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Raziel of the frozen north

One of the last of the ancient race known as "dragons"

0 · 523 views · located in Ruby Flask

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by T_Ax


Dragons, drakes, and all of the lizardesque beasties on the planet Gaia


A Huge creature that's blackish white. The creature has huge wings and uses a pair of hydrogen filled air bladders to help with flight. I row of spines run down the back with flesh between to make a sail.

Unknown so far

It has huge claws and teeth but the rest is unknown

Unknown, for known

So begins...

Raziel of the frozen north's Story

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Character Portrait: Raziel of the frozen north
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#, as written by T_Ax
The ground on the frozen north shook and rumbled as a huge creature ripped the ground apart to reach the surface. The massive being pulled its self from the shattered ground and roared. It had awoken from 10 million years of hibernation! Its first thought was food. It fly's toward skyfall citadel

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Character Portrait: Raziel of the frozen north
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  1. possible duplicate content

    by Rulke
  2. possible duplicate content

    by lostamongtrees

0.00 INK

#, as written by T_Ax
The ground on the frozen north shook and rumbled as a huge creature ripped the ground apart to reach the surface. The massive being pulled its self from the shattered ground and roared. It had awoken from 10 million years of hibernation! Its first thought was food. It fly's toward skyfall citadel

The setting changes from Kingdom of Skyfall to Ruby Flask


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raziel of the frozen north
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#, as written by T_Ax
Citizens Look up in the sky as a shadow descends a spark falls to the ground. Soon, a torrent of flame come down on the citizens, cooking them instantly! the dragon soon swoops down, grabs it's kills and fly's off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Precursor Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: Crulamin Darksbane Character Portrait: Aetheria Moonblade Character Portrait: Jess Thresher Character Portrait: Sireth
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"The King hath'n mad" Bawled a woman three drinks past drunk. She received a harsh elbow from more than one at her table. They all hoped nobody important overheard their conversation. Despite fears of execution, or worse, they continued their tipsy speculations.

"They'll verily be hangin' 'er," one man frankly remarked, causing another wail from the drunken woman.

"He a stone foo-" She didn't manage to finish her sentence before someone stuffed a pretzel in her mouth. The woman angrily finished the treat. The King was a fool, she thought to herself, and they were all going to perish because of it. Who could ignore the signs? Surely the Oracle didn't. To think the Oracle was once considered a main line of defense, a trusted advisor, the left hand of the Crown! Now?

"Tellyawhat. Hangeth she may, dieth she don't," Remarked the pretzel-stuffer, "Summin weird on folk in the oraclin' an' magickin trades. Tellyawhat if she lives fast through a hangin', the King may have a point, tellyawhat."

The woman turned incredulous, "If she don' die, isn' tha' Gaia Herself side choosin'?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: Aetheria Moonblade Character Portrait: Sireth Character Portrait: Mi'Sava Character Portrait: Raziel of the frozen north Character Portrait: Character Development Workshop
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"Verily so," Brishen had been quietly listening from his spot at the bar. The strange woman and stranger cat weren't there when he had awoken that morning, the better for he. However, the rains still pounded down. There was a general air of upset and it didn't take long to find out why.

"They're hanging th'Oracle," Brishen answered the gruff one's inquiry nonchalantly, tipping the rest of his drink down his throat. He loved a good mead.

"An' the weather!" Interjected the woman as she swallowed her pretzel, "An' the storms, an the-" Just then, a young man burst through the door. His hair was a mess, he was soaked to the bone in rain, and he was clearly out of breath.

"Dragon!" The young man shrieked, causing the gentle lute music to come to a screeching halt, and attracting most eyes, "There's a Dragon! I saw a dragon!"

"See?!" The woman incredulously roared, rocketing to a stand and tipping her chair over as she went. The rest of her party erupted in debate.

"Impossible!" "Yeah, right?!" "Told you so!" The young man joined their fray. The group slowly returned to their seating, with the addition of a new conspirator, hashing out theories as to what was going on.

Brishen turned to the newcomer, no believing for a moment that a dragon was sighted, "So yeah, that's about what you've missed, I would assume? I myself am a recent arrival, er...?"

The setting changes from Ruby Flask to Kingdom of Skyfall

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Eras Character Portrait: The World Spirit Of Gaia Character Portrait: Ni'thorne Character Portrait: Drago Black
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0.00 INK

A subtle glitter undulated across the Kingdom of Skyfall, the call of Gaia. Barely noticeable to the naked eye, but nonetheless the Spirit of the Realm calling for the Champions to rise. Were there any in The Kingdom of Skyfall who would heed the call?

