoke to the AI. "Roland!" "Retrieve everything Cybra listed off immediately!" Shin commanded. "Of course sir." Roland responded. Soon the AI integrated household began using duct to transport these materials around the home. First it activated the sink in the kitchen then planted a bucket underneath. Then sifting through the med lab, a tray would suddenly slip out from underneath the bed stand next to Cy. "Antiseptic and Bandages Miss Cybra." Roland spoke as a bottle and a roll of bandages where there for her use. Then what looked like a hole was made in the floor, rose a platform containing a bucket filled with hot water. Which appeared next to Cy as well for easy access. "The water you requested Ma'am." Roland spoke.

In the midst of it all Shin rummaged through the beaded pouch Cy mentioned. He found the wooden tin can and the the pale blue crystal. When he touched the crystal he noticed the pulse. It was a tingly sensation one that felt similar to energy deposit. Ignoring at the moment Shin handed these items to Cy for her use. "Here you go, I hope you can help him overcome...whatever this is." Shin spoke as he watched Cy go to work.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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As she worked, Cy noticed everything that was going on around her and murmured her thanks to the AI Roland as she grabbed a towel and soaked it before using it to wash Ki down, cleaning both the grim and blood pleased that the old wounds had stopped bleeding but cursed as new ones appeared and snatched the blue stone from Shin when he held it out to her and placed it on Ki's forehead just above the diamond stone. She flinched slightly when it pulsed rapidly before it glowed brightly than dimmed to a light blue that seemed to slowly crawl its way down Ki's body.

"Fuck. To slow." she muttered as she continued to wash away the blood glancing at Shin and sighing. "Ki is a very powerful Empath Shin. So powerful he is now linked to every life that is on this world. What you are seeing is what is being done to people all over Narita at this moment." she stated as she continued to wash away the blood. "Without his shields up Ki is suseptable to each human or creature on this world. Shot. Cut. Beaten. R-Raped." she stuttered on the last word swallowing hard around the thick lump in her throat. "Torchered....anything you can think of being done to another Ki is living it right now with each and every one of them at this very moment. That is what all this" she waved at her sons bloody body "is all about. His shields down...he is vulnerable to anything and everything that can be done to a living thing."

She sighed as she brushed her bangs back from her face, streaking blood across her forehead when she did and resumed washing the blood away. "Please us the Antiseptic than the cream from the wood can, it'll help heal him faster."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Shin watched as Cy went about this delicate procedure. He was quite impressed with the whole spectacle as he watched the stone glow and move about Ki's body. He wasn't quite sure what was going on but it was moving slower than it should from Cy's reaction. She then began to explain why Ki needed these shields. They must be mental barriers or something to protect him from other's feelings. Shin had no idea Empathy can be on this level, he tends to stay away from using psychic powers for reasons like these. About the extent of his psychic ability is the creation of mental barriers. In case of telepathic intrusion, that's always fun. Though Shin felt sorry for Ki to be unable to filter all of it...he must be powerful if he's still clinging to life.

Shin quickly went to work as he opened the bottle and poured the antiseptic on the open wounds to prevent infection. After that chore was finished he went to open the can. Inside was some sort of cream perhaps something to stimulate healing. He went to apply the cream anywhere wounds were found. After he finished smearing it about Ki's body he placed it aside using up most of it. Hopefully his shields will return, otherwise based on what Cy said he'll continue to add new injury to his body. These are one of the times he wish he could bestow his regenerative ability on to others. The body could then at least keep up, but alas it's something beyond him. All he could do is hope that Cy's treatment works.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Tirelessly Cy worked at washing away the continuous flow of blood from new wounds, noting that the blue light has now moving past Ki's chin and growled lowly at the fact that it was working to slowly. Silently she fumed cursing and raging in her mind as she washed her sons body repeatedly. But slightly hope flared as those wounds from earlier healed and faded leaving not even a scar, yet she knew that new ones would take their places soon.

