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Once a Knight, now a Groundhog.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by lostamongtrees


Victim of Helyn
He was once a valiant knight, a warrior,
But during his turning a scavenger.
The times of the Knights were dying,
He had but one quest,
To obtain the crystal canary,
Which flit free through the countryside.
Once caged, the canary proved a source
The source for ultimate power.

Many also sought the canary,
None for a meaning so true as his.
He wished to find it, catch it alive,
Cage it and set it away to rest.
Bury the cage in a tomb, perhaps,
Or maybe encase it in stone.
However he knew he would not rest
Until the canary was gone.

He offered his services to the king
Of a warring nation he preferred not to serve,
Made off with the money in pursuit of the bird
With no intentions to ever return.

Another sought to cage the canary,
And use it's power for all her might.
Her name was Helyn, she was a witch
She followed him into the woods one night

And there the glowing bird did sit,
Just out of his hands grasp,
He muttered it's name, "Tyr"
Before doing the task.
As soon as the canary
Was inside the cage
Out from the bushes
Appeared that bitch mage
She sent unto him
A bolt of stark light
It hit him in the face
Suddenly his chest felt tight
As he heard glass break,
A roar escaped his lips,
It morphed into a squeak,
That felt strange on his lips.

The warrior looked up,
And his vision was sad,
There went the canary,
It seemed pretty mad.
In all the commotion,
The bird had escaped,
It flew into the night
Unharmed, unscathed.

"Damn!" Helyn proclaimed,
Shooting a look at our hero,
"Hm," she said with slight pleasure,
"Now you're just a zero.
Good luck returning to your land with the tale
Of how I defeated you, of how evil prevails.
While I follow your tracks,
And hunt down Tyr
You'll be trapped on the ground
She said with a leer.
"And good luck to you,
Avoiding the beasts.
Toodle-oo, groundhog deary,
I'm off to the feasts!

And so she was off,
To the Kingdom of our Knight,
Bearing the gift of the bird,
But prepared for a fight.
As soon as the ceremony was about to begin,
Out from nowhere, armed with a knife and some gin,
She blinded the King, and then stabbed the Queen,
Seizing the Kingdom,
And ruling evil supreme.

He now wanders the land,
Seeking revenge,
Seeking the Tyr,
Seeking his end.
Her curse made him immortal,
You see, he can't die,
And for this, he'll kill Helyn,
Or at least he'll try.

Eight hundred years had passed,
He entered a City Weird.
It was called Wing City,
It seemed nothing to be feared.
As he walked along the streets,
No strangers stared him down.
They seemed to not mind a groundhog,
This was indeed a strange town.

After travelling the streets so far,
He came to a building grubby and warm.
It turned out to be a bar,
And no-one inside meant him any harm.
A stranger helped him climb a stool tall,
Where he fell fast asleep.
He awoke the next day, feeling very small,
But another stranger he did meet.

Her name was Tyliand she was a squirrel,
He loved her off the bat.
They talked for a moment, without quarrel,
And he was happy about that.
Enter Irahel, minion to the witch,
And he froze in fright.
Tylioffered escape in a stitch,
And they went together into the night.[/center]

So begins...

Gareth's Story


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Gareth scurried into the bar as it swung open, being careful not to catch on the heels of the man who helped his entry. It would be no use uttering a thanks, for the man seemed to be on a mission. Besides, who paid attention to groundhogs, anyways?
Scritch, scritch, he made his way over to the bar, which towered over him. Damn, he thought to himself, staring up at the bar stools and behinds. That's higher than he thought. With a light sigh, that sounded a bit like a squeak, he marched on all fours up to the base of the stool. Could he do it? Probably not, but it was worth a shot.
Puffing back on his hind legs, he raised his front two claws to scratch at the base, hoping to gain some traction. Nope, nope, not yet, this was frustrating! He scratched wildly at the base of the bar stool, grunting in his little ground hog voice.


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He blinked at the man. Of course he only had two hands, didn't any human only have two hands? As the man spoke, he curled his toes, and what would have been his fingers in a previous time. Casting his gaze downward as the man continued, he entered his own little world of memories. Oh how he missed his hands.

"Spider Monkey?" This brought him back to reality, and he shot a bewildered look upwards while squishing himself against the stool. He realized he was being ridiculous of course, and peeled himself away while continuing.

"Right, well the Spiders I do know, but as for monkeys," He shook a finger, "Those things are trouble..."


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Gareth looked from the bar stool, to the man, then back to the stool, then back at the man then at the tube, then looked slowly towards the man and fixed his gaze there.
"Embarrassing for who?"


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"Lunch," he rubbed his belly with his paws, lounging backwards on his blubber. Gareth, too was beginning to wonder what exactly could be in the tube. He had never saw a tube shaped like a triangle before.

"And you don't know the combination?"


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Gareth watched as papers spilled onto the counter.

"More taxes, eh?"


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"Scammers!" He hissed, and narrowed his eyes. How dare they! Gareth peered over the edge of the stool as Nemo retrieved the fallen document.
"What's that?"


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"Hm," he simply sat and watched, enjoying higher up view.


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Gareth opened his eyes, realizing he had fallen asleep on a bar stool. How lovely. With a light twitch of his head, a shiver down his spine, he waddled to face the bar.


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Character Portrait: Tyli Novalee Character Portrait: Gareth
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#, as written by FizzGig
"Nice to meet you Gareth," Tyli responded, glancing a bit nervously to the commotion that had taken over the bar. She had come in far too late to understand what was going on. Then again, flying squirrels were not meant to know what was going on either. They were dumb creatures, concerned only with nuts and keeping warm in the winter.

