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Echo Wolf (Alex*)

A Guide and Warrior of the Magic Lands.

0 · 436 views · located in Golden Vale

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Echo Wolf (Alex)


Who am I?
you may ask, and this is what I shall tell you;

I am your Guide, Your Omen, Your Guardian, I am your Follower, Your Leader, Your Protector, I am in your Nightmares, yet you love me to your hearts content, I am Afraid, yet strong. I am the Echo Wolf

So begins...

Echo Wolf (Alex*)'s Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Wings Character Portrait: Jess Thresher Character Portrait: Maegan Davenport Character Portrait: Toh Shirong Character Portrait: Axinn Sparkcross Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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 “ Who am I? you may ask, and this is what I shall tell you;
I am your Guide, Your Omen, Your Guardian, I am your Follower, Your Leader, Your Protector, I am in your Nightmares, yet you love me to your hearts content, I am Afraid, yet strong. I am the Echo Wolf ”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Wings Character Portrait: Jess Thresher Character Portrait: Maegan Davenport Character Portrait: Toh Shirong Character Portrait: Axinn Sparkcross Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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Echo Wolf (Alex*) Wanders Around

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Wings Character Portrait: Jess Thresher Character Portrait: Maegan Davenport Character Portrait: Toh Shirong Character Portrait: Axinn Sparkcross Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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1.00 INK

 “ Hmm.... Where are all of those Humans I saw Earlier.... ”

The setting changes from Empyrean Sea Beach to Golden Vale


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cynder Character Portrait: Trent Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Una Markett Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Serratz
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0.25 INK

 “ Hello? ”

The setting changes from Golden Vale to Empyrean Sea Beach

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Iskjerne Vikings Character Portrait: Urakena Character Portrait: Aquari Character Portrait: Echo Wolf (Alex*)
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Aquari's jaw dropped when she saw the Sea Dragon eat the horse in one fell gulp. Such power... What happened next was a bit confusing to Aquari. The dragon left almost as soon as it had come and it was replaced by a cloudy horse that seemed to catch the man on the beach's gaze.

Now is the time too move Aquari thought looking to the sea.

Aquari started to move when she noticed some kind of creature a ways off a wolf perhaps. It was talking and seemingly looking for something or someone.. Hoping it would catch the attention of the village she scurried out keeping low and heading towards the sea foam unawares that someone was watching her every move.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Iskjerne Vikings Character Portrait: Urakena Character Portrait: Aquari Character Portrait: Echo Wolf (Alex*)
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Sigurd
Hethel could feel a slight chill moving in from the north as he peered up towards the white sky, deciding at that moment that he should leave the settlement and go up into the mountains. Engöll watched Aquari quietly, taking a sip of hot tea before setting his cup down on the table and turning to look at the bow and quiver on the wall above the hall entrance. Aquari the sea elf was unaware that she was being watched as she headed down towards the water, but soon Engöll would step out of the great hall and exit the main gate, following close behind her elven footprints in the sand. Meanwhile, Hethel would make his way back up the bank towards the ringfort, using his long spear as a walking staff as he headed towards the viking fortress.

Aquari kept low as she tried to go unseen, but Engöll was already on to her presence. He followed downwind, his strong sense of smell detecting her scent in the high grass as he followed her tracks on the ground. At that moment he also caught another strong scent, and one that was quite familiar to the ulfhednar. It was a lone wolf, a common animal in these parts, and one that the wolfcoats could relate to. The vikings on the Empyrean Sea Beach were all members of the ulfhednar, a cult of pack hunters who lived, breathed, ate, slept and even sometimes looked or acted like wild wolves. Engöll himself was wearing a grey wolf's pelt as he sank low, crawling on all fours through the tall grass in an effort to sneak up quietly on the elf in his sights. To the unweary traveller, Engöll himself would appear like just another wolf in the area.

