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Pitch the Eevee


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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by NeverEndingFlip


Name: Pitch

Gender: Male

Pokemon: Eevee

Level: 19

Personality: Pitch is very timid and introverted. He doesn't typically enjoy interaction with people and Pokemon and prefers to avoid them if he can. That being said, the only thing he's not hesitant to do is attack when he feels threatened. He's defense oriented and while he hasn't had much experience in terms of fighting, he has developed fighting strategies that seem to fare pretty well against experienced Pokemon. He does sport the most valiant of hearts and is not afraid to stand up for someone of innocence.

Strengths: Clever. Pitch is rather intelligent for his low level and lack of experience. He knows when to apply what strategy and is often using it to his advantage. He can also detect when he is being led on or fooled.

Defensive. Pitch is very defense oriented, meaning he is focused on his well-being as well as the well-being of any allies he may have. In doing so, he set himself up as such, giving himself a natural defense boost.

Valiant. Pitch is very honorable and moral. This means he gives off a natural feeling of trust in his nature. He is more appealing in that sense, allowing him to make more allies than enemies.

Weaknesses: Weak. Pitch is not the most powerful Pokemon that walked the earth. He doesn't hit very hard and often is found relying on his strategies to fight rather than straightforward combat. In a muscle contest, he rarely wins.

Inexperienced. Pitch has not existed for very long. He's still quite young. He has no concept of how the world works other than what he has encountered thus far. Despite his cleverness, he's naive.

Stubborn. Pitch is very set in his ways. He's eager to learn more, but it's not easy for him to let go of information that is no longer useful to him or proven worthless. This can sometimes make him even harder to interact with which coupled with his introverted nature is kind of a turn off for other Pokemon.


Baby-Doll Eyes: A non-damaging Fairy-Type move. The user stares at the target with its baby-doll eyes, which lowers its Attack stat. This move always goes first.
Tackle: A damaging Normal Type move in which the user physically throws his body weight into the opponent.
Tail Whip: A non-damaging Normal Type move that decreases an opponent's defense.
Sand Attack: A non-damaging Ground Type move that blinds the opponents and lowers their accuracy for their next strike.
Bite: A damaging Dark-Type move which deals damage and has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch (if the target has not yet moved).
Double Kick: A damaging Fighting-Type move which kicks the target twice in succession using both feet.

So begins...

Pitch the Eevee's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu
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Zap nodded at Pitch. "Good job." He flicked his tail in laughter. "That was pretty amusing. He sure deserved it."
He glanced at the food he and Pitch had gotten. He took a bite out of the food he had grabbed. It was small, and was shaped like a semi-circle. He sniffed it. It had a scent of cheese, and some pepper. It was pretty good.


Zap blinked, looking around. He caught sight of a few pokemon. Including a chikorita, and eevee, and a riolu. Where were his siblings? Was this his family? He let out a confused squeak as the pokemon gathered closer. "He's so cute." One said. "Guys, stop crowding him." The other said. They all stepped back as Zap climbed out of the backpack, tripping over a strap and landing on his face. The chikorita picked him up and dusted him off with a concerned look in her eyes. She glanced at the others and sat him down.

Zap flicked his ears. He had sworn he had heard something....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu
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0.00 INK

Pitch was absorbing the story he was telling. So when he'd gotten there, it was Glow, Aurora, and...a chikorita. Someone who had yet to show up to their current group. Mud must have come after, he realized. But what had happened since then? What had their trainer done to split them up?

Zap ears moved. Pitch recognized that as a sensory motion. At the same time, that same unnerving feeling rushed through him. He felt like he was being watched. Which, in his world, likely meant he was. He began scanning his surroundings, trying to locate what it was. But just as the feeling was there, it had fled. What the-?

"You sensed something as well, right?" Pitch said aloud, eyes on Zap, "That wasn't our imagination?"

His mind began running through a checklist of who that might've been. Humans? No, he recognized whenever they were staring at him. And they wouldn't be watching their every move. This was a Pokemon. Castol would've come barreling right into the room had he spotted them, so it wasn't him. Then who?

"It's not safe here...not right now," he determined, "Let's go back-"

Before anything could be done, a massive claw shot out from the darkness, hitting the Raichu from behind. It would likely knock him out instantly.

"Zap!" he cried, feeling a presence creep up behind him as well. Turning around to it, a sudden smack in the face sent him reeling. He struggled to maintain consciousness, but the blow was sudden and very powerful.

The moment he hit the ground, he was out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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  1. Sorry, I forgot to tag the charactors... My sis was rusing to get on the computer :I

    by Hopeislife
  2. Might take me a bit longer with this next one. A fairly long post is coming, involving some of Pitch's past as well as present day woes.

    by NeverEndingFlip
  3. Okay, I can wait X3

    by Hopeislife

0.00 INK

Zap watched the eevee seem to get lost in thought. He felt a sharp pain and everything went black.

Zap woke up, his head reeling. What had happened? The pain in his head was too much. He struggled to remain awake. He blinked, then fainted again.

