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Emerald Dragon

0 · 2,087 views · located in Qarxis Mountains

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by lostamongtrees


We are the recordkeepers and historians, the scribes and the bards. We keep track of history; past, present, and future.
Dragons, drakes, and all of the lizardesque beasties on the planet Gaia



Long ago, there was a colony of dragons who lived in the western Exalted Mountains, Their peak was the tallest & least accessible by foot or sea. It's base was raw cliff face & rocks to sink a ship on, though there were three distinct ways in. Through a waterfall, to a secret cave harbor under the mountain. A tunnel, that with the right password will let you walk through cliff face and into a beautiful antechamber. The last, easiest, way in was by air. At the top of the mountain, facing north, was a subtle entrance. Once you landed, grandeur carvings and stone formations welcomed you to the mountain.

Alas, that was long ago, There is only one known survivor of that colony. He remembers much, but still has more to uncover. His too-long-of-a-sleep may have saved his lineage, but let time pass by without him. Smaragdos is awake now, relearning the world one interaction at time. Yes, he's a little socially awkward, and maybe lackadaisical in his post-hibernation depression. This does not stop the dragon. He will uncover all truths, and see the light and right in the world. Right after these pesky ingrown scales get taken care of...

  • Ancient Cartographer's Log
  • Large, jingling ring of keys
  • Assorted stones & crystals
  • Bejeweled bangle bracelets
  • Bits of illustrative charcoal


So begins...

Smaragdos's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Smaragdos Character Portrait: Helene Okami
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  1. possible wrong location

    by lostamongtrees
  2. This post takes place in the location Draachstill

    by lostamongtrees

0.00 INK

Somewhere deep within the Exalted Mountains the scrape of scales against scales rang cavernous walls true. Something large was shifting, awakening here for the first time in a long time. Slowly, the creature exhaled. The dark tunnels swallowed any light that dare penetrate the mountain. For this the creature was glad. The scraping shifted into a shuffle, soon a pattern. It moved up the throat of the mountain, shaking off the dusts of ages. As it moved it pondered of the world out there. Was there still a world beyond this mountain? Had the mountain swallowed the world? The creature's vision purpled, then reddened, until finally it was staring bleakly at the colors of the rising sun. It breathed again, crisp air whooshing through scaled nostrils. It crunched the snow beneath it's toes, registering the feeling for the first time in centuries. Exhiliration shook the massive beast and dirt flew to reveal emerald scales. It stretched it's long neck to the sun, snapped out it's wings, and with a triumphant screech it was airborne.

The beast had awakened, the beast was in flight. The beast was alive.

The setting changes from Exalted Mountains to Exalted Mountains (West)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Smaragdos
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Dawn washed the Exalted Mountains gold, iced peaks rising from the frothed clouds of morning. Enormous and imposing, the thick mountain chain bullied it's way up as if asserting it's mass against the heavens. The sun dazzled the snowy caps blind as purple shadows stretched down stone side faces and cliffs. A soft wind pulled from the horizon, whistling around massive rocky masses that hung high above the ground. Some seemed unsure, leaning into the clouds as if reaching back towards land, while others rose level in helium grace. Every now and again a low cloud would shift, revealing a bridge connecting one mountain or island to the other.

There were many of these bridges, connecting roads which connected towns, which could be glimpsed as the damper of morning moseyed away on foreign winds. The great shining orb of the sun slowly made it's journey, shortening the shadows hair by hair. It pulled a quiet stillness over the lands, and in the warm blanket of sunrise all was peaceful for just one moment longer.

A draconic screech echoed throughout the Exalted Mountains, faint and far away. Again, the screech, though this time it was closer. A third time the creature would scream, a great building screech that pierced the former silence. An emerald dragon could be seen plunging from one cloud into another, emerging moments later to somersault into a third. The mountains didn't seem to mind all the noise, and thus another day began.

