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You have been exposed to the divine presence of the Dark Emperor. Tread carefully, for the sanctity of your soul and the existence of your world.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by TheNoremac42


The Unweaver


Overall Stats

Destructive Capability:

Current Status








Magic Resistance





How much power this character has in terms of strength and how hard the character hits

How fast this character moves in terms of running to attacks.

How fast this character reacts and realizes.

How well this character is in melee and how well attacks are executed.

How smart this character is in information and analyzing things, objects, and people.

How well this character uses skills/magic

How much damage or injuries this character can take.

Magic Resistance
How much resistance toward magic this character can take as well as endure it.

How much stamina this character has to move around.

How much energy this character has to use skills and magic

How well this character is connected with religion/gods/spirits/

Personal Information

Full Name
The Dark Emperor Erebuz

"Pathetic mortal worm... I forget how much your simplistic minds rely on such restricting barriers as 'when'. Such linearism... My existence spans beyond your feeble concept of time. I existed, I exist, and I will exist. Simply... I am."

Age Appearance


"I, the mighty Erebuz, am the father of the Erebim. They are my creations - my children. However, can a god degrade himself by counting him among his creation? Some... but not I."


"I am known by many names... Most remember my power by 'The Dark Emperor' or simply 'The Emperor'. I am also called The Beast Within, because I am the corrupter of the soul - the darkness within your own heart. I am The All Consuming Darkness, for I dwell at the floor of the Abyss, and it has become a part of me. I am The Dark Serpent, for I come bearing promises of greatness before poisoning your heel. I am The Living Shadow... for I am Erebuz."

Sexual Orientation:
"If I choose to partake in such a primitive ritual, I will do so with some fine wench."

Marital Status:

Relationship Status:
He ocassional


Relationship History

Date of Birth:

Centerpiece of the Cult of Erebuz

Numerous dark runes of destruction, death, and chaos.


The sheer density of his terrible malice is said to sunder the ground beneath his feet.

Physical Condition:
Muscular, fit, god-like perfection.

Eye Color
His gaze is immeasurably ancient, terrifyingly powerful, and darker than the blackest pit of the Abyss

Lawful Evil with Chaotic tendencies

Occupation (Main):
The Unweaver of Existence

Occupation (Sub)

Cosmic being, dark sorcerer, warrior

All languages, including demonic, arcana, and the Ancient Tongue (a mystical and dark language from before time)

Current Residence
The Lake of Nilfheirm below the City of Dis, the Sixth Circle, in Hell

Former Residence
The Void

Lives with:
The countless tormented souls that wander his domain

Alisah: Goddess of Darkness
Evangela: Goddess of Hatred
Yuwaku Kami: God of Temptation
Hitomi: Goddess of Fear

Erebuz sees all who stand in his path as his enemies. Those who choose to stand between him and the domination of the mortal realm will be marked for destruction by the Dark Legion. His most hated enemies are the Aryites, Leolik, Sheodin Thundermane, and Neodin Shadowslayer because they were the only nation thus far who have been able to withstand his onslaught.

Leolik, deity of the Aryites
Sirad, Lucifer of Hell


Political Status
Tyrannical Emperor

The Erebim
The Dark Legion
The Princes of Hell

Former Affiliations:
The Malakhim


Erebuz considers himself the incarnation of the darker emotions within the hearts of mortals. As long as there is hate, rage, or sorrow within the darkest corners of hearts, there is Erebuz, for that is where his power comes from. Even if his Dark Legion is vanquished and his lands cleansed, he will simply go into a dormant state. He is sadistic, malicious, tyrannical, and probably insane. However, by no means is he reckless. Erebuz is also calculating, a master tactician, and a master deceiver. His ultimate goal is to consume the universe in shadow, choke out the life, level the civilizations with his dark armies and fiery brimstone from the heavens, and rule the remains with an iron fist.

With Friend(s):
The word "friend" has a very loose definition with Erebuz. He sees others as assets to be utilized towards his own goals. His kind words are laced with poison and his gifts transform into curses. Those who swear allegiance to him resign themselves to a fate of endless darkness, carnage, and maybe even their deaths.

With Enemies
Those who align themselves against Erebuz and the Dark Legion set themselves in the path complete and utter destruction. Erebuz may toy with his enemies for indefinite periods of time - even for centuries - before crushing them beneath his heel. Though he may manipulate his enemies into furthering his own goals, their fate will remain the same.

General philosophy:
"All things originate in darkness, and to darkness all things return!"

Most Prized Possession (Material Value):

Most Prized Possession (Emotional Value):

The Emperor enjoys slaughtering sentients in the most sadistic ways he can think of, enslaving and/or destroying civilizations, spreading chaos and death, and general widespread destruction. He also gets a kick out of spreading disorder and starting wars.

Erebuz despises those who refuse to serve him along with heroes, holy men, insubordination, and rebellion.

Spreading destruction, performing dark experiments on souls, causing discord among civilizations

Variances between timelines and testing the tenacity of mortals.

To bring all of Existence into its perfect natural state of utter darkness and void.

Life's Ambition:
Unlocking the secrets of the Universe and attaining more power

Erebuz speaks with an incredible intelligence and aura of supremacy.

He behaves with authority and supremacy.

Psychological Condition:

Understands the existence of gods, angels, and demons

He believes that all other creatures are blight upon his perfect domain of darkness, and that they must be cleansed through fire, shadow, and death.

Positive Characteristics:
Incredibly intelligent, inspiring, and a strong leader

Negative Characteristics:
Prideful, arrogant, boastful, sadistic, and cruel.












A black tattered loincloth






Armageddon and Apocalypse

An engraved ring with a white hand


Erebuz conjures a raging storm of raging lightning, surging black clouds, booming thunder, and sheets of acid rain that assault the ground like a continuous volley of arrows.

Utilizing powerful runic magic from before the formation of time, Erebuz can violently rip apart molecules and atoms, reducing stalwart mountains into less than sand and the most powerful of shields into a dispersion of energy.

Cosmic, Astral, and Arcane
Through the course of eternity, Erebuz has unlocked many of the secrets of the universe, giving him access to godlike powers. The foundation of Existence bends to his will, and the fabric of time and space warps at a mere thought.

