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Renalanus Phorixx

"No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!"

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Specmarine


Name: Renalanus Phorixx

Race: Human

Age: 457

Gender: Male

Faction Imperium Of Man

Appearance: Image

Chapter: Black Templars

Occupation: Former Marshal(Captain) of the Black Templars

Personality: Like his fellow marines, Renalanus despises anyone threatening the Imperium and every alien that has attacked so far. He is loyal to the God Emperor of Mankind and is very religious giving prayers every day. He despises anyone that can use magic since witches and the like use magic, he will go as far to attacking them on sight.

He is very brutal against anything not human, always usually attacking first. He is an isperational force to his brothers in arms, a harbinger of destruction to his enemies. He is the Emperors will made incarnate.

Renalanus is also fearless in combat, refuses to go down despite injuries, and will rally his men to charge though gunfire if need be.

With the spirit of Konugr Dura Althinna now tied to him, he is more caring for people. He is not only willing to help people but care for them.

Equipment: A relic powersword found on a old world buried under the dirt and held by a long dead Marshal. The name inscribed on the blade read "Peircing Darkness".

A bolt pistol as his sidearm

Storm shield, assault pack, iron halo

Background: A black Templar Marshal who was presumed killed during a run in with chaos during a crusade, he and some of his men survived but found themselves in a new area not plagued by endless war. He seeks to find Holy Terra and does his best to recruit new battle brothers to replenish the many dead marines.


So begins...

Renalanus Phorixx's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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The woman's hand transformed back to its nornal gloved form as it retreated back to her side, opposite the other. Closing her eyes as they reappeared on her face, along with her mouth, she clasped her hands together before her, as if in a praying motion.

"I am Emily Kattelya, a servant to the Unknown Trinity, the true Gods you should be wary of doing dishonor to. My pupils are off limits from your reckless destruction of life that is not yours."

Her voice was normal now, no longer distorted.


Atop the same building that Emily had been watching from, a now reformed Hana (with a gaping hole in her abdomen) extended a hand down to Kinoko. "Kee hee hee, get up lazy bones!"

Taking her hand, Kinoko slowly stood up, glancing at the staff beside them, a green and red energy washing over the pair of warriors. "So, she saved us again. Our teacher... Damn it all! I'm not strong enough!"

Hana patted Kinoko. "Aww, we're fine! We can't beat everything on our own you know!" The staff filled her and Kinoko with renewed energy, allowing them to move around again with a swift healing.

Kinoko looled between her hands, and studied her armor. It was holding up, barely. She took off the remnants of it, revealing a black padding band over her chest that was untouched. The bottom half of her armor, the padded briefs, remained, as did the boots and gauntlets. "So, no armor... That's fine. I'm light as a feather now. Gwah-hee-hah! Hana! Let's get down there again and help Ms. Kattelya out! Those were tough guys!"


Both Kinoko and Hana flew off the building to rejoin Emily, landing on both sides of her. Kinoko crossed her arms while Hana placed hers on her hips. Kinoko's new lack of armor was immediately visible, as was the large hole in Hana's abdominal region (her attire was otherwise whole, and she showed no signs of wounding, unlike Kinoko).

Emily spoke further. "I am merely here to ensure their safety as my students. Any harm on them is harm on me, and your complete stand down is recommended if you wish to keep your lives that you defile my presence with."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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"Defile your presence? Pardon me, but do you not see your situation?" Ayanna gestured around at the soldiers surrounding them all. "You have no chance here. One of your students was having trouble against that one" She pointed to Renalus. "And at the risk of sounding arrogant, I handled him with ease. That doesn't bode well for you, when you consider that each one of those warriors standing guard around us is just as capable as I am in singular combat." She then gestures to the initiates and sword brothers beyond. "Then you have the troops he brought along for the battle, whom I have no doubt are more than capable fighters themselves." She then points straight up at the sky with her blade. "And all of this without pointing out the fact that ten of my peoples warships, and at least one of his, are standing just above in orbit."

She would lower her blade to point at the three warriors who dared issue offense. "A moment ago you were all but obliterated by his vessels weapon. And, to be frank, that was but a small gale compared to the storm that my people could unleash upon you. So I ask you, only once, to politely and honestly answer this question."

"What hope do the three of you have against all of this?" She said, her stance ever so slightly shifting into combat readiness.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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Emily replied to Ayanna's challenge. "Their hope is in me. If you wish to fight us, understand that it is futile. The Unknown Trinity have foretold your loss at my hands in that event."

Kinoko took one step forward, raising her fist. While she looked like she had just been in a scuffle, it looked no worse than that, despite her condition when she was in the crater. She stopped and began speaking with the fist raised. "Ms. Kattelya! I can take them! I'm really feeling it now! They'll learn exactly what I can do!" Hana cheered. "Yay! I'll make 'em all into candy for us too!"

