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Renalanus Phorixx

"No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!"

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Specmarine


Name: Renalanus Phorixx

Race: Human

Age: 457

Gender: Male

Faction Imperium Of Man

Appearance: Image

Chapter: Black Templars

Occupation: Former Marshal(Captain) of the Black Templars

Personality: Like his fellow marines, Renalanus despises anyone threatening the Imperium and every alien that has attacked so far. He is loyal to the God Emperor of Mankind and is very religious giving prayers every day. He despises anyone that can use magic since witches and the like use magic, he will go as far to attacking them on sight.

He is very brutal against anything not human, always usually attacking first. He is an isperational force to his brothers in arms, a harbinger of destruction to his enemies. He is the Emperors will made incarnate.

Renalanus is also fearless in combat, refuses to go down despite injuries, and will rally his men to charge though gunfire if need be.

With the spirit of Konugr Dura Althinna now tied to him, he is more caring for people. He is not only willing to help people but care for them.

Equipment: A relic powersword found on a old world buried under the dirt and held by a long dead Marshal. The name inscribed on the blade read "Peircing Darkness".

A bolt pistol as his sidearm

Storm shield, assault pack, iron halo

Background: A black Templar Marshal who was presumed killed during a run in with chaos during a crusade, he and some of his men survived but found themselves in a new area not plagued by endless war. He seeks to find Holy Terra and does his best to recruit new battle brothers to replenish the many dead marines.


So begins...

Renalanus Phorixx's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project Character Portrait: Kinoha
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Kinoha would move rapidly with the Sonic Sway to dodge the spears, a smile still on her face. Persistent machines it seemed. However, her smile faded as she saw the sphere. Gritting her teeth, she brought one arm back. Timing to the sphere's arrival, she focused herself and her energy, using a punch to deflect the sphere towards the sky. "Haaaaaah!"

Her smile returned afterwards as she turned her head to acknowledge the new Space Marine reinforcements. "Lillith, Lucy. Sorry to interrupt your sisterly squabble, but you'll soon have a lot of company to deal with. I'd suggest you prepare yourselves accordingly. They don't stand a chance against me, yes, but just one alone is a good match for either one of you."

Kinoha then took to the sky herself. "So, a full squad of those guys... This could be tricky. I'll have to try and limit collateral while also giving them a what for. Sounds like a fun game to me!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project Character Portrait: Kinoha
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Ayanna looked up as Lucifer came sailing towards the soldiers. "Warriors, Brace the wall! She shouted in her native language. The warriors, in response, grouped together and gathered their shields up. Warriors knelt and braced their shields against their bodies, while their brothers stood over them and held their shields atop those who knelt, still more raised their shields as a roof to cover them, while the rest pushed their shields into those in front, bracing them against impact. When Lucifer struck the shielded warriors, it was as though he had struck a mountain, for the warriors gave just as much ground as though the wind had brushed across them.

Ayanna then shouted out a series of commands, which were followed immediatly. The warriors broke their wall and charged forward, passing Lucifer by as though he were a stone in a river. Ten of the warriors spread into a widened line not fifty yards from the target. These warriors raised their shields into the sky and slammed them hard into the ground. The shields shifted and transformed upon impact, becoming stationary barriers five feet tall, and generated an energy shield that extended another three feet around them, producing a sizable position of cover. Then these warriors took their spears and, shifting them into their alternate forms in which they changed from spears into long barreled weapons resembling hunting rifles that fired bolts of condensed plasma, began firing from cover upon the demons and Kinoha in a suppression assault

The remaining twenty warrriors split off and flanked combatants, ten to either side, as they attempted to cut off any escape from the targets. At the same time six more soldiers, these equipped in heavy plate gear and wielding staves, marched out of the energy field produced by the spire. These new combatants took flight upon wings formed of energy and light rooted at the backs of their armor and positioned themselves above and slightly behind the lines of warriors, two per group. One of those in the main line flew down towards Lucifer, and knelt before him asking "Are you injured?" In a flowing, almost musical voice.

