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Renalanus Phorixx

"No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!"

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Specmarine


Name: Renalanus Phorixx

Race: Human

Age: 457

Gender: Male

Faction Imperium Of Man

Appearance: Image

Chapter: Black Templars

Occupation: Former Marshal(Captain) of the Black Templars

Personality: Like his fellow marines, Renalanus despises anyone threatening the Imperium and every alien that has attacked so far. He is loyal to the God Emperor of Mankind and is very religious giving prayers every day. He despises anyone that can use magic since witches and the like use magic, he will go as far to attacking them on sight.

He is very brutal against anything not human, always usually attacking first. He is an isperational force to his brothers in arms, a harbinger of destruction to his enemies. He is the Emperors will made incarnate.

Renalanus is also fearless in combat, refuses to go down despite injuries, and will rally his men to charge though gunfire if need be.

With the spirit of Konugr Dura Althinna now tied to him, he is more caring for people. He is not only willing to help people but care for them.

Equipment: A relic powersword found on a old world buried under the dirt and held by a long dead Marshal. The name inscribed on the blade read "Peircing Darkness".

A bolt pistol as his sidearm

Storm shield, assault pack, iron halo

Background: A black Templar Marshal who was presumed killed during a run in with chaos during a crusade, he and some of his men survived but found themselves in a new area not plagued by endless war. He seeks to find Holy Terra and does his best to recruit new battle brothers to replenish the many dead marines.


So begins...

Renalanus Phorixx's Story

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"This is Brother Renalanus to The Remembrance Of Truth, can you read me?" The space marine spoke into his vox as his thunderhawk gunship began its descent to a planet they had just arrived upon. "We read you Marshal, we will remain vigilant until you give us the word. Emperor be with you as you investigate the planet." Another voice answered in response.

As the thunderhawk slowly descended on one of the landing pads, the rear of the gunship opened up before the ship shut down. The thunderhawk was painted with black and blue colors along with a Templar like symbol. Soon three figures walked down the ramp, Renalanus was in the center of the group and accompanying him was two sword brethren, all wearing the same colors and emblem of the ship.

"Interesting, this planet seems well developed, the sky seems clear, and there seems to be no sign of war. This would have been a good place to recruit new battle brothers, but judging by the environment the people here would not survive a fight. Still, this is a rather...pleasant...change then what we usually see. Regardless let us continue exploring this city, perhaps one of the people here can lead us back to Holy Terra and return to the side of our Emperor and chapter." Renalanus spoke to the two at his side before walking off the platform into the city.

The setting changes from Wing City Spaceport to Eastern Wing City

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Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx
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Renalanus and the two sword brethren by his side wandered through the east side of wing city. They passed by thousands of casual people, buildings that provided public services and the thousands of cars trapped in traffic. "Marshal Renalanus, there seems to be many human citizens in this city but there seems to be nothing dedicated to the Emperor." One of the men by his side commented as he observed his surroundings. "It may seem that the people here do not know about the Emperor or even speak our language, but the more we wander and the more people we listen to the more we can decipher the language of the people here. Renalus replied as he continued down the bust street.

Soon Renalus accidentally bumped into a person busy on his phone causing him to drop the device. The man visibly upset shoved Renalus and began to sling profanities at him. "You giant bastard! You made me break my brand new phone! You are going to buy me a new one right now you bastard!" The man yelled. Renalus and his men understood everything he said since they now understood English and one of the sword brethren upset at the man yelling at their marshal picked up the man and slammed him into the wall causing nearby people to scream in surprise. "You dare insult our marshal? We should kill you right now to end your blasphemous life heretic!" The marines hold grew stronger and the man began to struggle for his life.

"Enough brother Dalquiel, I am certain you woke that man up. We are here to investigate the city, not start some trouble without any intel. So let him go." Renalus spoke and the marine quickly let the man go. The man lay on the ground gasping for breath but the marines simply kept moving forward ignoring the injured man who had a few broken bones after being forcibly slammed into the wall by a genetically enhanced super human.

