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Drew Callahan

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Architect



Name: Drew Callahan
Age: 25
Origin: Windcrest

Distinguishing marks/scars/tattoos:
-On the back of his neck, Drew has a birthmark similar to a tattoo, shown below


  • Vector Manipulation
  • Mark of the Snow Pheonix; Upon death, Drew will soon be reincarnated at a predetermined location. The process usually takes a day, but may vary depending on the amount of damage received Pre-mortem
  • A cold hard place; Due to growing up in Windcrest, Drew has an above average physical endurance, as well as an extremely high threshold for the cold.

So begins...

Drew Callahan's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Zaria Busto Character Portrait: Adam Ruin Character Portrait: SenTinel
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Sephyt hadn't quite expected the gun to be pushed in his face, what with him being preoccupied greeting Zaria at the time. When he returned to attention and found the barrel aimed between his eyes, he took in a breath and sighed. "I apologize, I thought you were ordering for the three of us. Here, let me pay," he carefully said, trying to soothe the situation as his hand dipped into his back pocket to find... Nothing. His wallet was gone.

Well, the shit-filled situation just got thrown in a septic tank. "... Tomorrow? I appear to have misplaced my money."

Perhaps it was best the security just threw him out. It would be better than getting a bullet in the head, which he was fast learning to expect. All it took was a little squeeze to make a giant mess. But could they do it before she decided to shoot, if she planned to shoot at all?

He wasn't sure how to react to the situation. If he was quick, he might be able to snatch the gun before she could react, but that wouldn't make the security look kindly on him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Zaria Busto Character Portrait: Adam Ruin Character Portrait: SenTinel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
Hearing the door open, Renée didn’t move a muscle to see who it was. Instead, she kept her gaze steady on Sephyt, her gun hand as steady as a profession killer’s would be. She was very proficient with every single weapon she carried on her body, in addition to the items one wouldn’t think could be used as weapons. She watched Adam nearing her out of the corner of her eye, merely shrugging a shoulder at his question. Of course there was a problem, she had one guy flirting nonstop with her and the other snatching her drinks. Though, she wasn’t an alcoholic, she took her drinking very seriously and did not appreciate people taking them from in front of her. Sure, if he had asked, she might have given him one, but since he just snatched it, she was overly irate.

“Yes, dere’s a problem. Dat man stole my drink and dat other … person won’t take a damn hint. But, it’s not’ing I can’t handle.” Renée tried to mentally calm herself down, but with all the stress from not knowing how her sister was doing to the other drama that seemed to find her, the eighteen-year-old was finding it difficult to just chill.

Sephyt didn’t make the situation any better when he claimed that he thought she was buying them for the other two. When did she even say that? Was he used to having people buy drinks for him? She tried to figure that out since she never said shots on the house or anything that would make people think the booze was for them too. Scowling, she kept her finger close to the trigger and narrowed her eyes. He offered to buy them, but then didn’t have any money. The promise to pay her tomorrow wasn’t appealing either, but deep down the girl knew better than to shoot him in the face. Gabrielle would probably rip her face off, especially since what had just happened.

“Fine. Bring me money tomorrow or I’m going to remove your kidneys and sell them on the black market along with the rest of your organs.” Bringing down the gun, she flipped the safety back on and put it back into its holster. Thinking on it a couple more minutes, she sighed and downed the two remaining shots.

“Don’t worry about the money… I just overreacted. In the future, don’t touch my booze, please.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Zaria Busto Character Portrait: Adam Ruin Character Portrait: SenTinel
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Rex strutted over to an empty table and heaved himself into a chair. The yellow dinosaur-thing glanced around at the various patrons as he skimmed over the menu. He frowned at the growing hostility, but breathed a sigh of relief when the girl put the gun down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Zaria Busto Character Portrait: Adam Ruin Character Portrait: SenTinel
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"I'll make a note of it," he assured while pushing himself to his feet, then standing in silence a moment. "I suppose I should leave now, unless you're having second thoughts about shooting me in the head." There was almost a hopeful tone to his speech, birthed from curiosity; did Renee actually have what it took to pull the trigger on someone, or did she just carry it around for show?

