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Isoroku Yamamoto

A military man can scarcely pride himself on having smitten a sleeping enemy; it is more a matter of shame, simply, for the one smitten.

0 · 3,209 views · located in New Terra: High Orbit

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by barney_fife



Supreme commander of the Imperial Taiyou Navy (More details to come).

So begins...

Isoroku Yamamoto's Story


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Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto
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Isoroku Yamamoto stood, facing away from the group. "I'm sorry but our business is concluded, there's nothing you can offer the Empire, and the war is unfavorable in our public opinion, Land would be your best leverage, be that as it may, all Imperial operations against the Aschen, Hataf, and local rebels will be terminated immediately, and I'll be sure the Emperor authorizes a complete withdrawal from this System." Yamamoto said, slowly walking away before he turned.

"If you need Taiyou help, it will have to come from the Shogunate, and believe me when I say, the Shoguns will want much more than a few meager parcels of land."

The setting changes from Dead End to Niihama


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Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto
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Isoroku Yamamoto cleared his throat. "If I may, Prime Minister, Tenno Heika... we must consider the military logistical burden of any Taiyou offensive into Aschen space, we must also consider an invasion of Aschen worlds directly, Surrender before siege would be the ideal option, for within Aschen space, there is a rifle behind every blade of grass." Yamamoto explained, nodding as a Taiyou officer passed out small folders to each of the Union delegates.

"Argosian Frumentarii have reported a rapid civilian armament and brainwashing in Aschen worlds in preparation for the upcoming invasion. We must take steps to address this so we can minimize our own losses. Additionally, Frumentarii stationed at Terra have reported a drastic increase in Aschen presence, indicating they're preparing for defensing of the Local region."


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Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto
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Isoroku Yamamoto spoke up. "If the Aschen conducted a raid, there would be Disruptor scoring and depleted microfusion cells from their weapons, I am guessing you found neither at the site, which would lead to a much darker conclusion, citing the Ori as the culprit."


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Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto
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Isoroku Yamamoto cleared his throat. "The Empire has a desire to dictate the terms of peace time from the Aschen Quorum, and to enforce the provisions laid fourth in negotiations with the Terran National Government."

The setting changes from Niihama to Terra


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama Character Portrait: Elisha Whitcomb
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ITN Hiraikotsu (飛来骨)
Yamato Class Battleship
Flagship of the 105th Imperial Task Force
Commandant Kenji Asuka

"Watch those Battlestars!" The Commandant ordered as the Taiyou Yamato class ship banked a hard right. Flurries of disruptor fire streaked across the bridge view-port in brilliant flashes of green. The Yamato class banked a hard right through Terra's high orbit, flanked on either side by a trio of Naginata cruisers. A few more streaks of green signaled the end of one of the ships. The Commandant on the other hand was unfazed, grasping the railing he issued the next set of orders.

"All hands twenty degrees port, main batteries open fire! Target that Reverence!" He called out, as the singled out Aschen PAC was lined up for a broadside with the Taiyou ship. However the Yamato didn't dish out it's pain before it took it's share of hits, bucking and rocking violently to incoming disruptor fire, brilliant plumes of green-yellow erupted from the boat-like hull of the ship as it, and the Reverence exchanged weapons fire.

"Kojima Maru, loop around wide and hit that Reverence with forward Torpedoes." The Commandant ordered, the single Naginata flanked on the right engaged it's engines, and unleashed a powerful salvo of nuclear armed torpedoes, which danced on the shields of the Reverence in two brilliant flashes of light, but the Aschen ship's shields did not waver, in fact it unleashed yet another punishing salvo into the port side of the Hiraikotsu.

"Damn..." The Commandant growled as sparks began to fly. "Main batteries open fire!" He ordered, and the two massive gun turrets on the deck loosed their nuclear ordinance, hurling a salvo of Anti-ship shells with initially danced on the shields in brilliant explosions, but a third passed through and rocked the Reverence with a plume of nuclear fire, pushing the two ships apart as the shields of the Aschen vessel rippled and eventually collapsed.

