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Tirza Droia

Fate's messenger, her copper eyes see past this time to the unwritten future beyond.

0 · 802 views · located in The Infinite Void

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by RolePlayGateway


Age: 15
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 102 lbs
Gender: Female
Appearance : Long black hair that looks unkept even after brushing it. Her eyes are a deep copper color that seem to almost glow in the dark. Her expression always holds a serious intensity that makes most uncomfortable. Her skin is tan and her nails are always perfect and a flat black like onyx. She always wears some type of gem or jewelry glued to her forehead. Most days she dresses in blue jeans and black sweaters, which are always in perfect condition as if they were just bought yesterday. She has various ear piercing that are always well coordinated, and stylish.
Photo: (Art by Luis Royo)


Personality: She is always calm, intense, and quiet. She rarely looks anyone in the eye, and when she does her forehead creases in some unknown emotion. She enjoys the out doors, but rarely ventures farther then a window to see it. Her eyes divulge little emotion, except for immense intensity and control. Other then on really bad days then control tends to fly out the window.


Quirks/Flaws: Rarely shows emotion. She is xenophobic (fearful of new people) and will only associate with people who she knows, unless forced to. Is fearful of her powers, and is terrified of mirrors, she also tends towards superstition and adopts various cultural superstitions to her every day life.

Special Abilities**: She can see, feel, and experience the death of those around her, though their deaths are constantly altered through the choices they make. She can only see their death if she looks them in the eye, the longer the glance the greater the detail.

She can freeze time, and walk outside its flow. She can make 5 second seem like 5 minutes to her. She is able to move around as if the span of five minutes has passed, but can not move people during this time; she can only move objects that are not touching people or herself. She has very little control if it, and often uses it out of reflex. She sees it as a curse and is prone to not even wanting to talk about it if its ever brought up.


Biography: She was born in Aizawl, India. Her family moved to America for the same reason that most do. They wanted the freedom to follow their dreams and they wanted Tirza to be able to live outside of her social class. Tirza was a troubled adolescent and when her parents would confront her about it she would often times become violent or belligerent, before going to her room and locking herself away. She was the only child of the couple, and her aggressive behavior was driving the family into deeper and deeper chaos. They sought help through psychology and began putting her through therapy. She seemed to improve for a time, until she hit the age of 15. She locked herself in her room and would not leave for nearly a month.

She failed out of school because of it, and her father became enraged. One day out of sheer frustration and anger he stormed in her room and drug her from it. He then proceeded to drag her into the family car and belt her in. She screamed and fought all the way into the car, then once she was there she froze and covered her face. Her Mother and Father quickly drove her the therapist that had seen her before, but they never made it there. On the bridge into Jersey there was a 10 car pile up. Both of Tirza's parents were killed in the accident. Tirza was found outside the car staring at her parents bodies with not even a scratch on her.

So begins...

Tirza Droia's Story


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She looked a bit stunned at his assesment of her and her copper eyes brightened slightly. Her blush faded and sdhe took a deep breath. She wanted to just explain why she was so messed up she wanted to tell him what was going on.. but at the same time she could not fathom dropping that on this man so she simply smiled and nodded. "Oh.. I drift?.. how so?


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 A huge releif rolled from her as she looked towards this man, he had seen it, he knew, she didn't need to be scared he would think she was insane. So she took a deep breath and relaxed. That breath relaxed her more then she expected, and she began to feel exactly how utterly exahusted she was


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She nodded and smiled slightly before yawning and then blushing yet again. She frowned and looked at her feet "Oh.. you know others.. so then there are more.. so then the stories are not just stories.. I.. erm.. well thank you.. So.. what.. I mean.. do you think that.. maybe. if its.. not too much trouble.. do you think.. you can show .. me out... or.. if thats.. you know too much trouble.. can you point me in the direction of-some place-to-get-cleaned-up-and-to-sleep.. cloths-would-be-good-too.. so erm maybe-you-should-just-point-me-the direction-out.. Her words towards the end seemign to colide together from her stammering nerviously


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She watches the butterfly with wide eyes then quickly looks back to Vio and drops her gaze, "Thank you!.. really! I.. erm.. I'll Owe you.. I mean.. if you need.. erm! I'll just ahh you know she points to the direction the butterfly is and quickly turns after it. she then stops and looks abck towards his feet, "Do you think.. I mean.. do you know.. if.. one of them.. that you know.. could teach me.. to.. control it? a little? maybe? She kept glanceing back at the butterfly so she wouldn't loose it


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She blinked and then blushed and nodded turning from him back to the flittering creature she was suposed tgo be following. "Your right.. erm.. sorry!.. ahh!.. maybe.. I'll erm ask you later! She stumbles a couple steps then regains her footing Ouch! Blushes more and doesn't look back to him this time as if far too embrased


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She continued on her way not looking back but wondering how hard it would be finding the man again, or if she would even try to find him


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 ((OK! sleep tight!! thanks!!))