Aurora paused. something did not feel right. It was like a punch in the stomach. He felt a pain to his head, and for a moment, it felt like the world was spinning. Glow looked at him, concerned. "Aurora, what's wrong? You look like you just ate month-old cheese." The thought of food like that made his stomach twist in agony even more. "i-it's nothing" He said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario Character Portrait: Castol the Charmeleon
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0.00 INK


"Mom?!" the Eevee cried as he was running through the forest, trying to follow the sound of her voice. Flames were everywhere. In the trees, in the grass, on the horizon. They crisscrossed in front of Pitch as he tried to navigate his way blindly through the smoke.

"MOM?!" he called again, stepping a few feet to the right as a flaming branch fell from the tree above and landed in the spot near where he was. He yelped in surprise at the sudden movement and picked up the pace.

He coughed as he made his way through, calling out into the forest for his mother. But there was no response. His voice was growing more hoarse with each sound that came from it. The smoke wasn't helping that, either. But Pitch was determined.

The further he went, the less massive the blaze was in front of him. It must've looked like he was walking out of an inferno. The fire hadn't spread to this part of the forest and now he could get a clear and accurate look of what those Pokemon had done. Turning around, all he could see was a wall of fire behind him.

It had engulfed the whole area.

"Mom?!" he called raggedly into the heat, hoping for an answer, "Where are you?!"

He stayed put and kept calling her name, over and over. Surely she had survived, right? Even if she was still in there, she was a Flareon, after all. Fire couldn't affect her...could it?

Still, he waited. He felt a drop of water hit the edge of his nose. Blinking and shaking it off, he glanced up at they sky, which had become stormy. It started to rain. The flames began to die down. But Pitch wasn't moving.

As he sat there and waited for mom, he thought about what he had seen before everything was set aflame. They were strolling through the forest when they ran into some humans. In a protective manner, she told Pitch to hide, which he did. She took it upon herself to fight against the humans. They were getting ready to battle when Pitch heard a scream behind him.


And all of a sudden, the world was ablaze around him. Pitch didn't even have time to see what it was that caused the flames or who had shouted the command, but he knew the flames had to be from Pokemon origin. And coordination like that had to be the work of humans.

"Pitch! Run!"

His mom's words snapped him out of the frozen state he was in. He scrambled around and started running somewhere, anywhere but there. As he ran, he managed to catch a glimpse of what he thought was a silhouette of a Pokemon that seemed familiar to him. But he didn't waste time looking upon him further. He had run as fast as he could away from the area. That is, until mom called out his name.

Now he was here, but he didn't even know where here was. And his mom had stopped calling out to him. Two things that bothered Pitch very much.

All of a sudden, the fatigue had caught up with him. All this action, all the running, leaping, and dodging of flaming pine cones and tree branches. After all, he was very young.

He didn't even hit the ground when he passed out.


Pitch made a noise as he blinked his eyes open. Groaning from a dull pain on his side, he slowly found his way to his feet and took in his surroundings. Everything was black around him except for the white light he was standing in the middle of. Nothing could be made out of the darkness, no furniture or boxes or anything. He had no idea where he was.

Looking around him, he spotted something on the floor next to him. Everything cam flooding back as he recognized the form.

It was Zap. He was unconscious.

"Zap!" he ran over to his side and nudged the Raichu with his nose, "Come on, buddy! Wake up!"

That's right, he remembered as he gazed around him towards the shadows, They were attacked.

Meanwhile, Castol was getting angrier by the second. The day was starting to wane and they still hadn't found the runt or his new friend...or perhaps it was mom? He pushed the thought out of the way. It wasn't important.

He was just about to seriously throw one heck of a lizard fit when the Houndoom came charging into the room, "Sir! I've found the Umbreon! But Pitch isn't with her?"

He rose from his worn wooden chair and stared back at him, "What do you mean?"

"The Umbreon is with another group of Pokemon, namely a Lucario and a Donphan. But Pitch isn't with them."

Castol thought for a moment, rubbing his chin with his claw ever so thoughtfully, "Hmm...then I guess we need bait to catch our slippery fish..."

The Houndoom raised a brow at that, unsure of what he meant, "Um...sir?"

A cruel smile was forming on the Charmeleon's face. "Yes...if I can't find our little nuisance, then I'll have him come to me...gather some of our best men and bring the Umbreon to me. Along with her friends."

"Yes sir!" the Houndoom barked and went off to enact the orders. Castol sat back down in the chair, staring out the window at the lively city.

" will be ours by the end of today..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario Character Portrait: Castol the Charmeleon
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  1. no need to be rude but, when will you put up your next post?

    by Hopeislife
  2. Sorry. Working retail on Memorial Day Weekend by the beach has kept me budy these past few days. I'm working on it now. :)

    by NeverEndingFlip
  3. okay

    by Hopeislife

0.00 INK

Zap groaned. His head spun. Everything was blurry. what had happened? He lifted his head a bit, but then fell. "Wha?" He muttered. He saw a blurry pokemon over him. He started to stand, but them immediantly fell. "What happened?" He growled. "Who are you?" The eevee had a concerned look on his face. "Don't you remember?" He asked "It's me, Pitch." Spomething clicked in the back of his mind.