Emily looked back at her students. "You two have done enough. You will stand on the sidelines and rest. If I desire you to fight alongside me, I will let you know." She then turned to look at Ayanna again, with her eyes closed still, her hands moving to her sides as she continued speaking to Kinoko and Hana. "I can fight them, and their little tin cans, all on my own. I will do so while using less than one percent of my true power. Acolytes, you could barely scratch them without resorting to the method I already decreed off limits until desperation, and even that failed you due to your own incompetence. Part of proper training involves a great deal of observation. Watch, listen, and take in what I do. I'll be expecting more of it as we go. The Unknown Trinity, whose Holy House has been your home since you fell astray within this world...they expect no less of any follower with the talents you possess."

With that all said, Kinoko and Hana both acknowledged her and flew back to the staff that was on the roof of a building, waiting there to see what unfolded, though both were ready to defend themselves if they needed to. Hana looked a bit concerned. "Ms. Kattelya! That little power? If me and Kinoko could barely stand up to them, shouldn't you use more?"

Emily smirked. "I have not shown you even a hundredth of what I am capable of, Acolyte. Silence! I will call upon you two if I feel a learning moment is upon us." The woman turned to face Renalus and Lucifer. "The arrogant captain girl dares to oppose the church. Will you two do the same? It is your choice!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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#, as written by Shpleem
The red machine lowered to the ground with staff in hand, looking somewhat worse for ware and not in the best condition to fight. "It is my purpose to protect humanity, if I must I will fight along side these soldiers." He said, pointing towards Renalus and his men with the anchor like blade of his staff.

"I however see no point in warring with you if you do not intend harm to this world and it's people, unlike my sister." he said, bringing his weapon back to his side. It was not his place to start humanity's wars, only to finish them and ensure that his makers survived, having failed in that once in the universe in which he was created, he resolved not to do so again in this universe.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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Renalus was angered at the woman's words, her talk about her God and how she talked down on them like they were little specks of dirt truly angered him. "I don't need to hear your heretical preaching about your false God. And I certainly do not need to listen as you insult our Honor and pride of our chapter. You wish to continue to protect those two so be it, I promise on the grace of the Golden Throne I will see you dead one way or another." He proclaimed before stepping back to speak into his Vox.

"This is Marshal Renalus to The Rememberance Of Truth, call down the remaining 80 battle brothers and charge all orbital batteries. I repeat charge all weapons and call down all battle brothers, I have encountered an opponent who may be more dangerous than the demon we have just faught." Renalus spoke into his Vox and moments later recived a response. "As you wish Marshal, we have also been contacted the the Astral Halberd, belonging to the Blood Ravens first company. We shall ask them to remain on standby until we require their assistance. Over and out." The voice replied.

The Blood Ravens, well it appears that they have been located, however this being a new planet he was certain they would be here for awhile gathering any sort of technology. Renalus soon heard a voice call out and looked at the source to see a lone machine, pointing at him and his men and willing to fight by their side. Whatever was going to happen was not going to be simple, this was going to be a hard fight so he was going to make sure they give it their all for the Emperor. "Dammned Blood Ravens...always grabbing all the technology under everyone's noses, and the one chapter who is the closest to finding the mans to cure the Emperor and the remaining Primarch. Emperor protect us all." He muttered under his breath before holding his storm shield in one hand and power sword in the other just as the drop pods made landing around the area, all of them assault marines.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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Ayanna glared at Emily, spinning her sword around and planting it in the earth. She would kneel down and placed one hand over her chest and began chanting in an eldritch tongue. Not moments after, the sounds of several crashes, like those of the drop pods landing, came from cardinal directions around the crater. More spires had landed, and once they became active, streams of legion warriors stormed from the energy conduit and streamed down the lips of the crater.

In addition to the warriors, each of the spires had a pair of lightly clothed individuals step from the energy field. They would set a distance from the spires away from the center of the conflict, and begin channeling energy between them into a spell. As warriors formed up in rank and file behind Ayanna, Renalus, and Lucifer, those warriors that had been present already would rush to join their brethren. The Paladins took flight and repositioned themselves over the battalion of soldiers that had arrived.

Meanwhile in high orbit, the decloaked warship that had appeared near the remembrance of truth was joined by no less than 8 others of equal size to it. In addition, another vessel also decloaked. This one was 30 kilometers in length, and immediately began shifting and changing. Beginning as a triangular Obelisk, the thin end of which was the propulsion, while the thicker end was capped with a golden dome where in the Helm was placed. The three faces of the Obelisk lifted free of the center core and became long wide platforms. Each platform contained docking bays, and each one of those opened, unfurling and making the platform look like a long feather with separated vanes. The Golden dome expanded and floated just above it's housing, the plates that had comprised it now separated yet connected by an energized barrier. The tips of each platform split open into three, and each of these extended outward, arcane energy arcing between the extensions. The core of the obelisk sectioned out and repositioned to the edges of the structure, leaving a hollow space in the center where energy was charged and gathered, before exploding outward in a dull faded pulse. At last, three smaller structures had separated from the ship, and now orbited the dome as three platforms covered with energy barriers. In this way was the Fortress class ship Kukri of the Gale changed from it's mobile warship state to the siege form used to invade worlds or defeat enemies of perilous strength.

