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Enetra Salent

0 · 517 views · located in Ebouma

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Floorgan


The Revolution of the Sea! Wanted in all ports and guilty of many crimes but freedom loving people.


The Tactical Demise


Overall Stats

Destructive Capability:
It depends alot on the tools given to her.

Current Status








Magic Resistance





How much power this character has in terms of strength and how hard the character hits

How fast this character moves in terms of running to attacks.

How fast this character reacts and realizes.

How well this character is in melee and how well attacks are executed.

How smart this character is in information and analyzing things, objects, and people.

How well this character uses skills/magic

How much damage or injuries this character can take.

Magic Resistance
How much resistance toward magic this character can take as well as endure it.

How much stamina this character has to move around.

How much energy this character has to use skills and magic

How well this character is connected with religion/gods/spirits/

Personal Information

Full Name
Enetra Matilia Talian Salent
Age Appearance
around 27
The Tactial Demise
Winning Sorrow
Mine of the Mind
Sexual Orientation:
She is too busy to be thinking of things like relationships, but if she had to chose, then she would prefer a man, unless it would offer some kind of gain towards her.
Relationship Status:
Relationship History
Has been with some people in the past, but more for personal gain then anything else.
Wing City
Date of Birth:
She follows her own beliefs
She has some battle scars, but nothing too serious.
Physical Condition:
She has a weak right leg, which can be bothersome when doing major physical actions.
Eye Color
Neutral Chaotic
Occupation (Main):
Being a Pirate
Occupation (Sub)
Over the seas
Uhm... She is a Tactitian and a Strategist, and has done the studies needed for jobs related to that.
Common and Pirate?
Current Residence
The Solinous Sea
Former Residence
Wing City
Lives with:
The crew of the Scoundrels of the Solinous Sea
Probably a few, but she doesnt really care about them.
Alot, including Families, a shop-owner and a huge part of the military of Terra.
None that she is aware of.
Political Status
" Survivial of the fittest. Thats the only solution. "
Part of the Scoundrels of the Solinous Sea
Former Affiliations:
She thinks of other people's needs and lives as low value and thinks she is superior to the average person. She is very much an egoist. She also usually overthinks simple thing and tries to create insane plans when not neccesary.
I can not answer this question. I simply lack the knowledge to describe someone's personality.
With Friend(s):
With Lover(s)
With Enemies
General philosophy:
" Hiding the fact that you dont care helps. Sadly enough, I'm not that good at that. "
Uhm... I havent decided yet. Something big involving pirates.
Life's Ambition:
Gaining a superiority to everyone, which is a bit of a high goal.
No idea
Crippling Fear ( Single Biggest Fear):
No idea
Least Outspoken About:
Her own plans.
Most Outspoken About:
How other people's plans will not work.
Psychological Condition:
Uhm... She isnt 100% okay...

ImageImage Equipment ImageImage





Current History

So begins...

Enetra Salent's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Krisandra Character Portrait: Enetra Salent
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0.00 INK

Asleep was Wing City

The whole thing was rather devious, genius even. Due to one of the crew's connections they had 'entered' (the term being used rather loosely here) the previously inaccessaible Ocean Annex dock. Ocean Annex was a new attempt by the Government to bring some sort of order to Terra, a project meant to unite the seas under the hand of the government. Sadly the little group here had heard of it and well, it was basically concensus.

Let's live on the High Seas, s'not like that they were ever going to use these ships, and well, really. Who could use ships more: The Citizens of Terra, or an entire Government that's frequently taken over every second Monday of ever second month,
was the mantra. In short,
Fuck Aslund,
To Hell With Wing City
to boot.

In the end they had a plan, a dangerous plan, a plan that was likely to blow up in their face, a plan that had (as far as they were concerned) never been attempted before. It was the plan of plans, it was planception! It was sure to be a rough ride, but it would be worth it. At least they hoped, gods they hoped.

"This better fuckin' work," grumbled Linus Trucidabunt to the Captain under his breath as they strolled down the dock. They were approaching the gate, the stronghold, the first true mountain to climb in their devious scheme. Personally, he'd about had it with The Captain's plans that tended to get tied all up in knots.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Enetra Salent
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0.00 INK

Enetra Simply watched as the giant gate was opened. She looked at the entrance of it, but didnt decide to move in yet. There was always the possibility of traps and such. Even if they werent expecting trouble. It seemed like Enetra didnt even think about this though, he simply barged into the place widout hesitating. It was slightly annoying to her. " I assume you will be more carefull inside the dock... " She then said while slowly following the man.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Enetra Salent
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0.00 INK

Enetra seemed to release a small laugh at the words of the man. "Still, were supposed to use 'stealth' here, so you might wanna consider being carefull for once. " She then said to the man, before turning towards Krisandra. The woman did have a point there, it would be alot easier to just flood the entire dock. "True, but this idea wont be fatal if we fail, also I dont like the idea of showing them our 'Ace'. Just imagine what would happen if they found out we had you with us." She said to the woman before looking back at the door. "They would probably also give the place a higher security if the plan would fail... And flooding the place could easily be countered by some fancy tricks."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Enetra Salent
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0.00 INK

"Identification," The soldier addressed the next woman.

