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WCPD Agents

Various agents working for the WCPD, who have not yet received full profiles.

0 · 2,716 views · located in Shady Alley

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Script, as played by Disdain


Name: Ysai 'Windwhisper' Seronin
Age: 118
Gender: Female
Race: Dragonkin
Rank: Captain
Speciality: Heavy Combat Magic (Elemental, Summoning); leading investigations and combat responses.
Personality: Leader; calm, collected, determined, stubborn. Slightly zealous. Very religious.
Origin: Shattered Isle
Appearance: Image

Name: Cheyanni Viaresqua
Age: 92
Gender: Female
Race: Fae-Elf
Rank: Special Agent
Speciality: Stealth/Anti-Stealth (chameleon/true-vision), Magical Detection (magic-sensing/tracking); spec ops.
Personality: Introverted, superior, scathing, something of a slacker. Dedicated if a case interests her, otherwise absent-minded. Fickle but reliant enough on the work that she'll get the job done.
Origin: Woodland, fae-realm.
Appearance: Image

Name: Hex
Age: 4
Gender: N/A
Race: Android
Rank: N/A - Auxiliary
Speciality: Information (massive databanks), Technopathy.
Personality: Eternally inquisitive.
Origin: Unexpectedly-Sentient OmniCorp creation.
Appearance: Image.

Name: Vaene Celesine
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Race: Arachnian (alien)
Rank: Sergeant
Speciality: Telekinetic (energy manipulation, telepathy and direct mental assaults. Highly offense-based); combat response.
Personality: Playful, teasing and light-hearted. Seems never to take anything seriously, but largely this is simply an image he gives off. Incredibly defensive of his authority and above all, equality, due to the sexist (matriarchal) nature of Arachnian society.
Origin: Arachnian Empire
Appearance: Image.

Name(s): Tanya and Marissa Lake
Age: 28
Gender(s): Female (both)
Race: Human (psionic)
Rank(s): Sergeant
Specialty: Combat psionics (telekinetic shields and blasts, telepathic mental assaults, etc.); interrogation.
Personalities: Tanya is a flirtatious and fun-loving young woman who takes perhaps a little too much pleasure in blowing things up with her mind. By contrast, Marissa is far more contained and sober, with a snarky quick wit.
Origin: Wing City
Appearance: Image

Name: Benjamin Davis
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human (mage)
Rank: Detective
Specialty: Pyromancy (the creation and control of fire, used both in combat and to stop fires); investigation.
Personality: Meticulous, slightly obsessive compulsive. Doesn't enjoy combat much, considering a shift in career to the fire department.
Origin: Born in Wing City, trained at Academia Celestia.
Appearance: Image

Name: Jeremiah Darcy
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Race: Cyborg
Rank: Captain
Specialty: Incredible strength, incredible durability, high firepower; investigator.
Personality: Hard as nails, macho, and allergic to bullshit. Likes kittens, hates bad guys. He dares you to make fun of his last name.
Origin: Born in Solinus City, obtained cyborg parts in NPA, switched to WCPD. Became almost full cyborg after being caught in an explosion during an interrogation.
Appearance: Image

Name: Andrew Gillford
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Rank: Captain
Specialty: Regeneration; response team leader.
Personality: A thinking-before-acting man, wise and experienced. Kind, but firm.
Origin: Born in Wing City
Appearance: Image

So begins...

WCPD Agents's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aeryn Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Dante Romero
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It was with relative ease that he'd gone unnoticed within the sanctity of the sky. A pest filled contraption proved ample concealment if any were so searching. The ceaseless chatter he could pick up from it secured his theory that it was relaying updates to various other persons of interest. Perhaps what they called 'news'. They were rather droll in their representation of the scene below, though, as what he saw was far different from what was relayed.

"It appears much less like slaughter and more of a simple game. These two fools below are having no trouble whatsoever dealing with this. It's almost depressing to watch." His voice was muffled by the cloth clinging to his jaw, his lips faintly outlined as they moved. His glowing oculars continued to survey the scene below. Many of the swarming figures were effortlessly put to rest. But it was one particular device that caught his attention. A single pair of bracers worn by a single figure. They struck a sour chord in his memories. A tool of the Patronus. Hadn't he been told of them not too long ago by Kianna? His thin brows narrowed dangerously and his scrutiny of the subject multi-folded in intensity. Conjuring the elements so carelessly. It was bound to draw attention. Perhaps unwanted attention, even.

As the surveying news chopper continued to sway and adjust, so did the cloaked being within the sky, keeping mind not to get caught up in the spinning blades that held the mechanical vehicle aloft. He wasn't ready to be noticed just yet.

Of course, that brings curiosity as to why he was even here in the first place? It couldn't be that he was simply hunting for this posing Patronus figure that swayed and danced below. Not at all. In fact, one could consider such a thing a bonus. Though, it still dawdled on his mind as to who, and how, this figure managed to steal such a precious treasure. That wasn't the figure that wore them in his last encounter with the self righteous worms. Not that he could remember, at least. His memories were so very vague surrounding those days.

No. He wasn't here for this mess. His dealings were far more...simple than this. He'd assigned a rudimentary task for an associate and had yet to have received anything back. Now he could see why. The entire Business District, itself, had gone to hell, for lack of a better term. This was heavily displeasing, to say the least. But, who wouldn't get their kicks watching poor fools end up devoured by these...pestilent cretins running around brainless and naive. It was only the more entertaining to see them equipped with metallic limbs and the like. A childs most heinous imaginings gone wild and dosed with a vial of pure LSD.