Zap darted through the alley, looking around. As a houndoom came around the corner, he jumped behind a trashcan. He looked at the charmeleon. He glanced at the swarm of pokemon, all seeming in a bad mood, were searching around for a scent of something. "The umbreon is nowhere in sight." One growled. "Neither is the eevee." The charmeleon growled in an angry way. Zap looked around, spotting a trail of footprints. Maybe if he found these pokemon he could have shelter and food. He covered the footprints at he went, so nobody could find them. He found himself at the entrance to the amusement park. Another trail of footprints lead out. There was another trail close by. He glanced at them 'maybe if I brought them in, plus the extra pokemon they would let me in!' He darted off quickly. He darted through the alleyway, an he stoppe realizing he was being followed. He stopped, and turned around. There was an eevee. "Hey, what are you doing spying on us?" Pitch raised a suspicious brow, tensing his body in case the Raichu would rather fight than talk. Zap looked at the eevee, a little nervous. 'Crap. This is not good. Do I turn them in? Those guys looked bad. And scary. Perfect for some pranks!' "I uh, Well.." He darted off into the alley, watching as the eevee darted after him in pursuit. 'Ugh. Better talk. This eevee seems to know his way around.' He stopped, ''Accidentally" leaving his tail out to the side, tripping the eevee. "Oh, sorry, did not see you there." He said, trying to sound innocent. He held back a smirk and kept a serious face. "I was not spying on you, I was following you to see who you were. And by the looks of it, you seem to have been with other pokemon."

"Oh" He said. "I remember now.." He paused, thinking about what had happened up until now. The crazy charmeleon, The others, Glow, Mud, Aurora, Talking with Pitch, Then getting attacked by who knows what. "We need to find a way out." He surveyed the area, getting darker by the minute.

Glow paused Where was Pitch? He's been gone for a while. "Guys, I'm getting kinda worried about Pitch. And Zap. Mud nodded. "He has been gone for quite some time now. It is getting kind of worrysome. Aurora seemed to appear out of nowhere. "We shou-" Before he could finish, someone busted in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Dim the Dusknoir Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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  1. I checked out Dim's profile. I like the new style. In a while, I think I am gonna introduce Ivy. Maybe

    by Hopeislife

0.00 INK

Pitch couldn't agree more. The problem was, he didn't trust the shadows. That was where they had struck last time. Jumping back into them in his mind was like asking for a beat down. He wasn't ready to deal with one of those again.

Where were they?

The light was so bright in comparison to the darkness around them that it was hard to make out specific objects. And there didn't appear to be any windows, so they couldn't see out. Unless it was night time...

Suddenly, a faint giggle could be heard, cutting through the silence. Pitch tensed up once more, looking around him and seeing if anything popped out to him. The giggling grew louder and louder, until it was a full blown boisterous laugh. Pitch decided that remaining silent wasn't going to help anything.

"Okay, who are you?!" he called into the darkness.

And just like that, the light went out. Pitch made a faint squeak at the sudden change in atmosphere as he couldn't see a thing. The laughter had stopped. But something much worse could be heard: whispering. It started with one voice...then another...and another. More and more voices joined the sound as the unintelligible whispers began to wear heavy on his ears. He shut his eyes and tried to tune them out. It wasn't working.

"Stop!" he gritted his teeth and crouched down, using his paws to cover his ears, "Please!"

And the voices stopped. Except for one, a seemingly large and baritone voice sounded.

"Welcome to The Family..."

Wait...Pitch stopped trembling, his look of fear turning into one of anger. He got up and walked in front of Zap, scanning the darkness with newly found bravery. But now, he knew what he was up against. "Dim...I know you're here..."

The light came back wait, all the lights came back on. A quick glance around revealed to Pitch that he was in an abandoned warehouse, presumably on the northeast side of Nimbasa City. A fair distance to travel, Pitch realized, if his hunch was correct. Waiting in the front of the warehouse stood, or rather floated, Dim.

The Dusknoir had his arms crossed, his glowing red eye shimmering darkly. Around him were a variety of Ghost and Dark Types, all grinning at the two of them.

"Well that kind of ruins the mood," Dim's voice echoed throughout the expansive and empty building, "A Pokemon that had heard of me..."

Pitch kept a set look on his face. He couldn't show fear. It's what these guys fed off of. "I've lived in Nimbasa City for a few years, you know. I know all the Pokemon factions scattered around the place."

"So you have shown me," Dim replied, rubbing his chin in thought, "Which is why, as you may know, I need to recruit some more family members."

Pitch didn't like the sound of that. Not one bit. "We're part of the Family now?"

"That's right," Dim's eye seemed to pulse with excitement, "We are going to wage war on the other factions to show them why we deserve to run this town!"

As much as he liked the sound of someone sticking it to Castol, he didn't know whether Dim should be the one to take over the town either. He'd heard stories of Lavender Town and the thought of seeing the bustling city void of people sent a chill down his spine.

