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The Imperial Navy

"If the Adeptus Astartes are the Emperor's wrath, and the Imperial Guard His hammer, then His Holy Navy is His mighty shield."

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Specmarine




Battleships are truly massive starships, equipped with enormous numbers of weapons and potent Void Shields, and usually serve as the flagship for an Imperial Lord Admiral, though this is not always the case. Although very powerful, Battleships are slow and cumbersome to manoeuvre. The Imperial Navy employs three main classes of Battleship: the Emperor (which can carry an immense amount of Attack Craft in addition to its normal weaponry),the Victory (known for its heavy Lance batteries) and the Retribution (which is noted for its powerful broadside firepower and its large number of torpedo tubes). The Battleships of Battlefleet Armageddon are based on the older Apocalypse and Oberon-classes. Other Segmentae's battlefleets may rely on yet other starship classes, but the Emperor and more recent Retribution-class vessels are by far the most common Battleship classes in the Imperial Navy. Imperial Battleships can have crews of anywhere between 25,000 to 3,000,000 men or more depending on the source consulted, including large numbers of Imperial Navy armsmen (marines in modern parlance) to defend against enemy boarding assaults. Battleships can be up to 8 kilometres from prow to stern and displace billions of tons. Because they represent such a vast expenditure of resources to construct and require a fairly advanced technical base to maintain, Battleships are typically constructed only in the largest Imperial shipyards in orbit of the major Adeptus Mechanicus Forge Worlds. These vessels are precious assets of the Imperium and are carefully husbanded, usually employed in only the larger fleet formations and the most critical engagements.

For the Imperial Navy officer class (admirals, captains, commanders, first lieutenants, etc.) on board, an entire section of a large Battleship's command deck may be divided into huge, luxurious staterooms, with vast bedrooms, offices and wardrobes, bathrooms and toilets mirroring those of an Imperial Planetary Governor's palace, and even harems of concubines and handmaidens. Lower-class bridge officers and chief petty officers would have fairly large, moderately luxurious quarters, and the armsmen, mid-class crewmen and petty officers would all have decent accommodation, generally consisting of a sleeping area, chemical toilet and storage locker. However, the bottom-class enlisted conscripts and slave ratings would have little more than a flea-infested sleeping pallet and a single toilet shared between ten ratings.

Grand Cruiser
Grand Cruisers are smaller than Battleships, yet larger than Cruisers. These vessels are usually much older in design and do not incorporate many of the features that are typical in the more current classes of Imperial Navy vessels, like the armoured prow, and are not quite compatible with current Imperial Navy tactical doctrine. As such, many are retired from active duty, but are still used by the Imperial Navy's reserve fleets. The Avenger-class, with its powerful broadside firepower, is one such example of a Grand Cruiser. There are also some modernised versions of Grand Cruisers in active service, but since these are much larger and more heavily-armed than their predecessors, they are more often classed at present as Battleships. These kinds of vessels are usually purpose-built or modified from Battlecruiser hulls and are not commonly encountered in the Imperial Navy.


Cruisers make up the majority of an Imperial Navy fleet. Though not as powerful as a Battleship, Cruisers are much faster and can still deliver a deadly blow. There are multiple classes of Cruiser, most based on the same general hull design but incorporating different combinations of broadside batteries, Lance turrets and Attack Craft hangars. Examples include the all-round, ubiquitous Lunar-class, the Gothic-class with its powerful Lances and the Dictator-class Attack Craft carrier. Cruisers can carry a crew complement of anywhere between 10,000 and 1,000,000 crewmen (including Imperial Navy armsmen and military police squads), depending on the sources consulted. While Cruisers are still particularly technologically complex, it is not uncommon for them to be constructed on smaller Forge Worlds or any Civilised World that has an orbital shipyard suitable for constructing vessels of their large size. Of particular note was the Lunar-class Cruiser Lord Daros, constructed in orbit above the Feral World of Unloth in 11 Terran years by relying on the forced labour of most of that planet’s population for materials.

A note on Imperial warship classes: while naval warships can be defined along a fairly limited number of classes based on weapon configurations approved by the Adeptus Mechanicus, the physical form these vessels take varies widely throughout the Imperium. For example, a Lunar-class Cruiser constructed above Cypra Mundi in the Segmentum Obscurus may bear little resemblance to a Lunar-class Cruiser constructed above Kar Durniash in the Ultima Segmentum and even less so to a Lunar constructed among the vast shipyards of Mars' Ring of Iron. Nonetheless, they will all have roughly the same operating characteristics and weapons configuration, and thus can be easily serviced by any orbital facility throughout Imperial space.

