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Rivian Sparks Rixy

Subject VIII. "Uwaah! Don't sneak up on me!"

0 · 1,378 views · located in Demon King Millen's Crypt

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by LookingAtPerks


These brothers/clones escaped from a horrible, tantalizing research facility where they were tortured, experimented on, and treated inhumanely. But now they escaped, they are strong, and they are united!
The Adventurer's Guild, spanning galaxy wide despite having its headquarters based on Origin, is an organization of people have dedicated their lives to doing all sorts of quests, big or small.


Shows that you are registered to the Adventurer's Guild, and is capable of showing one's acquired skills, stats, titles, powers, race, and general identification. Can be used as a Universal Passport.



Name: Rivian Sparks Rixy

Age: Eleven or Twelve, Probably. He does not know his age, since he was born and raised in a lab. Is the sixth youngest "brother".

Appearance: (See image) (FUN FACT: Those "hairclips" are actually charge diffusers, to prevent the active electrical field from being noticied or causing issues....though, there are occasional fluxuations.

Nicknames: Sparks, Subject VIII (Seventh Clone)

History: Rivian was actually taken from an orphanage as a baby and utilized as a test subject to develop weapons using people with superpowers or other supernatural abilities as those weapons. And it was not just the painful bad kind, but the dark ones too. The experiments involved Rivian being opened up again and again, as one of the "Core Subjects" in their attempts to implant more powers and abilities into him. This hurt him extremely, but over time he got more powerful.

Originally, the scientists had taken Rivian because of his unique ability known as "Adaptability", which made him genetically able to accept and utilize all foreign tissue. However, he was not the only subject it turned out. One day, Subject XIII, the one who came after him, caused large scale destruction. This new power caused a huge amount of damage that let him escape, and caused the release of many other test subjects as well. What was surprising is that they all shared white hair and red eyes, and even their facial features were similar if not the same. Additionally, all had bar codes planted on them, mostly in the same place, under the left eye. Add then, they soon learned. Rivian, the youngest of them all and the one who released them all, was actually a clone using implanted memories from the first subject, and he was subject thirteen. The youngest of the clones. Rivian himself was the sixth youngest, Subject VIII, and was under the same circumstances.

Outraged, the subjects wiped out the scientists, and then escaped into the world. They sort of keep in touch, but they often also lose track of each other. Supposedly, there is one brother however that is tracking all of them, because he was given a supernatural ability to do so.

Supernatural Abilities:

Adaptability: Rivian's body is capable of utilizing and absorbing all foreign tissue without issue, regardless of the source. It may also hold other effects, but this was the main one utilized.

Spirit Guardian: Stormsparrow: A Sparrow like Spirit Guardian, it is capable or producing the effects of any storm, even rain despite which Rivian has no affinity with the water attribute.

Electrical Body: Can produce lightning and electricity at will, and can even create a field to temporarily turn him and everything on him into electricity/lightning/data and travel through things. Can also enter the internet.

Electro-Magnetic Abilities: Has the ability to manipulate lightning, electricity, magnetics, ect. Can even use this to boost his physical abilities, after the scientists forced him to learn. He can also use magic using those elements, as well as the wind element.

Enhanced Physical Abilities: Nuff said.

Blood Katana: He can draw a Katana from his own blood, and use it to fight. It is way stronger, sharper, and harder then a normal katana. Additionally, Rivian not only can call it back to him, but he can recall himself to it. It also possesses a few other abilities as well.

Weapon Creation: While not as powerful as Ixian's, and he cant make a sword stronger then his Blood Katana and use any of the abilities that come with it, it can still be useful for Rivian.

So begins...

Rivian Sparks Rixy's Story


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Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy
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Rivian Rixy walked through the streets of Wing City, with a type of bag typically used by messengers or to carry laptops along with other things. He was moving through the crowds, looking for some place to eat, stay, or wash up. He had not done any of those yet, instead having gotten lost this whole time. As such, he and his clothing were caked in dirt and sweat. He had a spare change of clothes that were clean, but he wanted to clean up first.