The other nine ships, similiar in form to the Kukri of the Gale, were only twenty kilometers in length. They faced the domes of their helms towards the planet, and an arcane circle of power formed in front of each one as it began casting a spell. In the meantime, from each of the smaller vessels, all nine of them, came ten smaller vessels, each only a thousand meters in length. They positioned themselves around each of their parents vessels, as arcane circles formed in front of them as well. From the Kukri of the Gale's landing platforms launched hundreds of thousands of fighter vessels, each one holding the silhouette of a bird of prey. These vessels dove over the sides of their platforms and charged towards the Gatr Field Generator.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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Emily opened her eyes upon feeling the extra power being deployed around her, them turning from a friendly blue to a solid and milky black. "I shall play with you for only a short time, to respect this planet we stand on. Your planet threatening numbers and power cannot be allowed to run rampant for free."


Atop the building that Kinoko and Hana were standing on now, they glanced down at the crater with concern. "Kinoko! That's a lot of soldiers! Will Ms. Kattelya be okay?" Hana asked. Kinoko replied, "She has to be! She's leagues above us!" Gritting her teeth, Kinoko punched her fist into the roof. "I'll be damned if she loses this! Now let's watch! She may have something for us to learn!"


Emily began chuckling. "I'll grant your groups five minutes of playtime at most although I'll likely stay for far less. Let's keep the city intact too, for we can do that much, and the flock I oversee must remain unharmed. I also will not fight the machine, even if it attacks me. It makes more sense and shows more reasoning than these Humans, whom it protects, ever will. The Unknown Trinity is pleased with such behavior, and thus I have no ill will to bear upon it, but instead I bear a joy to commend it and bless it, hoping to bestow further wisdom and insight within its parameters."

Emily smiled at Renalus and Ayanna, the black eyes and sickening smile indicating she was something far more than she appeared. "Now, I will not attack any of you or your goats first. I have no interest in this conflict, or your selfish and shortsighted goals. I will not hesitate to use you as an example for my acolytes, whom have much to learn still, should you attack me. Your best interests now are to retreat from this area, and leave members of my flock be. The ultimate choice is yours, presented to you as thus: Confess your sins in good judgement and leave as you are in safety, or pay the tithe you owe, which I'll accept in blood."

She placed her hands to her side again as her voice distorted towards the end of her speech, completely relaxed as she faced the increasing number of soldiers. She showed no inkling of taking any kind of stance outside of her completely neutral one, if she even acknowledged the actual numbers now getting into the crater.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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#, as written by Shpleem
Lucifer scanned the surrounding area constantly as more and more soldiers showed up from both groups he'd just been fighting alongside. When the strange priestess said that he would not be attacked it surprised him, given his open declaration of siding with the heavily armored humans under the command of the black armored swordsman that was Renalus. Still, he and his men seemed quite eager to fight and while he had said he would aid them, he could learn nothing of their opponent even with some of his deeper scans.

"Marshal, soldiers of the Golden Throne." he said, addressing the gathering marines using words he'd picked out of Renalus speech and the communiques he had managed to intercept. "This is no mere extra-terrestrial you face." he said, gesturing towards Emily, "I can detect nothing of her capabilities, I would ask in the name your Emperor, that you not engage and further damage this planet, or incur more losses so that you can serve him further in the future." he said, unsure if it would even have any effect, or simply mark him as an enemy as well, but the appeal was made.

For the other soldiers under Ayanna, he had nothing he could say that had even the slightest calculated probability of getting them to stand down.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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Renalus got even angrier when he heard the woman speak, calling them goats and bringing up this Unknown Trinity. Everything she spoke was heretical to him and he as prepared to order all of his men to attack. However before he could order his brothers to do so he heard the machine speak up and asked them to stand down in the name of the Emperor to not further damage the planet and incur more losses than needed.