"Commandant! Shields are down!" A Lieutenant reported.

"Excellent! Prepare the second volley! Be Quick!"

The Yamato class ship then loosed the next volley, sending anti-capital ship explosive shells hurling into the back of the Aschen Reverence, snapping the ship in two and affording this particular Taiyou group a lull in the fighting.

"Aschen Reverence Neutralized, Commandant." The Lieutenant reported. "Additionally we have unknown contacts, no Taiyou or Aschen IFF Reported." He added, and the Commandant growled. "Bring us about, move back into formation and link up with the Gunkan." He ordered, bringing the fleet formation about over Terra.

ITN Nagato (長門)
Yamato II Class Battleship
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Armada
100,000 Task Forces, 1,000,000 Combat ready Taiyou vessels scattered around Sol engaged with Aschen ships.
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

"Sir! Our fleets have routed the Aschen Task force! We're pressing to Terra itself!" The Executor of the Imperial Armada, Jyunichi Kuwabara reported, as he smoothed down the snow white uniform, Admiral Yamamoto rising to his feet behind him. "We have some unknown contacts being reported by the fleet, open up a channel and find out why they're in our Operational area, Verify Aschen, if they're Aschen, detach two groups to cut them off, and then destroy them."

Kuwabara nodded and opened up a channel, which was broadcast to the unknown fleet that had just warped into the system.

The Voice was heavily accented, but the communication crisp.

Attention unknown vessels, this is the Flagship Nagato, of the Imperial Taiyou Navy's 1st Imperial Armada, you are hereby warned and ordered identify yourselves and state your intent, or we will divert resources to engage and destroy your vessels. You have five minutes to respond.

The message was sent, and the crew of the Nagato waited with bated breath.

AHSC Reverence II 'Clarity of Faith'
Flagship of the Third Fleet of Glorious Consequence
Admiral Joshua Steele

"We can't keep taking these losses, Admiral.." An Advisor reported as the Admiral watched a series of red holographic ships along a large representation of Terra. "What are our odds?" He said, looking up to the advisor.

"We need to take this fighting groundside if we're going to have any chance against the Taiyou. If we can hide among the Terrans and use the Planet to our advantage, we can take them out. But we're out in the open up here, and the Taiyou have us outnumbered 100 to one." He reported, and the Admiral nodded.

"We need to hold out long enough for reinforcements, what survived the Taiyou bombing of Tal'dor Anchorage." He said, and a Lieutenant interrupted their strategizing with an outburst.

"DRADIS Contact! Unknown fleet, Three nine seven carom two one three!" He called out, turning around. "Unknown IFF, they're not us and they're not Taiyou!"

Steele nodded. "Maybe they can be allies in a pinch, open a channel."

The Lieutenant nodded.

"This is Admiral Steele of the Aschen Imperial Ship, Clarity of Faith, we are under attack and taking heavy losses, and would appreciate any assistance you can offer us! I have wounded on board and my fleet is outnumbered, please help us defend this world against these invaders!"

Steele growled a moment. "ETA on those reinforcements?"

The Lieutenant shook his head. "A Centar at best..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama Character Portrait: Elisha Whitcomb
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Hold formation, defense pattern echo bravo!
Stark repeated as the battle erupted. He stared out at the view before him; the Aschen and the Taiyou were locked in battle in orbit over Terra, and munitions were being slung haphazardly between the vessels.

Combat in space was a funny thing, with the limitless degrees of dimensional freedom being governed by the gravitational pull of massive objects like planets, stars, and kilometer-scale vessels. Predictable orbits relied on mass and velocity, traditional interplanetary travel governed by the state of planetary orbits, and interstellar travel bound by safe lanes of travel through the minefield of gravitational pull and stellar radiation. This lent itself to a wide array of tactics that held their effectiveness through the thousands of years of technological advancement, and this dangerous day would be no exception.

Tac-op, relays orders to prepare the MS for launch. We're going to need their support if this turns sour. How long until the Arks can deploy?