But after a few minutes of following Aquari silently, Engöll got close enough to see his target in full view. It was at that instant that he caught a glimpse of Aquari's face for the first time through the tall grass. To his dismay, however, she did not appear to be threatening to the settlement in any way. Still, he had to find out why she had been snooping around the tool sheds, acting so suspicious. Engöll took a deep breath, notched an arrow to his bow, closed one eye and drew back his bowstring. "Stöðvaðu, ekki hreyfa þig" he said, stepping forward from out of the tall grass about nine yards away from Aquari, keeping the bow and arrow aimed at her torso.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Iskjerne Vikings Character Portrait: Urakena Character Portrait: Aquari Character Portrait: Echo Wolf (Alex*)
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Unusually enough, the stark white seafoam mass stayed upon the sands when the rest of the sea retreated. It picked up on the wind and floated. Small little distances. No more than a meter or two at a time. There it bobbled and swayed towards the sea elf. It caught a gust and rose up higher than the heads of Hethel and Aquari. It slowly floated down just as again lightning coursed through the sky, illuminating something within the sea foam.

The setting changes from Empyrean Sea Beach to Golden Vale


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Wolf (Alex*) Character Portrait: Cendor Leotoris
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"Woahhey-watchout!" Screeched the red dragon at Echo Wolf, who he had not seen on this path before. Granted, Cendor was very much in his own head until lightning struck! He looked around for cover, "We should not be out here!"

The static began to build in the air again. Not that anyone would notice, but the daylight seemed a little bit more pink than it usually was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Wolf (Alex*) Character Portrait: Cendor Leotoris
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The edges of the clouds began to visibly pinken. Eras grew stronger, absorbing more of Gaia. Thunder rolled as Eras laughed. Static began again to build in the air.

The setting changes from Golden Vale to Empyrean Sea Beach

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Iskjerne Vikings Character Portrait: Urakena Character Portrait: Aquari Character Portrait: Echo Wolf (Alex*)
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0.25 INK

Aquari had been too focused on whatever was calling her toward the sea where the dragon had been that she almost didn't sense the viking coming up behind her. She silently cursed herself for not paying attention as she turned around to see the viking with a bow and arrow pointed at her. He spoke some strange words that made no sense to her at all.

Aquari looked to the sea and then back at the viking. She could make it she was sure. She thought of the trident on her back or the sword on her hip... no would be too slow. The blue stone in her bag pulsed as if it sensed the danger and was ready for it's power to be released...

Aquari though took a step back raising her hands before her she said. "I mean you no harm i was only trying for the sea...unseen..."

The setting changes from Empyrean Sea Beach to Golden Vale


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eras Character Portrait: Una Markett Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Ni'thorne Character Portrait: Jamie Gisbow Character Portrait: Oaklum Stoneheart
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0.00 INK

"C'mon!" Cendor didn't have time to wait for Echo-Wolf and hoped he followed suit. The young dragon took off towards the Whispering Woods, dodging rains and lightningbolts as they struck. Somewhere along the line he must have made a detour for the worst as suddenly Cendor found himself at the edge of the great Atargatis Lake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eras Character Portrait: Una Markett Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Ni'thorne Character Portrait: Jamie Gisbow Character Portrait: Oaklum Stoneheart
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0.00 INK

A great echo rolled over the vale, coming from the south.
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Far to the south a debris cloud rose from the mountains. There was a slight shake as the ground quaked. The siloughette on the mountainous horizon dipped it's head down on the clouds to brace itself upon a mountain. Before long the scene was obscured by puffed clouds of dirt.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cynder Character Portrait: Trent Character Portrait: Qenna L'Tone Character Portrait: Una Markett Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Serratz
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0.00 INK

Makshab wandered a lonely road far from home. His family had taken his new mission as well as could be expected. Though they were sad to see him leave, they understood The Call could not be ignored. He did not dare risk their lives on the open road, proselytizing to the pagan natives, and risk becoming martyrs. It was with teary good-byes that he left them in the hands of his brother to protect and provide for them.

One year. That was the oath he’d given them. He would return in time for Remembrance Day and the first harvest. If he did not return, then they were to wait for one moon before assuming his death.

He pushed those thoughts out of his mind. Makshab would heed Ha’Ari’s call and would trust in the path before him. If it was his fate to die for his god’s service, then he would submit to His will, but Makshab had faith he would be protected on his journey.

Makshab leaned on his staff and continued going wherever the road would take him.