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The Minutemen

The police and soldier force of the Time Variance Authority

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Awinita


These men and women are the primary police force and soldiers of the Time Variance Authority. -The TVA- Armed with the latest time travel technology their job is to find Variants and capture them alive for questioning and possible Pruning.

Typical outfit consists of a battle dress uniform of deep blackblue blend of unknown fibres, presumably spidersilk but nobody knows exactly for sure what the uniforms are made of. Overt the uniform is a combat vest of black edged in green {denoting a Hunter}, or just plain black denoting a Minuteman directly. General Dox has gold in place of green on her vest. Their clothing is naturally bullet proof but this wont stop fire damage or slashing damage. The pants and boots are of the same make and coloration patterns. Minutemen in charge of a squad have a mark on their arm noting them as a staff sgt or similar rank

The typical Minuteman loadout consists of a Timestick, able to prune the target or item if required. a stun weapon. In this case a Zat Gun like device able to stun the target rendering them out of the fight to allow for alive capture, Reset charge, the reset charge is basically a time grenade, allowing a brance top be properly puned if the need is required. this whipes out everything related to the Variant and who they met or interacted with. Howewver since Yggdrasil is still very young, the reset charges have been put into containment storage to no longer be used.

Known Minutemen

Hunter B-15
Hunter C-21
Hunter X-5

Commanding Officers
General Dox

Minutemen by numbers


So begins...

The Minutemen's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: The Minutemen
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Zii knew that there would likely be some sort of connecting piece to this story that she would need to get out of Yun. But she didn't know exactly what it could be. Far as she could tell, there was very little that could be done in the universe without effort and know how. So the idea of a character from a story being real...

It wouldn't be the first time it's happened.

"Far as I can tell. This here should make it clear as to how I know about you and your world. Also, as I said earlier, I've met those who have visited. But, the means to which is always a bit foggy or intentionally vague."

Zii stared at the large book, specially printed and bound. A first edition book like that was worth alot, but in these walls it was a dime a dozen. What made that book even more impressive was that it was written by someone from another world. The original author's origins being outside of Terra, was no mystery. Yet that book was here through means of trade.

"I imagine that the author, drawing up your world, probably never would have imagined that it could be real. To be honest, I'm curious if you could clear up the means for which you have gotten here. Maybe explain the people chasing you too." She said in a bit of flat yet curious way.

Zii looked around, loving and noticing how this place strengthened those familiar with its arcane nature. A place built with the foundations of a spiritual vein and used as a mana source as well. Fluctuating with amplifiers and signal blockers and plain old intra-dimentional magic. She knew that it would be noticed by Yun eventually that this place is prime ground for cultivation as well.

She Clclocked all the shadows, all of the ones studying in plain site, and all the one walking through dimensional doors. It may look normal in master's extended home. But she knew that the place was as secure as any place could be. If anyone could break into this place, it would be a place to mean harm. Everyone of these people go about there business are some of the most serious folk in arcane, ancient or otherwise time based magics. Not to mention the trained one's in the shadows. This is Zii's training grounds. She felt most at home here, more powerful even.

Granted...some time ago her master did start to allow select few from the public she wouldn't be surprised if some of those defenses and barriers were missing. Still...this had to be one the more secure spaces.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Chishiki (Knowledge) Character Portrait: SliceOfDeath Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO
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Various members of The League notice Zii's entrance into their cove of training. They embrace her presence and the one she brought with her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: The Minutemen
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#, as written by Awinita
How to answer and not feel like a Misty Cloud Sect instructor when the faction of Misty Clouds had been disbanded ? Then again how could Yun Yun explain anything when she rapidly went through the first volume of Battle Through the Heavens, finding the point where she and Nalan Yanran had reached the Black Corner Region of the Jie Ma Empire.

She held the page out to Zii, "Here" She said, "Nalan Yanran and I were last together in this area. I remember her saying she wanted to explore a bazaar, I said I'd meet up with her in the markets after getting supplies." She turned a page. And stared, she didnt remember going that way before ?

