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Istzyr Baenval

Drow Vampire.

0 · 1,313 views · located in Necropolis Hollows

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Marcus


Istzyr Baenval


Full name: – My name is Istzyr Baenval.
Alias/Nicknames: – The Pretender or Houseless One have been used many of times before as Aliases and even being called The Shroud has come up once or twice but when it comes down to nicknames one in particular has followed me to the grave and back, Emerald.
Gender: – I am very much a male.
Species/Race: – I am a Drow first and foremost and shall never forget my beginnings but to the surprise of my peers in the field of research I have chosen I now walk among the dead and drink from my victims’ blood like the vampire I truly am.
Age: - As to this day I am roughly 23 years within my undeath for the 159 I have lived while walking with the living.
Current Residence: - I travel, mostly, however I find that I spend most of my time resting in a small dimensional rift that a dear friend created for me when my plight and aversion to light became a bit extreme.
Job/Profession: – Some would say that I am a procurer of fine art but that would insinuate that I steal and pilfer what is not rightfully mine. I would more like to think of it as a constantly evolving business arrangement. In truth I only took up the β€˜traders’ lifestyle so that I could see the world instead of staying down in a dark oppressive cavern were the only fresh air one can get is death itself.
Title: - Lord Istzyr of Silken Inn.
Allegiance/Alignment/Clan(s): – Whoever or whatever suits me I suppose. If someone asked me what my moral alignment was I would have to say that I am True Evil. I have no clan to call my own.

Height: – I am 5’7”
Weight: - 212 pounds
Build: - Light yet muscular.
Eye Color: - Emerald Green.
Hair Color: - Silver White.
Handedness: - Ambidextrous.
Skin Shade/Color: - Ebony.
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: - I have several scars that run down my back from the days before my rebirth if that is what you want to know. I do not have any tattoos or piercings as lucky as I may be.

Sexuality/Preference: - I am not one to turn away from love or affection but I am one to deny it to others or even completely ignore them if I see fit.
Sanity: - Sanity is only relevant for those who are asking. I am completely sane when it comes down to it.
Friends: - None at the moment.
Likes: - I am a being of fine and exceptional tastes and as such only the best of the best will do. What I do not know when it comes down to those nice things I take exceptional pride in it.
Dislikes: – Low quality items and poor company are my only dislikes. I assure you if you mix the two of those I would have to correct that little problem.
Hobbies: - Reading of course but what kind of man would I be if that was all I took up. I am a painter at heart and have commissioned many portraits over the years before I finished off my subjects in a bloody mess of heat and passion.
– Lame De Mort- Not a simple tool used for farming for those who actually can claim that they have seen the dreaded scythe but a weapon of such fear that it was named for not only its versatility but its cutting edge. Lame De Mort when used in the hands of its owner at first appears to be nothing more than a pair of thin metallic wings that sit respectively on any creature of the nights back but this is only a ruse as they are as sharp as any weapon. Lame De Mort grants the ability to control all bladed weapons that its wielder throws allowing them to stay in the air and even stay in one place if it is willed. The wings that the scythe provides allows its master to fly.
-Valse sans effusion de sang- Not many can claim to have control of the power of their own blood as a weapon but Istzyr was blessed with this rather unique and deadly ability. Along with his minor manipulation of the shadows around him this drow can create real after images of himself and even use his blood like it was a deadly acid or to create portals or solid masses.
-Griffes du DΓ©mon- Istzyr normally does not show them but he does have razor sharp claws that have been known to extend up to three feet at the most. His nails are as sharp as diamonds and with his vampiric strength he has shattered many a thing in the past and present.
-Le charme morts- It is said that vampires have the ability to subtily manipulate the mind into believing something else. This is no different when a simple smile is given and those who it was directed towards have a sudden change of heart. This is a passive ability and is always active though not all are affected by the will of a vampire in the same manner as others.
Combat Attire: – The only form of Combat Attire I own is what I am wearing right at this bloody moment.
Accessories: – Besides all of my wealth I have acquired over the years there is not much to say that is noticeable. However if I find something I will be sure to let you know.
Miscellaneous: – Nothing at the moment of course.

