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Prince of Nightmares

The Abyssmal Lord of Nightmares, The Darkest Creatons of the Realm of Dreams answer solely to his call. His mother is the Queen of the Night, and his father, The God of Dreams. The Nightmares he commands will Consume you.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Ashwood




The Nightmare Blade, the Spear of the Night

So begins...

Prince of Nightmares's Story


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#, as written by Ashwood
 “ He's a bit of a Godmod, as he is a God himself. ”


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#, as written by Ashwood
 “ I do believe we played together in a couple of roleplay's a year or so ago. ”


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Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Skallagrim the Cughtagh Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Nrvnqsr Chaos Character Portrait: Quinn Balfour
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Niku drove up to the dojo and parked the kilitholulgulth in the back. “This is it?” he inquired, examining the place.


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Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli Character Portrait: Spyri Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Skallagrim the Cughtagh Character Portrait: Nrvnqsr Chaos Character Portrait: Quinn Balfour
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"Yep," Spyri hopped out and adjusted Cha'tlag again. "That rode very smooth, I like it! But yeah, we have arived. This is a great place to train," she continued as she led Niku towards the front.

"Many really famous people trained here. It's not even expensive, like you would think it would be. The whole place is basically a haven for training."

Spyri pushed open the front doors. The main atrium wasn't elaborately decorated, and you could tell it had been there for a while. There was power in the air, that was for certain. Power, and a bit of sweat. Spyri took a deep breath in. This is one of the places she felt free.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Skallagrim the Cughtagh Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Nrvnqsr Chaos Character Portrait: Quinn Balfour
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“Great!” Niku declared as they entered the place. There were a few people casually working out. Niku immediately started running around and examining anything and everything. It was all so alien to him. After a few minutes, he returned his attention to Spyri and said, “Now, I have important question. Who is master here and does he or she know the art of chi? It is something I must master if I hope to defeat Emperor Pit. He is the invader who took over Carne,” he explained. “You know what chi is, right? I can show you. It is the energy of the spirit manifested in a controllable electric and/or explosive form. You know of this?” he inquired, pressing his hands together. He closed his eyes in concentration and a ball of glowing blue energy gradually appeared between his palms. He used his hands to mold it into the shape of a jagged sword, performing a few demonstrative thrusts before allowing the energy to dissipate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli Character Portrait: Spyri Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Skallagrim the Cughtagh Character Portrait: Nrvnqsr Chaos Character Portrait: Quinn Balfour
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Character Portrait: Spyri Spyri says,
 “ Spyri shrugged. She had never actually seen Master, the owner of the Dojo. She had only heard rumors of his power. But, chi, that sounded familiar. Not that she knew what it was. She was sure someone had said it in here before, however. She quietly listened as he explained a bit about it.

"Woah!" Spyri's eyes boggled as Niku created a a ball of blue energy, turned it into a sword, and demonstrated a bit. It disappeared as fast as it came into existence.

"I don't know about that, but I know if you hang around here, someone will. Er..." Spyri fumbled around for her cellular device. It was a thin pane of glass-like material that seemed unable to be broken. She sent a quick text out to a few people, hoping one would reply with an answer to her inquiry. Surely someone knew a Chi master. Either way, she had other useful contacts left over from her Patronus days.

"I'd show you Chatlag, but she's a bit tired right now i'll admit." ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Skallagrim the Cughtagh Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Nrvnqsr Chaos Character Portrait: Quinn Balfour
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Niku straightened up and cleared his throat, feeling somewhat self-conscious by the fact that she seemed so impressed with his dinky little trick. “Well… it may look neat, but I am actually very inexperience,” he explained. “However, if I find chi master, I might stand chance of saving Carne. I suppose I ask around.” He walked over to table and started removing his armor. “I’ve been in kilitholulgulth very long time, need to stretch,” he indicated as he took off his shoulder protectors. He used his tail to release the back of his chest armor before taking it off and putting it down out of the way of the patrons. By the time he removed his hip and shin protectors, he was left in nothing but his form-fitting navy blue jumpsuit. He found a bare spot of floor and dropped into a side split, wincing slightly at the strain. “Months in a space pod leave one very stiff,” he uttered. “So, Spyri, where you live? You want me to drop you home afterward?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli Character Portrait: Éclaire Hanley Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Skallagrim the Cughtagh Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Nrvnqsr Chaos
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Having been passing through, Claire decided she was going to check out the Master's Dojo she had been hearing so much about. Having been on Terra for a few days now to attend a conference with Tech Con executives, Claire decided she wanted to blow off some steam.