Dark Arcana
Ancient and terrible dark magic contorts to Erebuz's will. He can use this powerful magic to melt the flesh from his enemies' bones, rip apart their souls, and scorch their beings with dark flames. Not even the most adept of demonic sorcerer's can stand against him.

Shadow Warp
Erebuz can teleport in a cloud of smoke and dark flames, appearing almost anywhere. He passes through a parallel plane - a shadow realm - and usually reappears behind the target he is fighting.

Shadow Dance
Moving at unnatural and seemingly impossible speeds, Erebuz battles with incredible (and deadly) agility, rendering him able to dodge or parry nearly any blow and retaliate with destructive and fierce frenzies.

Conjure Erebim
Pools of darkness erupt around the Emperor. From the pools emerge the Erebim, his "dark angels". They are darkness given life, evil given form, and hate given steel. The Erebim are the beings born from the dark will of Erebuz.

Seed of Heresy
The Emperor reaches into the mind and soul of a person or group of people. He plants a seed - an idea - within them that conjures chaos and division from their peers and society.

Enslave Fanatic
The Emperor reaches into the mind and heart of an individual and bends their will to his own. Consumed by dark zeal for their new deity, they will stop at nothing to bring about his will.

The All Consuming Darkness
Erebuz uses his advanced understanding of the universe to manipulate the dark energies surrounding him. He can also call upon his masterful control over the All Consuming Darkness, the rawest and purest form of darkness, to create gruesome havoc, death, terror, and chaos. A terrible cloud of thick smoke, dark flames, and shadow surrounds him, and consumes everything in its path.

Feats/Achievements List

He has destroyed countless incarnations of the Multiverse. Erebuz is the Ender of All things, the Unweaver of Existence. It is through him that the cycle begins anew.

Current History

Past History

Family History

So begins...

Erebuz's Story


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Character Portrait: Erebuz
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A chilling hair-raising laugh resonated through the tavern like the cackling of a sinister phantom. The light faded away, swallowed by the shadows that consumed the room. Every candle, light bulb, and even the fireplace faded into darkness. As a frigid breeze caressed the faces of those present like Death's cold touch, a powerful presence of malice, despair, chaos, and woe emerged from nothingness.

"Dead fingers talk, dead fingers whisper, dead fingers claw at one million eyes..." whispered a dark Voice. It echoed with the endless screams of a hundred thousand souls writhing in eternal agony across the Void. "The Dark Sister has marked her presence upon this soul, for it bleeds light and hope. It is such a beautiful sight!"

"You are tainted..."
it mocked. "The stain shall never wash out... The sun will never shine upon you again! Tainted. Broken. Little. Toys..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz
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"Gods of my status regard such relationships with ideals differing of nonentities such as yourself." The Voice retorted. "We are colleagues - allies with common goals."

The presence drifted behind Abramo, and a steady sinister breathing drifted down his neck. A low growl resonated through the living darkness that surrounded him. "You can never escape darkness, for that is where you began - and it is where you shall end. You are sightless, for that is the most blessed state of being. It is our gift to you. We have purified you of the cursed light, which is an abomination to us - the Gods of Gods."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz
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The presence uttered a sickening laugh that echoed into his soul. "You resist... You cling to your life as if it actually matters... You will learn... It doesn't matter if you leave. We are inside you. Your heart, your soul, your thoughts will all be blackened. You are a pawn of forces unseen... I only wish to care for you." The Voice chuckled. A long razor sharp claw glided across the surface of Abramo's throat.

"If you were even capable of understanding who I was, then you would have cause to be afraid of being within my divine presence."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz
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"SILENCE!" The Voice thundered, and the heavens echoed his wrath with a booming chorus. A thousand images of worlds scorched in fire, consumed by darkness, and obliterated from existence were seared into his mind's eye. Screams of men, women, and children assailed his ears before being suddenly muffled into gurgled moans of agony and despair. Two sinister eyes drilled through the man's blinding darkness and straight into his soul with a gaze that was immeasurably ancient, incredibly powerful, and blacker than the blackest trench of the Abyss.

"All things originate in darkness, and to darkness all things return! It is you, feeble worm, that is corrupted. You are corrupted with lies. It is only through striving for the All Consuming Darkness, the origin of existence, that you acheive your full potential. There is no escape... not in this life... not in the next. All that you know will fade, for a great wave of darkness will cover your land. We will snuff out every last light, smother every breath from every mouth, and stop the beating of every heart. You will be alone and darkness will swallow you whole! It is US that will return Existence to its pure natural state, that of nothingness - of Void. It is WE that will complete the cycle. It is WE that will restore the entropy and burn away the forest for new growth. It is I that will unweave the fabric all of Existence."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz
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The Voice erupted in a dark laugh. "You amuse me, mortal! You dare to stand against one that is beyond your comprehension, beyond the grasp of time, space, and REALITY!? Hope is an illusion formed from the gray boundary between the real and unreal. Perhaps I will find use for you..." The Voice resonated from the impregnable darkness that consumed the tavern. Abramo would then feel a massive hand, adorned with dagger-like icy claws, constrict over his head.

"Now... Give in to your fear..." He whispered into his mind.

From the dark god's hand erupted a fountain of negative energy. Writhing darkness poured from it like a living ooze that surged into every crevice of his cranium. It flooded his mouth, throat, nostrils, and eyes. With the darkness came a sinister nature that latched onto his soul. He was his God. He was the One God. Darkness was his cocoon - his swaddling blanket. It was his savior, his master, his teacher, and his tool.

The invisible cosmic being then tossed the man across the room with a flick of his wrist.

The thick shadows receded and the light returned. As the bar returned to its natural state, the malicious presence departed.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to The Monastery


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Baelin Alshadow Character Portrait: Aiedai Nasazura
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"He is always here..." he groaned. "He is within every shadow, every soul, every heart and every mind. He is your passion, your hate, your sorrow and suffering, and your rage. He is the Beast Within. He is us, and we are One."

When Aiedai attempted to delve into the prophet's being, she was greeted by a maddening silence, a pure everlasting darkness, and an unblemished void. It surrounded her like a placid sea of Nothingness. In truth, Baelin was little more than a construct, crafted from the purest of dark energies and patterned after the shattered and tortured shell of a forgotten and nameless soul. However, it was a construct crafted to be a vessel and conduit of great power - the power to warp minds and win hearts... The power of a cosmic being that existed beyond the Multiverse and its incarnations.