Of course, the first thing he wanted to do was eat or find a place to stay, but no one really let him with his current state, so he had to clean up first. He could just go to a cheap place, but he was afraid that something bad would happen. But that would mean overcoming another issue. Although he had pretty good control of his powers, they were still unstable if only a little. He had to wear these hairclips that were actually charge diffusers. He could suppress his powers without them, but it would build up a bit of stress.

"Welcome to our place, miss!"

Rivian was addressed after finding a bathhouse in Wing City, which was surprisingly difficult compared to all the Mech based shops he saw, but when he realized the person was talking to him he got embarrassed.

"I'm a guy! Not a girl!"

Technically Rivian had one or two organs that came from females, but none of it were those. One was his heart, but he didn't know what the other was.

"Oh, seriously? Sorry, you just...kinda...well, anyways the male's side is there, just pay the fee and you will be fine".

Rivian payed the fee, and then rushed over to the males' side with a red face. Entering the changing room, he started to take off his clothes. They were hard to see, but across his body were various scars from over the years from all the experiments. It was also clear that without clear giveaways one could only see when he was naked, he did look a bit feminine unlike the rest of the Rixy Clones/Brothers. He was sure the scientists did this on purpose for their amusement. But the scars also would draw attention when they were noticed as it would indicate a life of suffering and pain.

With just a towel, he entered the baths. He almost got embarrassed again because he failed to realize it was not private, but he was able to overcome it enough and get into the water after washing off. It was so relaxing and soothing he almost relaxed too much, but caught himself.

After all, with his natural electric based powers, if he was not careful it would go from a shy, lost boy finally taking a bath in the one place he was able to enter, to a freak experimental test subject killing everyone toaster in bathtub style. Given the media and his current trust level of people he assumed they would say things like he jumped in intentionally to murder a lot of people. He wanted to avoid people thinking of him that way, or getting noticed at all. Despite the fact there was a Barcode under his left eye, on his cheek, in plain view.

The setting changes from Wing City to Solinus Sea Eastern Bay

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Asila Arden
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Rivian "Sparks" Rixy walked onto the empty beach in the early morning, his boots-shoes-mix of the two in his hands as his bare feet tread the sand. Because it was so early, there was not a single soul in sight, of course he had chosen a location farther away from the others. He wanted to be alone, and not just because he had gotten totally lost. The wind was going through his hair though, and only a bit stayed in place because of his hair clips, that doubled as charge diffusors. He actually had a bit of a girly appearance, even without the diffusors, unlike the rest of his "brothers" for some reason, but it was not so bad that people always mistook him for one.

He walked closer to the water's edge, before looking around. He had only a small bag with a change of clothes identical to what he wore, the clothes he had on him, some supplies such as a towel, and what not. It might seem like he was in a daze, but that was understandable...because this was the first time he had ever been to the beach, or the first chance he had to even consider swimming in the ocean... "I mean, its...but there...well, there is no one around and it's early...should I swim? I mean, I would have to skinny dip....maybe, I should just remain here and enjoy the beach?"

Because it had only been weeks since Rivian escaped the lab, and he got lost that whole time, he did not even have a he was deciding what to do at the beach. For the moment, he just enjoyed the morning breeze.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Asila Arden
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0.00 INK

Sitting upon the beach on her own, Asila Arden was also enjoying the morning breeze similarly to Rivian not too far away from where she was now. Behind her out a couple feet was a small campsite she was using to sleep just the other day. She had been travelling for a while, exploring for the better half of the week and just getting herself used to this place people called Terra. It was a strange place, people were here regularly and she was always bumping into new people - even if she didn't intend to.

With her hands propping her up behind her and legs stretched and splayed out relaxing, she took a deep breath to take in the smell of the ocean. It was really nice here, especially with the sun just coming up. But, this feeling was soon interrupted, hearing the soft sounds of someone else speaking nearby. At first she felt as if her heart sink down to her stomach, then the panic began to subside. The person...didn't sound old enough to be dangerous. Young, definitely, and musing to themselves on whether they should swim. Skinny dipping at that. On the one hand she could alert them to her presence, but...nah. Not yet. She wanted to see if this person actually went through with their plans first - either way they'd stumble upon her, and she wanted to see if the more embarrassing (and thus hilarious in her eyes) situation played out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Asila Arden
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0.00 INK

Rivian was still musing to himself, unaware of the fact he was being monitored...which was odd, because he actually had acute senses. But right now, those senses were being overwhelmed by the morning sea air. After all, this was literally the first time he had ever been to the beach. While thinking, he collapsed backwards into a sitting position on the sand. He was currently overwhelmed with the new feeling.

