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Pitch the Eevee


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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by NeverEndingFlip


Name: Pitch

Gender: Male

Pokemon: Eevee

Level: 19

Personality: Pitch is very timid and introverted. He doesn't typically enjoy interaction with people and Pokemon and prefers to avoid them if he can. That being said, the only thing he's not hesitant to do is attack when he feels threatened. He's defense oriented and while he hasn't had much experience in terms of fighting, he has developed fighting strategies that seem to fare pretty well against experienced Pokemon. He does sport the most valiant of hearts and is not afraid to stand up for someone of innocence.

Strengths: Clever. Pitch is rather intelligent for his low level and lack of experience. He knows when to apply what strategy and is often using it to his advantage. He can also detect when he is being led on or fooled.

Defensive. Pitch is very defense oriented, meaning he is focused on his well-being as well as the well-being of any allies he may have. In doing so, he set himself up as such, giving himself a natural defense boost.

Valiant. Pitch is very honorable and moral. This means he gives off a natural feeling of trust in his nature. He is more appealing in that sense, allowing him to make more allies than enemies.

Weaknesses: Weak. Pitch is not the most powerful Pokemon that walked the earth. He doesn't hit very hard and often is found relying on his strategies to fight rather than straightforward combat. In a muscle contest, he rarely wins.

Inexperienced. Pitch has not existed for very long. He's still quite young. He has no concept of how the world works other than what he has encountered thus far. Despite his cleverness, he's naive.

Stubborn. Pitch is very set in his ways. He's eager to learn more, but it's not easy for him to let go of information that is no longer useful to him or proven worthless. This can sometimes make him even harder to interact with which coupled with his introverted nature is kind of a turn off for other Pokemon.


Baby-Doll Eyes: A non-damaging Fairy-Type move. The user stares at the target with its baby-doll eyes, which lowers its Attack stat. This move always goes first.
Tackle: A damaging Normal Type move in which the user physically throws his body weight into the opponent.
Tail Whip: A non-damaging Normal Type move that decreases an opponent's defense.
Sand Attack: A non-damaging Ground Type move that blinds the opponents and lowers their accuracy for their next strike.
Bite: A damaging Dark-Type move which deals damage and has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch (if the target has not yet moved).
Double Kick: A damaging Fighting-Type move which kicks the target twice in succession using both feet.

So begins...

Pitch the Eevee's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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Pitch nodded at Mud, "Well, it wasn't like I was actively seeking her out or anything..." he admitted, remaining humble as they started moving towards the spilled popcorn, "We just ran into each other."

He heard Aurora ask about the scarf, to which Pitch didn't exactly have an answer, "I don't know, honestly. I got it in the store dumpster. I think they were overstocked on it and the scarves didn't have a place to go. I've worn it and it doesn't seem to have anything special to it, but who knows? Maybe you can find out it's secrets." he turned back around to see Glow had some popcorn stuck to her fur. While Aurora could stifle his laughter, Pitch could not.

"Glow, you might want to give yourself a little shake off!" he choked through fits of laughter before answering her question, "Sure, you can. I never really knew if I was going to use them myself." He'd considered Jolteon as a possible Eevolution for himself, but something about it didn't resonate right. Still, the thought was cool...being an Electric-Type...having the spiky fur and-

Pitch's train of thought was derailed as something caught the corner of his eye...a movement. Curious, scared, but not wanting to alert the others or make them worry, he started walking that way to analyze, "I'll be right back guys!" he called back, "I have to go find something..."

Stepping away from the amphitheater and out of sight from the rest of the group, he started trotting through the streets as people walked by. He spotted the thing causing the movement again, ducking into an alley. He only caught a glimpse. Whoever this was, Pitch thought, They're fast.

But the Eevee knew the layout of the town like the back of his paw. He knew exactly where that alleyway led...and knew another path to take. Quickly, Pitch bounded through the pedestrians walking past, some with children, some with Pokemon, some with both. Rounding the corner, he made graceful steps as he erupted into full sprint, catching the creature at the other end. The two bumped into each other, causing the rebound to send Pitch into the street while the Pokemon was sent sprawling back into the alleyway.

Pitch picked himself up first, realizing that the Pokemon that he'd seen was a Raichu. Strange... he thought, He'd never seen a wild Raichu running around here.