"How do you plan on doing that?" he asked.

"Well, we'll start with the Crusaders, who just love to attack others, and put them in their place. Then, we hop on over to Long Horn territory and take care of those guys mighty quick. Finally, the Juggernauts will behold the mighty power of the Family!" he began to float around the room, around the two of them. "And you two are going to help me do that."

"And if we refuse?"

The Dusknoir laughed, his eye pulsing with menace, "Then I'll have no choice but to send you two to the Spirit way or another."

He gulped. Dim could do that. If there was any Pokemon with the one surefire way to essentially kill another Pokemon through touch, it was the Spirit Pokemon. He sighed in defeat.

"Okay...what do you want us to do?"

Dim turned to a particular Haunter in the crowd, "See? They can learn." This got a few chuckles to which Dimcompleted his circle around them, "Now, I know Castol has a particular bounty on a specific Eevee, an Umbreon, and a Donphan. I'm assuming that Eevee would be you?" Pitch didn't move or speak, telling Dim that he was correct in his assumption, "And as for you, my little electric Raichu, I could always use some electricity to power up my facility here! They cut the power to this place a long time ago and...well, we have to be a bit conservative with our power consuming resources. We could always use your energy."

"Uh, wait!" Pitch exclaimed, stepping in front of Zap, "He's wanted by Castol, too!"

"Is he, now?" Dim floated closer, eye baring over them, "Funny. I don't recall him looking for a Raichu..."

"Yeah, he's in the same group as us!" Pitch stepped forward, "And a Lucario as well. Now tell me, you may have just me, but that may not be enough to lure Castol and his posse out. With two of us, he wouldn't resist the opportunity. Now, you don't want to have a plan being set up and not have it go through just because you didn't have enough bait on the hook?"

Pitch was hoping Dim didn't know the specifics. Castol had no idea Zap was even alive at this point. But he wasn't going to tell Dim that. After all, Zap was in the same group as everyone least Pitch knew he was. For Zap's sake, he hoped he'd agree.

Dim thought for a moment, before turning around, " may have a point there. He can come with you."

The Dusknoir was now floating towards a closed metal door. "We will strike at night, then. In the meantime, you two can stay here in the company of your family...not like you have much of a choice." His laughter rang through the warehouse once more before walking through the metal door.

Pitch sighed in relief before turning to Zap, "He would've used you as a power source had I not intervened," he whispered, out of earshot of the other Pokemon, "I'm just thankful he bought it."

The door to the amphitheater burst open and in filtered a variety of Pokemon, from a Delcatty to an Espeon. The group of ten Pokemon surrounded the three. Entering the room last was the Houndoom, a confident smirk plastered on his face.

"Hello, my friends!" he started pacing on the outside of the circle, "I'm only going to ask once for you guys to come with us nicely. We can escort you there, or we can drag you there. Your choice!" He growled low when his eyes looked upon Glow's. The Umbreon had taken him down in such a fair swoop last night. He was hoping the three of them would attack...if only to get his revenge on that blasted Umbreon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Dim the Dusknoir Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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0.00 INK

Zap winced as they mentioned using him as a power source. When Pitch interupted with a clever wute lie. He knew that he would probably be wanted by whoever the heck Castol was. He knew there would be plenty of options to escape.
Zap met Pitch's eyes with a almost silent "Thank You." Guilt washed over Zap as he whispered to Pitch "I'm sorry, this is all my fault. If I ha not even met you, you would probably be safe back at the-" He stopped, not wanting to even think of the others.
"I do wonder what he would of done though."

Glow crouched, eyes glowing with hatred and anger. "What did you do with Pitch!?" She snarled. They looked confused. "Don't act like you don't know." She snarled. She had grown close to the young eevee. He reminded her of herself when she was an eevee. With a growl, she looked as if she had leapt for the Houndoom, but turned and face the espeon. Aurora and Mud followed, leaping into battle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Dim the Dusknoir Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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0.00 INK

Pitch gave a scoff at that, "Hey now. Don't beat yourself up over something you couldn't help. We're in this together, you and I. And I'm not going anywhere without you. You can count on that!" He held out a paw for Zap to bump his own with. As he did so, he continued to look around their makeshift prison. There weren't many boxes left strewn around and they weren't that big either. Standard brick walls reinforced with steel to prevent a good majority of attacks from knocking them down. No way to brute force their way out of here...

He saw that the massive collage of Pokemon that had been watching them were wandering around the place in pairs of two, a protocol Pitch was used to seeing with these factions. If he and Zap attacked, the two of them would likely be swarmed. There were no ground exits besides the metal door in front of them, not even a window to climb out of.

Man, Pitch thought, I really wish I knew the time of day.

It was always a scary experience when you didn't know what the time was or where you were. What had he and Zap missed while the two of them were blacked out?

"Okay, follow me," Pitch whispered to Zap as he began to silently approach the metal door. Making a quick look around to make sure his attention wasn't on them, he reached up and tried the door. No luck. It jiggled slightly, but it didn't budge. No wonder Dim didn't have anyone guard the door when he left.