She was confused. The only way to explain it as she read further was that she did indeed leave the Jie Ma empire as she and Yanran intended. The book said that much.

So why was she there, in another world ? With people chasing her ? She had one of her fans, and her sword, spatial pockets worked wonders really. But her original clothing, she had no idea someone had discovered it and already had it packed away somewhere.

She closed the book, she felt an odd sense of strength from all around the room. Like there was energy sources to allow for cultivation. She hadnt found anything like that since she left the Jie Ma Empire... or at least according to the book left the Black Corner Region.

Then again she did take a wrong turn, a seriously wrong turn in that weird alley in the Black Corner Regions marketplace. She tried to remember, could she go back ?

Easy answer: not really, no

Did she want to go back ?

Well, she wasnt sure.

Did she miss Xiao Yan ?

She picked up the book again and went to the character art pages, finding the first three pages were of various angles of Xiao Yan, with and without his sword. Yes she missed him, just hearing his name made her smile. Seeing him kill Yun Shen, her old teacher right before her eyes, and in the process removing the seal he had placed on her own cultivation, with Yun Shans death, her cultivation had a breakthrough. If she remembered correctly she lost her first real kiss, to Xiao Yan

So did she still miss him ? Yes, yes she did

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: The Minutemen
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0.00 INK

Nanlan Yanren and the bazaar. Zii remembered that. She didn't feel the need to comment, but she was curious about the other thing.

"OK, so you don't remember how you ended up here after all that? Stands to reason you traveled dimensions through space and time."

Which was one of the reasons why she was at her old stomping grounds. This place had a lot of connections to such concepts. They were close to the metaphorical, aspects and concepts that are pure. They were all here, the history and knowledge of this place was at her disposal.

But...Zii still needed to check in with Tierge. Who undoubtedly would be at his restaraunt right now. She could send one of the trainees would be good experience to get out of here every now and again. She turned to inner general area where other folks moved about.

"Assemble, second and third rank or below." Zii said.

Shadows moved and swirled swiftly in her direction. Some faster the others, some shadows deepened and then dissapear altogether before appear next to some of the people that came walking or scattering over. Some general looking people even stopped what they were doing immediately. All turning and almost teleporting to line up in front of her. About 35 people lined up in orderly rows in front of her, some shadows that weren't around before, were there and deeply embedded into whatever they were attached.

"I need a message delivered. Squad of 4 with a backup recon unit. Anyone interested?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: The Minutemen
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0.00 INK

Many would be members were excited to operate at the whim of any senior. Especially one as respected as Zii. They were happy to exceed and eliminate her needs, or fall on a sword if necessary.

Some of them trained day and night, getting very little sun or action. Just more and more training, endless improvement, endless study, days awake on edge for those in the shadow, and nights awake for those study for Light. They always needed a breather. Senior Zii and her unit always knew how to make sure the trainees got some air, which is why they were so respected.

One member, the oldest in the room who was sitting on the ceiling unnoticed (like it was a floor) right above their table, began to speak for everyone first. A deep and hauntingly disturbing vocals rang out.

"Senior, shadow units 56 and 78 are most needing. I see 4 and 5 here but I recommend Daylight unit 3 for recon."

The entirety of the people lined in front of Zii rearranged themselves according to units mentioned. Some shadow stepped in silence, appearing as if teleporting from where they stood to where someone else was. Shadow wriggled and some people melted into their own shadows. Until there was only 12 people left.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: The Minutemen
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0.00 INK

Zii nodded. She liked those units and they were always so diligent and silent. They would have never said a thing nor asked to be sent.

"Thank you Yuri, I'll go with the 3 units. Have Daylight track from Outpost 6. Bless the 2 field units, and I want you to track the op."

Zii leaned back in her chair to look up at the person sitting on the ceiling. She smiled bright when she saw Yuri sitting with the scarf and gauntless she gifted him two weeks ago for the holiday season

"I appreciate a man who can rock such a non-stealthy piece of hardware. You make pink somehow look black."

