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Tirza Droia

Fate's messenger, her copper eyes see past this time to the unwritten future beyond.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by RolePlayGateway


Age: 15
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 102 lbs
Gender: Female
Appearance : Long black hair that looks unkept even after brushing it. Her eyes are a deep copper color that seem to almost glow in the dark. Her expression always holds a serious intensity that makes most uncomfortable. Her skin is tan and her nails are always perfect and a flat black like onyx. She always wears some type of gem or jewelry glued to her forehead. Most days she dresses in blue jeans and black sweaters, which are always in perfect condition as if they were just bought yesterday. She has various ear piercing that are always well coordinated, and stylish.
Photo: (Art by Luis Royo)


Personality: She is always calm, intense, and quiet. She rarely looks anyone in the eye, and when she does her forehead creases in some unknown emotion. She enjoys the out doors, but rarely ventures farther then a window to see it. Her eyes divulge little emotion, except for immense intensity and control. Other then on really bad days then control tends to fly out the window.


Quirks/Flaws: Rarely shows emotion. She is xenophobic (fearful of new people) and will only associate with people who she knows, unless forced to. Is fearful of her powers, and is terrified of mirrors, she also tends towards superstition and adopts various cultural superstitions to her every day life.

Special Abilities**: She can see, feel, and experience the death of those around her, though their deaths are constantly altered through the choices they make. She can only see their death if she looks them in the eye, the longer the glance the greater the detail.

She can freeze time, and walk outside its flow. She can make 5 second seem like 5 minutes to her. She is able to move around as if the span of five minutes has passed, but can not move people during this time; she can only move objects that are not touching people or herself. She has very little control if it, and often uses it out of reflex. She sees it as a curse and is prone to not even wanting to talk about it if its ever brought up.


Biography: She was born in Aizawl, India. Her family moved to America for the same reason that most do. They wanted the freedom to follow their dreams and they wanted Tirza to be able to live outside of her social class. Tirza was a troubled adolescent and when her parents would confront her about it she would often times become violent or belligerent, before going to her room and locking herself away. She was the only child of the couple, and her aggressive behavior was driving the family into deeper and deeper chaos. They sought help through psychology and began putting her through therapy. She seemed to improve for a time, until she hit the age of 15. She locked herself in her room and would not leave for nearly a month.

She failed out of school because of it, and her father became enraged. One day out of sheer frustration and anger he stormed in her room and drug her from it. He then proceeded to drag her into the family car and belt her in. She screamed and fought all the way into the car, then once she was there she froze and covered her face. Her Mother and Father quickly drove her the therapist that had seen her before, but they never made it there. On the bridge into Jersey there was a 10 car pile up. Both of Tirza's parents were killed in the accident. Tirza was found outside the car staring at her parents bodies with not even a scratch on her.

So begins...

Tirza Droia's Story


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 The girl looks to be middle eastern, she had long black unkept hair and bright copper eyes. Though when she walked into the bar, she looked much to young to be in a bar to begin with; she was maybe 15 or 16. She was dressed in a nice black sweater with a pair of trendy hip hugger jeans. And she quickly moved to a tabel keeping her eyes trained on the wood. Her body language was that of a girl that was trying to skirt around life, trying to evade the notice of others


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 In the center of her forehead she had a Bandi or better known as a small peice of jewelry glued there. It was a very artsy white gold pentagram small but well placed against her tan skin.


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 From her pocket she pulled a small book. It was dog eared and well worn. As she flipped it open you would see words written in it in a type of sandscript and she would quickly pull a pen from her wild hair and begin writing more. Her hand would move from right to left instead of the normal left to right of most European countries


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 Her copper eyes looked across teh floor to Tam's feet.. then she lingered on them for a second before her eyes moved to Bunny HEr eyes never looking above waist level as she quickly turned her head back to the book and scrawled several more lines


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 The girl rolled her fingers over the ben then stuck the back of it between her lips. She chewwed on teh ben for several seconds before jumping from ehr seat causing the chair to squeek loudly on the floor. She blushed and slumped her shoulders. She kept her eyes to her book and her head bowed as to not make eye contact with anyone. Then she walked behind the counter since there was no tender presant at the moment. From there she set the book down and poured herself a glass of water. She never lifted her eyes from the book or her hands as if she was avoiding any possible risk of seeing the other people around her


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 Taking the glass of water and the small book from the bar she turned back towards her empty table. She looked like she was counting to herself. Her lips moveing over and over silently as she kept her unusualy bright copper eyes trained on the small book


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She plops down on her chair and then pulls her legs into the seat with her. Resting her chin on her knees she sets the book and glass of water down on the table. She hugs her knees and looks at the open book rocking slightly as she pushes a strand of hair bakc behind her ear. Her copper eyes look over to the table where Darsis just sat. Her eyes lingered on the weapon and then quickly darted away as she went back to rocking and looking at the open book filled with sandscript writing


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 As her mind wove over the facts, she had seen so many things, so many deaths so many possible futures. This dream had been different. It was twisted some how.. It showed a light that made the rest of the world disapear.. much like the light of a neauclear bomb.. but there was no heat.. no pain.. and no death in this dream. only the light.. She made a couple more notes in her book writing in the beautiful tight language common in India.. She touched a hand to the pentagram on her brow and then winced slightly. Her eyes dulled to a deep brown for an instant and she shook her head and yawned.