The setting changes from Exalted Mountains (West) to Empyrean Sea Beach

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Smaragdos Character Portrait: Jess Thresher Character Portrait: Thad Mulchrone
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0.00 INK

He came from the south, plummeting through the clouds from over the mountains in a spectacular emerald display. Far, far down the beach where the cliffs and waves crashed uproariously together Smaragdos made his initial descent. The dragon brought further in his wings and shifted his weight. He gathered speed as he made his way, the sharp edges of mountain growing closer and closer to his belly.

Smaragdos tucked into a barrel roll, now spiraling down,

With a shriek of delight the massive creature pulled itself out from the dive of death, long neck pointing it's way to the sun. He snapped out his wings and caught the wind, casting an impressive shadow on the sands below. Crying out, the dragon enjoying his first time out in quite some time. The ocean smelled so glorious, with a glint in his eye and a flap the dragon turned to head out to sea.

The setting changes from Empyrean Sea Beach to Empyrean High Seas

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Smaragdos Character Portrait: Huernn Blorb
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0.00 INK

Flying over the sea, the green creature saw something he had never seen. It slipped from the surface down into the depths, out of sight and reach from even he. What was that thing? What was it even made of? How was it made? Surely it was not natural. Thousands of questions and memories and everything pulsed through the green creature's mind. He shrieked to the sky, looping out from a cloud and into another, disappearing from sight of the three blobs floating below.

Ships high seas "Attack!"crews "Fire!" His brain racked with an explosion, explosions, "Hold! Ready," Smaragdos looped down towards the sea, thrashing up again as- "Fire!" again the explosion racked his brain. Must escape, get away, Screams, shouts, creatures unlike him, with two legs, so many screams, flashes, bright lights, clouds black, the clouds are black, no rain... "Hold! Hoooooooooooooold"

"Wagrelat?" One gelatenous blob shouted to the other two. "Mairno!" Another shouted back. "Fuq! Huernn?" The first asked the third, who was silent for a moment. Above them thrashed, if their studies from other planets applied here, a draconic organism. It was a lizard, usually with wings... In his head the information rattled on, while above the dragon Smaragdos relived a scene from too long ago.

"Dragons," The one named Huernn pronounced carefully. "Flizar, riable..." He began to relay facts, as up ahead the dragon plunged through the cloud towards the sea again. Little did they know, the dragon had little control over his actions. A battle raged on in his ears and mind, flickering before his archaic eyes. In his head, the captain shouted, "Aim, you Fools! Ready!" must defend produce must get...

"Cunismar, abeyan prnou-FIRE!" As Huernn Blorb was coming upon his closing fact about the creature known so many places as Dragons, the dragon let loose a flamethrower of the sun. The trio screamed at the top of their lungs, pedaling to shore away from the rabid dragon as fast as their little jelly bodies would carry them. Smaragdos continued out to sea and out of sight, the fire nothing but smoke on the shouting wind.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Smaragdos
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0.00 INK

Smaragdos slowed in his flight, images from the past hazing into the clouds around him. Where was he? The great dragon's wings flapped steadily in the breeze. His throat was hoarse, he thirsted for some water. The smell of the air proved that the asa- the ocean- below was not his to have. Awakening was bittersweet.

Soaring above the clouds the dragon let himself slip back into his thoughts. The seas were fair enough. There wasn't a storm as far as his eye could see. Carefully, the great flying beast prodded the corners of his mind. The things in the ocean he would not find anywhere in there, even a creature as old as he recognized the scar of a new memory. They had voices though, familiar sounds to another beast. One with limbs, little things-Ma'alan.

It came as a tremor, flicking through to his tail. Ma'alan, humans, yes. They existed. So did other things like them, but he wasn't on that course of thought. No, Smaragdos was thinking of humans. Not just any humans, but a very specific group of humans Ma'adian. That was what they called Men of the Sky. Dragon Riders. The thought was provoking, Smaragdos shivered again. He turned, and decided it was time to head back to land. More words came back to him. To cave. Sha Ma'adian, in all the feminine beauty known to the ma'alan. To safety. Gre Ma'adian, masculine glory synchronized with the scales of his brethren.