Enetra stared at the man as he questioned her. She wasnt really great with words and such and would probably not be able to avoid showing some kind of identification, which she didnt have... But well, knowing Krisandra that probably wouldnt be needed. She simply pointed towards her, before saying: "I'm with her." Hopefully the man would atleast talk to Krisandra, otherwise this might get a bit tricky.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Enetra Salent
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0.00 INK

Enetra could barely keep herself from laughing out loud. The words of Krisandra were simply hilarious to her. The poor soldier, he must have been more confused than a sheep in a pack of Alpaca's. That statement actually was very confusing to her and made her question her logic a bit. It seemed to work though... Which was good enough for her. It could be a trap though, which would mean they would be screwed... Who knew what they were planning. Oh well, they had Krisandra, so they would probably be able to get out of it widout a problem. She would then wait until either Krisandra or Linus would enter the place, before heading in herself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Enetra Salent
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0.00 INK

Enetra sighed as she saw the face of the man. It seemed like there were going to be some problems, something which she didnt like. She had hoped that everything would go completely as planned, which was an incredibly dumb thing to think. Maybe it was because of the security, they were trying to steal a 'Top secret super-ship' or something like that. She honestly didnt have alot of experience with hacking and stuff, so she would probably not be able to help here. There wasnt actually that big of a reason for her to be in this place. It was not like she had some kind of power or a twisted tongue like Krisandra, nor did she have some kind of hacking ability or fake credantials.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Enetra Salent
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0.00 INK

Enetra raised a brow as she saw Krisandra walk towards the door. This was certainly going to be interesting... and hectic. She slowly moved closer to the door, while watching the hall. She would probably have to move in quickly after this. Hopefully the woman wouldnt actually do what she was expecting, because if so then the whole idea of stealth was thrown out of the window. And she did, which resulted in her laughing out loud as she rushed through the door. Hopefully this wouldnt result in the plan failing... They were pretty screwed, as everyone in the dock would probably be notified with their presence.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Enetra Salent
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0.00 INK

Enetra simply froze as she heard the soldiers aproach. " Fuck. " She then said before slowly moving back towards the wall. It was all Krisandra's fault, if she hadnt been impatient, then they wouldnt be in this position right now... Hopefully they would be able to find a way out of this place. The mision was probably aborted. There was no way they would be able to get past this, she wouldnt be able to do anyway. Maybe Krisandra would be able to stop them, but she honestly wasnt going to rely on her anymore. She hated that feeling, which was rather strange for someone like her. She wasnt going to say anything, as that would probably only work against her. She wasnt that great with words, and would simply watch for the time being.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Enetra Salent
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0.00 INK

Enetra watched as the man try to convince the group of soldiers. That was certainly not going to work and it seemed like Krisandra wasnt doing anything... For fucks sake, did she really have to do some kind of heroic escape? She could honestly not do anything like that... She didnt have the needed skill or equipment. Neither the power for it. There was simply one thing that she could do, which was create a situation were the others could possibly make a move. She had some experiences with weapons, but not alot. Basic knife stuff and she was pretty accurate with guns and stuff. She prefered crossbows though, widout a valid reason.

Enetra then one handedly pulled something that looked like a grenade, out of her sleeve. It was a bit smaller and had a button instead of a pin. She simply dropped it besides her after pushing the button. After a moment, the grenade would explode, resulting in everyone facing the thing ( Which would probably be most of the soldiers since she had dropped it behind her. Also the people that had their eyes open when it happened would probably be effected by the reflection of the steal walls. ) being blinded by a flash. It would probably work for around four a five seconds, which was more then enough to escape or injure them enough. The only worry was that they might blindly start shooting, which would screw over the whole group. Oh well, she could easily avoid the bullets as she could just move to the side of the wall and duck. She did this. She then reached for the bottle of water she had hidden inside her coat. This way if Krisandra decided to be smart and paying attention, she would be able to use the water to basicly murder them or something. She honestly didnt exactly know how the power worked. It seemed like an extreme version of water-bending to her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Enetra Salent
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0.00 INK

Enetra was incredibly suprised at what had happened, and also very confused... Why the fuck was it suddenly pouring water around her? Did Krisandra do this? If so then how... How did she manage to get so much water into this place... The ventilation systems? That was probably the cause of it. Or there had to be some kind of other way for her to transport the water in. She could probably 'sense' it or something like that. Either that or someone bombed the ceiling, which was incredibly unlikely. Unless the man had notified the captain, which was also a possiblitly.