"So this is the feels so...fluid...the water, I want to feel it as well..." Rivian mentioned. Rivian had no plans of going into the water fully dressed. He was raised in a science lab, where they never gave him any clothes anyways...he had spent most of his life observed naked, treated like an animal. But, he had never once gone into the ocean. He had once, after escaping however, learned how seriously annoying it was to move in wet clothes.... "Who the hell even makes an emergency escape you have to swim through?!"

Granted, it was assumed they could not swim...well, they could, but not very well. In fact, almost all the work was done by their Spirit Guardians. "Stormsparrow!" Suddenly, a large electrical bird appeared behind Rivian. It was just small enough to avoid attention from far away, but large enough to not be overlooked completely. Rivian then took off all his clothes, which in the process revealed a large amount of faint, but still very noticeable, scars across his body from the experiments. "Protect my things. I...I am finally going to swim in the ocean!" And so he ran right an idiot. "Coooold!!!!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Asila Arden
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0.00 INK

Asila Arden had no idea of the other strange person making their way about the area, doing their thing. Her focus was more on the younger male as he now summoned some bird...thing? Stormsparrow? Odd...However, that train of thought was cut off as she raised her head to him speaking once more and running into the water shouting out about how cold the water was. At first there was a smile that etched itself across her lips, then that erupted into full-blown laughter, and though she may have covered her mouth it didn't stop how loud the laughter was.

Getting up from where she was standing, she walked out from her little space and made herself visible to the boy, hands upon her hips as she stood just by the water's edge. "Oi, you out there. Thinkin' of swimmin' at this hour? I hope you've got blubba under all that skin."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Asila Arden
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Rivian had found the water colder then he expected...of course, that should have been expected. It was morning, and it was the ocean. However, Rivian only heard rumors of the ocean. He had never been there once himself. ANd they didn't let them use the internet, or even learn of the outside world. So, it should be expected. However, his one original power the scientists had not given him, but taken him because of, Adaptability was helping him adjust to the cold. But more importantly, he entered a state of bliss for at least a short moment, as he swam through the sea water....a totally new experience for him.

However, when the woman shouted out to him from behind, he turned red with embarrassment. He was already waist deep, so he had some luck, but his arms moved on reflex. "Wh...who are you?! Where did you come from?!" Of course, he did not come out of the water, but as most of his upper body was visible, he was not very masculine...but it was guaranteed he was not a girl. "And....and...its only cold in the beginning!" He spoke out some random line to try and not be as embarrassed...for whoever knows how it would work though. "Anyways, what are you doing, spying on me like this anyways?!"

It should be noted that, in addition to all of his scars actually being a bit more visible now, there was a strange but clear mark on his left cheek, under his eye...a Barcode, for some reason, that looked like it was lasered on.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Asila Arden
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0.00 INK

Asila Arden kept her hands against her hips while she watched both the boy try to defend himself, and the other person...well, make a noise to draw her attention. "Jeez, two lovers skinny dipping? I almost feel bad interrupting." This was of course said in jest, she didn't know who these two even were or if anything of that sort was going on. But, her eyes scanned over both of them quickly as she let off a small 'hmph' to herself. "I've been here for the past day, I could be asking you the same question y'know skinny dipper." She smirked lightly at that. "You'd best be sure to dip your head in if you want it to get warmer in a second. The water gets more bearable that way."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Asila Arden
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0.00 INK

Rivian was not entirely comfortable with where the situation went, and his emotional levels were skyrocketing. He had been trying to hold it in all this time, and because he had not removed the hairclips they were helping this point, he could not hold it anymore from the emotion as his face turned red. "D...don't call me that!"

At the same time as his outburst, an electronic pulse originated from him and zapped everything nearby that it could. Of course, this included all the fish, and people, near him, but those inside the water would be significantly more at risk then those not. Over two dozen dead fish rose to the surface, and when Rivian turned around to see this, he realized what he did and backed away towards the beach, his back visible to her but not his front...before falling completely into the water and temporarily becoming submerged. For some reason, there was a large area on the beach that had a hole in it under the if something maybe moved when it got zapped?