Shifting slightly she smiled as she breathed deeply of the Sandalwood and Cinnamon scent of the cream and nodded at Shin. "Thank you. The cream is Ki's creation. It's to help the body heal faster and the pleasant scent is so that others wouldn't wrinkle their at a foul smelling healing cream." she said softly as she cleaned a deep gash along Ki's right side. She knew by watching Shin that he was both curious and weary, her eyes closed as she took a deep breath than let it our slowly. "You are curious...and weary...are you not?" she asked as she continued to clean him as the blue glow slowly crawled down his neck and more wounds took the place of the old ones. Yet at odd times ugly bruises appeared on his face or his chest and sides or his stomach, all in many different shapes and sizes, as if he was or had been beaten. There were even the sounds of cracks as the pale body continued to jerk and twitch. "Will you please set his arms and legs..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Shin looked up at Cy when she spoke. Yes he felt curious and some what unsure about what is going on. Though Shin said, "Well I haven't seen this level of empathic power before." "Well actually I haven't encounter many Empaths to begin with it." Shin said looking between Cy and Ki. Watching how injuries of any sort appeared out of thin air upon his body. He noticed the sweet smell of the cream, smells better than most salves. Then came the cracking of his bones, as if he twisted his leg or someone bent his arm. He went to set his arms. "Roland please fetch me some flat, thin, metal bars and some padding that can be placed between said bars and an arm and leg." He commanded. "Yes sir and I will find ones that will match his arm and leg lengths." Roland added. Soon a tray appeared in similar fashion as he saw the strips.

"These satisfactory sir?" Roland spoke. "Yes." Shin responded. "You'll find some padding underneath them." Roland commented. Shin took the bandages, the padding, and the strips and began to set his arms and legs. After some minutes he managed to prop Ki's appendages in place, they won't be moving awkwardly anytime soon. "There that should avoid more unsightly messes." Shin spoke not really to anyone. Hopefully this doesn't last much longer, he would like to hasten his healing process but so long as he will be constantly injured it would be pointless. "Hope those shields return...dislike feeling powerless." Shin spoke not looking up at Cy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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By now the blue glow was passing Ki's shoulder's and barely on his chest, those wounds on his face, neck and upper shoulders were fading, looking almost like scabs while Cy worked on her sons legs abdomen and lower chest to keep the blood from gathering, the bucket of water now red from her wringing out the cloth that was stained a dark pink, the red gone after a dunk in the water. A sigh left her as she looked over at Shin, weariness in her eyes as well as pain and understanding.

"Not many Empaths are alive Shin. Though there is a race of individuals aliens if you prefer that call themselves Empathians. A race of empathic beings that are tuned to all the realms of life and death. They have one being they call the Chaos of Life that is charged with the life and death of every realm out there. Many millinias ago we came across this being dying, millions of light years away from his people and Ki...having slight empathy already was drawn to is how we found him." she looked down at her son and gently brushed her knuckles over his cheek a sad smile on her lips.

"It asked Ki to take his place...for if he died without transferring his Gift to another everything would die. All the Realms every life...there would be nothing left alive. So being the sweet gentle hearted young man that he was he agreed...Ki became the Chaos of Life...and we found out that what happens to him happens all the time to the Empathians, but the one the was the Chaos of Life lived it every second of their life without a break." She sighed as she looked over at Shin again tears in her eyes. "What we didn't know was that it could not be transferred back to an Empathian...without killing my son."

