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You have been exposed to the divine presence of the Dark Emperor. Tread carefully, for the sanctity of your soul and the existence of your world.

0 · 1,983 views · located in The Abyss

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by TheNoremac42


The Unweaver


Overall Stats

Destructive Capability:

Current Status








Magic Resistance





How much power this character has in terms of strength and how hard the character hits

How fast this character moves in terms of running to attacks.

How fast this character reacts and realizes.

How well this character is in melee and how well attacks are executed.

How smart this character is in information and analyzing things, objects, and people.

How well this character uses skills/magic

How much damage or injuries this character can take.

Magic Resistance
How much resistance toward magic this character can take as well as endure it.

How much stamina this character has to move around.

How much energy this character has to use skills and magic

How well this character is connected with religion/gods/spirits/

Personal Information

Full Name
The Dark Emperor Erebuz

"Pathetic mortal worm... I forget how much your simplistic minds rely on such restricting barriers as 'when'. Such linearism... My existence spans beyond your feeble concept of time. I existed, I exist, and I will exist. Simply... I am."

Age Appearance


"I, the mighty Erebuz, am the father of the Erebim. They are my creations - my children. However, can a god degrade himself by counting him among his creation? Some... but not I."


"I am known by many names... Most remember my power by 'The Dark Emperor' or simply 'The Emperor'. I am also called The Beast Within, because I am the corrupter of the soul - the darkness within your own heart. I am The All Consuming Darkness, for I dwell at the floor of the Abyss, and it has become a part of me. I am The Dark Serpent, for I come bearing promises of greatness before poisoning your heel. I am The Living Shadow... for I am Erebuz."

Sexual Orientation:
"If I choose to partake in such a primitive ritual, I will do so with some fine wench."

Marital Status:

Relationship Status:
He ocassional


Relationship History

Date of Birth:

Centerpiece of the Cult of Erebuz

Numerous dark runes of destruction, death, and chaos.


The sheer density of his terrible malice is said to sunder the ground beneath his feet.

Physical Condition:
Muscular, fit, god-like perfection.

Eye Color
His gaze is immeasurably ancient, terrifyingly powerful, and darker than the blackest pit of the Abyss

Lawful Evil with Chaotic tendencies

Occupation (Main):
The Unweaver of Existence

Occupation (Sub)

Cosmic being, dark sorcerer, warrior

All languages, including demonic, arcana, and the Ancient Tongue (a mystical and dark language from before time)

Current Residence
The Lake of Nilfheirm below the City of Dis, the Sixth Circle, in Hell

Former Residence
The Void

Lives with:
The countless tormented souls that wander his domain

Alisah: Goddess of Darkness
Evangela: Goddess of Hatred
Yuwaku Kami: God of Temptation
Hitomi: Goddess of Fear

Erebuz sees all who stand in his path as his enemies. Those who choose to stand between him and the domination of the mortal realm will be marked for destruction by the Dark Legion. His most hated enemies are the Aryites, Leolik, Sheodin Thundermane, and Neodin Shadowslayer because they were the only nation thus far who have been able to withstand his onslaught.

Leolik, deity of the Aryites
Sirad, Lucifer of Hell


Political Status
Tyrannical Emperor

The Erebim
The Dark Legion
The Princes of Hell

Former Affiliations:
The Malakhim


Erebuz considers himself the incarnation of the darker emotions within the hearts of mortals. As long as there is hate, rage, or sorrow within the darkest corners of hearts, there is Erebuz, for that is where his power comes from. Even if his Dark Legion is vanquished and his lands cleansed, he will simply go into a dormant state. He is sadistic, malicious, tyrannical, and probably insane. However, by no means is he reckless. Erebuz is also calculating, a master tactician, and a master deceiver. His ultimate goal is to consume the universe in shadow, choke out the life, level the civilizations with his dark armies and fiery brimstone from the heavens, and rule the remains with an iron fist.

With Friend(s):
The word "friend" has a very loose definition with Erebuz. He sees others as assets to be utilized towards his own goals. His kind words are laced with poison and his gifts transform into curses. Those who swear allegiance to him resign themselves to a fate of endless darkness, carnage, and maybe even their deaths.

With Enemies
Those who align themselves against Erebuz and the Dark Legion set themselves in the path complete and utter destruction. Erebuz may toy with his enemies for indefinite periods of time - even for centuries - before crushing them beneath his heel. Though he may manipulate his enemies into furthering his own goals, their fate will remain the same.

General philosophy:
"All things originate in darkness, and to darkness all things return!"

Most Prized Possession (Material Value):

Most Prized Possession (Emotional Value):

The Emperor enjoys slaughtering sentients in the most sadistic ways he can think of, enslaving and/or destroying civilizations, spreading chaos and death, and general widespread destruction. He also gets a kick out of spreading disorder and starting wars.

Erebuz despises those who refuse to serve him along with heroes, holy men, insubordination, and rebellion.

Spreading destruction, performing dark experiments on souls, causing discord among civilizations

Variances between timelines and testing the tenacity of mortals.

To bring all of Existence into its perfect natural state of utter darkness and void.

Life's Ambition:
Unlocking the secrets of the Universe and attaining more power

Erebuz speaks with an incredible intelligence and aura of supremacy.

He behaves with authority and supremacy.