Note there are also classes of Battlecruisers. Although based on a hull-design that is similar to the regular Cruiser types, these starships are generally somewhat larger and more heavily armed, incorporating more advanced power distribution systems capable of supporting Battleship-grade weaponry in a Cruiser hull. A notable example is the Mars-class Battlecruiser, with its fighter bays, broadside batteries, dorsal Lance turrets and an immense, prow-mounted Nova Cannon capable of attacking targets at extremely long range.

A subset of the Cruiser type is the Light Cruiser. These warships fall in size between Cruisers and Escorts, mixing the firepower and durability of the former with the speed and manoeuvrability of the latter. The Dauntless-class is a very common Light Cruiser class in the Imperial Navy. Extremely self-sufficient, it is fast and has enough firepower to be a threat to Escorts and larger capital ships alike. There are other classes of Light Cruiser in common use in the Imperial Navy, most notably the Endeavour-class, which serves in varied forms and hull types throughout the Imperium. Light Cruisers are a fairly common warship class, for they are relatively simple to construct for a capital ship, and they are uniquely suited for reconnaissance patrols and for ensuring a presence where their speed and manoeuvrability are an advantage, and where having a larger number of smaller hulls allows the Imperial Navy to monitor a wider area of space.


Ironclads, much like their contemporary Imperial Navy counterparts, the Battleships, are vast, 8-kilometre-long vessels which lack the Void Shielding of their Battleship counterparts in favour of metres of adamantium plate armour. These warships, built before the advent of Void Shield technology, have since been phased out of production by the Imperium to be replaced by more modern designs. However, those remaining in service have been recommissioned for a variety of purposes; various pattern Ironclads may be retrofitted with a gargantuan, ship-, station- and even planet-killer cannon running the entire length of the ship's keel, linked directly to the stern fusion reactors; others may simply be braced and reinforced for the purpose of ramming into -- and through -- enemy vessels. These starships are rare in the Imperial Navy, due to their archaic design and the lack of facilities still capable of repairing them at existing Forge Worlds, let alone manufacturing new ones.

Escort Ship

Escort ships are the smallest type of warship in the Imperial Navy's fleets, found in two distinct sub-classes. The larger of the two sub-classes of Escorts are Frigates, which are better armed and more heavily armoured than other Escorts. Destroyers are generally smaller than Frigates, but they are by far the fastest and most manoeuvrable interstellar warships employed by the Imperial Navy. They are usually organised in squadrons of 2 to 6 vessels and will always operate as a group or "wolf pack." The main task of Escorts is to serve as a screen for capital starships against enemy torpedoes and Attack Craft so that they can get into position more quickly and safely. They are also employed behind the gun line to finish off enemy Cruisers that have been damaged so that the larger vessels can concentrate on the most dangerous capital ship threats in an enemy formation. Most Escort classes specialise in a certain role, such as the Cobra-class torpedo boat Destroyers or the Firestorm-class Frigate with its armour-piercing prow-mounted Lance. Escorts are normally not more than 1.5 kilometres in length, with Destroyers generally being only 750 metres to 1.5 kilometres from prow to stern.

So begins...

The Imperial Navy's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Ebba Seydel Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: The Grey Battalion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx
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The Imperial forces that were with Ebba at the time were busy digging their way through rubble. "Man...when those walkers hot destroyed they caused more damage..." A Guardsman spoke as they dug out a few of their allies trapped behind rubble. Of course they soon unearthed Ebba who looked dusty, and looked a bit scratched. And all her bravery was no where to be seen anymore.

"Oh...its the mage. Come on, get out. We gotta get everyone out before we tear the building down to rebuild." A soldier motioned for her to get out and on instinct she covered her face and skakingly walked outside back onto the more crowded streets. Lots of noise...she did not like all these people. "Ma'm. Head to the designated civilian relief shelter or to any freinds or relatives." The soldier ordered as he went back to work.

Now she was surrounded...and a little alone. Today was now a scary day...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Ebba Seydel Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: The Grey Battalion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx
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With his mind full, Teddy had wandered in the remains of the garden scanning left and right for any signs of Ebba. He looked at the last place he had met her, or rather, what little was left of the where he met her. The shape of the garden now filled him with dread, it had been a place of bright and brilliant flowers and artfully trimmed hedge bushes, but now most of the plants were stripped or outright scorched. It was amazing, in a terrifying way, of how quickly war and disaster change places.

