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Tirza Droia

Fate's messenger, her copper eyes see past this time to the unwritten future beyond.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by RolePlayGateway


Age: 15
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 102 lbs
Gender: Female
Appearance : Long black hair that looks unkept even after brushing it. Her eyes are a deep copper color that seem to almost glow in the dark. Her expression always holds a serious intensity that makes most uncomfortable. Her skin is tan and her nails are always perfect and a flat black like onyx. She always wears some type of gem or jewelry glued to her forehead. Most days she dresses in blue jeans and black sweaters, which are always in perfect condition as if they were just bought yesterday. She has various ear piercing that are always well coordinated, and stylish.
Photo: (Art by Luis Royo)


Personality: She is always calm, intense, and quiet. She rarely looks anyone in the eye, and when she does her forehead creases in some unknown emotion. She enjoys the out doors, but rarely ventures farther then a window to see it. Her eyes divulge little emotion, except for immense intensity and control. Other then on really bad days then control tends to fly out the window.


Quirks/Flaws: Rarely shows emotion. She is xenophobic (fearful of new people) and will only associate with people who she knows, unless forced to. Is fearful of her powers, and is terrified of mirrors, she also tends towards superstition and adopts various cultural superstitions to her every day life.

Special Abilities**: She can see, feel, and experience the death of those around her, though their deaths are constantly altered through the choices they make. She can only see their death if she looks them in the eye, the longer the glance the greater the detail.

She can freeze time, and walk outside its flow. She can make 5 second seem like 5 minutes to her. She is able to move around as if the span of five minutes has passed, but can not move people during this time; she can only move objects that are not touching people or herself. She has very little control if it, and often uses it out of reflex. She sees it as a curse and is prone to not even wanting to talk about it if its ever brought up.


Biography: She was born in Aizawl, India. Her family moved to America for the same reason that most do. They wanted the freedom to follow their dreams and they wanted Tirza to be able to live outside of her social class. Tirza was a troubled adolescent and when her parents would confront her about it she would often times become violent or belligerent, before going to her room and locking herself away. She was the only child of the couple, and her aggressive behavior was driving the family into deeper and deeper chaos. They sought help through psychology and began putting her through therapy. She seemed to improve for a time, until she hit the age of 15. She locked herself in her room and would not leave for nearly a month.

She failed out of school because of it, and her father became enraged. One day out of sheer frustration and anger he stormed in her room and drug her from it. He then proceeded to drag her into the family car and belt her in. She screamed and fought all the way into the car, then once she was there she froze and covered her face. Her Mother and Father quickly drove her the therapist that had seen her before, but they never made it there. On the bridge into Jersey there was a 10 car pile up. Both of Tirza's parents were killed in the accident. Tirza was found outside the car staring at her parents bodies with not even a scratch on her.

So begins...

Tirza Droia's Story


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 at the yelling she practicaly screams and jumps in her seat. Her eyes look twoards Luna But then quickly snap back to the table before her. She is visibly paleing as the rucus continues. her shoulders tensing. Her hands would be trembling if it wasn't for the fact they where hugging her legs so tight that she was looseing feeling in them.. She looked like she was about to run out of the bar screaming at the tip of her lungs


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 Finaly she seems to just loose all sense of control and she grabs her journal dashing out the door


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She slipped back into the bar for the second day in a row. She doesn't look anymore confrotable then she did the day before. She is dressed in a loose gray sweater that falls over her hips, and a set of new looking tight jeans. She looks too young to be in a bar; her features looking only to be 16 or 17. Her skin tone and black hair make her look middle eastern though the pentagram shaped bandi on her forehead seems to point out the fact that she is from India. She quickly zips to a table and sits so her back is the the rest of the bar. She pulls her legs into the chair with her and hugs them closing her eyes and taking several quick breaths. Her eyes never looking above the floor infront of her


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She opened on eyes seeming to double check no one was infront of her. She then pulled a small dog eared journal to the table top and opened it. Her finger running along a passage written in sandscrip the main form of writing in India. Her finger ran over each page from right to left and her copper eyes shimmered silver for a second. She seemed to almost hold her breath as she read. It was one of those horrible dreams.. blood everywhere.. pain.. and darkness. she couldn't see this time.. the dream the night before had been all light. this one was all dark except for the red. She didn't understand the meaning.. but she felt drawn to the bar once again. Her eyes shimmered back to copper as she stopped reading the page and she curled up a bit tighter in her seat at all the comotion behind her


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 **one eye


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 At the yell of Goblin she grabbed her journal and dove under the table. From there she hugged one of the chair legs keeping her eyes closed tightly. Her face turned towards the wall. Her legs were also locked around the table leg as if she was ready for the worst. She held her breath and hoped that no one would try and eat her