Psychological Condition:

Understands the existence of gods, angels, and demons

He believes that all other creatures are blight upon his perfect domain of darkness, and that they must be cleansed through fire, shadow, and death.

Positive Characteristics:
Incredibly intelligent, inspiring, and a strong leader

Negative Characteristics:
Prideful, arrogant, boastful, sadistic, and cruel.












A black tattered loincloth






Armageddon and Apocalypse

An engraved ring with a white hand


Erebuz conjures a raging storm of raging lightning, surging black clouds, booming thunder, and sheets of acid rain that assault the ground like a continuous volley of arrows.

Utilizing powerful runic magic from before the formation of time, Erebuz can violently rip apart molecules and atoms, reducing stalwart mountains into less than sand and the most powerful of shields into a dispersion of energy.

Cosmic, Astral, and Arcane
Through the course of eternity, Erebuz has unlocked many of the secrets of the universe, giving him access to godlike powers. The foundation of Existence bends to his will, and the fabric of time and space warps at a mere thought.

Dark Arcana
Ancient and terrible dark magic contorts to Erebuz's will. He can use this powerful magic to melt the flesh from his enemies' bones, rip apart their souls, and scorch their beings with dark flames. Not even the most adept of demonic sorcerer's can stand against him.

Shadow Warp
Erebuz can teleport in a cloud of smoke and dark flames, appearing almost anywhere. He passes through a parallel plane - a shadow realm - and usually reappears behind the target he is fighting.

Shadow Dance
Moving at unnatural and seemingly impossible speeds, Erebuz battles with incredible (and deadly) agility, rendering him able to dodge or parry nearly any blow and retaliate with destructive and fierce frenzies.

Conjure Erebim
Pools of darkness erupt around the Emperor. From the pools emerge the Erebim, his "dark angels". They are darkness given life, evil given form, and hate given steel. The Erebim are the beings born from the dark will of Erebuz.

Seed of Heresy
The Emperor reaches into the mind and soul of a person or group of people. He plants a seed - an idea - within them that conjures chaos and division from their peers and society.

Enslave Fanatic
The Emperor reaches into the mind and heart of an individual and bends their will to his own. Consumed by dark zeal for their new deity, they will stop at nothing to bring about his will.

The All Consuming Darkness
Erebuz uses his advanced understanding of the universe to manipulate the dark energies surrounding him. He can also call upon his masterful control over the All Consuming Darkness, the rawest and purest form of darkness, to create gruesome havoc, death, terror, and chaos. A terrible cloud of thick smoke, dark flames, and shadow surrounds him, and consumes everything in its path.

Feats/Achievements List

He has destroyed countless incarnations of the Multiverse. Erebuz is the Ender of All things, the Unweaver of Existence. It is through him that the cycle begins anew.

Current History

Past History

Family History

So begins...

Erebuz's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sirad Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Jules Restlin Character Portrait: Erebuz
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Eve's eye turned to anger as she began to grind her teeth "For what that bitch said to you? Id rather her be lost to the Void rather then give her a seat on the Throne of Lust. Why should I release her? Why should I?" She said with a heavy burdened sigh "Ugh..fine...but I want you and her to remain as far away as possible. If something must be done, you tell me and I will be the one to go near her" She said, glaring with anger at the wall before snapping her fingers, releasing the binding spell to release the Princess of Hell

"If this rule is not kept, I will be sending her to the far down as she can go. Do I make myself clear Sirad?" She said before standing up and departing the Throne Room, muttering obscenities in many tongues as the door to the Throne Room slammed shut. Sirad just got couched.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sirad Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Jules Restlin Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Princess Astaroth
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It a flurry of black and white feathers, Astraroth appeared in the middle of the Throne room. The feathers coming together into the shape of her tall, slender body, ice white hair, deep black eyes, a pale bluish white skin and feathers set atop her shoulders, still with the chains that bound her. She looked around the room. Her head tilted in an avian like manner.

"So, it seems you've changed your mind finally, Sirad, it was becoming awful cramp in there." She said with another avain like twitch of the head. Astraroth moved forward, eyeing her banisher. " What is the sudden change of heart?" She asked her with a wicked grin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sirad Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Nue Houjuu Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Princess Astaroth
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The Emperor eyed the newcomer with a degree of interest. His dark eyes pierced her with a gaze reflecting a thousand eternities. A sinister and ancient power resonated from him. He returned his attention to Sirad.

"I believe I have the perfect applicant for this deathmatch. Now if you will excuse me, I have important matters to attend."

As his avatar slowly disintegrated, the dark lord shifted an eye towards Nue. He flicked a finger and a pool of darkness materialized at her feet. The darkness sucked and grappled her with a hundred oily black tendrils before swallowing her whole. Erebuz did not give much thought as to where the portal would take the trespasser. Perhaps in the center of Dis - amidst a horde of bloodthirsty demons eager for entertainment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sirad Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Nue Houjuu Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Princess Astaroth
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#, as written by Rulke
Pausing, Sirad listened and nodded before finally speaking at Astaroth, "You insulted me, you insulted my pride, my being and worse attacked my position. I am given you chance to redeem yourself bitch. And note this is your only chance you refuse and I end you now. It will take but only a gesture, but only a simple movement." with threat evident she finally let out the ultimaintium, "You are one of the final Old Guard still around, and you are better to have as an ally, you represented the Seraphim's in war before you fell, now you are being demoted as such. You no longer control the Hellish hordes, instead you shall take the throne of Lust in the Circle of Luxaria. My wife thinks I am wrong, but I know this is needed."