She could see his facial muscles twitch. But she knew that wss just hom trying not smile or blush. Even though they are not always killing, they do very often. So trying to hide the emotions was something they were all taught. A bit foolish from Zii's perspective. But she understood the need for that skill.

"Alright. I'll telepathically send you the message, but meet with my recon leader. He'll let you in on the op. Tell Tierge I'll be running late."

Zii focused back on Yun Yun as everyone of the people she spoke to dissapeared like mist or smoke, in complete silence and without a single movement...or so it would seem. Zii smirked, because she caught 3 of them making noise. She tapped her earpiece.

"Hey, tell unit 3 of Daylight to work on that."

"2 weeks in the forest for training. Got it." Said the person on the other end.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: The Minutemen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Yun Yun shook her head and spoke softly, "No, it is more like, I was in a marketplace, but once I passed through that archway I was somewhere else, it was raining and when I turned to go back the way I came the archway was gone. My outfit at the time stood out among those I suddenly found myself, so I had to dress similar to what was the norm there." she motioned to herself, her current outfit at least. Of course she didnt have money to afford the outfit, she ended up stealing it.

Finding something that fit snug without being too snug was not easy, but it worked. "I had no idea where I was, but I managed to get to a transport and get away from there. When I arrived here... wherever here is, wing something or other, They attacked me, if it werent for some soldiers I would have been captured, I've a small place to call home I guess ? But I havent been to it since yesterday." Yun Yun explained. Concluding on how she got her current clothing and where she was. She remembered it all.

She then looked at Zii. "When I asked you before the meal we shared if you were an Assasin, you answered part of my question by whatever mision you completed. But.... You're not one of theirs, are you ?" She meant the people chasing her, the man she got away from referred to himself as she heard him calling for backup as Hunter C-21

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: The Minutemen
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0.00 INK

"I'm no number. I don't really understand how someone could be so generic as to refer to themselves as such. Unless they were..."

Zii made a serious face. Thinking hard and quickly as she is looking Yun in her eyes. She came to a bit of a theory.

"An authority figure referring to themselves as numbers...that only happens when there are so many of them that it's easier to do so...such an organization would be massive. But the fact that I have not heard about it. It implies they aren't safe nor known, and that they are certainly not bound by any other major forces in the multiverse. I'm surprised the Aschen Empire or others aren't at war with them."

Zii began to wonder if these people weren't even a part of this reality with such a hypothesis...but, how would that be possible? There are tons of people she knew who navigated dimensions, time, and space. There would be some sort of information from Tierge or Heralding.

Zii started to get pretty worried given the explanation of Yun. Moving through time and space and then ending up here? Followed immediately by getting chased? Her being from a fictional universe is by far the least of her worries at this point.

Such authorities...if they were real...wouldn't be stopped by regular authorities. Wing City militia being fully out and around due to planetary scuffles and war, they wouldn't be able to get away with things easily. Wait...

"Shit. The timing is too tight."

Zii looked at Yun with a furrowed brow.

"Remember that void feeling at the restaraunt? The fact that it happened RIGHT when I met you...things are happening that I can only guess at. But I'm putting pieces together. I just need an expert like my master or Heralding. We gotta go."

Zii got up. She would need more than the recon unit she sent earlier. She touched her earpiece.

"Hey, we got a serious problem. We need to assemble the elite units in the area. At least 40 of the best. Get it done in 10 mins." She said in a serious tone, gathering the books up that she intended to relax to.

She looked and saw Yuri still above. He nodded and looked over at the group who were still in the room. Some nodded and dissapeared and others walked off quickly putting books away that were previously used by others who left. The snappy reaction was seemless and coordinated with very little communication needed.

Zii spent a few minutes heading back to where she took the books from and returned them before, taking out the note the receptionist gave earlier. She scribbled on it two words as she headed back to the entrance and handed it over.

'Danger, Prepare.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: The Minutemen
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0.00 INK

Cordelia skidded to a stop, her momentum halted just a foot from the library door. Peculiarly, she sensed no trace of the voidtouch in this vicinity. A perplexing thought crossed her mind—had she managed to outpace OttO and reach the destination first? The notion seemed implausible; OttO's pursuit was relentless. Unless, perhaps, his intentions extended beyond a singular target. Could his goal be more far-reaching, entwined with a larger tapestry of events?