She then reached for her pistol before aiming it at the soldiers. They would become a bother anyway. She then basicly started to shoot towards them. Her aim was pretty bad though, it was hard to aim while having water race past you.

Enetra then stopped. There was a better option then this. Wait a minute, water everywere around her? Holy fuck, she was going to get fried alive! Everyone was going to die this way. She quickly pulled off her coat as she threw it towards the soldiers. " Get the fuck away from here! " She then shouted towards the man and the woman. She then started to run after Krisandra. She would probably know where to go. " We have to get out of the fucking water, now! " She then added in a rather loud tone. The amount of explosives and electrical stuff that was tied to her body was probably not going fuction that well with all that water around her.

The setting changes from Eastern Seaboard to Ship Yard


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Krisandra Character Portrait: Sandra Viper Character Portrait: Cetus Character Portrait: Enetra Salent Character Portrait: Fuckin' Monkey
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0.00 INK

It was extremely experimental, and ridiculously fun to play with.

They had a small crew together, they had stolen a ship. They had a code, a name, and a monkey. He still wasn't sure how they had acquired that, but hey. Shit happened. They were the Scoundrels of the Solinus. Who said they couldn't have a monkey?

Linus was still grinning, all pumped on Elysium when he activated the stealth of this ship. Alright, let's see what this baby can do, he thought to himself. It would be the ultimate test. Rollin' into port, underwater, sportin' a stolen ship! It would be invisible of course.

He grinned as a ripple passed through him, the mechanics of the ship vibrating through his core. He loved that feeling, the feeling of technology at work. Under the reality augmenting shield, which both deflected dark and absorbed light to create the illusion of no ship at all, the outer modules of the ship began to shift.

Oh yes, this is going to be awesome.

The ships exterior was sealed, under the cloak. There they sat, bobbling far from port, invisible, while Linus prepared some more Elysium to enjoy on the cruise through the underwater. Kicking the button with his foot as he entered a relaxed position, Linus lit up the Elysium and descended into the Solinus Sea.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Krisandra Character Portrait: Sandra Viper Character Portrait: Cetus Character Portrait: Enetra Salent Character Portrait: Fuckin' Monkey
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Krisandra would notice him taking that drug without care and would say, "Really, keep that stuff away from me. In the RIP some creep got that in and it caused a prison riot." sighing she would would be listening to the rolling waves and the singing of the sea, an enchanting song of strife and creation. It spoke to her, it spoke to her, it's very whispers suggesting secrets she had never once heard or uttered, the whole chorus try to worm in and open repressed memories. What did it mean, she had no clear and this did concern her, nonetheless they had a crew and it was certainly clear the captain had thought this all through. Although despite the two techies they had on board, they were still having trouble removing the codes and former programs to make this ship untraceable, it was coming to point, she was ready to suggest just damn see if you can find an actual mechanic, since hackers knew computers but when it came to actual heavy lifting one was smoking a lethal drug Krisandra disliked having on board and the other was unclear in their goals, they had apparently hacked the Terra Stock Exchange.

It was getting to point, they would likely be traced if they did not leave this beach-head soon, not to mention the amount of people who likely wanted her back in RIP and those who wanted them all dead for stealing an experimental Terran Craft, was too numerous to mention, but she had seen the posters, the many posters.

If they did not leave soon, not even this cloak would protect them, her magic perhaps, but being this close to the ocean was insanely dangerous as she would be consumed once for by that constant state of euphoria.

The setting changes from Ship Yard to Ebouma


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Marty the Scarlat macaw Character Portrait: Krisandra Character Portrait: Sandra Viper Character Portrait: Cetus Character Portrait: Enetra Salent
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Having been focusing on the music of the sea and keeping the ocean from ripping them apart, Krisanda heard a loud crash and with that her concentration was blinkered. Not to mention there was loud crash as ocean shot up, and the water grew rough, due to her own anxiety, the ship rocked violently and a sudden clash of thunder was heard, gripping the railings, tightly, her face grew grim as she tried to calm the impending dangers.

Gradually the waves softened and the sky lightened, breathing a heavy sigh of relief, her eyes shot over to the island, the smoke rising up fast, from the crash-site.