Appearing right next to her, she went on, only somewhat taking note of the events concerning Nue, "This is one time offer, stand with me, or be ash. Those are the choices, don't think I can't destroy you. I can and will. Take it or leave it. I will not have a loose end like you except as an ally, you can build on to the circle and even create new allies, but you shall not leave here alive or existing if you say no."

With that she waited, "What shall it be, death or eteranl sevitude to me and my wife, speak fast."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sirad Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Nue Houjuu Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Princess Astaroth
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"You insulted me, you insulted my pride, my being and worse attacked my position. I am given you chance to redeem yourself bitch. And note this is your only chance you refuse and I end you now. It will take but only a gesture, but only a simple movement."

Astraroth let off a wicked giggle. If she could end her, she would have done it by now but she let her continue. She thought she asked why she had the change of heart, she knew full well why she was down there. Although, Astraroth had her assumptions it had alot to do with her so called 'Wife'. She was a slippery little wench, who knows her turn intentions. "You are one of the final Old Guard still around, and you are better to have as an alley, you represented the Seraphim's in war before you fell, now you are being demoted as such. You no longer control the Hellish hordes, instead you shall take the throne of Lust in the Circle of Luxaria. My wife thinks I am wrong, but I know this is needed."

Astraroth arched an eyebrow, her head twitching in the direction that Sirad appeared, as she continued on with her apparent display of power. "This is one time offer, stand with me, or be ash. Those are the choices, don't think I can't destroy you. I can and will. Take it or leave it. I will not have a loose end like you except as an alley, you can build on to the circle and even create new allies, but you shall not leave here alive or existing if you say no."

"Is it really a choice?" She asked with a light chirp in her voice.

"What shall it be, death or eternal servitude to me and my wife, speak fast."

"How curious" She said with a wicked giggle. " You seem desperate, you say you'll destroy me if I refuse, and yet here I stand, if it were such a burden to you and your wife, then you would have destroyed me eons ago but no, you call to the likes of me for whatever it is you hope to gain, desperate times these must be." She said with a laugh, she turned. Her body moving in ticks, much like her head. " But I digress. I shall join you, It shall be most interesting to see what it is you hope to gain with my assistance." She said with a grin lining her black lips. " Color me intrigued..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sirad Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Nue Houjuu Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Princess Astaroth
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#, as written by Rulke
Sirad paused ruefully, before saying, "I am logical, cold, calculated, Eve is emotional, passionate, caring, and hateful. We are ying and yang to one another. As it stands I know you are far more useful alive, don't think for one second I would not have ended you, if you said no. I am changing everything, most of the Old Guard is gone Astaroth, you are archaic and outdated. I am merely saving a fossile or two, and letting them have power. But the line of power in Hell is no longer the usual suspects, it's all new faces, you have no way argue my dear, no way to challenge me. I hold your life in my power, I can go and find your soul, easily. Don't fuck with me, I am not to be trifled. with." appearing to weigh her up she went on, "Hell is evolving, it's changing, New Faces, New Princes and much more, I am restoring order to the circles and by declaring your loyalties with me Astaroth, you have turned away from your dear brother Leviathan."

Pulling out a sword, from some pocket dimension, she walked over slowly, and roughly impaled Astaroth in the gut, muttering some latin, "Tenebrae, discordia, cum pateretur, diligant et cruciari. Et hoc super vos, Principem concupiscentiæ. Deceptio et flexibus terra vestra. Semper autem regere potest Circulus Luxaria nunc usque in finem

Confectus fiant, sint appetuntur. Cum hoc vulnus, tu nunc mihi, Lucifer ..."

As she finished the chant, a crown would fall crashing on to Astaroth head, impaling and burning into her skull, merging to become part of it. The crown itself was comprised entirely of Gold with ruby stones that dripped blood placed in. The points, had skulls in grips of ecstasy. The experience of having such a thing become part of you, was torture even to those of hellish descent. As long as she ruled Hell the crown would only come off in death.

(Translation: Darkness, Discord, Suffering, Agony, Pain and Torture. I crown you now, Princess of Lust. Deception and Manipulation your domain. Forever now, you can now control the Circle of Luxaria, until the end

Let them be worn, let them be sought. With this slash, you now stand with me, Lucifer... )

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sirad Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Nue Houjuu Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Princess Astaroth
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"I am logical, cold, calculated, Eve is emotional, passionate, caring, and hateful. We are ying and yang to one another. As it stands I know you are far more useful alive, don't think for one second I would not have ended you, if you said no. I am changing everything, most of the Old Guard is gone Astaroth, you are archaic and outdated. I am merely saving a fossile or two, and letting them have power. But the line of power in Hell is no longer the usual suspects, it's all new faces, you have no way argue my dear, no way to challenge me. I hold your life in my power, I can go and find your soul, easily. Don't fuck with me, I am not to be trifled. with."

Sirad went on and Astraroth snickered. " So I've been told..." she said with a horrible giggle as her head lollied to the side as Sirad moved closer. How Pretentious, she was.

"Hell is evolving, it's changing, New Faces, New Princes and much more, I am restoring order to the circles and by declaring your loyalties with me Astaroth, you have turned away from your dear brother Leviathan."