As Cordelia surveyed her surroundings, an odd sensation enveloped her, as though unseen eyes were fixed upon her every move. And there she spotted it, fixed on the desk, unseen or unnoticed to the bewildered staff... an ornate carved mask, placed on display, his calling card. OttO wasn't late, and he certainly wasn't hiding! He was... waiting?


She charged one last time and put her full weight against the library doors.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: The Minutemen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Yun watched briefly as Zii explained what she knew and also briefly paced. But when Zii said they had to go and all but took off running, Yun Yun was hard pressed to keep up with her. Snapping up the book from the low table, she hurried after Zii who also carried the other books, after a few twists and turns, Yun Yun unfortunately lost track of where Zii had turned after putting the books back and was left alone.

Still holding the book of Battle Through the Heavens in her hands. she never heard the timedoor open. She never saw the two dozen men and women filter through the two golden panels a few aisles away.

She never knew what happened next. Her mind and gaze focused on the words of Xiao Yan wanted her, Yanran, and Ya Fei to join him in leaving the Dou Qi Continent. Those were the last things she could remember seeing, because the next thing she knew, raw solid energy smashed into the small of her back and sent her sprawling to the floor, out cold.

The Minuteman Hunter known as C-21 looked around, he motioned with a hand to have his group pair off, Since they were in a library they had to be quiet. Stun weapons only. They had two targets to capture.

Two minutemen spotted Zii speaking to the Librarian on duty, handing her a note, the Librarian was not their target, nor was she to be collatoral damage, they werent going to reset the timeline branch. No, they were there only to capture two targets and disappear.

Hunter C-21 spotted Yun Yun, and silently brought up his stunner, a whisp of zoong type sound and Yun Yun collapsed in a heap on the floor. completely out. "Primary target down, secondary target, go!" Hunter C-21 spoke into his earpiece quietly as he melted into the shadows.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: The Minutemen
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0.00 INK

Jinn. This is what he went by when he first met Zii. Back then, they didn't get along. Zii was rough, edgy, sad, hurt, and short-tempered. The complete opposite of who she is now. But no one could rival her class when it came to learning and intelligence. None but him. They took down empires together and escaped death a hundred times over.

Jinn fought with Zii on nearly every mission, being her emotional opposite but intellectual equal. He excelled at all the same things she did. From swordmanship, shadow techniques, adaptability to hidden weapons, languages, magic, recon...everything. They even competed in the more obscure things, from torture techniques for extracting information to being a honeypot to extract information.

Yes...even that act...they were equals.

At some point, Jinn does not remember when, they became true colleges...friends even....well, more than friends at one point. But being is this business, it's difficult to keep up with anything more than friends or colleges.

So when Jinn heard Zii's command to mobilize the 40 best and get them in vicinity to track her and keep task, he knew there was an emergency. Not only did he do so, he personally went into the scene himself.

"I need all local squads 1 through 4 to mobilize on me, squads 5 through 10 to mobilize on Zii. Weapons are a go, I'll mark Zii's companion myself."

The convenient thing about shadow travel is that once you were proficient enough, it acted like teleportation for some. He collected his mana and melted into the shadows as he arrived at the library from 120 miles away in a minute. He could see and feel others arriving a couple of minutes afterward.

As soon as he arrived, he noticed the commotion right aright. He saw Zii was racing to the front desk. She was moving far faster than expected. Certainly faster than the 10 mins she wanted the mobilization.

That didn't matter to Jinn. He needed to find her companion. Jinn noticed a strange sight, as golden frames of light started opening up in the ailes. Where some people started to walk out. All wearing the same uniforms.

At this point, he started to move. Still one with the shadows, him and his squads melted into the shadows of the books, of people, of the robots, of Zii and of even these strange people appearing. Waiting to pounce at his signal.