Ayanna herself sheathed her sword and took a long rectangular case handed to her by another warrior, along with a strange metal gauntlet. She strapped the case onto her back and then took the hand of one of the paladins, the heavy warriors with staves, who flew her up onto the roof of one of the buildings that hadn't been destroyed. Once in position she had full view of the field of battle and was able to direct her forces accordingly. As of yet she waited, her primary fire line was established, the retreat was being cut off by two more suppression groups, and as the soldiers from the Remembrance of truth hadn't reached the site yet, her only priority at the moment was containment. "Besides," She mused to herself in her native tongue, a smirk twitching the edge of her lips. "If they're anything like the one I was up against earlier, they should be enough to clean this mess."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project Character Portrait: Kinoha
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#, as written by Shpleem
A few of the Legion units turned to face the incoming marines, six optics smoldering in their faceplates as they assessed them, it seemed to take the machines a moment to realize that these walking stacks of armor had meat inside. As this conclusion was reached, several more units turned to face the marines, beginning their assault with a fusillade of energy spears. Storm shields could likely stop them, and thick enough armor dissipate some of the damage, but they could likely still do some damage depending on where they struck.

Other Legion units continued to attack Kinoha, sending two more energy spheres her way followed by one of the large units attempting to bear hug her, likely to crush her.

Lucifer clanged loudly off the shields before tumbling to the ground nearby. He waited a moment as the soldiers washed past him before pushing himself to his feet, all sorts of damage warnings and assessments scrolled through his vision as he fumbled for his weapon. He turned to look at the soldiers that had moved passed him, not human, but still alive, still organic. He would still fight for them. With staff once more in hand he charged to their side, levelling the anchor blade like a rifle, and sending a rippling bolt of distortion through the air towards Lilith who just managed to get out of the way in time.

Her head tentacle raised and fired a searing beam across the front of the shields to test their durability. "Foolish organics, you have no idea what you're dealing with."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project Character Portrait: Kinoha
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Once the marines turned the corner, they spotted their allies already engaging unknown machines. The marines, most notibaly the Initiates got into a firing line and once they spotted the machines heading straight for them with spears, they did not hisitate to shoot a volley of bolter fire at the machines, sending .75 rocket propelled rounds at the machines which would before into their armor and explode damaging internal systems. Each marine would aim with inhuman precision, each press of the trigger would send a four round burst from their weapon hitting their target in their head, arms, legs or anywhere the rounds hit.

While the Initiates held their ground firing in complete unison, Sword Brethren formed a line just behind the firing line to engage the enemy once they close the distance. The Librarian began to tap into the warp and channeled his psychic might to channel the Might Of Titan which the caused Initiates to shoot even faster, their four round burst seemed to become a eight round burst and their reloads were almost immediate, the bolt rounds never seemed to stop firing against the oncoming machine horde. Of course the spears thrown at the marines were not ignored, the marines dodged the incoming spears with their improved reflexes.

Renalus himself activated his Jump-pack and took to the high ground and landed on one of the buildings that has not been destroyed and surveyed the battlefield, prepared to assault the machines lines once they closed the distance. He observed that one of the machines in the back was fighting with one of their own. He was not sure what was happening but to him they seemed to the the commanders of this machine army, what he also discovered was a portal spewing more machine reinforcements and Kinoha was currently destroying more machines. "Brothers, there seems to be a portal that seems to be the source of the machines reinforcements. I have also located the demon we are here to destroy, continue to hold the line until we can destroy the entire area. Emperor protect you all." Renalus spoke into his vox and the other marines who were already inspired began to fight with more vigor.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project Character Portrait: Kinoha
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"I suppose I'll start with these machines. I can try to feed energy into the distortion to overload it and destroy it, but th-" Kinoha found the suppression fire heading her way, the shots bouncing off of her as she held up her arms to shield herself. With the large energy spheres heading at her, she proceeded to dodging them both with little effort beyond momentary the expense of the other large one freely grabbing her in that moment.

"Ergh! Hands off the goods! I'm not done playing yet!" She held her breath and began inflating herself like a balloon, to force the machine to unhand her. Once it did, she would return to normal size and fire a large barrage of energy spheres at the large machine, intent on disabling it entirely, if not destroying it. "You guys are cheating! We should at least play fair!"