It was as the numbers thinned that his eyes caught sight of a myriad number of others clad in blue and black garb emerging from the pile of wreckage below. They seemed more savvy of the situation. Sharp eyes caught sight of numerous tools of war and before he could even process another thought, he was caught within a plume of fire and shrapnel, his fluttering cloak reduced to smoldering rags. Still concealed, for the most part, vast amounts of red decorated with elaborate designs to could be seen beneath the concealing black. A portion of his facial concealment was, as well, scarred and torn, revealing a portion of his mouth, complete with a snarling expression that revealed a shimmering fanged canine.

As the news helicopter made haste to the ground, his figure could be seen slowly moving inbound, wisps of smoke caressing his body as he neared the ground below. His eyes were alight with the heinous fires of hell and his clutched fists brought his knuckles to appear alabaster white. No, this wasn't his place but, now, being provoked and stirred awoke a simple, signature, desire. Blood. Be it living, or dead. He had nothing but time, really. Until A. X-5 made his presence known, this would be his playground of destruction.

A single sole touched ground, followed closely by the opposing partner. His head lowered, and his signature grin arose. There wasn't much left in terms of fodder, but he'd make due with his surroundings. Anything could be his weapon. As copious amounts of slugs and the like crossed the area, his eyes met each and every one with relative ease. His body casually swayed, and lurched from left to right. He wasn't far from the scene, but he was a relatively plausible distance to unleash hell, so he believed.

"You've upset the wrong Titan. It was amusing to watch you cause such a ruckus, but this city is to be my playground. Not yours."

A single palm drew back, and, as it did, an inbound bullet struck the nexus of that palm only to flatten. The impact, so great, left it attached even as that same palm careened forward. It was then, to the ears of those around, that a deafening roar could be heard, as if the heavens had parted and had unleashed a torrent of gale force winds. Summoning a simple Kiai technique, a mammoth blast of sheer force drove forward, scattering the various inanimate objects that lay before him and sending them reeling across pavement, and rubble, alike toward the forces that lay ahead.

The one key element of this, though, was that this being held no sympathy for those caught in the wake of this devastating force. Be it friend, or foe. It wasn't simply wreckage, and debris, that had been scattered. It had been bodies. Chunks of concrete and steel. Police vehicles and civilian vehicles alike. Even poor innocents caught in the crossfire. This was his message, and it was bound to be delivered.

Hardly through, though, he let his arm rest back at his side, a sneer coiling at his lips as then, at that moment, the plastered bullet upon the nexus of his palm finally fell to the ground, a useless pancaked piece of forgery. His foreboding steps carried him further into the cataclysmic event unfolding, and it was then that his eyes sought the eyes of the two others, seeking to catch them looking back. This man here...he was the epitome of savagery and nefarious outcomes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aeryn Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Dante Romero
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#, as written by duramon
Wrath turned to notice a new scent,his weapon crushing through the heads of three more of the cyborgs,leaving him to see the new group that had arrived. They'd some-what thinned the horde but now there were some things about with actual minds. Time to actually be bothered with fighting it seemed,he turned to his temporary ally who would assumedly be in the middle of combat,a grin plastered to his features as the other new scent seemed to touch down. The one that then explosively tore apart the battle-field with ease. Wrathgar didn't turn to look,he didn't need to when he could hear it all. The wolf's hand grabbed onto his ally's shoulder in a seemingly friendly gesture.

"Alright mate,Game's over, yer nothin' but another piece o' fuckin meat!" He roared,raising the axe side of his weapon into the air and then striking it down in a large sweep across the beings chest in the blink of an eye. He cared not wether it had been blocked or if it had hit. He was here to kill and he was done playing these fools games and would suddenly thump down further into the horde. His wolven maw opening wide and unleashing a howl that forced the earth and concrete around him to fly off into the nearest of the cyborgs skulls as debris,he was getting serious now. His hand plunged into the ground coated in shadow's having left his weapon at his previous ally's location,pulling it out shortly afterwards and wrapping his hand around the nearest surviving cyborgs skull,crushing it easily with sheer strength.

"Impale,Burn and Shred. The Scarred Legion will rise." He said emotionlessly,sending his fist through another of the thing's chest as his words became reality. All over the field large groups of the things were dying. He simply walked toward's the more organized group holding weapons as all around him spikes tore through the ground to impale his enemies, large balls of fire sprouted forth only to explode and burn others to ashes, whilst in random location's his own brand of undead were rising from the ground. This lot wore black cloak's and white bull skull masks and were doing as he had commanded. They were rising and producing great-swords,daggers and axes to shred opposing forces to pieces. It was no easy task and a few of them were already beggining to fall but Wrath did not care,they were fodder. His armour was pure black in tint and shadows were pouring off of it,he was here to fight and he figured the things would just keep on coming.

Without further delay he would soon reach the group with weapon's,before that however he clicked his fingers together with one hand,the other sending a flame-soaked spike towards the one that had shot down the news copter. In the back-ground his crystalline weapon would be exploding in a glorious cyan display of pure reckless power. Wrath was glad he'd spent so much time training and researching,otherwise he wouldn't have nearly as many toys to show-off with.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aeryn Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Dante Romero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Aeryn turned to face Wrathgar, raising an eyebrow at the beastman's words. "Well," he stated, bringing up a hand to catch the axe-weapon on the edge of one of the glowing golden bracers he wore. "And there I thought we were getting along so well!"

Thankfully, the beast was already tearing off through the horde, so apparently he wasn't about to make a grudge match out of it. Only in Wing City would people still find time for yelling "1v1 me bro" in the middle of the cyborg zombie apocalypse.