Smaragdos had much to think about.

The setting changes from Empyrean High Seas to Exalted Mountains (West)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Smaragdos
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0.00 INK

It had been some time since his awakening, but still Smaragdos remembered little.

Days weren't eventful. Smaragdos hunted, sunbathed, and slowly cleaned what was assumedly once a great caving system. The first chamber was revealed to have intricate carvings in the stone. Dragons with their wings spread soared across the ceiling, and small bipedal creatures with their arms up trimming the room from the floor. There were two pillars with strange inscriptions. Only half of the characters made sense to Smaragdos.

Time seemed to barely pass. Smaragdos lazily flopped on a moss covered rock hovering some ways above the entrance to the caves. He stretched, curled, and gazed towards the sky. What, anymore, was life?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irral, the First Son. Character Portrait: Smaragdos
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0.00 INK

Irral appeared.

The very air shook and a beam of Golden Light shot into the sky briefly as he made his appearance. A tall, broad man of mixed European Descent stood at the epicenter of the light. He stood at 12 feet in height, and sported wide, broad shoulders of muscle and bone. He was wearing what seemed to be like robes reminiscent of those worn by Samurai in Feudal Japan, and his long regal white hair draped down over his shoulders. He was clean shaven sporting a strong jaw and high-cheekbones. As his eyes opened, swirls of Purple entered his shifting Irises, the Gold Tainted by the Violet.

There was another Dragon nearby. He could sense the Dragon's power, even if it was...what felt like dormant. Turning towards Smaragdos, Irral the First Son began to walk towards him, making little to no noise as he walked through the tall grass, his boots leaving distinguished foot-prints in the dirt.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irral, the First Son. Character Portrait: Smaragdos
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0.00 INK

Smaragdos heard a soft sound roughly fifty meters back, on a rock covered in tall grasses. It was a sound not completely unfamiliar, but the ancient dragon had trouble placing it. A common sound. A ground sound, certainly. A movement sound, belonging to a creature, but what? It wasn't so large, and yet...

It could be a threat. Something deep within Smaragdos whispered fear into the dragon's heart. He remained perfectly still, devoting all of his attention to the approaching movement. If it stayed over there, Smaragdos was safe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irral, the First Son. Character Portrait: Smaragdos
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0.00 INK

If indeed.

Irral's eyes spotted the rock that Smaragdos was sitting on, and with what seemed like little effort, hopped across the gap to the rock the Dragon sat on. The Dragon in Human Form known as Irral, one of the first Dragon ever created, stared at the Green Dragon before him, his cold, corrupted eyes analyzing him without hesitation or emotion.

"You are....forgetting." Irral stated. He could tell that much by the bored nature of the Dragon. Very few Dragons were naturally that Lazy. They were usually guarding something. Hunting, or sleeping. This one...this one was doing nothing. "You have forgotten. Do you wish to remember?" Irral was blunt with his words. He wasn't here to fight; nor to bargain. He was here to offer something to the younger Dragon before him.

To restore his memory, or at least part of it, with the Healing Power of Draconian Light Magic.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irral, the First Son. Character Portrait: Smaragdos
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0.00 INK

Smaragdos was up in a flash, wings beating once, strong, until he was in the air. Though much of his time was spent lingering, much of it was also spent relearning his physical form. Smaragdos wasn't the flier he once was, but he didn't remember that time, and was presently rather skilled.


Eye to eye. Smaragdos locked his gaze on the stranger who's shape was exactly that of the small figures, with their arms extended skyward, back in the cave. More flashes of memory hit him suddenly. Painfully. Smaragdos let out a roar as he began to descend again.