"The blue stone is a conduit that Ki created. It is filled with much magic and mental shields just for this reason. This isn't the first time this has happened, nor will it be the last. And yes those will work and in time...Ki will waken and be able to replace his shields. Until then...this is all I can do."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Shin silently stood there and listening, not even making any attempt at some level of communication. He simply stood their silence watching the two. One could say he has drifted away in thought, but he was consciously active absorbing all that was spoken. He did his best to understand what Cy was saying and felt understandable towards it. He might not know who the Empathians are or Empathy in general. Though despite these titles and powers he understands the core of it all. Ki has unfathomable power, so much so his body has great difficulty containing it. Which is why he needs all this special gear and shields, otherwise it would normally destroy him. Shin desires power himself but unless one is able to handle it, then such inability could kill you. Which is what adversely affects Ki. He felt pity for Ki though thought him foolish as well. His emotions clouded his judgement.

Not that Shin doesn't respect passion, emotion, but there is a time and a place for everything. He has seen before how overemotional reactions can cause downfall. Still it is unfair of him to judge Ki, since he probably thought what he did was right. Compared with such a catastrophic alternative it must have been hard to make any decision. He also felt sorry for Cy, having to live with a certain fear that Ki will relapse into this state of constant torture. It's hard on any family to see a loved one suffer so. He also felt this is Ki's choice and why should she suffer so? It's not like she told him to become this Chaos of Life. Even the name bodes ill-fortune, chaos is always prevalent, especially with something as tumultuous as life. Apt name to be sure, but one with heavy constituents. Shin continued to watch the blue stone with it being the key to recovery. For now he too sends his hopes for a speedy recovery.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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As she tended to Ki, Cy kept an eye on Shin trying to read his expression after hearing what she and about Ki, all the while begging the blue glow to move faster, a frown etched over her face at how slow it was moving. "It should have covered him by now!" she muttered shaking her head slightly as she wiped the blood from her sons lower abdomen. "Ki what happened? Why is it that your at such a low level of energy?" she asked softly as the blue glow reached just above his belly button where a ruby gem was embedded and seemed to pulse with each heart beat, as did the diamond between his eyes.

Shifting she once again rinsed out the cloth before stepping further up the bed to wipe the blood from his face and chest, ignoring the caked blood on her own body as she tended to Ki. "Your awfully quit Shin. Has something I said bothered you?" she asked, turning her head enough to look over at him, her face devoid of all emotions though fear flickered through her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Shin still as if a daze, only absent-mindedly spoke at her. "No...nothing of the type." "I'm just contemplating...," Shin tailed off. "'s just concerning." Shin finished after what seemed an eternal pause. He continued to watch the stone etched slowly, apparently it's worse than it appears. From what he gathers it must have been some significant force that bared it's self on Ki. Though all of this is speculation, just shots in the dark. No one will really know the truth until Ki comes too. Perhaps then he can regale them with his story, of how this unfortunate business came upon them. As for Cy she is concerned but more...apprehensive? Possibly...he hoped she wasn't worrying about himself. She has more pressing things to consider.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Though she tried not to, Cy tensed when she heard him say contemplating turning her attention back to Ki as she finished cleaning his face and torso, to resume cleaning the multiple wounds as the blood gathered and pooled beneath her sons body. "There isn't much to do but what I am doing now...but I am curious about something though. Well a few things that is." she stated as she once again rinsed out the cloth, grimacing as she gave a brief glance to her sons bloody boxer shorts. ''''Well, those aren't white anymore.'''' she thought with a mental snicker, knowing that she was slowly loosing it. "Goddess I wish Syn or even Tula was here!" she muttered sighing softly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Shin didn't like the slow, tense process this has been. Hardly the effective treatment but what else could be done. It's not like he's an expert on Empathians and the like. In the meantime Shin perked up when Cy mentioned her curiosity. Curious himself Shin asked, "Like what?" Continuing to look in their direction, separating attention between Ki and Cy. Then she began to mumble something that Shin didn't quite understand. It sounded like names of some sort, though he wouldn't know the significance of such comments. In the meantime he waited to hear what is on her mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Glancing over at Shin for a brief moment Cy looked back down at her son and sighed even as she held back a grimace at all the blood that collected on the table like bed and seemed to drip off the edge, soft 'drip drip' echoing and closed her eyes before opening them and sighed again. "You helped me with out a check to see if I was a threat or not. You granted your assistance not knowing exactly what you were getting yourself into."