Teddy put this aside and walked onto an elevated place in the ruins of the gardens and watches the motion of the crowds. How he felt sorry for those poor souls who lost everything this day. He scanned back and forth, and caught Ebba's distinct clothing and body language among the crowd, really, she stuck out like a sore thumb. As a wave of relief washed over his lungs, he begins to run into the crowd, begging pardons as he attempted to push his way over to Ebba.

"Ebba," Teddy called out, as he had still been a good distance away from her, but could now see her a little more clearly, "Ebba, you're alive! I was worried about what was going on! I came as soon as I saw that dragon-born's teleportation spell! Ebba!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Ebba Seydel Character Portrait: Terran Liberation Army Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: The Grey Battalion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx
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As Ebba turned to look at Teddy, tears filled her eyes. She was sore, people were killed, she was scared out of her mind right now. Not able to take much more she fell to the ground and silently cried her eyes out. Hands holding her face as she trembled in fear. "I'm so scared...I'm so scared...I wanna go to a happy place right now..." She cried into her hands as the poor girl could not take such events.

Some Imperial Guardsman looked at her and shook their heads in knowing. Poor girl was caught out in an invasion. Many people lost their homes, and few lost their lives. They felt sorry for her but the same could be said for the new homeless of the city now until they rebuilt the area.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia Character Portrait: Otto Hannig Character Portrait: Tolyl the Unbinder
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Otto nodded but his attention was drawn upward with a jerk of rapt attention. Something chimed in his head somewhere. There was that feeling like he'd read there was something specific showing up in a little while. Did he read it? It's that damned connection to the worm again. It was like memories just crept into his brain every so often after someone he couldn't see looked around his shoulder. Some strange inquisitor seeing if the inside of his head was dirty he guessed then cramming intel in it. Fine. He'd pass on the damned message.

He nodded at Nefertari, "Sure, there's plenty of things to see in this city. I can give you the tour. There's some places I've heard of that I want to see too. But first, excuse me ma'am I need to pass on a message.

Otto rose Central on his commlink, "Central, this is Cpl. Otto Hannig. Ally Myrkul's Vein may be deploying something into orbit right now. Intel is secondhand and unknown scale but I think it's big or I wouldn't have read it."

He turned back to Nefertari his dispassionate eyes were still cordial, "As you've just arrived do you need something to eat first, Miss? There's a number of decent restaurants that should still be operative. Gambit's always seems to be running but the damned thing is always a war zone. Otherwise there's a number of government facilities you might want to get familiar with if you're going to be doing diplomat work here."


At a gravity inflection point far above the planet's surface a small planar storm opens. It had the signature of a warp engine but little about it seemed to source from an imperial engine at least. Nothing reasonable should be opening a warp rift this far away from the mandeville point. The energy spun hard organizing in a some rough and wild warp gate desperate to close itself but slowly bulging open just as a large creature spat forth from the warp gate. It bore the face of a wyrm easily the girth of a heavy cruiser but it just continued to pour out many times their length.

The mind of a lesser of Myrkul's Vein reached out for psionic communication points among what it readily recognized as imperial vessels. A prudent creature the contact was small and likely was little more than the beep of a communicator marking an incoming call from some location an ear couldn't readily discern. The other vessel wasn't one it recognized but they didn't seem to be in combat. It either wasn't late or this happening wasn't as interesting as he'd hoped after transecting out from Genesis. With any luck it was the former case and he was in time for glorious warfare.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia Character Portrait: Nephthys Bastia
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On order of the New Holy Emperess Seki I all Mauhasinan forces, and agents left from Terra heading back home.

The setting changes from Wing City Main Entrance to AC-215


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia
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"Marshal Renalanus, we are arriving in an uncharted sector. Our mission from The Emperor is to expand Imperial borders with of course as minimal bloodshed as possible. We are authorized however to eliminate all that stand in our way if they pose a remote threat to us." A Space marine of the Black Templars Space Marine Chapter spoke.

This crusade fleet of at least 1,000 space marines undertook the task of expanding Imperial borders. Of course, this gave them ample opportunities to hunt down xenos that has even remotely targeted the Imperium in any way, their mortal enemy of Chaos or any new threats that require extermination.