He doubted there would be much of a difference, so he turned and began to make his way towards the door while fastening up his long, black coat and brushing his hair over his ears. He was starting to get bored of his way of living on Terra; the rough sleeping and bar visits. Perhaps it was time to start looking at a bigger picture.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Byf Character Portrait: Tamilee NightPaw
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0.00 INK

It took a bit of convincing, but Byf was glad when he finally had talked Grik into heading home without him. He didn't have anything against the young griffon, in fact he would've loved for his feathered friend to accompany him, but the guy behind the counter had already begun shooting Byf a look that made him literally feel chills.

Scratching at the tattoo on his neck, the young man walked over to the bar and took a seat in one of the stools, trying his best not to seem eager as he dove into the menu of drinks available.

Drew in the meantime simply picked up a glass and began polishing it with a white rag as he waited for an order to be placed. Yeah it was cliched, he felt like being a little cliched, might help loosen the atmosphere. Which meant more drink orders...which meant more tips.

"I'll think I'll have a Mushu Shot." Byf nodded with a smirk as he reached his decision. "To start anyway."

"That's pretty hot you know..." Drew warned as he began to search for the necessary bottles.

"That's ok," Smiled Byf. "I like spicy stuff."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Byf Character Portrait: Tamilee NightPaw
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0.00 INK

She looked to the boy as he ordered his drink. With a sigh, she realized she was thirsty again, but didn't want liquor though. She got up and walked about three bar stools down from the boy who had the pet griffin. "Bar keep...when you are done, may I get a glass of tea?" She asked, her voice soft as silk and sweet as honeysuckle. Pushing a few stray strands of her grey hair with black spots out of her face behind her ear as she turned, looking back to the corner and then to the bar before deciding it was best to just sit at the bar. Maybe it would be more sociable at the bar than in her safe little corner she napped in. After a bit the barkeep gave her the tea. She smiled and paid him the money due. After a bit her gaze began to wander the bar, from patron to patron.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Demor Ragani Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Byf Character Portrait: Tamilee NightPaw
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0.00 INK

The doors of the bar opened slowly and in walked a customer who had recently returned to Wing City after quite a long time doing various jobs for various people. He stood at six feet two inches tall, and most of his body was hidden underneath a hooded travelers coat. Dark green eyes with Draconian slits for pupils examined the bar, the nostrils flaring to take in a deep breath of what seemed to be relief.

"It's been a long time...." he commented, walking forward towards the bar. His dark brown hair seemed darker in the low light of the bar, but all he did was reach up and brush it out of his face with one hand while he smiled, large, impossibly sharp canines being revealed for the first time in a while.

Demor Ragani hadn't been in this bar for at least a year it seemed. Of course it wasn't an actual Terran year, but for him it was. He sat at the bar, his cloak covering the stool while something beneath it moved quickly, making the end of it flare out briefly to reveal something long, black, and scaly coiling around the bar stool that Demor sat upon.

He looked at the active bartender and nodded. "I'll have a coke." he said calmly, placing the money on the counter as he said it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zekil Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Byf
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0.00 INK

Out from a door to the side of the bar emerged Drew with a yawn. Classes at the university were taking a toll on him lately...and he had yet to finish unpacking all his stuff in the new apartment. With working here nights and classes all day he feared it would be too long a period of time before he would ever get some rest.

He walked over to the bar counter, lifting up a small section and slipping behind the bartop to begin his shift. He took a quick moment to adjust the small tag pinned to his shirt that read "Drew" before looking around.


Meanwhile young man wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and black sneakers walked into the bar. Above his waist he wore a striped t-shirt and a light jacket, as the night air definitely did get a bit chilly around this time. around his neck hung a pair of black headphones, silent as he walked through the door.

As he stepped into the establishment, another followed after him. The soft padding sound of sneakers against the floor was soon replaced by the sharp tapping of talons against the hardwood as a young Griffon, no bigger than a large dog, tried to make it's entrance.

Almost immediately the young man spun around, with hands on his waist.

"Grik I told you to wait outside!" He hissed. "There's no way that the people who own this place are gonna let you in here. Go play with the birds or something."