Sighing in frustration, he started looking around them, trying to find another door. There wasn't one. He turned to Zap, "Well, I think we're stuck here for a while. I don't see a way out." He walked over to one of the boxes and curled up, motioning for Zap to join him.

"We can't leave now. We have to wait for the right moment," he glanced around at the various Pokemon walking around, sending the two of them the occasional glance to make sure they weren't up to something.

The fight at the amphitheater was on! Glow made a sudden attack for the Espeon, who bounded out of the way and started gunning for Mud. A Krookodile was slashing at Aurora while the Delcatty struck at him from below. Meanwhile, two Klefkis were using Mirror Shot on Glow while a Nidorina tried to nip at Glow's feet with Poison Fang. Ten to three weren't good odds for them as they were soon learning to discover by the constant barrage of attacks from all sorts of directions.

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy this," the Houndoom muttered to himself with a cruel grin crossing his face as he leaped into the fray, going for the massive fire fang attack on Glow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Dim the Dusknoir Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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  1. I'd say while you're dreaming, I'm not going to post on Pitch's end until Zap wakes up, so continue the dreaming portion on Zap's end.

    by NeverEndingFlip

0.00 INK

Zap nodded. "Okay, it's just I can't help feeling this is my fault." a smile found its way put of Zap. "Okay. I will count on it. One, two, three-" He stopped with a laugh. He followed Pitch as he snuck over to the door. "I think I may know a way to get put of here. But not know." He whispered.Zap followed Pitch over to the boxes and curled up. Soon, sleep had taken over him. He was out like the lights in here.

Zap blinked. He was dreaming, wasn't he? He surveyed the position he was in. He waas in a tree, above some pokemon. A chikorita, a phampy, an eevee, and a riolu. 'Hey! This is from when I just hatched.. How do I still remember it?


Glow snarled and leapt at the klefkeys, dodging the poison fang. She grabbed them by the chains, and hung them on some wire she saw. she twisted it back in place, trapping them. Aurora saw the other two. Mud was being pummled by the espeon. Glow quickly leapt for the espeon. The two eeveeloutions were facing off. Glow aimed a dark pulse at the Espeon's face. she let out a yelp as she fell backwards.
Aurora aimed a heal pulse for Mud. he blinked at Aurora thankfully. Aurora aimed a burn kick at the delcatty and he noticed a burn. seemingly glow noticed as well, and she leapt at the delcatty with a facade. Double them damage from the burn and from being a fighting type attack. The delcatty yowled and fell, defeated. The houndoom leapt and had landed a nasty bite on Glow's shoulder. It was still stinging like fire. Glow gritted her teeth in pain.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Dim the Dusknoir Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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0.00 INK

One down, nine more to go. Not including the Houndoom, who had Glow separated from the rest of the group. "You're dancing with me, little kitty," he growled as he knocked her over to the stage. The two Klefkis simply broke apart and put themselves back together again, escaping the wire they were hung around. But as they rushed over to Glow, the Houndoom stopped them.

"No!" he roared, "She's mine to take down! Take out the others!"

A curt nod and they were off to join the others. The Nidorina charged at Aurora, a Crunch eminent. Both the Klefkis joined her, one using Draining Kiss while the other used Fairy Wind on the Lucario. The Espeon continued to go after Mud with Aurora having enough problems as it was, using Psybeam from a distance. The Krookodile was using Scary Face from afar, keeping Mud slow. Two of the four outlying Pokemon that stood back from the initial fray now charged in. Nuzleaf used Leaf Blade, aiming straight for Aurora with a vicious cut to the side eminent. Meanwhile, the Gurdurr stood back a bit, using Bulk Up before gunning for Mud with a Wake-Up Slap.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Dim the Dusknoir Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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Zap looked down. 'Well, if I am in a dream, can I fly?' He sat up. He seemed rooted to the spot. He looked down, at the pokemon again. "Where am I?" The pichu- no Zap said. Zap winced at the memories. he just wanted this to be over with. A voice in his head told him to stay though. He continued watching. He saw the pokemon talking, and it seemed that seasons had passed by.
The pokemon were gathered under the tree. He noticed the pokemon had grown older and there was another. a swablu. There was a murmur. The pokemon then began to split up. Zap twisted and turned. He just wanted to go. But he continue to stay, as he had to. As the team split up, Zapnoticed mud trying to go after him. 'So it seems they do care for me.' He thought. Everything faded to black.

Zap blinked. So they do care. He took a glance at Pitch and started looking around for an escape.


Glow growled in pain. She needed a way to get back to the others. She started to get into the shadows, but the houndoom forced her out tauntingly. Glow gritted her teeth in pain. She took a glance over to the others, before yowling. "Leave them alone!" and slamming another Focus punch in the houndoom's face. She growled "They did nothing to any of you. Leave them alone."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Dim the Dusknoir Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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Pitch had kept watch over Zap while he slept, making sure no one would mess with him. While he was kind of sure that Dim would make sure his Family didn't touch the two of them, kids had a way of disobeying their parents. Pitch would know...he was still one. And while he didn't exactly have a mother anymore, he remembered countless times when he didn't listen to her for curiosity's sake.