Soon enough the fleet consisting of Strike Cruisers, gunoats, cruisers and led by a single battleship 'The Halberd Of Truth' exited warp space and entered the uncharted sector as sensors went off. They dected the unknown fleet in the sector. "Marshal, unknown fleet in the sector, all ships engage Void Shields and ready weapons. Do not fire unless neccecary." A Marine spoke as the Marshal took his place in front of the view port of the bridge.

Another sectore ripe for the Imperium. It is their duty to ensure they claim this sector. "In the name of the Emperor! This sector shall be ours! Purge the enemies on man of they attack!" The marshal roared as the marine all uttered a small prayer to the Emperor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia
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Nefertari looked annoyed as the Imperium fleet entered the area the ships still with her turned to face the Imperium fleet. Light Shields and cannons where readied and the Mauhasinan death glider fighters poured from the carriers a show of force as they buzzed around.
"Captain send word to all scout teams to be on recall alert in case this turns ugly..." Ordered Nefertari
The captain nodded and sent the message.

Nefertari opened up the comm and sent a message to the Imperium Commander. "This is Grand Admiral Nefertari Bastia of the Lightbringer Shadowed Dawn. You have entered space claimed by the Mauhasinan Empire under orders of her Divine Holiness Holy Emperess Seki I. You are to leave this system at once any action other then this will be seen as a act of war by the Imperium of Man against the Mauhasinan Empire. Leave in peace or you will be fired upon."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia
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As the Imperium vessels received the Mauhasinan hails, Marshal Renalanus responded in kind. "Attention xenos. This sector does not belong to you, under orders of The Emperor we are to claim this sector. Your jurisdiction in this uncharted sector is null and void. We warn you that unless your forces pull back we will show no mercy against your kind. The Imperium of Man may have viewed your race as possible allies we will not hestitate to leave the corpses and wrecks of your vessels here. Stand aside or be eliminated. This is your only warning." The Space Marine replied as the Imperial Fleet suddenly stopped moving.

It was clear that they had no intention of leaving.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia
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"Issue recall order..." Spoke Nefertari

On her order the rest of Pathfinder fleet flashed in taking position on the imperium's flanks. Over 200 ships of all sizes not to mention the thousands of fighter and bomber craft this was a massive operation to colonize an entire system after all.

"Maybe we could have been friends if you had any respect for others this is your last chance leave our system or die."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia
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The smaller fleet of 50 Imperial ships simply remained unfazed as the enemy fleet surrounded them. "We will not withdraw. But it seems you care very little for the lives of your soldiers. We shall oblige you all and send you to your so called Goddess. Brothers! Show them the might of the Imperium! Ready all weapons!" The Marshal shouted his order as he cut off communications. Soon enough these massive ships were joined by thousands of aircraft and bombers leaving their hangers. Imperial Thunderbolt fighters and Marauder Bombers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia
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Nefertari sighed "So be it...all ships fire Stormlight weapons show them the power of the Light."

What looked like bolts of lightning shot in volleys from the Mauhasinan fleet these weapons where designed to use ion technology to render the shields and electrical system of a ship inactive leaving the foe open to attack. Waves of electric light brightened the void as the Mauhasinans unleashed upon the Imperium.

Meanwhile the death gliders and bombers released like a flood towards the Imperium fleet thier light cannons blazing as they moved to engage the Imperium fighters and bombers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia
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As the Stormlight weapons impacted the Ships Void Shields, the energy of the attack was dissipated. The weapons energy and force was sent into the warp. Of course the weapons at this point were at least slowly overloading the Fleets Void Shielding. Of course the enemies attack would not go unanswered.

The Imperial fleet retaliated with fury and vengeance. Lance and Heavy Lance Batteries began to open fire with extremely high-powered energy beams. On weapon decks, Imperial ships began to fire Macrocannons at the enemy ships. With them surrounded of course each Imperial ship could fire heavy broadside firepower at their leisure.

Crewman were working full time to keep loading the Macrocannons loading the massive Building sized shells into open breeches. Space Marines were already geared up and prepared to engage the enemy forces by boarding action. Imperial ships were already engaging thrusters to move to not only not be a sitting target, but they would also get into positions to beging boarding actions.