Getting back up, the young boy who had probably just ruined the electronics of everyone nearby, not to mention electrocuting a few fish and maybe people, stepped onto the beach...and then remembered the woman. He immediately hid behind Storm Sparrow's wing, which was just large enough. Rivian...was either lucky, unlucky, or both.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Asila Arden
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0.00 INK

Raising an eyebrow as she the watched the situation going on with the kid. Between him keeping his ass towards her to him falling into the water and zapping everything nearby, she let out a small sigh with a shake of her head. "Nice, nice...good job!" With a smirk she tilted her head and watched him very carefully. "Mmhm. Well, good to see clumsiness is a common trait among you folk. You who electrocute the water and keep big birds with you."

Crossing her arms, Asila didn't really care so much about his situation, she was more interested in the fact that there was someone present on the beach she could talk to. "You needn't blush and be all embarrassed you know, I don't necessarily care that you're naked. If you care though, go ahead and put your clothes aun. No need standing around the beach with everything hanging auut, skinny dippa. I'm Asila by the way. Nice to meet you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Asila Arden
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0.00 INK

Rivian quickly got dressed, but he was still....sparking....and he was still red.

"Geese, you don't have to be so mean!"

Rivian was sparking, either with rage or embarrassment. But, there was something else...perhaps, joy? It was the first time he had really felt these emotions, and he was able to swim in the water for a bit. His body had apparently sizzled the water on his skin, but his hair was still wet. Notably, two hairclips were still there...but they appeared to do something, because that was the only area on Rivian that was not sparking.

"And...I am not clumsy! Just, people coming out of nowhere shock me, especially since this was my first time at the ocean!"

As Rivian walked across the sand...he fell over. He looked down, took his boots off again, and then stood there while holding them.

"That doesn't count! name is Rivian..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dread Pirate Captain Blackheart Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Liam Jones Character Portrait: Minsu
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0.00 INK

It had taken a bit longer to get even a handful of people to gather for the quest then Liam would have liked, but he just shrugged it off and moved forward. He hoped others would join them afterwards, but he wanted...or rather, he felt he had to start now. He was expecting at least another person along with them, and there were a few other adventurers who had joined as well but no one who looked notable or stood out really other then a couple.

"Alright, well. It looks like one of the people personally hired by the guild is late. I wish I could go on the quest myself, but it would be bad for the Guildmaster to leave in case some sort of Crisis level event happens so I cant. That said, I would want to wait for this person but..."

"Sorry! I am here!"

Suddenly, a young voice called out as a girl with white hair and red eyes came running out of the crowd. The Guildmaster raised his eyebrows with surprise.

"Ohhh, I was told you were a boy..."

"I am a boy!"

"Oh...oh! Sorry!"

Correction: Suddenly, a young voice called out as a boy with white hair and red eyes came running out of the crowd.

"So then, you are..."

"Rivian Rixy, reporting for the quest! That reward though, you were serious right?"


"Then yes!"

Somehow, the Guildmaster had a strange feeling this would be a strange party, but he decided to shrug it off for now as he looked at the others.

"Basically, some time ago we confirmed thanks to those pillars of light shooting into the sky that a Demon King either Awakened or Revived. Therefore, I want to assemble a talented group of adventurers to delve into Demon King Millen's Crypt, which has become a Magical Dungeon, get to the innermost chamber, and confirm that Demon King Millen is still dead and not alive at all. Even in this age, he would pose a significant threat, and this Dungeon seemed to be created from his magical energies or Demon King Essence. In addition, I would request that you get a sample of the Demon King Blood for analysis if possible. If you are all interested, then I shall go further into details. Please feel free to ask any questions".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dread Pirate Captain Blackheart Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Liam Jones Character Portrait: Minsu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
A young white-haired girl appeared out of the crowd, joining the small suicidal party bound for what was certain doom for most involved. The Dread Pirate Captain Blackheart's head lit up with pain and Bezalel screeched, thrashing at the cage that held it and demanding tribute. This boy.... he must die Blackheart raised a hand to his hand as inconspicuously as possible, rubbing the bridge of his nose. It's a girl you fucking retard. He did his best to dismiss his thought and listen to the Guild Master's explanation. The girl was a boy, much to the chagrin of Integra. He tried to occupy himself with thoughts on how this pre-teen was cleared for this Quest. "Rivian 'Sparks' Rixy! There's precious little on him on the official roster. Say doesn't Rixy sound familiar..." Flense his tiny little body, keep the bones for later... Yes, yes, yes, that will do! Bezalel's constant screeching in his head was proving taxing.