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Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx
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Renlus and his marines soon arrived to the Business District, unaware that a public announcement had went out warning people that there were 3 armored men walking around and they were considered dangerous. As they walked they noticed that the streets were more barren and that the roads were more empty. Already knowing that their encounter with that one man must have upset the cities police force and they were clearing the area to subdue them. Brothers be on alert, looks like our actions have gone unnoticed. We should head back to the spaceport and return to the battlebarge, it seems we are no longer welcome here. As Renalus spoke the sounds of sirens closed on their position.

Soon police cars surrounded them on both side of the street and drew their weapons and aimed them at them. "Wing City Police! Put your hands in the air and get on the ground!" One of the officers spoke through a megaphone. Renalus gave a deep sigh before whispering under his breath. "Marshal to The Remembrance Of Truth, drop my equipment on my location." With a quick acknowledgment a drop pod began to make its way through the planets atmosphere and crashed near the marines causing the officers surrounding them to let out a surprising yell as dust was sent flying.

As the dust cleared, Renalus was now armed with a back mounted jump-pack, a storm shield is his free hand, a iron halo affixed to his head head, and a sword in his other hand which began to spark with power. "Stand aside local law enforcement! You challenge the champions to The Immortal Emperor! Stand aside or we will kill you with no remorse! Renalus roared at the top of his lungs.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai
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As Renalus roared his part, a purple blast of energy struck an area beside him, it's origin coming from a woman floating in the air a short distance away. "Ohohohohoho~ Killing them sounds fun, but you should save the trouble for those who are worth your time. Clearly the law enforcement officers in this city are beneath you."

The woman lowered herself in front of the officers as she smirked, not even giving the officers any glances. "So, Champion of the 'Immortal Emperor', was it? Your crew seems pretty formidable. The name is oh so scary, I'm shaking in my boots right now."

She crossed her arms. "You'd best remember it though. How about you just do what the officers tell you to do? They can't really interfere with you, so let them try. Destroying them will only spawn more of them, and such distractions are surely a more boring way to kill time."

She raised her hand towards the Space Marines, in a sort of taunting motion. "So, if you still want to fight something, fight me. My name is Kinoko, and I am an Elite Saiyan warrior. I lead the Elite Force, five of the strongest warriors in this universe, and I am ever more a proper challenge than these weaklings who dare to say they can enforce anything to competence."

She began chuckling a bit. "Besides, I could use some warmup myself. I simply can't let myself get too rusty. Ohohoho~!" She took up a fighting stance and narrowed her eyes, having yet to acknowledge any of the police officers beyond mention. She was dressed in her own armor, though it was not as detailed as the Space Marine Power Armor was, and she seemed to lack any actual weapons on her person. Her small scouter was displaying to her numbers and words of various kinds in some kind of foreign language, though only an eagle's eye would be able to tell.

"You can also try and convince me to not fight. It'll be hard, but maybe you can do it. Leaving the weaklings alone would be a great way to start. Or we can fight here. I don't care really." Misokai's grin widened; she looked ready to enjoy a proper fight.

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Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai
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The second the energy blast landed near Renalanus, he knew that there was something much more dangerous than the local police force to deal with. As he heard the laughter in he air, he looked up to see a woman floating in the air presumably with her own magic or whatever she was doing to do so.

Renalanus frowned as he looked at her, and as she lowered to the ground the two sword breatheran by his side raised their swords to fight but he knew better. "Stand down brothers, I do not wish to watch as you freely give your lives away to accomplish nothing. This foe is to dangerous for you two to face...Stay back and evacuate the cities police force from this area and return to the battle barge, I will Vox if I require emergency aid." He empathised his point by using his sword to stop them. The two relented before backing away and walked over to the still stunned officers and convinced them to pull back in extant he for one of them to be taken into custody.

Renalanus could feel the sarcasm and bloodlust eminating from the woman in front of him as she talked, almost mocking them in a sort of way. But he knew if he was reckless he would die as easily as the officers surrounding them. The woman introduced herself as Kinoko, an Elite Saiyan warrior who led the Elite Force, five of the strongest warriors in the universe. He was not sure if that was her pride talking or a bluff, but if she can a bold statement like that he would take her seriously.