Then a rippling pulse of force tore through the street, and Aeryn was forced to vault away, pushing off with a burst of silvery energy to flip clear of the blast zone as it levelled the cyborgs that he'd been engaged with. His eyes sought out the source of the burst, falling on a mysterious figure clad in robes that was striding through the carnage.

Briefly, he met the figure's glowing red eyes, his own silver orbs narrowing faintly.

"Oi, buddy!" he yelled, "Watch where you're aiming that shit! We're on the same side... I think! But then, I thought that about the other guy..."

There had been something in those eyes that screamed otherwise, though, screamed that Aeryn would do well to watch his back around this one. Something ... nefarious.

Of course, that could be any number of weird-ass people on this damn planet.

The sound of a rocket trailing through the air caught his heightened senses then, and in a blur of motion, he shifted. Fluidly bending, the silvis twisted his body out of the way of the rocket launched from the new mob of uniformed cyborgs that was emerging from the building. He brought his leg up in a curve, catching the rocket in an arc of energy that gently caressed it, redirecting it in a large half-circle to shoot straight back at them.

The explosion caught up a few of the creations in it, but it didn't seem to slow them.

Hopping from toe to toe in a lively fighting stance, Aeryn grinned. A veil of faint silver formed in the air before him even as bullets started flying his way. It would keep them at bay, for the time being, but the best defence was always a good offence. You couldn't catch bullets for long and hope to live to brag about it.

Beneath his feet, the earth opened up to swallow him, and he vanished from view. For the time being, at least.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aeryn Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Dante Romero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"What the fuck is going on?" An NPA Enforcer asked, looking towards the chaos that was had more chaos being stacked on top of it due to two men who didn't give a damn who was caught in the wake of their destruction. "We can't fight both these battles." One of the NPA Enforcers said, referring to the cyborgs and the two destructive forces.

"Call it!" Another yelled, several NPA officers opening up various channels to the law enforcement, military, and Invictus on the ground as well as anyone else listening to their chatter.

"The business district is lost! We are pulling back! I repeat business district is lost! Fall back." One of the voices on the radios said, "We can't fall back without the civilians. I will not comply until the mission is complete." An apparently suicidal man responded, "We don't have much time for heroes. Pull out." The first voice commanded.

Things seemed to only be going downhill from this point on. The business district was on it's way to being no man's land.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aeryn Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Dante Romero
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0.00 INK

"I assure you. We are not in any way an alliance." His words were soaked with an unnerving seriousness as his strides continued to carry him closer. His sight had caught the trespasses of the giant fur covered neanderthal and his further antics of gore ridden foolery. It dawned on him, at that very moment, that there was no promise to this fighting creature. Power, but no perspective. No precision. Callous, but far from calculating. He was all brute force, and show. There was no finesse to his artwork, it was all slop. He made a mental note to remain out of that beings vicinity for the time being, if he could. Lest his indifference become a thirst to snuff out that eccentric cesspool of humiliation.

As more in bound creatures reared their heads, Kazura found himself senselessly shoving at their faces, his hand mindful of their mouths. It was always amusing to hear the audible crack of their neck vertebrae dislodging and snapping like twigs; see their meat sack bodies suddenly fall like a bag of rocks; hear the gargling and choking as the flesh in their throats caught and returned upward. Killing these things was relatively easy, but still highly amusing. It was the ones firing at him with assault rifles and the like that caught his attention.

"How is it these mindless creatures actually possess...intellect? This surely cannot be an act of nature. There must be interfering forces at work. Perhaps I should identify this so called force." He coo'd to himself. What had originally been an act of aggression had become an inquisitive search for answers. An ally with this much pull would surely prove promising. And should he deny such, he'd crush them. As he'd said. Terra was his playground, and Wing City was the center of it all. The shimmering mass that all kids fought over.

Yet another bullet careened inward and struck him betwixt his brows. His eyes fell shut as those same brows knit tight, the bullet dislodging itself and falling to the ground. A second inbound was meant to strike his eye but was caught betwixt second and third fingers as his palm rose. Palming the slug, he rolled it betwixt his forefinger and second before his eyes shot open wide. Picking a single target, he unleashed it with a simple flick of his fingers. Just as an RPG toting creature was set to fire, the bullet struck the tip of the munition setting it alight in a massive explosion that rocked the foundation of the forces line. Surely they had no idea what they'd gotten themselves into.

Hell. He was hardly even doing much to begin with. How was it even worth his time? Of course. Answers.

"It's a shame you don't feel any pain. That takes away from my glee and satisfaction." He further spouted, finally noticing retreating forces. As he passed through a line of soldiers and officers, he found himself the attention of them as they scattered to flee.

"What? Are you all cowards? Do you fear for your lives? Pathetic trash. The lot of you. You certainly don't deserve to live, especially in my presence. You disgust me." He said with a snarling grin.

A single soldier aiming to sprint past him at his rear was quickly snatched by the back of his vest. Hauled back, Kazura firmly grasp him by his neck and by the abdomen of his Kevlar vest. This was now becoming far more amusing. Of course, that sort of action attracted retaliation in the form of his associates and other witnessing officers who thought it wise to fire on him, but it didn't matter. With ease, Kazura used the poor, unfortunate, man as a shield until the shots ceased. The man certainly had defenses in place for firearms, but he wasn't completely bullet proof. No mortal man ever was. As the man spewed blood at the mouth, Kazura's face was quickly painted red in spatters as he hefted the man over his shoulders.

"I know he won't go boom, but I'm pretty sure he'll make for a charming battering ram." The devilish fiend noted as he heaved the man in the direction of the nearest Cyborg Zombie. It was rather perfect timing as the thing was reloading an assault rifle. And as Kazura had expected, the velocity of the soaring man was certainly enough to send the both of them clattering, and tumbling, over one another with vicious force. Neither could have survived such a thing. "Oh, the joys of being delightfully mad." He coo'd, continuing his pace.