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 At Darsis's words she kinda of snapped out of her own thoughts. Her youthful features turning to face him, though her eyes always remained looking towards the ground infront of her. She whispered almost to quietly for the man to hear "There is no tender.. its open bar.. At that she flicked her own glass of water and then looked back to her book and her lips began to move silently as she rocked again taking slow steady breaths as if to calm herself


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 The middle eastern girl who sat hugging her knees looked a little emotionaly disturbed to say the least. Her hair was disheveld but not overly so, and her cloths where clean and well cared for which made it all the more odd that she was behaving in such an odd manner. Her bright copper eyes still trained on the book as she ran through the dream again. There was the normal darkness of the future.. screams.. then the light.. but no pain.. no faces. Maybe it was just a dream.. maybe it wasn't a vision. She seems to come out of a trance once again at Darsis's words and she nods and hunkers down into a tighter ball hoping the man will keep to hsi promise. She nods to him and then whispers, Sorry... before she closes her eyes tightly and takes a deep breath. She didn't know why she had come to such a crouded place.. but she felt drawn here


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 Images rolled through her mind, the darkness., the screams.. then light. Nothing more.. Though it seemed out of touch it seemed disconected. She had no clue what it ment. She wanted to look at some one to see their future so she could maybe get the images of the blinding light from her mind, but she didn't want to see anyone die she didn't want to see their agony


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 Tirza's eyes opened at the sound of metal being sheathed and she glanced towards Darsis's feet her eyes watched him as he moved aboiut the room and she continued to move her lips silently taking messured breaths. When he sat back down she realxed and then glued her eyes back to the journal on the table. Why had she come here? What was the point? She was too young to be in a place like this.. but when she went walking thismorning.. she felt drawn here


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She then pulled the journal into her knees. She began to chew on the pen again nerviously as if she was waitinf for something. She had no clue what it was, or even where it was, just that it was suposed to be here. She then looked at the glass of water her eyes narrowed at the way the light was refracted at it.. then she zoned out. Her copper eyes seeming to shine silver for an instant then back to copper. That was it she remembered something else in the dream.. there was an outline.. a face. just in the corner of her vision. right before the light.. almost as if they where shining the light on her. She frowned and signed hugging her legs tighter resting her chin on the journal under her nose


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 At Tigers words she blinked and her eyes shot to the girl's stomach but did not look at her face. She pulled the pen from her lips and arched a brow. leaning her face down a bit more so hair fell over her features hiding herself a little. "Oh.. erm.. I thought.. that.. ahh.. I mean.. never mind.. ok.. I will stop.. I mean. .if it's bugging you.. if it is.. I'm sorry.. I mean.. well. .ahhhhhh.. She blushed even more and then closed her eyes tightly looking like she was hyperventilating


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 Tirza nodded her eyes still closed tightly as she white knuckled her hands trying to hug her knees to her tighter. She nodded a couple times and then bit her bottom lip holding her breath so she could keep from hyperventilating and making herself pass out. She then took a deep breath and spoke in a whisper "I.. erm.. ok. .ahh.. thanks.. well.. ahh.. did.. I do.. something.. else wrong?.. I mean.. if.. well.. led.. isn't in pens.. is it? I mean.. maybe.. it is.. or.. I.. well.. eh.. its.. ahhhhh.. well.. nevermind She blushes so deeply red that her tan skin looks burned and she hides her face in her legs


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 As she basicaly trembled coiled into a little ball with the journal on her knees and her head burried against it she gasped for air. Then got up quickly makeing a quick get away like she was going to be sick. She grabbed the journal and kept her eyes trained to the ground as she walked as fast as she could out the bar door


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 A young woman in a well kept loose fitting black sweater, and a pair of tight hip hugger jeans scurries into the bar her head down and her slightly diseveled black hair draiped over her eyes. She looks middle eastern though the pentigram bandi (or gem) on her forehead made the distint impression she was from India rather then any place else. She quickly sat in a table not far from the door with her back towards the rest of the bar as she pulled her legs up into the chair with her and hugged them. She opened her small journal as she hugged her legs and set it on the table so she could look at it.


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She begins to shake as she looks through the journal infront of her then closes it and peaks over her shoulder towards Lord Sander and the others. Her eyes linger only on their legs or at the floor below them as if she is avoiding any type eye contact. She then picks up the journal and opens it shaking it.. she frowns.. and then runs her hands through her hair before finaly pulling out a pen and writeing something down; still keeping her self curled up in the chair


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She then stops. Her body shaking like a leaf as the comotion in the bar grows. She curls in a tighter ball and mouths something as she keeps her legs hugged and her eyes trained to the journal infront of her. her bright copper eyes almost glowing as she stares at it unblinking