Once he heard the machine speak, Renalus actually gave his orders some thought. She had clearly insulted them and was spewing heretical nonsense at them, their pride and honor was on the line. But if they were to die needlessly here then it would be a waste of Imperial lives. Renalus clenched his fist knowing what he had to do, an opponent that was not an alien nor a regular person but something else entirely. "There is no glory in pointless defeat, brothers withdraw from the area! We are leaving now. We must not waste our lives this day." Renalus spoke into his vox and he subsequently used his jump-pack and flew out of the crater before he and all this fellow marines began to fall back to Thunder-Hawk Transports already dispatched to the planets surface.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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The forces deployed from the spires showed no signs of slowing down. The crater now held almost three hundred warriors, while the rest were forming into ranks near the spires and preparing the march from there. In total nearly seven thousand warriors had been deployed to the city through the spires, and more continued to stream forth in an endless cascade of golden armor. The energy around the spires began to shift and form clouds above them, and from these clouds the ships came. Golden ships with red and orange bands adorning the hawk like forms of fighters, that passed through the Gatr field into the cities airspace and began an agressive sweep and scan of the city. Several dozen of those ships flew forth, like the ravens that gather before a battle to feast on the dead that shall cover the ground in the aftermath.

One vessel that passed through was different. Like a whale with wings, thirty meters in length it passed over the crater itself and from it's belly a light shone. Three warriors glad in garb all but identical to Ayanna's crashed at her side as she rose from her kneeling position. One had Metalic Blue hair and eyebrows, and his gear was styled after a monk of Tai chi, with metal gauntlets upon his hands. Another had bright ruby red hair, which appeared almost featherlike off of his head. His garment was styled like the robes of a priest, and he carried a bladed staff with a long cyrstal wand at one end, and a stout blade at the other. The third was dressed Identical to Ayanna, save his arms were bared to the shoulder, revealing the twisting runes and sigils tattooed into his flesh. His hair was oil black and formed short sharp spikes that were rigid and unyielding from his scalp. In each hand he carried an intricate Axe made of dark green and blue starsteel.

Each of these she addressed in her native tongue, "Drek'Thaleen, Molnish, Ekfricai, the foe before you is some form of aberation of extreme power, most likely an abyssal lord. Drek and Ekfricai, distract her while I dispatch of the two on the building over there, so that they cannot assist. By the time I'm done the Sun Spears will be ready. Molnish you prepare a mass power trap spell."
At that the one with red hair looked to her in surprise and replied "You intend to take the entire barrage upon us?
"I do" She answered him, lifting her long hand and a half blade and twirling it to lay at rest over one shoulder. "We resolve this, then move on the cities primary defenses and secure the area for the Rooks Impact. These are our orders, this is our mission."

With a flash of light from her eyes, and a halo of energy sheathing her body, Ayanna cried out a challenging roar, before leaping forward in an explosive maneuver that shattered the already broken ground she had stood on. She dashed straight at Emily, shifted her body trying to pass around her to launch herself out of the crater. If she could make it through, it would take only three strides to clear the crater, strikethe foot of the building where Kinoko and Hana took shelter, then leap up the side to come at a hover in front of Kinoko. The Warrior would then swing her blade, the edge flashing with a light that blinded any who might look upon it, and in a single circular slash she attempted to cut down both the Saiyan and Majin before they could be any further nuisance.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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Emily seemed to be pleased at Renalus' decision, and returned to her usual posture of closed eyes and hands affixed in prayer. However, when others joined the fray on Ayanna's side, Emily awoke, spreading her arms to the side. "Ungrateful unknowingly live because I allow it."

As soon as Ayanna started to move in the slightest, Emily herself vanished from sight, her form dissolving into nothing quicker than you could snap. She was suddenly standing behind both Drek'Thaleen and Ekfricai, having moved with a speed nearly impossible to fathom. She spoke loudly and clearly. "My Acolytes, you will be called upon to fight momentarily. She who interfered earlier seeks your lives. Fight her as a team, but do not use the Amulets! I'll fight with you for now, but I cannot stay forever; if I began using more of my power, everyone here is at risk."

She smiled, and took up a fighting stance that had her stand pigeon toed, her thighs loosening and squeezing towards each other, as though she was attempting to hold something between them. As her knees bent forward slightly, her back remained straight as an arrow, and slightly held her hips forward. Coupling with the awkward appearing stance was her arm manipulations, holding one arm in front of her, bending its elbow and arranging it so that the back of her hand faced the two she was behind. Her other hand was tucked right behind her elbow, floating just inches from actually touching her arm.

"Now, try and hurt me. If your goal is to distract me, I will oblige of my own will."

The distorted voice was fully present, and this same voice rang loud to Lucifer and Renalus. "These beings seek to overcome this planet and those on it. I'd recommend you aid stopping such an action, lest I leave you to your fates."