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She was a tiny girl maybe 5'1" maybe and she finaly took a couple deep breaths but kept her body tightly glued to the table leg. She then put the journal between her teeth so she could grip the leg better. She was waiting for screams to follow the first shout. and she knew they were comming but she hopped that no one would notice the gilr already under the table waiting for the doom to be fall the patrons of the bar


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She shook her head no keeping her head turned from Gooberdun. Then she opened one eye and peaked at his green hand then screamed gripping the table leg more. This was it.. she was going to be eat alive!.. She couldn't imagine being eaten alive.. though she hopped it was better then being slow roasted over a fire.. So she kept her body glued to the table leg. HEr eyes tightly closed as seh shivered like a leaf


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 [i]The green skinned monster tried to reasure her.. and she half opened one eye.. then she closed it again quickly. He didn't sound like a monster... but he sure did seem out of the norm. She really wasn't acustomed to magic in the slightest.. she had only recently been introduced to magic at all. So she slowly let go of the table leg and got up. She kept her eyes down and her slightly disheveled black hair fell infront of her copper eyes further obscuring them from view. She then pulled the journal from her lips and dried it on her pants leg before she whispered out a responce to Gooberdun. "I.. erm.. I.. ahh.. sorry.. I.. mean.. erm.. ahh.. well.. ahh.. I didn't.. mean. to well ahhhh.. Takes a deep breath and begins speaking way to fast obviously very nerviouse, To-offend-I-mean-I-try-not-to-be-rude-but-I'm-new-to-this-world-and-have-you-seen-darkness-I-mean-like-living-darkness-here-lately-or-living-light-screams-things-like-that-I-mean-I


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 Gasps I-had-this-dream-and-well-lots-of-people-died-and-it-was-really-horrble-I…erm Hided her face in her hands blushing horribly


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 ((bye hun! :P))


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She nods and gulps keeping her hands over her face then she freezes in place and squeeks slightly her knees begin to shake as she takes a step back her copper eyes pear out from between her fingers looking at his hand


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She then takes another step back and hits the wall then almost screams her eyes locked on his hand as she reaches back and feels the wall seeming to relaxe at the feeling of it being a wall instead of some one else


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She nods and remembers her other dream where the blinding light had caused all the screams, but it had no pain.. to it.. not like the darkness where the pain shivered through her.. right before she saw the blood.. It was odd to have the strange dreams one after another. Was the man.. erm.. creature.. man thingy part of that dream? Or was he just someone ment to show her what the dream meand. She relaxes as he disapears and glances towards the door keeping her eyes down


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 Dashes out the door as fast as she can

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Twisted Path


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 Stubbles through the woods looking rather happy. Her copper eyes up turned to the tree's high above. A dog eared journal clutched to her chest. She is wearing a set of tight jeans and a long black loose fitting nit sweater. HEr long black hair is disheviled and falls over her face at every step. She looks ot be middle eastern though the pentagram bandi in the center of her forehead leads most the conclushion she is from India. her steps are fast and clumbsy as she looks up and a slight smile is curved over her young face


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She slows along the small deer path and frowns hearing voices not far away. She looks behind her wondering if she should just turn and go another way. Then drops her eyes slowly looking ahead of her trying to find any sign of the source of the voices. Her eyes close and she takes a deep breath looking at the ground trying to decide what to do. She had returned to the bar several times trying to find the source of the dreams to no avail. The dream last night was worse then the perviouse ones. It had light and dark.. then it had bloood.. it had the screams.. and the pain.. but instead of just the three colors.. it also had a fourth. The fourth was silver.. the flash of sliver like a blade. All her dreams had much more to them, these three where horribly twisted and vague.. and the idea of this scared her beyond reason. She turned on her heels heading back the way she came. She remembered seeing another trial not far from her. She didn't want to run into anyone if she could help it


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 The voices continued behind her and she quickend her pace before they noticed her. It sounded like three voices, and she wasn't about to find out who they belonged to. She pushed herself into almost a jog as she clutched the jounral to her chest, the journey through the woods was not looking like the best idea at the moment. She had hopped she could wonder about the woods alone and be at peace. She couldn't be around people without panicing, and nearly passing out with fright. Then there was the other side effect as well. She shivered at the thought of looking into another person's eyes and all the horrible things she saw. She almost wished she could survive on her own without anyone else so she would never have to see another future. Once she hit the main trail she turned down it heading deeper into the woods finaly slowing her pace. She watched the trees around her for any sign of human life hopeful she would jsut be left alone