For Imperial Ships. Imperial Thunderbolt fighters armed with Autocannons and las-cannons began to fire back at the enemy and the fleet accompanied by their bombers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia
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The Imperium fleet would soon see that thier energy based weapons where actually being absorbed by the Mauhasinan light shields and healing the damage caused by their projectile weapons.

Seeing the Ion Stormlight weapons where not cutting it alone the massive Light Cannons roared to life Sending beams of pure light energy at the Imperium fleet.

The imperium fighters would also find that the Mauhasinan fighters and bombers had light shields like the larger ships. ( though of course weaker).


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia
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As the Imperial fleet noticed their Lance weapons and energy weapons were no longer working, they soon stopped their use and continued with their Macrocannons. Imperial fighters soon decided to use their Autocannons as well. Of course, the Imperial fleet was just biding their time. Even as the massive Light Cannons began to fire at the Imperial fleet. They would respond in kind with prow mounted Macrocannons.

Of course, the First layers of Void shields would be reaching their limit for many ships.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia
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"This is getting us no where..." Grumbled Nefertari "It is time to cut the head off this snake...All ships focus all weapons on thier command ship!"

For only a nanosecond the firing stopped as all 200 Mauhasinan warships targeted the lmperium command ship. A fury of Stormlight bolts, Light Cannon blasts and Sunburst torpedoes made their way to the Imperium command ship hoping to completely overwhelm it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia Character Portrait: Enigmatic Ship
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
As if unaware of the growing tensions, a ripple in the fore created by tachyon anomalies materialised growing considerably before a strange unmarked and otherwise, otherworldly vessel emerged. The location it emerged from was right between the two opposing entities. There were a malaise and darkness about this strange craft, it echoed death and despair. The very emergence of it started shivers down unheard of down the spines of the different factions. Any attempts to hail would only achieve white noise, and yet it was clearly operating, yet there was disquiet about the situation. Everything about this craft suggested concern would be warranted.

Nonetheless, if hails were attempt powerful plasma lasers would begin to fire from the bow, attacking whatever had attempted to hail them. The lasers while damaging felt cold, even dare it to be said ethereal. Like that sensation of knowing someone walking over your grave. A gripping, chilling coldness that caused you squirm and quiver in torment.

Any attempts to fire upon the vessel would achieve nothing. No burns or damage, just nothing. Almost like that, it did not even exist. Yet the weapons if firing, were definitely real. So something strange was going on. Even stubborn captains would find themselves wondering if they should instead focus on the unnatural or supernatural craft.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia Character Portrait: Enigmatic Ship
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  1. Must edit due to mistakes made from a sickness affected brain.

    by Specmarine

0.00 INK

As the entire Mauhasinan fleet targeted the Battleship of the Imperial fleet. Marshal Renalanus clenched his fist in irritation. "So they want to bring us down...Crew ready the Nova Cannon! All ships continue assault! Ready boarding action!" The Space Marine yelled out his order as the massive cannon built in the prow of their ship was already facing part of their fleet.

Of course the unknown vessel appeared, however the Imperium did not bother with communications. Inside an active warzone they assumed it was just another hostile as usual. For the Battleship, it was losing is layers of Void Shields at an alarming rate. Of course these were Space Marines, they knew no fear. If they thought killing the flagship would cause panic or force their retreat. They were wrong, at best it would distrupt commands...of course the flagship would never go down without a fight. If they were going to die, they would take as many hostiles as possible using every last ounce of firepower of the ship.

The Halberd of Truth's crew were already preparing their men to get ready in boarding pods. Even if the ship would be lost then the crew was damn sure to personally eliminate the enemy with their own hands. The Marshal himself was already marching through the hallways as the ship was bombarded by focused fire.

Of course the remaining Imperial Fleet began to launch Boarding Pods at the enemy ships. Thse Pods were equipped with personal Void Feilds and Melta-drills to bypass enemy shielding and burrow into the enemy hulls. They knew the risks, there was a chance they would be shot down. But one pod that made into the enemy ship was one more squad of Space Marines ready to fight in boarding action.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia Character Portrait: Enigmatic Ship
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"Ma'am! New vessel incoming!" Alerted an officer.
"Imperium?" Asked Nefertari
"We don't think so Ma'am...but we can't be sure...."
Nefertari sighed "Keep a watch on it if it attacks we will deal with it then. For own let us focus on the enemy we know"
"Aye, Aye Ma'am!"
The comm officer then spoke, "Ma'am we are receiving a message from the planet dubbed Pax Arcana. They say they have set up the first of the planetary defense turrets and while not at optimal running yet they believe it is ready to fire. Those guns are much bigger then anything our ships have we could use the firepower... Though there is some risk of overload...It is your call Ma'am."
"It's now or never have them target the Imperium command ship"