He hadn't forgotten the fact that the obnoxious kid with the bracers had vanished, and was well prepared, and waiting, for any subtle signs of his recurrence, but surely, his fun wouldn't end with that last show. His steps brought him to pass a vacant police vehicle and as he neared the bumper, he plunged his hands into the engine block, clawed fingertips piercing solid steel. Taking hold of what he assumed was solid, he began to drag the entirety of the vehicle with him. The squelch of the tires could be heard amongst the cacophony of gunfire and explosions. The lights, still flickering, upon the roof of the vehicle signified the incoming omen.

Finally, as he neared the source of their uprising, he came to a stand still. Logic was his friend. Swinging an entire vehicle around as if it were a bludgeoning tool was beyond heinous. He knew the truth of what was about to happen, and it was deliciously entertaining and tantalizingly nefarious. With unbridled force, he clung tightly and swung his arm around, lifting the entirety of the vehicle off of the ground. As expected, the force at which it was swung easily brought the various pieces of that vehicle, that would, to dislodge and careen through the air as shrapnel. A door. The trunk. The back window and a tire. A second swing did away with the exhaust and rear axel. The third finally brought the frame to dislodge from the engine block altogether before Kazura flung that aside as well.

He didn't expect much to be standing after that, but who was he to play God and foresee things. He was far from omniscient. Simply omnipotent.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aeryn Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Dante Romero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
It had taken some degree of trial and error to try and find the source of the cyborgs zombie invasion - with the amount of chaos that filled the area, figuring out which pile of rubble they were coming from as opposed to having freshly made was like searching for a specific piece of hay in a haystack. Eventually, though, it had become apparent that there was one building with a inordinate number of 'zomborgs' beneath it.

A secret tunnel? Aeryn loved secret tunnels.

The floor of one of the tunnels beneath the Jupiter Corporation building cracked upwards, and a small hole formed, large enough to eject the silver-haired form of the young man out into the midst of the cyborgs.

"Ohh, man, is this not the convenience store? My bad, guys, I musta taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque."

It took only a moment for the creations to level their weapons at him, but by that point Aeryn was already moving. Fire jetted from the bracers at his wrists, spiralling through the tunnel in a blindingly brilliant conflagration that swept through their ranks from wall to wall. Gunfire ricocheted around him, some of the shots landing and beating at the aura of protection around him. Most of the heavier artillery would be suicidal in these cramped quarters, though, and Aeryn intended to use that to his advantage to .. well, not get blown up.

The silvis began to carve a path through the cyborgs towards whatever was at the end of this tunnel - fire, rock, lightning and ice speaking in equal measure to cut them down. The brilliant golden glow of the bracers shone through the smoke as they worked.

The setting changes from Wing City Business District to Sol Avenue


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Arien Valentine Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Dante Romero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Romero searched as many minds as he could, searching for Arien. Searching for the mind he recognized, the mind stronger than all the others. Once he found Arien the necromancer would attempt to make contact. "You'll be granted safe passage." Romero's voice echoed through Arien's ears.

"Head to the business district, look for a pile of rubble where a building once stood. That's where I am, you'll find a tunnel." The voice told Arien, "Head down inside. I'll be waiting."

The cyborgs zombies on the streets suddenly stopped in their tracks, turning away from Arien to focus their attention on the rest of the city. Arien was no longer a viable target so long as Romero deemed him important enough to live.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Arien Valentine Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Dante Romero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Arien halted in his retreat as the voice made contact. Blood red eyes widened briefly in surprise, and his lashes of blood halted their attacks. Well enough, then, that the cyborgs seemed too to halt, losing interest in Arien. The moment of distraction might have been enough to cause him inconvenience.

'Who are you?' he demanded within his head. He had to admit that he was intrigued, though. Whoever this was had a ... dominance that he had not encountered before. Something beyond even the brute force of his blood magic.

Perhaps it was curiosity, or perhaps it was something more that had him releasing his blood weaves. The wounds down his arm and in his stomach knitted themselves closed with a last application of power, and then his eyes returned to their normal unnaturally vibrant green.

As the zombies redirected their attention to the nearby officers, Arien slipped away. Moments before a powerful, if inadvertent ally, now he simply left them to their fate. The WCPD could all burn for all he cared. They had done nothing for him. They would have had him dead before he had even committed a crime.

The young vampire took to the rooftops, and made for the business district.

The setting changes from Sol Avenue to Main Street


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Paragon Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation
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“I see you… But, where did you come from?” Chromatic eyes magnified every mile of distorted chaos, which immediately unraveled, after their appearance. The aforementioned chaos was the instilled aspirations of another like-minded being. Perhaps, this was a night for death and despair; a fate surely taken into the hands of mortals, and out of gods’. Though, which hand manipulated these poor souls? More importantly, which would succeed the other?

He saw them, all of them: The roaring, undead creatures, which appeared miserable in every feat they achieved, and each one they failed to. His presence had remained away from the bouts of destruction; the burning aircraft, the dramatic screams, and the dead and dying bodies of victims. He did not disregard the heroics of certain individuals. Achievements, which were made by the winged demi-god, held a certain comedy about them. His spectacularly colored irises reflected the pit of another heroic massacre; that is, the ones of shade and ash. Why do the powerful assist the powerless? The reactions and interactions of good and evil had always attracted a pandemonium. Though, chaos has always remained a neutral thorn in the hide of both light and darkness.