As the woman got into a fighting stance, he got into a fighting stance as well. "I am Marshal Renalanus of the Black Templars original first company. We are the Emperors fighting force and protectors to humanity and the shield that defends them against the terrors of the universe. I will be the one to face you this day!"[/b] He spoke. He knew talking his way out of this fight would be useless, she seemed to eager for a fight. "Emperor watch over this warrior under your service..." was his final thought before getting ready to fight.

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Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai
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"Emperor's fighting force, huh? This Emperor must be an important fellow if you're also protectors of the many weaklings around here. I suppose that makes me a "terror of the universe" then. Well, I used to work for an Emperor too. Nice perks if nothing else, and as his second-in-command, only he held rank above me. He is the absolute "terror of the universe" where I come from."

As the Marine had his men start to evacuate those in the area, Kinoko's eyes were drawn to them, and though her face never looked away from Renalus, she was acknowledging the retreat of the others. "Hey, hey. So they need protecting too? They look like you, if not as standout. You should have them fight too. Let the civilians flee or watch if they wish."

As her eyes focused again on Renalus, she began charging an orb of energy in her right hand, the purple glow somewhat illuminating the area. The sphere was no bigger than one that might be fired out of an Ork's Kustom Mega-Blasta, but it looked just as lethal. "After all, your level of skill may warrant your so called brothers' aid when it is compared to mine." The orb grew slightly larger before she transferred it from her palm to the tip of her index finger. "Though I was defeated here once before by someone even stronger than your 'Emperor', I've no intention of losing to you, but this is warmup. I'll go easy, just for you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai
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Renalanus chuckled at Misokai's overconfidence thinking that he needed his fellow brothers to help him out since his skill was supposedly weaker than hers. Of course watching the orb on energy charging on his opponents hand reinforced the fact that she was no normal opponent, was it magic? No...It was something else entirely. "Me and my battle brothers may look similar, however our skills are vastly different.You may think our skills may be different, yes, you speak the truth but you have it the other way around. You are the one who may need some help when my skill is compared to yours. You are confident yes, your fighting style may be different from most opponents I have faced, however it is always overconfident children like yourself thinking that a little power makes you ruler of the universe. I have proved many fools wrong...and I am currently looking at another one right now..." He spoke, purposely taunting her.

Renalanus soon tightened the grip on his sword, tightened the grip on his shield. He was ready to fight however against a strange opponent he would need to be on the defensive during this fight, he had to see what his opponent was capable of. If he rushed blindly in he would possibly die, but he shall never give up but she shall not die this day. It was his duty to achieve victory over his enemy, and he will no let someone who dares insult humanity live without consequence.

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Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai
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Kinoko pointed her index finger forward towards Renalus, the purple energy orb shooting forward at about the speed that a shot from an Ork Kustom Mega-Blasta would travel, though she did not appear to really put force behind the sphere aside from a short yell. The yell was quite loud and angry, and her scowl was practically etched on her face. Following the tossing of the energy sphere, she would chuckle as she attempted to move incredibly rapidly, sliding around behind the large Marine. She wasn't aware of whether or not he could see her as she moved with astonishing speed, but she didn't presume him much more than a normal Human wearing big armor to look scary, and a Human wouldn't see her at all without a lot of special training.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai
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Once Kinoko aimed her finger at Renalus, he simply moved to the side to dodge the purple energy orb. Although it was a predictable move the force behind it was pretty deadly as it destroyed part of a building that was behind him. Seconds after her initial assault, Renalus watched as Kinoko began to move at incredible speeds. For any normal human it would seem impossible to keep up with her movements, however as a genetically enhanced human who has been on numerous battlefields honing his skills he could follow her movements. As Kinoko slid behind Renalus, he would attempt to spin around with incredible reflexes despite his bulky appearance before swinging his power-sword backwards. He understood some of his opponents skills, she was fast, her energy attacks were destructive however there was one last thing to test, how resilient is she? If he could find that out he can have an edge.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai
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Kinoko stopped her movements behind Renalus and moved to fire another energy blast, but ditched the notion in exchange for leaning to the side, the power sword clipping off several hairs as she audibly gasped. With the sword then meeting her armor, the shoulder plate cracked from the immense strain put on it by the special weapon. Kinoko dashed into the air before clutching the armor momentarily. "So... That toothpick actually has power. I'm impressed. If I wasn't as careful as I am, I might be missing an arm right now."