Kinoko and Hana both gritted their teeth at Emily's warning, and then it happened; Ayanna was before them. Kinoko vanished from sight as well, rapidly moving to get a safe distance away in the air as she began powering up. Without her armor, she was lighter and tougher than before, and no doubt being almost killed was a massive boon to her. Hana was cut in half by the blade, but let out a battle cry and pulled herself together, fixing any remaining damage to her person, which included a complete undo of Ayanna's circular slash. "Kee hee hee! You'll need to do more to stop me!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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#, as written by Shpleem
Lucifer looked between the three different parties though his mismatched, battle damaged optics, the yellow lense over one was cracked and chipped, the other, for the moment was fully intact. With the humans retreating he had hoped that would be the end of it, that everyone would part ways and cease the conflict. Though the arrival of more of Ayanna's people proved that was not the case, and it was confirmed when they engaged Emily in combat.

He was glad the human soldiers were out of immediate danger but if this escalated any further it was only going to get worse, for everyone. He hesitated for a mechanical moment, mere microseconds before hefting his weapon and charging after Ayanna, she appeared to be the leader, if she could be made to see reason, this could stop.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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The marines escaped a mile away from the crater to five Thunderhawk transports. 20 marines each boarded each transport and took off back to the skies. "Marshal Renalus, I do not doubt your decision to withdraw but do you think that the enemy was playing a mind game with you?" The librarian asked as he turned to face the Marshal. "No, I believe she was actually being serious as much as I hate to admit. However we have new pressing matters, our "allies" that we have made an alliance with...its not normal to have ten ships orbiting the planet. Its too convenient...almost like they were planning something before the demon threat arrived. I will contact the battle barge and the Blood Ravens to keep an eye on them." Renalus spoke and the Librarian nodded, agreeing with the Marshals prediction.

"This is Marshal Renalus to The Remembrance Of Truth. This is an urgent matter, encode this vox channel." Renalus spoke and seconds later the transmition would be encrypted so no one could listen to their conversation unless they were hacked. "I want all crewman to keep an eye on those ships surrounding the planet. I fear that they may be trying something, contact the Blood Ravens and tell them the same, also tell them to request reinforcements from any Chapters or Guard regiments that are able to reinforce us. I am also prepared to return to the ship, ready all weapons and raise shields." Renalus spoke and cut off his vox.

The Thunderhawk Transports would return to space and dock on The Rememberance Of Truth.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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The sorcerers near the spires had completed their work, and now near every spire was an obelisk covered in runes. The ground around the obelisk had turned dark, and smoke like vapors now came from its surface. More sorcerers came through the gatr fields, and they began grouping up in fours, channeling energy in between them, where lumps of starsteel started to form and take shape. The troops that had come through finished forming up and began marching throughout the city to secure a 100 kilometer area around the crater. They did not assault anyone however, unless they were attacked first, or those they encountered carried weapons. They would go forth confiscating weapons and commanding all they encountered to evacuate the area, as they canvassed the city, going building to building. Several archers climbed the buildings surfaces and formed sniper nests, while Fyrnskain were at the head of every marching column.

The large whale like vessel had been joined by several others, and all of which now erupted with a voice over loud speakers. "Evacuate the area now if you are able, otherwise remain your homes and await instruction. This area is soon to become a battlefield, and you need not lose your life to our war." The voice repeated over and over as it flew over the whole of wing city, warning all those found therein.

Meanwhile, in higher orbit, the energy for the weapons of the nine ships had grown enough that it could be seen on the surface of the planet. What appeared to be nine bright stars had collected above the atmosphere, and energy continued to grow as the ships prepared to fire their weapons.

In the crater, the legion forces present began forming a perimeter around Drek, Ekfricai, Emily, and Molnish. They deployed their barrier shields in a ring around the conflict, then formed up their shields raised to form a solid wall, an attempt to contain the fight. Molnish blinked at the sudden movement of Emily, then groaned as he lept back. "Ekfricai! I thought you promised we'd never have to face another dark god?" He said before beginning to channel energy into several spells. First a magic barrier formed over him, effectively cutting him off from being assaulted. Then, reams of energy wrapped around Drek and Ekfricai, enhancing their movements and strength. Finally, an arcane circle of power radiated out from his position, growing slowly but steadily larger as he chanted the spell.

Drek and Ekfricai both lept away from Emily when she appeared behind them, Drek rolling to his feet while pulling his axes, Ek flipping forward and twisting to land in a combat stance. Ekfricai responded to Molnish with "Come now, brother. I made that promise over a millennia ago, you simply cannot expect to hold me to it after so long". Drek growled in his throat "Non verbal communication only, and only whats essential. Our enemy is able to understand us. We hold an advantage, and we will make use of it."

Ekfricai and Molnish nodded, then Ekfricai leaped forward and began assaulting Emily with multiple styles of martial art, smoothly transitioning from one into another and then another. He began with a leg sweep, and would follow it up with a chop, flipping over his opponent to strike a rapid barrage at her opposite side. And while they traded blows Ekfricai would speak candidly "It is rather uncommon to encounter a dark god who uses martial arts in any form, I am pleasantly surprised to have such a foe to measure myself against."