Man, this city made me grow up fast...

He felt the Raichu stir besides him. Getting up from his curled position, he watched over him with a careful eye as Zap blinked awake, slowly putting himself into a sitting position. Pitch didn't even realize this until just then. He was younger than Zap.

"You didn't miss much," Pitch sat down and scratched his ear, "They're still patrolling the grounds like floating idiots." He sighed, mostly out of boredom, then turned to Zap as a realization dawned on him, "We never finished our conversation from earlier. Why is it that you ran away before?"

The Houndoom took the Focus Punch like a champ, his eyes looking at Glow with all the hatred in the world, "You shouldn't have gotten involved with Pitch. Otherwise, we wouldn't be using you guys to get him back to us!" He leaped forward, trying the standard Bite this time. While naturally weaker than Fire Fang, it was able to hit pretty hard with Glow's type weakness to other Dark Types.

Meanwhile, the flurry of moves from the seven actively fighting Pokemon behind Houndoom continued, despite the constant rebuttals from Mud and Aurora. There were just too many Pokemon attacking from too many directions for the other two to dodge and strike at them all. In a few moments, they would be completely overwhelmed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Dim the Dusknoir Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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  1. Hey, I won't be active on weekends most likely..

    by Hopeislife
  2. It's alright. I'm sorry for inconsistencies. Work schedule has been a bit insane. But I will be posting now and trying to post when I can.

    by NeverEndingFlip
  3. It's okay. I might be able to if I can get up quicker a nd my sister will let me borrow her kindle

    by Hopeislife

0.00 INK

Zap nodded. "They seem pretty slow. We should be able to outrun them if needed." He said. he glanced around. There were about almost no windows. The ones that were there were pretty high up. "Well, we can't climbout of a window.." He said. He glanced at Pitch. "Oh. It is just something clicked in my head... I was completely on my own after the team split up. I thought they din't care for me. But now I know that they do.We need to go back." He glanced at Pitch, hope and determination glittering in his eyes.

As Glow battled the houndoom, He said something about how they were gonna use them as bait for Pitch. She thought wait. They don't have Pitch? The bite from the houndoom stung on her shoulder. If only she could reach Aurora She leapt up onto the stage behind her, and started to dart up the rafter like a mankey. Her dark fur blended in with the unlit stage. before you knew it, she was atop the rafters, looking down at the crowd of pokemon. She glanced around for any way to help. She knew if she could get away from the houndoom, then she could actually fight for real. If only she knew a way to help. If only Ivy or Fluff were there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Dim the Dusknoir Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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Pitch nodded, "That's good. They seem like good friends to be around. I can't see them purposefully abandoning each other. Something must have happened for you all to have been split apart like this...something involving your previous owner."

Pitch knew he was treading on a bit unstable ground. With Glow, the subject had been extremely fragile to her and he didn't want to mess their friendship up. Zap...he was a bit tougher, given that he was seemingly raised by the Pokemon more than by the trainer.

"Hey! Get back here!" the Houndoom barked, but refused to follow her up to the tresses. Instead, he stayed within reach underneath her, just in case she ended up falling down. He was not losing to her again.

Without warning, the doors to the amphitheater shot open, sunlight spilling into the dark enclosed space. No one entered. Then a giant net came whizzing through the opening, slamming into the Nuzleaf. It hit the ground with a thud. Squirming, Nuzleaf tried to Leaf Blade through the net, but the material it was made of seemed to resist the attack. In fact, it seemed to resist all attacks.

More nets came flying through the door, wrapping up every Pokemon that they caught. The two Pokemon on the outside, a Scraggy and an Emolga, hightailed it. The Houndoom glared up at Glow, "We'll finish this later!" he said before running into the darkness of the stage and out of sight.

By then, it was too late. All the Pokemon, Aurora and Mud included, were wrapped up in the nets. Then, people started to enter through the doorways, collecting the nets and hauling the Pokemon inside away. They wore grey uniforms with matching caps, the logo "PC" stitched onto them in a variety of places. They used nets because they didn't want to catch the Pokemon to train, but to take away until they were claimed by a human. These were the Pokemon Catchers of Nimbasa City.

Right now, they were answering the call of a large commotion coming from the amphitheater. It had sounded like it was...a Pokemon battle. So, to prevent as much destruction as they could, they came in and did their jobs. That meant taking these Pokemon to the PokeCenter to be claimed. And if they weren't...relocated to a random part of Unova.

The doors shut as the last Pokemon, the Nidorina, slipped it's way through the doorway within the net. There was a slight pause, the sound of closing doors, then an engine and the sound of a couple of trucks pulling away from the amphitheater. They collected every Pokemon in the building...except one.