More energy sphere barrages would sweep across the robots. "I can't deal with the others until I get these robots to stop. The energy spheres are dangerous to those around here. I've got to find a way to get out of the robots' aggression."

She backed off to fly high into the air (typical air travel altitude), and began charging the a medium sized sphere similar to the one Misonii had charged earlier. This time though, it was a smaller sphere packed in front of Kinoha, as a large bow formed, shaped of energy. She assumed the motions as though to fire something, the sphere in front of her quickly multiplying in size. Once more, the dim pink and black glow shrouded the area as the sphere grew to at least one block wide and one block high. It showed no signs of shrinking anytime soon, however, and the excess radiating energy formed a shield around Kinoha to protect her as she charged. It'd take a large amount of effort and power to break the shield, let alone to stop the sphere.

She aimed the shot for the dimension tear that the robots were spewing from, tightening the grasp on the bow of energy. "Just...a...bit...longer...!" The amount of energy radiating from the sphere was significant, and was creating large gusts at ground level around it's area, gusts that would tip over ordinary creatures (though likely would have nearly non-existent effects on the others in the area). "Let's play a game, machine army! It's called "Save or Die"! The rules are simple too, kee hee hee! You simply must stop my Missing Arrow and not die!"

The pink sphere itself looked to be of decent size, and the black electrical core was slightly growing in size within it. It was only a matter of time until she fired it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project Character Portrait: Kinoha
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The Flanking Warriors charged in front of the Marine Initiates and swordbrothers, planting themselves between enemy fire and their allies. Much as the primary line had done, these 10 soldiers slammed their shields into the ground, where upon they shifted into stationary barriers providing cover for initiates and Warriors alike. These warriors added their weapons fire to the barrage from the Initiates, unleashing cavalcades of Plasma fire into the enemy machines.

Meanwhile at the first combat line, the warriors braced behind the Barriers created by their shields as the beam seared their way. One soldier was a heartbeat too slow in pulling behind cover, having intended to get another shot off beforehand. The Beam struck a line across his neck, and while his armor was unaffected, the warriors head fell clean from his shoulders. His body and armor erupted into an ethereal flame before it even hit the ground, and the energy rushed towards one of the paladins, whereupon it swirled over their armor and merged with the light of their wings. The barriers themselves were unaffected by the beam, and the warriors soon refocused their fire upon Lillith, launching bolt after bolt of concentrated plasma energy at her.

Ayanna studied the battlefield and shouted "Warriors, redirect fire, focus on the machines. We eliminate them before moving forward." She paused then, noting the heat coming from Kinoha above. "Blasted monster." She muttered to herself, lifting her left arm up to point at the creature. The guantlet warn on her arm wreathed itself in light before shifting about and forming a Bow in her hand. She then reached behind her and grabbed the handle of the case she had slung across her back. it shone brightly then came free, while an identical copy of it phased back into the frame. She took the case and laid it across the bow, knocking it to the string and pulling back, then releasing. The bow, made with a draw strength of nearly seven hundred pounds, launched the case clean into the air, where it burst open and released a cavalcade of darts which then ignited and flew towards Kinoha. Ayanna repeated this procedure ten times inside of five seconds, unleashing a torrent of burning arrows at Kinoha, each one flying with speed so great it could only be seen as a streak of red, every one with the impact force of a charging rhino.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project Character Portrait: Kinoha
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#, as written by Shpleem
On all sides the front lines of Legion robots fell, however still more came up to take their place, the larger units were shrugging off the bolter rounds that were tearing up their smaller comrades. Two came together side by side and between them they quickly formed a sphere of burning plasma, as its containment field pressed in on it began to undergo fusion, a micro star on the express lane towards supernova for any that had the ability to identify such a thing. A third large unit ran for it and pressed its hands to the sphere, firing at Kinoha like a cannon.

Several smaller energy balls were hurled towards the barricades, each a repeat of the ten meter blast radius one Kinoha had recently been forced to dodge. The smaller Legion machines were no longer standing, those that were still active and those that were coming through were sticking low the ground, crawling over the debris like grotesque monsters to minimize their target size to the enemy.