“What was it the Americans once said? ‘Give me Liberty, or give me Death.’ What a horribly desperate quote.” Teeth so white were glistening in the shadows, as they had been revealed by a grin so wide. He stood in the darkness, and watched from a distance, which was unbeknownst to anything but his own conscious mind. “My proxies,” The electronic whispers of a silent order streamed through the waves of air, and perked the ears of many hidden bodies within, and out, of the steadfast mob. “Have the first lines of the crowd disperse. Be prepared for the first wave that comes your way. Hopefully, you all have your markers on, unless you don’t care to be shot.” Only a light pause was to pass between the addressed orders and the secured line, before the unknown numbers had readied themselves mentally for the city-wide battle.

“Tell our friends what lies at their backs. As, I’m sure their cards are already being dealt out, let them know what it means to be low on chips.”

Seconds passed, as the independent horde took valid strides down the Main Street, and toward the line of authorities. They spread to either side of the street to endow the vanguard with more force. He, the voice of the crowd, could smell the uneasy fear mounting the officers and soldiers alike. “WE ARE THE CORE! This is Wing City! It will forever, and always, remain our home! Stand fast, if you can!” His voice spouted through the speaker of the mega-phone, as it pierced ahead at the gun line.

An effort to protect this city from the fallacies of control had amounted to an ironic hope for the ones losing control. The ‘Thousands Core’ would not stop its march. The people maintained a varied armament of weaponry and explosives. A single question rose as a flag in the minds of the once defending soldiers, and careful officers. It was a choice of whether to turn and let this army of citizens charge the corruption of the undead, or to hold their line and risk a death, which would be deemed as a crime.

“CORE, CORE, CORE!!” Their voices pounded the air as a rampant beast. The call was enriched with an impressive pride, as it craved a sacred mate: The wreak of havoc. It would reach from northern Main Street, several miles down to the southern Main, which held the screams of several innocents. They demanded their adversaries to stand aside.

“God-speed to the fools,” A chuckle preceded the unrewarded appearance of a suited man, who stood atop the roof of a building, and remained entertained. His feet came to the edge, as if to bait his will with a gush of invigoration. It was not time to enjoy this folly, not yet.

The setting changes from Main Street to Sol Avenue


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Arien Valentine Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Dante Romero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"I have many names, not all of them flattering." The voice echoed in Arien's head, "I'll be more than happy to answer your questions if you'll answer mine when we meet." Romero's 'voice' told the young vampire.

"I have something to deal with, I should be done by the time you arrive. I can't wait to meet you in person. I see good things in our futures."

The setting changes from Sol Avenue to Wing City Business District

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aeryn Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Dante Romero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Even with the amounts of cyborgs Aeryn had killed, more and more seemed to be piling out of the rubble. Maybe there were multiple entrances, or just the fact there was so many of them trying to walk out of the tunnels at the same time prevented Aeryn from stopping them all. They slipped through every crack they could, the cyborgs were like running water into a cupped hand.

Romero would until Aeryn had entered the facility, to most that would seem like a setback. Someone who's plans are counter yout own entering your lair, your den. But, Romero was in a sealed off, fortified room and the room Aeryn would enter was where the cyborg zombies were kept.

They wouldn't stop waking up and attempting to leave because the young man arrived, or anyone else arrived, they listened to Romero and Romero alone. He gave them an order, they would follow. They were ordered to kill anything and everything they came across.

It was bad luck or the actions of a cruel god that placed Aeryn in the middle of it all. He was at the core of this evil on Terra, and things were only going to get worst for him.

"Welcome." Romero said over an intercom, "They call me The Stranger." He continued, "You're going to die, by the way. I suggest you prolong the inevitable by bringing your A-game."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aeryn Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Dante Romero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
"This isn't the first time I've been told that, y'know," Aeryn remarked over the sound of the battle. "The Stranger, huh? I've heard better mysterious villain names. At least it's better than 'The Lord'. I mean, c'mon, he can't even have been trying."

The silvis spread his palms with a grin, calling forth unnatural winds that began to spiral around the room, filling it with a rapidly growing cyclone. Lightning crackled through the air, occasionally jumping to the chest of one of the cyborgs. Many were tossed from their feet with the intense gales.

"How many of these motherfuckers do you have down here?" Aeryn yelled, though he doubted he'd be heard over the roaring wind. "I think you have a problem, man! You should call that show, what's it called? Hoarders or something! I'd watch the shit out of an episode of that with some guy hoarding creepy undead cyborgs in his basement."

He kept moving, lithely slipping through the crowds of the dead, delivering death at close range through powerful strikes of his silver-wrapped limbs and keeping the aim of the smarter foes off, using their conveniently densely packed and bullet-spongey fellows as cover.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aeryn Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Dante Romero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"It's only what I've been called." Romero informed Aeryn, "I like it, maybe that's why I let it stick. It's a little intimidating, knowing that a stranger can control your fate." Romero said, "It begs the question, is your god just a stranger to you? A stronger just pulling your strings for his amusement, or some greater good, or an even greater evil?" Romero rambled.

His words may have come off as sounding insane, or as if the man was just over-thinking things, in truth his words were meant to cast doubt in all who heard them. Unsettle them.

It was a mind game. That's all it was.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazura Kanahashi Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aeryn Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation
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0.00 INK

Pure domination. That's what he'd strove for, but it was far from the result he'd received. The cruiser he'd unleashed upon the line of creatures had done its job, but what he witnessed after that only brought more frustration. They continued to seemingly sprout up from the pile of wreckage littered around. What did prompt his keen attention, though, was what appeared to a mass multitude of them rising out of a single area. A core of them, so to speak. It was as if they continued to spawn forth from this location, as if it were a gateway to the netherworld.