Her voice was clearly not at all serious in any way, a mocking tone prevalent in each word. "If that's all you have though, then I don't think we'll be at this much longer. However, for our own sake and the sake of others, I'll clear out the area!" The boast was accompanied by Kinoko extending her arm forward, opening her hand in Renalus' direction. "DODGE THIS! ZEPHYRUS RAMPAGE!"

At once, a massive spray of purple energy blasts struck at the area around Renalus. A wide area that was enough to have several police cars and signs get tossed aside or trashed from the explosions. The blasts were around the same speed as the initial one she fired, but they were scattered over a wide area. Whether any of the shots struck Renalus or not, she indeed dismantled most of the surrounding obstructions that weren't large buildings or unassuming places of gathering.

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Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai
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As Renalus's sword connected to Kinoko's armor, he watched as the sword shattered a part of her armor. Even though he missed the target he now knew that his opponent could not withstand his strike, one precise strike was all he needed to severely cripple his opponent, however a task like that is not that simple.

Renalus soon watched as Kinoko dashed into the air before extending her arm and opening her hand in his direction. Seconds later a massive spray of purple energy blasts were sent flying in his direction. He knew he could not dodge this wild assault, however one does not need to dodge every attack. He soon held up his storm shield which automatically activated the shields internal gravatic shield generator, the shield would then shimmer with blue energy and as the blasts hit the shield or around his person it would block the attack and all that was left of the attack was crackling lighting and render the attack ineffective. He was safe but everything around him was destroyed.

Once the attack cleared, Renalus activated his jump-pack and was sent flying through the air. With no fear or hesitation, he would close the distance between himself and Kinoko before attempting to cut her down with three strikes. His jump-pack would not last indefinitely in the air, however he had to make use of this moment to retaliate. If the fight dragged on long enough more of the city would be destroyed and there was no telling when she would start getting more serious.

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Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai
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With his assault a failure, Renalus was sent crashing back down to earth, his jump-pack running out of energy to keep himself in the air. Of course it would recharge in a few seconds but for the moment he was falling and having single energy blasts fly in his direction each time his opponent appeared which he simply uses his shield to block and making sure his blind spots were guarded.

Renalus soon landed back on the earth without messing up the landing, the ground beneath him shattering from the weight. He would then sheathe his sword and pulled out his sidearm, a bolt pistol and began to open fire on his foe. He was leaving himself vulnerable in close range, however he still had his shield which was sufficient enough to guard him and he can just as easily draw his sword in the time it takes someone to blink an eye. Each shot form his bolt pistol fired .75 caliber, rocket propelled rounds at his foe. True he only had eight shots per clip but each bullet was powerful enough to punch through armor.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii
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Kinoko punched each rocket propelled round in a method that caused them to explode with little effect on her. "Huh! Not bad! That toy actually is one though. Best off using your sword. At least that one can hurt me." As Kinoko posed to laugh, another figure would fly into the area and land atop a balcony on one of the buildings. She was a pink Humanoid with a fun outfit and a bounce to her steps. Her red eyes seemed to have an expectant look, and she seemed ready to go.

"Oh! Misokai! Hey! I'll join the fight!" The pink individual's hairstyle was, though clever, clearly a carefully arranged organization of what seemed like antenna, and her voice was high pitched and somewhat squeaky. As the pink being prepared to take off, Misokai (so it seemed her nickname was) turned to face her.

"Misonii! Stay out of this! This is my fight with this foolish man! He's all mine, so don't you dare interfere!" With Misokai's exclamation, Misonii stood down, allowing Misokai to descend back to ground level before powering up, a blade of energy forming in her right hand as it extended to the length of Renalus' Power Sword. "I bet you my swordplay is better than yours. What do you say we try it out?" She swung the blade in front of her a couple of times to make the point, as if wanting him to charge her first.