Stark was incredibly surprised at how quickly the battle had begun after the fleet's arrival. He had heard much about the irrationally aggressive militaries that were constantly battling for control over this backwater planet, but he hadn't expected the arrival of a simple transport fleet to be the catalyst of such an epic battle.

Oijanen reports zero three niner, Hentogaira reports ready, and Akhrad reports two seven seconds, sir.
came the response. The result was a sparkle in Stark's eye; the training maneuvers they'd run for the months prior to this operation had paid off, with record time from arrival to systems preparation. He was proud of his crew.

Excellent. Open a channel in response to Nagato.
Stark wasn't about to let some squabble over this backwater jeopardize his mission. The delivery would be completed.

Nagato, this is Deliverance of the 1st SOL Commercial Defense Fleet. We are on a peaceful mission, but are well prepared to match any hostility. Best of luck, over.

Stark's amusing commentary spoke for itself. He had entered the system with full preparedness, and had anticipated interference from the two dominant forces in the region. His previous orders had positioned his elements to deal with this possibility, and now—now—this possibility had become the very real tactical upper hand.

Signal to the Caladbolg to arm weapons and hold at the Lagrangian points. If they...
he paused. Stark stared out at the warring fleets and studied. A great many things could be said about the nature of a man's behavior in the heat of battle.

More than one head turned at Stark's hesitance.

If they aggress, we'll proceed as planned.
Stark said, frowning. He was not pleased about this becoming the massacre it was appearing to have the propensity to be. The maneuvers of the fleets ahead were indicative of massive potential for orbital loss, but perhaps these fleet commanders had not previously experienced or otherwise been aware of the threats that his specialized escort were bringing to the table.

Stark hoped, almost desperately, for the preservation of life in whichever of the few outcomes this engagement would have.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Derek Adams Character Portrait: Joshua Steele Character Portrait: Ard Ri Wade MacWard Ui MacAodha Character Portrait: Dezziani Bambach
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0.00 INK

ITN Nagato (長門)
Yamato II Class Battleship
Flagship and Command vessel of the Imperial 1st Armada
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

"Admiral, How do you want to proceed?" Kuwabara spoke up after the transmission clattered on the speakers, the Nagato had just finished a tough knife fight with an Aschen Reverence that somehow managed to slice it's way through the Taiyou formation.

"How do you think I would want to proceed? The Emperor has given us strict orders to maintain this offensive against the Aschen - Naturally they will be our targets. These Civilians, these... Meddlers are not our targets, prepare a reply." He said, lowering himself into the command chair.

"This is Admiral Yamamoto, of the Imperial Taiyou Ship Nagato, we have no quarrel with you or your fleet, but we advise you to proceed at your own risk. If you attack our vessels we will respond in kind. A Force that will crush you like a great Tsunami crushes a city."

Yamamoto then brought his attention to the large map played out before him. "Advance three nine seven, Neutralize that formation of Aschen ships and proceed." Yamamoto called out calmly, the massive Taiyou vessel pushing forward as Kuwabara interjected.

"I don't like this, we have an unknown fleet, with unknown intentions or weapons. If they attack us--"

Yamamoto interrupted.

"If they attack us we will obliterate them." He said, folding his hands in front of him.

"The Taiyou Empire has an objective, and we will achieve that objective." He said calmly, before he leaned back into his chair.

The Taiyou and Aschen fleets seemed to slug it out for several long drawn out hours, the arrival of the third fleet had less of an impact then they had thought. Of coure, the the Taiyou had planned this surprise attack through the galaxy and ultimately into Aschen space itself. The Taiyou were the obvious victors in this skirmish, with the assets of the Aschen fleet starting to dwindle and rout. It was clear who was starting to win this fight.

Admiral Steele shook his head at the response of the other fleet. "They responded to the Taiyou but not us... damnit." He said shaking his head.

"All Pilots give it your all, if Terra falls to the Taiyou then inevitably Aschen space too will fall to the Empire." Steele hailed, turning to the large holographic image in the center of the ship's CIC.