So begins...

Istzyr Baenval's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel Character Portrait: Nyarlathotep Character Portrait: Benjamin Dullahan Character Portrait: Kaine
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#, as written by Marcus
The room filled with vampires and none yet the wiser of what was to come as a dark presence filled the room with what soon followed to be a rather handsome Drow in finery of red and white. The noble elf simply gripped the head of his rather strange cane only to tap the butt of it twice upon the ground and cleared his throat as he approached the vampires and their comrades only to offer a fiendish grin and a mock bow. "I am Lord Baenval and though I wish not to interrupt such fine business as this I feel as if it is my sworn duty to do as such."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Nyarlathotep Character Portrait: Kaine Character Portrait: Anamaria Van Helsing Character Portrait: General Yves Beauregard
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Alexander listened. They were avoiding his suggestion of bringing in a Wild Card, from what he could tell. He didn't blame them, people tend to prefer to stick with what they know, even Vampires. At least the fact there was not much outrage if any towards the suggestion itself, as far as he could tell, meant it had a chance. The real question was who. What enemy could they get to help them, and not betray them. Who could they trust for this?

Alexander had an idea. But he was not sure about suggesting this one. Mostly because he had not heard anything about him in a long time, and was unsure about suggesting it because of how badly it might go. But he knew that this move would not have been predicted. Because the idea, in itself, would be impossible and insane. He was not sure even how to get him on their side, unless...

He kept the idea in his head, deciding it might be best not to mention it at this moment, though the fact he had some idea he was not sharing was not that hard to see. It wasn't obvious, but it was possible to tell. He listened to everyone, and then asked Zosimos "People we have trusted and who kept order are missing. We must take up these responsibilities, and together we must maintain what we have built, while hunting down those who wish to see us dead and what we have built destroyed. For our survival, for our progress..." he then turned to Daemala now. "For Casren".

Kaine's announcement of departure momentairily surprised him, but it passed. He was more focused on what was being said, and what was not. "So, we have leads to follow, people to find, and affairs to manage. I agree, we do need to get our shit straight. So, I ask, who will do what? You have decleared some of this already, and I will not deny the chance to find these people, but we can not do what we would be expected to do. I have suggested one way to add a wildcard, but we should all have some sort of wildcard. We can no longer stay confident our methods may work, or what we know is correct".

He looked at Zosimos now, his mind drifting back to that idea from before. I do not expect this idea will be popular, if I suggest it at all, it's risky and I don't even know if it will even be possible, but it is something they would not have expected, even with all of their planning and preparation.

Before he could ask Zosimos what he plans to do, this intruder appeared. "Who are you? Why do you interrupt this meeting!?" he asked, slightly ticked off.

(Sorry if I missed a tag, the last post made it impossible to tag all, but I think I got everyone here? Except Frederic, who never appeared on the tag list. O.o)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Nyarlathotep Character Portrait: Kaine Character Portrait: Anamaria Van Helsing Character Portrait: General Yves Beauregard
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#, as written by Marcus
"Who am I? A silly question after I have already introduced myself as Lord Baenval, no matter though, it only makes this meeting with some of the more powerful members of this mock court a bit more interesting." The drow spoke only to keep his fiendish smile out in the open as he took a step forward allowing his cane to tap on the ground lightly as he began to look over the audience he held. "To those who know me I am simply called The Pretender, a speaker of many interests, and also The Shade. I however assure you that such names are nothing more than the fancy of simple men and women who have little to no education on the finer arts of acquisition and lordly affairs like those of you who sit here before me." Lord Baenval spoke with an air of confidence about him that few could muster in a situation such as this for his scent was not that of the dead and to those who could hear him the sound of what could be described as a working heart was vigorously pumping.