"A mass grave, perhaps? Or an underground location of their origin, perhaps?" He wondered aloud. Noticing the lack of presence in the Patronus poser, and the relentless assault the brash wolf creature continued on, he shrugged off the thought of remaining in this location, so to speak. He wanted answers, and he'd seek them. Not answers, perse, to be verbally addressed, but what he could attain with his eyes alone. Where it went from there was surely coincidence. The vengeful squadrons of hero's had since abandoned their hopes of avenging their fallen comrade, leaving him to his business as it were. Again, the legion of undead, mechanical, creatures resumed their assault on him, and the unfortunate bystanders that had yet to have escaped. It was of no concern to him really, but by now, his attire had taken a potent hit, leaving him barely concealed. All that remained was barely clinging to him. The lower portion of his cloak had been ravaged, revealing his brilliant white, now caked in debris and dirt, pant legs. It had been torn asunder up to the point of his chest, allowing his toned abs to be shown as well as a portion of his decorated red vest. The cloth that covered his face was, as well, barely clinging to his cranium, a portion of the left ripped to show a scant vision of his jaw and ever present sneer. The only thing barely touched was his hood which was still draped over, concealing a portion of his forehead and allowing only minimal sight of his crimson locks.

At this point in time, the gears within his mind began to churn whilst out of the rubble a far larger creature stirred. When an audible clanking began, his attention was brought to it, and the two comrades that were on either side of him. Two explosive thrums could be heard as the RPG toting creatures fired off two of their projectiles, igniting the area directly before him in an incendiary inferno. The blast consumed him, and shrapnel took care of more of his attire, stripping the lower portion of his legs of what cloth clung to them. As the smoke cleared, his piercing crimson gaze could be seen penetrating through it, even then, as the clanking became a whirring of metal. Finally, explosive shots could be heard ringing at as the center creature, holding a massive chain gun, began his assault. Heavy armor piercing slugs began to pelt at his being, bringing him to stagger back a few steps. Raising his arms in minor defense, he took the brunt of the force as he again began to bound forward, step after step.

"Annoying little pests. I could see how a city such as this could fall to such...rudimentary attempts. These forces are somewhat dull, but are countless in numbers." He remarked, noting the reloading of the RPG's. His eyes then darted off to his left, catching sight of a lamp post nearly crippled, and teetering. It was probably hanging on by nothing but a select few bolts. A single beam of Ki seared through the air to cleave the post in two, dropping the majority of it into his awaiting palm. His heavy stride finally came to a halt as he readied the post within his grasp. As the RPG toting creatures neared the point of being nearly reloaded, so did the Chain Gun wielder run dry himself. It was the opportune time. With a heavy swing, the cloaked titan hurtled the post in their direction, much like a boomerang. As it swung through the air, it struck the three with an incomprehensible force, actually cleaving the first in two whilst slamming into the other two and leveling them in haste.

At a stand still, his eyes lowered to the point of origin these creatures continued to rise from, taking heed that even more were showing their grotesque faces and severely deformed maws. His hand fell to his side, securing a single item of significant importance. Withdrawing it from its sheath, he quickly thrust it upward and then into the broken, crumbled, pavement and dirt before him. Having took a few steps back at that point, his arms quickly rose to either side, his brows narrowing and sneer growing in nefarious glee.

"It has been some time, my sinister sovereign, but now is your time to arise and serve your true lord. Come forth, Oni. Come forth and obey!" The twisted titan bellowed out as a free flowing crimson energy began to snake its way forth from his hands and into the hilt. A powerful burst of vermilion energy erupted sending out a shockwave that lifted dirt and debris, sending it careening outward in a large radius. The creatures that were already standing, and rising, were easily cast aside whilst those that continued to rise in the wake of that devastating explosion were left as fodder for the coming catastrophe.

The cloaked menace' potent Yoki energy continued to pour into the blade, releasing an ominous crimson shade. As it swelled, and continued to grow, it took the form of a titanic being clad in what appeared to be war armor. Not truly solid, it appeared as a ghostly crimson figure, head to torso and nothing more. Two gargantuan arms rose to mimic that of the puppeteer whom summoned him and with ease, it shadowed the titan's own movements. As more of the creatures rose, a single sweep of the cloaked beings arm brought the mammoth vessel to do the same, swatting the minions aside as if there were nothing but stones. Another sweep with the opposite arm did much the same before the puppeteer brought his arm to the sky. Lingering for but a second, another creature began to drag its undead corpse out of the rubble before the ominous figures fist descended upon it, plowing into the earth itself. A massive crater was left in its wake; a crater that, when the fist was removed, led into the innards of what appeared to be an underground facility. It was just as the cloaked being had presumed.

"Wonderful. And now, I shall take my leave of this silly little distraction." He murmured, releasing Oni and securing his blade. With it replaced in its sheath, he took a single leap before descending into the bowels of the facility. Within what appeared to be a hallway of sorts, he took ample time in ascertaining his surroundings and position in regards to the flood of creatures bounding toward him. "I don't have time to slay the lot of you. From what I can hear, I'm missing the action." He remarked, the rebounding echoes of what appeared to be strikes of thunder and gale force winds ringing in his ears. It was apparent that, down here, sound carried, signalling thick walls. Whatever was down here obviously wasn't meant to be discovered by simple means.