The faint sound of stone scraping stone echoed through The Exalted Mountains. The mountains almost seemed to vibrate as slowly the head of the Colossi rose to the horizon off in the distance. Soon he was visible from the Skyfall Citadel. The top of his head breached the pinked clouds still dumping rain here in the Skyfall Citadel, which sat on his brow above those dark eyes.

There he stood in the horizon. A pulse of Gaia's magic grew stronger somewhere in the mountains as well. The floating mountains hovered a little higher again as Gaia's blessing was accepted elsewhere in the mountains. The head hovering over the horizon focused it's attention to that spot. The remaining foundation of a town on the back of his left shoulder was made visible as the Colossi turned, dust rushing through the mountains as Ni'Thorne moved.

The walls of the citadel protected the main city from these dusts, but those living on the outskirts rushed the gates in a panic. It wasn't much longer before the alarm was sound. The alarm sounded as far as down into the Golden Vale, citizenry of Skyfall reaching a level of panic as lightning storms continued to ravage the lands. Meanwhile, in Norde Keep, the Oracle of Skyfall was to be put on trial. As the corruption in Skyfall grew stronger, so did Eras, feeding off of their evil ways.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Ni'thorne Character Portrait: Drago Black Character Portrait: Raziel of the frozen north Character Portrait: Martin Edenhelm
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0.00 INK

From the direction of Ni'Thorne...
, ` - ' , B
' , - ` . O
, - . -` O
` - ' ' , M

`, -, ' . - '
. , ` - ' ' , - ` , ' . - ', ' . - '
, ' . , ' . - ' `, '
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, ' . , ' . - ' `, ' , ' . - ', ' . - '
,` - ` ,
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. , ` - ' ' , - ` ,
, ' . , ' . - ' `, ' , ' . - ', ' . - '
,` - ` ,
, ' . - '

There was a great explosion, a might boom across the Kingdom of Skyfall.

Two quakes followed as two sections of the massive leg of Ni'Thorne fell to bring a final fate to the mountains at the border of the Whispering Woods.

As they made their impact a cloud of dust and debris began to rise up through the mountains and roll through the valleys. The dust rose up towards Skyfall Citadel as well, slamming against the outer walls much like the last cloud of dust did. If you weren't inside by now, you were likely worse for wear.

The rains had stopped as well, and the clouds slowly began to clear.
They were a little pink around the edges. The pink seemed to be fading.
The Bells of Skyfall rang on.

The setting changes from Kingdom of Skyfall to Ruby Flask


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aetheria Moonblade Character Portrait: Mi'Sava Character Portrait: Raziel of the frozen north Character Portrait: Character Development Workshop Character Portrait: Pheran Lier
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0.00 INK

 “ Ah, the memories! Aetheria walked into the Ruby Flask and remembered her favorite drink from this establishment. In her typical garment, she wore black pants, a tunic, gloves and boots. The outfit wasn't the flashiest, but most practical for her type of work. She looked around the room with a curious gaze: it was almost empty! What a shame...she thought to herself and took a seat at the bar. Aetheria placed a strand of her blonde hair and tucked it behind her pointed ear. Elves weren't necessarily rare, but she didn't just run into her own kind everyday. She called for the barkeep and ordered her favorite drink: non alcoholic, but it had a flavor of the ripest raspberries. Aetheria wasn't a fan of alcohol, but she'd drink socially, if necessary. She thanked the barkeep and paid for her drink, then sipped with a child-like wonder at past events. She missed that black cat and her friendly traveling companion. Aetheria hadn't been here in years, so she wondered how the two had gotten along without her. ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aetheria Moonblade Character Portrait: Mi'Sava Character Portrait: Raziel of the frozen north Character Portrait: Character Development Workshop Character Portrait: Sir Linus Character Portrait: Pheran Lier
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0.00 INK

She sipped her raspberry flavored concoction and wondered if the barkeeper had any news for her. Aetheria couldn't remember a time when she wasn't out adventuring, or going on some quests. She took a slender finger and drew the straw to her full lips for another sip. This entire area brought back fun memories, but would she ever experience that again? Her haunting blue eyes gazed at the barkeeper in a child-like wonderment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aetheria Moonblade Character Portrait: Mi'Sava Character Portrait: Raziel of the frozen north Character Portrait: Character Development Workshop Character Portrait: Sir Linus Character Portrait: Pheran Lier
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0.00 INK

/say Any news? I haven't been here in many years. I wondered if you might know of any quests I could partake in?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aetheria Moonblade Character Portrait: Mi'Sava Character Portrait: Raziel of the frozen north Character Portrait: Character Development Workshop Character Portrait: Pheran Lier Character Portrait: Kyren Sullenfall
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Kyren Sullenfall looked up to see who was addressing them as they entered. Was it one of their old-time friends?

they asked, almost surprised. Removing the bag from their shoulder and setting it on the table, he quickly processed the question and responded.