"More to the point however I speak for the demon lord Belphegore and a lone galactic being who goes under the name of Shabot-Urn. It appears to me that a certain sapphire ring was placed in the care of a lone boy in sight of one of your vampiric guards and I wish to retrieve it in order to move onto other business that I have urgent business with. Aiding me will grant you both of my lords blessings and the boon of gifts that will flood your way will not go unnoticed."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Nyarlathotep Character Portrait: Kaine Character Portrait: Anamaria Van Helsing Character Portrait: General Yves Beauregard
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grahf
Noxize Deschain The black being flowed forth from it's place in the wall, the echoes of a psychic scream still rattling about in it's head- the awakening of the symbiote Legion in Wing City reached even this far. Nox had bad news for the vampires.

"Descorp is leaving this rock. We apologize for this disconnect of services. After the dark days pass we will return. Have a nice day."

A sound like that of a large pair of hands clapping sounds once...and Nox is gone. In moments the sound was echoed as each and every Descorp personnel member vacated the planet. Compact Rip-Gates allowing for instant transport back to the ship. Something bad was coming...if it scared off Nox and the rest of the Descorp. But what?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Nyarlathotep Character Portrait: Kaine Character Portrait: Anamaria Van Helsing Character Portrait: General Yves Beauregard
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0.00 INK

Horrible news followed by horrible news. Zosimos could practically see the dominoes as they fell, ivory relics of a time long dead. The old greek grinned silently where he sat. The curtain on this act seemed to be falling. Falling, falling, and he didn't wish to fall with it.

As if on cue, the bottles lining the walls began to quiver. Tauvyr Tavern rumbled, what was going on outside? Daemala jumped up, pardoning herself and rushing through the door. Patrons were seemingly alarmed at the strange activities.

There was a techno-jingle. It was a phone, Zosimos's phone. He was mildly alarmed that it was ringing, but still he received the message. Zosimos looked around, bowed out, and hurried after Daemala. The message was surely troubling.

It was now Manik Chakur stepped forward, looking at the rings.

"Rings...It is rings that lie at the heart of all our strife..." His bloodshot eyes bulged as he spat the words, "The rings must be taken care of I agree, we must aide this man in his search for his sapphire ring," Manik bowed deeply to everyone, "For Casren."