As one of the undead quickly lurched at him, he dove forth with a powerful palm strike, bringing it to stagger back just enough to use as a stepping stone. Leaping upon it, he took to a blinding sprint, using the creatures shoulders and heads much like one would stones in a creek. As they reached for him, and clawed at him, he hopped from creature to creature, occasionally driving his sole into a face or two and using the momentum to clear several at a time. It wasn't shortly thereafter he came upon a turn in the corridor. Using his speed and limber form, he gracefully bound his way up the side of the wall only to dive to the side before resuming his quick paced strides atop the creatures. It had grown so dramatically crowded by this time that many of the creatures, lumbering still toward the outside world, had no room to freely move but in the direction they were meant to go. Killing them would have been quite a chuckle, but even though this was impeding upon his own plans, the death of the cities most valiant certainly wouldn't hurt in the least.

Finally, his eyes caught sight of an opening in the distance. And as he came upon the open void of space containing the incalculable forces, he also witnessed the posing patronus whelp. How did he come to attain those deliciously powerful tokens of force? Perhaps he'd end the young fool just to pry them from his poor lifeless corpse. He could think of numerous, wicked, plots he could bring about with those in his possession.

Unlike the self absorbed youth battling the hordes, he, himself, chose easier tactics. Why waste your energy battling what appeared be never ending numbers? He wanted that voice that was bellowing over the loud speakers. Of course, even if this would be one of the most obvious of locations to be stationed, it wouldn't be his luck that such a thing would be true. Of course, this was assumption alone. It would be far too cliche to see a great circular room hovering over the dead masses with glass windows to look out of.

Continuing in his bounding strides, his eyes locked, once again, on the incessant verbal annoyance before shifting elsewhere. The room seemed rather vast. Concealing such a thing under a building such as this was rather brilliant. Perhaps it wasn't expected that the building would come tumbling, down, though. Who knew if plans had taken off too soon, or right on time. What was the plan, anyway? Such an act like this appeared to be downright genocide. That, though appealing to some, was quite a thorn in his side.

Leaping off of a single creature, he directed himself at the young patronus member. Only then was he caught up in the whirring cyclone that had begun to overtake the room, scattering bodies into the air. Pelted with mechanical pieces and bodies alike, it took him a moment to catch his bearings and get a feeling for the motion he was thrown into. It didn't take long to understand it, and use its own momentum to propel him around. Again, bodies were suitable stepping stones, and launch pads. Driving himself directly at the young man, once more, a heinous grin overtook him. With a single flip backward, he intended on using the young mans face as the most potent launch pad yet. He wasn't planning on sticking around. There appeared to be an upper level to this room, and up above, he saw what appeared to be bridged walk way. Though the building may have been crippled, the lower floors certainly appeared somewhat intact. That walk way, hopefully, lead to answers. And his assumption was that, hopefully, there would be little resistance in the rooms it lead to. "Pardon. I'm simply passing through, runt."

If success was on his side, that little stunt should provide somewhat of a set back for the young hero. Of course, it wouldn't be hard to regain his balance and such, but he'd be out of the cloaked beings hair for a short while again. "I should thank you for guiding me here! Had I not heard your annoying garbled voice in the corridors, I may not have found this place quite as quickly!" He spout out in his ascent.

Reaching out with a single hand, his fingers clasped themselves around the railing that ran the length of the walkway. The gale force winds still blustering and battering at him left his body dangling and swaying before his strength alone brought him up and over to land on his feet. Facing toward him, and then away, he was left with a rather crippling decision. To which way was he going to head? Both doors appeared to have been sealed shut with something akin to blast doors. Perhaps the only logical decision was to head in the direction of what one would assume was deeper into the facility, if there was such a thing. His steps carried him in the direction he had originally looked in and, as he came upon the doors, his palm extended outward, a single shimmering sphere glimmering in the nexus of his palm. From it then expelled a vicious beam of pure Ki, the head of it much like a mushroom cap. As it collided with the door, the impact brought the figure to stop in his tracks. These putrid mortals and their technology. These doors were powerful enough to withstand the impact of his beam, but only for so long. Continuing in his efforts, it wasn't shortly thereafter a hole had been punched through it and he, himself, crawled through leaving the sordid mess behind.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazura Kanahashi Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aeryn Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
"I do my best not to think about the gods, buddy," Aeryn replied, punching straight through the torso of a nearby cyborg before throwing it across the room. It slammed forcefully into a small glass screen high up the wall. "They've never done me any favours. Everything I've achieved in life has been a combination of being too stupid to quit while I'm ahead and an uncanny habit of picking up people along the way who can do things better than I can." Aeryn fixed his eyes on the window and began to barge his way towards it, casting the cyborgs that moved to intercept him aside with gouts of fire and lightning.

The bracers on his arms were almost blindingly brilliant at this point, channelling power constantly to keep the winds at work. It was poetically fitting, the golden glow of the artefact blended with the silver glow of his own power. After all, he represented both the Silver and the Gold. He was sure Elante could have made a very poignant remark on it. He had a knack for words. Aeryn? Not so much. He vaguely recalled one of his most poetic moments being something along the lines of 'stop right there, robo-slag!'

That was one for the history books for sure. He'd have to tell Illura to write it down at some point when she was composing the history of the realms. A footnote, maybe.

"I don't personally give a damn what the gods what, 'cause I've never been good at doing as I'm told, by gods or not." Aeryn approached the wall, readying himself to make his way up. "And the last guy who called himself a god that got in my way ended up with my fist firmly planted through his head."

Something stirred his senses, then, and he turned in time to see ... well, god damn it. It was difficult not to recognise him from the descriptions he'd heard. Kazura. He swiftly brought his forearm up to deflect the crimson-haired man's foot, hardly flinching as he vaulted off of it towards a walkway overhead. It seemed likely that one of the doors up there would lead to a more conventional route up to the chamber behind the window overhead. Conventions were for nerds, though.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Aeryn demanded of the man, "Shouldn't you be ... I dunno, murdering babies somewhere? Having a dick-waving contest with a demigod? Whatever."