The young Griffon was almost halfway through the door before it lowered it's head, clearly depressed at what his human companion had ordered.

"Please Grik? It's been a long day, I'll make it up to you with dinner, I promise."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zekil Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Byf
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0.00 INK

Aiya's head perked up as she saw Drew enter, hesitating to ask if he wanted anything only to see a name tag on his shirt, but she snapped back to attention when Zekil talked to her. "Nervous? Me? Um... Yeah," she said with a sheepish shrug and a soft chuckle. "I don't even know how I got this job- oh... I guess I'm probably on a trial period." Her back suddenly stiffened as she realized all she was doing was sitting around and talking. Her voice lowered as she asked, "Are we supposed to be doing work?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zekil Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Byf
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zenia
Zekil turns to the man behind the counter, spying the name tag as he waves. "Tender here as well?" he asks, he did not wear a name tag...not that he didn't have one. Just for him names had power and even if Zekil wasn't his real name it was a habit of his to keep his name hidden for a while. He changes his legs to shadow as he walks in front of the counter and begins to wipe down the seats. "

Zekil blinks as he turns to the customer, "Welcome to Gambits!" he calls out as he sees the Griffon, he personally had no problem with a Griffon in the bar, however he had no clue what his boss would think. "Rough day?" he asks, directed at both Drew and the customer, his wings giving a small flap.

He turns to Aiya, "It is okay to be nervous Aiya." he tells her, "Just take a deep breath and let all the tension out with it." he offers, "Well you should lead the man to a table and give him a menu...then in a bit ask if he wants anything to eat...if he wants something alcoholic lead him to the bar counter, all with a friendly smile." he whispers to Aiya with a wink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zekil Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Byf
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0.00 INK

Drew simply nodded in greeting to his apparent co-workers. In all honesty he'd only met a handful of the other staff members, shifts were pretty irregular, so it wasn't surprising. It didn't bother him too much, making friends wasn't exactly his priority when it came to work.

He noted the young man who'd entered with a fantastical creature trailing behind him. Drew was grateful the guy seemed to be trying to get the animal outside, there was no telling how Gabby would react seeing that thing in here.

It took a bit of convincing, but Byf was glad when he finally had talked Grik into heading home without him. He didn't have anything against the young griffon, in fact he would've loved for his feathered friend to accompany him, but the guy behind the counter had already begun shooting Byf a look that made him literally feel chills.

Scratching at the tattoo on his neck, the young man walked over to the bar and took a seat in one of the stools, trying his best not to seem eager as he dove into the menu of drinks available. "Hello, ah, yeah tough day I guess." He smirked at Zekil before focusing on the selection.

Drew in the meantime simply picked up a glass and began polishing it with a white rag as he waited for an order to be placed. Yeah it was cliched, he felt like being a little cliched, might help loosen the atmosphere. Which meant more drink orders...which meant more tips.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zekil Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Byf
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zenia
Zekil grabs a shadow pulling it off as he shakes it a bit, forming a new rag from it as he polishes the metal stem of the stools. He hums softly to himself as he spies the glass falling from Aiyas' bump he moves a shadow towards it as it forms a tendril about to bring it to him before he spies Drew getting it, he makes the shadow vanish with a grin.

"We all have those, best thing to do is to remember they don't last forever." he remarks with a gentle smile, he walks through the counter as he helps Drew clean a bit, keeping a friendly eye on Aiya encouraging her silently as he resists the urge to flap his wings...not wanting to hit Drew, probably would not be a good start.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zekil Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Byf
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
Gabrielle let out a deep sigh as she stepped through the backroom door, closing and locking it behind her. She was wearing her normal outfit, a red wife-beater tank, black pants, and a pair of thigh-high boots. Her brunette locks were fixed fairly nicely, though the bangs dipped into her brunette-lavender eyes every once in a while. Glancing around at the bar, she noted the plethora of staff on hand and couldn’t help but blink in shock. The new girl, Aiya was working alongside Drew and Zekil, which made her quite pleased. It was a good thing Drew showed up, because he was about to be canned.