"We need to figure something out.. something to turn this fight around... We need to wait for the rest of the Aschen fleet... we need to hold out just a little while longer." The Admiral said, growling as he looked out, red icons still illuminating the status screen.

"Ready forward Turbodisruptors, engage hard light shields and bring us forward..." He then opened a channel.

"Unyielding Heirophant, this is Clarity of Faith Actual, need you to form up, side by side with your task force, We're going to regroup and try to push against the Taiyou fleet. If we can provoke them to shoot at that unknown fleet, it might give us an edge and we can push the Taiyou back."

He then pulled up a Taiyou naginata cruiser.

"Commander Adams I have a plan to provoke that unknown fleet into firing at the Taiyou - If we can hijack a Taiyou ship, we can fire at the unknown fleet and start an engagement between them and the Taiyou, this will buy us enough time to get some reinforcements into this theater."

The setting changes from Terra to Wing City Police Department

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Motoko Kusanagi Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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0.00 INK

Official Transmission to the Terran National Government from the Taiyou Empire of Greater Niihama.

By the grace of Heaven, Emperor of the Taiyou Empire of Greater Niihama, seated on the throne occupied by the same dynasty from time immemorial, enjoin upon ye, Our loyal and brave subjects:

We hereby declare War on the Terran National Government. The men and officers of Our Army and Navy shall do their utmost in prosecuting the war. Our public servants of various departments shall perform faithfully and diligently their respective duties; the entire nation with a united will shall mobilize their total strength so that nothing will miscarry in the attainment of Our war aims.

To ensure the stability of the Milky Way and to contribute to Galactic peace is the far-sighted policy which was formulated by Our Great Illustrious Imperial Grandsire and Our Great Imperial Sire succeeding Him, and which We lay constantly to heart. To cultivate friendship among nations and to enjoy prosperity in common with all nations, has always been the guiding principle of Our Empire's foreign policy. It has been truly unavoidable and far from Our wishes that Our Empire has been brought to cross swords with Terra. With their actions taken to hamper the execution of our Military operations, and justice for all Imperial Citizens. They have obstructed by every means Our peaceful commerce menacing gravely the existence of Our Empire. Patiently have We waited and long have We endured, in the hope that Our government might retrieve the situation in peace. But Our adversaries, showing not the least spirit of conciliation, have unduly delayed a settlement; and in the meantime they have intensified the economic and political pressure to compel thereby Our Empire to submission. This trend of affairs, would, if left unchecked, not only nullify Our Empire's efforts of many years for the sake of the stabilization of the Milky Way, but also endanger the very existence of Our nation. The situation being such as it is, Our Empire, for its existence and self-defense has no other recourse but to appeal to arms and to crush every obstacle in its path.

The hallowed spirits of Our Imperial Ancestors guarding Us from above, We rely upon the loyalty and courage of Our subjects in Our confident expectation that the task bequeathed by Our forefathers will be carried forward and that the sources of evil will be speedily eradicated and an enduring peace immutably established in the Milky Way, preserving thereby the glory of Our Empire.

In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hand and caused the Grand Seal of the Empire to be affixed at the Imperial Palace, Niihama City, this seventh day of the 3rd month of the 15th year of Shōwa, corresponding to the 12,602nd year from the accession to the throne of Emperor Shogo.

The setting changes from Wing City Police Department to The Palace


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Her Imperial Majesty, Takayama Yukiko Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper
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0.00 INK

A small letter sealed and postmarked would be delivered and addressed to Stryfe Alfarsi, leader of the Invictus.. This letter would be delivered and sent to it's destination.

大新居浜の太陽帝国 - Dai Niihama no Taiyō teikoku

The Taiyou Empire of Greater Niihama
Official Communique between the Taiyou Empire of Greater Niihama - And the Non-Governmental Organization calling themselves 'Invictus'





TAIYOU EMPIRE - The Taiyou Empire of Greater Niihama, it's agents, Military Advisors, and all officers or officials acting in the national interests of the TAIYOU EMPIRE.