"You are Ma'adian," He hissed, "Human."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irral, the First Son. Character Portrait: Smaragdos
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0.00 INK

Irral didn't flinch in the face of the roar presented by the Dragon before him. "You are wrong, child. I merely shifted my form." he said. With that A flash of blinding Golden Light emanated from Irral's body, A flash of Magic that screamed "Draconian" to all those who knew to sense magic. Around Irral's body, Golden flame ignited, and for a moment, Smaragdos would see his true form.

"I repeat my Question. Do you wish to remember?" he asked again. Irral took a step forward, extending a smooth, but scarred hand, enveloped in pure Draconian Light Magic, its healing properties making it sound like a melody of harps playing unison.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irral, the First Son. Character Portrait: Smaragdos
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0.00 INK

Something deep within him compelled Smaragdos to bow low. The creature before him had mastered the art of transformation. Somehow, this information came flooding into Smaragdos's mind. Dragons had the art of transformation, which they used to live among the humans. Before this, there was conflict of interest concerning dragon relations across the land. Dragons integrated themselves, educated the humans, and a symbiosis was born. The details were unclear, but some dragons eternally remained human. They would become the first dragon riders, the first Ma'adian.

Deep from the emerald dragons throat came an answer. Did he want to remember?

"Of Course."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irral, the First Son. Character Portrait: Smaragdos
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0.00 INK


Within the blink of an eye Irral had appeared a few feet before the Emerald Dragon, aiming to place his hand upon the Dragon's head. Once contact was made, the sound of harps and trumpets playing the most beautiful melody one could imagine rang through his mind, war drums beat loudly and the sound of a roar, Smaragdos' own roar, echoed within his mind. A sudden rush of emotions would flood the Emerald Dragon for as long as contact was maintained between his head and Irral's outstretched hand. Emotion ranging from fear to fury to euphoria and everything in between.

If Smaragdos could withstand the rush of emotions for a total of thirty full seconds, They would completely cease, and he would be likely assaulted with a massive head-ache, which would be promptly healed by Irral as well before he lowered his hand and stepped back.

The amount of information remembered would depend on how long he was able to withstand the rush of emotions. Regardless of when contact was broken however, Irral would clear his throat, and speak again. "Do you remember? How much?" he would ask, referring to how much the younger Dragon remembered of his past, of himself, of things he'd done, places he'd been, friends and lovers, family, everything and anything could have been unlocked. It was up to Smaragdos to decipher it all and let it make sense.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irral, the First Son. Character Portrait: Smaragdos
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0.00 INK

It took a long moment for Smaragdos to fully process what had just happened. The emotional buildup was almost too intense to withstand, but he had to know. He had to remember. At the end there was much pain. Perhaps there was barely enough room in his brain for the information all at once, or perhaps old part of his mind were creaking back to life; regardless as fast as his head ached it was still.

Smaragdos locked eyes with the elder. There was a new passion in them, an almost rage, a glimmer of hope. A sense of purpose. How much did he remember?

"All of it."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irral, the First Son. Character Portrait: Highlord Dorant Magthulia Character Portrait: Smaragdos
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0.00 INK

It was always a trying thing, reconnaissance. But if the intel was right, he could not afford to pass up this opportunity. It had been too long before they had had properly met any dragons outside of their own collective, and the chance to see what this plane of existence had to offer in the way of new recruits.

Thus, Dorant was flying over the mountanious terrain. Honestly he wasn't so annoyed by it, it was actually quite refreshing. There were not many places, many vista's where his great size would allow him to fully enjoy himself.

Being so large had it's downsides, as one might imagine. But Dorant Magthulia was probably the best suited for such delicate operations, especially at such a crucial venture in the collectives plans.

The beat of his wings could be heard for hundreds of miles around as he flew high above, his eyes patiently scanning the mountains for the other dragons he had been told were present.