"What was that dear?" He pressed a hand to his ear, trying to emphasize the ear-piece that connected him to Omnia. "Rixy, doesn't that sound familar." Doesn't that sound familar. A wave of nausea overtook Blackheart and his face grew pale as he fought to keep it down. He managed to re-center himself in time to hear the Guild master explain that they needed a sample of Demon King Blood and that he would now answer any questions.

"Ah yes of course, he's a biomass. Part of that illegal child slavery bounty we picked up some time ago... What a coincidence ~" The AI chirping in his ear made him stare at the little boy. True he doesn't look normal... "Yes, hi, devilishly handsome demon-slayer Captain Blackheart here. Um.... I get this is a Emergency mission and all but isn't there like, a line you draw at sending would-be adventurers to their deaths?" He couldn't help but think about losing control and attacking Rivian in the middle of the dungeon, dooming the entire expedition. "I checked everyone here's public Quest Record, and honestly I'm not feeling comfortable trusting them with my life."

He produced a sky-blue metal flask, made of an off-world metal and damn near indestructible, the flask was the only thing he trusted with his life. He unclasped the top with a flick of his thumb and took another long pull of bourbon. Cut your losses and walk away Blackheart, no magic is worth dying in another man's crypt. "Unless you tell me that Rivian here can pull a katana out of his ass, slay dragons, and move faster than the speed of sound, I might have to walk!" The man proclaimed, rubbing his index finger and thumb together, while pretending to carefully examine his gloved other hand.

"Here we are! An encrypted test file on the Rixy brothers! Oh la la, Rivian specializes in moving like electricity and creating weapons at will. Hmm, electricity moves at about one million times the speed of sound. Looks like the biomass meets all your qualifications! Good luck dearest, I'm rooting for you!" Color drained from Blackheart's face as he hoped no one could hear Omnia relaying her findings to him via ear-piece. It might have just been Blackheart's imagination but for a moment he felt a massive shadow fall over him, oppressing the usually chipper Captain. "I mean... Devilishly handsome demon-slayer Dread Pirate Captain Blackheart ready to ship out" He told the Guildmaster lamely while beginning to double-check his weaponry.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dread Pirate Captain Blackheart Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Liam Jones Character Portrait: Minsu
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0.00 INK

D-Did she just get ignored? Did she Minsu, trying to be friendly get absolutely ignored?...Well it was no big deal really. She was not going to yell at him or engage in some sort of fight just for being brushed off like a speck of dust trying to talk to someone. With a sigh, she dug into her shorts and pulled out some sort of small hand-held device.

With a few twists, the device unfurled into some sort of holographic screen which hovered by itself allowing her to drag some floating icons as she got a sudden notification. A small video feed came up as she saw some sort of massive mech dropping in from orbit. She let out a surprised yelp as she saw this. Yep there was no doubt!

Her adoptive father! The self proclaimed number one mercenary with one of the largest bounties on his head in the universe! The man simply called Russian. She put a fist in her hand as she gave a nod. "Alright!...He is actually on this planet! Time to say hi I guess." She shrugged to herself as she closed the device and put it back in her pockets.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dread Pirate Captain Blackheart Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Liam Jones Character Portrait: Minsu
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As one of them went on to be ignored and then distracted themselves, while the other seemed to get objective about Rivian and then seemed to get even more interested in them. Liam figured he should probably have everything resolved, but the question was how. Well, he also had to resolve the issue with Rivian, who was absolutely vital to this.

Of course, as the Guildmaster he was used to this kind of stuff. And he also saw a suitable person to help with this situation.

"Well, Rivian is both a vital member as someone who can get us in, and is fully capable. By the way, to the bounty hunter sixty feet behind him, you should just give up the act".