"You should know by now, Loyalty is a word I rarely use." She said with another one of her sinister giggles.

It was then, Sirad walked over, with a sword in hand, and sent the blade into her stomach. "Mmmm, Doesn't seem to be evolving that much, using such classic methods to contract a blood pact." She said with a wince. "Tenebrae, discordia, cum pateretur, diligant et cruciari. Et hoc super vos, Principem concupiscentiæ. Deceptio et flexibus terra vestra. Semper autem regere potest Circulus Luxaria nunc usque in finem

Confectus fiant, sint appetuntur. Cum hoc vulnus, tu nunc mihi, Lucifer ..."

Astraroth rolled her head from side to side, her body arched in an unnatural angle as the blood pact was forged. Burning and stabbing the wicked crown on her head. Sirad was evidently young. She was given her way more power then she probably gathered, it would be amusing to see just what Astraroth could do with the power of deciet and manipulation. What did she think she was immune to it? Oh no no, of course she wasn't. If you have a mind, it can be manipulated, it was all a matter of how and when.

This was a skill Astraroth had already mastered and now she was given more power then she could even need.

She grinned wickedly.

"Welcome back."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Alexander D'Niras
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A sinister presence lurked in the shapeless shifting shadows of the chasm as the strange and foreign being traversed the dark and forbidden halls of the temple. Dark cultists shambled passed him, piercing him with their grey soulless eyes. Heinous abominations born of pure madness and hatred stalked the halls and leered at the intruder with murderous hunger. They merely watched the man as he ventured deeper into darkness incarnate, held back by a wordless command that resonated from the very cores of their beings.

Through some machination of ancient and forgotten magic, the adventurer was able to break the seal of the massive gates and tread the sacred ground beyond. As the floor opened like the maw of a great worm, writhing tendrils of smoke and shadow snaked from the chasm below, hungering for what little light illuminated the room. The living darkness snaked over the adventurer's feet, beckoning him with a wordless voice that tugged from the murkiest corner of his soul.

"Come forth, adventurer..." echoed the feeling of dread that traced his spine like Death's icy talon. "Descend into the Abyss. Embrace the the All Consuming Darkness, from which all things are born and all things return... Descend into the shadows - ravenous for the light and the stars and the dust of the earth. Descend into the living darkness that is your own soul and discover your true potential... and power."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Aeson Maro Character Portrait: Leviathan/Envy
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Aeson stepped through the portal of his own design his staff cracking into existence as the harbinger of his arrival to Hell. The staff spun picking up both velocity and speed before the horizontal portal of white appeared above the platform. Aeson floated through it landing on his feet and the staff stopped it's spinning to fall. Aeson caught the weapon smoothly the bottom of the weapon lightly tapping on the ground.

Aeson surveyed the area from beneath his hood taking in the quick laying of the fortifications and the efficiency of the troops before him. He began walking observing the structure of the base and area outside of it the possible dangers they could face within this realm. His treading stopped as he reached the center of the camp once more folding his legs into a cross sitting style but floating in the air as opposed to the ground.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Aeson Maro Character Portrait: Leviathan/Envy
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The orb would move towards Aeson quickly, "Master Aeson, I am your Eye of the White Sun! I cannot tell you my power, but use me for what you choose. As you can tell, I do control the portal to the Demiarch Realm. So what do you think?!"

The orb began to float around Aeson, starring at him with it's golden eye. The orb would pulse once and then pulse again, and one the third pulse, a pulse of gold energy flashed around Aeson. This energy would last for a few minutes as the orb was bonding himself to Aeson.

"Master Aeson, cast upon yourself your new garb! We shall garb you in a black base and gold trim. Call upon the White Sun with your design in mind and you shall be blessed! We shall conquer this realm! The beasts of this realm will have no idea what has hit them should they deny our presence here!" The orb cheered.

"Are you ready to conquer Hell and spread the will of the White Sun?" The orb spoke again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Aeson Maro Character Portrait: Leviathan/Envy
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"Ah a helper. This may help make keeping communications up a bit easier. The preparations are coming along nicely for now. But do not underestimate an enemy so easily. Many leaders have done so and fallen for what they would believe to be an easy victory to a foe." Aesons own robes simply changed color to the black and gold trim. His appearance didn't matter much to him and he was more comfortable with this style of garb.

"I would like scouts sent out and get back to us with what they find. If we find no opposition then we can surely begin setting up other portals and bases throughout and have a good supply network running along with patrols. If they do find something they can't handle do not have them engage have them simply relay the information back to me and I will deal with the situation. No sense is throwing men to die." Aeson continued his robes finishing the color change as he continued his sitting cross legged position.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Aeson Maro Character Portrait: Leviathan/Envy
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"I'll form a group of four and bring an Arachnid through. We can send out in twenty minutes. I'll go give the order and return momentarily. We know the general idea of this slice of Hell, so we'll launch for the Fourth Circle where the next base will go." The orb spoke to Aeson.

The orb would the shoot off to the Commanding Deminaughts to give the orders of what was to be done. It didn't take long for the orders to be gave. Once the orb began to fly away from the three Deminaughts, one would shout at the closest Demiarchal grunt soldiers known as a Degrue. Following the order, the Degrue would rush through the vortex. The other Deminaughts would go an find their version of Spec. Ops., known as a Viper Squad.