Misonii pouted. "Oh! Fine! Have it your way! I want to have fun too though. Hmph!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf
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From a distance, wearing dark earthy colored clothing, Ayanna pressed herself against the side of a building and muttered quietly to herself. "I've found the warriors and will maintain vigil over them from a distance" The words she spoke were of a language foreign to wing city, as varied as it's inhabitants were. The words held a mesmerizing quality, and gave an impression of power.

In response, an red earing studded into the upper curl of her long pointed ears glowed green, as her associate responded to her. "Understood, do not engage if you can help it, await further orders" The musical voice played in her ear.

"As though anyone would even want to get near that little party, heh" She said to herself, re positioning for a better view. The tip of a sword handle peeked out over her shoulder, and a blue gemstone set in the pommel caught the light, flashing brightly before she could pull back to conceal it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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#, as written by Shpleem
It was subtle at first, a faint crackling in the air, easily dismissed as the sound of the power sword of the storm shield, or even the ki blasts ionizing the atmosphere as they streaked towards their target. As the confrontation played out however the disturbance intensified, crackling over the exposed metal of destroyed road signs and twisted rebar of the store fronts destroyed in the crossfire.

In the middle of a destroyed city block, the air rippled like heat distortion above the cratered pavement, the electrical discharges around the point were sufficient to knock a normal human to the ground though likely would prove little more than an annoyance to the two combatants if they even took notice in the heat of their conflict.

The center of the distortion rippled like a pond hit with a stone before a red armored machine was thrown through, skidding over the remains of a sidewalk and crashing into the facade of a former florist's shop front, a long anchor like weapon tumbling after it and impaling itself into the cement nearby.

Something else appeared to be soon coming through from the other side...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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Renalus watched as his opponent punched each round of his bolt pistol out of the air, she then posed to laugh and that was when another figure arrived on the scene. This strange figure was pink, and its hairstyle was more like an antenna, an alien and more importantly his enemy since this figure seemed to be an ally of his opponent since it offered help. However it seemed Misokai declined the figures help, most likely because this was a duel and she was thinking she would win, he was not taking any chances with the new arrival. He would speak into his vox inside his helmet in a small voice. "This is Brother Renalanus to The Remembrance Of Truth. Contact the Grey Knight Librarian aboard the ship and have him connect with my mind. I require his aid in case something comes up." Renalus spoke and the voice on the other end acknowledged his request. He was fortunate to encounter a small force of Grey Knights before they arrived here, perhaps this was the Emperor looking out for him? Thankful anyways, Renalus watched as his opponent formed a blade of energy the same length as his sword and began to swing it around while taunting him.

Renalus was wary at first, first she was using her fists and energy attacks. Now she was using a blade, perhaps she was more used to opponents using their fists and rarely used weapons? Whatever the reason he could not let his guard down. He decided not to jump-pack after her since she would just move away from him and retaliate with another barrage of energy. He should talk to the tech marines back on the battle barge to install a Teleportation Homer in his suit. Regardles he just had to push his assault, now that his opponent also had a sword she may be more willing to fight in close range now that she has something to protect her against his sword.

Prepared to fly through the air, he heard something faint in the distance. It sounded like something landed nearby, more of her allies? No, they wouldn't just crash into the ground like fools, it was something else entirely. Whatever it was it was close and it could just as easily interrupt the fight and put him in more danger. With a slight sigh, his jump-pack roared to life as he was flown through the air but this time while he was in the air he activated the jump-pack again sending him flying even faster at Misokai, shield first and sword right behind it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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Misokai lifted her blade of energy in a defensive stance as the shockwave washed through the area, a smile creeping onto her face again. "More opponents...? Looks like Misonii might get a chance to fight after all." Following her thoughts, Misokai prepared to parry the power sword's incoming blow, trying to find a point where she could sneak around the shield to strike at the Space Marine Captain. Immediately, her Scouter activated itself, reading off the specifics of the Power Sword, as well as Renalus' relative strength compared to hers. However, the Scouter also pointed out several other signatures. Misokai began speaking to Misonii through it.

"Misonii! You want to have fun? Investigate the other signatures in the area! They could be dangerous given the immense power that just washed around us!"