As Liam said those words, suddenly a man who had been wearing sunglasses and a dark heavy jacket reacted by quickly pulling out a large sword and rushed towards Rivian in the hopes of getting him, collecting the body, and running out before anyone could react to the situation. From what he had seen, Rivian was a nervous type and would be easy to startle and throw off balance.

And yet, the Rivian in front of him turned towards him with cold, focused eyes as blood shot out of his hand and formed a katana, which hardened and refined itself into a form where it looked like it was made of steel shaded to be the color blood red, and swung around without any hesitation which immediately cut the man's head off. In fact, not a single movement had any hesitation or wasted movement. Rivian looked around and confirmed there was other hostiles, before he turned back towards the others. That cold, focused state lingered for a moment before...

"Oh...oh! I am really sorry! I got blood all over your floors!"

He said that as he bowed in apology.

"Its fine its fine, this is not the first time something like this happened. Anyways..."

He then went over to Minsu and smiled at her.

"Minsu, you have been pretty silent so far. What do you think of our guest?"

Liam gave her the time to respond to his question, before he backed up and looked at all three of them as well as any others that might join.

"You see, the Demon King's Crypt is also sealed by a powerful barrier that requires a certain key to open. We managed to get authorization to use the key after a lot of pressure, but a second issue exists. A second barrier is around the entrance, that will prevent anyone who is not in the possession of the Demon King Blood from entering. Now, we could attempt methods to go around that, but Rivian makes it a lot easier. Due to one of his powers, his body will adapt to give the genetic sequence needed to open it without him needing actual Demon King Blood, which is either only obtained from whatever samples are said not to exist in any known location, or from an actual Demon King or some artifact that had been related to him. In other words, he is essentially our lockpick from an otherwise annoying lock we would have to find an alternate method to get around or break".

As Liam explained that, he also looked to Minsu.

"And between him, you, and our other friend here, I am already confident this quest can be done. Though, if we could get any more people that would make it even better. It should not be too hard either, since there should be quite a number of valuable rewards and such".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dread Pirate Captain Blackheart Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Liam Jones Character Portrait: Minsu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
The once King of pirates let loose a low and impressed whistle, the young boys mastery of the blade having impressed. He shrugged his loose shoulders casually before reaching for his flask yet another time, his nimble fingers unscrewing the flask while talking, "What can I say, the boy's got potential. Eyes of a... uh, what was the word again..." punctuating the sentence, the man pressed the flask to his lips and taking a long swig before finishing. "A killer." He said while clearing his throat harshly to avoid the burn.

YYeeeeeesss, he's a killer, a delicious white-blooded killer. I want, nay MUST have him! The demon tore at Blackheart's very soul, screaming and violently raging against it's master. Not now fucker, he sneered in his mind, attempting to dull the sensation and compose himself. The sell-blade smiled, as the ample poison began to effect him. "I mean, treasure and a dive into the crypt of a demon king? What's not to like," with greed and envy, the man's mind swam vaguely at the thought of treasure before coming to his senses.

"I'm uncertain how I feel about you getting involved with Surely this is a problem that can be solved by blasting it from low altitude, my dear?" The AI had a, not terrible idea that the Captain pondered for more than a few moments before dispelling the thought. "That sounds violent..." the man uttered to no one in particular. "Say Minsu, who's the russian?" trying not to let it slip that he had an AI looking up and feeding him information while he put an arm around her shoulders, the sliding of metal on metal from his hidden weapons adjusting within his coat made an eerie. Maybe we can do this after all

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dread Pirate Captain Blackheart Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Liam Jones Character Portrait: Minsu
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While Minsu was busy in though, hearing someone call her name out got her attention. The boy had asked her what she thought of the pirate. Well she was not much of first impressions but she would reply. This was what she thought of him at face value of course. “Well, I only met him for only a short while of course. I guess...He seems like a rather confident person. But that’s what I can tell from what I have seen so far.” She replied taking a glance at the man.