INVICTUS - Non-Governmental Organization and non-recognized civilian guerilla/rebel/terrorist entity, and all agents acting in it's interests.

LET IT BE DECREED that the TAIYOU EMPIRE is willing to concede to the immediate cessations of hostilities with the INVICTUS per previous standing agreements and treaties between the INVICTUS and the TAIYOU EMPIRE. The cessation of hostilities shall take effect immediately following the reception of this communique by it's intended party.

The Cessation of Hostilities shall remain in effect until an appropriate audience can be arranged with HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY and an appropriate agent acting on behalf of the INVICTUS to determine appropriate course of actions concerning imperial hostilities with the TERRAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT.

The following are the terms of agreement for lasting peace between the TAIYOU EMPIRE and the INVICTUS

  • The Immediate cessation of all hostilities with military personnel of the IMPERIAL 1ST ARMADA engaged at Terra.
  • Non-interference with all IMPERIAL TAIYOU areas of Operation on Terra, and in the Sol System.
  • Immediate laying down of arms in regard to IMPERIAL TAIYOU operations.

Failure to observe this temporary ARMISTICE or any of it's caveats prior to resolution or declared re-ignition of hostilities can be construed as a war crime and prosecuted the same by the TAIYOU EMPIRE and prosecuted to the full extent of HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY's Military Might.


In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hand and caused the Grand Seal of the Empire to be affixed at the Imperial Palace, NIIHAMA CITY, this third day of the fourth month of the 15th year of Shōwa, corresponding to the 12,602nd year from the accession to the throne of Emperor Shogoi.

The setting changes from The Palace to Space


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Cain Genesis Character Portrait: Einar Falls
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0.00 INK

One more ship seemed to lurch fourth from Hyperspace just adjacent to where the Aurora emerged. Though unlike the previous ship, this one was far different, a whitewashed finish trimmed with red adorned the hull of the vessel, which was bristling with cannons. A few moments passed and several dozen more ships emerged, followed by hundreds more, Battleships, Carriers, frigates, cruisers. Until the ship count in this particular fleet numbered 15,000 Ships.

One by one the ships jumped in and settled on a large line like formation across the front of the Station The ship's IFF Broadcasted as Taiyou, with identification codes for each vessel aligned with this massive fleet.

"CNS Carpathia this is the ITN Nagato, you will permit us passage immediately. His Imperial Majesty wishes to attend this delegation that the Aschen so feebly attempted to attend." Admiral Yamamoto's voice echoed on the coms.

"This is non-negotiable. We will be on an approach vector in five minutes."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Cain Genesis Character Portrait: Einar Falls
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"Whot..." Glaorb quivvered to another like him at his side. The situation seemed tenser than he had originally planned for.

"Whots gongong?" Glaorb asked the counterpart diplomat gelatinous creature like he, who's orb-eyes circulated around the room. To be honest, they had no idea. Everyone acted as if there was an enemy afoot, yet they had simply arrived to negotiate free trade.

"Whots Gong Ong?" He spoke up, the others like him murmuring in agreement.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Cain Genesis Character Portrait: Einar Falls
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
The King paced with the word from his ship, and turned to his golem not saying a word, before nodding slowly and returning his attention to the summit, "I see, I am sure all who are gathered here have heard what is taking place and I am sure all are wondering what we shall do. I am King Josiah Liwave first minority King of Mezzadrate and proud half Catraxian, this is our test, this is our chance to prove we can stand up to the old order. We will not waver, we will not worry, we are the David's who shall crush the Goliaths not with conventional or unconventional weapons, but with words and diplomacy. I speak now as your equal in this room we have assembled some of the best and brightest of our time." taking a breath deep trepidation he went on, "The Summit shall continue, let no one snuff out these lights not if one dies, not if two die. We are making history and no intimidation or show of strength shall silence us!" with that he sat himself down.