Once Yun Yun got knocked out and zapped, Jinn waited for the The Minutemen to finish speaking. They were saying they were also after another target, whilst looking at Zii.

Jinn wrapped Yun Yun in a shadow, pulling her into darkness as he replaced her with a body clone of herself. They wouldn't be able to tell the difference unless they started asking her questions. That double should last about 2 hrs.

Jinn signaled for daggers to be thrown at every minutemen present. At least 3 daggers would swiftly and silently be impaling minutemen from random angles if they weren't swift to react.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: The Minutemen
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0.00 INK

Zii had been moving so fast, she forgot to check her 6 to make sure that Yun was following her closely. She thought she signaled for swift follow, and she believe she even said so from the outset. But somehow, she wasn't present behind her.

"Shit." Zii exclaimed.

In that instance, she sent out a telepathic wave and tracking rune to find Yun. But instead, she sensed several squads from The League, which was a great thing. But also, several unknown auras surrounding and spreading out past Yun's aura signature.

"Well damn." She looked at the librarian who was already pressing an emergency button near the desk with a nod.

Right when Zii was about the press her earpiece to communicate, the door behind her burst open and the security next to it stumbled away a foot, surprised for half a second. The 7'2 Valerian security guard pulled out a futuristic stun baton, but looked confused at seeing nothing at the door.

Zii was in an extremly heightened magical sensing state. Injecting mana into her eyes and overlapping spells for defense, speed, and strength. The door distraction cost Zii valuable seconds as she could now perfectly see a being she never has seen before. As well as notice a mask 3 ft from her at the reception.

"You're not the being from feel different." She said to the being who was now staring at the mask.

Zii heard her comms go off in her ear as Jinn confirmed moving Yun into the shadows and body replacing her out of danger. She smirked, but still felt unsafe.

"Do we have to do this here? Or can we solve that problem first." She indicated about the golden doors opening in ailes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: The Minutemen
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0.25 INK

Cordelia abruptly skidded to a stop, a voice addressing her from the shadows. Turning to look, her gaze swept the expansive library, and a silent thought echoed within her: damn, there's far more going on in here than I expected. It was then she stood up straight, though a slight quiver could be seen as she tried to present herself in a dignified manner. It wasn't fear, as much as, she seemed rather... self-concious.

"Feel..? You can sense the Un?" she inquired, her voice carrying a peculiar blend of pleasantness and hollowness, as if the words echoed within her. There was an accent there, distinctly English. A glimmer flickered in the hollows of her metal mask's holes as she shifted her gaze to the Minutemen and assassins entangled in battle. Stepping back, blades concealed within her ornate cloth revealed themselves, akin to a bird puffing up defensively. One thing became evident as her cloth flowed—she has no arms, at least in the tangible sense.

"Wait, what is the meaning of this!? Have you no grasp of... ah!" Her plea for understanding was abruptly cut off in a shriek as the tall, lanky figure made his entrance. A silvery rift opened above, and OttO slipped through, descending with graceful ease. He stepped out upon the ceiling, dropping down in a flip before one of the Minutemen. His arrival wasn't marked by a bang, but a muted rumble that briefly caused the ground to ripple, as if it was for a moment liquefied. The air itself quivered as he locked eyes with the Minuteman, his own gaze holding a vague and enigmatic quality.

"Ah, a protector against the unraveling chaos? Salutations! I bow to your noble intentions," OttO declared with a dignified voice that resonated through the tumultuous atmosphere. He gave the Minuteman a bow, and the sound around them distorted, leaving only OttO's voice audible over the chaos. "Sadly, no matter your attempt, that terrible end shall never be averted. No matter how much overgrowth you prune, in fact, perhaps your crusade is even the catalyst for the cascade of magnifying chaos that follows, until... dust. How arbitrary this Sacred Timeline is, then, isn't it?"