The four beings who would be going on the scouting mission would go to what was for now, their Armory. One would arm with a BN-Sc7f(Bio Nuclear - Sniper Class 7 Rifle). Two would arm with CS-Bc4r(Cerenium Shell-Battle Class 4 Rifle), which was high power, accuracy, and larger clip capabilities, but short range. The fourth being would take a CS-Ac22r(Cerenium Shell-Assault Class 22 Rifle), which was a semi-automatic two round burst rifle that could view and shoot up to 300 yards.

They would then take four rods, being about one foot in length and the width of a dime. They would slide these rods into their vests , reinforcing it to take higher amounts of damage from magic based attacks. They would then all go to a hidden vault in the armory and each grab a small glass vial and a type of syringe. They would then jab the glass with the syringe and suck the quarter inch of metallic blue substance into it. They would then take this syringe and insert it into their neck. The syringe was a laser tip instead of metallic, allowing it to break through their stone skin.

Once they were done, they would grab one more vial each and place them in a small container, no bigger than an Altoids can. The canister would then latch itself shut and create a compression inside the box, protecting the vials. They would then grab their bags and other equipment right before exiting out of the armory.

As they were exiting the armory, the Arachnid would be exiting the vortex. It stood around fourteen feet in height, had eight legs, and the capability to carry four beings. The orb would meet with the bunch as they all converged at the Deminaughts office. They would all go over the plans, and within minutes the Viper Squad would be off in their Arachnid.

The orb returned to Aeson, "Their mech is a stealth mech. It is amphibious, has twelve gears, fast, a mediocre armor. It also has the capability to carry bombs or gas canisters. As you can see, they are loaded with only two missiles. They could be compared to Tony Stark's, Jehovah Missile. Very destructive, but the likeliness of killing a beast like the one that lurks here, not likely. But! What could really hurt this beast is the mineral we've been mining here. It is a black rock of some type. It possesses what we are going to call the 'Hell Compound'. We could possibly begin mixing this 'Hell Compound' into the ammunition outside of the Bio-Nuclear powered. Anyways, I need to be with those soldiers. You should begin shifting the lands to your liking's. Maybe a powerful range of mountains with this black stone it calls ground. This is your realm...I expect when I return this land will be to your standard. As a bonus, when it is where it needs to be, you and I can begin creating our Project."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Hatoresu Character Portrait: Aeson Maro Character Portrait: Leviathan/Envy
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Dark whispers drifted through the air as the mortals tread further into the realm. Voices, dripping with hate and malice, sowed the seeds of despair, betrayal, paranoia, and madness within the hearts and minds that yielded to their sensual touch. Thousands of sickly yellow eyes materialized in the constricting darkness. The skittering of claws and pattering of feet resonated with a dull echo through the dense fog.

Then they were upon them.

The shadows lashed out at the soldiers. Black hands adorned with razor-sharp claws stretched out from the ground and slashed at legs, tank treads, and whatever they could reach. They crawled out of the darkness and swarmed the mortals like ants. Though their stature and strength were little more than that of children, and they attacked with the cunning of mindless beasts, their numbers were like a flood - and they fought with the agility of enraged bobcats. Periodically they would collapse into flat shadows and lash out again from behind their targets.

"What curious insects wander into the spider's web?" whispered a voice amidst the darkness. "What brave and foolish sheep venture into the wolf's den? Come forth, mortals, and amuse me with your finite struggles for dominance. Conquer the darkness within yourselves, survive the horrors of Wrath, and come before the gates of the City of the Damned. I will show you true power."

A humanoid shape rose from the flood of shadowlings. Its muscular body was covered in a smoking coal black skin. Two pairs of small azure wings, one on its back and another on its arms, and a pair of purple-and-black fiery orbs beneath its feet, held the being aloft above the masses. The being's torso was marred by a jagged hole that went straight through its chest where its heart once was. A long bladed tail swished behind it while its hands gripped an enormous scalloped blue-bladed sword covered in runes. Long horns protruded from the top of the being's head while glowing yellow eyes glared down at the soldiers with cold calculating fury before it charged at the closest soldier with a vicious sweep of its sword.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Hatoresu Character Portrait: Aeson Maro Character Portrait: Leviathan/Envy
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Aeson who was still hovering as the shadow abominations appeared and began their assault on the troops currently in the encampment. He did not know of the scouting team or of any others that may be affected by this but it did put confusion into the men. He took his time to lower once more to the ground to be standing his staff still held in the air. His foot kicked away one of the small shadow creatures swiftly before slamming the butt end of the staff on the ground. A white flash flared out as white flames flashed out in a three hundred sixty degree circle pulsing over the encampment. It left his troops unharmed but licked at the shadows with intensity.

The man turned to face the other creature that was slaughtering one of the troops or in the process of it. Aeson swiftly raised his hand the magic circle with a twelve inch diameter appeared in front of his outstretched palm. a beam of solid white light shot out with a blue helix twisting around them. The blast intended to pierce the dark of this being and then bind the man with the helix of blue energy. The shot was considerably fast with no need for an incantation or hand movements as Aeson had accepted this new power.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Hatoresu Character Portrait: Aeson Maro Character Portrait: Leviathan/Envy
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#, as written by Lobos
As one, the warring damned within the demesne of Ira faltered in their combat, silence descending over them like a veil as they turned towards the scene caused by the interlopers. The multitude of eyes that now fell on them was legion, tens, hundreds of millions of condemned sinners bowing to the will of the Lord Leviathan. The pressure of such a regard was...