The setting changes from Exalted Mountains (West) to Empyrean High Seas

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Smaragdos Character Portrait: The Ulfhednar Character Portrait: Ungrulf Ellrulfsson Character Portrait: Hurgor Ellrulfsson
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0.00 INK

It had been days since Smaragdos had been able to leave the caves on account of weather. There was much to do underground, however even dragons needed break in their labors. He ascended to the mouth of the entrance chamber and gave his wings a good stretch in the misty air. Floating rock formations peeked in and out of the dense fog, like jagged potatoes in a cream soup. It was, all things considered, a beautiful day.

With a deep breath, Smaragdos let gravity pull him into a dive. He fell down, down, down, in and out of pockets of fog, hugging his wings close and becoming streamlined, until the sound of the waves crashing wasn't all that far below. Snap! The great emerald dragon opened his wings at just the right time, catching licks of ocean mist as he pulled from the dive.

Smaragdos soared beneath the fog. From down here the sun didn't illuminate like it usually did. The thick fog had an eerie glow to it, and apart from the occasional wave the sea grew still. The dragon entered a deeply contemplative state, and almost didn't see the dragon headed viking ship in the path of collision. Almost.

A great screeching roar echoed across the water as the massive dragon pulled up from skimming the water. With three flaps of his turbine wings, Smaragdos disappeared into the fog, a mere few meters from the sea vessel.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Smaragdos Character Portrait: The Ulfhednar Character Portrait: Ungrulf Ellrulfsson Character Portrait: Hurgor Ellrulfsson
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0.00 INK

Prince Úlfric was standing at a pose like a picturesque statue at the bow of the dragon-headed Göthic Viking ship, gazing silently into the thick fog. Meanwhile, his men were slowly becoming lively as they started to move about. Some of them were wrapped in heavy fur coats in an attempt to stay warm. Others had formed a small fire grill towards the back of the longboat where they were heating up a cauldron of nice warm vegetable soup. The steam from their metal mugs was enough to suggest that it was very cold outside, at least beneath the fog where the sun's rays had difficulty penetrating. As one of the archers loaded his longbow with a flaming arrow, another crew leader was preparing to sound his ivory blow horn. Within a few moments, everyone was nestled silently and waiting for the navigation to begin.

Prince Úlfric wetted his fingertip and checked the wind direction. Nodding his head silently, he then made a small hand gesture, signaling the archer who drew back his bowstring, firing a single flaming arrow into the fog ahead of the Viking ship. Listening quietly, Prince Úlfric could hear the arrow sizzling as it hit the water. This feint sizzling sound informed him that there was no land up ahead for at least 100 meters, and he was about to give the signal for the horn blower to sound his horn when suddenly he was caught off guard by a loud deafening roar which echoed across the water. The crew aboard the Ormbátur became motionless and even more silent as they heard the mysterious roar echoing through the mist.

Their ivory longhorn was no longer needed. The sound of the dragon's screeching roar was enough to provide an echolocation for the Viking's ship. Prince Úlfric turned to recieve one of the torches his men had gathered from the treasure chest. They lit the torch over the grill and handed it to Prince Úlfric, who held the beacon out in front of him in an attempt to see through the impenetrable fog.

Just then, there was a heavy wind gust and all the flames aboard the longship were suddenly extinguished, followed by the sound of what appeared to be flapping sails. Úlfric peered deeper into the fog. He could vaguely make out the manifestation of a large shadow in the mist. Assuming it to be another Viking dragonship at first, Prince Úlfric squinted his eyes and leaned forward over the bow to get a better look.

That's when he saw it. That's when they all saw it. A massive green dragon suddenly soared directly over the Ormbátur, nearly missing a full head-on collision with the ship. Prince Úlfric's eyes widened with perplexity. Being the closest person to the large flying serpent, he stumbled backwards and fell, letting out a bellowing gasp of surprise and excitement that his crew members had never heard before. It happened so quickly, he wasn't exactly sure what it was he had just seen. Smaragdos had emerged from out of nowhere, disappearing into the fog just as swiftly as he had appeared. Panic soon followed.