Moving forward, she slid down onto a booth at the corner of the counter, well, mostly behind the counter in order to watch the patrons. Motioning for one of her bartenders to bring her a mountain dew, she stretched one long leg over the other, her arms leaning against the counter to keep her propped up and as comfortable as she could be. She was going to watch for a while and then would head out to find her stupid sister.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zekil Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Byf
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0.00 INK

Drew lifted his gaze from his cleaning enough to notice Gabby, his employer, take up a seat in a booth well positioned to look over everything. She had also seemed to notice him and his co-workers, as she seemed to make some sort of gesture he assumed was a greeting towards them.

"Seems like the boss wants something," he said turning to his fellow bartender. "Want to see what it is? I want to focus on cleaning the bar up. Seems like it hasn't been done in a bit."


Looking over the menu Byf found himself pleased with the amount of options he had. It took him a couple moments before he finally decided on how to spend the night. He set the menu flat on the table and looked around aimlessly as he waited for that waitress girl to return.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zekil Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Byf
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zenia
Zekil turns to the backroom door as he spies Gabrielle, he gives her a friendly wave, "Evening Boss." he remarks to her with a smile as he stretches his arms a bit. "Pardon," he comments as he walks behind Drew as he reaches the top shelf and starts to wipe the dust from the shelf. He grabs a bottle as he wipes it down. His wings accidentally bump into Drew, “Kotf, sorry about that.” He apologizes to him. “will try not to do that again.” He adds as he rubs the back of his head.

He turns to Drew as he nods, "Sure...and I did clean it yesterday." he remarks as he walks through the counter and on over to Gabrielle tapping Aiya as he passes her by nodding at the guest.

"Hello Miss. Gabrielle, do you need anything?" he asks her politely.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Zekil Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Byf
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
"Evening, Zekil and Drew. You two teaching Aiya everything she needs to know?" Smiling, she stretched out a little, her brow arching a little when he accidentally hit Drew with his wings. Shaking her head, she pulled out a notepad from her back pocket, jotting down several things that needed to be addressed or changed to make the bar run more efficiently. She had heard the talk that she was a terrible owner and that she was ruining Gambit's, so she decided to do what was needed to make that talk disappear.

"Yes, please. Can I get a Mt. Dew, Zekil? I'd greatly appreciate it." She paused a moment before deciding to add, "and if there's ever an issue you feel needs to be addressed, please feel free to speak with me or Renée. That goes for the rest of you guys and gals." She nodded towards both Drew and Aiya.

"Cryo, I'm only going to tell you this one more time. Your job is security. Nothing else. The cooks can get their own supplies out of the freezer and if they have an issue with that, they can take it up with me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zekil Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Byf
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0.00 INK

"Got it." Drew nodded as he polished a bottle of champagne. He tried not to get too bothered by Zekil's clumsiness, figuring it must be pretty tough to walk around with wings.


"Uh, hi again." Byf smiled at Aiya. "I'd like a mushu shot to start if that's not a problem,"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Zekil Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Byf
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zenia
Zekil nods, "Yep." he replies with a grin. "She will be a great worker here." he offers her as he turns to the freezer spying a very familiar face, "Hey Cyro." he greets his old co-worker with a grin, keeping his wings close to his back...not wanting to knock anything over. "Mount Dew it is Miss. Gabrielle, ice or no ice and can or glass?" he asks her as he spies Aiya did not have anything to write with.

"One moment." he comments as he grabs a shadow and forms it into a notepad and pen as he places it on the table, letting it sink into a shadow before popping up near Aiya for her to use for now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Zekil Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Byf
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
"Hmm... a can, I guess. Normally I'd take it in a glass with ice, but I'm not going to be sticking around much longer. I've got to go find my sister." Sighing, she ran a few fingers through her hair, rubbing her forehead in the process. Everything did seem to be running fairly smoothly, which was fantastic in her eyes. Jotting a few notes down, she glanced back at Cryo and frowned a little. Well, things were mostly running right, but of course there seemed to be a few kinks in the hose, so to speak.

"Are we running out of any supplies that you guys have noticed? I already spoke with the kitchen staff about what supplies they need."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Drew Callahan
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"It's a spicy shot, sour too" Drew commented quietly to Aiya. "It's got a hell of a kick to it too, but for people who like hot stuff it's pretty good."