Unsettling. Vast.

And the speed it was executed was appalling. The wrathful, the victims alike. Figures ankle, knee, waist, chest, and neck deep in the foul waters of the Circle, compelled as one by a force that could exert its will over such a number. And that figure began to make himself known, a boiling turbulence in the water as the entity rose from the depths of the mire. At first, the spines and spires of his form broke the churning muck like blades, horns breaching the surface as liquid steamed from their surfaces, boiling away from the raw power of this demon rising. His thickly muscled, armored body heaved as he strode from the darkness below, glyphs of blasphemy and sin etched into his flesh like badges of honor, a palpable gravitas of malevolence and raw evil streaming from him like a descending pressure. His torso and foremost portion was unexpectedly mundane, little more than human with daemonic features, yet as he came forward, his mammoth figure rose ever higher, the centaurian features and the hellish heads of this beast of Hell came into view, eyes glowing like lambent hellfyre, smoke and brimstone roiling from slowly panting, fanged maws like airborne poison.

Claws that could splay across a truck rose and slashed into the water, the scale of this beast, this Leviathan was simply...titanic. Rising to a height of nearly twelve meters, the end of his bladed, fell tail slashing through the water nearly thirty meters back, the master of this circle, the Prince of Envy, towered like a nightmare come to life. As the waters of the Styx dripped from his form, his aura, his presence, merely grew until it was like a choking weight falling on to the shoulders, the condemned of his domain moaning and bowing to his dark majesty. In his right hand, he held a blade fully nine meters in length, burning with an essence of raw destruction that seemed to burn the toxic air around it, its edges flickering with a wickedly chaotic dark fire. His legions of lessers boiled in the lakes around him, clinging to the rotted spires that pierced the ocean of his circle. Envy had been unveiled, and Wrath was assembled.

A sneer curled his lip, giving way to a brutal smirk as he looked down upon these fools who stood in the heart of his kingdom. His voice sounded like the thunder of an earthquake, deeply reverberating to be felt in the bones as audibly as it was heard with the earths, echoing across the circle and beyond like muted thunder.

"Of all of Hell, you choose the Circle that was barred. The domain of Wrath, of the risen anger of the damned. My kingdom, my estate. Leviathan greets you, ambitious mortals. Envy incarnate looks upon you now, and judges."

"You have been found wanting." The sword rose in his hand, the blade Mortalis Fatum, Mortal Doom in the common tongue. It burned like an umbral star, it's shadowy radiance flaring with titanic brilliance before he swept it in a broad arch for the ridge under their feet, power blossoming like a tidal wave of annihilation, an incandescent burst of energy and sin ripped through with chaos. The released crescent moon of power ripped through the air like a hellspawned scythe, striking the base of the island like a god's hammer, chewing through the base and erupting as though a nuclear bomb. The detonation would erupt the solid stone like glass, the blast from expanding hundreds of meters in every direction of swirling daemonic energy unleashed by a Prince of Hell, an original Fallen from the War in Heaven.

The invaders had chosen poorly, to so invade the realm of such a mighty foe. Leviathan's power was absolutely monstrous, and his unleashed power was horrifically the result of a merely casual stroke of his blade.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Hatoresu Character Portrait: Aeson Maro Character Portrait: Lobos Character Portrait: Leviathan/Envy
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Despite being surprised by these black creatures with their shadowy figures, the Demiarchals were quick to respond. Being built of stone, from another mortal realm beyond the mortal realm of this Hell, and lead by beings with power who grasp fear by the neck and rips it's throat out, they would not fall as a fleshly mortal would. There was no sway in their faith to the White Sun. The voices would ring, but they would only fuel faith and why they were there.

The Demiarchals would begin bringing their stones fist, weapons, feet, and anything they could, to the shadowy bodies with a force that would break through a mortal mans rib cage and lift him with a spine curled around their knuckles. This force would easily rip through these shadowy creatures. The damage was kept to a minimal.

One of the Deminaughts would laugh and yell out over the combat, "Do they really think that they could poison us with their cowardly darkness? They might be able to overcome us, but they will never break our faith! Let's fuck these little ugly things up!"

It wasn't too long after these words that a loud sound of steel on stone erupted. From the location of this sound, a light began to glow, growing brighter and brighter. The soldier that had been struck, as will all soldiers who dealt death blows, would emit a bright, golden light, that would grow brighter and brighter as the soldier's body would fracture and fall apart, turning to dust. The light was the light of the White Sun, carrying the soul from the Hell back through the mortal realm, where it could pass to the Demiarch Realm and ascend to the White Sun.

These beings where chaotic, and would do things that a Just Light would not do. This light from the soldiers would glow and cast beams of light across the circle as they ascended, which would definitely put a hurting on the powers of darkness and weaken the land it consisted of. Initially, it wouldn't, but the more Demiarchals destroyed, the brighter the circle would become. Best of all, just as the shadows, the Demiarchal's were pushing through the vortex by this point the the quick efforts of the military communications.