Meanwhile Ayanna followed up her attack, after landing on the building, with an explosive charge towards Kinoko, striking fast and strong with her blade, first over then under, then at the sides, her blade rippling with light and leaving streaks in the air with every swing as she tried to cleave the Saiyan into pieces.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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As Ekfricai leaped forward, Emily moved her hands and arms behind her back as she lightly hovered off the ground, inches into the air. With the low sweep, her eyes returned to their blue color as her body bent into an arrow shape, letting her avoid the attack. When the chop followed the sweep, she then leaned to the side as his hand came down harmlessly beside her. When Ekfricai then flipped over her, she turned her own body, making sure she was always facing him. While keeping a mental note of Molnish and Drek's locations compared to her, she began subconsciously moving her body with great speed, avoiding or parrying each of Ekfricai's blows.

While Ekfricai and Emily were locked in a very speedy and skillful fight, likely a very enthralling show for the others around them, Emily gave him a response in her distorted voice. "It is part of the facade I uphold for the sake of those around me, though it is now clear to me that you are aware of my true nature. I will keep this form however, for the sake of playing fair; for your skill is commendable to even attempt a fight at the level of challenge you now face."

Emily's body did occasionally bend in inhuman angles during her spate of dodging and parrying, apparently a result of her not trying to hide the truth as much. She was mostly dodging for the time being though it seemed. She was apparently having fun. Of course, most of the fight would not be visible to untrained eyes that were close by.


Kinoko, interrupted in her powering up, seemed to put all her effort into evading each swing, but it was clear she was on the defensive for the time being. Seeing her plight, Hana came barreling in from behind Ayanna, attempting to flank her. With each of them on both sides of her, they'd begin fighting alongside each other, both launching various punch and kick attacks at Ayanna when openings were presented. They would double team her to their best capabilities. Ayanna would easily be able to tell that Hana was the slower of the two when it came to the speed of the attacks and parries the two utilized on her (though both still issued attacks at a very rapid pace to the point that normal onlookers wouldn't be able to see anything without special equipment).

The setting changes from Wing City Business District to Terra


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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Aboard the Kukri of the Gale, the commander of the storm, Konugr Dura was issuing commands to her crew, coordinating movements of troops, and generally commanding the invasion. One of her subordinates brought the Space marine ship to her attention. "Konugr, the Dras'nangoroth from which the armored soldiers our agent fought beside on the ground seems to be activating weapon systems."

Konugr Dura frowned, then told them to open a transmission to the ship. Once they were ready, Konugr Dura sent this message. "Attention, Remembrance of Truth. We have detected your vessel activating it's weapon systems and powering it's shields. The commands we follow for an event as such dictates we open fire upon your vessel and destroy it before it is capable of attacking. However, in light of the assistance you provided during recent events upon the surface of this world, I shall instead give you this one, and only, warning." She leaned in and spoke direly with this. "Remove yourselves from this theater immediatly. Charge your warp systems and begone, lest you be destroyed. I do not seek the deaths of warriors as valiant as yourselves, and I would rest easier without bearing your blood upon my hands. But I am Konugr, and if it becomes my burden then I shall bear it. You have fourty seconds to respond, and I hope upon faith that you will make the decision easiest for us to bear". Thus ended the message sent to the Remembrance of Truth.

Moments later, the Remembrance would detect the movement of ten "pillars", each 5 kilometers in length, with about 25 meters in their diameter. They didn't move as though propelled, nor did they act like ships normally would. Rather they seemed to behave as though they were controlled telekinetically, as though forcibly positioned through the void of space.
Regardless of what they were, or how they acted, each one took position around the Kukri of the Gale and faced towards the Remembrance of Truth. Shortly after they had positioned, hundreds of thousands of smaller ships, drones, swarmed out of the pillars and began forming into rings, interlocking with each other and created massive circular walls between the Remembrance and the Kukri. Behind those walls, five of the pillars began reshaping themselves, they opened up and seperated into pieces that shifted about and reformed into shapes remeniscent of tacks or nails, with the pointed end facing the Remembrance through the wall of drones. An energy crackled over the newly changed pillars, and an arcane spell circle formed near the flatter head of the funnel like shape. The energy crackled more and more, and the remaining pillars, unchanged as they were, began sending drones to hover near the morphed ones.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carnaelgaar Cysius Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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In high orbit above Terra, the two Space Marine Battle Barges both dubbed The Remembrance Of Truth and the Astral Halbard were speaking over their vox channels. "This is Marshal Renalanus of the Black Templars, do you read me Captain of the Blood Ravens?" He spoke awaiting the ships reply. "This is Captain Carnaelgaar of the Blood Ravens, we read you Marshal Renalanus." The captain replied to the other ship.