Lilith raised her huge arms to defend herself from the barrage, being pushed back by it though her barrier was holding. The articulated tentacle on her head fired off several more beams, aimed for the gaps in the barricade before her with mechanical precision.

A quick movement on Lucifer's part caused his staff to block a beam from Lilith meant for the warrior nearest him, "Soldiers, aim for her legs." he advised, voice having a bit of crackle and distortion from the damage he'd received.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project Character Portrait: Kinoha
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Once the marines recognized the threat of the larger machines marching in their direction, half of the marines swapped their ammunition type to Vengeance Rounds to specifically deal with the larger machines. Although hazardous to use, these Vengeance Rounds were capable of punching holes through the larger machines armor however their fire rate slowed down to make sure the round did not explode in their Bolter. Despite the strong gusts emanating from Kinoha, the marines did not move an inch or seemed to recognize the strong gusts.

On the Building roof, Renalus spotted Kinoha forming a massive sphere of energy and watching how the others were attacking the demon, he could not do much at range. "Marshal, the tech marines have successfully repaired the weapons machine spirit. We are preparing firing rites as we speak, orbital bombardment will commence in a minute. Keep the demon busy." With that voice Renalus nodded to himself before activating his jump-pack and landed on top of one of the large machines and began slicing through the machine with his power sword. He cut of pieces of hits chest armor with ease, sliced off both of its arms before jumping of the machine before slicing the machine into hundreds of pieces. He would then turn his attention of the other smaller machines and deal with the larger machines along with some Sword Brethren who teliported by his side in the middle of the enemy lines and helped the marshal clear the ranks of the machines.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project Character Portrait: Kinoha
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Kinoha changed her direction to face the oncoming arrows, the energy sphere in front of her following suit. Each arrow would simply fly into the sphere to no effect, being absorbed by the immense orb, which seemed to grow larger for the absorption. She repeated this process then with the sphere the robots fired, the smaller orbs being swallowed up.

"KEE HEE HEE! I hope you understand the rules! Here it comes! The game starts now! Missing Arrow!"

Kinoha teleported straight down to the floor and released the energy sphere, the tension leaving her arm as she let go of the energy string, which hurtled straight towards the dimension tear that the robots were spawning through, the sphere roughly one block wide and one block tall, with enough power to easily deface a planet should it make direct contact with the surface (her trajectory intentionally would prevent the sphere from colliding with Terra in any way should it, for some astronomically unlikely and unlucky reason, miss its target). The sphere effortlessly destroyed most solid matter in its way, which would likely include dozens upon dozens of the robots, in all sizes, and made an eerie sound as it traveled, low brass with electrical charges flickering.

"I hope it works, that was a decent portion of my energy... It'll take a a bit before I can fire another if I need to. If it hits, that should destroy the portal by overloading it and swamping it."

Astonishingly, Kinoha seemed slightly winded from the attempt, though only for a brief moment. Nonetheless a physical sign of perhaps pushing herself slightly too far. "Kee hee hee! Gwah hee hah! Gwah hee hah kee hee hee! Yay! No one else can make a better light show than me! I haven't even added the fireworks yet! Enjoy the show! They don't make 'em as great in the next dimension!"

If she even became ever so slightly exhausted, it unfortunately did not fix her attitude in any way. Internally, she hoped this attack worked, since she had two small armies to deal with (which the robots would make difficult for her to do).

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project Character Portrait: Kinoha
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Ayanna had been in the process of pulling another arrow from the quiver when Kinoha teleported and threw the dark sphere of energy. She cursed under her breath and called out to the paladins, "To me! Paladins to me!" At her command the winged and armored soldiers turned and, seeing the sphere of energy, shot up and around to avoid it and reoposition near her. The Remaining soldiers continued firing, even as the sphere of energy rolled over and erased them from existence. As each soldier was consumed, their energy flared up and streamed towards the paladins, until out of the thirty that had arrived, only seven remained, and these had been the seven closest to the initiates side of the engagement.