They had been exploring nearby islands for any treasure or anything worthwhile, Krisandra had noticed, they were entering a rough area of the sea and swiftly got it under control, to prevent it from crushing their ship into pure oblivion.

Growling she yelled out loudly, "Linus, you're the mechanical man, something just crash-landed nearby to us, think you can get the ship to dock without destroying it?" she was of course part joking, but they still desperately needed that mechanic since Linus was merely just a hacker. Otherwise it could all be grand, nonetheless they had brought a few of the crew with them here, including the strange sea-monster guy, also they were testing out the former criminal as well. It was pretty full, they had all been working on various parts of the ship, but as the noise hit and the reverberation rocked over the ocean and the ground, many started to appear.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Marty the Scarlat macaw Character Portrait: Krisandra Character Portrait: Sandra Viper Character Portrait: Cetus Character Portrait: Enetra Salent
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0.00 INK

Linus fumbled with the intercom as the boat reeled. He had nearly tumbled across the room from the impact, for he had been staring at the radar. A large blip had appeared. He had no idea what it could be, and stared, not looking up until the ship jerked around. There, in the sky, a large smoke trail lead towards the shore they were headed for.

Ohhhh shit, Krisandra sounded pissed, and probably with good reason. Had she lost control of her magic? Managing to press the comm button, he sent through, "Lookin' at radar: Big Fuckin' Thing. Doin' my best up here," He pressed shit and pulled levers, stabilizing the boat and moving it closer towards shore. "Smoke in the sky: Crash from space? Wouldn't be the fi-"

SHZMMMM CRASH! Another large piece of debris landed in the ocean, not far from their boat. The wake of the impact came charging towards them, ushering them to the shoreline.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Marty the Scarlat macaw Character Portrait: Krisandra Character Portrait: Sandra Viper Character Portrait: Cetus Character Portrait: Enetra Salent
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0.00 INK

If there was one thing that a sea—monsterkind was good for, it was either capsizing a ship or keeping it from doing so. As soon as he heard Krisandra's call and saw the large object hurtling from the sky, Cetus abandoned ship. An act that would be considered cowardice if it were any other person, but Cetus was not one to leave his comrades to be ravaged by the fates.
When the entire ship threatened to roll over as the waves from the crashing debris pummeled the small vessel, it was stopped mid roll by what appeared to be a massive wall of shimmering scales that had risen from the deep. It braced the ship against the dangerous waters until they subsided enough for the vessel to manage itself again.

The scales disappeared into the water again, now that everything was safe. Cetus didn't much feel like climbing back onto the boat after that, so he swam alongside it, a nondescript, but large dark blue shape just beneath the surface of the choppy water.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Marty the Scarlat macaw Character Portrait: Krisandra Character Portrait: Cetus Character Portrait: Enetra Salent Character Portrait: Jerry Taki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zenia
Jerry was flung out of his hammock as he landed on the metal ground with a thud, “THE FUCK?!” he snapped as he covered his ears hearing the staticy whine of the machines crying out in agony. “Gah…what is going on? I checked everything yesterday…everything was fine…” the young mechanic muttered as he grabbed his tool belt and clipped that on as well as placing on his goggles and his gloves. He had slept in the rest of his clothing as usual.

Jerry ran out of the room, grabbing his toolbox as he went, weaving in and out of the crew who were in a panic. “MOVE!” he snapped as he elbowed someone out of the way, following the sounds of the screaming machinery. Something was definitely wrong, what though he couldn’t tell the machines were not talking to him…only screaming. He grabbed one crewmate, “What happened?!” he asked as he held them by the collar of their shirt. “We been hit, we are going down!” they explained before breaking free and running off. Jerrys’ eyes widened, “…fuck…that explains all the screaming.” He muttered as he ran towards the control panel. “May be able to do something from here…” he muttered as he placed a hand on the panel, “Listen up and stop your screaming!” he snapped as he grabbed a nearby suit and started to get it on.

“We are…well you are gonna crash with everything in ya…including me. And since I don’t want to die…I need your help in trying to angle the crash a bit.” He muttered to the machine, “Yeah I know it is hard! That you are in pain, but if ya do this you might not die either! You will be hurt severely, but I should be able to fix ya up!” he cried out to it as he was flung a bit as the ship seemed to move a bit. He landed on the ground as he realized his plan may not have been…the smartest. “Ah fuck…” he muttered as he grabbed onto a support beam.

He felt them crash onto the ground and slam into something, but that was it as he was wrenched from the support beam, his head slamming into the wall as his body went limp and slumped against the wall, blood oozing from his head injury before he lost consciousness…the smell of smoke and fire surrounding him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Tantomile Character Portrait: Marty the Scarlat macaw Character Portrait: Krisandra Character Portrait: Sandra Viper Character Portrait: Cetus
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0.00 INK

The last thing Linus remembered was plunging into the sea.