"Now back to far more pressing matters, "I shall address the Democratic Coalition first in this agreement, I see your concerns and yes maybe we should allow a chance for them to join. But I am of the opinion to respect the losses UCON have faced and give them the final call on the Aschen. As for The Pandorians your offer of technology and medical care is admirable and truly a sign this can work, since this is meant to represent all, we will allow your scientists to do their thing."

Finally he turned to the Forners, "You my Jelly-like friends, you seem resourceful if somewhat naive, I have great plans for this station and you are welcome to be part of this whole thing. I am sure your kind and everyone here, can agree you were brave to come to such a powerfest. I intended not this, but what can I do."

"As for the representatives who have just entered, whether the media or people who represent Terra, I ask only what does your place offer to this construction, for each nation to strengthen our ties must give something in the construction, we are all scared, we are all worried. But this summit will not be a mockery of, broken we are alone, together we are powerful, not with ships, not with massive fleets.... But dreams. I rest my case"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Cain Genesis Character Portrait: Einar Falls
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0.00 INK

Glaorb Nuurk and his delegates listened intently to the funny clothed man as he spoke. He had a long name, Glaorb Nuurk was only two sounds, but the party didn't dwell on that. They didn't think too much of the strange terms like David and Goliath. David, two knew, was a name. An old name, a true name for humans. Goliath was perplexing to hear, but the ones who knew David nodded along anyway. They assumed they were fighting for a cause by the general tone.

Far more pressing matters? They jiggled with near anticipation, or fear, or lust for what was to come. The Democratic Coalition, that sounded rather fancy. People were discussing treaties, science, trading?

"Trading?" One of Glaorb's advisers jellied his way.
"Trading?" Glaorb spoke up to the room. "Power-fest?" He added on slightly lower, not understanding how this was so.

The media was here? The jellies pillared themselves, and consolidated in form.

"For peas!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Cain Genesis Character Portrait: Einar Falls
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0.00 INK

The Pandorian Alliance was not amused with the Taiyou attempting to force their way in. In fact, the Catricarch, their massive Capital ship that was larger then most other Artificially made Space Objects, sent out a signal to have other Pandorian fleets be nearby on standby, but they were sure to use heavy encryptions using encryptors powered by Rift Tech.

Meanwhile the delegates listed to the King's speech. "Excellent, then we can not wait for construction to begin..." Artemis said, while Sarasha added "And I do hope you plan to make the Taiyou ask first. Uniting under peace is best done without the use of force, or a fleet of ridiculously large numbers...".

Hadaksha, for the first time in the meeting, spoke up, saying "Those who use Death Camps have Dark Hearts. A Dark Heart will do Dark Deeds. It would be wise to be cautious with the Taiyou, show we will not be pushed around, but it would also be best to not provoke the fighting. If any fighting is to be done, then let them fire the first shot..."

Artemis agreed to this, and so did Sarasha. Although Artemis added to bolster defenses for safety reasons.

"I believe this can be the start of a glorious that will help bring peace to the galaxy..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Winne Rineswurth Character Portrait: King Josiah Liwave of The 21st Noble House Character Portrait: Hamayoun Sadir Character Portrait: Clair Wilder Character Portrait: Devaraja Jayaraman
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0.00 INK

Devan flipped through the pamphlet the eighteenth time looking slightly bored as he drank another beer. He was sitting next to his partner Sadir as the other Owner was trying his best to listen to the conference bellow, the King’s Speech had been rewarded with very ceremonious approval. It was then when he realized that applause was not universal apparently, seeing other boxes around him do all sorts of gestures in a very mixed and garnish looking moment. Was that Eight boo- Nevermind. For the sake of peace all audio links from the other boxes were cut through a few more intrigued people were offered headsets to listen in on particular races, delegations and boxes that caught their interest, not to mention everyone was paying particular close attention to the universal translator at the front of the skybox.

“Dude.” Devan exclaimed with a grin prompt both their attention to the huge fleet of ships arriving into orbit of this station. “Space battle. That would totally make this entire trip like super cool.” He tried to empathize in his heavy accent. Sadir simply shook his head “Your terrible.” He forementioned. “I am bored.” He quipped. The other possible billionaire slouched slightly in his seat before he noticed the crew setting up.

