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Tirza Droia

Fate's messenger, her copper eyes see past this time to the unwritten future beyond.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by RolePlayGateway


Age: 15
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 102 lbs
Gender: Female
Appearance : Long black hair that looks unkept even after brushing it. Her eyes are a deep copper color that seem to almost glow in the dark. Her expression always holds a serious intensity that makes most uncomfortable. Her skin is tan and her nails are always perfect and a flat black like onyx. She always wears some type of gem or jewelry glued to her forehead. Most days she dresses in blue jeans and black sweaters, which are always in perfect condition as if they were just bought yesterday. She has various ear piercing that are always well coordinated, and stylish.
Photo: (Art by Luis Royo)


Personality: She is always calm, intense, and quiet. She rarely looks anyone in the eye, and when she does her forehead creases in some unknown emotion. She enjoys the out doors, but rarely ventures farther then a window to see it. Her eyes divulge little emotion, except for immense intensity and control. Other then on really bad days then control tends to fly out the window.


Quirks/Flaws: Rarely shows emotion. She is xenophobic (fearful of new people) and will only associate with people who she knows, unless forced to. Is fearful of her powers, and is terrified of mirrors, she also tends towards superstition and adopts various cultural superstitions to her every day life.

Special Abilities**: She can see, feel, and experience the death of those around her, though their deaths are constantly altered through the choices they make. She can only see their death if she looks them in the eye, the longer the glance the greater the detail.

She can freeze time, and walk outside its flow. She can make 5 second seem like 5 minutes to her. She is able to move around as if the span of five minutes has passed, but can not move people during this time; she can only move objects that are not touching people or herself. She has very little control if it, and often uses it out of reflex. She sees it as a curse and is prone to not even wanting to talk about it if its ever brought up.


Biography: She was born in Aizawl, India. Her family moved to America for the same reason that most do. They wanted the freedom to follow their dreams and they wanted Tirza to be able to live outside of her social class. Tirza was a troubled adolescent and when her parents would confront her about it she would often times become violent or belligerent, before going to her room and locking herself away. She was the only child of the couple, and her aggressive behavior was driving the family into deeper and deeper chaos. They sought help through psychology and began putting her through therapy. She seemed to improve for a time, until she hit the age of 15. She locked herself in her room and would not leave for nearly a month.

She failed out of school because of it, and her father became enraged. One day out of sheer frustration and anger he stormed in her room and drug her from it. He then proceeded to drag her into the family car and belt her in. She screamed and fought all the way into the car, then once she was there she froze and covered her face. Her Mother and Father quickly drove her the therapist that had seen her before, but they never made it there. On the bridge into Jersey there was a 10 car pile up. Both of Tirza's parents were killed in the accident. Tirza was found outside the car staring at her parents bodies with not even a scratch on her.

So begins...

Tirza Droia's Story


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She finaly was able to breath again the voices left fat behind her as she slowed her pace and began to enjoy the darkness of the woods. Her foot falls heavy and uneaven over the rough trail. She kept her journal held tightly against her chest as she plodded along. She began to wonder how far she would walk before she would finaly rest. A flicker of light made her stop and look in its direction. Through the trees about 200 feet ahead she saw what looked like moon light and she quickly turned off the path to investigate. As she tripped and stubbled through the woods she finaly came to a clearing. It was a small meadow with knee deep grass and she stood on the edge looking out over it with a small smile over her face. It was beautiful, so much so it took her breath away as the moon light reflected over the mist hugging the tall grass. She stood there for a long time just enjoying the sight


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 “ [color=orange][i]She wondered into the clearning running her free hand over the tops of the grass that had already gone to seed. Her other hand still holding the old leather book against her. She shivered slightly at the night air, but she did not want to head home. She dreaded sleep tonight above all other nights. The dreams had been getting worse and worse. She didn't want to risk seeing the conclushion to the three dreams. Her eyes looked up at the black sky with the bright full moon above. At the cry of the bear from afar she paused and turned towards its direction feeling her heart pound in her chest. She was unarmed, and had no training to speak of to defend herself, and she finaly realized how very alone she was in this magical wood. She had only learned of magic weeks before, and her mind began to shuffle through the possible dangers that waited for her in the depths of the night. The forest around her seemed horrifing now instead of beautiful as she stood in the center of the clearing shivering in the cold ”


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 ((8grumbles* Well thats all of it hehe not going to repost it no reason too :P))


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 At the sudden sound of grass shifting not far from her in the clearing she turned her gaze to Viogandr. Her copper eyes almost glowed in the moon light and she let out a horrified gasp taking a step back from the man. She continued to walk back and quickly dropped her gaze to the man's staff before hsi eyes came into focus. She often times wondered what people's eyes looked like, she couldn't even look at photographs without seeing twinges of fates cruelty. She took a couple steps back as she tried to build up enough nerve to speak. She tried to speak several times but only panicked gasps escaped her lips. She fell backwards over a branch hidden in the tall grass and let out a scream her journal flying from her hand. The fear of loosing the book over ran her fear of the stranger and she dove through the grass in the direction it fell cursing, "Shit!


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
  She felt through the long blades of grass gasping. She felt like it was one of those horror movies with the killer slowly advancing on her and about the rip her throat out as she was looking for some stupid book!


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 At his words she continued to look through the grass. Her voice finally found her lips as it squeaked out of her throat. Yeah! beautiful.. all the better to eat you with!!.. EHH!.. I'm going to die because I'm a klutz!! just like those movies!.. Damn damn damn DAMN! Where are you!.. her hand grasped the book and she quickly stuck it in her mouth pushing herself to her feet as she stood and looked to see how far away the man was. Unfortunately it had taken her so long to find the journal Viogandr was nearly right in front of her. As her eyes locked on his.. their copper cast spun to sliver and glowed. Her expression went pained then calmed as the journal fell to the forest floor a ragged gasp escaped her lips as her body relaxed in its standing position.