So she stepped through the front doors to the Dojo, with two Aschen adjutants in full uniform behind her, one of them holding a clipboard; the other quietly checking for security threats.

Hanley was wearing her light blue Aschen Imperial Defense force Uniform, but had brought workout attire with her, attire that one of her staff members was carrying inside a duffel bag.

"I'll change and see about getting a workout." She instructed, getting a gruff nod from the Aschen soldier beside her, as he handed her the duffel bag.

"Very good, sir." The Soldier said, as Hanley took the duffel bag, and started towards one of the locker rooms.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Skallagrim the Cughtagh Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Nrvnqsr Chaos Character Portrait: Quinn Balfour
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As Niku was doing his stretches, he noticed the newcomer and her official-looking companions. His eyes slitted slightly at the sight of them before he nodded in the woman’s direction. “Who is?” he asked Spyri through the robotic-sounding translator on his head. “She look like she come here a lot,” he added as he reached for the toes of his right foot, positioning his torso parallel to the ground. The tip of his tail lightly coiled behind him in curiosity as he observed the new arrivals. He wondered if they were agents of some kind, though he could not even hope to guess for what manner of organization. He grunted and then breathed out a relaxed sigh as he switched over to lean toward the left leg.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Skallagrim the Cughtagh Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Nrvnqsr Chaos Character Portrait: Quinn Balfour
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Niku shuddered, glancing at his own tail. “You… you mean I should steer clear? You make Aschen sound like Emperor Pit and his people, except maybe even more bad. I do not understand. Why hate people for what they cannot control?” he murmured, shaking his head in disapproval. He wrapped his tail around his waist in an effort to make himself look less conspicuous. Maybe if they thought it was a furry white belt, they would be less likely to pay him any mind. He watched with a side-glance as the relatively small woman started benching a lot of weight, though he had no idea how much weight it actually was. He was totally unfamiliar with the alien items in the dojo. “What is she doing? Strength training? I know nothing of the equipment in here. Do you know how to use?” he asked Spyri. A thoughtful look befell his face. “Hey, you seem worthy of trust. Are there others you recommend I avoid? Trouble is last thing I need. I must focus on training and then return to help my people.” As he spoke, he smoothly transitioned into a front split with his right leg facing forward. He bent over to touch his toes, pressing his belly flat against a thick thigh. The presence of these people of questionable moral values had him concerned and he certainly hoped not to cross paths with one in a bad way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Skallagrim the Cughtagh Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Nrvnqsr Chaos Character Portrait: Quinn Balfour
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 “ “It take six months of travel to get here in my kilitholulgulth,” Niku replied to Spyri. “We live in distant star system on other side of galaxy. It is less well explored.” He blinked in confusion when Spyri recommended that he start smaller with the weights, as he was not sure what she meant. “Okay,” he replied, receiving a start when the newcomer suddenly spoke loud enough for them to hear. “Na-nites?” he repeated. The word had failed to translate properly. Maybe it was the local word for a group of muscles, but Niku could not be sure.

“Can I help you?” the woman inquired, sounding both irritated and proud at the same time. She was looking at both him and his fourteen-year-old female companion. Perhaps she had noticed the looks they had given her, though Niku had certainly tried to be discreet.