Then a Voice ruptured the silence. The voice echoed with unnumbered and countless souls writhing in eternal agony beyond the scope of Existence. Behind the Voice was a supreme authority and iron will that could shatter worlds and gods with a mere thought. With an amused irritation, it chuckled darkly at the nonentity that had the misfortune of crossing its path.

The dark void churned and gave way to reveal a massive crystalline ice shard that pierced through reality itself. From within, a dark shape shimmered at the being's approach. Large weathered wings, black as night, flexed open. A powerful weight pressed upon Aiedai's shoulders as a gaze that was immeasurably ancient, terrifyingly powerful, and darker than the deepest trench of the Abyss glared at her with sadistic amusement.

"State your name, temporary nonentity, and why you have placed yourself against my servant." he spoke with a voice that rattled the foundation of Existence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Baelin Alshadow Character Portrait: Aiedai Nasazura
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#, as written by Script
Aiedai's mental representation was substantially different to her physical one. Rather than appearing as a mere girl, the true formation of her mind was shown - girl, dragon, phoenix, lion and horse, all entwined together in one starry spirit. As a mere psychic projection, pulled into this visual representation of Baelin's mind by the entity's machinations, she did not fully exist within it, instead seeming foggy and insubstantial. "Our names are unimportant. Your servant chose his base of operations poorly, and came to our attention. We deemed him an intolerable presence and act to remove him." she projected back at the being that presented itself to her. She seemed unfettered by the visage before her, unthreatened.

"You will find that there is far more standing in your path than us. We interfere with your mortal construct for that is within our reach, for we can remove him. We are not gods, we make no claim to command the power necessary to face you should you reach our realm." She paused, gesturing around, "But this is not our realm, it is what qualifies as the mind of your servant. And you have more barriers than mere immortals to pass through before you have hope of taking the realm of man for your own. You are not the only god, and there are rules even for you."

She spread her arms, the four animalistic representations of the stars within her rising, "So do as you will, removing this extension of us will not harm us. Your full power cannot be brought to bear against us through your mortal construct, and we are confident we can overcome him."

The setting changes from The Monastery to The Dark Halls


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sirad Character Portrait: Erebuz
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0.00 INK

She stood in the Halls of Dis, with a cruel smirk, as she awaited her lapdog. She had decided to do something that would fuck up everyone plans. Her and Eve would vanish and no one would know where she was, and to keep the fools distracted she intended to open Hell to the mortals, make them think they can be powerful. Of course Erebuz probably knew she was leaving, but that mattered not. Sirad cared nothing for his qualms, she knew he would not mind her gone, and if he asked, she would answer in her usual fashion, but for now, she waited. Plans. So many plans. So much chaos to throw on everyone and even worse, she sealed the throne room so no one could enter, not anyone. This was to stop any potential liabilities. Everything was going according to plan. Sealing Hell would not fix things, but sealing the throne room, now that would put a snag in everyones schemes.

The darkness that floated above the blackened ground like a dense, unnatural fog began to take form. It grew, swirled, churned, and molded into a pillar of smoke that hovered several feet from the floor. Slowly the pillar solidified and sprouted tendrils that writhed through the air. Dark limbs and wings molded themselves from them. They hung loosely yet sternly beside the body that now hovered above the ground. Two black feathered wings spread out from him, casting a sinister spiritual shadow over the hall. Gnarled curled horns spiraled from his forehead as a gaze that was immeasurably ancient, terrifyingly powerful, and darker than the blackest pit eyed Sirad expectantly. An aura of insuperable malice, dark hatred, and endless suffering flowed from him like a fountain of death and terror.

"You called?" the Lord of Dis said in a voice that equaled his awful ambiance.

"'Ery glad you are here, Eve and I going on Vacation and want you to look after the place. How's that sound? Note I will not be found, nor will she. We are sick of your meddling and others, so we're just vanishing, got it. Non-entities you could say. But I am giving ya something in return - the key to the portals of Hell and well how about we discuss business? I am sure you are intrigued and well if you got any questions. I have no bother answering them, but no one controls Hell as of now. The throneroom is sealed and won't open unless we decree it."

The shrouded brow of The Emperor lifted at the words of the female Lucifer.
"This is an... interesting turn of events." he replied. "I am curious of the reactions from the other Princes, but I am sure Mammon will utilize this opportunity to wrest control and the support of the other Princes. What of the sealing of Hell itself? Will the dead and damned be again allowed passage into the Lake of Fire? I am sure Thanatos has been very busy as of late while directing the flow of souls to new storage."
"What kind of business?"

"I am not insane, I am not sealing Hell - just the Throne Room which means no one can wrest control and as to how it's sealed, I searched deep and far to find a way and it was not easy. Now as for that cunt, he can go fuck himself. He can try rule without the Throne, but as it is, no one can do anything. I trust you more, and know you hate imprisonment I gave ya, but at least know ya don't care about my throne. As for your kin, they are quiet and for that I am happy. No one can unseal the throne room and those who try will find themselves in trouble. But as for other matters, I suggest you use your new power to hold a tournament, and to prevent any fucking pretenders, here's deal. I will give ya the power to banish people into the Phlegethon --- if they break your rules, you can instant kill them."

The phantom of Erebuz sneered at the irony of the situation. It was he, the outsider and truly the most powerful being in the realm, that Lucifer entrusted with the order of the Damned Realm. It was he, the destroyer of Heavens, Earths, and Hells, that the ruler of the plain offered confidence.
"You flatter me, Sirad." the cosmic being responded. "And with such colorful language as well. I consider the liabilities and strings that are bound with our agreement to only be a minor setback. I have no cause to betray our confidence this millenia - as at this time we are in a mutually beneficial partnership. As for this tournament, I believe it will serve as a fitting beginning for this new age of the Underworld."

"What of our original agreement?"