Glow was still there. Her decision to climb up into the inner workings of the stage saved her from the clutches of the nets as not a single Pokemon Catcher noticed her. But now she had to make a decision. Pitch and Zap were still missing in action. And now Mud and Aurora were too. What was she to do?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Dim the Dusknoir Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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Glow leapt down, as she darted after the vans. She blended in the dark streets as she ran after the van. I am not losing them again! She thought. She thought she saw something overhead. A cloud? As the started to lose speed, she knew it would be a risky idea, but she knew that if she could get Castol to help, maybe she could get them back. It was a very risky idea, but if she played her cards right, she might be able to save her friends. And possibly not be on Castol's bad side.

Fluff soared through the night sky, watching a pokecatcher van driving by. There was something chasing it. It was to dark to tell. She dipped down, getting a better view. She was only going to be here for a while, knowing that alola was open and sounded great. She tried to get a look inside the truck, and spotted about eight pokemon inside. Including a donphan and a lucario. She flew down to the umbreon, who was covered in wounds, and asked "Why are you chasing that truck?" The umbreon looked at her, her eyes glittering with fear. "My friends" She wanted, before falling down. Fluff picked the umbreon up, and started to fly after the truck. "Why are you so beat up?" She chirped The umbreon glared at her and said "We got ambushed. By a gang of pokémon." The truck stopped at a halt. "Who are you?' The umbreon asked."I'm Fluff." The Altaria said. The umbreon seemed to lose her balance at the name. "What's wrong?" Fluff asked. "It's nothing to deal with at the moment." Glow replied. "We need to follow that truck"

Zap looked out the window. "I know..." Something stopped by the window. It had a red logo on it. And the back was shaking. "What was that?" Zap asked nervously


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Dim the Dusknoir Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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  1. Gonna introduce some characters soon, just to give you something else to be excited about!

    by NeverEndingFlip
  2. Okay, cool!

    by Anonymous

0.00 INK

Pitch heard the truck vibrating and felt it's familiar rumble as it passed by the building, "A Pokemon Catcher Van. They must've found a few gang members to wrangle up..." he saw the flash of fear cross Zap's face as he immediately assumed the worst, to which Pitch merely patted him on the back, "Not your team though. I'm sure they didn't get caught. They're smarter than that."

It appeared they weren't smarter than that.

The PokeCatcher Facility was not a very big building, nor did it look very nice in comparison to some of the more grandeur locations. It was functional, however. And when the PokeCatcher vans pulled up to the place, the people that were waiting for them were as functional as their environment.

One by one, the Pokemon were taken out and into the building, Mud and Aurora included. The back entrance led straight to the place where Pokemon were kept until either they were returned to their owner or released into a random part of Unova. The back room itself wasn't the most clean of places, nor was it intended to be. After all, no one but the Pokemon Catchers went back there anyway. All the Pokemon from the brawl were put into an individual cage designed for sizes, each one equipped with a thin blanket for rest, a bowl filled with PokePellets, and a bowl of water.

Because the Lucario and the Donphan were fairly big Pokemon, they were put in two cages right next to each other, allowing for easy communication between the two of them at least.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Dim the Dusknoir Character Portrait: Glow Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu Character Portrait: Aurora the Lucario
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Aurora glanced over at Mud. "What are we going to do!?" Mud sighed and shook his head. "I don't know..." Mud stood up and charged towards the cage door with as much power as he could muster. He fell back growling under his breath.

Glow saw the place where the pokémon had been taken. She pointed downwards and the Altaria dove straight down. Glow let out a yelp as they soared down through the sky. The wind blew her fur back, and made it poof out. "Whaaaat are you looking....??" Glow managed to get out. The Altaria looked at her with an amused look. "I am taking you to find your friends, silly!"

Zap nodded. "It's just, there is a bad feeling about that truck in the bottom of my gut." He sighed. "But you're probably right." He glanced around, looking for a way out again. It was one of the few things to do to pass time. Then an idea hit him in the head. He whispered "What if we made a hole in the wall, and If it takes more than the time we are here, we cover it up with one of the boxes?" He smiled, happy about his idea.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Dim the Dusknoir Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu
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  1. Oh My the end of this post, I was in tears od laughter.. my brotheris giving me a look. XP

    by Hopeislife

0.00 INK

The Eevee glanced over at the wall and examined it's integrity, ultimately ending up shaking his head, "That won't work. For one, that brick is reinforced to withstand a lot of energy...likely that of many a Pokemon's blast. I don't think you or I could bust through it, even if we were attacking it together. And electric attacks aren't going to do anything to the wall anyway...we'd need something physical and powerful...maybe Aurora could if he were here." He glanced around at their surroundings for what seemed like the umpteenth time, trying to see if anything else stood out for them.

As Mud and Aurora would likely glance around the cages, they would likely find some angry ones, some truly upset, some very solemn...but there were two Pokemon that stood out from the rest because they were unnaturally chipper for the predicament they were in. The Pachirisu, eyes glimmering with positive energy so sweet in practically filled the air around her, was chatting away with an Emolga right next to her cage on the right. The other Pokemon around them were obviously curious in their unnatural behavior.

"So did you get to see the big training spar between Domingo and Dobro?" the Pachirisu was saying to the Emolga.

"No, I was too busy in the kitchen," he responded, shifting his standing position to a sitting one. He looked so casual.