She paused and turned to look at him, her face blank and eyes unreadable as they flickered over the lovely mans face. "What type of business are you into? Your daughter...from what I heard...seems to be the head of some organization. Those men, the modern aged ninjas...they were highly trained."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruo Arakawa Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Across the street from the high security gate, in a blacked out car with dark tinted windows. A young male was watching the manor with piqued curiosity. Sliding a rice cake into his mouth, he set the binoculars down, and then he dialed his phone.

The man silently spoke, in a hurried and hushed tone.
"Watashi ga kono-ka ni rimujin o bikō. Watashitachi no Interu wa shikkari shite iru?"

The voice on the other end then replied.

"Watashitachiha kono-ka ni wa, burakkurōtasushinjikēto ni setsuzoku sa rete iru koto o utagai o motte imasu."

The Detective nodded, tapping a keystroke into his computer, and bringing the binoculars back to his eyes, trying to see into the house itself. All while a video link was broadcast to his computer of the manor through a high altitude drone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Shin only smirked as Cy gave her inquiry. Though Shin did little to change his expression he did speak. "Well, I was Antongrad merely to enjoy the more natural setting." "Nature is a bit hard to come by from where I live." "Anyway I do have an attraction to women, but it isn't just's something more deeper than that." "I greatly...admire women...especially talented one's like yourself." "I was intrigued by you...really intrigued...I thought you could be a great opportunity." "I noticed the way you made your defensive stance, I could tell you were exceptionally trained...that you had power inside of you." "I know talent when I see it and the time I spent with demonstrated all the qualities I search for." "In the end I thought you would be interested in business opportunity, which is why I accompanied you for as long as I did, I had to see just the kind of person you were." Shin the paused as a frown began to form.

"Then you spoke of your son...I don't employ many mothers...they tend to be loyal to their families more than their job." "Even though they are greatly skilled, but you were more than that." "A rare jewel to be had, and I couldn't simply dismiss would be foolish to do so." "Though the longer I have spent with you...I'm just not quite sure about you anymore." "Don't take it negatively, you are still a jewel but one I'm not sure will be mine." Shin spoke his voice almost mournful as if he just suffered a loss. "I wasn't worried about you being a threat to me...if you were I would have taken greater action...I may look fragile is some eyes but I have more power than you would care to guess." Shin spoke rather highly of himself. "As for my business....well...let's say I'm older than I seem and in my life I have accumulated...influence it would take nearly lifetime to attain at the amount I have." "Some things disappear or they evolve, and well my business has evolved to stand the test of time." Shin spoke as he felt a bit euphoric remembering the many years he has spent developing his power.

From years long since past, from simple, outraged men dressed in cloth and armed with farm tools, to the working class man looking to get ahead in life, and now entire generations growing underneath an ideal. Though always the looking to be ahead in life. "Yes, my daughter and those men from earlier are helps when you have someone with vast experience giving the instructions." Shin spoke once again with calm, almost stillness in his voice that has the air of pride. "I don't want you to think less of me," Shin spoke his voice dropped with an intense serious, "I've meant my help and think nothing ill of you or your son and only wish him the best." Shin spoke his words almost sounded like a plea. As if he didn't want Cy to think him of him the wrong light.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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As she listened Cy cocked her head returning her attention back to her son to wipe off the blood again before returning her attention to Shin, blushing slightly at hearing she intrigued him a slight smile curled her lips at hearing that he knew of her talent just by her defensive stance. A frown marred her features briefly as she listened to him, taking in everything he said and filing it away even as she returned her attention to her son.