"Hey, what are you doing spying on us?" Pitch raised a suspicious brow, tensing his body in case the Raichu would rather fight than talk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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0.00 INK

Zap looked at the eevee, a little nervous. Crap. This is not good. Do I turn them in? Those guys looked bad. And scary. Perfect for some pranks! "I uh, Well.." He darted off into the alley, watching as the eevee darted after him in pursuit. Ugh. Better talk. This eevee seems to know his way around. He stopped, ''Accidentally" leaving his tail out to the side, tripping the eevee. "Oh, sorry, did not see you there." He held back a smirk and kept a serious face. "I was not spying on you, I was following you to see who you were. And by the looks of it, you seem to have been with other pokemon."

Glow quickly shook the popcorn off her fur, embarrassed. "well, eat up!" She chirped. As Pitch ran off, Glow could not help but worry about him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Castol the Charmeleon
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0.00 INK

And then the Raichu was off again, turning around and heading back down the alleyway.

"Hey!" Pitch called, in pursuit, "I'm still talking to you!"

He watched the tail whip around the corner of the alleyway, the other end opening up on the street he'd just come from. Pitch turned the corner quickly, trying to catch up to him with his own speed. He felt something trip him up underneath him and the next thing he knew he was airborne. He hit the alleyway hard, tumbling and sliding until he was nearly outside the alleyway. Shaking it off, he got up and turned around to see the Raichu had sneakily waited behind the corner and stuck his foot out. He tried to hold a serious face, but Pitch could tell there was laughter and smiles hidden under it. A prankster...

"Well...yeah, I was...." Pitch grumbled, but he would forgive and forget, "But for what reason? What about us got your attention?"

Just then he heard a bark...the familiar bark of a Houndoom, "I thought I saw something down here, boss! I'll check it out!"

The harsh reply was Castol's, "You better have! Otherwise, you're wasting my time..."


"Castol," he muttered, looking at the Raichu with a cautionary stare, "I'd hide if I were you. The two that are about to walk down here aren't the friendliest of Pokemon."

And with that, Pitch scurried underneath a dumpster, keeping his breathing low and making no noise. Despite everything, he hoped that the Raichu would have the common sense to run or hide.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Castol the Charmeleon
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0.00 INK

Zap glanced at the eevee, he looked genuinly terrified. He followed, slowing his breathing as the same. As the two walked into the alleyway, he noticed a bruise on the Charmeleon's jaw. As the two scouted around, Zap wondered where it came from. huh, must of been in some sort of tussle. He glanced at the eevee, then at the quite cranky charmeleon. After a while of searching, they left. Zap felt the tension from the eevee disappear. He heard the Charmeleon growl something to the Houndoom about some sort of punishment.
"What was that all about?" Zap asked as the two crawled out from hiding.


It had been awhile since Pitch had come back. Glow was nervous. She was about to go out when she heard a familiar voice passing by. Castol! She whispered to the others quickly "Hide! That's Castol!" They scurried into cover. The voices stopped right by the door, and then they left. A door opened. Castol was in the theatre. ''Get some of the popcorn. I want to make sure nobody is here." Gloiw stiffened beneath her spot from underneath the chair. Mud seemed to stiffen as well. Aurora was hidden. As castol passed by her hiding spot, she swore her heart was thumping so loud he could her her. When the two left, Glow glanced around. Phew. Pitch must be safe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario Character Portrait: Castol the Charmeleon
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  1. Heyo! Sorry I've been a bit spotty. Finals week and all. But I should be steady going in terms of posting at least for now! :)

    by NeverEndingFlip
  2. Oh, its fine! I uinderstand!

    by Hopeislife
  3. Xd when you talked about flaming chairs...... I'm sorry, too funny!

    by Hopeislife

0.00 INK

Breathe slowly. Stay still. No sudden movements. No sudden noises.

Automation took over Pitch as he watched from underneath the dumpster as two sets of feet went by. As they did, they continued to talk.

"Huh...could've sworn I-"

"You're wasting my time!" Castol threatened, the anger in his voice rising a level, "The amphitheater! Now!"

"Sir, we've already checked there," the Houndoom said, "No one was there."

"I know," Castol growled as the two left earshot, "I want to keep it that way. When I get my hands on them..."

Pitch couldn't hear the rest of his threat. He relaxed, thankful his own rage had blinded him yet again and made him unobservant. If there was any thanks to Glow to give for pissing him off, it was at least through that regard. Rolling out from underneath, he shook the dust, dirt, and debris off before looking at the Raichu with set eyes.