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 ((I will when I get there same to you :P I had fun Sorry I was way too slow hope I didn't bore ya.. hasta luego!

The setting changes from Twisted Path to Master's Dojo


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 The outer edges of the city was full of parks rustic scenes and always seemed to have strang whispers of magic and monsters rumored to be about. Of course most people just thought it a huge joke, but for those that knew differnently there were portals, passages that would lead you to realms most humans would never know. Through there portals people that lived in teh human world, but knew of the magic world would travil from one place to another. Tirza was one of those people. She moved through the normal portals she used trying to get back to the realm she was looking for. She crossed through the normal portal, but instead of going outside the bar door.. it dropped her in a dark musty smelling stone room. It had one door in it, and water dripped from the ceiling.


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 ((*grumbles at the mistakes then sighs* not perfect hehe! by far))


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She gets up and dusts her new cloths off. She decided once again.. she really hated bra's.. She hadn't needed to wear one until she had aged three years in one night, and now she was just irritated with it. She stood and pulled at the straps pushing herslef back in it before she straightened her cloths looking about. Once she realized exactly how creepy a place she was in her eyes went wide, and her heart started to race. She wasn't a brave soul to begin with. She tucked the locke of silver hair that had fallen over her face behind her ear and looked around with bright freightended copper eyes. "Hello?" She whispered hopping that some one close by would answer and explain to her where she was. Tirza was all for cozy spaces.. but dark dank, dungeon like.. just really wasn't her cup of tea. She thought she heard something move and she squinted trying to see who or what it was.


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 ((Gahh! lol figures my mom braught me dinner home! *cries*))


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 The outer edges of the city were full of parks rustic scenes and always seemed to have strange whispers of magic and monsters rumored to be about. Of course most people just thought it a huge joke, but for those that knew differently there were portals, passages that would lead you to realms most humans would never know. Through there portals people that lived in the human world, but knew of the magic world would travel from one place to another. Tirza was one of those people. She moved through the normal portals she used trying to get back to the realm she was looking for. She crossed through the normal portal, but instead of going outside the bar door.. it dropped her in a dark musty smelling stone room. It had one door in it, and water dripped from the ceiling.


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 ((sorry it took me so long :P))


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She gets up and dusts her new cloths off. She decided once again.. she really hated bra's.. She hadn't needed to wear one until she had aged three years in one night, and now she was just irritated with it. She stood and pulled at the straps pushing herslef back in it before she straightened her cloths looking about. Once she realized exactly how creepy a place she was in her eyes went wide, and her heart started to race. She wasn't a brave soul to begin with. She tucked the locke of silver hair that had fallen over her face behind her ear and looked around with bright freightended copper eyes. "Hello?" She whispered hopping that some one close by would answer and explain to her where she was. Tirza was all for cozy spaces.. but dark dank, dungeon like.. just really wasn't her cup of tea. She thought she heard something move and she squinted trying to see who or what it was.


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 Her copper eyes almost glow in the darkness as she looks around for the source of the sounds but can see nothing in the nearly oppressive darkness the silver pentagram bandi glints slightly as she sticks her hands out and feels around


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She stumbled and fell over a loose cobble stone then she heard a man's voice call.. after that a womans.. they all seemed to be saying the same thing as her. They all wanted to find comfort in the fact that they where not alone. She felt her normal shyness grip her and she felt along the floor for her journal that must have come in here with her. She pushed back her fears and yelled to the other two voices "Does anyone know where we are?! Can you see a way out?! Its too dark in here for me to see! her fingers ran along something smooth and hard and as her fingers traced its edges she realized it was a bone.. a human femor infact. With a loud scream she jumped to her feet and backed away, There's a dead body in here!!!! HELP!! HEr voice loud and sharp as well as scared and young in tone


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 At Savine grabbing her ankel from the place where the dead body had been she shreeked so loud that the sound echoed off all four walls. Then she wasn't pulled to the ground or attacked she called but was still shaking from head to toe. Her entire body was utterly petrified in fear, as she reached down to help the girl with the broke shoulder. Right after she asked the questions the sound of a huge door slamming made her jump and yelp, then the woman who she helped stand called out to some one else. She was glad to not have to speak her name and was even happier to not be alone in the darkness. Her body was totally tense and she was horribly scared as she practicaly hugged the woman she supported not uttering more then ragged gasps


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Character Portrait: Tirza Droia
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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 The sound of skittering crossed the floor, at first it sounded like several small creatures then it sounded like something much larger that was heading for Rhoan. It sounded like it had four legs, and the sent of it was enough to make about anyone wretch. It smelled like nothing short of 20 month old dead bodies. No sound of breathing excaped its form just the skittering of claws on stone


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 **20, month old