The two ships have caught wind on the intentions of the fleet nearby and have charged weapons and powered shields, of course this action was noticed an they were hailed by Konugr Dura warning them to remove themselves from the theater. They however had no intention to leave the area and let this planet be conquered by them. "This is Marshal Renalanus to the Konugr Dura, we refuse to withdraw from this theater. We have caught wind of your actions to take over this planet known as Terra and we will not stand idly by while you attempt such a action. Our mission is to protect all human life, and what you are doing endangers the lives of millions. We shall not stand down, that is all I have to say." Renalanus spoke, even though it was clear they had no chance against 10 ships that were seven times larger than theirs. "Captain Carnaelgaar, you have requested reinforcements. When will they arrive?" Renalanus spoke hoping to hear good news. "Unfortunately Marshal, The only regiment that responded was a Cadian fleet, however they are currently engaging a force of greenskins. It seems we are going to fight and die this day---" However before Carnaelgaar could finish his sentence, the radars of both fleets could pick up a force of 20 ships, appearing in high orbit above Terra the same way the Space Marines did. Warp Drive.

"This is Commissar Ciaphas Cain, I am speaking on behalf of Lord General Baltmore. We have heard your signal Space Marines and we, the Valhallan Ice Warriors have answered your call." The voice interrupted. These new ships belonged to the Imperial Navy, four Apocalypse-class Battleships, two Nemesis-class Fleet Carriers, five Retribution-class Battleships, 3 Oberon-class Battleships each being at least 7.5 km long and with a crew size of 350,000, along Five Avenger-class Grand Cruisers each at the length of 4.5 km long with a crew size of 30,000 and finally one Emperor-class Battleship, the capital ship at 12.5 km long and dubbed the Lance Of The Emperor along with a crew size of 500,000. The Lance Of The Emperor soon sent a message to the enemy fleet after firing a 50 meter wide beam aimed directly at one of the smaller 20km ships at light speed and with enough power to destroy entire escort class ships or cripple even battleships if hit."This is Commissar Ciaphas Cain speaking on behalf of Lord Genral Baltmore. We represent the Imperial Navy of The Imperium Of Man. We are here to support our Space Marine allies this day." He spoke as the 20 ships began to power up shields and weapon systems.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carnaelgaar Cysius Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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0.00 INK

Konugr Dura sighed over the transmission. "You seek to prevent loss of life, and we seek a home where we may be safe from prejudice.... I admire your courage and your devotion, and shall honor you after your death. May your blades be sharp, Ikfrain Vador!" She saluted him, before cutting the transmission.

Not a moment later her second called out to her. "Unknown vessels warping in Ma'am, we detect no less than twenty signals of varying strength."
As the new vessels warped in, the Konugr began issuing commands, and the battle had begun.

It started with the funnel shaped changed pillars and their use. The wall of drones opened up, a small circle space was cleared in front of each of the pillars that had changed form. Then drones began to fly towards those structures, where in energy would arc onto the drones and, once they had reached the very point of the structure, the drone shot forward at the speed of light towards the Remembrance of truth. Hundreds of drones did this at each altered structure, and the Starfall Launchers, as they were referred to in that state, unleashed a hailstorm of light speed drones at the Remembrance. The Effect would be like having a meteor shower focused upon you, where each drone was like an asteroid tumbling at light speed, ripping through shields and hull.

When the newer vessels had warped in, the energy spike in one had been detected, and it's estimated trajectory determined. The targeted vessel couldn't move, it was charging it's Sunspear, but the Kukri of the Gale wasted no time. The hardlight projecter was brought online, and three of the pillars controlling drones were repositioned. First an energy barrier was formed out of hardlight panals layered one after the other. Behind that drones had formed into interlocked disks one behind the other. When the blast was fired, a portion of the energy was deflected by the hardlight shielding, then a more significant amount was absorbed by the drones as they were destroyed. By the time the beam had reached the Rook class ship, it's own standard barrier was able to absorb the rest of the attack.

Konugr Dura's response to this attack was swift and brutal. Immediatly the anti orbital weapons aboard the station were activated and a matrix of blasts where fired upon the enemy fleet. Swarms of fighter craft were launched, as well as bombers and boarding vessels. More ships were sent from the Rook Class vessels, though they were no where near the amount launched from the Kukri of the Gale. In addition, several magic circles appeared near the Command Sphere at the center of the Kukri station. Those circles were identical to the ones the Rook class ships were charging.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carnaelgaar Cysius Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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The Remembrance Of Truth was bombarded by drones flying at the speed of light, they would have had an easy time destroying regular shield however the ships shields were unusual. The Imperiums ships were all equipped with an outer Void shield capable of negating all forms of damage, anything that would hit the shield would simply vanish however given the number of drone flying at the ship the shields slowly began to overload. "All hands to battle stations! I want all batteries blasting those drones out the air and lance batteries to target those pillars! Everyone else prepare to board the enemy capital ship once our Guard allies have destroyed those shields!" Renalanus shouted as he gave off orders and began to slowly advance towards the enemy instead of falling back knowing his ship could hold long enough.