Once she was done, she listened to how in order to get to the so called demon king they needed some sort of key, and that key was the blood of said demon king. Well of course they did not have his blood, however Rivian the boy could get them in thanks to him able to adapt and unlock the barrier. She was more technical than her other sisters, so she was not much for biology. But she understood the gist of it. She simply nodded as Liam said that he had confidence they can get this job done, and that more people would be much better...Now that she thought of it, Russian could use more money...Knowing him as his hobby, he needs all the money he can get before he gets reduced to eating noodle cups.

Speaking of Russian, Blackheart put an arm around her shoulders as he asked her who the man she was looking at through her holographic display was. “Well...Please Don’t get to cozy around me. We only just met, but...As for who that man is. You can say he is my adoptive father. He taught me all I know about machines and helped raise me and my sisters. He is a great Mercanary, confident as well...But for all he knows he can skip on the small things...Honestly...Noodle cups...Anyways, I live with my sisters now and we are all doing good for ourselves. I am thankful for him but I’ll show him that we can one up him one day.” She replied with a nostalgic smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dread Pirate Captain Blackheart Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Liam Jones Character Portrait: Minsu
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Liam sighed as he looked through all the information about the Crypt turned dungeon they wanted to have investigated. He then called over to Rivian and had him come over and sit down next to Minsu and near the pirate. As Rivian sat down, he looked over to Minsu again. He seemed a bit nervous because of what happened earlier.

"Nice to meet you. As mentioned, my name is Rivian. Rivian Rixy. It will be a pleasure to work with you".

Rivian managed to introduce himself while clearly a bit nervous.

"Sorry if I seem a bit weird...its just, I have gone through a lot".

And then Liam came in and began to speak to help break the ice.

"Rivian might seem nervous and shy, but as you can see you can rely on her...err, him. Basically Rivian was trained and designed to hunt and kill, so although he has the sort of personality to worry about things, in front of the enemy he will be merciless and someone you can depend on".

"Don't just give out all my details like this!"

" know, its this behavior that causes a lot of people to mistake you as a girl..."

As Liam said that, he then brought up the data in front of them to be reviewed.

"Since its a dungeon, even though the space it takes up has not changed, we should expect the interior of the dungeon to be much more massive then what it takes place on the outside. In other words, there could be ten floors, or there could be fifty. Now, its only one thousand years old, but it went unmaintained and unnoticed this whole time somehow, so it should be assumed to be dangerous. This will be a long mission, and you will likely have to sleep inside the dungeon for several days at least before you can conquer it. exchange, because it went unmaintained, and because the Demon King's treasures should still be in there, if you conquer it you will not only be legends, not only can you lord this over your friends and family, but you could gain fantastic powers and unimaginable boons. Plus, you will be gaining information and details that could be critical to the survival of thousands or even millions. So, is there anything you want to know specifically? If there is, and I can answer it, I will".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dread Pirate Captain Blackheart Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Liam Jones Character Portrait: Minsu
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#, as written by Sepokku
The ex-pirate watched with slight bemusement at young Rivian's protesting. He had also assumed the boy was a girl, but evidently it was a relatively common mistake. Bezalel had quieted down, through sheer force of will and Blackheart was beginning to feel a bit more lucid. I'm not one for sleeping in a crypt, but if the Demon King's body is still there.... The man's shadow darkened slightly at the thought. With a thought, and the help of his neural up-link he relayed a command to his AI on the ship and she chirped back an acknowledging "Aye aye, Captain ♥"

Minsu told him about the man named Russian, and how he raised her and her sisters, and imparted his skills. Would that make her and her sisters a litter of cats? He wanted to ask, but contented himself with a different question. "Machines...? Define machines. Like, an armored personnel carrier, or like... Androids?" Integra sneered the last word, the last run in with androids had almost cost him his life and he couldn't help but feel a tinge of loathing for them since.

"Okay, extra-dimensional dungeon, potential crypt of a demon king, I'm liking this so far. Three quick questions. Um, first information on the crypt, is it all publicly accessible or do you have something classified you're holding out on me with? Second, Rivian can get past the lock but can he disable the barrier to let Minsu and myself in?" The man took his arm off Minsu's shoulders to cross his arms, "And last but, probably so important it should have been first, wouldn't a giant pillar of light have attracted many potential dungeon-divers? What exactly are we looking at here in terms of competition..?" The man's thought trailed off as he realized he was probably going to have to drag a cask of rum through a demon king's crypt.