But Tyli was no ordinary flying squirrel.

"How is it that you speak?" she asked, sitting back on her rump, and wrapping her tail around her toes.


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Gareth froze.


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Character Portrait: Tyli Novalee Character Portrait: Gareth
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#, as written by FizzGig
"I've always been able to speak." The squirrel giggled. "I'm not just a squirrel you know. I'm a girl too, but I wasn't cursed to be this way, not at all. I was born a girl who could turn into a squirrel."

She watched Gareth a moment, her tail freezing in its motion. "Um..." she murmured. "You alright?" She waved a paw in front of his face.


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A girl who could turn into a squirrel! How interesting! He almost broke stature, but didn't.

"I smell..It's familiar," He whispered, squeak hissed, sniffing at the air. The fur on his back rose, and he felt... Well, he didn't feel safe.
"Not a good smell..."


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Character Portrait: Tyli Novalee Character Portrait: Gareth
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#, as written by FizzGig
"Come on, in my pouch." She revealed a messenger bag that had been slung to the rear of her, opening up the lip as she walked toward the rear exit of the bar, away from Irahel.

"We'll go someplace private okay?" she murmured to him, smiling the whole while. It seemed that there wasn't very much that could disappoint this young lady.


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Character Portrait: Tyli Novalee Character Portrait: Gareth
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Gareth slipped into the bag happily, and nestled in beneath the flap. He poked his nose out, staring through his whiskers.

Gareth watched from the pouch,
Such glorious sights!
He bobbed along with her,
Into the night.
They entered the woods,
He was set upon the ground.
Gareth climbed his way out,
And then turned around.
Where had she gone?
"Tyli?" He squeaked out,
Had she abandoned him?
He started to pout.
But lo! What was this?
Flying from in the trees,
Here came flying Tyli!
He rocked back on his knees.
Clasping his hands before him,
He shielded his eyes,
She sent the dirt flying!
Oh what a surprise!
Fun indeed! He thought,
Withdrawing his hands.
He humbly spoke,
"From Troll, from my lands."

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Dark Woods


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Character Portrait: Tyli Novalee Character Portrait: Gareth
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#, as written by FizzGig
The city gave way to cool paths and shadowed landscape. She let the flap open on her messenger bag so that Gareth could have a good look around, pausing only when they were deep enough in the woods before setting the creature down. Immediately, she jogged away from him, disappearing from sight behind a larger tree.

A moment's pause...

There was a burst of foliage, and Tyli was rocketing toward him on all fours, tail wagging, whiskers twitching before she skidded to a stop, sending a spray of twigs and leaves and dirt his way.

She was shivering with excitement. "That was fun!" she chirped. "I felt like a hero! What was I rescuing you from, Gareth? Or whom?"


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Character Portrait: Tyli Novalee Character Portrait: Gareth
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#, as written by FizzGig
"A troll?" Tyli asked, moving a little closer. "You had mentioned a witch's curse. Why did she turn you this way? Not that I mind you as a groundhog. I think it's neat, but still. To be human once only to discover that you've been trapped in another form can be very disconcerting!"

Her tail twitched, and she was leaning forward to sniff at him again.


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He plumped himself back,
Onto his rear.
"My tale isn't fun,
But if you want to hear..."
He cleared his throat,
Preparing to speak.
Compared to Tyli,
His voice seemed meek.

"I was on a quest,
To destroy a large power,
Stronger than the rest,
It's force I wished to devour.
I wanted to not
Exploit the Canary's gift,
But seal it away,
Eliminate the rift.
But no!
The evil witch did lurk,
Her name is Helyn,
Her owl's a jerk.
There was a white flash,
And the next think I knew,
I was a groundhog,
And I am still.
Of course I can talk,
I am also immortal.
But it is a curse,"
But he started to chortle.

"However I will,"
He said with new vengeance,
"Hunt Helyn down,
And get my revenge.
Her evil deeds
Shouldn't carry on anymore.
As for the canary?
It's that I abhor.
She uses it, caged,
To execute her wrath.
And well, here I am.
That is my past."


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Character Portrait: Tyli Novalee Character Portrait: Gareth
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#, as written by FizzGig
Tyli watched him for a long moment. If she had a brow, it would have furrowed, and her little arms extended to give the groundhog a small, yet warm hug. "Can I help?" she asked with a chirp. "Help you find this Helyn? No one should have to stay like this forever you know, especially when one does not deserve it."

She looked over her shoulders, then up at the trees. It was dark out, and something was beginning to make her nervous. "We should find cover." she told him in a whisper, then gestured to a bush that lay not far from where they were.

"Night creatures are about at this time, and they eat things like you and me. So let's hurry..."


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Character Portrait: Tyli Novalee Character Portrait: Gareth
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Gareth scampered away after Tyli, flurrying into the dirt. He set away immediately digging and relocating the earth, patting and scurrying around.

"Gather foliage?" He requested of the squirrel. It would provide good insulation, and make for a soft floor. The hole would be large by the time he was finished, but for now he worked on tunneling into thicker, rockier soil. His background as a human gave him extra knowledge on making these hovels. Pebbles would provide support for the walls...he mused as he dug.


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Character Portrait: Tyli Novalee Character Portrait: Gareth
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Gareth had dug a tunnel three feet deep and was beginning to hollow out the main chamber.

"Make a pile!" He called back up, surprised at how fast she worked. This was going along well! He supposed, even, there would be enough room for her bag. But of course! He dug furiously, aiming to make a room at least four feet around.