The setting changes from Room of York to Wing City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Istzyr Baenval
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#, as written by Marcus
The city streets were bustling with the very odds and ends that Terra provided for those who were not accustomed to the idea of strange or otherworldly. However this was not the case for one particular individual as a dark skinned elf wearing all read and clothing from another era of time walked down the walk ways of the busy city only to allow his eyes to linger on certain individuals who held his interests long enough to be considered a mark. Istzyr was not known for making rash or welcomed advances on others but one woman in particular this night had caught his eye and Shabot-Urn knows she was searching for something of value and pride in her short and meaningful life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Istzyr Baenval Character Portrait: Laura Vanderzee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Edelle
Laura had been strolling idly, enjoying the feel of the city at night. With each lazy step her shoes scuffed against the pavement. She'd wandered along the main streets, enjoying watching a small crowd file out of a movie theater, frowning as they dropped their empty popcorn bags on the ground. Her feet were beginning to feel tired, so she sat down on a bus stop bench,taking a moment to pick a small pebble out of the bottom of her shoe.
A practiced people-watcher herself, she learned to notice when others were observing her, and she was definitely getting a feeling that she was being watched.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Istzyr Baenval Character Portrait: Laura Vanderzee
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#, as written by Marcus
It was almost intoxicating to know that this one woman wanted something in life and it is what drove Istzyr to what he did best, besides other things. Slowly the drow would approach the woman allowing his rather odd looking cane to tap lightly on the ground while he examined her as if she was hiding something from his keen eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Istzyr Baenval Character Portrait: Laura Vanderzee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Edelle
As the strange elf approached her, Laura merely glanced at him, not making eye contact. Instead, she looked at her shoes, the pavement, the bit of chewed gum stuck to the side of the bus shelter, but his strange cane caught her eye. She cleared her throat, but said nothing. She found his gaze rather unnerving, and an involuntary shiver went through her spine.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Istzyr Baenval Character Portrait: Laura Vanderzee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Manners, something that always seemed to elude the drow whenever he was plotting something rather interesting for the night, and it was not even a couple more seconds for Istzyr to give a slight mock bow and a smile. "Forgive me for my intrusion but I could not help but notice that you are a person who has an aura of want and desire around them." The dark elf spoke only to gesture off the idea he had just spoken as if it had never even occurred at all. "Now do not misunderstand what I mean but I only speak of such a want that those who collect the finest things have about them. May I join you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Istzyr Baenval Character Portrait: Laura Vanderzee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Edelle
"Er- yes, I suppose." Laura stuttered a little, briefly making eye contact with the stranger, before casting her gaze downwards and resuming her intent observation of her shoes. An aura? She mused, What was that about?
She moved over on the bench a bit, checking her watch non-nonchalantly. It was getting late. Too late, in her opinion, for conversations with strangers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Istzyr Baenval Character Portrait: Laura Vanderzee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
The drow took his seat next to her and placed both hands upon the head of his rather strange and eccentric looking cane only to look up at the night sky as some people passed by only to admire the stars that could be seen. "Yes my gut is telling me that you are a person who is found of fine things and beautiful sights. It is only natural for a lady such as yourself to want those things am I right?" Istzyr chuckled as he produced a rather odd looking business card that had his name written and a image of a dark rose along with some other contact information. "Let it be said that those who wait and wish for things are the lucky ones in life and I happen to be one of those people who can acquire things for a reasonable price. I have even been known to find lost and valuable things as well." The dark elf simply began to then shake his head as he was getting far to ahead of himself. "Forgive me I must be an oddity to presume that I can just simply step in for a conversation when the night is growing late and I am sure you wish to get some sleep."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Istzyr Baenval Character Portrait: Laura Vanderzee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Edelle
"No, no, it's okay." She said, taking the business card reading it carefully, "I... suppose I understand what you're saying." She paused to look up at the stars where the stranger was gazing. "I collect teacups. Vintage ones. It's a bit of an odd hobby, I know."
She glanced at the business card once again. "Your name is... Istzyr? It's a bit unusual, isn't it?" She asked, raising an eyebrow curiously.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Istzyr Baenval Character Portrait: Laura Vanderzee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"Teacups you say? No not unusual at all actually as the strangest thing I have happened to acquire was a rare species of bird for a man who wanted one of every single avian creature in the entire universe." The Drow simply leaned back a bit only to look at the woman with a bit of curiosity just to then hear what she thought about his name only to chuckle a bit. "Yes I suppose my name is not of the norm for most people here in Wing City but I assure you that my homeland that is very normal. One might imagine that people from other cultures might think you could have a rather strange name to if they were to sit back and think about it long enough." The drow jested a bit only to then wave off the subject like it was nothing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Istzyr Baenval Character Portrait: Laura Vanderzee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Edelle
"So that's your job, then? You go around and find things for people, collectors and the like?" Laura was intrigued and turned to face Istzyr, tilting her head to the side a little, "Sounds exciting. You must be well-traveled. I've never even been outside Wing City."
She swung her feet back and forth, and the soles of her shoes scraped against the pavement.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Istzyr Baenval Character Portrait: Laura Vanderzee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"Some may say that." The drow spoke only to then smile a bit revealing his pearly white teeth. Istzyr had been to many places indeed and from worlds to other realms completely there has been little he has not seen in the vast multiverse. "My travels do take my to far places and there are always more unique opportunities for those who are also searching for rare and interesting goods of this I assure you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: Istzyr Baenval Character Portrait: Arden Maximoff
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
One could not, and shouldn't have been, thinking that they could simply walk away from the blood red sea of death and destruction of mortal men and expect not to go unnoticed by such a vicious creature. It was as such that only the lunacy of frightened woman and children could be heard as they were torn apart and absorbed into the chaos that was the so called Blood King while others who had a more martial sense of it would turn and fight back. It was however not the end of all things as a strange sight was seen entering the scene from above on what appeared to be a golden galleon surrounded by five fiery rings and radiating with magicks of a long forgotten era of time for this world.