"That is the result of antagonizing powerful Pokemon," he replied grimly, looking back out the exit that Castol and his bodyguard had left from. He remembered where he was heading next.

"Come on," Pitch motioned for the Raichu to follow, "There's a group I need to check up on..."

Pitch made sure to stay close to the shadows as he approached the outdoor theater. He wanted to stay out of the sight of Castol, sure, but there were other dangers to keep in mind. Two unaccompanied Pokemon typically didn't sit well with people who passed by. Their only solace was that they were in the most populated city in Unova...perhaps even the whole planet of Ruula. Many would assume that their trainer was around somewhere and that they'd be back for them, even some of the Pokemon Catchers. But not all were like that, Pitch knew. They'd have to be careful and mindful of their surroundings.

Pitch glanced back at the Raichu, who seemed to be curious as to where Pitch was leading him. In all honesty, he'd caught Pitch off guard. Why was he even helping him anyway? He knew the answer of course...because he was scared of Castol and anyone who was scared of Castol was his friend. But he knew nothing about him. He didn't even know his name.

He was about to ask for it when the Charmeleon and Houndoom sprang out of the amphitheater, carrying bags that seemed to be filled with popcorn. Where had he found that? Pitch wondered as he watched with careful eyes. Castol and the Houndoom ducked into another alleyway, disappearing from view. A nod from Pitch was the signal to move. The two crept slowly agains the side of the building and into the amphitheater. Looking around, he saw no chairs lit on fire or anything out of place, meaning that no fight went down. That was a good sign. Glow and the others must have hidden.

"Glow? Mud? Aurora? You guys still around?" Pitch called, his voice echoing across the vastness of the amphitheater, "Castol's gone for now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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0.00 INK

Glow heard Pitch's voice. "Pitch?" She stopped, seeing someone next to him. "Who's that?" Is that a Raichu ?
She glanced from Mud to Aurora, who had jumped down from somewhere in the ceiling.
Mud looked at the Raichu next to Pitch. "Where did that Raichu come from?" Zap, wasn't he a pichu? Could it- No, that's to farfetched. Hmm, another pokemon to battle against that crazy Charmeleon.
Aurora glanced at the Raichu. He looked familiar. He had a smile hidden deep in his eyes. He glanced from him, to Mud, to Glow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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0.00 INK

Pitch turned to his name being called, seeing the familiar face of Glow. At the same time, Mud appeared right behind her and Aurora leaped down from the rafters. They were all safe. " I was worried Castol was gonna find you guys. Thank Arceus a theater is a good place to hide."

And then all focus was on the Raichu. As the group turned to stare, Pitch turned with them. "I honestly don't know. He kind of was in the vicinity when Castol came around and so he tagged along." Pitch filled them in before looking at the Electric-Type with friendly eyes, "Hey. We never really introduced ourselves. I'm Pitch."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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0.00 INK

Zap paused. Do I turn them in? They seem way more friendly than the other group. "I-I-I'm Zap." That seemed to put a light of interest in the Umbreon, Donphan, and Lucario's eyes.
Zap? Is this? How? thought Aurora. "I am Aurora. This is Glow, Mud, and..... What did you say your name was again? Pitch? I thought so." Zap seemed to have a spark of a memory in his eyes when those names were mentioned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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0.00 INK

Pitch kept looking back and forth between Zap and the rest of the group. There was recognition in everyone's eyes except his own, given that he''d never met any of these guys until today. " I missing something here?" he questioned, turning to Glow for guidance. She didn't respond.

"Alright...I guess I'll let you guys have your...moment, or whatever," Pitch slowly backed out of the theater, "I'll keep watch. In the meantime, we should really think about where we want to go. Maybe...outside of Nimbasa?"

He left the suggestion open ended as he walked to the gate and peered out, keeping an eye out for a specifically mean Charmeleon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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0.00 INK

Glow glanced at Pitch. " Oh, uh... Sorry." She looked at the Raichu named Zap. Aurora glanced at the Raichu. "Did you used to know other pokemon?" The Raichu nodded. "I uh, knew an eevee, a swablu, a Bayleef, or was it a chikorita, a phampy, and a riolu."
Glow shared an astonished glance with Mud and Aurora.