The Astral Halberd watched as the flurry of drones began heading towards the Remembrance Of Truth and they to began to use all batteries to cover the advancing ship as they too began to move forward right behind them. "Brothers! Today we fight in the name of the Emperor! Forward to victory!" He roared, encouraging everyone on board.

Meanwhile for the Imperium fleet, the 20 ships began to close on the enemy fleets location while firing long range Lance Batteries, long range energy weapons all focused primarily of the station. While the ships advanced, the two Nemesis-class Fleet Carriers and the Lance Of The Emperor unleashed their own contingent of fighters, Thunderbolts and Lighting fighters appearing in the thousands approached the enemy fighters and bombers, behind them Marauder Bombers and Starhawk Bombers followed behind carrying their explosive payloads to hopefully bombard the enemy station.

"Commissar Ciaphas Cain, I appreciate you handling my affairs while I was reading up on what our enemy had." Lord General Baltmore appeared at the bridge of the Lance Of The Emperor. "However I have a task for you. Our space marine allies are going to board the enemy station once its shields are down. I want you on the other hand head to the surface of the planet, I have heard reports from one of the captains that the enemy forces are already on the planet and setting up defensive positions. I want you to personally lead the counter assault, I know that we know nothing about our foes but I am sure with your skills you should be able to pull through." The man spoke and Cain nodded in understanding. "As you wish general, I will tactically insert myself into the battlefield by means of teleportation once our men has made planet fall." The Commisar spoke before leaving the bridge.

Once their meeting concluded, Vulture Gunships, Sky Talons and Valkyrie Transports left the two Nemesis-class Fleet Carriers and the Lance Of The Emperor. Each Valkyrie Transport held at least 16 soldiers or a single Drop Sentinels, Cyclops Demolition Vehicles or a pair of Sentry Guns. The Transports and gunships poured from the thousands to Wing city hoping to secure a foothold.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carnaelgaar Cysius Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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As the Remembrance continued to advance, two of the Starfall Pillars began to shift again, changing from the funnel like shape into an open ring. In the center of this ring energy collected and coalesced, forming into a microstar. These pillars then collected the raw solar plasma of those stars and released it as a solid beam of energy at the Remembrance. This in conjuction with the remaining three starfall configurations launching hundreds of hundreds of drones in an endless barrage would threaten to overwhelm the shields of the approaching vessel.

In addition to this, the drones making up the solid wall that was formed between the 2 approaching craft and the Station shifted and changed. Then they began firing missiles that sailed through the cold of space towards the ships. The approaching vessels would note a significant and dangerous energy reading from those missiles.

As the other fleet began it's approach, the drone wall extended to protect the stations flank. The Pillars in hive configuration continued to fabricate and deploy hundreds of drones, though it was slower than it had been originally. The new drones continued to attach to and reinforce the wall, but the Konugr could already tell that it would not be enough. She had the Hard light projectors continously generating shielded energy panels in front of the drone wall, further reinforcing their defensive position. This combination defense rendered the majority of the enemies Long range weapon systems useless, though a few blasts managed to breach the shield and drone wall, though the primary barrier held strong.

The fighter squadrons that had been released consisted mostly of Wolf Axes, and the bombers were the same reequipped for taking out destroyers. Each destroyer had an escort of seven fighters, and the rest stuck in groups of fourteen. These fired their afterburners and rapidly approached the enemy fighters, some seeking to engage them the rest looking to make quick strikes on the enemy bombers.

Konugr Dura surveyed the battle and calculated the odds. After reaching her conclusion she signaled her second to open transmissions to the rooks. "Reassign your pillars to our control, we require further fire support." She commanded, and not moments later the self same pillars from the nine Rook class ships detached from their parent vessels and were transferred to the control of the station. Now instead of only ten pillars, the Station had a command of a full hundred.

"Konugr, it will take time to fully retask the pillars." The second explained to her superior.
"How much time" came the reply
"Not too long, two minutes at the most"
"You will need to cut that down to one"
"Yes Konugr."
"Open a channel to the main fleet, request a Bishop and a squad of knights. We will need more reinforcements"
"Yes Konugr"
"Is the Sundavr in position?"
"It will be shortly"
"Good, that will give them pause."

This conversation took only a few seconds but Dura already felt that that was time wasted that could not be afforded so. Events had been turning foul ever since the demon had showed it's face on the planets surface, and now she was receiving reports of an abyssal lord, and even what appeared to be a description of a dark god.

"Hek ven A hiel"
I wish for a Drink.