Niku was surprised by the question. Did she honestly want to help or was she just looking to start trouble? It was hard to trust her after what Spyri had told him, but he shrugged. “Maybe. Do you know chi master? I seek one for special training. They seem hard to come by.” ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Skallagrim the Cughtagh Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Nrvnqsr Chaos Character Portrait: Quinn Balfour
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Niku detected Spyri’s discomfort and then heard the nasty comments. Realizing he might have made an error in answering the question, he simpered with discomfort and placed a hand behind his head. “Eh, not important. I was kidding,” he blurted. He very quickly rose to his feet, trying not to sweat out of anxiety as he started putting his armor back on. Then he gently snatched Spyri by the wrist and pulled her off toward one of the back rooms. After adjusting the volume of his translator to a very low setting, he barely whispered to her, “Maybe we must leave? I am sorry. I did not mean to start trouble. What to do now?” Had he not had gloves on, he would have been biting his fingernails. Having detected clear signs of disgust from the Aschen woman, he was not about to proceed and dig himself further into a hole of sorrow. From what Spyri had told him, the Aschen had a lot of power. The last thing he wanted to do was piss Claire off and cause her to call in reinforcements.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Skallagrim the Cughtagh Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Nrvnqsr Chaos Character Portrait: Quinn Balfour
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Niku’s tail constricted around his waist as the tension in the room rose. Other patrons were starting to notice and stop their workouts just to see what was going on. He turned and glanced all around, partly in self-consciousness and partly in hope of finding possible escape routes should things turn ugly. He knew that Spyri was a fighter, but he did not want to be responsible for her getting injured on his behalf. If this had been the royal court back on Planet Carne, he would know exactly what to do, but this situation was, to him, alien in every way. He snorted and patted Spyri on the shoulder. “I am feliyan. There, I answer,” he said, heading toward the exit. “Now we leave. You coming, Spyri? I take you home if you want.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli Character Portrait: Éclaire Hanley Character Portrait: Spyri Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Skallagrim the Cughtagh Character Portrait: Prince Niku III
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"Nice to meet you, Admiral," Spyri maintained eye contact with the Aschen Admiral as Niku pat her on the shoulder and signaled their leave. Her eye twitched when he actually answered her with the technical name of his species, but then she noticed the eyes. People were looking at them. The Aschen goons seemed agitated, and this wasn't going anywhere good.

Her temper almost got the better of her. Spyri's ears turned hot.

"Thank you, yes, I'd love a ride home in your-" She wasn't even going to try to pronounce it, not in front of them. She adjusted the belt at her waist and gave an even shorter bow to the Aschen Admiral than before, gaze locked on her the entire time. Cha'tlag summoned present on her hip by the time she straightened.

"I welcome you to Terra, Admiral, on behalf of The Patronus. Do enjoy your stay." On that note, Spyri shut her mouth in a tight smile and indicated to Niku that she was ready to follow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli Character Portrait: Éclaire Hanley Character Portrait: Spyri Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Skallagrim the Cughtagh Character Portrait: Prince Niku III
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Hanley kept her eyes fixed to Niku, before she turned her attention to her adjutant.

"Intelligence can follow up with this new species." She commented off handedly, before she turned to Spyri.

"In the empire, I'd be well within my rights to have you shot, for your impudence." She replied.

"I merely wished to get to know your Xenos friend a little better, maybe find out where they're from. I'm sure my people will be watching your exploits very closely."

The people could watch, and her brows furrowed at the mention of the Patronus. The aschen regarded them as an illigitimate militia and a terrorist organization, but the empire made no outright hostile moves against them.

"I wish to know about your people, about your home world, what is your name? Mine is Claire."

The disgust seemed to fade, replaced by curiousity. Or so it seemed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Skallagrim the Cughtagh Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Nrvnqsr Chaos Character Portrait: Quinn Balfour
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Niku blinked his nictitating membranes out of sheer anxiety, his eyes turning to slits as Claire’s gaze bore into him. He froze and then peered over at Spyri for any sign or hint of how he should respond. After poking his fingers together for a moment, he cleared his throat and addressed the woman. “Ah, well, please forgive if I struggle to believe. Not but one minute ago, you seem very hostile and you say nasty things to your fellows. What interest have you in my people? They are peaceful, is all you need know. My kind represent no threat and I am only one of us you will ever see. I do not plan to stay. Once I am strong enough, I will go home, never to return.” He chuckled. “You like sound of that, I am sure.” Then he took Spyri by the hand and walked out the door, waving goodbye.