Zap looked at the other pokemon, thinking. Did I use to know these pokemon? He looked at the pokemon. "Do I know you?"
The shared a glance and slowly nodded, looking hopeful. "I-I think we were from the same team." The Lucario replied. Zap looked at them. How do I know this is true? What if they are lying? What if not..? He shook his head. The memories were to much. He ran out, darting past the eevee. He raced away blindly, ignoring the desprate calls.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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  1. Did you hear about the new starters for pokemon sun and moon? I am so hyped! Who are you picking?

    by Hopeislife
  2. It seems like once again, the Water-Type looks the coolest. Imma have to go with that one.

    by NeverEndingFlip
  3. Loving cats, I have to go with litten

    by Hopeislife

0.00 INK


Pitch was nearly knocked off balance as the sudden form shot past him like a bolt of lightning. In Pitch recovered, he could see the familiar tail of Zap's running off down the street.

"Zap!" he called, trying to get him to stop. But Zap was gone, disappearing around a corner. Pitch turned around to find Aurora, Glow, and Mud all standing behind him, staring off in the direction the Raichu had gone.

Pitch scowled, "What did you guys do?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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  1. Should Zap turn them in? I don't know how he would react......

    by Hopeislife
  2. I don't think so. Pitch is about to join him alone for a moment and then plot will happen.

    by NeverEndingFlip

0.00 INK

Glow stopped, shocked by the sudden accustion. She gave Pitch a hand up. "We did not do anything! We introduced ourselves and he ran off....."
Her ears flattened. "We should give Zap some time to himself."
Mud looked at Glow. "What if he gets him?" He looked at the footprints left by the Raichu. They vanished once they hit pavement. He noticed a spill of something, and then some footprints made by it.


Zap darted around people's feet as he ran through the city. Too many memories.... He leapt over a table, grabbing someone's salad as he darted away. He found the area where the crew had been hiding. What do I do? Turn them in? Why? What did they do to me? They left me alone. I was forced to live by myself. He shook his head. He just wanted to curl up and go to sleep and never wake up....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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0.00 INK

Pitch sighed, trying to think, "Well, it seems he's having a little bit of trouble processing the fact that you guys all knew each other." He stared at the puddle, watching the water stir around from where the Raichu had bounded through it a quick moment ago. He got up turning back around to face the others.

"If anyone's gonna go after him, it's gonna be me," Pitch told them, "Unlike you guys, I've never met him until just now. He'll talk to me."

I hope.

"Keep each other safe. Don't let Castol find you two," he pointed at Glow and Mud as he did, knowing that the Charmeleon had likely never run into the Lucario before and likely wouldn't recognize him as part of the group. That was a potential advantage.

"We meet back here before the sun is down. I guess gather some supplies, but only if they're helpful and don't put you guys in harm's way, alright. I'll be back!"

It didn't take Pitch too long to locate Zap. He knew this city like the back of his paw...and he knew that even with the Raichu's speed, he couldn't have gotten far. The one inhibitor to progress was trying to stay hidden at the same time, meaning he had to take some alternate routes through buildings and such. Eventually, he made it back to the Ferris Wheel where they'd spent the night. Pitch looked around, noticing a variety of things. The kids were having fun playing in the fields around them. Couples were waiting in line, holding hands and hoping to get a snog on the way up.

And the window leading to the maintenance room was wide open.

Pitch glanced in, noticing the bits of lettuce first before noticing Zap, huddled in the corner with confusion on his face and tears brimming in his eyes. Pitch approached, slowly and calmly, trying not to upset Zap even more. He sat down next to him.

"Hey buddy," he said, "How're you holding up?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu
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0.00 INK

Zap glared at the eevee. He bit back a sharp remark. "Why would you care?" He grumbled. "I don't seem to matter to anybody." He flicked his tail and began to stand up. But the the look in the eevee's eyes made him stay. He seems to understand. He looks a little young to be on his own... He looked at the eevee. "Where is your mom? You look a little young to be on your own."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu
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  1. I feel horrible for Pitch..... It must be so hard for him :'(

    by Hopeislife

0.00 INK

Pitch lowered his eyes, fighting back the emotion that the question about his mom wrought his face with, "She's gone," he told Zap, "Taken from me by the humans." He took a breath, calming himself down a bit. However, a tear managed to escape, trickling down his fur. "I've been here ever since, fending for myself which, as you can see, is clearly working." He had to lighten the mood up a little bit, bring him out of that dark place. Pitch turned to Zap.