Almost instantly, the Ulfhednar drew their arms. The sound of clanking and scraping metal rang out across the deck as men drew forth their axes, swords and shields. Prince Úlfric quickly re-gathered his composure and rushed to the back of the ship, hoping to get another look at the huge winged monster. For the first time in a long time, his troops appeared to be nervous. "Hahaha!! Did you see that?!" Úlfric's expression suddenly turned to awe and amazement as he slapped his friend in the back of the head. His eyes were widened greatly now and he appeared to be smiling with over-excitement as he pushed some of his men aside, running to the back of the ship. By now, most of them were cowering low towards the mast of the ship with their backs to one another, forming a wall of protection with their shields. Prince Úlfric's courage was inspiring, however, as he laughed loudly like a crazy madman, breaking the eerie silence with his boyish hyperness. He truly was a Viking leader, and also somewhat deranged. "What in Hel's name was that?" One of the Ulfhednar asked nervously. Úlfric was smiling widely, hoping to catch another glimpse at whatever it was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Smaragdos Character Portrait: The Ulfhednar Character Portrait: Ungrulf Ellrulfsson Character Portrait: Hurgor Ellrulfsson
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0.00 INK

Humans were about the vessel, most definitely. Smaragdos ascended through the fog. He was still unprepared for such an encounter. It set him a bit on edge, and the discomfort clung to him like the dewdrops in the sky.

Finally Smaragdos burst from the sunken cloud into the sun. It heat up his scales quick, while the wind countered and cooled them. A shudder passed through Smaragdos, and with one last piercing roar, he took off back for the cave systems. Seeing the human vessel had reminded him of something, something carved above a staircase which lead down into the deepest depths of the seaside mountain.

It was time to descend that foreboding stairwell.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Smaragdos Character Portrait: The Ulfhednar Character Portrait: Ungrulf Ellrulfsson Character Portrait: Hurgor Ellrulfsson
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0.00 INK

Prince Úlfric gazed into the fog, his wide brown eyes almost piercing the mist with his fiercely bold stare. But the monster had disappeared, leaving Úlfric and his hardened crew to wonder where it had gone off to. A temporary darkness overshadowed the High Seas, and soon they heard another loud roar coming from up above. Fearing that the winged serpent might return to attack their horses, the Vikingr took caution by readying their long spears in case it returned. Bows were drawn and shields were raised. Many of his shipmates had lowered the visors on their helmets. All was silent now, and not a single tinker could be heard rattling as the Vikingr stood perfectly still on the ship's deck. Everyone's eyes were widened with fear. Everyone except for Prince Úlfric, their leader, who was still smiling with glee. "Wh-Wha-What is th-that? Where did it-" A young warrior was suddenly shushed by some of the other veterans nearby. "Shhh, be silent!" The other Ulfhednar cautioned as everyone looked around quietly, listening for anything that might warn them of the monster's presence.

The ship drifted slowly and stealthily over the serene calm waters, the sound of its wooden planks shifting from their expansion and contraction under the changing temperatures. After a long moment of stillness and silence, finally Prince Úlfric turned to address his crew. "That, young Edgtho... was a dragon." The crew gasped, and suddenly the silence was broken by whispers and light fearful chattering. Edgtho, the 15-year-old boy who had barely managed to stutter his question earlier, was now shaking in his boots. His hands turned pale white as he clenched his spearshaft.

Prince Úlfric stepped down from the back of the ship and rested his hand upon Edgtho's shoulder, gazing into his eyes. The young lad immediately regained his courage, swallowing his spittle before nodding silently. Úlfric was only a couple of years older than Edgtho, but his bravery and boldness was inspirational even to the oldest most experienced Vikings on his ship. Many clansmen even refered to him as Prince Úlfric the Brave, and they followed his every move with diehardness and resolve.