"I am not a moron. I know what you think. I admit the irony is rather hilarious, but well I don't make friends and you have no qualms with me. If you wish to murder Mammon, you can. As for original agreement, that is still in existence. I know people want me dead, wanna know funny thing Erebuz, I never even asked for this. Everyone shot me down, and now look at me. 'If my friends could see me now'." She laughed rolling her eyes, "If people cheat, I expect you to punish them. You are not Lucifer, nor are ya King. No one is. Hell is lawless and without order, I will not hand over control. I am vanishing, I may be back, but that is debatable... In the end, I know you will like this, but the Throne Room is sealed and will stay for eternity, I am sick of people trying to preform underhanded tactics to depose me. Try run the place when you have no power. I am not rewarding you Erebuz, I am punishing you by giving you my weight." the Lucifer sighed, fatigue in her gaze, "In the end, you are only one who does not want me dead."

Erebuz retained a neutral face until she finished. He smirked.

"Very well. I will take this weight, and perhaps bring order to the lawless by a fist of iron and tongue of silver. There is no shame in this. You are young and lacking in experience as a leader. I am an emperor that has conquered and raised armies for a thousand trillion cycles of Creation. You leave your domain in capable hands."

"Have a... pleasant eternity."

With that she bow low, "Oh and one last thing, if people try group up in the Tournament, one thing, only one thing, make them fight one another before they get to the end. A fight to the death. There shall only be one winner, only one winner." With those words, she vanished leaving Hell for eternity, who knew, but the Throne Room would remain sealed Hell had no leader. No king. Lucifer was gone, the first and the second.

The setting changes from The Dark Halls to Wing City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Storm-Shadow Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Ereb Alpha Troopers
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Shadow-Sabre and Verhasst raced down the street, dark matter rifles in hand, towards the destruction. While the police escorted the civilians from the danger zone, the Ereb Alpha Troopers mobilized to combat the rogue dragon. The cyborg super soldiers sprinted through the street, leaping over toppled cars in single strides. They slid to a halt when Draco was in view.

"Paia!" Shadow-Sabre called out on their comm channel. "Give me some intel. Are the Gargoyles and Minotaurs mobilized? What's the view from the Crow's Nest?"

<< Affirmative. Drones have been deployed and are inbound. Supernatural energies are spiking. I'm sensing a strong electromagnetic field along with fluctuation in spacetime. Advised that you stay mobile and flank Draco at multiple positions. Formulating attack plan and plotting unit routes. >>

"Acknowledged." replied Shadow-Sabre before making a global broadcast. "You heard her! Surround that overgrown lizard. Air support is on its way. Stay moving! Storm-Shadow, how's everything on your end? Is your team mobilized?"

The Alpha Troopers formed into rotating strike teams that circled the perimeter of the dragon. They periodically halted behind cover and unleashed a barrage of concentrated pulses of dark matter at the dragon. Their lancers charged while blasters provided cover fire before unleashing a powerful pulse of concentrated dark matter. Then, as quickly as they entrenched, they retreated to another position.

Meanwhile, several large spheres zipped along the streets from every direction. They weaved between the fleeing and flipped cars as they advanced towards the frontline. Upon reaching the core of the destruction, they collapsed and reassembled their outward panels. Titanic robotic figures that towered at nearly a story stood shoulder to shoulder along the streets. The droids glared at the dragon with their robotic crimson eyes. Missile launchers, gatling guns, and dark matter cannons materialized from various panels across their arms, chests, and shoulders. Finally, the assault droids deployed a bombardment of gun fire and anti-matter warheads onto the dragon's flanks.

Dozens of slick black objects zoomed through the air with deft agility, dodging streaks of lightning with super-human reflexes. The drones joined the fight - buzzing about the dragon like flies as they fired their missiles and guns. A bolt of lightning ripped through the air on a direct collision course with a drone, but the fighter shattered into a thousand pieces like glass. As the lightning passed through empty air, the shards reassembled into the black drone several meters away.

As the destruction unfolded, an ominous figure observed from atop Ereb Tower. Two black feathered wings, drenched in writhing darkness, spread out over the city. Penetrating eyes, blacker than the blackest trench of the Abyss, pierced through both concrete and steel into every soul of the city below. His clawed hands clenched as a corrupted cosmic energy coursed around him. Gnarled horns spiraled upward from his forehead. An aura of terrible malice and god-like power surrounded the being like an impenetrable blanket of chaos.

"Yes..." he whispered to himself. "Feed, my new pet. Feed upon their terror. Relish the death and destruction. Cast more souls into the Pit for your master's legion. Destroy and kill in my name and remind these pitiful beings of their place!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Storm-Shadow Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Ereb Alpha Troopers
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#, as written by Lorawr
Jessica looked around as she crouched beneath the arch, before turning to the stone that she took shelter beneath. Her pen scratched at the stone already. 'And the heat of the day granted the grand arch protection from the destruction caused by lightning and thunder, and sheer titanic force.' And with the final stop on the end of the sentence, the stone shimmered and it appeared as though she looked out at the rest of the world through a fine curtain of water. But she was safe, for now. Power radiated from the small structure like blood from a wound. The enchantment, powerful as it was, wouldn't last long. But she had a few minutes of recovery time.

From her place in relative safety, Jessica watched the dragon, and evaluated her own situation. She was wearing her own typical traveling clothes - leather pants, with her white shirt tucked in. Her leather boots were knee high, and her satchel bag was on the ground at her feet. Her hair though...Jessica was glad she was nowhere near any solid reflective surfaces. Her normally perfectly groomed blonde hair was filthy with settling dust, and tangled beyond recognition almost. Scowling at the dragon, she bound her hair back with a scarf dug up from the depths of her bag.

Settling back on the ground, Jessica watched the dragon as it raged through the city, and buildings crumbled beneath its fury. Lightning cracked several times, and twice it struck the arch that she hid beneath, but the enchantment held. The first time, she flinched, but after that she was too busy trying to plan an escape as the water effect that the shield appeared as faded to little more than a pathetic drizzle.

The last shimmer of the shield faded, and Jessica became acutely aware that she had mere seconds before something struck her. Fear hit her again, but this time, she was prepared. Shouting from nearby told her that there were people coming to contain the situation, and adrenaline began to thrum through her. And that was why the hand that appeared from behind her made her jump.

"You're so dead if you don't grab my hand."