"What happened with you? With them?" Pitch asked, hoping he would say. He really wanted to help him out and knowing he was already in emotional turmoil, he felt safer asking this question to him than to Glow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu
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0.00 INK

Zap could not help but notice the lone tear drip down the young eevee's muzzle. "Don't worry, I never got to even know my mom." He replied. It was true. He had been taken from the wild as an egg.
He looked at Pitch. "Well, it's kinda a long story. If you don't want to listen to a ridiculously long story, I don't blame you." His tail curled over his paws as his stomach growled silently


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu
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0.00 INK

Pitch looked around, before reassuring Zap, "Well, it's not likely we'll be interrupted. The maintenance doesn't come down here too often and it's not likely Castol will come here...I think I want to hear this one."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu
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  1. I did want to write to entire story in one thing... I don't type that much XD

    by Hopeislife
  2. Got it. Take your time with it. When it's done, could you PM me to let me know. It doesn't give me a notification when you edit a post, so I'd like to know in full. Thanks!!!

    by NeverEndingFlip
  3. Hey, sorry for being inactive, I have been spending time wit5h my dad, just got to his house after going on a trip.. And I meant in a different post.

    by Hopeislife

0.00 INK

Zap nodded. "Okay. Well, lemme think where it started."


A pichu egg sat inside a trainer's bag. Three pokemon gather around it. The pichu sat inside the egg, ready to hatch.
"When will it hatch?" One asked. " I don't know" One replied. The egg shifted inside the backpack. The pokemon watched the egg intensely.

To be continued :3


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu
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0.00 INK

Zap paused. "I am going to find something to eat." His gaze flicked back and fourth. He spotted a stand with food. It was risky but, he was HUNGRY. He quickly darted over to the stand, blending in being a small creature. He jumped onto the stand and grabbed something. A hand slapped him off. He darted away, ignoring the angry shouts. He darted back over to the eevee and sat down with a huff.


The egg in the bag seemed to shake softly. The pokemon gathered around the egg shared a small murmur. It started to crack An ear came out. It was black and yellow. The trainer shoved the pokemon aside with a grumble. Then it picked up the egg as a pichu poked its head out. "It's a boy." The chicorita said. The other two nodded, then looked at the pichu. They named him Zap. Zap glanced around then curled up, already asleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu
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  1. oh fudge.....

    by Hopeislife

0.00 INK

Pitch watched with interest as Zap scurried off to find food. He followed, but kept his distance, eyeing the Raichu from afar as it spotted a food stand and decided to take a shot at it. Pitch took note of his tactics while he attempted to steal it. The approach was nice...a great hiding spot...and...

Smack! Zap was shoved off the table by the owner of the stand, a middle aged man with a nifty handlebar mustache. Pitch winced at the blow. It probably didn't hurt, but it was always scary to mess with the humans, especially if your intent impeded theirs.

"Ey!" the man roared angrily, "Get back to your owner!"

But Zap wasn't paying attention to him so much as he was on trying to run away. Pitch ran back before Zap got there, sitting down in annoyance. He heard his stomach growl. Zap was hungry...Pitch as well, for that matter. The stale PokePellets kind of exhausted their means as an energy source. Grinning at Zap, he snaked his tail as he trotted in front of him.

"It was a nice approach, but you need to be quicker than that to take from Falafel," he winked before making his own way to the stand. A quick zig-zaggy pattern between people as he made his way, it was quite impressive how hard it was to spot the Eevee in the bustling city. He was great at being evasive and slippery and sneaking around. You didn't make it very long in this city without acquiring some of these skills.

And suddenly, he was at the stand, sitting on top of the awning. He wiggled his ear in a joking manner towards the crowd below. Some people below saw him and began laughing and pointing. This didn't make Falafel Pete very happy.

"Whu..." he twiddled his mustache as he began trying to get to a vantage point to see what was on his roof. The laughing intensified. Getting more and more angry by the second, Pete roughly shoved his way through the small audience that was forming around his stand. But by the time he turned around and could see the top of his roof, Pitch had gone.

Scratching his bald head in confusion, Pete looked around and began asking questions around him, but most of the responses he got were vague. Most people chose to ignore him. Choosing to forget about it, Pete returned to his stand and continued to sell falafel.

By the time things were set to normal, Pitch had already returned to Zap, carrying a decent amount of warm food in his pack. "And that's how you appeal to the people of Nimbasa," he winked once more, opening the small pack and holding out the falafel for the hungry Raichu to take.

"Most impressive..."

Dark eyes followed the movements of Pitch and Zap as they retreated back to the safety of the maintenance room. A slow grin was appearing on it's face...

"Time for another Adoption..."