Those warriors had, once the sword brethren had begun their assault, shifted their rifles back into spears and pulled the barriers up from the ground, reverting them to shields. They had then begun a solid march towards the combatants, stabbing at every enemy that came too close, and protecting themselves and the initiates behind them with a wall of shields. This Formation continued marching forward, losing only one man during the march, until they had reached the position where the sword wielders had begun fighting. Once they had reached them, these warriors slung their shields onto their backs and began fighting in earnest with their spears, swinging them about like halberds, decapitating the smaller machines and skewering the larger ones. One soldier grabbed a smaller Legion-bot by it's neck and, as though it weighed no more than a softball, swung it about to strike other nearby units. It then slammed that bot into the ground, shattering the machine. In this way the warriors attempted to continue cutting down the numbers of the enemy, providing relief for the sword brethren.

Ayanna in turn, gave a string of orders to the paladins, who then flew off to meet with the Initiates at the ground. Afterward she took a running leap, clearing the distance and landing in the middle of the fight, right on top of a machine that had been attempting to skewer Renalus. The bow that her gauntlet had changed into had reverted back into that of an armored glove, and she once again wielded her hand and a half blade of enchanted star-steel. She then began striking down the machines that were within her reach, her blade singing with each swing, cleaving through even the larger monsters as easy as if cutting through liquid. A smile brightened her expression, as Ayanna found no greater joy than there was in the thrill of combat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project Character Portrait: Kinoha
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#, as written by Shpleem
Several of the larger machines grouped together and overclocked their barrier systems in an effort to stop the approaching energy sphere, though they only succeeded in slowing it down for a moment, diminishing it's momentum by the slightest of margins but not near enough to stop it. Any of the smaller units caught in its path would not survive, and as the sphere passed through the portal and immense explosion flowed out of the opening in a wave of fire and pressure.

The larger bots were no slouches in combat, and did not die so easily, even with enchanted swords and power blades biting into the armored endoskeletons, they still fought back with full ferocity. Lifting, throwing, slashing, bludgeoning, anything in their power to do, they did to any enemy within reach.

With the wall of shields out of the way, Lilith was fighting more to her strengths, taking the spear swings to the arms as if they were toothpicks before striking back with thunderous punches and crippling backhands, the kind of strikes that would turn a normal human soldier into red mist. When the portal seemingly exploded and the dimensional rift began to collapse, her mind processed the calculations of what this meant for the battle on her front and quickly came to the conclusion that this was not a winning battle for her. "Legion Darling, I'll be taking my leave, I'm sure you know the next step on your to do list." she said to the black robots as a whole before launching herself airborne with no discernable means of thrust, moving to make her escape.

Lucifer, in the midst of beheading one of the larger units, turned his head to track her escape before launching himself after her. She couldn't be allowed to leave here intact, she just couldn't.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project Character Portrait: Kinoha
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The marines watched as the sphere tore through the ranks of the robots and their allies before watching the portal that spewed the machines destabilize and collapse. The Initiates kept blasting the machines on the ground, bolt round impacting every machine they spotted. They soon saw the paladins swoop down near them but they continued to focus on the machines.

The Sword Brethren battling the giant machines held strong against the giant machines, their blows denting their armor or being knocked back a few inches back, their swords only managing to cut a few centimeters in their armor. They held strong but one Sword Brother was surrounded by two of these large machines and swarmed by the smaller machines. He tried his best to destroy them all but in the end the amount of bodies on him was to much for him to handle and was stabbed, slashed and bludgeoned to death.

Renalus kept on destroying any machine, small or large. While he was busy destroying one of the larger machines, he was not aware of one machine that managed to sneak up on him but before he could react to it, Ayanna jumped on top of it and destroyed it. He gave a thankful nod in her direction before resuming to destroy the machines that surrounded him. The Librarian behind the Initiates took note of the two machines taking off into the air, he guessed that they were supposidly the captains of the machine forces and channeled his psychic might and tap into the warp to cast Machine Curse on Lilith since she was the first one to take off and her systems would suddenly go haywire if it took effect.