Much to Sadir’s relief he saw his partner scurry off from his seat so the other could listen to the conference in some peace. Moving pass the rows of famous rich people, Devan arrived on the scene that was being somewhat Clair Wilder and Steve “Hello.” The native Indian greeted the pair with a wide grin. “Are you two with Terracast?” Perhaps Winne Rineswurth was somehow with them? She had the most amazing tits.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Winne Rineswurth Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: King Josiah Liwave of The 21st Noble House Character Portrait: Hamayoun Sadir Character Portrait: Clair Wilder
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Luke Sullen had been listening waiting, he smirked when word of the Taiyou reached the room. Maybe I can gain them as a possible ally in this dreadful peace meeting. He thought. Then with a sigh he stood, "The Sullen Enterprise Confederation will offer it's trade fleet to help move goods and will offer some supplies." He said clearly.

Then with a pause he turned to the Pandorian Representatives, "If this is truly about peace then I would cease attempts to hold hostilities against anyone." He said firmly, "I do not think it is fair to plot against those coming to this meeting even your small comments. " Added Luke before he took his seat once again.

All I need to do is keep the focus off me and onto each other, I need to slid in here quietly without drawing attention to the SEC's recent controversial methods of securing power. He thought, and knew from here on he was going to have to choose his words carefully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Hamayoun Sadir Character Portrait: Eros Fletcher
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
(Null post ignore)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Winne Rineswurth Character Portrait: Hamayoun Sadir Character Portrait: Eros Fletcher Character Portrait: Clair Wilder
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#, as written by Rulke
Turning to the Indian she smiled, "Yes, I am Clair Wilder and this is my brother Steve don't mind his look, he just follows me mainly to keep eye on me and hates how often I get into situations due to my wish to report on all areas." she would grin and go on, "The King of that nation, Mezzadrate think it's called he certainly knows how to please the crowd, being from Terra it's interesting to see how much we share in common with other people." shrugging she would peer out the windows of ships, before returning her attention to the guy, "So, what do you expect from this and what do you represent on Terra, seems many big names emerging from woodwork on this shuttle, if I had time, I would interview you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Cain Genesis Character Portrait: Einar Falls
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#, as written by Varden
EGO coupled with the ghost fleet's numerous ship board AI and advanced sensor technology hard wired into the covert operations vessels easily detected the massive Taiyou battle fleet before it got within ten light years. EGO represented the fleet as a great tsunami, an unstoppable force if just by their sheer numbers. Though the fleet was massive the ghost fleet had chosen well their position and did not have to move to avoid detection or a collision. These were the ship board assassins and watchers of a fleet unknown to all but the Aschen and in conversation, UCON.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Cain Genesis Character Portrait: Einar Falls
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#, as written by Varden
Einar spent the following minutes looking about at the different representatives while listening to each speaker in turn. He witnessed strange jellied beings of which he had not seen the like at least in self-aware variety. Though he understood they were confused he could not explain the situation to them because of the distance between them. Every so often the menu pad, now in Cain’s position emitted a low tone as if it was a phone and was ringing. Einar seemed to just ignore it.

King Josiah Liwave spoke and he quickly realized what this conference really pertained to. Though it was possible that the actions of this conference could stabilize the region this conference would not have an immediate and direct impact on Terra’s situation. It would not have an immediate and direct impact on the chaos that had just started to spread through the Cynus arm, through the Aschen Empire.

Einar rose then, attempting to choose his words carefully as he spoke. “Greetings rulers, leaders, dignitaries, ladies, and gentlemen.”, he spoke out in a clear voice so that all could hear. It helped that his voice was magnified. “I am Einar Falls. I represent myself though I am sure there are some here that can represent Terra. It warms my heart to hear that you have all gathered to further the cause of peace. A commitment to design and build such a structure will forge strong bonds between all those present. It could stabilize the local region or constellation. Perhaps it could stabilize the galaxy.”