Jessica gasped and spun, her hand going to the knife she carried on her leg as she saw the man that stood behind her. She took a moment to look at him, judging whether or not she could trust him or not. But, at the end of the day, the wild excitement in the mans eyes and his shout over the chaos told her she was probably safer with him. Not that she needed a man to protect her, of course. She stood, taking her time before putting her hand in his, silently reasserting that she was capable of looking after herself.

In reply, she simply grinned and nodded "Lead on"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Storm-Shadow Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Ereb Alpha Troopers
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0.00 INK

Storm-Shadow and his team, also consisting of Phoenix Rose ran down the street. "Affirmative, Shadow Sabre, we're in position." The soldier looked at the beast that was Draco as he let out another blast of lightning from his maw, aiming to destroy the drones that flew around him and the buildings in front of him. His tail swung around, narrowly missing the drones and smashing into buildings, making them crumble. Draco, what have you done... Let's move out! Get to cover and wait for my order to fire!" Storm-Shadow yelled. Him and his team then bounded down the street and took cover behind some flipped over cars.

The shots the drones and other Alpha Troopers fired would just seem to pass through the body of Draco. His wings spread themselves, flapping hard, forming a strong wind that made buildings sway, and crumble if they were weak, it also flipped over vehicles and would push away the drones. Lightning started to flash around the city, the bolts getting seemingly larger and larger.

Storm-Shadow observed the dragon and growled, his own growl draconian in away as his right arm had now shifted, becoming a draconian claw that he was using to funnel his own lightning around. "Ready, fire!" he barked. While his team would fire their dark matter pulses, he would lift up his arm and fire his own concentrated bolt of lightning.

The pulses of dark matter would pass through the Dragon, but the lightning would not, it would hit Draco in the wing and the great head of the dragon would turn to look at Storm-Shadow. "I was beginning to wonder when you'd show up, James. You're powers have improved, now let's see if they've improved enough." The dragon said with an amused growl. A massive bolt of lightning struck down from the heavens in-between the Ereb Alpha Troopers and Draco. Once the lightning had vanished, so had the dragon.

"Where'd it go?" one of the Troopers asked in a frantic tone.

"Up" Storm-Shadow would say while unsheathing his Ereb Katana with his Draconian right hand. By now his left hand had also morphed into a draconian one.

<< Storm-Shadow, it is advised you stay on the ground. >> Paia, his AI said. Though it was too late.

Another bolt of lightning flashed, and this time, Storm-Shadow was gone.

Way above the streets of the city, the dragon and the soldier some-what hovered in the air before the soldier vanished and reappeared, aiming to slash through Draco's side with an electrically charged blade, surprised when it actually hit the body of a dragon made of pure shadow.

The dragon opened its maw in another roar before smacking Storm-shadow with his tail. "Didn't anyone ever tell you it isn't nice to strike the one who both saved your life, and made you into what you are?" The dragon mocked as the soldier flew through the air, and down to the ground, where he would smash into the concrete. The fall would have killed a normal super soldier, but ...Storm-Shadow wasn't normal in the slightest. He got back up, and walked out of the crater he had formed.

The dragon seemed to smirk, charging up another blast of charged lightning before launching it straight at Storm-Shadow.

"Everyone move!" a female voice among the Alpha Troopers yelled. She didn't have to say it twice. The soldiers moved back, out of range of the blast.

Storm-Shadow, however, didn't move. He raised his katana to block the blast, letting out his most savage battle cry to date as he did and was completely enveloped in the blast. When the blast was diminished, Storm-Shadow was gone.

The dragon roared in triumph of his victory over what he had created a few years ago, only for the roar to be cut off as the blast he had unleashed was sent towards him from the supercharged blade of an Ereb Katana. The blast slammed into Draco's side, and the dragon roared in pain as it hit, wings flapping hard to stay air-born.

Storm-Shadow then appeared on the ground near the other Alpha Troopers. "That's it. I don't have another blast like that in me." he said, his arms shifting back to normal as he dropped to one knee, breathing hard. After a second or two, he stood again. "Troopers, if you have the amount of control to shoot lightning, I'd suggest you do it. It's the only way to hurt him so far."

Draco soon stabilized himself and landed on top of some buildings, smashing them beneath his feet and body. He then sank into the ground, and the giant pool of shadow moved to a more populated part of Wing City before he reemerged from the shadow, releasing another beam of concentrated lightning, destroying everything in his path. His great tail swung and toppled buildings. He let out another great, bellowing roar. He then let out another breath, this time it was a black mist, and all who inhaled it started fighting among each other to the death before moving onto the next person they laid their eyes on. The great Dragon of Shadow had turned Wing Cities citizens against each other, the darkness in their hearts awakened and burning like raging fires.

A dark, demonic laugh erupted from Draco's maw as he moved through the city streets. He saw a large group of children. "Aw, isn't that precious, the little pure children are cowing in fear before the Dragon of Death. Well, don't worry, it'll all be over soon." he growled as his maw opened and came down upon the group of children, chewing them up and eating them. "Tasty" he growled as his wings flapped again, letting him take off into the air now.

He'd forgotten about the drones, but since they seemed to be not very effective, he didn't need to worry about them.

Now the lightning in his body swirled and concentrated in his maw again, but after the normal charge time of five seconds, he didn't release the blast, he kept charging it, his body glowing brighter and brighter the longer he charged it. After a grueling sixty seconds, he released the blast, not at the ground, but at the sky, and into the clouds. What occurred next would do quite a bit of damage. Lightning seemed to strike at a rate of thirty bolts per second and all around the city. The bolts were seemingly aimed at people, hospitals, and schools, catching them on fire, vaporizing them, or making the buildings collapse and kill all who were inside. While this was happening, Draco let out another lightning blast towards the city, destroying more and more buildings, vehicles and people. The rate of the lightning bolts continued for ten seconds before going back to normal. The people that survived continued to fight among one another like wild beasts.

And all the dragon did was laugh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Storm-Shadow
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0.00 INK

Aschen High Space Command
Reverence I 'Nascent Echo'

Off in the horizon, just beyond the city limits beheld a bulbous figure in the distance. The form of this alien vessel was rather easily recognizeable as the Aschen Reverence class planetary assault carrier. The Ship loomed in the distance and yet it silently began to creep ever so closer.