Meanwhile of The Remembrance Of Truth, the crew of the ship began reciting a prayer to fire the orbital cannons. "It is time we preform our charge. In fealty to the God Emperor and the grace upon the Golden Throne, we hereby offer our prayers to guide our weapons these days. We pray to the God Emperor this day to guide our weapons to cleanse the planet of the demon, the being that attempts to taint the world. Under your grace, we shall preform our duty." Every soldier on the barge chanted in unison before the crew manning the weapons activated the orbital weaponry of the battle barge.

The underbelly of the ship began to glow orange as it began to channel five different orbital beams. The beams themselves were visible to anyone who noticed them, however them appeared to be harmless laser pointers, two beams targeted Kinoha, and the other three were spread out in the machines ranks. Once the beams were 75% charged the sky above wing city would slowly turn orange as the energy the ship emitted became visible to everyone. "Orbital strike! Clear the area!" Renalus shouted in his Vox as he began to withdraw from the area, the Librarian would also contact their allies through their mind. "I would advise everyone to get back. Orbital batteries are prepared to fire."

Once the beams reached their peak power, the beams would suddenly grow half a mile wide each, and began to slowly lift up anything caught in the orbital beams. The beams disintegrated anything in the center of the beam and began to melt anything else caught on the outer layer. After five second the beams would suddenly explode carving a mile long hole into the earth and destroying anything else that managed to survive the beam with the force of a thermonuclear nuke.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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Still flaunting her victory, Kinoha did not realize her predicament until she saw one laser fall on her. Then a second one.

"What? This can't be good. What's happening?"

She turned to look up at where the lasers were coming from, gritting her teeth as her eyes widened with shock. Almost immediately, she had to steel herself against the force that was now lifting small debris off the ground, holding her arms slightly above her in a shielding manner. "Ahh! This is intense! What are they doing?!"

Then it happened. She gasped as she realized what was occurring, noticing a massive beam of energy shot from the sky that was coming down on her location. Shrouded with its energy as the beam began to consume her form, she put her hands in front of herself, intending on trying to block them, her form absorbing the latent energy radiating from the beam as she used her own intense power to hold the beam back.


A short struggle occurred as Kinoha began sinking into the ground from the pressure, breaking the asphalt with the forces at play. Slowly however, she began winning, resisting the beam as she struggled to keep it under control as if to deflect it. As she started powering up again, ready to fire her own energy into it to push it back into the Remembrance of Truth, she felt the massive additional force of the second beam joining the first, and was absorbed fully into the beam as her own blocking failed her, Kinoha unable to keep up with the energy she was expending given the form's limitations.

"No way... This force! How? Human weapons were never this advanced! No fair cheating! Auuuuugh!"

What was heard then was a loud scream, possibly of fear and terror, as Kinoha disappeared from sight, the beams fully encompassing her location as the crater was made with great force. Her body twisted into inhuman angles as it began dissolving, her flesh being warped in a myriad of of ways that were no doubt painful as her screams continued. It was around this time when a bright glow consumed her form while within the beam as her whole being began to split into two lumpy masses of flesh that were indescribable, flesh masses that seemed to constantly absorb and spawn themselves over and over again with various appendages: eyes, mouths, arms, and even legs, as they slowly disintegrated within the wrath of the beams.

When the light show was all was said and done, only the crater remained. Kinoko lay at the bottom unconscious, her armor broken in varying ways as the fleshy substance left her form, her arms and legs returning to a normal state. Hana was nowhere to be seen, though pink pieces of...something...were strewn everywhere throughout the local area, still quivering and jiggling like gelatin snacks, with many of them reverting to their normal pink color as the fleshy substance melted off of them. The pieces strewn about everywhere were likely more numerous than the robots were, and it was impossible to tell if all of them were still in the impact zone.