"Ah, I see the crypt isn't far from here. Prepping the servitors for combat." His AI had finished collecting data and streaming it to the Captain, but it would take time to sift through. The AI, of course, processed information faster than humanly possible and Integra trusted her assessment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dread Pirate Captain Blackheart Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Liam Jones Character Portrait: Minsu
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When the talk came about machines, a spark shined in Minsu’s eyes as she heard the question. “Well, I guess just machines is too broad of a term. I don’t make androids, too worrisome really...Sometimes people just use them like rejects with a personality...Anyways that’s besides the point, robots and androids are not my specialty...Now weapons, equipment and vehicles on the other hand...Now those are what I specialize in, I mean when you make giant rocket gauntlets and watch someone else who specializes in boxing use them to full power is a very cool thing. You can also make any dream machine like cool tanks or a cool weapon like a giant quad barreled rocket launcher that fires gravitational warheads...Ahem...Sorry, I’m a little passionate when I can make things to help the people I care about...” She scratched the back of her head with a small smile.

“Anyways...I’ll bring some heavy weapons with us. I don’t have much questions here, but just give me some orders or recommendations on what to bring.” She added.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dread Pirate Captain Blackheart Character Portrait: Rivian Sparks Rixy Character Portrait: Liam Jones Character Portrait: Minsu
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At the talk of technology, Rivian also got surprisingly involved. Even though he had only shown electrical and blood based powers so far, his eyes fact, his entire body began to emit he got excited. He immediately jumped into all of it.

"Technology is really great though! Especially computers, but all sorts of other things as well! And the programming involved, oh it gets more detailed and more beautiful with each advancement! I have designed some stuff as well though I never got to impliment it, but I once thought up a gun that shoots rapid fire multi-oscillating energy bursts, but is only the size of like a pistol, because I found a way to shrink the coding into a smaller drive!"

Although Rivian clearly held a passion for technology that did not lose to Minsu, it appeared that he was slightly more focused on the coding aspect. However, normal people would talk about robots, buildings, or ships when they mentioned stuff like that, but Rivian clearly showed an interest in weapons, armor, and such as well.

"Actually, I am wearing a prototype I made. These clothes have a bunch of nano-sensors inside them, and linked through microdrives and field projectors that deploy at a nano level right above the clothes themselves, creating a protective barrier. I will still take the hit, but it will reduce damage done to me and prevent clothes from getting damaged in a heated fight".

"Right, well, if you girls...I mean, you two don't mind, I will get to the questions now".

At this excited sputtering from Minsu and Rivian, Liam finally interjected as he continued and answered Blackheart's questions, as well as Minsu's.

"First off, in terms of information, I am telling you all I have. If there is classified information, the royal family is keeping it from me. And strangely enough, even though I heard First Prince Zakar was quite an adventurer, he claimed he was 'busy' and unable to attend. But, its not really something I can go and easily speculate on. As for the next question, once Rivian opens the barrier, anyone will be able to get in or out. Well, eventually the doors might seal themselves again, but that will only happen if you all die should be fine. There is a chance of other barriers further in, which is why Rivian is coming with you. But as you have seen, he has combat ability so it should be fine. And as for the third, you shouldn't expect any competition. Anyone who wants to delve into it should be here right now. The reason there are so few of us is...Demon King Millen is that feared, even after one thousand years passed after his death. That was just how dangerous he was. Rumor has it he even created several species of monsters".

And once he answered all of Blackheart's questions, he turned to Minsu.

"As for recommendations of what you should bring, I would recommend every single heavy weapon you can carry that will not weight you down. However, I think you should bring some sort of perimeter and defense gear. Rivian, you are bringing some too right? Well, you all should prepare spares just in case. Since you will have to camp inside that dungeon, you will need to create a safe zone...also, Rivian, any chance any of your brothers will show up?"

Rivian shook his head.

"Its unlikely. We usually try to avoid being in the same place since it would increase the chances of being targeted. I mean, if any of you want me to try, I could...but, it seems doubtful. Oh, and yes! My brother, Rivyan, gave me various warding stones and magic tools since he knows I work better with technology then magic".

"Well, I suppose someone who can transfer through the internet would lean more towards technology then magic".