"You mean stealing the pies again?" she gave the Emolga a knowing smile to which he looked at her defensively.

"Hey now, I can't help it! We've got to live on our stomach sometimes! I smelled the sweetness within and couldn't resist!"

The Pachirisu laughed, "So you're the reason why we're here in the first place?"


Another giggle as the Pachirisu laid down in her cage. The Emolga turned to her side, "So was it a good fight?"

"It was," Pachirisu appeared thoughtful, as if she was trying to remember the fight they were talking about, "Domingo won, but I don't think Dobro was really trying very hard. I think he could've won if he was as determined as Domingo was."

"True," the Emolga said, "Dobro is kind of laid back for a Pangoro. Especially-"

"Hey!" came a cry from the Nuzleaf Mud and Aurora were battling earlier, "Can you two shut up?!"

The Pachirisu turned to look out of the cage and at the Grass-Type Pokemon, "What's wrong?" she asked in a seemingly innocent tone, "You don't have to listen to us, y'know."

The Nuzleaf growled, "It's hard to ignore a couple of mingy chipmunks who won't stop talking!"

This made the Emolga look over at the Pachirisu with a tone of mock worry, "Oh dear! What ever shall we do, Lumi? If we don't find a way to stop talking, this Nuzleaf will surely be the end of us!" he sighed over dramatically. The Pachirisu laughed harder, squeaking as she did so.

"I don't know Skyball! I guess we'll have to see if he can slip through the bars!"

Skyball pointed at the Nuzleaf, "Not with those thighs!" The two fell back in the cages in laughter.

The Nuzleaf's growl erupted into a roar. "I WILL TEAR YOU APART!" he bellowed as he tried to force his ways through the cage door.

"You have to tear the bars apart first!" Skyball taunted. Lumi was in tears by this point.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Dim the Dusknoir Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu
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Aurora was trying to keep a straight face in the cage. Mud was chuckling next to him. The nuzleaf casted them a glare but did not make a move. "D-do you guys know a way out of here?" Mud asked. Aurora added "We need to get back to our friends."

Zap nodded. "I- I just regret what I said." He sighed in frustration. "I just want to go home. Something bad could happen." He glanced at Pitch hoping he would understand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pitch the Eevee Character Portrait: Skyball the Emolga Character Portrait: Dim the Dusknoir Character Portrait: Lumi the Pachirisu Character Portrait: Mud Character Portrait: Zap The Raichu
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"A way out..." Lumi rubbed her chin in thought before turning to Skyball, "Do you know a way out?"

Skyball shrugged, "A way out of what? There's many ways out. There's a way out of a dead end job, there's a way out of a forest. I think I know a few ways out of a midlife crisis if you want to know them."

Lumi started laughing before glancing at their pained expressions, "I think they meant a way out of the cage they're in."

"Oh that!" Skyball snapped his fingers, "Yeah, just open the door!"

For a moment, no one spoke. A couple people growled in annoyance while a couple others scoffed at the joke. Lumi chuckled once more as she went on.

"I think they need a key to do that, Skyball."

"Oh..." The Emolga lifted up his bowl of food to reveal a key, "Yeah, this should work then. Here ya go!"

He picked up the key and tossed it through the bars. It hit the cage on the other end and clattered to the floor. Many Pokemon groaned at that.

"Aww, come on!"


"Now it's out of reach!"

Their irritation was sent Skyball's way as Lumi smirked through the bars a bit too casually, almost as if the whole thing was a joke.

"I think you were supposed to unlock your door first, then go over and unlock theirs. Now we can't get the key."

"Hmm..." Skyball looked up in mock concentration, "I think you're right. Welp, I've lost my key. Can you use yours?"

"Sure," Lumi reached behind her ear, pulling out a similar-looking key. She stuck her tongue out at all the awe-struck looks she got as she reached through the bars and unlocked the door. Hopping out, she opened her buddy's door before walking over to Aurora and Mud.

"Congratulations, ladies and gents, Pokemon of all sizes!" she began to announce to everyone, "It's your lucky day! We're gonna have us a good ol' fashioned prison break!" she giggled as she unlocked the door for Aurora, then Mud, "You guys first since your friends are waiting for you. Tearing apart from a team is hard."

"Yeah, don't I know it," Skyball muttered, the first real serious tone he put on since he got there. Lumi rolled her eyes and pulled him out of the funk he was about to dive into.

"Hey, now. You've got me and Rubira! We're Team Volt! Team Volt isn't complete without you in it!"

Skyball's grin emerged once more "Yeah, you're right. Thanks."

"Anytime," she began going from cage to cage, releasing the Pokemon that were in each one. "Alright, guys! Everyone out!"

"Except you," Skyball pointed at the Nuzleaf, who's eyes widened.

'What?! Why not me?!" he cried in terror.

"Because I'm still very curious to see if your thighs can fit through those bars," Skyball laughed as he passed by, unlocking the cages next to him.

Pitch looked down at the concrete, "Yeah, I know. Something bad may have already happened. It's been too long since Dim's been back."