Admiral Shiela Nagala, though originally assigned to oversee the Home Fleet happened to have been in command of this magestic piece of Aschen military technology. She watched as the shadow dragon rampaged through the city. Her emerald green eyes surveyed the flickering three-dimensional representation of the city before them in total silence, despite the cacophony of noise and activity surrounding her.

A moment went by and she raised her slender fingertips, turning the hologram and plotting a wide path around the city. "AI, Perform these maneuvers and prepare for a full broadside, all deck guns primed and ready for discharge." She ordered, and the AI nodded in reply. "Affirmative, executing maneuvers."

Nagala took a step back, then took a deep breath.

"All hands Action stations!" She called out, and what was a low drumming sound of chaos, became an excited state, the crew ran to their stations and everyone prepared for battle. All while this lone raven haired woman stood ensconced in the ships Combat Information Center, surrounded by flickering screens and displays that kept her up to date on her surroundings.

The ship itself lurched forward, and those outside and beyond, especially those within the City itself would hear a deafening crack, which escalated into a low thundering growl slowly increasing in both pitch and volume.

A towering Wing City skyscraper loomed behing Felix and Jessica, however, so did the deafening roar as the three mile long, alien and bulbous Aschen Reverence Class Carrier passed over them. The sounds could be described as standing up close to a fully throttled jet engine. The massive ship passed overhead no more than a thousand meters above them, allowing the pair to fully appreciate the mechanical detail of the belly of this ship. Once the ship had passed over them, it rapidly began to climb and gain altitude, circling broadly around Draco like a vulture eyeing it's prey.

Aboard the ship's CIC Nagala looked on, then turned to the flickering representation of the ship's AI.

"Commence fire."

Nearly a dozen deafening thunderclaps followed, and the ship unleashed a full broadside of Turbo-disruptor shots towards the dragon being, one after another as the volley of green bolts careened towards the beast, each carrying the explosive force of a small thermonuclear explosion, capable of liquefying concrete and metal alike in a violent explosion of thermally expanding air, liquefied debris, and shrapnel in all directions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Storm-Shadow
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0.00 INK

Nare was running down the street, running away from an old lady swinging her purse at him. He didn't understand why that was happening, but he didn't think it would be right to fight back. The mist that was causing everyone else to fight seemed to not affect the recently raised Zombie, as he didn't need to breath anymore. As he kept running, he could see other people were fighting all around him. He barely registered them in his mind as he kept running.

He looked up and could see what looked like a giant shadow monster rampaging the streets. Nare didn't know what to do, so he turned around and tripped the old lady, making her fall to the ground. He didn't care if she were hurt from it though. It freed him from being chased for a little bit of time.

He then yelled over the fighting, "Just what the hell is going on?!" He looked around, wondering just what to do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Storm-Shadow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gasmask
Felix took a tight grip of her hand and started to run down the street, avoiding debris and the crackling energies and mist. The mist around him put his mind into different places, it made him want to attack this woman who'd he just met and he had to say, the most damn fine beauty he'd seen in his life that topped even the jewel-encrusted brown lady he'd met a few years ago.

Felix looked down at their connected hands and refused the mind-altering mess of neurons in that mist and then they shot forward and the air around them would begin to feel tight, almost constricting until the wreckage ahead of them disappeared in a haze. If Jessica's magic permitted it to do so, it was a clean teleport to a skyscraper in a distant cityblock.

The only noise apart from the distant roars and soldiers playing hero was the hum of a nearby aircon behind them. Felix put his hands to his knees and wiped the blood dripping from his nose, panting into the cool air around them instead of the thick, dirty mist that had permeated the city streets a few blocks away.

Felix sniffed and brought out his arms lazily in a welcoming gesture. "Welcome to Wing City."

Hopefully he wasn't talking to just himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Storm-Shadow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kirei

Those were the first words that came out of a certain man's mouth upon stepping out of a generated spacetime vortex, and arriving at the famed capital known only as 'Wing City'. While its unique, vast architecture - underneath the heavy downfall of rain and bolts of lightning - appeared to be somewhat promising for a man who had seen more of this vast reality than anybody else currently alive, there was something far more pressing at the moment. To be more specific, the gigantic mass of what could only be defined as primordial darkness, in the shape of a dragonoid creature. This certainly wasn't what he'd been expecting.

This was supposed to be his vacation, his time off. That was the reason why he had gone off to this city in particular, which held potential like none other. The amount of people here, of warriors and of magicians, who held talent were far more than he could count through his senses alone. They should've been capable of demolishing any threat within minutes, so the fact that this thing lasted as long as it did was much less than impressive.

Standing on one foot at the point of the tallest skyscraper at the center of Wing City, having gone unnoticed, he observed as many others battled against the dragonic monster. Why were they attempting such a foolish act? What were they hoping to achieve against something that had no definite form? For he, whom had faced eldritch abominations and lived, he had to admit it was laughable.

Looking down upon the city, Protheus Maximus, as the one and only Herald of Darkness, couldn't help but be very amused.

Judging by the amounts of lightning that Draco kept generating, it must've been running on them as if it were blood. Lightning and shadows - what an annoying combination. Having spent the past fifteen minutes analyzing this monstrosity composed of shadows, figuring out what was effective and what wasn't against it,while scaling its prowess and capabilities, he immediately determined that it probably wouldn't be the best idea to go against it.

They were both native to the darkness, after all. It couldn't be helped. Against his better judgment, he stepped off the skyscraper and let himself float in the air, unperturbed by the heavy winds and the powerful downpour.

"It won't be fun if you died too quickly." Protheus chuckled, and proceeded on to chant a series of Ancient Egyptian words.

As he spoke, his words weighed heavily on the air around the city, and slowly but surely, all electrical power central to the city were being cut off, beginning with the upper levels. More importantly, the lights were dying out, machinery were automatically switching off, and self-sufficient devices were beginning to experience malfunctions and shortages, and all the while communication devices were being blocked out by an alien humming. While he couldn't be sure if it would work on the nearby planetary assault carrier, he was counting upon it.

What he was doing was essentially emitting a personally-generated magical jamming signal that would affect all electrical devices and machinery, thereby dampening any attempt by more advanced technologies to engage in combat against Draco, essentially making it easier for the monster to resume its rampage.