Atop a nearby building, now thoroughly damaged, stood a woman dressed in an archbishop's attire, her hands were placed together before her as though she was about to start praying. Her eyes were closed as well, and a staff was hovering beside her. "Those two are foolish. I provided them with shelter and training, and they yet disregard my warnings. Very well. I'll make sure I extract them from here if they can't do so of their own power. Though they may be stupid, no one hurts my students without my say so."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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As the Remembrance of Truth began charging it's weapon, Ayanna paused in mid combat to look up even as the telepathic communication reached her. She smiled and then shouted orders out to the Paladins, who retreated to a safe distance. Her remaining warriors she called to her, and they arranged themselves in a circle around her, towards the edge of the blasts epicenter.

Then she whipped out her hand with the gauntlet, and as it shifted into a bow once more she pulled an arrow from the quiver. She sang a slew of words before firing, and the arrow soared through the air towards Lillith. It passed Lucifer, a halo of energy crackling around it, and then passed Lillith by several feet. Moments before, when Ayanna had released the arrow, she called out to her warriors saying "Be ready to pounce!" Before slamming a hand into the ground and casting a very simple spell, and as a circle of magic enveloped her position, a similiar crackling halo of energy formed around her.

By this time, the beams had begun firing and burning into the enemy. With little time left to lose, Ayanna's spell was cast, and the position of the arrow and her body were swapped. Now in the air, a couple feet from Lillith, Ayanna spread out and grabbed at the machine. If she was successful she would then take her fist and strike with every bit of force she could muster into the machine's side. The force of impact would be so great, it would shatter her own reinforced bones. An impact equal to a fright train focused into a single strike. She would then follow up this attack by wrapping her body around the Lillith, as the same halo of energy fizzed around her. As it crackled to life, Ayanna would look up at Lillith and smile. "C'mon Sweetheart, don't want you to miss the fireworks"

With an explosion of energy, the magic would reactivate. Ayanna, and by close proximity Lillith, would be swapped with the arrow, positioning both of them at the outer edge of the Space Marine's weapons. The heat from the weapon could be felt, like an inferno of raw power.

Once Ayanna and Lillith had both returned, the five soldiers who had survived combat with Legion leaped upon Lillith, grasping at her and attempting to hold her down even as Ayanna did. And at that moment the weapons fired would explode, carving the crater into the earth. As the blast washed over them, Ayanna smiled at Lillith. "Tough luck, but the people in this dimension won't fall over so easialy."

Ayanna's body, and those of the warriors would disintegrate in the explosion, loosening their grip and creating an opening for Lillith, a split second chance of avoiding complete annihilation through the cannons power.

A distance away, The paladins grouped together. They Raised their staves and chanted in their foreign language before striking the staves in a circle almost a fifty meters in diameter. The heads of each staff opened and ignited into a prismatic flame, and the air inside the circle began to shimmer and glow.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
The myriad components of Legion could sense the impending micro-armageddon that was about to befall the street where the battle was taking place and they began to scatter. It would be hard to tell in chaos how many would make their escape, slipping away in the flash of destruction brought on by the battlebarge's guns. Many were visibly destroyed, unable to escape the full breadth of the beams' blasts.

Lilith felt as though her escape was assured until suddenly her vision blurred and fuzzed out with static and her systems locked up, rendering her unaware of much of Ayanna's attack against her until her systems restored themselves. A moment later she found herself back on the ground with an orbital weapon bearing down on her. A distorted electronic scream escaped her as the soldiers piled on in an attempt to restrain her. As her systems rebooted one arm would manage enough motion to toss a soldier like a ragdoll, or if he refused to relinquish his grip his head would be driven into the pavement.

Then the blast hit her, she could feel some systems sparking and frying in the wake of the energy wave before her armor began to melt. As the bodies trapping her were vaporized she launched herself clear in a more desperate bid for escape. Her head tentacle was severed, melted to slag even as she cleared the blast radius, using the last of her reserve energy to bat Lucifer aside with her good arm, the one that wasn't half melted and softened by the intense heat.