Blue.. she had seen his eyes as blue.. but darkness soon enveloped her memory of them as her thoughts sunk into the dark cold future


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She fell into the darkness of time, its coldness making her limbs go numb. The vision was deep into the future farther then she had ever seen before, no color touched her eyes and the scene was dim almost black even though it was under the noon day sun on a winters day. She looked out over a desolate land scape it was alien, fridged and she layed under a huge tree. It seemed to be her last tie to life and it was dieing.. every part of her was so tired as she touched her hand to the tree. Her hand was not her own but that of an old man's and she felt confusion at this for a second as she saw her life draining with the tree into the fridged air. It got darker as she felt cold touch every part of her. Darkness rolled over her eyes, her breaths were gettign harder as the tree also began to fade. Pain racked her body as she began to freeze the magic she had held for so long seeping out with the life of the tree at her side.


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She continues to stare at his eyes her body seeming lost in the vision before her. The wind tossing her hair over her face, as she stands entranced. Her now silver eyes flowing about her pupils much like liquid.

The scene would start over once again this time a bit brighter greater detail showing itself. The sky held three moons and the sun was far odd in the distance it looked like the planet was very far away from the sun. The landscape had no trees except for the one she leaned her head on. The tangled staff was leaned against the dying tree beside her. She saw her hand touch the tree again and the pain roll through her again, a bit more intense this time. The feeling of cold a bit more bitter, and the darkness seemed deeper as she faded from life in the vision.. then it would start again.. each time seeming to get more and more detailed, as well as brighter in color.


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She would begin to shiver visibly her teeth chattering as a strand of gray hair formed at her brow. Her skin would pale visible in front of him getting worse at each repeat of the vision


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 **far off


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 The vision played out a third time, this time the wisdom of the person she saw touched her mind as well. Earth was gone a huge comet had utterly distroyed the small planet the rest he had come to had been lost due to war, or other horrible events It had been millions of years.. eons to be alive.. time was slow for her and the knowledge she held was great. Every choice had been perfect but everyone has to die at some point.. right? Her mind lingered on the last tree at her side as she touched it. Her last friend in all this time. The coldness gripped her with a bitterness that made her body almost cunvulse. The air chatching in her lungs as darkness took her vision and she sank into the peace of rest.

Before him the young girl began to age the silver hair turning to a clump of silver and her skin going nearly ashen in color as her entire body trembled. She seemed still caught in the vision unable to move her silver eyes from his


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 At the blink she crumpled to the ground the 15 year old girl looked more like 18 with the wide silver clump of hair that fell over her face. Her body was shivering and her lips were blue with cold as she layed at his feet gasping for each breath seeming to be suffering from a deep hypothermia


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She curled up in a ball hugging herself trying to get warm her teeth chattering as she kept her eyes closed. She wasn't sure what he meant her mind was still realing from what she had seen.. She remembered.. she was in the woods.. there was.. OH!.. a man!.. he.. wait.. she was still alive.. God it was cold.. so cold.. she was so tired too.. just a little sleep.. wait.. no he had asked her a questions.. does she see other things? Her voice whispered from between her blue lips. "D..d..d..dre.ams.. like.. the.. eh.. the.. Oricles.. I.. see.. things.. that.. will happen.. in my dreams.... but.. so tired.. just going to sleep.. for a little ok?.. don't kill me please Her body far to cold to fight beaing awake she just wanted to sleep.. she grabbed the journal that laid on the ground infront of her and pulled it into her graps her body continueing to tremble


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 **question... Being


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She grimaced in pain from the cold that still clung to her from the vision. She needed to get warm.. but it was ok.. she would get warm when she sleeped.. it was ok.. he wasn't going to kill her.. he promised.. it was ok.. soo cold though. She couldn't feel her toes. or her fingers, the wet ground was warmer then the place she felt like she had been in, but it did not warm her. She whispered to him just to make sure he knew "It wont happen.. that way.. it changes.. .. you saw it.. I felt you see it.. it will change.. since you saw it too.. She sunk into the darkness.. her body too cold still. Shhh... mom.. shhhh.. please don't scream


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 She sank into the memory of the time she had seen her parents death through her mothers eyes. Blood there had been so much blood.. she was bleeding from her head and her hands.. it was horrible one minute she was stiing there the next she needed stiches. Her mother wouldn't stop screaming.. it had been a month before their death. She woke her copper eyes opened as she focused on the man's bare feet infront of her. She was soo cold.. too cold.. she had to get warm.. where? She kept her eyes focused at the man's feet infront of her and reached for his feet. They were warm.. she just wanted to be warm.. she whispered through her blue lips "Please.. so cold She tried to wrap her icey fingers around the man's ankel.. she wanted to curl up around his legs.. anything to get warm


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,


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#, as written by Neava13
Character Portrait: Tirza Droia Tirza Droia says,
 At his light touch her skin flushed and her lips reddened. Her breaths came easier as she looked at his feet. What was he? She looked at his feet and blinked a couple times the weariness from the cold faded away with the touch of warmth. She quickly pushed herself to her feet looking at the man's waist still not wanting to risk seeing his eyes again. Her cheeks flushed with embarasment and she tried to thank him but only a long painful breath squeeked from her lips. Why was she so shy? It hurt to talk to people and hse hated it. She closed her eyes and forced the words from her lips. Thank you.. I.. erm.. well.. its.. erm.. ahh.. sorry She wilted and sank her chin to her chest breathing trying to keep her mind from going out of control and hitting her over the head with all her fears of the man that stood before her