Once Protheus had concluded with his spell, he sat back on the skyscraper with a satisfied grin. Now, it would continue on by itself,and due to the magnitude of the city, it quite possibly wouldn't last longer than an hour, but that was more than enough for the devastation to be dealt.

"Are you going to thank me or not... fellow being of the shadows?" He said in an amused tone, directly above the enormity of the city, though he didn't actually expect to get an answer from Draco.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Storm-Shadow
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0.00 INK

Shadow-Sabre cursed as he narrowly dodged a bolt of lightning. He dove beneath a fractured slab of pavement for cover. The psychotropic gas was adequately filtered through their helmets, but the same could not be said for the hundreds of civilians that were fleeing from the destruction. Panicked crowds had transformed into violent mobs.

"Switch to stun pulsers!" he ordered. "Paia, have the Minotaurs pacify those mobs with their concussive cannons and make their way closer to Draco."

As the Alpha Troopers assaulted the raving mob with incapacitating bolts of electricity, the droids steadily made their way closer to the source of the destruction. They punched through the crowd with short sonic bursts to stun the rioters while attempting to approach Draco.

When the ground shook at the entry of the Aschen vessel, Verhasst's eyes widened at the sight. "Govno... Get down! Get down!" he shouted over his external speaker before diving under the wreckage of a car. The inferno washed over the landscape, vaporizing civilians and melting pavement into black slag.

"Everyone still alive?!" Agares's voice chirped on their channel.

"Chyort voz'mi!" Nikolai cursed in Russian. "Why the Hell are the Aschen dogs here?!"

"I don't know, but I think they've caused about as much damage as the dragon did... How many do you think that blast killed, a few hundred?"

"That or more... Let's take down that dragon, THEN we'll worry about those bastards..."

"Agreed. Paia, how's that containment field coming?"

<< Activating now... >>

Once the Minotaur droids reached fifty yards from the feet of Draco, they anchored their feet into the molten concrete with massive serrated hooks. Large panels slid open along their chest to reveal two enormous electrodes encased in a glass tube. They sparked to life, generating a blinding light that shot out in a cone towards Draco. There were eight droids in all - two on each side of the dragon. Together, their powerful spotlights washed away every shadow at Draco's feet.

Meanwhile, the Gargoyle drones had formed a wide dome around the dragon - absorbing the lightning bolts that drew near them. Then, as one, they generated a massive electromagnetic field as sparks of electricity danced between the drones. Once the net was formed, every bolt of lightning Draco sent out would reflect back upon him. The drones slowly drew closer and tightened the net.

<< Containment field in place. With that electrical net containing his lightning and those carbon arc spotlights dispelling every shadow, he shouldn't be able to escape or cause any more damage. >>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Storm-Shadow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kirei
However, as the drones went into position, Protheus had already gone into action. Since his spell wouldn't immediately take effect and disrupt all electricity in the city, he would have to act as support for the dragon in the meantime. Opening up a portal of shadows, he jumped into it, and exited out by the shadow dragon. As he did so and inspected the current situation from above, while levitating in the air, a small grin formed throughout his face.

<< Containment field in place. With that electrical net containing his lightning and those carbon arc spotlights dispelling every shadow, he shouldn't be able to escape or cause any more damage. >>

"What containment field?" Protheus laughed out, quickly unsheathing his dark sword.

As the net were being tightened, the Gargoyle drones suddenly found themselves being sliced apart one after another, the levitating culprit seemingly not even moving his sword as they were. Dashing from one to another, making a ring across the dragon, they were continually diced into nothing more than mechanical parts. With half of the drones wiped out and the net insufficient, before Draco could do the job himself, Protheus disappeared off into another portal and teleported by the eight Minotaur drones. Basking in the face of such intense light, even after closing his eyes he could feel it. And it hurt, a lot, but not as much as it would hurt that dragon. That was why he had to get rid of it.

Now, one might certainly be wondering why anyone would ever aid such a being. Indeed, it was strange for him to be aiding the monster, but not only were they of the shadows and kin, but he was also bored. Somehow, today he felt more like hearing the screams of children than hearing the cheers of triumphant victory.

"Al-buraaq el-mawt. Al-buraaq el-mawt. Al-buraaq el-mawt."

Thrusting his arms out, he chanted the same words over and over, chanting a spell that once again generated a jamming signal. Though he would only be able to deactivate four of the eight droids for now, that would be more than enough. Then, each of their four sets of enormous electrodes suddenly malfunctioned - before dying out entirely, like a lamp would. With the absence of the carbon arc spotlights, the effect was instantaneous, half of the bright light going away.

Once it was gone, he sighed and wiped his forehead as if he'd been sweating. That, of course, was only a gesture since his body was incapable of such functions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Storm-Shadow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
Jessica ran recklessly, trusting her body to move with the utmost efficiency...and it did. Her footing was nigh on perfect as she followed the stranger through the rubble, and ducking wildly at the slightest crack of thunder lest a building collapse behind her. And she had never run so fast in her life. It was sheer excitement, exhilaration, and ecstasy, knowing that any moment a rock could fall on her head or she could be hit by a stray bolt of lightning and she would just cease to exist as a human being. Fear thrummed through her veins instead of blood and made her legs pump harder just as her lungs felt fit to burst. She was athletic enough, yet somehow, the terror of the situation made the colors seem brighter even as she ran past them.

The man in front of her led her unerringly onwards, with her hand clasped in his. Running as she was, she couldn't get a good look at him, but was inclined to trust him from the brief glances that she got of her 'savior' as they ran together. He wasn't all that bad looking, and the fact that she could have a thought like this at this particular moment in time almost made her giggle. Slowly though, the air seemed to become thicker and her thoughts became cloudy.

Who was this man? She should never trust strangers, particularly men like him. She should kill him. Yes, kill him now before...

Jessica stumbled, and almost fell as she tripped over a piece of fencing. What was she thinking? Kill? And then she realized that something was affecting her. Sudden fear consumed her, and she ran faster, clutching onto the strangers hand as though she were drowning.