"Disgusting, absolutely abominable, what kind of depravity does a being like that have when it comes to falling so far?" The words escaped Arden Maximoff with a sickening resonance as his person seemed aglow with a strange and foreign energy and as he picked up his glass of apricot sherry from a servant it was very evident that things would be growing rather tenuous.

Out from the lower deck would stride a Drow with finery of a high class gentleman and a cane to aid in his stride just to smile and rest a single hand upon Arden's shoulder as he watched the display of power from the vampire upon the roof. "You know Arden it is rather unbecoming for a noble lord such as yourself to worry for others like these poor diluted children. They do not even understand as to what is going on." The serpent spoke and Arden simply shrugged the vampire off as he turned to his men giving the order for them to start warding the ship and opening fire upon the beast bellow. It was with great haste that the men and elves aboard the vessel rushed to their stations as the arcane airship came around with its port side revealing an array of strange cannons.

A rather stout woman suddenly gave the orders to fire upon the vampire bellow releasing a volley of green lightning from the port side down upon the rooftop housing the dark dweller. "Istzyr save as many as you deem fit. I want to collect that specimen." Arden spoke only to return to his drink while the festivities were in order and with that the vampiric drow jumped from the ship and landed with a heavy thud next to Kristen Leon just to smile and offer his hand. "I do believe that such a lovely flower does not need to be here of all places. Would you care to dance away from all of this?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: Paragon Character Portrait: Istzyr Baenval
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
"You are a fool, Alucard." A serpentine voice slithered out from the red mist, echoing in the vampire lord's ears with sinister intent. All at once, a dark figure materialized at the Blood King's side, his black cloak folded about his haggard frame like a blanket draped over a corpse, sickly and thin. The crimson aura resonating about Dracul, undoubtedly fed by the most nefarious of powers, did nothing to the intruder. On the contrary, they embraced him, extending their wretched, sanguine tendrils around his blighted cloak in a lover's embrace. Alucard's darkness, brewed with the foulest energies imaginable, welcomed the stranger. Caressed him. It was as if he were some old friend of the chaotic spirits. It was as if he belonged there.

"Why, son of Cain?" the stranger stepped slowly around the vampire, "why have you broken your chains? Why have you cast off the sweet and ignorant veil of servitude?". The stranger paused, his face obscured under the shadow of a heavy hood. "Has a hundred years of righteous conscription taught you nothing?" A low, clotted sound escaped the confines of his hood, like wet gravel ground into fine sand. He was laughing. "...or perhaps, you are still every bit the mad dog I knew you to be in Europe? A rabid beast, barely humanized by the coif of his suit and the weight of his title." His hood cocked curiously to the side. "Is that what you've come here to do, Blood King? To eat? Consume? Spread your disease as you once did? I would have hoped your goals might have become more noble by now."


Meanwhile, in the city below, the Terrans were not standing idly by while the forces of chaos yet again advanced upon their beloved homeworld. No stranger to supernatural attacks, the National Police Agency had dispatched a legion of Enforcers the moment Alucard's first ruinous energy-wave rocked the city's core. They'd converged on the source of the power mere moments later.

