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His footsteps mark a long, treacherous road which was paved with blood. The XeZ emblem which was carved into the side of his neck had symbolized perpetual loyalty to his origin. All he knew were the whims of his blade.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Stryder


Height: 5'11

Physical Structure: Muscular

Facial Features: Eyes Blue, Short Brown Hair, Strong Jaw.

Unique Features: XeZ emblem engraved into his neck.

- Long, Black, Hooded Cloak, concealing his physique
- Black Cloth Gi, sleeves cut off, emblem of his dojo on reverse side.
- White Bandage wrapped around his fingers.


He was often reluctant to make conversation. He had no interest in the affairs of others unless they possessed the information he was looking for. His general demeanor could be described as frank, and indifferent. When tested, he became hostile and relentless, easily losing himself in a frenzy of rage.


A sword, stretching 6 feet in length, and 2 feet in width.

A series of darts:

Red - Poisonous; usually takes 60 seconds to become effective, killing an opponent.

Yellow - Sleep-Inducing; has an immediate effect, putting an opponent to sleep.

Blue - Takes a heavy toll on an opponent's muscle coordination. An opponent will lose control over his motor skills.

Series of daggers, 8 inches in length.


He came from a warrior bloodline which stretched back many generations. His father abandoned him as a child and his mother was slain in a village raid as he was too young to protect her. Left alone, he nearly died of starvation.

Two days later, a passerby (Aijido) took notice of his condition and led him to safety. He explained to the boy that the time they lived in brought more bitter than sweet. Having said this, he presented him with the same 6 foot blade he would eventually master. The boy gazed at the tremendous mass of steel with doubtful eyes yet grasped the hilt with determination. Aijido named the boy Jin, subjecting him to countless months of arduous training in martial arts, swordsmanship, and philosophy.

Over the years, Jin's skills had increased exponentially as did the hatred for his father. He would never forgive the man which had left him and his mother to die in order to fullfill his own selfish motives.

At age 21, Aijido believed Jin was old enough to know the truth of his motives. He explained to Jin that his efforts were not out of mere benevolence but had a purpose. He presented Jin with a Black Cloth Gi, a mysterious emblem was written on the reverse side. As they walked, Aijido proclaimed that initiating Jin into his clan, XeZ (The Dragon Family), was the true reason for their unceasing training. Although Jin was slightly uneasy he took the offering with a grain of salt.
From then on things had changed. His theoretical knowledge of the battlefield had become a reality. He witnessed more bloodshed than anyone could ask for yet found solace in each swing of his blade. He refused to question the clan's ethics and motives, loyaly and perseverance were all he knew.

At this stage of his life meditation was the cloth that wiped the blood from his hands. One day he wandered deep into the mountains, seeking harmony in nature's stillness. One week later he ran back to the clan's hideout, eager to speak of the profound insights he had envisioned in his meditative trance. Upon arriving he felt a cold breeze and smelled the aroma of blood. Suddenly a chill ran up his spine, experiencing fear for the very first time. With each step he saw another one of his comrades lying lifelessly, smered in blood. His eyes widened like never before, beginning to run in a wild frenzy in search of his master. Finally, he found his master upon the top step of the clan temple, his sword laying across his chest, bathed in his own blood. Jin's cries of pain could be heard from neighboring villages that night. Taking a small dagger, he engraved the XeZ emblem into the side of his neck, hoping the clan responsible for the death of his master would eventually come after him.

His mother was killed, his clan and his master were slain by a rival clan, and his father had abandoned him. He had nothing left in this world besides his blade. His demeanor became solidified in apathy and coldness. He finally understood his master's talk of bitterness on their day of meeting. The only thing that kept him going was the quest to find his father, as well as those responsible for the murder of his clan.

All he knew was bloodshed..

So begins...

Jin's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suiauthon Elessar Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: claw moonbeam Character Portrait: Kiwi Pheonix Character Portrait: Emiko and Hnako Kitsune Character Portrait: Alkir Jaffahd
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As the Kitsune twins approached the door one of their guards opened it for them and they smiled thankfully before stepping inside. The two of them took in the whole room before seating themselves at a booth. Two guards stood outside the front door, one sat beside Emiko, and two other guards stood outside the back door. As Hnako read through her menu, their agent sat down beside her and grabbed a menu.

"I don't know why you girls wanted to come here..." he grumbled aloud.

"Becaaaaause! It's what the guy at the front desk suggested." Emiko replied.

"Front desk-when did you go to the front desk?"

"I sent her because we didn't have anymore towels." Hnako chimed in.

"Towels? Why didn't you have enough towels? Don't worry, I'll take care of that."

"No, we invited the guards to go swimming with us." Emiko laughed.

"Why did you do that? They are here to protect you."

"They deserved a break." Hnako added.

"Hey! Are you jealous?" Emiko said as she stared closely into the tired Agent's eyes.

"Aw! I'm sorry! We'll invite you next time for sure!" Hnako said as she hugged their Agent.

"It's okay, I was probably asleep anyway. Let's hurry and get lunch over with. You still have to get to the studio today, remember?"

The both of them sighed as they said in unison, "We remember..."

"Good, because our deal is no shopping until the work is done..."

"Why don't you chill out?" Emiko said as she poked his elbow.

"I am chill, you don't think I'm chill?"

"No-yes-wait! Um...Ye-No!" Emiko teased their Agent as she smiled warmly towards him.

"I know I'm chill, but you're hyper today."

"Can't I be excited? We don't eat in places like this very often."

"Of course you can..." The Agent said as he looked around the restaurant, eavesdropping on nearby conversations.

"I don't like how vulnerable we are to fans coming up to us."

"Emiko and I wouldn't have a problem with that, we aren't crabby old men."