He waved a hand and returned his attention upwards. Kazura could take the doors. Aeryn preferred a more direct route. He started forwards again, but this time each step landed upon a shimmering construct of energy that formed in the air before him. Platforms appeared and then disappeared as he left them, taking him up to the window. He balled his hand into a fist and drew it back as it became surrounded with brilliant silver light.

"Knock knock!" Aeryn called, and swung his fist into the window with the force of an average truck behind it.

The setting changes from Wing City Business District to Main Street


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Ben Rudder Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane Character Portrait: Jayden Ryder
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
"Air's getting awful crowded up here," Jayden muttered as several jets soared in front of him, littering fire down into places that he would never have considered pulling the trigger on for the risk. He patched himself into the radio, "I'm coming down! Getting too difficult to get a clear shot with my big guns on anything from up here without risking friendly fire."

Swerving around, Jayden guided the fighter ship through the city and away, setting down a safe distance away from the fighting in the street and climbing out. He took a moment to peer around the area, determining that the zomborgs were nowhere near reaching the place yet. "So help me, if any of those motherfuckers so much as scratch your paintwork..." he muttered to the Eclipse, locking it down and setting up a proximity alarm.

Hefting a plasma rifle, Jayden set off on foot to join the barricade, "If anyone's got a spare helicopter I could call driver's seat on, that'd be totally awesome," he half-joked into the headset.

The setting changes from Main Street to Wing City Business District

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazura Kanahashi Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aeryn Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Romero stood stoically as Aeryn's hand crashed through the window, sending shards of glass flying and prompting the lab technicians to scramble for cover. Jupiter Corporation security guards raised their guns at Aeryn, waiting for the chance to open fire on the trespasser.

Even as glass shards cut his face Romero stood quietly, his lack of reaction wouldn't mean much to most people. Just another guy trying to be a badass. But, it was the dullness in Romero's brown eyes that really spelled it all. He couldn't react, he was apathetic.

Possibly due to the years he spent mastering his craft, knowing the ins and outs of life and death, of this world and the next. How could you care after knowing what he knew? How could one love, or hate, when you held knowledge that made it all worthless?

Romero turned his body so that his right shoulder was towards Aeryn, reaching out to grab the man and pull him straight down to the ground. "You don't think." Romero said to Aeryn now that they were close.

"You're all bravado, no bite."

The setting changes from Wing City Business District to Main Street


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Ben Rudder Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Will Jackson Character Portrait: Lennox Carver Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Ben watched as air support flew over head taking too many close shots and taking out friendly's. "Dammit Command Call of the Jet's are you fucking mad?!?!" He shouted into his commlink back to Joe command. Who ever was commanding air assets was going to get a big fat demotion. He was then handed a radio with a screaming commander. Ben managed to get a chance to speak. " Sir I offer a fully apology and I will take fully responsibility for these actions. We seemed to have had a miss communication with our airsupport I have pulled the plug on them." He said. "We will pay for any damages and also pay reparations to any wounded or dead." He said much softer. "On another note it's good to finally talk to someone from your side we have been trying to get in contact for hours. If your willing to give us another shot we are willing to take on what ever task you need I have 80 commandos and 6 tanks at my disposal." He said, "I've also deactivated our remote mines to render them inoperable." He finished and cringed for a response.

Will kept firing into the hoards of Zombies as he covered the retreat for the mercenary forces. He watched what happened with the fighters. This was not like Joe protocol something was going on. But he knew now wasn't the time to worry about it that would be for another day. But this was the second time something went wrong first the parachutes now this? Once this all blew over he was going to have to do some digging.

The setting changes from Main Street to Wing City Business District

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazura Kanahashi Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aeryn Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Aeryn landed deftly on the far side of the window, amidst the guards and lab technicians. A pulse of lightning shot from his body as Romero reached out for him, arcing to the man's hand even as the silvis made to hop backwards out of reach with a smarmy grin. "Tell that to the last guy," he retorted, "He didn't think much of me either, y'know, so I killed the fucker and fixed the entire fuckin' fabric of reality in another universe. All in a days work, yeah?"

He stretched his fingers out, threads of silvery light shooting from each digit towards the guns of the guards and latching on, and jerked his arms together to pull the weapons out of their grip. "Don't be fooled by my outwardly arrogant and boastful exterior, I'm also actually the best thing since sliced bread. I'd go so far as to say I'm better, but I dunno. Sliced bread sure as hell makes sandwiches easier."

Tossing his hair and flicking the guns out of the window, Aeryn winked to Romero. "Shall we dance, sunshine?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazura Kanahashi Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aeryn Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Romero couldn't help but laugh, glancing down at his burning palm. "Good." He said simply, gesturing his men away. "Report to Hannibal, let him know that the task is done." Romero ordered, "And you?" One of the Jupiter Corp security officers asked, "I'll be delayed. I want to have some fun doing this." The necromancer answered.

"I do hope you live up to your standards, but if I were you... I'd keep my eye on that one." Romero told Aeryn, lifting his chin towards Kazura. Almost immediately something would wash over the area, something unsettling. An attack on the mind, maybe?

No. It was something else. A suggestion, a skewing of what was true and what wasn't. Romero was blurring the lines between reality and fiction in hopes of disorienting the men.

It was up to them to decide how much doubt they allowed to take shape in their minds. Did Aeryn truly think he could keep his back turned to Kazura without it coming back to haunt him?

Did Kazura truly believe he wouldn't meet his death, a stronger being, down in the depths of this complex? A complex where unnatural things were already happening?