The red machine tumbled through the sky, smashing through the upper stories of another building, one outside the blast radius of the marines' devastating weapon. He did not rise again to pursue her as she fled the scene, leaving him to whatever fate these organics had in store for him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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0.00 INK

Once the orbital strike cleared the demon and most of the machines, the Initiates slowly advanced elimininating any last survivors. Renalus, the Librarian and the retinue of Sword Brethran examined the crater where Kinoha was and noticed something off right away. The demon was no where to be seen which would have made sense for him, however what remained in its place was Kinoko and bits of pink substance scattered around the crater. "What is going on here? First we encounter a strange demon and now that woman takes its place along with some strange pink goo. Whatever the case, Librarian, destroy this pink goo. I will eliminate that woman." Renalus spoke as he drew his sword.

As Renalus climbed descended into the crater the Librarian began to tap into the warp and cast Smite which caused his hand to summon psychic lighting on the remaining blobs, vaporizing them to make sure no taint was left. Being religious they feared the pink blobs were bits of the demon, and that it would begin corrupting the planet.

Renalus soon arrived at the bottom of the crater to where Kinoko lay and slowly walked up to her sword ready to strike. [b]"You have faught well as a warrior, but to be fused to a demon...I pity you. I will end your life with this sword, be honoured to be beaten by the marshal of the Black Templars." He spoke as he raised his sword to deliver a fatal blow if not stopped.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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Renalus' Power Blade would be stopped by a woman who appeared in front of him within the crater, a woman who had moved at an almost supernatural and invisible speed. Her eyes and her mouth were missing, but she appeared to be of some kind of religion given her garb. Her right hand was replaced by a perfect replica of Renalus' Storm Shield, which bore a pair of blue eyes with emphasized eyelashes upon it staring back at him with a malicious smile; the mouth, complete with teeth, placed underneath those eyes. Were they hers? They didn't seem affected by the sword she was blocking with them. Her left hand held a staff in its gloved grasp.

"Blessed are those who revere the Unknown Trinity, for they will enjoy the protection of true divinity." The distorted voice apparently emerged from the woman, and not the shield she was perversely copying as some sort of twisted joke. As the Librarian got to work destroying what he could, the pink blobs that escaped such a fate began to pull themselves together into one mass that appeared besides the woman's staff. The mass was then melded into the staff's peculiar spherical crystal before both the staff, and Kinoko, would vanish from sight.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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The Circle of Paladins lifted their wings, and from them issued a stream of energy that, when it passed into the circle formed by the staves, coiled upon itself. Each coil of energy burst aflame and in the fires the warrior that had been felled was reformed, fully equipped and prepared for combat. thirty warriors in total reforged, and among them Ayanna Shadowleaf as well. She stepped clear of the circle, her warriors marching behind her, as the group returned to the site of the blast.

Once they had arrived, The warriors were commanded to form up upon the crater lip, forming a perimeter to prevent anything that might have survived from escaping without notice. The paladins also joined this defensive, their staves shifting and opening into bows with arrows of magical energy. Ayanna slipped into the crater, taking position a few feet behind Renalus. She had her sword drawn and warily watched the old woman who stood defending Kinoko

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
There were no more of the gangly, black machines moving in the craters in the aftermath of the orbital bombardment, most seemed to have been vaporized, the few near the edges had been reduced to molten slag with almost nothing of discernible componentry remaining intact.

A block over, Lucifer extricated himself from an abandoned apartment building and floated back towards the scene of the confrontation. It seemed the others were still there, though there was a new player in the mix, and somehow the strange knights had been restored. At the moment, he wasn't concerned about the details, he was just glad that for the moment the threat to organic life on this world had been halted, and he needed time to restore himself to a fully functional state.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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Renalus's sword was stopped by a strange figure. A woman wearing some sort of garb was blocking his sword with an almost exact replica of his storm shield, only instead of the Imperium eagle it was replaced by eyes and a mouth. To him this was almost an insult, and more yet this felt demonic. Soon the body of Kinoko and the pink substance disappeared from sight only leaving this strange woman.

The initiates once done sweeping up the remaining robots quickly made their way to the crater and aimed their weapons at the strange figure, ready to shoot in case something happened. "Explain yourself! I know you are connected to that woman and that pink demon. So what is your intentions here? Speak now or I will destroy every trace of you..." Renalus spoke, he imagined this woman to be a servant of chaos due to her shield and how she had helped their enemies escape.