The orb's pulsing, golden glow, was emitting brighter and brighter from the moment the shadowlings made their presence. This energy was emitting a powerful essence of light, very comparable to a Holy Light, but not quite. This light would extend seven feet in all directions of the orb, but at one point it had a higher focus. The orb was a celestial, just as the Leviathan was. This was his battle, as Aeson would handle the other on the ground.

The Leviathan had revealed it's full form, and the orb knew that there was no diplomacy with a being who's evil was a hair shy of Lucipher's. The words that were spoken were of no interest to the orb, knowing that no beast of evil would ever cast full judgement upon it. The beast would swing it's blade, casting out a wave of destruction in the direction of the orb, but it would be cut shy of it's target.

The orb would release a golden beam of this light, burning the darkness, causing it to curl back from the light like withering, curling roots. This beam would strike directly in the center of the Leviathan's attack and explode, matching the Leviathan's attack from tip to tip. This would create an explosion that would give a mighty blow back of energy and winds, sending the murky waters and any small portions of lands into the air.

The orb would keep it's bulk of light surrounding it, ready to unleash another wave of light upon the darkness. Although this orb could not directly attack a mortal being, this creature was no mortal, and was one of the reasons he was in this realm. Dominance was not the goal, Freewill was their goal, and it was to be cast on this realm from the darkest stretches of Hell, to the golden step's of Heaven's Throne.

The orb would speak in an omnipresent voice, "Spawn of Evil, you shall flee this land and your soul shall be no more. The Light of the White Sun is upon you! Fear your fear!"

All the while, the more Demiarchals being killed, the more light would be cast upon the land. This battle was not to be fought with swords and guns, but by the power's of good and evil. The battle had begun, and the weapons of Good and Evil were emerging. This battle was stretching far beyond this circle into the mortal realm, but it was just beginning, and at the front doors of Evil.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Hatoresu Character Portrait: Aeson Maro Character Portrait: Lobos Character Portrait: Leviathan/Envy
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A deep chortle reverberated through the darkness as an immeasurable will narrowed its focus upon the battle that waged upon the prison grounds of the damned. The shadowlings disintegrated with relative ease when struck and their essence retreated into the pools of darkness from whence they came.

"We will snuff out every last light, smother every breath from every mouth, and stop the beating of every heart." the Voice echoed into the minds of the mortals. "You will never escape the darkness. It flocks to you. Always. You forget, sons of Man, that the brighter the light you emit... the darker the shadows you cast!"

And it was so.

As light filled the mire, the shadows grew murkier, thicker, and darker. Bestial roars erupted from the abyssal depths as great orbs of writhing darkness charged at the Demiarchals like cannonballs. The front of the orbs split open like giant toothy maws while the same soulless yellow eyes as the shadowlings burned on their faces. Three thick, black, and blue tentacles sprouted out of the Darkballs' bodies. They teleported across the battlefield and ravaged their foes with vicious bites like oversized bear traps.

Numerous Invisibles charged alongside their more feral cousins with broadswords held high. They would, occasionally, disassemble into a ring of purple and black flames that would surround a target before erupting in dark energy - burning both body and soul.

"Do you feel the darkness around you?" the Voice whispered as the shadow creatures battered at their ranks with ruthless ferocity. "Do you feel it's torturous path through your mouth and your eyes until it eats away inside you...? Tell me how it feels... You bring the light, but it betrays you. It knows you are unworthy of its toxic gleam. At the bottom of the ocean even light must die... Give in to your fear, for hope is an illusion and trust is your weakness..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Hatoresu Character Portrait: Aeson Maro Character Portrait: Lobos Character Portrait: Leviathan/Envy
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#, as written by Lobos
"Spawn of Evil, you shall flee this land and your soul shall be no more. The Light of the White Sun is upon you! Fear your fear!"

Slowly at first, as the winds of the collision of powers of energies and their concussive release broiled over him, Leviathan chuckled, then laughed outright, his voice booming through the circle as he howled his amusement at the words addressed to him. "Flee this land? The loss of my soul?"

Leviathan's presence waxed ever greater, churning the waters of his realm and bowing the spines of the damned within it. His very essence was a vast pressure, descending like a mountain upon the air and crushing it down as would a boot step over ants. "Your White Sun hath no hold here in thine realm of the damned, for it was made by He who is greater than thou. He hath cast those of mine into the pit, and the pit was made for us by Him. It is you who hath no hold here, and it is my privilege to teach thine the error of thy's ways."

His thundering voice had grown louder and louder still, and now it was a roar that reverberated through Hell itself, a storm of sound that was itself mighty and dark. "So BOW to the powers of Hell, BEHOLD the might of its Princes, BELIEVE you are as nothing within its boundaries, and BLEED as I, the Prince Leviathan, Lord of Envy and Master of this Circle of Wrath, the level Ira, drive you from our Darkness!"

Rampant power rose around him like a hurricane, torturous energies that shredded water like glass, peeled stone like flesh, hammered air like a mace. It boiled into a blackened sphere that ruptured as the slash of his blade, twisting and snarling like a thing alive as it tore forward with the speed of lightning, thundering a maelstrom of chaos.