Oh, I'm not too sure. I just got back, myself.
they answered, looking towards the bar for a well-deserved drink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aetheria Moonblade Character Portrait: Mi'Sava Character Portrait: Raziel of the frozen north Character Portrait: Character Development Workshop Character Portrait: Sir Linus Character Portrait: Pheran Lier
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0.00 INK

Aetheria was happy to see a friendly face. She sipped her raspberry liquor sweet drink and looked Kyren up and down. "Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?" She asked him, genuinely interested. She had her drink refilled and noted that Kyren must be a traveler, not a usual patron from this area. "I'm Aetheria Moonblade. Nice to meet you!" She expressed cheerfully and offered a simple introduction.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aetheria Moonblade Character Portrait: Mi'Sava Character Portrait: Raziel of the frozen north Character Portrait: Character Development Workshop Character Portrait: Pheran Lier Character Portrait: Kyren Sullenfall
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Kyren Sullenfall nodded, responding in kind.

I'm Kyren Sullenfall, airship captain and slayer of beasts!
he proudly exclaimed, beaming with the glimmer of adventure.

I'm from here in Skyfall, but I travel all over Gaia.
they explained, pausing for a moment before heading over to the bar and ordering a drink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aetheria Moonblade Character Portrait: Mi'Sava Character Portrait: Raziel of the frozen north Character Portrait: Character Development Workshop Character Portrait: Pheran Lier Character Portrait: Kyren Sullenfall
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0.00 INK

An airship captain! Aetheria thought to herself and was surprised by his title. She decided to pay him respect, so she stood up from her bar stool and bowed with respect. Aetheria studied Kyren with a curiosity. She traveled a lot, but it must be amazing to be an airship captain! The sights he must have seen...

Aetheria realized she was caught up in her thoughts and blushed. She took her seat, finished her sweet alcoholic drink and was about to order another, when she realized she was all out of coin. Upon the realization of her state of affairs, she blushed then cleared her throat and looked shyly at Captain Kyren. She didn't want to admit that she had no way of paying for her drink, so she fidgeted for a moment, before making eye contact with Kyren. Her cheeks were still red with embarrassment and she wanted to crawl somewhere and hide. Aetheria watched him order his drink and with a soft voice, made the humiliation obvious:

"I hate to trouble you, Captain Kyren, because we just met and all..." She stammered, nervous of what he might say. What if he laughed at her foolishness? Aetheria looked down at her fidgeting hands and finally asked.

"...could you perhaps order me a drink as well?" She realized in horror, what she was asking. They had just met and she was already asking for a free drink!

"If it wouldn't trouble you, that is..." She stammered, her cheeks flushed with a rosy shade. Aetheria looked to the bartender in utter humiliation. Money had never been a problem before, but she hadn't quested in awhile and she was looking for work. Aetheria played with a strand of her hair and realized she hadn't even told her her name!

"I'm so sorry, my name is Aetheria Moonblade! I normally have money, but I've been looking for work..." She trailed off and waited to see how he would react to her rather embarrassingly blunt request. Aetheria decided to find out more about Kyren. He did mention he was a beast slayer.

"What's the most difficult beast you've slain? I'd like to hear of your adventures." Aetheria said, then felt more at ease.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aetheria Moonblade Character Portrait: Mi'Sava Character Portrait: Raziel of the frozen north Character Portrait: Character Development Workshop Character Portrait: Sir Linus Character Portrait: Pheran Lier
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Hilariously, Kyren had only just considered offering the woman a drink. Nevertheless, it seemed his rudeness had gotten the better of him yet again, but he wasn't about to let it show.

Two of the usual, on the house!
he demanded, commanding the bartender as if he were a friend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aetheria Moonblade Character Portrait: Mi'Sava Character Portrait: Raziel of the frozen north Character Portrait: Character Development Workshop Character Portrait: Pheran Lier Character Portrait: Kyren Sullenfall
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Kyren Sullenfall grabbed the drinks and headed back to the table where he'd set his bag.

Aye, all on me, tread on 'da house.
he chirped, sliding into the chair in a fluid motion, the two drinks coming along with him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aetheria Moonblade Character Portrait: Mi'Sava Character Portrait: Raziel of the frozen north Character Portrait: Character Development Workshop Character Portrait: Pheran Lier Character Portrait: Kyren Sullenfall
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Kyren Sullenfall settled in, laughing subtly at the inquiry, feeding into his braggadocio.

Oh, only the biggest of beasts that Gaia has, you know. There's nothing like a GARGANTUA to slay after it's been tyrannizing a poor little farm village!
he chortled.

Kyren slurped into his Arcane Ale, hefting the glass into the air with a deep draw on the glass.