"A dragon? That's impossible." One of the older Úlfhédinns scoffed. "Dragons died off centuries ago, even the old fathers know that." Some of the crew nodded in agreement, while others shook their heads. "Ey," another Viking nodded, "But perhaps they were wrong." Again there was whispering and chattering as everyone looked around. "Ha!!" Another veteran stepped forward, a smirk of doubt in his expression. "Dragon, eh? Has anyone seen one? Has anyone seen one in a hundred years?" Again the crew fell into whispering and gossiping amongst themselves.

Prince Úlfric listened quietly for a moment, allowing his shipmates to converse and argue for a while until tension levels started rising amidst the crew. It was only when one of the Ulfhednar raised his axe to cut down another one of the Ulfhednar that the clever prince began to intervene. Seizing the axeman's arm before he could swing, Prince Úlfric pulled the two brothers apart and stood between them. "Perhaps in our country," Úlfric said calmly, "..dragons may be extinct." Prince Úlfric pushed the axe aside, grabbing his fellow clansmen with both arms and pulling them closer to one another. "But this is not our kingdom," the young prince continued. "We are lost at sea, my brothers. And until we find out where we are, perhaps it is best that we stick together." Prince Úlfric's gentle words were at once accepted with agreement by everyone on deck. He patted both clansmen on the back before walking towards the bow of the ship, looking out into the water. By now, the waves were starting to pick up again, and the Ulfhednar knew that soon they would be forced into yet another stormy wind. "So what now?" One of the other clan leaders asked. Prince Úlfric turned again to face his crew. With a warm smile on his lips and boldness in his eyes, Prince Úlfric answered quietly. "We sail."

To all the seafaring oarsmen on board, this could only mean one thing. They were about to sail the Ormbátur headlong directly towards the direction in which they had seen the emerald dragon. "If it has wings, then it must have lungs. And if it has lungs, then it must sleep. If it sleeps, then it must have a lair. And where there is a lair there must be-" Suddenly one of the shipmates interrupted Úlfric, also finishing his sentence with a loud yell. "Laaannd!!" Everyone ran over to where the shipmate was standing, including Prince Úlfric himself. "There! On the horizon!" Prince Úlfric pushed his way to the front and gazed out at the sea. There, through a break in the fog, he could vaguely see mountain tops just barely on the horizon.

"How far is it?!" Úlfric asked, his voice loud with excitement. "We can make it there in two days, maybe less, depending on the storm." The man who had spotted it was among one of the best navigators on Prince Úlfric's ship. Soon, the orders were given and everyone was nestled in, ready to set sail. Prince Úlfric was becoming fairly confident that the Ormbátur had reached its destination. Within a few minutes, they were on their way to the mysterious island in the distance. Little did the Vikings know that they were heading to the wrong location.

The setting changes from Empyrean High Seas to Exalted Mountains (West)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Highlord Dorant Magthulia Character Portrait: Smaragdos
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  1. Not marking characters present in the scene is a dick move

    by Fishbucket

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Days later, covered in the dusts of ages yet again, Smaragdos emerged from the deepest recesses of the mountain with his treasure. He stood triumphant in the arched entrance to the most foreboding of stairwells. There were quite a many stairs to traverse down for his treasure. Seemingly more on the way back. The dragon still had some getting in to shape to do.

With a soft woosh Smaragdos blew the rest of the cobwebs from the carving above the archway. It was of a great ship, large sails, sleek helm, intricately carved so even the netting was visible. A natural vein of blue crystal ran across this part of the cave, Smaragdos realized as he blew more dust away. It glittered in the gentle licks of flame in his breaths he added to burn away debris. The ship was almost entirely carved of the crystal. For a long while Smaragdos marveled at the art. It brought back memories of ships, of seas, of salt and men shouting...

Men. He remembered why he came down here, and looked back down at the treasure. It was a book, large but thin, and in it contained much human-draconic knowledge from long ago. Specifically, knowledge regarding those massive wooden vessels. Ones like he saw the other day, and ones like sat in the secret cave harbor down far below. Smaragdos worked his way up the cave system. He had a task.