Greater than his casual blow of earlier, this wave was as a tidal wave to a ripple in a lake, hundreds of feet in height, thousands in length. Those sinner's souls caught in its path blew apart like statues before unstoppable forces, the very terrain of the Fifth Circle crumbling under the onslaught of its entropic, destructive power. Should it progress unopposed, Leviathan would see all before him rent into ruin, be it consigned damned, his own realm, the shadows that aided in his repulsion, or the invaders that sought to claim what they could never master. And yet he left not to chance, surging forward in its wake, a titan who's eyes flared with brutal wrath, his sword keening a nightmare cry, his beastly head snarling and dripping acid and brimstone from cruel maws, tail lashing geysers as it struck the water in his wake. Power surged from him like toxic walls, virtually solid radiant pulses of his dark power and majesty brought to bear on nothing short of complete and utter decimation of those who dared to stand against him.

...And yet, those damned who had been torn asunder, those that might have been taken from his realm of despair and condemnation, would find themselves reforming in the waters behind him, the chains of the Fifth that lie buried in their irredeemable souls, the sins that consigned them to this eternity of pain proving against the efforts of release into death, or ascension once more into a world of light or of life. Those removed from his realm would fall as broken figures, cracking into dust within their first few steps outside of Ira.

For Leviathan would not relinquish them without a proper exchange.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Belphegore Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Hatoresu Character Portrait: Aeson Maro Character Portrait: Lobos
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#, as written by Marcus
"Behold what has dropped into Hell!"

The Demon Prince of Sloth stood at the fringes of the domain of Leviathan only to smile and grip a wicked mace in hand. Belphegore did not move from his position but new full well that the Prince of Envy could handle his own. These foolish crusaders clearly chose the wrong level of Hell to start out with.

"My lord." A lanky withered corpse of a soul spoke. It's shackled limbs bore the dried blood of countless tortures beyond the simple comprehension of man. "Shall we pull back our forces or do you wish to send aid to the Prince of Envy?"

Belphegore simply shook his head and began to stroke his beard. "No. Allow the mighty Leviathan to destroy the fools. I simply wish to watch for now."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erebuz Character Portrait: Belphegore Character Portrait: Demigrem Demiarch Character Portrait: Hatoresu Character Portrait: Aeson Maro Character Portrait: Lobos
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The Demiarch encampment in Ira was thriving in a light that stretched from the ground as well as the light being cast from above. The base was becoming engulfed in light, casting no shadow. This would push back the shadows and darkness in the base due to the magic of the Light. It would be devastating to the dark, shadow creatures, allowing them no presence with the circle of light.

As a bonus, the base was acting as a light bulb in the circle of Ira. The light was not just light, but a Holy Light. The light from the Demiarchal's stemmed from the White Sun, where as Aeson's would draw from his source, whether it was the White Sun or just a magic light cast by his own powers. This light would weaken the darkness as it drew closer, and should stray souls of the damned find their way to this light, it would act as a salvation, offering forgiveness. Despite this effect, it was unlikely that the masters of this region would allow a single soul to find forgiveness and to settle their wrath.

"Leviathan, as Lucipher was cast into the fires of Hell, many more shall follow this path. You will see through your wrath one day, and you will realize that you do not control this power, but the power controls you...When you can accept the Light, you shall truly be the master of this Darkness. Until then, you are no more than a pawn to the Darkness...Bow to the White Sun and accept Luciphaeus as your Darkness, and you shall suffer no more..." The orb spoke, offering a salvation in a sense, the Leviathan being the physical creature, but the words targeting the souls that his power consisted of.

The orb's golden energy still reigned around him, and as more light was being pumped out from the base, the more powerful it became. A golden flash emitted, casting a wave of light that spread across what could be considered the 'sky' of Ira. This light would light it up as if it was day, sending a sensation to every poor soul who existed under the control of the Darkness, that they could possibly be free from their torture, and rescued before being cast into the Lake of Fire.

This light was just a quick and powerful explosion, but it was only the sign of what was coming. When the light slammed back into the center from which it erupted, a beam slammed down in the murky depths in front of the orb, placing itself between the Leviathan and the Orb. When this energy collided, it peeled the Darkness back in it's path, tainting the Darkness with Light.

The grounds shook and the light that covered the sky previously had spread across the waters. In the midst of this explosion of Light on the ground, a three-headed, golden fleece, ram, with blue eye's would become present. This creature stood half the height of the Leviathan, but was powerful just the same. This ram would left off a roar that echoed throughout the darkness, causing it to shutter in it's presence.

This ram made no attempt to attack or defend immediately. What was odd, the waters and darkness around it would rest, making no motions. If looked upon, the Leviathan would notice the water around the Ram becoming thicker and red. It was seeping blood into the waters that seemed to place a calm in the environment. Then it made a move with one of it's heads, letting off white light that would explode into a wall of light that would stand before the wave of darkness and it's mighty power that conspired within it that would match the dark energy, defending the base and it's immediate surroundings.

The Leviathan would be matched by the powers of the White Sun, it's light becoming ever so present in Ira and growing. Now the Leviathan would find that it was not the only creature with power in this realm, and unless the Light was cut off, it would keep spreading like a disease in the Darkness.


The Circle of Wrath would find itself being poisoned by the Light being cast that would continuously grow unless it was cut off. To cut off this light was very possible, but the Darkness would be powered by it's insatiable lust for chaos and destruction, blinding it from the simple task that was becoming a harder task by the moment. If the Darkness in this realm did not open it's eyes, it would fall to the will of the White Sun, and if it did open it's eyes, the Darkness would lose it's puppets, and it would become the puppet of it's prisoners.