Abruptly, Jessica became aware of a sort of tension building in the stranger, and then she tripped again, and the horrendous noise of battle and thunder ceased. Jessica landed in a confused heap on the floor by the table she had just stumbled over, coughing as though she had been in a room full of smoke. Her chest heaved up and down as she caught her breath, and she just lay there on the luxuriously thick carpet, her eyes closed as she became aware of the cool room and the battle that continued in the distance. What the hell had just happened?

It took a while, a few minutes, before Jessica finally sat up and dragged herself to her feet. Unsteadily, she swayed, before shaking her head slowly and looking at the man that had...teleported(?) her away as he introduced her to the city. "Welcome to Wing City."

And then, Jessica did giggle at the sheer absurdity of the gesture. She looked up at him, and smiled sweetly as she dropped her quill back into the satchel bag that she had dragged with her all this way. When Jessica spoke, she was still a little overwhelmed by her situation, but she did her best to respond kindly. "Wing City. Thank you...I traveled a long way to be here and...It's wonderful to see the town so clean when I do" She giggled again at her rubbish joke.

Taking a deep breath, the woman whose hair was streaked with grime, and whose nails were cracked and filthy, approached the man and offered him her hand in greeting and introduction. "Hi...I'm Jess"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Storm-Shadow
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0.00 INK

Sparks showered all over the woman in the CIC as the strange magical jamming field washed over the Starship like a thick blanket. To the observer, one would look upon this strange alien vessel, and watch as a white light shimmered from front to back, rippling and coalescing along from bow to stern. The Aschen ship yet remained steady as it circled back around.

"Admiral..." The AI reported, turning to Nagala. "I've detected magical interference with our systems, I've directed energies along the shields and am analyzing now. It seems that it's intent on interfering with circuit based electronics, and has little effect on our Integrated Crystal based computron systems." The AI Explained, while a Technician nodded. "The Magically resistant nature of the central control crystals along with our Gel-Crystal based systems has allowed our systems to maintain optimal functionality... I can't say the same for the City below."

The Admiral nodded. "Triangulate the source of the interference and launch Apollo fighters. I want whatever it is taken down." She ordered, as the large Aschen vessel banked broadly around.

"Furthermore our Turbo disruptors seem to have little effect on the larger creature." A Weapon officer reported.

Nagala nodded slightly, and thumbed her chin. "Recalibrate Guns seven through twenty for Anti-Mana burst. We're going to try the Magical Destabilization approach.

The AI nodded. "I'll forward your order to the weapons crews on the appropriate decks."

As the ship circled broadly once more around the City, it let up on it's salvo of weapons fire. It was searching for something, a needle in a haystack perhaps. The AI Was swiftly analyzing the magical energies surrounding the ship, aiming to triangulate them to the source, so that the Fighter pilots could react.

"Prime Missile banks two through seven, Mana Disruptor missiles." She ordered, and the AI nodded it's response. "Priming missile banks two through Seven, Anti-Magic Pulse."

The Reverence came back about, this time it fired a pair of rockets towards the Shadow-Beast, giving off a deafening roar, they seared towards it before detonating in a powerful Anti-Magic Pulse. This pulse would rip through all things magical, temporarily disconnecting powerful magical users from their abilities, accompanied by a painful feedback. Magical constructs and beings would find themselves tore apart at their very form, as the Magical energies were broken and rend from coherency by the interference thrown up by the pulse.

Unfortunately, magical creatures that found themselves in the pulse, would too be disconnected from their magic, and likely destroyed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Storm-Shadow
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0.00 INK

The Troopers of Storm-Shadow's squad switched their guns to stun and opened fire upon the people attacking them. Storm-Shadow himself, however, was still on the ground, but soon stood, blocking the punch of a young man and then aiming a chop to the boy's neck, knocking him out without harm. He then took out his Ereb Blast Pistol, set it to stun, and opened fire like the rest of the troopers.

Phoenix Rose made her way to Storm-Shadow and stood beside him, helping him. "Why didn't you tell me that you were James?" she growled to him.

"Now isn't really the best time to ask that, Phoenix." the trooper responded calmly.

Draco continued his rampage, and as the torpedoes came at him, he laughed as they just phased through him and hit the city. As the Minotaur drones came towards him, and cut off his supply of Shadow, he Growled, charging up another blast of lightning quickly as his legs began to deteriorate from the feet up. He let out the blast, narrowly avoiding Protheus as he assaulted the bots.

Draco let out a roar, and the shadows of the city clumped together, forming moving pools of pure Shadow. The pools would move behind the Minotaur Drones, tendrils of pure Shadow coming out of them and aiming to pull the drones into the depths of the Shadow Realm. Draco then spread his wings as the Reverence came around and fired its newest assault against him. The shells would phase through the Dragon's body, but the anti-magic pulse would work.

Dragons are incredibly powerful beings of magical power, and the anti-magic pulse would both sever Draco's control over Storm and Shadow, and force the Shadow Mist forming his body to start to deteriorate quickly. The Minotaur drones would be freed, and Draco would deteriorate, starting from the end of his tail and the bottoms of his feet. He let out a pained roar as the deterioration continued, the mist simply dispersing and no longer being mist.

The last thing that remained of Draco were two red glowing orbs that had formed his eyes. Before he was fully gone, he left an ominous message in the language of the Draconians. "Si geou qe spical! Wux tepoha sia lex!"

The orbs would then dissipate like the mist that had formed the Dragon's body. The clouds above Wing City would dissipate, revealing the sunshine, which made the pools of Shadow disperse and all Shadow return to its rightful place in the city. The people of the city would be free from the power that forced them to fight one another. All that was left as evidence was the dead, wounded, and unconscious citizens of Wing City, the destroyed vehicles of said citizens, and the many buildings and city blocks destroyed, crumbled to the ground by the destructive power of the Dragon.

The Ereb Alpha Troopers of Storm-Shadow's team all looked at their leader, and he stared back at them through his dark green visor. "What? You expect me to know what he said?" he asked. They all nodded. He let out a sigh. "Sorry to rain on your parade, but the only one at Ereb Industries who knows the Draconian language is Miss. Motzu." he said. He holstered his Ereb Blast Pistol and sighed. His bout with Draco had worn him out, physically and mentally. He couldn't even use his Shadow Transport to get back to the hidden facility of Ereb Industries.