"Unmaker, you taint sacred ground, surrender now and return to the Abyss!" Cordelia demanded, pushing back her timid nature to try to assert authority, but her soft voice only barely peaked over the chaos.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael Samuelle Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: LDA Agent Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Valtaria Character Portrait: Chishiki (Knowledge)
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0.25 INK

Somewhere on Langara, in an undisclosed location:

it was to be a simple smash and grab, gather intelligence on the strange anomalies that had been detected on Terra via long range spy drones, and through the prying eyes of the vast Aschen intelligence network. Senior Agent Samuelle armed with a T65 Mk II Combat skin, various weapons grenades, and other devices prepared himself for departure through the newly christened Astral Transit Array, a device capable of teleporting individuals, and small groups across interstellar distances.

"Check your weapons, smash and grab, capture any persons of interest for analysis and interrogation, and neutralize any resistance." Director Angel's voice rang through his communication system.

All systems green, Array opening in T-minus thirty microns

Slamming a fusion cell into his Type 03 Disruptor PDW, a short ranged somewhat inaccurate but fast firing weapon, Samuelle checked the power read indicator and nodded in approval.

"We don't know what we're facing, so be on your toes."

Transit array activation in ten microns!

The ring like device shuddered and began to whir to life as concentric electromagnetic inductors spun and energized, the nadion field enveloped the device, and the portal ignited with a vortex of multicolored light.

"Right." Samuelle growled, and stepped forward to feel the static sensations as the field enveloped his form, and he glanced back for just a moment in perhaps something akin to hesitation. Snapping the visor closed to his T-65 combat skin, the glossy black visor obscured his face, and offered a hermetic seal. With holographic HUD coming to life, the agent took another step forward and embraced the swirling vortex of rainbow light.


Inside the library of the Terran National Government, papers, book, and anything that wasn't tied down suddenly began to become agitated by wind that began to swirl from nothingness. In an undisturbed corner of the library, a vortex of multicolored light came to life, slinging books, paper, and tables not anchored down all across the room, this vortex persisted for a scant few moments before dissipating into nothingness.

Phase-shift cloaking engaged, Samuelle checked his surroundings while his HUD began highlighting targets in the distance. It was some sort of battle. Gritting his teeth, his personal shields engaged and he moved forward subtly, and quietly. Wide spectrum systems picking up an anomaly, perhaps a cloaked individual? The blurry outline of Hunter C-21 shimmered, and the residue of weapons fire became highlighted. Gritting his teeth, he opened fire with a short burst from his Disruptor, out of nothingness, searing green bolts of compressed nadion particles and barium plasma, dozens of them were hurled towards the Minuteman. The weapon barked it's sharp series of reports before silence returned.

Searing green bolts of light that were unmistakable for the disruptor weapons of the Aschen Empire.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael Samuelle Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: LDA Agent Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO
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0.00 INK

"Unmaker? Why would you say that, Swan? Hm?" Otto's words cut through the chaos of searing green bolts of light. With a deliberate motion, he removed the glove from his right hand, revealing an unusual dark gray skin marked by visible cracks, leaking a monochromatic distortion. Swiftly, he reached up and seemingly plucked one of the bolts of energy from the air, cradling it in his hand like a captured firefly. As he brought it closer to his mask, the energy arced, emitting a shrill screech, ensnared within a field that infinitely negated it.

Amid the violently shimmering energy, shreds of books descended around him, casualties of Samuelle's indiscriminate fire. "Have you no sanctity for knowledge?" he muttered somberly before releasing the bolt upwards through the ceiling. Standing up straight, Otto weaved his hand through the air leaving behind trails of the gray residue, warping and cracking the air where it trailed. The green bolts of charged particles distorting around him as he now seemed more fixated on preventing further damage to the books.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: LDA Agent Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia
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0.25 INK

Heralding walked unoticed through a parrallel dimension. Following OttO and Cordelia but he was still unaware of their names. He witnessed the conversation being had, seeing through the outer walls of the library as if they were not there.

Unmaker? What did that mean? The three clones of Heralding that he made earlier, were stationed in a tactical circle surrounding the library. He could reach through the vibrating translucent fabrics of space if he wanted to be right in the action.