The pink Majin jumped excitedly. "Yay! Now we can fight together!" she exclaimed before gasping with curious surprise; her Scouter began reading off several signatures and numbers in a foreign language, revealing similar information to her. "Whoa, Misokai, you're right! There's tons of them nearby! I'll investigate them all, so don't you worry! Focus on that yuge buff armored guy!"

Noticing a blue flash of light from the corner of her eyes, Misonii turned her head to face Ayanna's direction. Narrowing her eyes, she leapt off the balcony and landed on the ground. Going back to her Scouter, she smirked. "Misokai, I'll investigate the machine first, but heads up! You and the yuge guy are being watched by someone, and they might be able to give you a run for your money!"

Misonii then turned to see the red armored machine's location, beginning a full sprint with her arms spread like an airplane. "Kee hee hee~! I haven't been able to fight at full power in a while! This will be fun fun fun!" She began charging a beach ball sized sphere of pink energy in one of her hands as she ran, preparing herself in case the red machine turned hostile. She did not point the sphere at it however, trying to not draw immediate aggro if it was still alive (plus, she accounted for the other large incoming signature that had launched it in the first place).

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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Ayanna pressed her back against the brick wall she had been hiding behind, her eyes closed and her elfin ears twitching as she listened to the sounds of combat. Taking a deep breath, she decided that the sounds were not approaching her. "Still... It's probably better to reposition than to risk it." She said quietly to herself, before dropping into a low crouch and looking across the street from her position. She paused, waiting for the sound of a clash between the combatants, and upon hearing it she darted out. Knees bent, body leaning forward, arms counterbalancing behind her as her feet drove her forward at breakneck speed, the top of her head barely coming over four feet from the ground, low as she was running. Just as she was about to reach the other alley, she dove forward and rolled, coming up with her back up against the brick. She paused a moment listening, then turned and faced the wall.

"Stenr, bindr eom eka lam atra eka risa" She chanted in an undertone. As she finished, her palms began to glow. When she placed them on the stone, they stuck, and in this way she climbed, palm over palm, up the wall till she was at the top of the building. There she released the spell and the glow from her palms faded, she crept low and quiet over towards the edge of the rooftop to continue watching the fight.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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#, as written by Shpleem
The distortion rippled once more, stretching and expanding till it met the ground and parting more like a curtain this time rather than a drop in a pond as numerous all black entities emerged, stalking towards the fallen red machine with an unnatural, swaying gait. The one's closest to it raised their hands and manifested narrow shafts of energy akin to spears though before a blow could be struck, a third kind of machine emerged.

It's gait was more natural, the sway of it's hips like that of a seductive woman though the massive arms it sported marked as meant for something other than pleasure. "Oh little Lucy, you've failed, all of your precious humanity has been extinguished, just like the Darkwings before them, pitiful fools didn't even see it comi-..." She was distracted mid taunt by the rapidly approaching figure that appeared to be made of taffy, holding a mass of energy.

"Oh look brother, more lesser beings to destroy." she purred, gesturing with her plate like fingers as two of the black specters turned to face Misonii, summoning spears of their own.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf Character Portrait: The Nemesis Project
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Renalus Watched as Misokai prepared to parry his sword blow, he saw this and used it to his advantage. He pulled his shield back almost like he was using it to closely guard himself and swung his sword letting his attack get parried, however at that exact moment he would attempt to shield bash his opponent. The Storm Shield began to crackle with blue energy and if it made contact with Misokai it would unleash a powerful energy blast, although not deadly enough to kill her, it would cause his opponent be flung back.

Meanwhile in The Remembrance Of Truth, word had reached the Grey Knight Librarian on board the ship and has tapping into his physic might, he was now looking through the marshals eyes and was able to talk to him mentally. "Greetings Marshal, I have successfully entered your mind and I thank you for letting me in. I shall aid you to the best of my efforts but for now may the Emperor watch over you this battle." The Librarian spoke in his mind and Renalus smiled under his helmet. It was a strange feeling to have another mind inside your own mind, to have the same psychic and magical powers that you despise to possibly save your life. What irony.