"This old man thing has to stop. I'm thirty-eight..."

The three of them laughed and waited to be served. While they waited their Agent looked over the documents he carried from the mailbox earlier that morning. Emiko and Hnako played their hand held games against each other.


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Character Portrait: Jin
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A young man awoke in a dingy corner of the bar, soaked in sweat and shuddering. He lies against the wall for a moment, not moving, his eyes clamped tight shut against the harsh radiance that surrounded him.
He wishes that he didn't know who he was.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to The Infinite Void

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Alighieri cackled with the roar of a thousand dying races, a terrifying scream which echoed into the depths of the void.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
The expanse of the void was endless, and he just wanted a beer, anything good and strong, and it didnt just matrialise out of nothing. So how to get out of the endless expanse of a rather beautiful endless flower meadow was actually rather nice. It was not often he got to really just wander a flower meadow, and as beautiful as it was, there had to be a door or a window or something.

Finally finding what looked like a door frame, with no visible door per sei, he tried going through it, like it was a opening in a fence, and promptly smacked into a door panel with a hard thud. The dragon saw he couldnt fit through the door but it was infact a door. Dust was on the ground among the beautiful flowers but he felt he should not disturb the dust, it was after all possible that someone had distributed family ashes there. And just being there made the dragon shift form to his human asize and get to his knees, bowing three times towards a nearby small pile of void dust before getting to his feet.

Turning back to the door frame he found the4 handle. But something made him halt. Where there others looking for the door that he had just found ?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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0.00 INK

Kragum stopped in his tracks as Fesna's wail reached him, a chill brushing over his skin. He picked up the pace, and this time it was Kragum's turn to go in for a hug.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Fesna embraced him back and began to weep. She wasn't ready to die! She had things to do, places to see! Remorse for wasted time hit Fesna like a ton of bricks.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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0.00 INK

Character Portrait: Kragum Kragum says,
 “ Fesna.....hey, Fesna? Fesna!
....look over there? ”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Fesna gave a final pitiful sob, wiped her nose on Kragum's shoulder, and looked to where he was pointing.

There was a door, and it was closing.

She didn't even think twice grabbing Kragum's hand and barreling for the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Kragum let himself be dragged through the flowers, matching her speed and excitement. When they reached the door it had just clicked shut. Breathing hard, he bent over to catch up on air, and noticed a bunch of strange dust on the ground. That, too, unsettled him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Fesna toed the dust gently, but Kragum yanked her away. She would have laughed at his superstition under almost any other circumstance.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Kragum gave Fesna a hard nod, and tried for the door. To both of their surprise it was unlocked!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Fesna grabbed Kragum's face, gave him a hard smooch, and pulled him through the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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0.00 INK

Shael blinked, and he found himself somewhere he did not expect. His memory was fuzzy as if he had awoken from a half-remembered dream.

“Hello?” He called out to the emptiness. “I’m afraid I’m a bit lost, and I don’t remember how I got here.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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0.00 INK

A tall skeletal figure wandered the void. Zal’hagun scanned the impenetrable darkness with fleshless eyes that glowed with necromantic energy. His ancient robes, worn and tattered yet still bearing an air of nobility, flowed behind him.

“Well…” He hissed into the nothingness. “This is… problematic.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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0.00 INK

Leon dropped his shot glass and reached for his revolver. How did he get here? He listened carefully for any sound in the pervasive darkness. His teeth clenched in frustration.

“I don’t have time for this. Need to find a way out…”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Character Portrait: Attila Attila says,
 “ Well, this was interesting. One moment he was taking a bath in the kitchen sink, of course it was more him trying to wash the dishes in the sink and ended upo taking a bath anyway. And then kapoof, he was in a flower meadow. But he still had his scrub brush and his collar so he wasnt naked. that in and of itself was a good thing. For the moment ”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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4.50 INK

Elanna Torres opened her eyes after what seemed like an eternity. She didn't remember how she got here, and she didn't seem to know where she was at, drifting in an infinite void. She ran her hands on her body, the polished leather of her sam browne, and the sleek casing of her disruptor. She reached into a leather pouch, and clicked on a small LED flashlight, shining it into the void.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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0.00 INK

Heralding Rymesis examined the Void Dust carefully. He's run across it before...but her looked around at the vast emptiness. He knew not where he was, but remembered where he should have been. After many a millennia, there would not be a soul that could transport him without his will. So he was a bit expected, despite his old bones and indifference towards certain adventurous proclivities.

"Well, I suppose Gambit's is no more." For that is the last thing he remembers.

He knew it was time to have a little fun. The divine nature of him being where he was certainly screamed 'higher power'. So, He was sure that meant there were new places to explore and to people to help. Or at the very least, new worlds to explore and pupils to be had. Explorers always came a knocking whenever he stayed anywhere too long.

"Oh Ho! Time to move it!" Heralding exclaimed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slyantar Thomas Copper Character Portrait: Kinea Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Liesha Kennicot Character Portrait: Jared Johnson Character Portrait: Ruhe
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0.50 INK

Quickpaw Hurojo awakes after having been asleep for several years. Around the area was only void. It was empty. Dark. Cold. "Where... where have the spirits placed me?" He started patting his body all over; ensuring that he was corporeal. "Not dead; that's a plus." Though there was no time to lose. If he was corporeal, that likely means that he could return to the world he knew, and hopefully return to his king. He began running, hoping to find an exit to this ethereal obscurity.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slyantar Thomas Copper Character Portrait: Kinea Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Liesha Kennicot Character Portrait: Jared Johnson Character Portrait: Ruhe
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Sibael Rhodwyn looked around, finally staring one of the strangers in the face, "I don't remember you. Any of you, to be frank."