However, watching the way OttO simply accelerated through fractions of time. If felt like witnessing a speedster navigating speeds so fast (yet visible) that after-images were being made. However, due to the distortion in space that was happening as well, it was almost as if space was collapsing around its very being; negating the gravitational pull of the fabrics of time.

Truly astounding.

Heralding intended to let things unfold as they were. Right up until the Aschen started getting involved destroying books, robots, and people indiscriminately. Heralding waved his hand, sending a ripple as fast as light through the entire library. Transporting every book, person, piece of furniture and hardware into a pocket dimension.

Every single person present would find themselves in a vast empty room with only the shelves themselves still availible for cover. The flying books were gone, the innocent folks out of harms way, and the precious very old devices and robots that upkept this place, were all safe.

"That outta keep people focused. But stay on alert you three." He muttered to himself, looking at the other clones.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: LDA Agent Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia
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0.25 INK

Zii watched Cordelia and OttO community. She also saw the Aschen Soldier descend his heretical ass into this precious haven of knowledge. It was at this point that Zii knew she couldn't sway this situation to work for her. If other Aschen start showing up...

Screams ensued, noise pierced her ears, green plasma sprayed the air. It would be better to leave them to this mysterious powerful organization that showed up through what she hypothesizes to be space/time doors.

When the shooting started Zii accelerated her mind and body further, and time slows down for her. She telepathically sends out a message to The League to retreat with noise. Which was directly when further chaos ensues.

A wave of energy slams into her, and within the blink of an eye, the screaming dissapeared. The books were gone and there was nothing but shelves left.

Zii pulls out a small ball from a pouch and throws it hard at the ground. A giant green smokescreen conceals a 100ft radius. Smoking out everyone present and flowing out the front door and up the extremly high multi-level building.

Zii used shadow transport to melt into the shadows and escape. Heading towards where Yun Yun would be stashed away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: LDA Agent Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia
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0.25 INK

"All units retreat." Jinn said to the shadows.

The League units present all follow Zii out upon hearing the retreat. More smoke screens follow up, creating a further suffocating mess of purple, pink, yellow and black smokes. Completely covering the inside of the entire building.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: The Minutemen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
When Cordelia made her presence known by busting in the door with pretty much her whole weight. Hunter C-21 briefly raised his stunpistol towards the birdlike woman; something felt so hauntingly familar about the woman he couldnt exactly place it. As there were two dozen of the Minutemen scattered in the library. But when they started getting stabbed by thrown daggers, only a few in dangerous areas that could lead to death if not treated. Hunter C-21 started to feel this mission was not excactly going to plan

"Primary Target missing" Came a soft whosper in his ear, one of the other Minutemen had tried to grab Hunt to drag her through a timedoor only to have the targets presumed body crumble into nothing upon arriving on the other side of the door. "Repeat, primary target is not secured!"

Hunter C-21 growled softly, keeping as quiet as he could as the Minutemen paired off the soldiers calmly combed through the library. But Hunter C-21 came to a sudden halt when OttO dropped in. Quite literally and addressed him

How did he knew of the TVA ? Unmaker ? He, Her, It knew of Yggdrasil ?

C-21 was so focused on OttO he never heard the Aschen soldier behind him open fire. however when OttO stepped around him, hand out, and caught the pulse of deadly energy in its hands made C-21 pause briefly. The Unmaker, if that bird was correct, just saved his life! He and the remaining unharmed Minutemen focused on the Aschen agent. briefly unsure of what to do, C-21 gave a simple order unspoken.

But when the smoke grenades went off, filling the room with smoke, the books unharmed and elsewhere. C-21 did the next best thing. He ordered silently. Retreat At the TVA Office they could heal their wounded and get an idea more of what OttO was. Hunter C-21 was about to open his own Timedoor to safety when the word rang in his head, "Swan ??" was all he could mumble before diving backwards through the timedoor out of the library.

It was time to go

Characters Present

Character Portrait: LDA Agent Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: The Minutemen
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0.25 INK

A note is left at the receptionist desk for OttO:

'I know you are coming, meet me at the temple.'