Several massive Light cannon blasts came from the fourth planet of the system blasts that should spell doom for the Imperium command ship.
The Imperium boarding ships would find to thier horror that contact with the Mauhasinan Light Shields would absorb thier void shields and then vaporize them and their ship. Though as sold objects they would do some damage to the Light Shields. Some of the smaller Mauhasinan ships Shields would fail by now though allowing boarding ships to land those ships would shut off all light as the Mauhasinans could see in the dark and humans could not. Teams would appear at each breach the whole group covered in a light shield the front ranks carrying heavy Kullium riot shields and setting up heavy defensive guns. Also turrets would drop from hidden doors in the ceiling opening fire on the invaders.

The rest of the fleet would open up on the rest of the Imperium fleet the Priestesses of the Sun would add a new weapon to the fray channeling their Light magic into beams of light with the same properties as the light shield absorbing the void Shields and channeling the stolen energy to repair the Light Shields of their own ships.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia Character Portrait: Enigmatic Ship
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With the end of the Imperial Command Ship in sight, the remaining crewman ordered to fire the Nova Cannon armament began to say a final prayer to the Emperor.

"Love the Emperor
for He is the salvation of mankind

Obey His words

for He will lead you into the light of the future

Heed His wisdom

for He will protect you from evil

Whisper His prayers with devotion,

for they will save your soul

Honour His servants,

for they speak in His voice

Tremble before His majesty,

for we all walk in His immortal shadow"

And with that the ship fired its mighty armament despite the fatal damage of the ship. As if the very soul of the ship held on just enough to fire at the Mauhasinan flagship. The projectile fired had a diameter of at least 50 meters and was fired at close to light speed after being accelerated by gravimetric coils. This shell would impact the Flasghip with the blast zone the size of a small planet, which burned with the ferocity of a small star for a fraction of a second.

The blast would catch many ships in its deadly wake. If nothing else their shields would have been torn asunder along with their hull. Of course the Marshal in charge was on his way in a boarding pod for their flagship to personally kill the xenos leader.

Even though many boarding pods that could not get through the shields, those that did however would show no mercy. Ten feet tall superhumans, cladded in powerarmor charged into the breech. With Bolt Pistols in hand each capable of firing 1.0 caliber rounds. Each calibre rocket-propelled round had a Depleted uranium core and Hardened diamantine penetrating tip. To call this pistol just a 'pistol' was an understatement. For many this would be like a heavy weapon.

In their other hand was an archaic weapon, a sword with motorized teeth made out of the very material their own power armor was made up of. These hulking humans were not slow, nor were they soft targets. Despite the enemy crew's efforts to cut the lights, the space marines helmet easily pierced through the darkness.

These man ran faster than any normal human could possibly hope to run. They charged forward, bolt-pistol's blasting holes in turrets or anyone unfortunate enough to dare underestimate the bolt-pistol.

For the Imperium fleet, even as the enemy chewed through their Void Shields. They would respond in kind by firing torpedo's at the enemy ships. It took more than a fallen command ship to faze the Black Templars.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Nefertari Bastia Character Portrait: Iliatorie
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The Terrible sound of silence shattering was accompanied by the sudden appearance of a break in reality. It was nearly like the warp coming through into space, but where the warp was usually accompanied by the screams of the damned and demonic laughter, this break was clean and closely controlled. What chaotic energies there were were subdued and, if it were even possible, dissolved in another force.

From this break came an absolutely massive structure, nearly three hundred kilometers in length. it resembled nothing so much as a massive geode of rock and crystal. Oblong in shape, with several protrusions that made the whole thing appear like a thorned rose stem.

Immediatly the Imperium vessel was assaulted by a message which, for all intents and purposes, sounded like an orchestra of musical notes sang from the throat of some massive beast.

Essentially that's what it was. Thankfully, there was an embedded text based message in the audio signal. It read as follows.

We have come to offer assistance. After aid is rendered, we intend to speak with your leader. For your own safety, have all fighter craft return to the safety of your launch bays.

And with that, the massive ship began to glow in several hundred points across it's surface, as gemstone like objects began to shine with a soft blue light.