They had crashed, they had crashed again, they had crashed a thousand times over it seemed. Water had surged into the control room. The ship was wrecked and going down, everything was black until he was airborne. With a sploosh Linus didn't even get his last look at the sky. It was somewhere above him well out of reach. The sun glimmered, as if tempting him, daunting him. He was conscious, but wouldn't be for long.

Where were the others? Where was his bird? Their faces flashed before his eyes as the bubbles began to dissipate. He twisted around, panic inflating his heart against his chest. In the distance, nothing, nowhere, not even Ebouma's edges. The water never ended, the darkness began at his fingertips, and Linus knew that surely he would die here. He grabbed at the water, as if it would provide a ladder of ascension. His movements drove him deeper. The light of day was fading fast, and although he felt the currents sweeping him, he was far under. Of this Linus was sure, so with this he resigned to death.

A true watery grave for a true pirate, he mused as his chest began to burn. Linus had stolen and hacked his way up the ladder and had finally made a big steal. Well, a captain goes down with his ship, truly. Linus had manned, driven, and explored the shit out of that thing. He wondered if he would see it in the Tomorrowlands. Darkness crept at the edges of his vision. Linus began to muse on things insane, his body beginning to fit for air. Where would his body end up, on what shore? Where did this current lead? Linus had no idea, so he closed his eyes and let lack of oxygen take him where it will.

He dreamed of the strangest things, of large hippopotamuses hugging him in the night. They were cold and wet, but he felt safe with them near. A cold ribbon of air encircled them, and on it rode the meows of a cat, and the loud and familiar squawks of a certain red macaw.

"Coaugheblegh!" Linus threw his arms to his eyes, shielding them from the light of the sun. Water dribbled down his face and he rolled to heave saltwater and bile onto the shore. He scrambled back a foot, still holding up his arms as he got a look at whoever the hell was trying to- aw hell.

"A'other cat?" He coughed out with half a smile, looking around and collecting his thoughts. The smile faded fast. Far in the distance, a dark cloud of smoke overtook the sky, as if the continent was on fire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Tantomile Character Portrait: Marty the Scarlat macaw Character Portrait: Krisandra Character Portrait: Sandra Viper Character Portrait: Cetus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
By then Tantomile had removed her hood to be able to see easier. Her dark multivolored fur was soaked flat to her skull, her ears pointed up like broken glass sticking out of a ball of sorts. There was a small scar on her nose. "Are you alright ?" She asked to Linus. Concern for the man clear in her eyes and tone. She knew then what he meant by another cat.

"You saw another, like me, solid white, right ?" She asked, thankful that her sisters Understanding Spell was still active. "That was my elder sister. I am trying to find her. But I felt I should find you first. I am glad I did, because apparently Those Who Came Before, figured you'd know more about the Pieces" Tantomile said, she removed from her belt a mostly intact carrying pouch and withdrew a glass globe of sorts with gold symbols across the surface. It was no larger than her fist.

She held it up, It seemed to scan him briefly, She was more concerned with his health over anything else. "This lead me to you. I saw you and your plight in the Vault" She pointed in the direction she initally came, Eastwards. "I do not know why it said to seek you out other then for aid, both for me to give and for you to give me. But then your craft, it does not look to be in the best of condition now does it ?" Her gaze then went back to the ship as it sat in the water, at a dangerous angle to its side. This was not a very good thing. Not a good thing at all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Tantomile Character Portrait: Marty the Scarlat macaw Character Portrait: Krisandra Character Portrait: Sandra Viper Character Portrait: Cetus
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0.00 INK

"Yes, what?" Linus rasped out, rubbing his head. The ocean was growing choppier, his ship was at an angle in the sea. He knew about Pieces alright, pieces of what were once his greatest piracy! Rolling to his feet, he squat on the ground and looked out to the horizon. Krisandra he was sure had made it, she had to of. She had a thing with water, right?

Glancing up at the orb as it scanned him, he thought about the others. Enetra, Cetus, where were they all? Marty? His heart wrenched. Where was Marty? His face found it's way to his hands again as the cat spoke. Where were all these cat people coming from anyway?

"Huh?" Vaults, seeking out, help? Linus barely followed the conversation, but nodded. He doubted he could salvage the ship, and mourned silently for the loss of such a beautiful piece of technology. A moment of silence passed.

"Thanks for the savin'," Linus stood fully and stretched, cringing as his whole body screamed at him to stop.