Battalions of TNG warriors scrambled about the streets, ushering people to safety and establishing their perimeter. The red tide of power stemming from Alucard's sword would be mysteriously halted not even a block into its descent, a brilliant blue shield of seething power challenging its advance. The counter-attack seemed to be stemming from a series of small nodes the Enforcers had quickly set up around the Blood King's base, compact generators that amplified and directed the effects of the Svalinn, a TNG sanctioned psionic frequency and telepathic reservoir, constructed from the minds and wills of Terra's most accomplished wizards, telepaths, mutants and plain old stubborn human beings. The Enforcers quickly took up defensive positions behind the Svalinn, ether rifles trained forwards in defiance of whatever hellish minions might seethe forward from the bloody mist. Whatever came through that dark haze, they would fight it. They would protect their homes.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"Trouble in the city." A voice echoed through the heads of Arya Bones and her team of elite soldiers as they relaxed in their barracks at the Invictus headquarters. "Move to assist the authorities as quickly as possible." The voice continued.

Arya sighed quietly, closing the laptop computer she was using and getting to her feet. "Let's go, kids." The woman ordered, leading her team out of the barracks and into the rest of the Invictus HQ beneath the surface of Terra.

They expertly turned corner after corner until they arrived at the complex's armory. The team donning their dark orange uniforms and black armor. "What are we dealing with?" Sugar Bear, a bleach blonde member of the team, asked.

"Their seems to be airships opening fire and the main source of the disturbance seems to be a demon or vampire." The voice from before answered as the team continued grabbing weapons and strapping on their armor.

"Demon or vampire?" Arya asked, "You aren't sure?" She asked, "We're limited in our capabilities at the moment with how much we have to do due to Stryfe's goal of protecting Terra." The voice told Arya, "Understood."

"Banner!" Arya shouted, turning her attention to a hulking African-American man on the team, "Yes, sir?" Banner responded, "Get that bird ready, we're moving out." Arya informed the man, "Double time it, shorty." Arya said, clapping her hands to motivate the man to start going.

As Banner left the armory to get a helicopter, Arya and her team continued grabbing gear until they could barely anything else. "Let's move." With those words Arya and her team were on their way to the helicopter and in seconds of arriving at it they were ascending up out of a concealed entrance into the underground facility.

Moments later they were descending on the scene of the violence in the city. "Turn that megaphone thing and give it to me." Arya ordered as the helicopter hovered over the Terrans on the ground and their enemies.

"This is Arya Sloane of the Invictus' Elite Custodis Caeleste, we've got your back." She said to the Terrans, "That's bad for the rest of you not on our side." She added, her words meant for Alucard and the unknowns in the airship.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane
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0.00 INK

A man in a red hood stood amidst the panicking crowds of the massive Wing City. Obviously their fear is well placed from the amount of evil magic being portrayed by this enigmatic character. While he would appear to be only human, hid the signs of his physiology by retracting his wings. Though the Assassin's mission did not involve a character like this Blood King, it was obvious any attempt from here on would be difficult. Either his demon target has vacated the city by now, or worse may attempt to join this madman in whatever plot he has. The assassin known as Zephaniel walked passed the running mortals as human response divisions rose to the call.

It would seem these forces could handle what is coming. Though Zephaniel has his doubts, just by understanding the magnitude of evil that is pouring from this madman. He entered an alleyway as he began to scale the wall. He is climbing was quick as he reached the rooftop and gained better sight of the Wing City skyline. While he had his worries it seemed the combination of the Invictus, The Terran National Government, and the strange golden galleon in the sky, were confident in their skills to handle this situation. Either they have experience in such matters or are very brave. Though Zephaniel's conscience was getting the better of him. He hardly could turn away and follow his mission. Not with such evil spreading through out the city. Though if he doesn't turn away now the amount of negativity will be too overwhelming, so much so he wouldn't be able to tell apart from the Blood King or a Demon.

Following a course of action, Zephaniel ran across the rooftops. With the speed and grace of a cat, he effortlessly used his agility to scale down a building. He would trust his instincts and would purify whatever evil may come near, but overall followed what he assumed to be demonic energy. All the while hoping the Terrans could keep the chaos at bay with their shields.