"What do you mean by your not quit sure about me anymore?" she asked her face flushing again at him saying 'but one not sure will be mine' and shifted ever so slightly. Only to snort slightly as she smiled and arched a brow at his statement of him not being worried of her being a threat to him but said nothing. She wasn't stupid or anything, far from it actually considering her IQ being in the high numbers, even back when she was human, though now it seemed even more than then. ''''Immortal!'''' she thought with another small smile her eyes glittering. ''''Been there am that!''''

"Your not a man without morals Shin, not to mention your traditional as well. Honor means everything to you, just as it does to me and my family. More so considering Master Toshiba taught me everything he knew. From Honor of Family to Tradition of Honor." she said as she looked over at him, her eyes glinting slightly. "Your like a Syndicate or a Family, like Yakuza from my world. My father was close to being the same way considering he was the head of a Gang that Honored life instead of chaos and self claims. His gang protected the people and made life better for those being oppressed all over the world." she sighed and shrugged as she looked down at Ki, the blue glow now to her sons hips.

"I'm not that easy to take out or kill, and I know my way around the old ways far more than most people. I'm no longer truly human any more. Haven't been since I was 17. I would now if you meant me or my son harm, its the only reason why I excepted your assistance. You have a lot of Pride Shin, I can hear it in your voice and see it in your eyes, but your also humble as well. Power can only get you so far and you know this first hand. You had to raise yourself from the ghetto to the high life you live now. But it's your honor that keeps you balanced, other wise you would have gone over to the corrupt side of life by now or sooner." she stated as she shrugged and smiled slightly. "No one is perfect. Not you. Not me. Not your daughter and not my son. Yet we strive to be better than our pasts."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Shin was some what pessimistic in his thoughts. He believed Cy would think him a danger after him speaking for a while. Though it grew more optimistic after the amount of compliments he was given. He gave a smile, this this time not a smirk but an actual light-hearted smile. It made him feel good that she thought highly of him, despite he deductions which are correct. He does run some...illegal operations but not directly. He mostly has these things untouched by himself, instead handled by those lower in level of the tree. Still while he does what he can to hide his affiliation, there are some connections.

"I meant nothing bad of it...I just assume you would have no interest in my enterprise for...obvious reasons." "If you are interested I can reconsider but...I'm not going to lose sleep over it." "As for your skill I have no doubt you have power...I only meant at the time you follow codes of honor yourself." "You wouldn't attack me if I didn't give good reason for it." "As for my enterprise well...I'm glad you don't see it negatively, I've only done what I've had to over the years." "Though some would see it more...objectively." Shin slowly spoke almost bitingly. It was then he perked up again. Since 17? The way she said it is, is she immortal as well? Shin thought to himself. He probably should have saw it himself earlier, and Ki is most likely the same way. Being the Chaos of Life it probably comes with immortality as well. Though it's an assumption, still it wouldn't be outrageous to claim that.

Though Shin felt warm inside as she finished her response. "It's nice of you to say that." "Especially since you don't honor me or work for me, or even love me." Shin commented. Shin thought deeply again, she continued to surprise him. The more he thought about the more he began to regret having her spend this time with him. It seems like these two have enough danger in their lives. Spending time with him could invite more, his past...does have some dangers too it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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A low chuckle slipped from Cy as she shrugged. "I have had my own...affiliation with Enterprises like yours, Shin. It is your business and none of mine. And your right I wont attack you or yours unless you attack or order an attack on me and mine. Also your enterprise doesn't matter to me. Its none of my business as to what you do for a living. I and my Family are Guardian/Protectors." she said softly, no hint of worry or fear on her face even as she noticed that he perked up on her comment of her young age.

She shrugged and grinned as she cocked her head eyes glittering. "No I don't work for you nor love you. Haven't known you long enough to fall in love with you. I will admit that your not only beautiful in body but something tells me that with your...enfanet span of knowledge that you'd be a hell of a lover." she stated her grin widening. "I have no idea how long we will be here let alone how long it will take Ki to fully recover. We both are highly adaptable and quit good at placing ourselves in danger for others. Its part of our job description."